Friday, October 18, 2013

Sarah blows a situation about a cemetary grave marker out of all proportion in order to pimp her book about Christmas. Wasn't it Jesus who said "There's a sucker born every minute?"

Courtesy of Granny Grifter's ghostwrite Facebook page:  

Jesus Banned From Gravestones? 

Outrageous development...*sigh*… c'mon, Colorado, you deserve much better! A public cemetery there refused to allow a grieving family to engrave on their mother's grave the name "Jesus" and the Jesus fish symbol. Bureaucrats said it would offend people! 

Reports like this should shock us all. Heading towards Thanksgiving, I'm trying to imagine what the Pilgrims would think of this if they had known that a few centuries after they landed at Plymouth some of their descendants would prevent people from engraving the name of Jesus on a headstone! Much less, what our freedom-loving Founding Fathers would think. 

Trying to take our Lord out of American life, much like trying to take Christ out of Christmas, is, to say the least, not a winning proposition. Rise up, America! Stand strong on our great nation's foundation and keep the faith to protect America's heritage and heart!

You know I am not saying that this family did not have the right to have their mother's tombstone reflect her religious beliefs, regardless of whether it might offend other dead people interred there or not, but I have to wonder if little Miss "Constitutional Rights" would have been quite so worked up if this were a Muslim family? Or a Jewish one? Or, dare I say it, an Atheist family who wanted that lack of belief clearly marked on a gravestone?

Some how I think not.

But then again that is NOT the audience that would likely rush out to by her new book all about the fake War on Christmas that she linked to at the end of her diatribe.

And see my new book covering issues exactly like this. It will be released on November 12, but you can pre-order it here:
"Oh that's right I totally have a book coming out all about Christmas and Christianity, and how the liberal elites don't want you to get presents this year, I almost forgot!"

Yeah I don't think that the God Sarah Palin worships is to be found anywhere in the Bible, or any other holy book for that matter. I think the God she worships is green, made of paper, and good for keeping her as far away from Alaska as possible.


  1. Isabella4:37 PM

    Check out the comments on here.Too funny! Grifticia, you are so done!

    1. Here are some good ones too:

    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      "Former Alaska governor and current Sarah Palin" LOL

    3. Anonymous8:48 PM


      "Go Home, Sarah Palin. You're Drunk."

    4. Anonymous8:49 PM

      "Constitutional scholar Sarah Palin explains complicated Constitutional law words to you "

    5. Anonymous6:19 AM

      "Sarah Palin has emerged to guide America's domestic terrorists"

    6. While I am not a fan of Sarah Palin and would never vote for her in an election, her comments regarding our religious rights and outrageous behavior of Sterling council members is right on. The fact that you and the majority of contributors on this forum have twisted that into comments about Satan, being drunk, etc. makes me wonder who the real nut cases are. Real intelligent discussion/debate is gone and we are left with Rush Limbaugh type personalities such as yourselves...making nothing more than sensationalist comments and then congratulating each other on your wit! You are no better than the radical right wing that you critique!

    7. Anonymous5:56 AM

      If you people would get your facts straight and understand it wasn't about Jesus it was about any words going into a symbol on the columbarium per the rules of said columbarium the name Bob or Moe would not have been allowed just because it was the name of the lord it turned into a holy war if you visit the cemetery it is full of religion and Christ these people used the name of the lord to get their way and turn people against the cemetery and the city and for that they should be ashamed and so should everyone else who is only seeing one side of the story

  2. Here's the Quitter Queen of the infomercials, selling solutions to problems that we never knew we ever had because they exist only on the minds of suckers and those who invent the problems in order to suck the money out of the suckers' pockets. If you read the article (by Todd Starnes, a drama-queen shit-stirrer, himself) and the comments, you'll understand that this was one situation that someone was wrong, correction was made, and there is no problem anymore. But grifters are gonna grift...

  3. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Sarah Palin is the daughter of Satan and she gave birth to her little Satans.

    1. I should have included this (to the comment below).

      Nice likeness of Sarah.

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Muthee prayed the devil INTO her, not out of.

  4. Anonymous4:44 PM

    A perfect picture of a Terrorist wrapped in a Flag and carrying a Cross. The Queen of A.I.P. is a Domestic Terrorist.

  5. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Gryphen.. you MUST add the dinosaur eating Jesusfish to this post!

  6. Let’s be clear here; Sarah Palin worships Mammon.

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Indeed, Darlene. It's amazing that her Fundie followers are so blind to that. They recognize only the misinformation that Sarah plants and sows on order to support their preconceived belief about Sarah. Their validation of Sarah's values is fraudulent, because they have too much emotionally vested in her. They don't want to know the truth at this point, because they would have to come to grips with the fact that they have been posted and exploited by, not a Godly woman, but the exact opposite... an evil, self-serving, lying grifter who preys on the naive faithful. She uses the code words to tickle their ears, and they quit thinking and questioning where is an what is the truth. They're sheep, being herded to be shorn.

  7. sewnup5:00 PM

    So if her family is so cheap as to allow the woman to be buried in the public cemetery and then want a not-publicly-paid monument/engraved stone/whatever why they heck didn't they feel like she was worth buying a plot for? Public money means no religious connections so why are they crying? Either too stupid or too bullish, would be my guess. And of course Sarah has no clue....she's one of the least informed people in the country, IMHO. Maybe she should read a newspaper. Or something. The Constitution would be good since she regularly demonstrates a lack of knowledge about what is container therein.... I'd sure be keeping my big mouth shut until I could figure out what the Hell I was talking about. If she were mentally well that would occur to her.

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Do we even know the story is true? There are people who make this stuff up, and send it around the internet just to rile the bots up. It figures Sarah would give something like this life.

    2. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Why not be buried in a church cemetery?

  8. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Suckers keep her buoyed.

  9. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Me thinks she'd better brush up on her history. The Pilgrims were escaping religious persecution. She'd better look into their lifestyle - clothing, churches, et cetera before she babbles on about how they would be offended. Stupid, ignorant biatch.

  10. Stay the hell out of Colorado and out business.

  11. Anonymous5:12 PM

    To help Sarah, I found a site dedicated to the pilgrims and to teaching children. Its articles are written in simple language that even Sarah can master (with some help, of course).

    She might be surprised to find that the Pilgrims did not dress in black and white, did not put an hateful spin on their faith, and even got the money to come to America by entering a contract with investors in exchange for shipping out natural resources from their new land. There is more - lots of tabs, some on food, some on clothing, and some on how they interfaced with the Natives they found. Mind you, I will wager a lot has been sanitized because the site caters to educating children, but there is info that will be new to Sarah.

  12. Anonymous5:19 PM

    This story is smelling in a couple ways. The town is only 400 people. If it is city owned, could it be the city doesn't want to be charged with paying for religious symbols - and the family is balking at the $$ they'd have to put up?

    1. kimosabe6:16 PM

      The only other place I could find this story reported was on a couple of right-wing blogs and FoxNews. Only the family is quoted, no one from the city. And, after the family complained, they did put the Jesus inscription on the stone. Seems like a totally manufactured "story".

    2. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Todd Starnes is comparable to Dick Morris, but much more effeminate. His heightened drama about made-up-shit seems to intensify every time it is intimated that Todd has skeletons, resulting in him feeling a need to kick up some dust for cover from personal allegations. Typical closeted hypocrite.

  13. Anonymous5:19 PM

    oops - forgot the site and am having trouble getting the exact page to copy using my tablet, but here is the site:

    cliick on the tab called "learn" (I know that will be difficult for Sarah since learning is poisonous to her. There should be an article called "Who were the Pilgrims."

  14. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Anyone want to bet that Sarah doesn't know the difference between a Puritan and a Pilgrim? They were not one and the same. Big differences between the two groups.

    She is so quick to spout off and so slow to learn anything - a dangerous combination.

  15. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Wonder away, sweet cheeks, but then, go engage your intellect (yes, that rusty tired faculty of your cerebral cortex).

    '...what the Pilgrims would think' : "The most important religious figure in the colony was John Robinson, an original pastor of the Scrooby congregation and religious leader of the separatists throughout the Leiden years. Though he never actually set foot in New England, many of his theological pronouncements shaped the nature and character of the Plymouth church. For example, Robinson stated that women and men have different social roles according to the law of nature, though neither was lesser in the eyes of God. Robinson taught that men and women have distinct but complementary roles in church, home and society as a whole. He referred to women as the "weaker vessel". In matters of religious understanding, he proclaimed that it was the man's role to educate and "guide and go before" women. He also noted that women should be "subject" to their husbands. Robinson also dictated the proper methods of child rearing—he prescribed a strict upbringing with a strong emphasis on corporal punishment. He believed that a child's natural inclination towards independence was a manifestation of original sin and should thus be repressed."

    Really Ms want to go there?
    your blathering on again only shows your profound ignorance of history and the very 'facts' you misapply to your grossly self-involved 'political' philosophy.
    Do tell how well your children are disciplined!



    1. Anonymous8:09 PM

      That's why Sarah Palin's perpetually pregnant Oldest daughter's current trial daddy did time in prison for selling cocaine. The word among their associates in common is that he's still a big consumer and a dealer of coke and meth. Isn't Junker a snowmachine buddy with Daddy Toad? Sounds like Joey the Junkie fits right into this dysfunctional family.

      Gotta wonder if he's Sarah's source for weight-loss chemicals, also, too. And the source of Beefy's current bun in the oven. Beefy's putting out old pre-preggo pics, but we know better.

      Let's see how they either attempt to deflect from this *squirmish* or if they try to ignore it like Pimp-Daddy's side bidness. More to come, but it will be fun watching them squirm. Because there are some folks wanting to talk that will take their money to take a payoff not to talk, but will then use that to nail them later on conspiracy charges for paying out money already to others that are as scummy as the Heaths and Palins. Not everyone is like them, and knowing some of their crimes that haven't been revealed but are documented in a way that prevents them from retribution, anything shy of killing 5 or 6 people simultaneously, and even then, those are just direct witnesses, who have obviously protected themselves as well. They have Todd and Sarah and ??? and ??? by the short hairs. They'll take the humiliation and they'll like it. Or they will go to prison for life w/o parole. They might even get hard time for concealing the income of the cash that's been used as quiet money. But they have fucked over the wrong people now just because of their arrogance. Now it will come back to them.

    2. Anonymous4:57 AM

      Karma is about to bring down the Palin Facade.

  16. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I googled the story and this came up:

    "Sterling City Manager Joe Kiolbasa told they would no longer censor religious references on headstones and cemetery markers. He said the cemetery manager made a mistake."

    So this is a non story. The cemetery is letting the family have their wish. Fail.


  17. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Oops, posted on the Hannity thread but will repost here.

    What Mrs. Palin refers to as the "Jesus Fish" is actually called the Ichthys. I'm an Atheist and I know that. What do these people learn in church except how to empty their wallets?

  18. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Once again, Fox News (and dear Sarah) fail to report the facts. There was no objection to the name of Jesus. This is not a religious war. The following was posted today by the Riverside Cemetery in Sterling, CO:

    The City of Sterling would like to address the recent incident at Riverside Cemetery.
    On Tuesday, October 15, 2013 the reporting family requested of City staff to inscribe an Ichthys, the fish-like symbol of early Christianity, on their niche cover at the Columbarium, along with the word “Jesus” inscribed inside the Ichthys symbol. The family was advised by City staff that they could have either the Ichthys, or the word “Jesus”, inscribed on the niche cover, but they could not have text inscribed inside the Ichthys because of the size of area available for symbols and text on the cover – and pursuant to a long-standing policy at the Cemetery which allows symbols or text, but not text within symbols, on niche covers.
    On Wednesday afternoon, October 16, 2013 the family contacted the City Manager and reported the incident. Based on the reported information from the family, the City Manager advised them that he wished to first consult with the City Attorney – and that he would get back with them the next morning. Shortly thereafter the City Manager responded to questions by telephone from a Denver television station, relying solely upon the reported family information.
    The City Manager and the City Attorney consulted on Thursday morning, October 17, 2013. Based upon that conference a decision was made to honor the family’s wishes, which decision was immediately conveyed to the family.

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Reading skills are definitely on the decline (ask any college professor) so this is just another example of skipping some of those pesky little words (like "not") and getting the whole message bassackwards. Happens to the GOPers all the time.

  19. Randall5:41 PM

    "... I don't think that the God Sarah Palin worships is to be found anywhere in the Bible..."

    Actually I believe her God IS in the Bible, although in a caveat:
    in Timothy 6:10 I believe:
    "...for the love of MONEY is the root of all evil"

  20. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Exposition of the Trig hoax will destroy her. It will also make the person who brings it to light very wealthy. What are you waiting for?

  21. Disinformation is everything that Palin says - and the minions repeat it - and people believe it. I paid for a resting place and headstone for my folks and STILL had to abide by the rules of what could and couldn't be part of the memorial

  22. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I'm not going to even read her "blather, rinse, repeat" crap.

    Listen HERE, miss (yes, you haven't been married for a long time) drug-addled, money-loving, race-baiting POS non-xtian bitch: You are the LAST person to talk about Jesus. You think faux politicians,or rabble rousers as YOU, are exempt from what's coming to you?

    Yeah yeah, your PAC will buy 'em up like they did before so it makes the bestseller list. Welcome to Dollar Tree for where it's really going so "rill" Americans can burn it for heat this winter.

  23. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Not only will this book be shallow it will be full of lies. The fact-check will be as long as your arm; mark my words.

  24. Anonymous6:17 PM

    She pays her consultants how much to dig up tripe like this?

  25. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I'm trying to imagine what the Pilgrims would think of this if they had known that a few centuries after they landed at Plymouth some of their descendants would prevent people from engraving the name of Jesus on a headstone!

    Well, since the Pilgrims at Ply,mouth didn't tolerate any religions but their own, they'd probably be fine with the concept,

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM

      What would she think of the early Quakers, quite religious in their our way, who frequently didn't want any grave markers at all? Unless you have the documents from the local Friends Meeting, it can be very difficult to guess where your ancestors are. I suspect that the Pilgrims did not like the idea of fancy grave markers either; good grief, they didn't even believe in celebrating Christmas. Has anyone told Sarah that?

  26. Anonymous6:47 PM

    So I went to the Fox News story:

    The family went to the City Manager and asked them to override the Cemetery manager's decision. Then they say “He refused to work with us,” she said. “He said he would have to take it to the city attorney.?

    This is supposed to indicate the unwillingness of the City Manager?

    I work for a small city government, and Palin, having been a mayor herself, should know just as well as I do that, yeah, that was the right response for the City Manager - consult the City Attorney to see if the municipal code allowed him to consider doing as they request.

    You know why? Because the laws are the laws and city officials are reluctant to break them, waive them, or disregard them without getting an opinion from the City Attorney. It's how you do business in a city government.

    The former mayor and city-council person of Wasilla should should surely know that, unless she was asleep the whole time she was there.

    1. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Sarah's priorities were
      1. Spending $50 of unauthorized city money to redecorate her office and

      2. To get that goddam building built NOW before we secure the deeds and have the surveys done properly so Todd could hurry up and steal the building materials that Spenard delivered to Denali; along with the labor that was contracted out that did the work on Palin's house but was padded to the $20M conv ctr project.

      Thanks Wasilla, for fucking over the little taxpayers. But we got ours, and that's what's most important. ---Sarah & Todd

    2. Anonymous7:54 PM

      No.she just does as she pleases until the courts tell her she can't.

    3. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Re 7:40 PM

      Sorry about the brain fart. It was $50K, not just $50 that Sarah misappropriated. She barely dodged a recall. More like a village riot since she had been elected with less than 1000 votes.

  27. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Sorry, $arah, Paula Deen is back on TV for free to push your racist, heart-attack laden recipes in the glory of God. And she's free. You're just easy like your daughters.

  28. Anita Winecooler6:49 PM

    Voo Doo Muthee, Line three, calling for Sarah to "Make a way" . The BEST way to market your new, ahem, novella, is to wait for the "Someone stole baby Jesus" right off my lawn, in broad daylight. Those RILLY get the troops fired up.
    Rev Muthee, your voodoo priest wient chasing witches and casting voodoo spells on the dead before "blessing" you into losing the election BIG TIME.
    I have no problem with religious symbolism. I just don't like it on public cemeteries. If people want to engrave something, do yourselves a huge service, simply ask what the rules are for the cemeterny. FWIW, our fredom loving founding fathers came here to escape religion mixed with Government.

    That photo's a trip down memory lane. Even Sarah had Bristol's old chin in that one. The flag and cross props are perfect accessories for Baldy.

  29. John Hancock6:59 PM

    Imagine Sarah trying to talk with John Winthrop or Benjamin Franklin or Thomas Jefferson or George Washington or John Adams or Alexander Hamilton or Abigail Adams or ....

    She would have nothing to say to them, and they would ignore her, as the ignoramus that she is.

    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      They'd certainly think that she was a washing girl or kitchen girl that had gone crazy.

  30. Anonymous7:01 PM


    "He also dismissed President Obama’s authority: “Obama is not a president,” he said. “He is nothing but a communist trying to usurp his power and bring us under the United Nations banner.”"

  31. Anonymous7:29 PM

    squaredcirclecubedUErin Gloria Ryan1L

    A guy I went to high school with here in Juneau is now dating her daughter Bristol. We were never good friends, but had a ton in common and hung out a few times. He's a "pro snowmobile rider", and I only put that in parenthesis because he has been to prison in the past for selling Cocaine, and from what I hear from mutual friends still does. It was pretty funny to see his picture on gossip websites! Today 6:07p

    1. Anonymous4:50 AM

      Is he Sarah and Todd's supplier? Track is a good prospect. That Palin Klan is saturated with Criminals.

  32. Anonymous7:58 PM

    She puts this nonsense on her FB page, so her minions can delete the posts denouncing her "story" as the utter rubbish it is.

    The City of Sterling told the family that they could have the ichthys (Jesus fish) or the word "Jesus", but not an ichthys with the word "Jesus" inside it. Not sure why, but since it's a public cemetery, they probably only have so many religious doohickeys they can chisel into grave marker... but, whatever.

    The City reconsidered or caved in to shut up the grieving family, who is probably still in the Anger Stage of their grief, and thus flailing their arms about anything that pisses them off (been there, done that myself).

    And all was settled, and there is no anti-Jesus cemetery in this story, and it has nothing to do with Pilgrims or Paul Revere warning the British that Obama the Antichrist has risen, or even Big Gulps.

    IT'S A NON-STORY. Except...

    Some grifter could use it to sell copies of her sad little book about a fictitious "war" on Christmas.

    For crying out loud... I went to Sam's Club yesterday and they had Christmas trees and Christmas ornaments and manger scenes... and it's not even Halloween yet.

    If there is truly a "War on Christmas", someone forgot to tell the entire freakin' nation.

    Didn't see any menorahs, though. No Kwanzaa stuff either. Just Christmas stuff... oh, and Halloween candy.

  33. Why Is the insufferable bitch clown using President Obama's initial/symbol on her stupid cheesy pamphlet cover?

  34. Anonymous8:56 PM

    That grifting bitch wouldn't know God if she looked right at him! She just worships the almighty dollar!

  35. Anonymous11:43 PM

    The key words are "city cemetery." Bury the woman in the church graveyard where her husband is the pastor. Case solved. In order to hype her book, Sarah's "consultants" will search for stories where a religious symbol was not allowed to be displayed on public, tax supported places.

  36. SO Mature3:10 AM

    Tee Hee: "Sarah Blows..."

  37. Anonymous4:30 AM

    It was a Jewish cemetery!

  38. Anonymous5:01 AM

    At what point in her life has Sarah Palin ever read or, more importantly, understood a word of the New Testament. She is no more "Christian" than an amoeba is.

  39. Chenagrrl5:12 AM

    As always, the situation is more complex than reported. The news gathering on the situation is very weak so it is not clear who is doing the engraving and whether it is a technical or policy issue. My best guess is that the incident was badly reported without comment from city officials and bureaucrats went into hibernation on it and came out holding hands.

    However, the family unwisely wasted no time in firing up the situation by saying the city felt the name Jesus would be offensive to some, but then undercut the argument by saying there are scriptures on other stones. And of course this happened in a graveyard in Sterling, Colo. Not, sigh, all of Colorado. The world is better off without Sister Sarry as a reporter.

  40. Anonymous5:51 AM

    One wonders why Hell will be so full and then you run across blogs like this and then you understand completely the Spiritual Blindness taking place among the people of today. Clearly you should comprehend that Islam is a political tool posing as a religious group whose sole purpose is to conquer and destroy. These people have freedom of religion here in America even though America is not an Islamic Nation.

    1. Anonymous6:42 AM

      How do you know how full Hell will be? How do you know if there is a Hell? Fairy tales create voices in your head?

    2. Anonymous10:30 AM

      DAYUM that Kenyan Marxist Muslim Lover sitting the Oval Office playing 3-D chess while the rest playTiddlywinks! Don the tin foil hats! STAT!

  41. Anonymous10:55 AM

    The photo of SP above- reminds me of this quote I stumbled upon:

    When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. - Sinclair Lewis

  42. thanks for this post on affordable grave markers. I can simply say that Sarah is out of her mind


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