Sunday, October 13, 2013

No wonder Steve Lonegan had Sarah Palin speak at his rally. He is as delusional as she is.

Here is a report on the rally from New  

"New Jersey, know that the eyes of America are on you now," Palin said. "You can turn things around. Something big is happening here," the former vice presidential candidate and Alaska governor told an enthusiastic crowd of about 4,000 people at the New Egypt Speedway. During the event, the Lonegan campaign said more than 2,000 people had attended, but released a revised count late Saturday night estimating more than 4,000 people had attended because 2,300 cars had been parked at the speedway. 

Palin called the government shutdown an act of disrespect against military families whose paychecks and death benefits were delayed. U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg, whose death in June prompted this election, "was the last World War II veteran to serve in Congress. His memory is dishonored, along with all of our military veterans." 

"Bottom line, guys: The politicians are using the military as pawns," she added. 

Lonegan would fight to repeal the "train wreck" that is Obamacare, she continued, chastising those who said it was too late to stop it. "They used to say that about Prohibition, too, but today I believe you can get a beer with your famous New Jersey pizza. The law of the land is not settled until you say it is settled. 

"Thank you for you being here. You who have the Jersey fight — you who are here for love of country," she said, to cheers and applause. 

Lonegan said he was thrilled to have Palin by his side. 

"Sarah Palin is a wonderful mother, she was a mayor of her town, a governor, a vice presidential candidate. She is an absolute wonderful model for women voters," Lonegan said in a brief press conference before Palin’s appearance. "She represents New Jersey." 

"They are absolutely scared to death of Sarah Palin coming here because they know she is going to mobilize this base," he said.

I think Lonegan is getting "scared to death" confused with "laughing hysterically."

As for mobilizing a base I seriously doubt there is a  base of people in New Jersey who are interested, or impressed, with anything that Sarah Palin has to say. I would bet big money that if the crowd had been interviewed right after the rally, that a large chunk of them would have been there because Palin was famous for saying stupid things, and because there was no circus in town competing for their attention.

And the fact that Palin believes that Lonegan could possibly have ANY impact on the implementation of Obamacare, after the entire Republican party just fell on their face trying to stop it, is only made less ridiculous when compared to Lonegan's statement that she is a "wonderful mother" and a "wonderful model for women voters."

Yeah, not so much.

Lonegan also has a rather inflated idea of the importance of his little Senate race, saying:

“A win in New Jersey on Wednesday, which we will have,” Lonegan said, “will be the shot heard ’round the world.”

Yeah NOTHING says arrogant prick quite like comparing the possibility to your election to the beginning of the Revolutionary War.

And nothing says "ignorant moron" like believing your struggling campaign can be rescued by an appearance from the most famous quitter in American politics.


  1. "Another one bites the dust."

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      "Sarah Palin is a wonderful mother, she was a mayor of her town, a governor, a vice presidential candidate. She is an absolute wonderful model for women voters," Lonegan said in a brief press conference before Palin’s appearance. "She represents New Jersey."
      HUH? How does he know she is a "Wonderful mother"? She's not! And She represents NJ?
      Well maybe one kookoobird looney being Krazy Krusty....I guess...
      What a bunch of assholes! The GOP/Teabaggers are Down, down, down!
      Thanks to her. She is the Ki$$ of death!

  2. Anonymous9:50 AM

    " She is an absolute wonderful model for women voters"

    Whoa! Stupid, ignorant, vicious, sociopath is NOT a good model for any voter, male or female.

    Where do these old white men get the idea women like Palin? Oh, right, I forgot, these guys think with their penis.

    1. "Oh, right, I forgot, these guys think with their penis."
      Well, then, their penises are just as stupid as their brain.

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      I don't know, if I was a man, thinking with my penis, I guess I'd rather put it somewhere nice and cozy, rather than in the cavernous tunnel of a menopausal mother of 4. Just sayin'.

    3. Anonymous1:21 PM

      "Oh, right, I forgot, these guys think with their penis."
      Well, then, their penises are just as stupid as their brain.
      WHAT BRAIN?????

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    No way there are 4000 people in that picture of the crowd in front of the bus.

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Others have indicated about 2,000 vs 4!!

  4. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Sarah is such 'white trash' and she does NOT represent women well across the nation. That has been proven time and time again. Few would want to walk in her footsteps EVER!

    She has no clue how to dress either...what an embarrassment to New Jersey, Alaska and the nation!

  5. Anonymous9:53 AM

    G, Palin is with Ted Cruz at the Vet's protest today in DC. Pics at

  6. Elliott Ness9:54 AM

    I have so much to say about the teabaggers using our veterans as pawns, but I'll restrict myself to this first comment:

    Sarah, since you're a Constitutional expert, you know that prohibition wasn't just a "law" -- it was a Constitutional amendment, passed twice by both Houses of Congress and by 3/4 of the states of the Union.
    It was repelled, 14 years later, by another Constitutional Amendment.
    So, it was a law -- but it was so much more than a "law." It was the Constitution, until it was repealed.

    Why do you think speakeasies, the Bronfmans, the Kennedys, bootleggers (the godfathers of NASCAR racing), Al Capone, bath tub gin, the 21 Club, and a whole host of illegal activities during the '20s took place? It wasn't just a law that needed to be repealed, but an entire Constitutional Amendment that had to be changed. You can thank the New Deal for that.

    THAT's why you can get a beer with your New Jersey pizza --- or a Manhattan cocktail at a five-star New York restaurant, the kind you'll never know about and which won't ever let you in the door.

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Sorry to correct you Agent Ness, but but the Constitutional Amendment you speak of wasn't just repealed, it was re-pilled. At least that's what Mrs. Palin tells me.

    2. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Sarah needs to be RE-pilled when her Adderall bottle gets low. She can't be taking meth and have her vodka IV pumping without a little jump-starter, Moose Mama's little helper.

      Sarah's the rill dill when it comes to stupidity.

    3. Anonymous1:25 PM

      And its still the law in "Dry" areas like Native Rez or Alaskan Native villages...b/c you know white men (see boner) can handle their likker better.
      Fuck YOU CUNTY Palin! Dried up old skank!

  7. George Marsall9:57 AM

    And as for the veterans, the WWII generation shouldn't be signaled out for their sacrifice --- millions of other soldiers, sailors, airmen -- and risked their lives over and over again in foreign conflicts since 1945. Concentrate your largesse on Walter Reede Hospital, or the VA hospital in Alaska, or any of the many ways to help current vets, abroad and finally at home.

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM


    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      You're right--- lots of things that folks can do to help vets--- but her foul Kochsucking mouth and talking shit doesn't help vets or anyone else but Sarah. Lonegan will learn this very soon, assuming he's an idiot like Sarah who doesn't see the writing on the wall already.

  8. Anonymous9:59 AM

    "Bottom line, guys: The politicians are using the military as pawns," she added, before heading to Washington, D.C. this morning to use WWII vets as pawns also too.

  9. Anonymous10:03 AM

    These odious, uncharitable philistines really do like to equate their insurgence to noble revolutionary qualities.

    They are low, gutteral thinkers that sneer at education, progressive policies and all that is inherent in a secular nation.

    The shot heard around the world won't even come with Lonegan's loss on Wednesday, it'll come with Palin and the Tea Party's continued insistence for civil disobedience.

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      If I were her I would be afraid to fly in a private plane right now, just saying...

    2. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Warrior Track

      The Freedom Ride

      Palin has used the military and vets for her own purposes for

  10. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Palin in DC today exploiting the war veterans...
    Same outfit as yesterday's except she changed her shirt. Willow must not be there... one of Sarah's bald spots is showing.

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      yes, you're right, OMG can you imagine what she looks like without her wig? an old dog with mange.

    2. Anonymous11:10 AM

      LMFAO !!

      indeed, she's at least as bald as those two cheese dicks she's standin' next to

      fukin' skank fraud

    3. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Wow, her hair is gone! What causes such a thing in an under-50 year old woman?

    4. Anonymous1:42 PM

      METH!!!!! And takin' Todd's low T meds!

    5. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Lee has a freaking machine gun, I t hi nk

    6. The same bald spot is in full view on the photo Huffington Post chose. Does my old heart good.

  11. Anonymous10:05 AM

    There is a huge difference between 2,000 and 4,000. Translation: 500. Note no photos of the huge crowd!

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      I was there and I say 2000 were there. The venue holds 2000 people in th estands. While we were not allowed inside the speedway to sit in all the stands inside, the parking lots were full, so tha tmakes me think 2k were there. 1998 of them were freaks lol!

  12. Anonymous10:13 AM

    actually, if you read the comments on pro-Palin sites, people came from "miles around" to see her; which means the NJ/NE area could only field a rather small crowd. I mean, 1000+ is not bad, but this is for the Senate seat in an important race for a Republican place, so.....why isn't the crowd HUGE? and indoors in a swanky ballroom?

  13. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Sarah Palin will mobilize the Democrats to come out to vote in a special election just weeks away from the general election. She is the poster child for what could go wrong if you do not vote!

  14. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Sarah Palin has 'used' the vets ever since getting involved w/politics in Alaska beginning w/the national guard!

    She's so full of shit! Remember how she initially used her son, Track, as a 'combat' vet when it was proven he never saw even a tiny bit of combat?

    She is nothing more than a fraud and liar which has been proven time and time again!

    I can hardly wait until she is no longer on our planet!

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Since Track has settled back into his Drug Habit, Sarah has not mentioned him. Curtis Menard's son has DEEP ISSUES. Curt is rolling in his grave.

    2. Anonymous2:24 PM

      ...and the freedom ride

  15. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Palin's call and leading civil disobedience leads to vandalizing WWII Memorial and throwing the "Barrycades" at the White House gates amidst Confederate flags. . .thought only Todd was the secessionist in the family.

  16. Gryphen you said....

    "I would bet big money that if the crowd had been interviewed right after the rally, that a large chunk of them would have been there because Palin was famous for saying stupid things, and because there was no circus in town competing for their attention."

    I think you would lose a little chump change on this bet Gryphen! NYTimes has an article up about this rally and out of the three folks interviewed....NONE of them mentioned going there to see Baldy!

    Denise Williams, a retired teacher from Forked River, said she came to the rally because she believed Mr. Lonegan would help thwart the president’s agenda.

    “I want him to go into the Senate and I want him to vote against everything that the liberal, socialist White House is for,” Ms. Williams, 64, said. “I want my grandkids to grow up in America.”

    Mike Betancourt, a retired teacher from Whiting, N.J., said he was motivated to drive to the rally because of Mr. Lonegan’s momentum. “He’s doing better lately,” Mr. Betancourt, 67, said. “It made me want to come out.”

    Diana McKnight, 55, from Forked River, brought her husband to see Mr. Lonegan. “It started out he didn’t have a chance,” she said. “The gap is getting smaller, I feel wonderful.”

    Here's the link....

    Hey...I wonder why the crazy school teacher Adrienne "Token" Ross didn't go see Baldy's ugly ass? LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      I'm HUGE in. ..

      New Egypt AND Fork River!

      Take THAT, BOOKER!

      (PS- Ya think since Socialist is code for Big Scary Black Guy,
      Any of these racists were going vote for Booker?
      Didn't think so. )

  17. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Sarah Palin is a wonderful mother, she was a mayor of her town, a governor, a vice presidential candidate. She is an absolute wonderful model for women voters,"

    WTF? Son of a bitch makes me sick.
    Who? Both of them.

  18. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Palin speaking (exploiting someone else's event) today...

  19. a comment from RAW STORY:



    Proof positive that modern conservatism is a communicable disease.

  20. from RAW STORY:



    Proof positive that modern conservatism is
    a communicable disease.

  21. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I can believe that many attendees watch Fox news and want Lonegan to stop Obamacare (Uncle Sam coming between you, your legs, finger up your rectum and your doctor). They also believe "the sky is falling" when it rains.

  22. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Umm, "most famous quitter in american politics"? I believe that would be Richard Nixon.Although it is probably a tie for level of mental illness.

    1. "Ummm." [is there are more annoying phrase on the internet?]

      I disagree on both counts, 11:29. Unlawfully attempting to dismantle the government? Yes. Bot resigning to avoid impeachment does not give Nixon the quitter crown that is still securely on Palin's ratty head.

      As for mental illness, Palin also wins by a mile. Nixon's real accomplishments, fueled by a prodigious intelligence, disqualify him from most mentally ill, in spite of his pathologies.

  23. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Hey New Jersey have better things to do than waste time listening to a half term former governor of Alaska, who quit to become Faux noise propaganda net work. I am from New Jersey, and guess what, no one is scared of a quitter. She is seeking attention in a wrong state. We will prove to her on Tuesday, when we cast our votes. May be she will learn to mind her own business and keep her EGO and craziness in Alaska, or may be Texas and Arizona. New Jersey voters are too classy, that's why Lonegan is always on the ballot. Did he win when he ran against Christ Christie in 2009? NOPE. Ms quitter is just seeking some attention. I bet any sensible woman din not go to see here. LOL Tell to keep her crap in Alaska.

  24. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Ain't that some shit? Sarah Palin's oldest daughter screwing and gets pregnant before she graduated high school. Second daughter dropped out of high school in her second year. Oldest son impregnates the pastor's daughter, has to marry her, gets divorced and only wants his guns and Sarah herself has to run off in shame to elope in front of strangers because Todd or somebody knocked her up and Sarah Palin is out there screeching with her whining ass voice telling everyone else how to live?

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Comment of The Day! You just won the "sum up Sarah Palin and her Family in One Paragraph" Award!!

  25. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Once a bimbo, always a bimbo, if the brainless from Wasilla wants another civil war, the fading bones on battle fields can easy accommodate another this lick spittle.

  26. Caroll Thompson12:12 PM

    We will see who is laughing when the polls close this Wednesday night (yes, the election is not on Tuesday). I can only imagine the results between Booker and this fool, who has openly said he favors the shutdown. New Jersey voters will be telling all of America what they think of the shutdown.

    In the interim, I see Palin has gone to the Capital to protest the shutdown that she supports. All the tea party kooks are there and some are proudly waiving the Confederate flags they brought along. Mostly a group of angry white older men.
    I think Sarah likes being the only woman there. And as G has said (too funny), she brought the "Belmonts" with her to DC too.

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      So. ..
      Lonegan favors the shut down

      ... and today sarah is protesting the shutdown?

      They couldn't find their asses with both hands and a mirror.

  27. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I just took a dip in the C4P. They are exhaulting their Sarah, Cruz and Lee as the only politicians to stand for the veterans! They are buzzing about revolutionists, celebratory their Sarah exemplifies patriotism.

    After fulfilling civil disobedience they were led to the Lincoln Memorial to throw those barricades. Police wearing protective gear were there.

    My father was a vet and a brother. A second brother was an officer in theMarine Corps as well as other family.

    IMO this is staged and orchestrated psychodrama. I would feel horrified and sickened if my brothers stormed the DC memorials amongst confederate flags as if they were exempt from civility, acceptance of a shutdown being federal (American) things are literally shut down as in closed.

    Talk about distractions! I wonder what rational military and families think of this when serious and grave real things are adversely affecting vets, military, deployed personnel.

    Palin, Cruz and Lee are using these vets to their end.

  28. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Tammy Duckworth is posting comments on the cruz/palin WW11 thread over on HP.

  29. Boscoe12:22 PM

    So the teapeeps will complain that our President is a narcissist, but will rally around THIS guy?

    I guess that fits right in with the Obama wasn't born here (except that he was, but whatever), so he's not eligible to be president/Ted Cruz wasn't born here, but so what his mother was an American, so he's ok.

    And I don't think $arah is delusional, I think she's... wiley. Most sociopaths are.

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Cruz' mother was a Canadian who became an American after he was born; I'm not sure if it was before or after she became divorced from his father who only became a US citizen in 2005.

  30. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Yes ... she represents NJ almost as well as Snookie did.

  31. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Check out Sarah's "What about Mary" hair in this clip (0:27 mark):

  32. Anonymous2:21 PM

    she and cruz should be arrested for trespassing and instigating those faux veterans bussed in by the koch brothers.

  33. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I just can't wait until someone shuts that crazy bitch up for good.

  34. This is such a great, succinct comment about patriotism by "Ex Marine" on HuffPo, I want to share it:

    "I 100% consider the WW11 vets the greatest we have ever had and probably ever will. These false patriots using these heroes as political props is shameful.

    Baggers love to throw the word patriotism around like they think they know what it means. Patriotism is not just a bunch of hollow acts. They wear flag pins. They are have bumper stickers that say support the troops. The bagger politicians like to pepper their speeches with words like freedom, liberty, and American people.

    Patriotism is not denying health care to millions that otherwise could not get it. Patriotism is not suppressing the votes of American citizens. Patriotism is not destroying our government from within. Patriotism is not creating invasive laws against women and their health care. Patriotism is not suppressing organized labor while Americans are trying to keep living wages.

    Waving flags and singing America the Beautiful are not patriotism when they are accompanied by the HATRIOTISM propagated by the right."

    1. Anita Winecooler6:33 PM

      Thanks for sharing this. He or She truly understands the real meaning of patriotism, and earned the title. The "false patriots" simply seem to be proud of the country based only on the fact that they were born there.

  35. Anita Winecooler6:28 PM

    If there was a male equivalent to Sarah Palin, Lonegan's a perfect fit.
    He licked her toe jam and emptied her ped egg on his pasta, then got up on stage to make a fool of himself by raising her as an example of good motherhood, governance and female role models. Then he drank her sippy cup full of red bull and vodka and said "Shot heard around the world".

    It doesn't get more pathetic than that, folks. My husband reminded me that we drove through new egypt a few years ago, and it all came back to me like a nightmare. It's biggest draw is the speedway. There was a race going on, and there were lots of, how do I put it politely?.... people of wallmart who bred with the stepford wives. The perfect venue for Lonegan/Palin types.

  36. Randall5:29 AM

    Absolutely NO ONE is "scared to death" of Sarah Palin.

    ...OK, maybe Todd...


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