Monday, October 14, 2013

Sarah Palin blames the looming debt default on the President, and then says if he does anything on his own to solve it he will be impeached, and if he does nothing, he will be impeached.

Phony hair, phony patriotism, and phony Facebook posts. About sums her up.
Courtesy of the Painfully Puerile Political Pinhead's ghostwritten Facebook page:

Obama’s Debt Default is on His Shoulders While We Shoulder His Impeachable Offenses 

Apparently the president thinks he can furlough reality when talking about the debt limit. To suggest that raising the debt limit doesn’t incur more debt is laughably absurd. ( It does NOT directly incur more debt. Only allows the debt already owed to be paid on time. Moron!) The very reason why you raise the debt limit is so that you can incur more debt. Otherwise what’s the point? (The point is to pay your bills on time and not default, which would send the message to the world that America is not trustworthy to do business with. Does she not remember what happened in 2011 when we DID eventually raise the debt ceiling but the argument leading up to it resulted in the lowering of our credit rating for the first time in the country's history?)

It’s also shameful to see him scaremongering the markets with his talk of default. There is no way we can default if we follow the Constitution. The Fourteenth Amendment, Section 4, requires that we service our debt first. We currently collect more than enough tax revenue to service our debt if we do that first. (No that is called "Prioritizing" and in this case it is essentially unworkable:"The U.S. government’s payment system is sprawling. It involves multiple agencies. It involves multiple interacting computer systems. And all of them are designed for only one thing: To pay all bills on time. The technological challenge of trying to adapt that to some other system would be very daunting, and I suspect that if we were forced into a mode like that the results would be riddled with all kinds of errors.") However, we don’t have enough money to continue to finance our ever-growing federal government (with our $17 trillion dollar national debt that has increased over 50% since Obama took office). That’s why President Obama wants to increase the debt limit. He doesn’t want to make the tough decisions to rein in government spending. So, he’s scaremongering the markets about default, just as he tries to scaremonger our senior citizens about their Social Security, which, by the way, is funded by the Social Security Trust Fund and is solvent through 2038. (Might be a good place to mention that Ronald Reagan raised the debt Ceiling 18 times, more than any other President. Was he also "scaremongering?")

It’s time for the president to be honest with the American people for a change. Defaulting on our national debt is an impeachable offense, and any attempt by President Obama to unilaterally raise the debt limit without Congress is also an impeachable offense. A default would also be a shameful lack of leadership, just as mindlessly increasing our debt without trying to rein in spending is a betrayal of our children and grandchildren who will be stuck with the bill. 

- Sarah Palin 

So to be clear, in Palin's stunted and ill informed point of view, the President is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't. Apparently Palin's only solution is for the President to surrender his presidency and hand it over to the Tea Party.

Go ahead bitch, hold your breath.

The possibility of this President being impeached for the political malpractice demonstrated by the Republican party is an outlandish fantasy dreamed up by a band of politic sore losers who simply cannot accept that they lost, and the President and the American people won.

Every day the Republicans lose ground in the polls, and every day the President looks more and more like the only adult in the room.

And don't forget, HE is not up for reelection ever again. The same cannot be said for those who are actively trying to destroy the full faith and credit of the United States of America. 


  1. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Don't you just love it? Idiot Gohmert is all over the news with his idiotic statement about debt default and impeeching Obama. This this blithering nutbag repeats the same stupidity. Damn, she just dosen't learn.

    1. Louie Gohmert - Winner and still champ: Lowest IQ in Congress.

    2. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Sarah Palin: lowest IQ and lowest moral code outside of Congress

  2. Anonymous2:09 PM

    I just came to post this story...she is DESPICABLE.

  3. from P M CARPENTER:

    The rally's speakers were
    a Who's Who of rising troglodytes and
    fading publicity whores.

    The reptilian Ted Cruz was there, of course,
    crying his crocodile tears at the pre-announced effects
    of the shutdown he himself propelled;

    and naturally no gathering of world-class imbeciles
    would be complete without
    the ineffably vulgar Sarah Palin.

    - See more at:

  4. Anonymous2:18 PM

    McCain joined Republicans in the Senate today trying to work out a deal. Did Baldy's sedition yesterday finally push him to act? He can never make up for bringing her into our lives, but unlike those troglodytes (great word) at the White House yesterday he actually is an honorably decorated veteran. Maybe even McCain has finally had enough of those America-haters.

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      I won't forgive McCain until he releases all that he knows about the Palins. She is a rabid dog and he needs to undo what he did.... Get her OUT of the GOP and Cruz too.

    2. Anonymous3:17 PM

      We can’t get lower in the polls. We’re down to blood relatives and paid staffers now,” said Senator John McCain on CBS’s Face the Nation.

    3. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Blood Relatives in Palin speak means Daddy, is Grandaddy is also too Uncle and sometimes Brother.

    4. Anonymous4:54 PM

      He may have been 'honorably decorated' but it was more like a fix. He flunked out all along but had family to cover up and buy him out of his mistakes and crimes. Too bad he made it to the Keating Five debacle, had he not snaked out of that one he would not have been available to ruin the country with the likes of Palin. A mistake he will never admit or make up.

    5. Twice a year McCain pretends to be sane - but it never lasts. He likes to make himself the story by being "different" - he is a maverick - doncha know

    6. Anita Winecooler7:39 PM

      McCain opened Pandora's box and unleashed this pariah on our nation. "America First", my ass. The one thing he did that was right was trading Sarah for Miss Lindsey.

    7. Anonymous2:39 AM

      honorable? INO

    8. Anonymous3:00 AM

      4:54 Right on! Anyone who thinks McCain is an "honorable man" really should google the Matt Taiibi article about him from Rolling Stone. McCain is a little fraud, maybe that is what he likes about the Skank?

  5. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Sarah Palin is sliding further down the toilet. She is frothing at the (Herpes infected) Mouth for attention from President Obama.
    She is Undeserving of his attention, and is a Loser.

  6. Anonymous2:22 PM

    She has been let loose and it won't end well for her or anyone stupid enough to be seen with her.

  7. Oliver Wendell Holmes2:25 PM

    "In October 2010, prior to the elections in which Republicans won control of the House, Jonathan Chait published an article in The New Republic called "Scandal TBD" where he predicted that if Republicans were to win control of the House, and Barack Obama were to win re-election in 2012, the Republicans would try to impeach Obama and use any reason possible as pretext.[3]" -- from wikipedia

    So, the troglodytes have learned to love the word "impeach," as though less than a year ago our President was just re-elected with a resounding majority.
    They are trying to put the brakes on the government-- and the country -- until 2016.
    The House can fluster all it wants to about "high crimes and misdemeanors" (LOL), but the Senate will never vote him out of office.
    Sarah's just too stupid for words. She's stopped using the offensive "Obama" and begun using his title, but she still can't make herself capitalize the "President."

    The thugs lost the Presidency, twice. They lost the Supreme Court, twice. Only a minority of the thugs hold the House hostage. Yet they're waving their Confederate flags and acting as though they, not we, were violating the law. These GOP House members are not upholding the oath they took to uphold the Constitution.

  8. Anonymous2:27 PM

    BWAHAHAHAHA, The Roadkill on top of Baldy Palin's Bald Spot looks like a wind blown Beaver's Pelt. The Batshit Crazy Skank has no shame. She is nothing more than a Bad Joke.

  9. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I can see Sarah's receding hairline from here!

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Wow, that wig is really pulled back far! Tightened the elastic have we?

      Do you think Sarah has alopecia? Me thinks that she does.

    2. Sympton of meth use?

    3. Anonymous4:56 PM

      It is meth use.

    4. Anonymous6:36 PM

      cancer... we know she is one on the country, but could she have it?

    5. Anonymous7:15 PM

      Anonymous6:36 PM

      cancer... we know she is one on the country, but could she have it?
      She is a meth head! doncha think if she had cancer she would be griftin'? I wish she did tho, never wish on anyone but someone as evil as her...KARMA!

    6. Anita Winecooler7:43 PM

      That dead roadkill needs that parasitic hemorrhoid removed. Hey Baldy, Obamcare covers that, just sayin'

  10. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I am more and more convinced that between her experiences with Creepy Chuck and Glenn Rice, some bad things happened and Mrs. Palin suffers from a deep, deep seated fear/hatred/shame/anger towards men in general and Black men in particular. The way she dresses. The constant vulgar references to men's genitals. The repeated talk about Track and his friends "inked, warrior bodies." The irrational madness she shows toward the President. This is a sick woman who should be in intensive therapy and not running around in low rider jeans and balloon breasts. I know she's the family's gravy train but someone in that dysfunctional friends and family circle needs to put a stop to this.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      She is one horribly evil woman that hell awaits! I hope her security is good cuz Toad w/the little dick isn't going to be able to protect her!

    2. Exactly. She is a sick, sick, woman, and she is letting her rage against men define her. Unfortunately, because John McCain gave her a national platform (she would never have achieved national attention otherwise) she is poisoning and damaging the national conversation. If she can destroy the Obama Presidency, she won't care if she destroys this country.

    3. Anonymous4:54 PM

      She's so stupid that her vagina isn't even attached to her brain. She probably really believes that she gave birth to her daughter's kid

    4. Sarah hates that she lost an election - she truly thought the Lord was opening all those doors - but Barack Obama slammed that door in her face - she would have equally hated Hillary if she had been the one to win in 2008

    5. Anonymous2:42 AM

      That's the thing. She IS so sick that she now does believe it.

    6. Anonymous3:08 AM

      Nobody in the family will step in. They are waiting for her to croak, hoping it will be BEFORE all the money she grifted is gone. She is the Kim Kardasian of politics, a low-rated porn actress with zero talent who has fooled a small group of people into thinking she is "somebody" $carah is a scarecrow right now, with a screeching voice. Nothing of value to offer anyone, unless we appreciate her kiss of death to all the gop/tp'ers she endorses who eventually fade into the woodwork.

  11. Anonymous2:30 PM


    She will be on tonight with Greta, to talk abt her shameful stunts with Ted etc.

  12. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Cruz must have taken his dick out of her mouth.

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      lol, that reminds me of a movie with Danny DeVito. He answers the phone (we'll use sarah just for grins) caller asks for sarah and he replies, "sarah can't talk now, she has my dick in her mouth"....

    2. Anonymous4:19 PM

      So, in this case, who gets the STD?

  13. Anonymous2:32 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Anonymous2:32 PM

    She is an imbecile.

  15. Anonymous2:33 PM

    what a dumfuk, she better crack the whip on those FB mods who are supposed to be deleting anti-sarah comments..every time I look there are new ones tearing her a new one. is she really so delusional that having a vet practically scream "you're an idiot" in her botoxed face, comments coming fast & furious about what an idiot she is and the media writing & talking about what an idiot she is don't sink in? she truly is mentally ill if she never reflects as to why she is so hated and laughed at by so many...

  16. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Her supposed son Trig is 20 times smarter than she is. What a dolt. And she is a traitor to the USA.

  17. Anonymous2:34 PM

    A Trojan horse full of dung.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:47 PM

      Don't tempt her!

  18. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I'm begging you----IGNORE HER! She will amp up the crazy when she is ignored. DO NOT GIVE HER ANY ADDITIONAL PUBLICITY. Please.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      I agree with you..

    2. Anonymous4:07 PM

      I agree also, too! She thrives on the publicity.

    3. "Ignore her" is not a choice.
      Her sycophants won't ignore her. Her handlers will continue to parade her. The rest of us must push back to make clear that we want sanity, not delusion, wisdom, not ignorance, and compassion, not hatred in our country.

    4. Anonymous5:46 PM

      As if ignoring Senator Joe McCarthy worked well.

    5. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Agree with Liz I.4:29 PM

      Sarah would like certain people to ignore her.

    6. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Don't kid your self. there is some serious $$$ being paid to the bitch to ramp it up..The more hate she spews the more $$..It's not ging to end well for the idiot''

  19. Anonymous2:39 PM

    If only O'Barry had had the civility and basic decency to invited her in for a chat over mooseburgers and some Red Bulls. But he just couldn't, 'cuz of how much that elitist kenyanazicommiemuslim hates rill 'mericans.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Yes, please invite them over to eat some questionable "wild caught" meat from an inbred couple that don't even ever seem to take a shower.

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM

      instead President Obama should order the investigation of her and her pimp to be made public for the world to see. Take her down once and for all President Obama

    3. Anonymous6:30 PM

      The president shouldn't waste his time (besides, that's exactly what she wants).

      There are plenty of people out there who know the truth. They need to speak up.

    4. ANYONE who calls the President Barry - or a variation of same is a friend of Sarah Palin - please don't use that terminology when referencing the President - even if you think you are doing Sarah speak

    5. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Anonymous2:39 PM

      If only O'Barry had had the civility and basic decency to invited her in for a chat over mooseburgers and some Red Bulls. But he just couldn't, 'cuz of how much that elitist kenyanazicommiemuslim hates rill ****
      I hope that's snark b/c your a real A$$HOLE! Prob willow! Fuck off KLOWN!

    6. Anita Winecooler7:53 PM

      The Palins invited to President Obama's place for dinner? LOL When donkeys fly!

    7. Anonymous6:23 PM

      2:39 PM Palin Home-Schooled? You Palins are an embarrassment to Alaskans with your Uneducated Rants.

  20. Anonymous2:47 PM

    This is sobering. Andrew Sullivan on the right wing hysteria that mounted, quite literally, 50 years ago. Includes the flyer posted around Dallas the day before the assassination of Pres Kennedy.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Yes, I just finished reading "Dallas: 1963" which brings all this alive again. I feel like we are repeating the hate today - and this is truly scary!

    2. Sullivan is racist - he attacks the President as often as he supports him, he supports faux research on black vs white "intelligence" - his 5 minutes came when calling out Palin - it has long gone

    3. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Isn't it "weird" that a few RW bloggers like Sully and GF have turned?
      Stopped drinking the koolaid?

    4. 1smartcanerican@5.23p - you're so right about "Dallas 1963". Go over to Amazon; mine is the top review of the book and I said much the same thing you're saying. Scary, really scary.

    5. Anonymous8:27 PM


      I do believe that is called 'trolling'...try it some where else, why dontcha?

      And, 7:30...Andrew Sullivan has not been 'right-wing' since about Bob Dole...he is a gay conservative Catholic...try pigeon-holing him and you will totally fail!


  21. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Fox’s Ed Henry Explains His White House Press Briefing Walkout

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Who cares? The less we see of him, the better.

    2. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Unless he said it was because he's a whiny baby, he's lying.

    3. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Well he could admit that all the shit he's been spewing at FAUX wanted out NOW!!!!

    4. Temper trantrum - that he tries to deny - he is paid to be there and LISTEN - he prefers to talk - should be fired

    5. Anita Winecooler8:01 PM

      HA HA HA!! He had a deadline to appear on "The Five" and post a piece for another show. Then, the delusional idiot says:
      "Ultimately, he said, at the next White House briefing, he would anticipate that Carney will call on him for a question or two."

      Oh no he won't. You betcha!

  22. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I just saw my first news clip of the Tea Party mob at the gates of the White House. Crikey! They are actually pushing , shoving, the security police, calling them thugs from Kenya!

    That's a very scary exhibition of mob violence. All it would have taken to make it turn deadly is one nut with a gun.

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      And what familiar skank was right in the middle of the mob? I hope that she someday is the recipient of the same mob lunacy that she recklessly promotes.

    2. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Their stupidity makes them angry.

  23. Anonymous3:02 PM

    The media (and Huffington Post especially!) need to stop giving the 'idiot' coverage. All she does is spread hatred and evil.

    Various parts of the media live on the hate issue and ratings! I'm a senior and have never seen anything like this in my life.

    Thank you, President Obama for being the outstanding POTUS that you are! We are so damned fortunate in having had you elected TWICE and to have done such a good job w/foreign policy.

    John McCain and Mitt Romney would never have done as well. And, had either of them been elected, we would have been in another war even though the USA cannot/could not afford it!

    IGNORE Sarah Palin folks!

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      THIS: 'All she does is spread hatred and evil.'

      I disagree with your conclusion Anon 3:02. In the last year or so, I had come to believe she was finally fading off the political scene. It gave me a sense of relief and hope.

      But I now see her resurgence and believe that she is dangerous; very dangerous. Whomever, whatever is paying for and pulling her puppet strings is very very clever...they used her to create and are now tapping the zeitgeist.

      I agree that we need to not allow her to create fear in us; and, as I mentioned a few days back, love is what displaces fear. I have tried and tried and tried to find a way to embrace the human, Ms date I have failed. She repels me.

      Many of us report that...we cannot tolerate her voice or visage for more than 15 or 20 seconds; yet we have neighbors and family who, quite literally, adore her.

      Something is very not right with this picture.


    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      I thought after the Gabby Giffords/Tucson shootings that Sarah instigated she would go away in humiliation.

      I was wrong, and as we have seen, Sarah is very dangerous. Law Enforcement will have to stop her now.

    3. very wise observation.... thanks

    4. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Law Enforcement will have to stop her now.

      Too bad those that could have stopped her refuse. They are too terrified of the Palin power it seems. They didn't stop her out of fear and they can't do it now. She is invincible and we know who to thank.

    5. @4.09 - it is not her family and neighbors who adore her - it is worshipers from afar - taken in by a wink and a RNC supplied wardrobe

    6. Anonymous8:30 PM

      at TS 7:21...OUR family and neighbors is what is stated at 4:09.

    7. Anonymous8:33 PM

      She had SEVERAL things against her that caused her to "resign" aka quit.
      Serious things.
      I think she is a NARC working with FEDS like William Fulton and will take down all her followers. That's why her and Todd are allowed to get away with their shit.

  24. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Republicans have wanted to impeach this president since the moment that he took office. They have claimed that everything that this president has done is an impeachable offense, but even the most basic understanding of the constitutional separation of powers makes it clear that President Obama can’t be impeached for default. Article I Sec.8 of the Constitution gives the power of the purse to Congress. This means if Congress does not pay our bills, that will be violating the Constitution.

    If President Obama tried to raise taxes or borrow money on his own to pay our debts, he would be violating the Constitution. Congress has to pay the bills. What Rep. Gohmert is suggesting is that President Obama should be impeached because House Republicans have violated the Constitution.

  25. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Scarah and Greta together tonite; what a duo.
    What did Greta look like before plastic surgery? Yikes!

    1. A lot better than now. Last time I saw her (a ridiculing clip on Stewart, Colbert, whomever) she looked like an audition for "Catwoman." I was embarrassed for her.

    2. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Uhm, the original cat woman was Eartha Kitt - a true exotic beauty - and that VOICE!

      Then Julie Newmar...

      Then Michel Phillips...

      Greta looks more like Ratwoman.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:09 PM

      I used to not make fun of mush mouth because I thought she had a stroke or something, but she wanted to look "hot" for the "fella's", so she got a face lift, and a nerve was severed. I saw her before the surgery on CNN, and she looked perfectly fine, bordering on pretty.
      Kind of like what happened with Chinzilla. Bristol was kind of naturally cute before the chin.

      The damage some people do when they feel they're not pretty enough to catch a "fella", kind of sad, really.

    4. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Anon @6:48 PM


  26. Anonymous3:11 PM

    She is so predictable... just more parroting of whatever is bouncing about in the extreme right wing echo chamber.

  27. Anonymous3:13 PM

    What the fuck happened to her face?!?!?!?

    1. Anonymous4:08 PM

      She is evolving into Sally Heath. Obviously she hates her Mother's looks, hence all of the plastic surgery and botox.

    2. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Ever hear of Dorian Gray?

  28. Anonymous3:13 PM

    She got caught writing on her hand again too, during a rally for NJ Senator Steve Lonegan. Wrote "Leader not tweeter" - couldn't even remember that !

    Pictures and story here:

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Sarah always has to have a gimmick, a prop. She couldn't think of anything new this time so she recycled one of her old props.

  29. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Got this letter in my email today:

    October 14, 2013
    Dear "My name"
    The scene in our nation’s Capital took an ugly turn yesterday.
    About 200 people, including Senator Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin, held a rally, promoting themselves as the true friends of our nation’s veterans. It was typical political theater — at least until one speaker urged the President to “put the Quran down” and others later waved the Confederate flag in front of the White House.
    Harmless political theater still? Perhaps, but I worry.
    Like the claim that President Obama wasn’t born in this country, the attempt to vilify him as a supposed Muslim is part of a long-running effort to suggest that he’s not a true American. It’s the kind of thing that’s fueled a meteoric rise in the number of radical antigovernment groups — including armed militias — in recent years. Frankly, it’s a dangerous trend.
    It’s our job to track the rise in radical antigovernment groups and alert the country to the growing threat of violence from the far right. It’s everyone’s job to convince those in public life to tone down the divisive rhetoric. Sometimes political theater can go too far. Please join us in speaking out against the extremists.
    Morris Dees
    Founder, Southern Poverty Law Center
    Make a contribution to support our work fighting hate, teaching tolerance, and seeking justice.

    (I donate to SPLC. Just little bits here and there, when I can.)

    1. I got that letter as well, and this is a great organization to send your donations to. I highly recommend that you read Morris Dees' autobiography if you get a chance. A dynamic force for good, and it's all thanks to him!

  30. Randall3:32 PM

    She really doesn't understand what the debt ceiling is, does she?

    It is frightening to think that she could have been a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:15 PM

      Six Years of College down the drain. She doesn't understand "The Cat in The Hat", but she knows "Hop on Pop" by heart. Go Figure!!

    2. Anonymous2:50 AM


  31. Charles Pierce has an epic takedown of this bunch:

    1. Kathy in Blue Bell4:29 PM

      Charlie Pierce is a national treasure. Here is the best quote of the piece-
      "To see Princess Dumbass there, one hand on her heart while the other one very likely was picking pockets, attempting to wrap herself in the sacrifice of so many people, living and dead, when the hardest thing she's ever done in her life is quit her job halfway through doing it, is to see a kind of ghastly kind of historical vampirism. It takes a special lack of conscience to grift the graves of the honored dead. It's enough to make you root very hard for the Curse Of The Pharaohs."

      Highly recommend reading this piece in full and bookmarking this site.

      Read more: Republicans Using WWII Vets For Political Agenda - The Grave Robbers In Washington - Esquire
      Follow us: @Esquiremag on Twitter | Esquire on Facebook
      Visit us at

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      He's usually a guest on Stephanie Miller's radio show on Tuesdays. Tomorrow should be fun. Highly recommended. KTLK streaming, 9 am EST

    3. Anonymous8:27 AM

      And this comment from that post=

      "Everyone knows that being able to visit monuments is infinitely more important that actually having your illnesses from the war you fought in taken care of or making sure you have some dignity in how you live in retirement (assuming you actually can retire). "

      EXCELLENT comments from the true vets of this country.

  32. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I just finished Christian Nation, the story of a post-Prez Palin dystopian USA. It is the most terrifying book I've ever read. I just gave my husband a few pre-reading links like the Pat Robertson/Cruz interview and SP's Facebook thread on her new Christmas book, and he's ready to dive in.

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      I'm trying so hard to plow through it but I know I'm going to fail; I can't suspend disbelief long enough. Or at all.

      I did like the way the author called Palin's administration "rude, devious and intemperate" and that is so like her, she's crude and sneaky and has boundary issues.

    2. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Religion requires stupidity. 20% of this nation is dumb and religious. Most of them are above age 60, they are going away soon and we will have peace. The leftovers we will either assimilate or starve into submission. There will be no religious stupid people by 2050. The new world has no place for them and they will soon realize this.

  33. Anonymous4:34 PM


    It's not a stretch too speculate this word was the reason Palin expressed desperation at the idea of going back to AK after losing the 2008 election. The AK legislature let her off the hook and did a dis-service to the entire country by not reconciling the two Troopergate investigations and uncovering her perjury to the PB.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Not to mention allowing her husband to ignore a SUBPOENA and get away with using government email and making government decisions in his non-government role of husband of the faux Governor. And they probbly should have been arrested in Wasilla for misuse of government funds over her ice arena and subsequent homebuilding scheme. These two are evil, greedy, and sick.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:21 PM

      Can you imagine how torturous it must feel for her to actually see the White House that, in her head, she should have been in herself?
      Add to the fact, the man she railed against, the man who got under her skin just by being elected TWICE now calls it his "residence".

      Poor Sarah, she had bordello drapes, pink flamingos, and several trampolines already picked out..... but God didn't let the wrong people win!

      Poor Sarah, always a grandma, never mother of the bride. Boo Hoo.

    3. Anonymous2:51 AM

      There is still time Alaskan people. Tell what you know. Redeem yourselves.

    4. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Sarah couldn't make it to the While House legitimately so she storms the gate and throw stones.

      Grow up Sarah.

  34. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Has there ever been, in the entire history of our country, a former losing presidential or V.P. candidate as crude, resentful, revengeful, and destructive as Sarah Palin?

    1. Anonymous2:52 AM

      But the again, she is extremely mentally ill, so there is that.

  35. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Martin Basir, Ed Schultz and others are doing a good job of calling the quitter from Alaska out. That spiel about exploiting veterans crossed a line. Who is one of the most exploited vets of the decade?

    During her infamy on the national stage, when did she not exploit a vet?,,20228638,00.html

    "He will operate an armored eight-wheeled, 19-ton vehicle called a Stryker and serve as security for brigade leaders." If you believe that one we have a bridge for ya, also too.

  36. Anonymous4:59 PM

    People. It is now time to whip out all the damaging evidence on all the palins and heathens that is available and even the chit that she made people be quiet about by gag order. That woman is mentally sick and evil. Time to bury her once and for all. Spread it all over the internet, send to the media. NO MERCY. LET HER HAVE IT.

  37. Anonymous5:08 PM

    If I saw that woman on that dark empty desert road dying of thirst.....I would kick her azz and let her die of thirst. She is the most toxic person in this country. Don't know? With that strap on bra does it also serve as a bullet proof vest? And the wig? is that bullet proof too?

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      On good thing to come out of the south, is this saying:
      I wouldn't giver her a glass of piss to take a pill.

      about sums up my feelings on $carah Palin

    2. Anita Winecooler8:22 PM

      Y'all are being way too kind,

    3. I would ask her if she would like another piece of delish moose cheek while she is hacking and gasping for air.

  38. Anonymous5:15 PM

    She will disappear soon because she will have this massive flare up of HERPES. That slut is so nasty she drips with pus

  39. Anonymous5:16 PM

    she is even lower than DICK CHANEY. The most hated woman in America.

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Bristol is in Arizona with her sons Trig and Tripp and Mrs. Palin is headed there today to spend the winter away from the cold Alaska winter. There's no money for her here and she's always been too weak for the cold. Todd is here and he has a woman to keep him warm for the winter. It's an arrangement and it seems to work for them.

    2. Anonymous6:47 PM

      5:51 PM What happened to Trig's School attendance, is School out for the winter? Has 6 year old losing his baby teeth Tripp started School yet? He will be 7 years old in Kindergarten.

    3. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Did Bristol give birth already? Or will it be a birthday present?

      Who is watching Track and his friends at the hangar? Only little Piper?

      How is her basketball coming along? Has Bristol been keeping one and all up to date on the Nancy Blog? Are her children still the cutest? Can't wait to play the game of when was that old picture taken.

    4. Anonymous2:53 AM

      It is an old picture.

  40. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Sarah Palin still thinks she can spin a tale and sucker the masses. And why not? She sold the story of Trig's birth for a fortune. And it doesn't matter to her that when her tale makes no sense to a normal person. Because Sarah Palin is a sociopath.

    Sarah Palin BOASTS of boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak for a premature Down Syndrome baby without a medical check when she was high risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriages) and by-passing neonatal intensive care equipped hospitals to supposedly be induced to give birth in a small regional hospital not even rated to handle twins.

    When you've sold a story that insane for a vice-presidential run and millions in PAC donations, you have no problem cooking up a cock-a-mammy theory about the national debt ceiling.

  41. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Sarah Palin has not been afraid to emphasize that her oldest son Track has joined the Army and will soon be sent to Iraq.
    Is there any proof that Track made it to Iraq or that he was there for a year? They lied about
    'Pfc. Track Palin has been promoted from driver to an "air guard" position in one of the rear hatches of the Stryker vehicle.'

    Col. Burt Thompson walked back what he claimed about Track Palin but where is that statement now? It looks like Palin was promoted from the job he never had. I am real curious if Palin as much as made it to Iraq. If he did, in what capacity and where? Why are his "warrior" stories top secret? What is the truth about the vet Sarah Palin exploits? Now it has come down to his "buff warrior body".

  42. Anonymous6:05 PM

    So Sarah Palin wants to downsize the Government like she downsizes her chest from event to event? How is Tri-g in Arizona for the winter? What happened to his Photo Op 1st day of school? Has he dropped out already?

  43. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Track has to Battle his Drug Demons. That is what she means by Warrior Body.

  44. Anonymous6:10 PM

    how I hate these people! They are treasonous bastards, the lot of them. Lock Larry Klayman (klansman) up with that pregnancy faking bitch Palin and Ted Cruz and Mike Lee so these fucking narcissists can drive each other insane trying to get another narcissist to worship them as they worship themselves.

  45. LOL . we've found out that the House made up their own little rule that prevents anybody but Cantor to put a Bill on the floor. They did this on the Sept. 30th, so, not only are the GOP responsible for the Shutdown, they wanted it it to happen. Kind of makes Sarah look like the skanky ass that she, is by trying to blame Obama for all of the GOP crap, at that Faux, "Tear down the barriers" show.
    BTW Sarah, ain't no way that Senate will impeach the President but, hey, if that's how you get off, keep dreaming.

  46. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Ted Cruz's former college roommate said Cruz was stink. Cruz & Princess Dumbass do have a lot in common, they both smell like shit.

    Ted Cruz Was a Smelly, Terrible Roommate

    1. Anonymous9:21 PM

      "When Ted Cruz was my roommate, he'd endlessly hit the snooze button. I asked him to stop. He wouldn't. So I Krazy-glued it."

      If only we could stop him that easily now!

    2. Anonymous3:28 AM

      9:21 That makes him PERFECT for the gop/tp. A lazy slacker who will sell his soul for $$$, just like the Wasilla Whore. (The older one, not Bristles or Wallow)

  47. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Where do we start with taking apart the stoopid bitch's (that's YOU $carah) ghostwritten screed? This looks like a likely spot

    "$17 trillion dollar national debt that has increased over 50% since Obama took office)."

    Well,look at this:

    You see $toopid$carah, it's like this, imagine that you divorced the Toad, but before you divorced him,he hadn't held a real job in years,but continued to charge pricey sno-mo equipment and questionable motel rooms to your joint credit card,actually maxed them out, and only paid the minimum. In the settlement, the debt is yours. And after the divorce you remarry (not that you could find anyone stoopid or desperate enough to do so, but this is just a hypothetical-look it up.) Anyway, Pursecarrier II says it is YOUR fault that the credit cardbill continues to rise. You (if you were smart,but you're not) point out that nothing new has been charged to the card, it is interest that is causing it to rise, plus running necessary and recurring bills through the card like gas fro transportation, food and utility bills.

    He accepts that, but says OK, we'll pay off the interest and old debt, but no new debt. No heat, food, light or (horrors!!!) Crackberry service.

    "But, but...." you whine (for once rightly so,at least on the food.)

    Just then, little Trig walks into the room, at age 7 still unable to speak. You finally realize you really need to get him some therapy.

    "Of course NOT," says PCII, not until we pay off that debt.

    In comes Piper, all enthused about college,or(well she is a Palin)CDL "trucker" school.

    "Hey, Sarah," can you pay for me to learn how to drive a big rig so I can support me so I can be gainfully employed?

    "Not until the debt's paid off," reiterates PCII. Just shut up and spit on your brother's hair. "

    You, $carah, then tell him how you need to grift more from your cult, but to do so you need another boob lift and a neck tuck and higher CFMP's or the money won't come in.


    No Crackberry,freezing your skinny ass off, needy kids at home, no way out, no money coming in, so debt never gets paid off and you starve to death.

    Now do you get it, Stoopid Scarah?

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      lol love this!

    2. Anonymous3:31 AM

      6:33 Not to worry, $carah would just call one of the Kock brothers (yes, I know it is misspelled) or even threaten McCain to tell the whole truth about "their" run for the WH.

  48. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I'm passionate about veterans as my dad was a vietnam vet. naturally I've been spending much of my day going to sites expressing my disgust of that hairball exploiting ww2 vets. a really weird thing happened a few hours ago. a vet replied to me at hp, very nice guy, and told me to go a site to get the scoop on the million vet march..I figured it was a site that was equally outraged with yesterday's pandering. it turned out to be an article scrutinizing the million vet march folks, according to the site, they're not what they seem. a group consisting of birthers and people as crazy if not crazier than the baggers. once the one guy at the rally started in on the quran and the confederate flag came out the million vet march people went into damage control mode, thus condemning palin, cruz and lee for using the veterans for political purposes. these folks suddenly appeared in the last month or so and started organizing the march.
    I keep thinking about this and as much as I'm enjoying the three stooges getting skewered across the internets I'm beginning to think they were punked. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I think this has rove's prints all over it..what a way to discredit the trouble makers. ww2 vets accusing them of using them for their own self serving ways...the site is everyone think I'm crazy?

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      With scant exceptions, clearly, everyone thinks you are a lunatic. The attention grabbing charlatan, Heaten Palin, needs to be a victim and a way to undo her latest scam. Of course, she is innocent, you name it she is innocent.

      Carl Rove

    2. Anonymous7:27 PM


    3. Anonymous9:16 PM

      Anon 6:45. It is hard to see how you drew your conclusions. All I see at that site is a rough paragraph or two, used to aggregate various mainstream news venues.


    4. Anonymous5:02 AM

      Trouble makers are perfectly capable of discrediting themselves, they don't need Rove. Rove knows... give them enough rope.

  49. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I am furious with how the tea bags are using the vets. Of all people, Sarah Palin, she is nothing but a big red flag screeching I AM HERE TO EXPLOIT AND USE ANY PROP I CAN. Her back up, Cruz and the likes of Lars Lawsuit Klayman are hideous enough on their own.

    Col. Burt Thompson

    How much of this article is moosepoo?

    It is very strategic to show Track Palin playing football before deploy and dining with the Gov yet not one picture of him having set foot in Iraq on previous deploy. He was such a stellar combat soldier and there is not one photo of him out of country?

    Track Palin claims to not want publicity or part of the public relations, yet, he has been exploited by her and the military in numerous ways. He submits to being used and exploited and his life as a prop no doubt was somehow made satisfactory. It is disgusting that he will not speak up and tell the truth and he allows the meme about him as a great patriot and combat vet for his country.

    1. Anonymous9:12 PM

      Track was a chauffeur for the Brass. He never was issued a weapon and spent his time in a safe area driving officers back and forth to safe areas.

    2. Anonymous9:43 PM

      This picture from the 2008 convention is so odd on so many levels:

      how old is supposed to be here?
      where has he been and where is he going?

    3. Anonymous9:49 PM

      Comment from Little Green Footballs true:

      "Shorter Million Vets Statement - We stood up to Hitler and Hirohito but we didn’t stand up to Sarah Palin.

      Not sure why this statement is unsettling to me…maybe that nagging feeling that after all is said and done, many US citizens still cannot see clear and present danger to their livelihoods if those spouting the danger look too much like them…sinking feeling of the whole “well I don’t agree with EVERYTHING they say… .buuuut… .”



    4. Anonymous4:47 AM

      Track Palin was never a "chauffeur for the Brass". That was bull.

    5. Anonymous5:45 AM

      Track Menard still 'CAIN'T GET RIGHT'. His Drug use has escalated.

    6. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Sarah bought off Track with hush money, just like she did with Bristol and Willow and probably Piper as well. None of the Palin kids work or live outside the family.

  50. Anita Winecooler7:34 PM


    Someone put something in her mouth and shut her up. She's seriously whacked. Here's the dill, Sarah, we'll impeach Obama if you and your family STFU and go away, Carrie Prejean did it, how hard can it be?

  51. Anonymous8:35 PM

    She is an idiot. Plain and simple. A camera-chasing grifter of an idiot.

  52. Anonymous9:40 PM

    More thoughtful commentary:

  53. Anonymous10:10 PM

    LOL! Agent and provocateur "Tundra Turd Quitter Queen" spits her venom again.... She's so vain!


  54. Anonymous11:31 PM

    She is a stupid, fucking bitch! (Which is what I say to the TV every time I see her nasty face). How I wish Steve Schmitt, Nichole Wallace, McCain or SOMEBODY who worked with them on that campaign would come out with whatever that would shut her up forever. That's my fantasy.

  55. Anonymous11:38 PM

    The spending and debt bills come from the House and the Senate. The President can either sign or veto the bill. He can make suggestions but he does not pass bills. What planet does Palin live on? Oh yeah, she is the one who thought that the VP made up bills in the Senate. That woman IS an idiot.

  56. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Where is Nurse Rachted or Sister Jude when you need them??

  57. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Does Sarah Palin have any idea what the "debt ceiling" is? For that matter how many GOP House members have any idea what it is?

  58. Anonymous4:38 AM

    "Neither Sarah Palin nor Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee ever served one day in our nation’s armed forces, yet they all decided to lead a group of “hundreds” of self-proclaimed veterans — mostly Tea Party members, military service not verified...."

    But but Uncle Gryph remember this:

    She told the audience she was speaking not as a politician but as mother of a soldier.

    "Say what you want to say about me, but I raised a combat vet, and you can't take that away from me,"

    Sarah Palin
    Wasilla Beauty Pageant Contestant
    Republican VP Candidate

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Sarah did NOT raise a combat vet. She raised a hoodlum, a juvenile delinquent who was offered army time instead of jail time. Track never saw combat but was safely inside the green zone driving officers around.

      "Say what you want to say about me, but I can lie my way out of anything, you betcha."

  59. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Did anybody notice that Sarah Palin wore a florescent pink shirt so she can be more visible for the 6 o'clock news tv cameras?

    It's all about Sarah Palin.

  60. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Sarah is right again as always
    Obama should be impeached
    Make him handover his Quran
    and put his hands up

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Anon 7:32
      How to read a stop light...
      Red means go. Green means stop. And yellow means "I'm feeling lucky."

  61. Anonymous6:12 PM

    7:32 You must be drunk, or on drugs like Cain't Get Right. Sarah
    should be arrested for Tax Fraud, and Embezzlement. Todd Palin should be arrested for Sex Trafficking and impersonating a Real Man.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.