Saturday, October 19, 2013

There exists over on a petition calling for the arrest of the Republicans responsible for the government shutdown.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

A petition posted online at is calling for the arrest of prominent House Republicans on sedition charges for their role in engineering a 16-day government shutdown. 

“I call on the Justice Department of the United States of America to arrest Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Speaker of the House John Boehner, and other decision-making House Republican leaders for the crime of seditious conspiracy against the United States of America,” the petition says. 

The petition had attracted nearly 36,000 digital signatures by Friday morning. (By the way the number as of this posting is 43,905 and it is only asking for 50,000.)

“Arrest and try all those who were a party to deliberately trying to destroy the American Economy,” said one signer. 

The petition’s author, Mark Belisle, said GOP lawmakers bent the rules to prevent the Democratic minority from bringing measures to the floor that could have allowed a so-called clean funding resolution to be brought to a vote. 

“The House GOP leadership’s use of the Hastert Rule and H. Res 368 to shut down the government and threaten the U.S. economy with default is an attempt to extort the United States government into altering or abolishing the Affordable Care Act, and thus, is self-evidently a seditious conspiracy,” the petition claims. “Arrest the perpetrators in Congress immediately and bring them to justice.”

I have to start by admitting that I am not the biggest fan of petitions, especially national ones, because I don't think they usually have much of an impact. 

However I have to admit that this man makes some very compelling arguments. And in a perfect world I would love to see thee people punished for what they did to this country and to the American people, especially considering that it was a lost cause from the very beginning.

Anyhow I signed it.


  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    As much as I agree that those Republicans responsible for the shutdown should be prosecuted, aside from the claims of sedition, were there actually any Federal laws broken or did any violations of the U.S. Constitution occur? I believe that the Constitution allows the Senate and the House to write their own rules. If so, and unfortunately, the use of the Hastert Rule and H. Res 368 would seem to be allowable. Did any violations of Federal law occur?

  2. hedgewytch12:40 PM

    I've read the articles outlining Seditious Conspiracy. And MoveOn is exactly right. They are clearly guilty. I signed it.

    That said, I don't expect anything to actually come of it, just like we will never see the prosecutions of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice and the rest for their war crimes.

    It will be nice though if enough people signed it that it became a "news event". Might just send enough of a message that the people ARE paying attention.

  3. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Why isn't the name of Ted Cruz on there as a member of the Senate - he should be arrested too and put away for a long, long time!

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      I recommend euthanasia.

  4. Anonymous1:00 PM

    This is great and restores faith in our country. I am not over John McCain, Bush, Chaney being able to walk among the free but this would sure help.

    I find their crimes serious and would like to see long hard time and sentences. There is no sane reason why most of the creeps would not be in prison until death.

  5. Anonymous1:12 PM

    while at it i'd like to see cheney,bush, wolfowitz, rumsfeld et al gathered and shackled and sent to the hague to be tried and convicted for their international crimes - let alone the domestic charges they could face if anyone here had the ballz to do it

    BTW, I signed the current Move On petition as well ...

  6. I signed it several days ago. I have thought the GOP were traitors since I learned about their meeting on inauguration day, 2009. But, the War criminals in the last administration, I.e., Dick Cheney, etc.l, still walk free, and I expect these traitors will as well. History will not be kind to any of them...except for Glenn Beck's "historian."

  7. Anonymous1:31 PM

    What a joke
    Opposing Obama and his criminal administration and policies
    Is the highest form of patriotism

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      chuck_tard jr

      go fuk yer fatass inbred self

    2. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Please cite these "criminal" policies. This petition has actually legal standing. Can you prove ONE single thing that President Obama has done that is illegal?? He has brought in constitutional lawyers to advise him on policy decisions, just to make sure that he was enacting policy within legal statutes. So go home and lick salt, dummy.

    3. President Obama is a patriot who loves this country. His administration is not criminal nor are his policies.

      The representatives and senators who voted to shut down the government of, by, and for the people so that it could not serve those people, and who then voted to destroy the full faith and credit of the United States, are traitors. And since you support them, that makes you a traitor also.

      Those are facts, unlike your constant lies.

      You have yet to post a comment containing any truth or intelligence. No wonder you worship Palin, a proven traitor, moron, and liar.

    4. Because "true patriots" show it by destroying the economy of the country they profess to "love".

      Sedition is correct. These were domestic terrorists holding the country hostage.

      The House has NO BUSINESS making or repealing laws. They only do budgets. It is the SENATE that is the legislative branch. The House overstepped it's authority trying to use the budget, etc. to extort the other branches of government into agreeing to the demands of a minority ('baggers") of a minority (Republicans).

      Republicans are a MINORITY in the Senate. Yet they still think they are in charge and everyone just march to their tune.

      Can't wait until 2014, then 2016 when they are finally such a minority they can't even filibuster their way to an obstruction.

  8. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I Gladly signed it too. Those assholes held our Govt hostage because they didn't get their way on AFA. Iam appalled to see what "passes" for governing on the repuke party.

  9. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Think what this President has accomplished. The list is long and very impressive.Think what He could have accomplished if He was given a Congress that would work with him to help the American people.They should be deeply ashamed, but they have no shame. As an American I am deeply disgusted at how the repuke party has drug us down . Psychopaths the lot of them.

  10. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I think having them arrested is a little overboard and sounds a bit too much like the nutjobs who keep yelling about impeaching the President. However, I think an official censure of some sort is certainly justifiable, since they clearly planned this shutdown, changed the rules specifically to prevent the bills from coming to a vote, and were willing to bring the country to within hours of default.

    There should be SOME kind of punishment for them.

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      It would have to begin w/arrest. There is no way around it and they should be....for treason as a beginner! So many them - Republicans ALL - should be put up in front of the nation for the horrible job they have done for the country.

      Arrest - trial - jail time - orange suits!

      Pay attention for whom you vote Americans!

  11. Anonymous1:47 PM

    This next one's even more dangerous. Someone over at decided it'd be funny to start a petition to have the leadership of the Republican Party arrested and tried for sedition, because of their actions in the past few weeks. From the Huffington Post report:

    The petition argues that "the House GOP leadership's use of the Hastert Rule and H. Res 368 to shut down the government and threaten the US economy with default is an attempt to extort the United States government into altering or abolishing the Affordable Care Act, and thus, is self-evidently a seditious conspiracy." (The U.S. Code defines "seditious conspiracy" in part as any conspiracy "to oppose by force the authority [of the U.S. government], or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States.")

    Sigh. OK, I get it. You want to let off some steam after winning a tough fight. I do understand that, I really do. But this is simply not the way to do it.

    This is poking a very large and dangerous fire-breathing dragon who is asleep in his lair with a sharp pointy stick, just to see what would happen. Want to know what comes next? The dragon wakes up in a very cranky mood, and toasts your ass to crispy critterdom. That's what happens next.

    Coming out in favor of sedition arrests for politicians is dangerous for the Left. Very, very dangerous. Because, historically, these laws have been used most often against the Left. And if you push the issue, a lot of people are going to remember that history, and act accordingly.

    Think about it: Bradley Manning was arrested and tried under sedition laws passed during World War I. And even back then, the entire purpose of the law was to shut up people protesting America's involvement in the war. Read up on Schenck v. United States for just the most prominent example (this case is where the phrases "falsely shouting 'fire' in a theater" and "clear and present danger" came from).

    Using "sedition" as a political tool almost always ends badly for the Left. Very badly. Remember all those people shouting "traitor" at people like Dennis Kucinich a decade ago? If your fantasy comes true and you now arrest John Boehner for sedition, the next time America contemplates a war all the folks following in Kucinich's footsteps will be arrested. Count on it.

    I understand the desire to spike the football. I really do. But this isn't doing that. This is lying in wait for the other team's quarterback, after the game, in a dark parking lot, and then beating him senseless with tire irons. It should not be supported, even as a joke. Because these things have a very ugly way of boomeranging. Read the American history of "sedition" if you don't believe this. So, to everyone who signs the petition and for whatever joker dreamed it up, (Dis-)Honorable Mentions all around. Let this dragon sleep, folks -- please.

    1. hedgewytch4:24 PM

      You know darn well it would never happen. But what about the Koch brothers and Rupert Murdock who funded all this insanity? I'd settle for that.

    2. Anonymous7:48 PM

      I think that H. Rule 368, passed quietly and without much input in the background, giving power ONLY to Eric Cantor moved the ball considerably. Rules should only be changed in the open, with all members of the house participating. This backroom activity should not be allowed. This ruling gave all the power in the House to the republicans, or rather to Cantor only. WRONG! Morally wrong, if not legally. It matters.

    3. H 368 silenced the voices of every person represented by every Democrat in the House. It was done quickly, secretly and in my opinion close to illegally. It is just a further step down the road to fascism.

      And it is the REPUBLICANS that are pushing this country down that road.

      They need to be held accountable. They are destroying checks and balances and undermining the Constitution they claim to love so much.

      They need to be held accountable. If that means a symbolic arrest, then so be it.

  12. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I find it high time that President Obama refer to the assholes as 'terrorists'! They've called him far worse and have demeaned him from one end to the other since he was elected the FIRST time!

    He's standing up to the jerks and it's way past time. Thank God, he was elected and is as outstanding as he is! We are one fortunate country to have him heading it in spite of the obstruction the Republicans and Teabaggers shovel him.

    Thank you, President Obama and keep beating every move the jerks make! You are a fantastic chess player and they don't have a clue how ignorant 'they' are!

  13. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I agree. I also signed it.

  14. I did too, Jesse. Thanks for posting it.

  15. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I agree with Belisle and I signed it.


  16. "Anyhow I signed it. " DITTO.

  17. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I signed it too and felt it wise to do so! Boehner, Cantor and Cruz (the latter was not noted!) should all be arrested! For treason as a starter!

    Palin, too, as a non politician and public citizen. She should be dragged through the streets!

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      Time Mag: Ted Cruz Likely Violated Senate Ethics Rules UPDATED x2

  18. Sharon3:56 PM

    I signed it too a few days ago....if this isn't sedition, I would hate to see the real thing. When Cantor changed the rules the night before the shutdown should be repeated over and over on the news....he was behind all of this. McConnell is just as rotten getting his 2 billion dam money and bragging like a hero. They all disgust least the Senate could throw Cruz out, they need a 2/3 vote.

  19. Anonymous4:10 PM

    McConnell needs to lose his upcoming reelection bid in Kentucky. He is a very dishonest man and should not have a place in Congress any longer. I cannot even stand watching him speak - immediately turn the channel! He moved money to Kentucky for the 'dam' when it was illegal to do so!!!! Vote him out of office!!!!!!!

  20. Anita Winecooler6:45 PM

    I signed it anyway as well. Think it should have included the entire previous administration and even some folks walking among us who aren't politicians.

  21. They're over 51,000 now. New goal is 75,000

  22. Anonymous7:27 PM

    First the Supreme Judges appointed Bush President. It,s not backed up by the wining vote. The republicans quick to ask for Oboma,s birth certificate . So where is bush,s wining votes. Bush lost the wining vote. 2nd Most of our Supreme judges are Republicans in voting. So what chance do the majority of Americans have of getting justice. The law is on our side. But most of the judges are in the pockets of the Republicans .


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