Saturday, October 05, 2013

Must see movie of the week.

I just saw the movie Gravity with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, and I was blown away.

This movie is a smart, visually impressive thriller, that rarely lets up.

There is no way that I can adequately describe how enveloping this film is, but if you ever wondered what it would be like to walk in space, THIS might be as close as you can get without first going through astronaut training at NASA.

There have been a few naysayers concerning the physics of the film, or the believability of the story line, but I will leave it to none other than Buzz Aldrin to convince you that it meets and exceeds the highest standards for a believable thriller set in space.

Damn that was a good movie!

P.S. Make sure to see it in 3D if you can. Believe me when I say you will miss out on a lot if you don't.


  1. Anonymous4:49 PM

    it was good to see sandra bullock in a non-comedic role as well.

  2. If one of my friends posts on Facebook ONE MORE TIME that he just got back from the IMAX Theater watching GRAVITY again, I am going to SCREAM! hahahaha! I can't wait to see it too, but around where I live? First I have to drive 25-30 to FIND a theater, and asking for IMAX/3-D would be silly. Maybe I will take a road trip.......(btw, my friend said the "storyline" is weak though, but the view IS amazing!) :)

  3. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Just got back from seeing it as well. It was intense.

  4. whoot! I spoke too fast! Found out that I can drive 35 miles to see Gravity/IMAX! Doin' it! I haven't been to a movie theater in 16 years.....this better be worth it Gryphen! LOL

  5. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Saw it yesterday. Still processing it, as there's tons to process. But the visuals and the whole environment created wouldn't have been as wrenching without the quality of the relationship bt the leads. I was sobered and moved by it. But the technical discussions and criticisms on places like IMDB are fascinating too read. A lot of scientific types who don't buy some of the physics get countered by other scientific types who explain how the physics are pretty authentic.

  6. Anonymous7:32 PM

    The last movie I saw in a theater was Braveheart! We watch everything at home once it comes out on Apple TV. Sometimes we talk about going to the theater but haven't made it into one since '95! This might be worth going "to the movies for"?

  7. Cracklin Charlie8:17 PM

    Disclaimer: I am not a movie junkie. I generally like happy movies that make me laugh. Sometimes I like them if they have beautiful scenery.

    The ads for this movie scare the ever-lovin' crap out of me. I think it just looks so real and terrifying. I really don't think I could watch.

  8. Anonymous5:10 AM

    If they had cast anyone but Bullock, I would see it. For some reason she just turns my stomach.

  9. Anonymous5:38 AM

    We saw it in three D last night. The visuals were stunningand the technology they used to simulate weightlessness was excellent.
    However, COME ON Gryph. You re a space geelk!
    The premise was ridiculous. A payload specialist would never ever ever be able to do what she did. I tried to concentrate on the beauty of space and not the 1000 plot holes. Our family spent 84 $ for the experience, so trying not to ruin it for therm lol!!
    Are the space stations really set up like motels on a highway? If so , that must be cool to see from out there.

  10. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Also, ok I have to vent here. You need to gett to the theater at least 30 minutes early as the IMAX fills. Then you wait 30 as you sit, for the trailers to start, while people go up and down and up and opwn the skinny aisles, getting food, looking for seats. OK, then you must endore a full 35 minutes of commercial trailers, with the fuckin volume so loud that my sternum was actually vibrating. People were groaning as yet another lame movie was advertised. What the fuck? Just for spite I will not watch any of the movies in the trailers. RIDICULOUS. I hate commercials as it is, and mute them at home on TV. Here I am a captive person forced to watch it.
    Thankfully, when the real movie started, everyone in theater was well behaved and volume was lowered on sound system.
    Had to get that off my chest.

    1. Yes, I agree with all that you said about commercials and waiting. (Though I have never had to endure 35 minutes of movie trailers.)

      When they first started to place advertisement before movies up here in Alaska, it was only one franchise doing it, so I boycotted them.

      But then they started doing it in ALL theaters and there was nothing I could do to avoid them.

      I have always loved movies so there is a lot I will go through a lot to see big blockbuster there.

      I do have a home theater in my office, so I watch a lot of movies there. But NOTHING matches the experience that can be found in a theater, with a live audience in my opinion.

  11. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Haven't been to a movie theater in nearly 20 years.......not about to start again.......MTV and Hollywood got us where we are.......and where we are ..... disgusting.


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