Friday, October 25, 2013

In our "Duh Ralph" survey of the day we learn that the ONLY group to oppose America's growing diversity are white conservatives.

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

It is an undeniable fact that the United States is becoming increasingly diverse, rapidly heading toward the day when there will no longer be any clear racial or ethnic majority in the U.S. population. You might think America, with its long history of racial panics, might be freaking out. 

But it turns out, according to a massive new study of public attitudes about rising diversity by CAP and PolicyLink, that’s not so. Americans are reacting amazingly well to growing diversity — with the curious exception of white conservatives. 

The CAP/PolicyLink poll, conducted with the Rockefeller Foundation and Latino Decisions, finds most Americans are welcoming the nation’s future with open arms and, perhaps more importantly, minds open to new policies tailored for a more diverse country. 

With the exception of white conservatives, Americans across the board support “new steps to reduce racial and ethnic inequality in America through investments in areas like education, job training, and infrastructure improvement.” More than 7 in 10 Americans—71 percent—support this new equity agenda compared to the just 27 percent who are opposed. This includes 63 percent support among all whites, with 68 percent support among white college graduates and 61 percent among white non-college graduates. 

White conservatives were the only demographic group to report majority opposition to new investments to reduce racial and ethnic inequality — 51 percent total oppose these initiatives. By contrast, 54 percent of all Americans say such investments would help the economy overall, compared to the 10 percent who think they would hurt the economy. Whites are 49 percent and 11 percent, respectively, on the same question. Finally, 61 percent of Americans say they would be willing to invest “significantly more public funds to help close [the] gap in college graduation rates” between black and Latino students and white students, compared to the 36 percent who say they are not willing to make such investments. Again, while whites are lower than minorities in their support, they still endorse this proposition by a margin of 53 percent to 46 percent.

Teabaggers in the wild.
Of course the problem with the white conservative point of view is that their average age is right around fifty, and they are dying off at a dramatic rate. They are being replaced by their more open minded, more progressive, and less racist offspring who are rejecting their political points of view completely.

Which means that the America's days of being run by conservatives are numbered even if the Republicans party were NOT currently in the middle of an all out civil war.

P.S. I think this is a good place to place a link conserning the North Carolina county precinct GOP chair who was asked to resign after he made some very honest, and unfortunate (For him), remarks to Aasif Mandvi on the Daily Show.


  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    The first picture shows at least two minority persons - did they accidentally get in the wrong parade?

    The second picture is just sad, and disgusting.

    1. Anonymous1:42 PM

      That's HARSH! Although TeaBaggers are indeed disgusting, you can't tell what these people are by a photo. What they look like to me is POOR. Poor bashing is bullying. Nobody likes a Bully!


    2. Pat in MA2:56 PM

      Poor yet they can manage to make bad dietary choices, and spend money on tattoos, cigarettes, and a cheesy arcade.

    3. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Poor, but she;s got that money for cigarettes?

  2. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Why are so many Republicans that we see 'obese'? I know so many of them in the 'regular' world and they are FAT! They will die off earlier than the normal person and are so stupid they have no clue what they are doing to themselves.

    Between the white guys in Congress aging, boozing, smoking cigs and cigars and being over weight (many jowls in their photos!) and the white obese folks out in the 'real' world, the Republican/Teabagger party will die off faster than we think!

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Yah. At the doc's office the other day, a fella was loudly declaring that "obamacare" stinks.Fat, florid faced, shamblin gait. In overalls and dirty, old, smelly looking sneakers. Major eyerolls from several of us in the waiting room.

  3. Since they have been shitting on everyone not like themselves while they were in power, they are deathly afraid that "the other" will do the same thing to them.

    Sad bubble they live in.

  4. Leland1:22 PM

    @ 1stamerican.

    "The second picture is just sad, and disgusting."

    Why disgusting? Do you know their story? Could it not be that the first lady has a severe medical problem and the second is the daughter who also has medical problems, thus the wheel chair?

    Gryphen, I'm sorry, but your caption under picture two is beneath your normal sharp commentary. If you have specific information about it, that is one thing, but merely posting this picture with nothing other than your comment is the sad part here. You have always impressed me as a caring, open-minded person who is constantly extolling the virtues of atheists and other non-religious persons.

    DO you have more information about this pair that would back up your comment? If not, you have back-slided badly!

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      the smoking itself makes it disgusting

    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      I think the first is a male. A grossly overweight male. You don't get like that from eating right, but from over eating fatty, fried or fast foods and being lazy.

    3. Ailsa4:03 PM

      Fat People Aren’t Just ‘Lazy’ Says Scientific Study

      A recent study in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine discovered [that] weight loss isn’t as easy as simply eating less or exercising a little more. It turns out a significant portion of these people have a disability that keeps them from staying active. In fact, many people with mobility issues also have chronic illnesses which may also be affecting their metabolism, energy levels and weight.

      All young black boys in hoodies are not criminals either, if you get my point.

    4. Anonymous4:07 PM

      I'm sorry Lely dear, but the second picture IS just sad and disgusting.Boo hoo.

    5. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Alisa, the disability is often caused or exacerbated by their lifestyle choices. They hold to old notions, "take it easy on a bad back, "set and rest." In reality, sitting is the worst thing you can do for a bad back.

    6. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Thanks for the insightful comments Leland and Alisa.
      The rest of you, whoa! I thought for a moment I was on a crazy wingnut blog by accident. You've convicted them of being lazy, disgustingly fat, grease-eating teabagger slobs- with no facts to back it up. Next you'll all be complaining that we're probably paying for all that, too, right?

      My, so much for open mindedness, and creating your own facts based on a single photo and it's possibly misleading caption. And you complain about the ignorant, judgmental, easily swayed fox viewers.

    7. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Anonymous2:30 PM
      the smoking itself makes it disgusting

      Smoking is not what makes a person disgusting. I believe our President used to smoke, and I never heard the word "disgusting" to describe him from anyone but the idiots who also thought he was a Muslim from Kenya.

    8. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Smoking is disgusting.

      There are lots of good people who smoke. They may not be disgusting people, but that particular behavior sure is.

      I think the FLOTUS would agree with me.

  5. Leland1:28 PM

    Unfortunately, the people who are most against this wonderful progressive attitude happening are also the ones who seem to scream the loudest and threaten the most. They also seem to have the ears of those in Congress most against this change!

    They can't die off fast enough for me.

  6. Anonymous1:45 PM

    The bottom image is of motorized 'rill Muricans'... Palin's base no doubt. All they are missing is a whirligig up front and a Gadsden flag at the rear. A skilled Photoshop person could really make that image funny.

  7. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Has beens seem to be popping up all over the place, huh, Sarah. Yeah, your buddy the loser, cheater, liar Joe the Plumber is flailing about for some attention, so get outta the way, bitch.

  8. Anonymous2:17 PM

    And here's today's 'let's destroy a toddler's life with a gun, story.

    4-Year-Old Shoots Aunt With Handgun Left Unattended

    A 4-year-old in Tampa, Fl. accidentally shot her aunt in the back with a gun left unattended by the child's uncle, according to Fox News Tampa Bay.

    Randall Simmons was showing his handgun to the 4-year-old and another child while in his SUV. Simmons then placed the gun in the glove compartment and left the vehicle.

    The 4-year-old then retreived the gun and accidentally shot and injured Shantell Wilson. It was not immediately clear where the incident occurred.

    Wilson has been treated at a hospital, and the local sheriff has a warrant out for Simmons' arrest.

  9. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Those Teabaggers in the Wild, big, fat, bloated, riding in mobility devices, their health care is being paid for with our tax dollars. And, we don't pay for them, they will show up in the emergency room, and we will all share the cost of their heart attack, diabetes, stroke and bad health. They ought to be thrilled with the ideal of affordable care. They just don't want it for anyone else.

  10. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I don't argue with my South Carolina, Teabagger parents. Dad is over 80 and Mom is a few years behind him. Both of them are very frail and could pass over at any time. I will not spend the last few months bickering over politics with them. They have a narrow view of the world, and are frightened and bewildered by modernity.

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Do whatever will make them happy not you but them. Been there...

    2. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Do whatever will make them happy, not you but them. Been there...

  11. The tattoos are a nice touch as well; not cheap either unless she had cousin Bubba at the car wash do them in his spare time.

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      I know some folks here in Wasilla that can't afford to feed their kids but each time one is born they get their names tattooed somewhere on their bodies.

  12. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Oh's the Sea of Pee Two Stink Crew! Holla!

  13. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I feel bad for the flattened tires they're abusing. Good god, what a pair.


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