Friday, October 25, 2013

Democratic advocacy group calls "Bullshit" on GOP claims that, after four years of trying to destroy it, they now simply want to fix Obamacare. No really, that's the word they use.

Courtesy of TPM:

Democratic advocacy group Americans United For Change has released a new web video video responding to the GOP's criticisms of the rocky Obamacare rollout. The clip, which is entitled "The Republican Crusade For Health Care: Bull$#!%," accuses Republicans of having made "46 votes to repeal or dismantle the Affordable Care Act" and "16 votes to shut down the government to keep healthcare reform from going into effect." 

"After four years of fighting tooth and nail to kill it now the Republicans want healthcare reform to work?" a narrator asks in the video. "Bull$#!%." 

Now THAT, is my kind of ad!

It is time to stop treating the Republican spoiled brats like reasonable people and start calling them out on their bullshit at every turn.

This is a very good start.


  1. Jesse,

    Check your email re link to the Kochtopus.

  2. Anonymous3:32 PM

    We need to cream the asses of the Republicans! They talk out of both sides of their mouths....what friggin' idiots to think the rest of us don't notice.

    Down w/them in 2014!!! Again!!!

  3. Anonymous4:14 PM

    You can't fix Obamacare
    Destroy it
    Is the correct policy

    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Anonymous4:14 PM

      You can't fix Obamacare
      Destroy it
      Is the correct policy

    2. You are too stupid to have any idea what constitutes a correct policy.

      You and others that hate Americans lost. Get over it.

  4. Anonymous5:54 PM

    "Fix"..?....a term,I believe,used to describe neutering an animal......they'd like to "fix" it alright.....

  5. Anita Winecooler7:12 PM

    The aroma of abject hypocrisy is thick in those house hearings. Can't wait for the "Bad Lip Syncing" video.

  6. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Oh, that really IS a great ad!

  7. fromthediagonal10:21 AM

    Now wait for the regressives to scream "unacceptable, uncivilized language" and all the rest of it.
    The intimidators can dish it out, but cannot begin to accept that there are consequences to unacceptable, uncivilized behavior.
    Don't get me going!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.