Monday, October 14, 2013

With the debt ceiling fight looming this is how the argument over default is shaping up.

You know if the Republicans will not listen to the Democrats or White House concerning the importance of raising the debt limit, perhaps they will listen to one of their own: 

This brinkmanship threatens the holders of government bonds and those who rely on Social Security and veterans benefits. Interest rates would skyrocket, instability would occur in financial markets, and the Federal deficit would soar. The United States has a special responsibility to itself and the world to meet its obligations. It means we have a well-earned reputation for reliability and credibility—two things that set us apart from much of the world. 

Oh by the way that was some fellow named "Reagan." Ronald Reagan I believe.


  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Uh sorry folks Baldy says it's nothing to worry about. You suck McCain.

  2. Seriously, Coburn? Managed catastrophe?

    "Catastrophe. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

  3. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I think they want default because the economy will crash...then they will blame the President and try to impeach him. Yes, they are THAT insane and self-serving......

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Agree. Palin and Cruz and their sluggo pals yesterday declared the President illegitimate and called for rebellion. I know Palin is too stupid to realize she is just like Bill Ayers, but she is a freaking terrorist. Has she disavowed that confederate flag yet? oh wait was that the Toad carrying it?

    2. Anonymous1:20 PM

      She and her husband are NOT true Americans! They should be tried for treason and hung from the highest pole in Washington D.C.!

  4. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Bitch is at it again...

    Former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin accused President Barack Obama on Monday of coming dangerously close to "impeachable offenses."

    In a post on her Facebook page, Palin wrote that Obama is trying to create a sense of fear over Thursday's looming debt limit deadline. Obama warned Monday that the United States faces "a good chance of defaulting" unless Republicans in Congress "set aside some of their partisan concerns."

    "It’s also shameful to see him scaremongering the markets with his talk of default," Palin wrote. "There is no way we can default if we follow the Constitution. The Fourteenth Amendment, Section 4, requires that we service our debt first. We currently collect more than enough tax revenue to service our debt if we do that first."

    Palin, who joined Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) at a demonstration Sunday at the World War II Memorial, argued that Obama will risk impeachment if the U.S. defaults and if he seeks to raise the debt ceiling without congressional approval.

    "It’s time for the president to be honest with the American people for a change. Defaulting on our national debt is an impeachable offense, and any attempt by President Obama to unilaterally raise the debt limit without Congress is also an impeachable offense," she wrote. "A default would also be a shameful lack of leadership, just as mindlessly increasing our debt without trying to rein in spending is a betrayal of our children and grandchildren who will be stuck with the bill."

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      As thought the 'idiot' has a clue about economics and how the debt is paid by our government.

      Treason - she should be tried and put away wet for none of us to ever see her again!

    2. Yeah Sarah is a legendary constitutional expert. Remember this?


      Q: Brandon Garcia wants to know, “What does the Vice President do?”

      PALIN: That’s something that Piper would ask me! … [T]hey’re in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom.

  5. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Poll: New High For Disapproval Of GOP's Handling Of Budget Talks

    Republicans continue to absorb the bulk of the blame for the protracted budget impasse, with a poll released Monday showing public disapproval of the GOP's handling of the crisis reaching an apex.

    The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll found 74 percent of Americans disapproving of how congressional Republicans are handling the budget negotiations, up from 63 percent two weeks ago. Fifty-four percent said they "strongly" disapprove of the Republicans while 20 percent said they "somewhat" disapprove. Only 21 percent said they approve of the way Republicans have handled the talks.

  6. Speaking of polls, 2014 increasingly looking not so good for our pals in the GOP brain trust:

  7. Randall1:26 PM

    If, indeed, these blithering idiots force default and the economy of the WORLD does come crashing down...

    I'd like to see Yoho, Paul, King, and the rest of them be chained to a wall and their quoted statements tattooed - no branded onto their backs and I'd like to see it broadcast prime-time on all the major networks.

  8. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Bet a lot of that "payment" would go to offshore account holders like Rmoney and the Koch's? TeaTHUGlican outsourcing at its finest.

  9. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Red States Discover The Pain of Paying Their Own Way

    Yes, yes the Federal government is a horrible intrusion into all our lives and if only it could keep its nose out of the states' business! Right? Everyone knows that national monuments are just there - right? The Federal government doesn't actually 'do' anything to operate them, right? Well many of these states that depend on tourism dollars from national monuments discovered in no time flat how much they count on the Federal government to subsidize them. And were forced to admit it.

  10. Anonymous1:58 PM

    If I'm being perfectly honest... I can't be perfectfly honest because I would probably be arrested. Sarah Palin showed up at a rally at the White House where two Black children live with their Mother, Father and their dogs. While she did not personally wave the confederate flag (lower case intentional) she did nothing to stop it. She encouraged the morons who did display that atrocious symbol of hatred. That's terrorism. If the Presidents daughters saw that and were afraid for even one second....
    I know I'm preaching to the choir but I
    am livid.


    1. Anonymous2:13 PM

      It's OK. She really really sucks.

    2. Exactly, TexasMel! I thought of that, too! The Obama daughters are very intelligent. Fort them to be exposed to such traitorous activity, cheered on by palin, is just loathsome.

  11. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Just realized I posted my rant on the wrong thread. I'm really mad today!


    1. Anita Winecooler7:22 PM

      It's still relevant. Not one word wasted. I feel exactly the same way.

  12. Anonymous2:10 PM

    O/T but in line with the opportunism of the right wing being front and center:

    Here is the trailer for Rick Santorum’s first Christmas movie

    “People have asked me how is it that I can go from politics to working in the movie business. I simply say: if liberal Hollywood actors and producers can get involved in politics then conservative politicians can get involved in Hollywood.”

    Watch video, uploaded to YouTube, below:

  13. Anonymous2:33 PM

    It's a very good thing that I am never in the presence of any these morons.................

  14. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Gryph, Did you ever read the book 'If You Give a Mouse a Cookie' to your daughter? I have thought about it so many times in the last 2 weeks, as it is so fitting for the current hostage taking debacle.

    From Wiki (for those who didn't read it 1000 times to a toddler or toddlers): The book is known for its playful, circular pattern. A boy gives a cookie to a mouse. The mouse asks for a glass of milk. He then requests a straw (to drink the milk), a mirror (to avoid a milk mustache), nail scissors (to trim his hair), and a broom (to sweep up). Next he wants to take a nap, to have a story read to him, to draw a picture, and to hang the drawing on the refrigerator. Looking at the refrigerator makes him thirsty, so the mouse asks for a glass of milk. The circle is complete when he wants a cookie to go with it.

  15. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I Tweeted Palin what her idol Pres. Reagan said on there. Do you think she will pay attention or care?

  16. Anita Winecooler7:26 PM

    I'd be pleased as punch if they stopped the debt ceiling bullcrap all together. What purpose does it serve? Not having one will stop this "crisis" every few months, we'd pay our bills and save our economy and the world economy.


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