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Family values advocate, and defender of Christianity, Sarah Palin. |
I had the honor of visiting Fort Hood in 2009 during the "Going Rogue" book tour and meeting some of the great men and women in uniform who serve our country there. Please take a look at this article by Todd Starnes about a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood in which troops there were told that evangelical Christians and the Tea Party were a threat to the nation! Not only is such a thing unfathomable, but as shocking is that the Commander in Chief has not used his authority to stop this nonsense. I think the troops at Fort Hood who lived through a terrible act of terrorism a few years ago know better than most that Christians aren't the ones using religion as an excuse to attack our nation.
Palin's ghostwriter then links to this article, by Palin's favorite over the top reporter Todd Starnes.
Now some of you may remember a similar story that I posted last week about the US Army identifying the American Family Association as a domestic hate group due to its aggressive anti-gay stance. This Starnes article sounds very similar except that it supposedly includes the Tea Party and Evangelicals in general as "enemies of America."
Yeah but here's the thing.
Starnes cites maybe one or two soldiers, who refuse to be identified, as his source on this story, however Fort Hood completely refutes their claims:
Meanwhile, the public affairs office at Fort Hood is denying the soldiers' allegations.
“The allegations you are asking about were brought to the attention of the Fort Hood leadership immediately and a (sic) inquiry is occurring,” read a statement from Tom Rheinlander, the public affairs director at Fort Hood. “At this time, initial information gathered about the training and what you claim occurred is not substantiated by unit leadership and soldiers present at this training venue.”
So did this really happen? Is it an exaggeration of what actually DID happen? Or is it just more made up bullshit for Fox News and Sarah Palin to use to suggest that under President Obama there has been a coordinated attack on Christianity?
Doesn't really matter if its true.
Fox News gets to agitate and invigorate the Right Wing with stories like this, so they will vote for Republican candidate with "traditional values," (See Christianity.), and Sarah Palin gets to use it to sell a book or two.
In the conservative world everybody wins.
Well, except the truth that is.
Though to be honest the idea of identifying the Tea Party, and certain Evangelical groups, as "enemies of America" does not seem like such a bad idea to me.
ReplyDeleteEven worse is her FB post (now on C4P) claiming that the woman who fainted in the Rose Garden the other day was part of a staged event! No mention by the Wasilla Whacko that the woman has Type 1 diabetes and is pregnant. Of course, all of SP's fans chime in with their agreement that the President staged the whole thing. Not one ounce of empathy with that group. She and her sheeple disgust me.
in reality i'll bet there's no more than 15/20 depends wearin', hoveround drivin' whack jobs at the sea-0-piss
Deleteprobably 90% with health issues with 100% of 'em with serious mental issues - fukin' 'tards
They are all on food stamps or other government assistance but spend their days railing against the hand that, quite, literally, feeds them.
DeleteSarah is just jealous that woman got so close to President Obama. Sarah wishes it was her. Remember when she was intercepted by Lieberman?
DeleteMan, she is SUCH a vicious bitch.
Come on, Sarah!
DeleteStaging something like this would be like faking a pregnancy and taking an extended flight after your water broke.
My stars, some of the comments over there! I would not more let anything like that be on my page if I were a public figure. That's your fan base, eh Queen Esther? You must be SO proud.
DeleteHow this harlot sleeps at night is beyond me!
I guess the reason somebody would stage a pregnant woman fainting near the president is beyond me? Why would this be a plus in any way?
DeletePalin is mentally ill.
"How this harlot sleeps at night is beyond me!"
Typical Palin Agit-Prop
ReplyDeleteTodd Starnes is not a reliable source for anything other than butt-hurt whining within the Fox News Echo Chamber.
They are stirring shit to "excite the base", while continuing to alienate normal people who have normal lives and normal families and normal jobs and normal friends. Sarah is merely a spectacle, a really bad reality actor--- so bad that she has been fired from every reality show after one season of playing herself.
Sarah, your act has grown tiresome as you've gotten more desperate to gain attention to sell your book.
Just relax. Remember, like all of your many failures of the past five years, you can always blame it on the blah man in the White House for your stinker of a book that will sell even less than your 2nd ghostwritten pile of Palin poop.
Face it, Sarah. We've all seen you and heard you and your word salad, and we've decided you're on the side of the bad guys, and we don't like you.
But by all means, keep acting the fool, because not only do you provide comic relief, but you also promote the other party's goals. Since you and I are consistently on opposite sides of every issue, I sincerely thank you for your help in reviving the Democratic Party and for bringing ridicule up the TeaBagger extremist coalition of nutcases.
Sarah sure does look Christian in that Hooah outfit. What a Fake she is to try to trumpet Christian values. Why hasn't she complained about Sex Trafficking in Alaska? Is it because her HINO, Todd is one of the main Traffickers? Sarah Palin STFU or show Tri-g's Birth Certificate. Sarah the 2-bull Queen.
ReplyDeleteThis shuts them the fuck every time:
ReplyDeleteThe Treaty of Tripoli (Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the United States of America and the Bey and Subjects of Tripoli of Barbary) was the first treaty concluded between the United States of America and Tripolitania, signed at Tripoli on November 4, 1796 and at Algiers (for a third-party witness) on January 3, 1797. It was submitted to the Senate by President John Adams, receiving ratification unanimously from the U.S. Senate on June 7, 1797 and signed by Adams, taking effect as the law of the land on June 10, 1797.
The treaty was a routine diplomatic agreement but has attracted later attention because the English version included a clause about religion in the United States.
"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion,—as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen [Muslims],—and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan [Mohammedan] nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."
George Washington, The Father of Our Country, helped pen the Goddamned thing!
a huge thanks for this
DeleteI have been using that exact treaty - Article Eleven, to be specific - as proof that this is not a christian nation.
DeleteThey invariably say "Prove it" and when I Google it for them they get all up and tight in their asses and say it isn't true! That is faked! That it is a conspiracy.
It is simply impossible to convince these assholes using fact and reason. They can NOT accept anything that isn't told them by people they have already accepted as telling them the truth - like that ignorant bitch who said Paul Revere was riding to warn the British!
And he was ringin' those bells all the way!
Deletegawd i can't wait for a house to land on this anarchist seditionist fukin' drug addled skank fraud
ReplyDeletefuk you too chuck_tard jr
Where is Dr. Cathy Baldwin Johnson? Is she in hiding?
ReplyDeleteshe's delivering high risk, special needs twins and triplets at mat-su general
DeleteShe is recovering from knife wounds.
DeleteSarah Palin repeatedly stabbed her in the back.
She prolly has been shitting a brick ever since that letter she allegedly signed re $P's medical history was released, waiting for the other shoe to fall. She could very well lose her license over that should the matter be pursued by the medical boards.
DeleteBefore that, she was a well-respected MD in Alaska. Poor dear's just another victim of The Curse. (Everything that family touches turns to guano.)
Just need to keep showing that picture - shows the reality of the person - her diminishing collection of followers need to see that every single day.
ReplyDeleteEvery time I see that shot, I send it to EVERYONE I know. People still email me responses like, "ROFL, again, for the tenth time!" "Too, too funny; never gets old."
DeleteCould anyone imagine Abby Huntsman dressing or conducting herself like Sarah Palin? None of the Palins have anywhere near the classiness nor the education of Abby Huntsman. John Huntsman raised his children very well. Sarah and Todd Palin FAILED at Parenthood.
DeleteSo very true. I used to avoid "The Cycle" like the plague but since they kicked the crap to the curb and hired class, it's a great show! Abby Huntsman has found her niche'.
The Crap was S.E. Cupp.
DeleteShouldn't Sarah be in Alaska holding her girls knees together so no more babies drop out?
ReplyDeleteThey don't call they the American Taliban for nothing. Our troops know what's up. Tea Party = Domestic Terrorists.
ReplyDeleteseen the movie ' Capt. Phillips ' yet ?
Deletethe tea_bag_tard domestic taliban would stand the same chance of survival as the Somalian kidnappers had at the hands of the Navy Seals at the end.
they would never know WTF hit them
Why does Osarah bin Palin hate America?
ReplyDeleteOsarah hates America, because America laughed at her lies.
DeleteSaint Sarah is our Savior.
ReplyDeleteGod blesses her everyday.
he will Help her get the Commie Muslin Socialst Marxist Leftist Homosexual out of our white house.
Impeachment is happen soon.
Sarah will get it done herself with precious active trig strapped to her back.
All the haters are just jealous with their lies and slander nonstop. Why live a life for hate?
I left High school early for Hair school. Don't be a liberal bigot against high school drop outs. Totes ridic and obvi Not. Cool. Dude.
Sarah and family live vibrately becuz we live off your hate. Hate fuels our burning and keeps the fire alive.
DeleteOh great powerful white dicked god, through Media Whore Sarah Palin and Canadian Bastard Ted Cruz, rid us of this biblical plague of this damned Sambo in the White House - amen"
Complete with image at
DeleteWhat fuels your family's burning, 11:40, are STDS.
DeleteBlah blah blah.. Obvious and boring satire, sorry.
DeleteThanks for the laughs!
Sarah Heath (granny is divorced) looks retarded in that photograph.
ReplyDeleteIs Sarah or is Sarah not...
She certainly is a survivor of severe childhood sexual abuse.
DeleteThis also too from the Tundra Turd's facebook:
Palin: 'No Wonder' Why Some Think White House Fainting Was Staged
Fake fishpicker, fake tits, fake pregnancy, fake mommy, fake governor, fake "hard ass worker" daughter, fake foreign policy expert, hey there's a song in here somewhere! Maybe one of the regulars can let it out!
ReplyDeleteWhy do you constantly link the loathsome SP with something sexual?
Today it's"panties in a twist"
You said that poster of sp and mark levin had levin " waiting for Palin to drop something" suggesting they were gazing sexually at her.
She is not sexual. Not at all.
Every time you link her too something sexual it only helps her.
My two cents.
Oh, STFU stupid.
DeleteLook at her.
Sarah is all about looking "hot."
My two cents.
Delete"She added, “You know, sometimes, if your candidate loses in just one step along this path, as was the case when Romney lost to Newt the other night — and, of course, Romney is Chris Christie’s guy — well, you kind of get your panties in a wad, and you may say things that you regret later. And I think that that’s what Chris Christie did.”
You got some cajones writing that comment and cramming it down our throats, 11:47
DeleteI know that SARAH mentions panties, cramming down throats and cajones...
DeleteShe is sick and a victim of sexual abuse.
Why is gryphen repeating her garbage?
So, are we not surprised that the Alaskan Independent party (let's secede tomorrow) doesn't enjoy creating such pandemonium to push for secessation?? (sp?)
ReplyDelete10 cats
The first clue she hasn't written any of it is...of course is everything. I actually prefer the word salad. That picture is soooooo bimbo.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the heads up yesterday on that website being a satire.....feel like an ass. But...you have to admit, it would be in the vicinity of her stupidity.
That picture is a perfect depiction of what Sarah has become. Without going into detail, it is disturbing.
ReplyDeleteLevi said Sarah wears a thong instead of panties.
ReplyDeleteI hope she disposes of them immediately after wearing.
DeleteSarah lives frugally and recycles. Hasn't bought dental floss in ages!
DeleteSarah Palin put the 'STINK' in SKANK.
ReplyDeleteNo kidding, we only got blacked out emails.
ReplyDeletehmm, on triggers, maybe she birth them out of her engorged mammary glands. With that green sweater she was about to birth more.
What a wiener she is.
The anti-gay positions taken by the hard religious right is bad, but what really scares me is the idea of rapture-ready government officials making decisions that could make Jesus come quicker. Cruz apparently has dominionist ties.
ReplyDeleteDo you realize what you just wrote?!?! LOL
DeleteNo further comment or suggestions to make Je.........(Sigh!)
Extremism in any religion portends disaster. Sarah Palin is simply advertising her ignorance.
ReplyDeleteI wish she would just go home and take care of her kids. It really is sad and does not serve our community well that they exhibit such poor adult skills. I guess the proof really is in the pudding!
STFU you stupid, vile, ignorant Palin bitch!
ReplyDeleteThat photo makes it look like her inflatable tits are lifting her off the ground.
ReplyDeletePalin is such a slut and is the very worst example of an American woman!! Hell awaits her!!
ReplyDeletecould she look any crazier?
ReplyDeleteSometimes I read her rants and just laugh at the sheer stupidity. She's been so ramped up on hate, and in two months she'll be selling her Christian Holiday Book. Too late to pivot. Proceed, liar.
ReplyDeleteI just had a passing thought, if God raptured her, would he even recognize her? Forget the words, just look at that photo! Now close your eyes and remember the iconic "Hawaii" vacation photos. Who IS the real Sarah?
Gosh her fake boobs are bigger than her pinhead. That should give her old white male followers a hard on with a little help from viagra of course.
ReplyDeleteEwwwww I can smell the stench from here. She is always good for a laugh. Bristol, is that your Mama? BWAHAHAHAHA what a freaky looking Teen Wannabe.