Saturday, October 05, 2013

Essential but unpaid Weather Service employees in the Alaska bureau insert secret call for help in their nightly bulletin.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Someone at the National Weather Service’s Alaska bureau has a message for those who have shut down the government: “PLEASE PAY US.”

Check the left hand side and read down.
Raw Story contacted the Anchorage office, but was told that “no one wanted to comment right now.” 

Although many National Weather Service employees are considered “essential” and are therefore exempted from the furloughs caused by the government shutdown. 

However, as Dan Sobien, present of the NWS Employee Organization told Popular Science, these “essential” employes aren’t being paid. 

“There’s no money to pay them,” he said. “Nobody knows when anyone’s going to get paid.” 

In the meantime, these employees are being issued IOUs if they work despite the lack of compensation for their labor.

People need to be paid for their work, and asking them to work without compensation while the people who  caused this train wreck are still able to draw their pay is unconscionable. (And yes I know a number of millionaire lawmakers have said they will refuse their pay during the shutdown as well, in a purely symbolic gesture. But let's face it, MOST of these guys simply use their Congressional pay for cab fair, tipping doormen, and renting hookers anyhow. Nobody in THEIR families are going to go to bed hungry due to this shutdown.)

I have to imagine that if this thing goes on muhc longer there will be crowds of furloughed federal workers with torches and pitchforks at the ready.


  1. Anonymous2:56 PM

    The House did vote unanimously today to issue back pay once they end this idiocy.

    1. Anonymous1:42 AM

      That doesn't pay the bills now.

  2. London Bridges3:18 PM

    Sunday's Maureen Dowd column was a veiled reference to the source from which all Tea Party stupidity emanates: the "Saracuda."

    1. Oh Wow! Maureen outdid herself on this one! RAM is going to have to read it to her...she'll never make it through the whole thing! Here's her section....

      "A gaunt man and sickly boy, wrapped in blue tarps, trudge toward the blighted spot that was once the World War II monument, scene of the first shutdown skirmishes. They know they may not survive the winter.

      “How did this happen, Papa?” the boy asks.

      “Americans had been filled with existential dread since the 9/11 attacks, but they didn’t realize the real danger was coming from inside the government,” the man says. “It started very small with a petty fight over a six-week spending bill but quickly mushroomed out of control.”

      “Whose fault was it, Papa?” the boy presses.

      The man tries to explain: “The Grand Old Party, the proud haven of patriots who believed in a strong national security and fiscal responsibility, was infected with a mutant form of ideology. It was named the Sarahcuda Strain after the earliest carrier. Remember when you saw that old science fiction movie, ‘I Am Legend’? A scientist described the virus that burned through civilization as being like ‘a very fast car driven by a very bad man.’ That’s what happened: In the infected Tea Party politicians, brain function decreased and social de-evolution occurred. They began ignoring their basic survival instincts." this link....

    2. Anita Winecooler7:01 PM

      What a brilliant article! Well said, Ms Dowd!!

  3. Anonymous3:21 PM

    shit for brains has a new post up about everything the president has shutdown and has put chaplains on was your fucking greasy, FAS-faced boyfriend, raphael, who is responsible for this you ignorant twatwaffle. even the repugs know this..if you were any stupider you would eat your own shit, sarah.

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      She was all for Cruz and his terms. All the consequences of the shutdown are all the fault of Obama. If Obama agreed to cancel the ACA she would say it is proof the government is a death panel.

  4. Anonymous3:36 PM

    These folks are working, but not getting paid!?! This is unacceptable!! The United States of America is better than this!

  5. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Are the nonessential employees told to stay home going to receive any pay?

  6. Anita Winecooler7:15 PM

    The GOP is "non essential", so why do they get the payola AND the percs while others are basically indentured servants?

    People treat Animals with more compassion than some people treat people. The term "non essential" should be stricken from the vocabulary. All work contributes to society.

  7. And not a single rethuglicon gives a crap. When a hurricane strikes or one of their cities burns down, maybe then we can finally put them all in jail.

  8. Anonymous1:46 AM

    These essential workers need to tell the GOP no pay no work then what would they do.

  9. Anonymous9:34 AM

    My brother works for the National Weather Service. He runs a one-man weather station and has to collect data and send his findings across the country twice a day so the weather forecasters can make their forecasts. He continues to work, even though he knows his paychecks are delayed for who knows how long.


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