Saturday, October 19, 2013

Rachel Maddow goes down the list of bad things that happened to the Republicans this week, culminating in possibly the worst endorsement for Ken Cuccinelli ever.

Yes when you are famous for not knowing how birth control works you may not be the best choice for an endorsement. Especially considering the fact that you are apparently a tongue ties imbecile.

Of course this IS Ken Cuccinelli, who said last year that he cannot understand why God has not punished America more for all our abortions: 

"Really, Given that God does judge nations, it's amazing that abortion has run as far and foully as it has, without what I would consider to be a greater imposition of judgment on this country," Cuccinelli said. "Who knows what the future holds?" 

How far behind Terry McAuliffe is Cuccinelli in the polls again?


  1. cckids10:13 AM

    You ask: "How far behind Terry McAuliffe is Cuccinelli in the polls again?"

    Not far enough. Not until absolutely NO ONE would think of voting for such an ignorant, bigoted god-botherer. Not until he loses an election by 99%, with the only vote in his favor being his own.

    Seriously, we have got to get these brain-dead morons out of politics.

  2. Anonymous10:30 AM

    The stupid just keeps coming, doesn't it? And the Duggars? they should be arrested for child abuse..the kids are 'home'schooled' by a woman who is perpetually pregnant, they make their money from a TV show, and the older kids have so many chores and babysitting duties that I doubt any of them could get near a college except perhaps Liberty U. But hey, iat least it wasn't Blowhard Sarah.

  3. Crystal Sage10:37 AM

    Rachel showed it twice last night and it is still cringe-worthy. Hurts my eyes and ears, just like Sarah has done from the beginning of her national exposure. These people are so indoctrinated by the fundamentalist mindset that they can barely function outside their tiny world. I am disgusted that their "lifestyle" is rewarded with a reality show. Actually, they're no better than the Kardashians. Modern day side show freaks.

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Disagree....I'd watch the Kardashians any day. They work and earn their money!!! The family w/all the kids makes babies to make money. Quite a contrast! Stupid idiots is how I see the Duggars...Mormons - a cult - no contraception when they could assuredly use it.

  4. BabyRaptor10:53 AM

    God hasn't judged America for abortion because 1) He doesn't exist and 2) even if he did, he ordered them himself in his "holy book," so why would he? and 3) said "holy book" says life starts at the first breath, so an abortion isn't murder.

  5. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Cuccinelli endorsed by the Duggars and their Flock, Mcauliffe endorsed by Hillary Clinton. What a Contrast.

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Dumb vs smart!!!! I'll take Hillary's side any day!

  6. Sharon11:04 AM

    Hahahahaha....I agree with everyone! That family is disgusting, do they live in Utah? Breeding is the only family value they have so they are a perfect mouthpiece for anti abortion freaks. Virginia needs to wake up and throw them all out...esp Cantor. He is the same cancer in the Congress we have with Turtleman in the them both out and watch our government hum.

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Arkansas, a hillbilly state. No offense to Arkansasites that read this blog.

  7. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Slightly O/T, but very funny

    Too bad Jim-Bob-Dufus and his portable baby factory didn't know them condom things actually work.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      What a couple to admire: they procreate for profit! The hell with doing what God desires. Were there no reality show to feed their greed, they'd have stopped at 5 or 6 kids. Ah well, the world has a few more subservient Mormon wives on the horizon as well as a few more controlling and selfish Mormon men. Yay!

    2. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Didn't realize the couple/family was Mormon! Now it all makes sense. That is a cult I'd run from - have two daughters that converted to that supposed religion and they are now very subservient where they were strong and independent individuals long ago. Plus, they've each had way too many children!!!!

    3. Anonymous2:13 PM

      I think they came on the scene when she was preggers with #16. They would have kept spewing them out regardless.
      Just my HO. I can give them some slack for having family values and devotion to life. And believe me I am a hard core tree huggin' liberal. What irritates me is the lack of empathy as far as Mother Earth, Society etc. Sometimes when you're an adult you have to temper your personal wants and step up to the plate for the good of all. So to be a good world citizen you they should have used a condom and accepted any child that came from the 1% of times when the condom failed. That would make them responsible adults.
      We are all in this together and the crazy thing is if there were to be some kind of apocalypse a LOT of people would realize just how selfish and self centered their world view is/was. FINI

    4. Anonymous2:46 PM

      oops... I may have been wrong about their being Mormons (not that there's anything wrong with that)- someone I know who watches their reality show told me they were and I assumed she knew. But they are conservative Baptists. Whatever. Sorry for the misinformation.

    5. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Actually, the Duggars have really crappy family values. Their daughters are the family slaves, not allowed to have their own lives because they live to be slaves to the rest of the family.

    6. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Your right @2:52 the older daughters home school the other children and do all the packing and organizing for their "field trips." These young women have never had a chance to just be a teenager. What exactly does Michelle do all day?

    7. Anonymous6:28 AM

      They are not Mormoms or Baptist. They are in a cult lead by Bill Gothard. Google him. He is a single man who wants everyone to have as many children as possible, Quiverful, even if the doctors tell the couple another pregnancy would kill the woman.

      It is strongly patriarchial and authoritarian. The families must homeschool. This group has the potential to make another Andrea Yates.


  8. Here's to seeing the Cooch go down in flames, it's 8 points but there's many a slip between the cup and the lip..

  9. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Not only in his speech, but his body language screams, "I don't like lying like this!"

    He was begging the people forcing him to do it, to give up and tell him he can stop.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:32 PM

      There's not enough blood making it to his brain, poor thing!

  10. Randall12:50 PM

    I for one would like Mr. Cuccinelli to explain why 90% of the tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, and other natural disasters happen in the Bible belt.

  11. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I'm sure the couple is nice, but not the smartest on the block. Having all those kids is beyond me in our world today. Religion contraception...eventually being pregnant constantly will mean death to her and then what - her older kids will raise the brood OR he'll remarry - a young wife and have more kids.

  12. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Understanding Quiverfull, the antifeminist, conservative Christian movement that motivates popular reality-TV families like the Duggars.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:30 PM

      Years ago, I read about "Quiverfull" on Leah Burton's blog, and couldn't believe what I was reading! For any woman to keep her body in perpetual stress because of her religious beliefs is beyond me. It's unfair to the kids as well, what quality of life do they have having to care for their siblings AND parents all the time?

  13. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Breeding like rabbits does not signify any kind of intellect. In fact just the opposite. I agree with the comment about their daughters being treated like slaves. I watched part of one show and wondered if they don't have child protection agencies in that state. I was disgusted.

  14. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM

    Haven't read the comments, but is she saying it IS possible to "Schteup" your brains out with the Father of twenty's brain farts?

  15. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Of course Mrs Duggar, could never speak for her husband in public, because the Great God Jim-Bobby Sox is her leader, and he must always be first in everything.


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