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Photo courtesy of Facebook |
Then she mentions her aborted attempt to take over the Republican party up here in 2008 (Which I have mentioned here before):
I’ll never forget standing at the podium during our state GOP convention and asking delegates to stand up with me and oust the status quo because the political environment had to change for Alaska to progress toward her manifest destiny as a more productive—and ethical—state to help secure our union. (She neglects to mention that what she was really trying to do was to overthrow the party completely and put Joe Miller in place as the head of the Alaska Republican party, a plan that was put on hold once she knew that McCain was about to tap her for his VP choice.) Only about half stood up. The rest looked around gauging the political winds and sat on their thumbs. Our federal delegation was incensed at me. Their influence resulted in much of the party machine staying put, but I’ll never be sorry I fought it.
Today, doesn't it seem like we have a Corrupt Bastards Club in D.C.? On steroids? It might not be as oily and obvious as its Alaska counterpart, but it’s just as compromised because its members, too, are indifferent to what their actions mean for We the People.
I’m prepared to be attacked for suggesting this comparison of the D.C. political establishment with the CBC. (Oh, and you will.) But I call it like I see it. And lived it. The fight over defunding socialized healthcare, aka Obamacare, should have opened everyone’s eyes to call it the same.
Palin's ghostwriter (Hiya RAM.) then goes on and on about the secret plan behind Obamacare being the destruction of our current health care system, so that they can introduce single payer and have a health care system that is similar to Canada's, which she deems sub-par:
Now let’s look at what Canadians have. I dare say our good neighbor to your north, and my east, has even worse health care coverage, but at least it’s “free” for the individual.
Then there are kisses blown to Tex Cruz, Mike Lee, and the rest of the Tea-ban.
The only credible plan of action was to do everything in our power to delay the implementation of Obamacare – defund it, postpone it, whatever – while at the same time work to elect a majority to repeal it. That is what Cruz and Lee and those Tea Party aligned House Members were doing. There was no other credible alternative plan to seize the constitutionally appropriate opportunity to legislatively close the purse strings to stop the juggernaut of full socialized medicine.
And then it's right back for the GOP jugular.
GOP politicians claim they’re against Obamacare and promise to repeal it. But when it came time to stand up and use the Constitutional tools they have – the power of the purse strings – to finally halt the implementation, they balked, waved the white flag, and joined the lapdog media in trashing the good guys who fought for us. (The bastards!)
Meanwhile, behind the scenes, these same politicians are covertly pushing through amnesty despite evidence that the 33 million newly legalized voters will overwhelmingly lean Democrat! Obviously this makes the likelihood of a GOP hat trick electoral victory, and hence the repeal of socialized healthcare, even more improbable. (What hell? Did she just accidentally admit to why the Republicans are so freaked out?)
The media wants you to believe that the partial government shutdown “fractured” the Republican machine from grassroots commonsense conservatives who go by the acronym TEA Party (that stands for “Taxed Enough Already”). No, Tea Party patriots rose up because the Republican machine “fractured” itself years ago by marginalizing its conservative base. The recent “slimdown” didn’t cause the fracture. It happened because of the fracture – because wayward Republicans have refused for years to stand up and fight for economic freedom and limited government, despite campaigning on those principles every election cycle. That’s how we got into this debt-ridden mess in the first place. They campaigned one way, but governed another.
It’s the establishment’s choice whether this fracture remains unfixed because the conservative grassroots will never give up the fight for freedom. Never. Never. (Never, never, never, goddammit ever!) Generations of our sons and daughters sent off to war to protect our freedom have paid too high a price for us to ever give up the fight.
Well alrighty then.
So essentially Sarah Palin seems to not so much be declaring war on the Democrats and President Obama, as she is declaring war on the Republican party.
It seems that Palin has decided that attacking and destroying the Affordable Care Act is too much for the Tea-ban, but that the GOP presents a softer target for their anger and aggression.
What is that saying again? "The enemy of my enemy is my friend?"
Yeah well forget that, Sarah Palin will always be the enemy, even though by attacking the Republican party from within she may appear to be doing the Democratic party's job for them.
P.S. By the way that picture up above looks posed. I think that this is how the unhappy couple appeared during most of their time in Washington.
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"Keep up Todd, or I will drive off and leave you like last time." |
Sarah should know a thing or two about bastards...
ReplyDeleteLOL!!! Exactly!
DeleteCons butthurt about Palin "bashing" on Sun TV show!
She is going to desperately try to pump up the traitorous teaborg in order to be anointed their queen. Then everything will be just like it was in 2008! Worshiping crowds, people waiting on her hand and foot, unlimited shopping sprees, and other people to do all the thinking and other work. Right?!
ReplyDeleteI don't think she has the intelligence, insight, or honesty to be able to figure out the role she herself played in her downfall from the glory days of the 2008 campaign.
So I doubt very much if she has the slightest clue why she was so very unwelcome at the RNC last summer. But we can be damn sure that she is still in a blind (if clueless) rage about it.
The only thing she has dimly been able to figure out is that for some unfathomable reason, the republican party is no longer fawning over her. So a) they must pay! and b) she has to latch on to some other group, preferably full of stupid, ignorant, angry people, and the teaborg fits the bill.
She might not have a problem rising to the top of that cesspool, but it is unsettling to think about how far she will go in her quest to make the tea party a power player in the next election. She is evil.
...and always always always we must ask:
DeleteCui Bono? (who benefits?)
Bingo ! Couldn't have said it better.
DeleteThe Koch brothers are funding the teapods, they rent buses, get lunches, and pay expenses. It is in their best interest to rile up the ignorant, racist good ol' boys. People without the intelligence to figure out that without the gubmint, they will have no Social Security or Medicare. These fat slobs ride around in their scooters (at little or no cost to them) and rail against the people who pay for them. Stupid people will follow $carah. They recognize her as one of their own. I think she is being paid by the Koch clan. One thing is for sure, she is not doing this for free. The PayMe family motto is "What's in it for us?"
Deletei doubt skank lives to see 2016
DeleteAll of her Grandkids are Bastards.
ReplyDeleteIs this the crap that that fake-military loser at the peepond wrote?
ReplyDeleteSure, the Heath's lived in Skagway and got on the train and went to Whitehorse, Yukon, CA for medical care. Now all of a sudden that healthcare is despicable.
ReplyDeleteI think maybe some of the bastards were actually born in Canada and that's why there are no records of their births, here in AK or America.
"Skagway" sounds so appropriate .... Wonder what made them flee?
Deletewho would know better about bastards? that toad is really getting unattractive, he looks like a homeless panhandler these days..maybe he could think about shaving. some guys look handsomely rugged unshaven, others look like drunken derelicts, toad falls under the latter group. look how she's toddling along holding her little flag and all..I think she's mentally slow, hateful harridan. (look it up sarah, then tell us if it doesn't describe you to a tee.)
ReplyDeleteHe uses the facial hair to hide his acne trenches. Have you seen them? They are baaaad. I remeber a video of him from the FeK9 finish whe they were younger. Sarah was chompin' on gum, sayin' she "thanks god, that's who shw thanks" ad Toad was standing there and his big old acne craters were in their full glory lol!!
DeleteShe has been attacking Senator McCain in everyone of her spoken and written diatribes. When will he stand up to her? A few "suggestions" that Sarah has some serious ethical problems in her history ought to be enough to signal that the cone of silence he put around her is now on the table. Go Johnny Boy!
ReplyDeleteMcCain will never admit the disaster he created with Sarah Palin - his legacy was eternally ruined by this one
DeleteIt was the Republican party that drove her to quit her job and they played it off like it was Dems and Progressives, and Independents picking on her. They drove her out so that someone worse, namely Sean Parnell, could take her place and make things right for the Old Boys and the Powers that Be. He undid each good thing that she did as Governor, but she was so lazy that she let the Dems craft the legislation that was then undid by her Lt. Gov. Her laziness, as she called it "working across the aisle", was actually her undoing. Now we, Progressives, Dems and Independents need to undo what Parnell has done, but under the flag of a Democratic or Independent Governor.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Palin is the biggest Pawn ever, both in Alaska and Nationally. She just goes with the flow and it always comes back to bite her in the ass as she has no actual political philosophy of her own; she just goes along to get along casting her lure to the largest bidder or those that will agree to do the work that she is mentally unable to process or accomplish. Not a leader, but a very vocal follower.
Interesting insights to the Alaskan perspective.
DeletePlease keep posting!
Beware of any politician who calls other corrupt, because 10 times out of 10 they are more corrupt than those they oust. Palin is case in point!
ReplyDeleteWarning links to Breitbart, that pretty much speaks volumes.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like Sarah's ghostwriter desperately trying to take some lemons and make lemonade.
ReplyDeleteI commented here a day or two ago that her current attack on GOP lawmakers reminded me of her failed AK GOP takeover effort, along with Joe Miller, and Schaeffer Cox, as previously reported at IM.
Makes me wonder if members of her team are reading IM posts and comments and were prompted to do some pre-emptive defense.
DeletePer Breitbart posters this is the 1st article that appeared - only to be replaced by the current one. My guess is that Sarah (in a drugged haze) submitted the below crap and RAM had to have it replaced by something a little more coherent. The wigged B*tch even called our President a punk in her version. I really despise that woman!
ReplyDeleteannettek ernst1776
• 19 minutes ago
Oh dear, you seem to have missed the original that was pulled and this put up in it's place....
"D.C.'s 'Corrupt Bastards Club'
The ACA is a bad joke! If it's so affordable why are companies dropping health coverage for their employees and their families by the thousands to meet its draconian job killing mandates?
What about the promise from Obama that you could keep your health care coverage if you wanted to which was one of many bald-faced lies from a serial sociopathic liar in regard to Obamacare!
Why are premiums skyrocketing to up to 300%+ more than what they werefor those being forced against their will to buy into this Marxist Socialist rot of an out of control government leviathan with deductibles from 6-10K on top of those rising premiums?
Why is there a marriage penalty in this rot of a health care law thatencourages divorce and cohabitation in order to meet its exorbitant expenses, which will destroy THE foundation for stable societies, the family?
Why are people of faith being unconstitutionally mandated to forfeit their freedom of religion rights guaranteed them under the freedom of religion clause in The Constitution by subsidizing the acceleration of abortion which the invariant moral teaching of their faith summarily condemns for the sake of the common good?
And finally, what legal standing does this monstrosity of a death care masquerading as a health care law have which incentivizes doctors to get grandpa and grandma to check our early, and now has the government encouraging palliative care masquerading as euthanasia studies to help that process along in hospital ERs as abortion is nothing more than pre-natal euthanasia with euthanasia being post-natal abortion with the latter being a logical consequence of the former, when the law that was unconstitutionally passed by a rogue Congress, signed into law by a despot masquerading as an American whose policies are geared to one thing and one thing only, the destruction of a free America from within, upheld by a rogue SCOTUS under a Chief Justice who decided to rewrite the law on its own giving it a life that it never deserved, and for which, that Chief Justice will forever live in
infamy, is NOT the law that Obama is enforcing given his many unconstitutional modifications to it, i.e., a law that, in reality, ISN'T, per The Constitution, and, as such, requires no obedience whatsoever by those REAL Americans in more than name only following
The Constitution per the intent of the founding fathers for the sake of the survival of a Constitutional Republic?
It is an undeniable fact that America is a country founded upon a belief in God, in "the laws of nature, and of nature's God", per The Declaration of Independence for America's survival, a Declaration that, in its conclusion, called upon the protection of Almighty God for its support, a Declaration whose intent was to be fulfilled by The Constitution where now people of faith and right reason see their freedom of religion rights summarily trashed on an altar to Marxist
Socialism by the tyranny of the Godless who would make us slaves to their dictates via unconstitutional rot legislation and government by fiat whose sole intent is to control every aspect of what will be our miserable lives - the sacrifices of all those who fought and died to preserve our unalienable God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, not death, slavery, and the pursuit of misery of a
totalitarian state, in all of America wars since the revolution who are buried on battlefields foreign and domestic be damned!
......to be con't
"...one of many bald-faced lies from a serial sociopathic liar..."
DeleteLooks like a bad case of projection.
Holy crap.
DeleteTodd Palin's number one Whore is Insane. Stand by for an imminent arrest of the Tundra Turd for Threats and Sedition. No wonder her kids turned out to be so Dysfunctional and dependent upon her Grifting to keep up their sorry lifestyle. Bastard Kids all over the place, none of her Adult Offspring are married. Do any of her kids know who their Daddies are? What a Tramp Sarah Palin is. She has shown all of America just how Unqualified she was for McCain's running mate.
DeleteI thinkt he term is "bottom bitch"
Delete...above con't
ReplyDeleteWe owe the fallen MORE than that. They fought for us, and now we must fight for their memory, and for all those who are putting their lives on the live to preserve what little freedoms that we have left.
The WWII vets have shown us the way. They are not going to take any crap off of Obama and his minions because those vets have places like Pearl Harbor, Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, North Africa, Sicily, Anzio, Normandy's Obama and Utah beaches, and the Bulge in the Ardennes forest of Wallonia in Belgium, France and Luxembourg on the Western Front on their resumes as opposed to that of a community organizer whose resume is so obscure that no one knows for sure just where he came from and what qualifies him to hold any office, let alone the presidency because his resume is built on the lies that he needs to thrive which is the modus operandi of all good communists!
Accordingly, we need to follow their example in knocking down the "Barry-cades" put up by a hateful in the extreme Godless commie punk who despises everything and anything about our military to the extreme of:
1) using them for cannon fodder in Afghanistan via PC ROE that makes the self-esteem of the radical jihadists a higher priority than their lives by denying them the air support necessary to do their missions quickly and efficiently in favor of sending them out on innumerable unnecessary
missions where their lives are put at extreme risk as is evinced by the inordinate increase in casualties on Obama's watch,
2) using them for morally bankrupt social engineering experiments, in time of war, no less, which trashes the constitutional freedom of religion rights of the Chaplain Corps and all whom they serve by coercing people of faith in the military to support that which the "laws of nature, and of
nature's God" of The Declaration of Independence condemns, thereby forcing them to foreswear their oath of enlistment "to support and defend The Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that to bear true faith and allegiance to the same",
3) replacing the American dictum, "Leave no one behind" with "You're on your own" per the traitorous example of leaving four Americans to hang out to dry in Benghazi by denying forces that could have come to their rescue the opportunity to do so via a STAND DOWN order,
4) using them as pawns in a sequester that made our national security a bargaining chip to raise an already out of control debt ceiling with entitlements approaching 100T and the debt 17T and counting leading ultimately to a complete monetary collapse, and
5) the consideration of ordering them to defend the Al-Qaida allied, pro-radical jihadists, Shariah Law or death, Christian persecuting, Muslim Brotherhood supported rebels in a Syrian Civil War, the same Al-Qaida that our military has been fighting against and dying since 9/11 defending America against terrorists which is treason, per Article III, Section 3, of The Constitution in regard to giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
No, our WWII vets would have none of that rot, and gave THE example to what's left of a free America to STAND UP AND BE COUNTED against America's biggest enemy, the Manchurian President in the White House marching to the beat of his puppeteers, the anti-American New World
Order Globalists and their bankers by chewing Obama up and spitting him out before breakfast which is what we all must do to save The Republic from the attack by its biggest threat since The Revolution,THE ENEMY WITHIN!
If you were able to follow any of the above - you can tell it was written by a hateful, illiterate Sarah Palin.
OMG... This is INSANE!!!!! Thanks for posting this. Gryphen, I hope you report on this. Was she wasted when she wrote this? How many buzzwords can you fit in one crazy vomit filled rant!! This is the writing of an illiterate, manic and very stupid person.
DeleteRumor in Wasilla is that Sarah IS bipolar. I'd like to see our "lapdog media" report the truth about that and Trig. I get so sick of her stupid repititative inane buzzwords!!!
Not Sarah. Too many big words. Maybe Daddy wrote it.
DeleteThis rant has SO many serious grammatical errors and run on sentences!! There is NO way Sarah graduated from college. And if she did, shame on them. This original version should be sent to every major newspaper and media outlet. I'm getting started. Anyone want to help. Her brain dead, dense bots won't care but others might. This is a hate filled, borderline violent rant by an illiterate imbecile.
DeleteThis was actually a Palin supporter's comment from C4P named Stlouis6 posted a few weeks ago. It was posted on another blog's comment forum as being attributed to Mrs. Palin but it was just another of her rabid crazy fans spouting their hate and crazy. Funny how it's so difficult to spot the difference between her and the rabid fanbase, huh?
DeleteThe " anti-American New World order?" This woman is nuts and an unAmerican John Bircher through and through. She and those like her are a dangerous threat to our Democracy.
Delete"Godless commie punk???" What the hell!! What drugs is this woman taking?? I hope the media is reporting this real version written by an illiterate mentally ill women. She should be locked up in a psych ward because she sounds seriously delusional.
DeleteThat is an unbelievable piece of crap! Whoever wrote this does not have a functioning mind. S/he just opens mouth and vomits words without meaning. S/he needs some interventional help as there is definitely mental illness shown in this writing, along with hate that is unchecked. S/he is a dangerous person. What a mess!
DeleteStLouisXI, the author of this rant, and VirginiaGentleman are the two most deranged and most hate-filled posters at C4P. But MaMcGriz, TheresaAK and PolarBear Papa are not far behind.
DeleteWhat makes StLouis's rants even more disturbing is that s/he claims to have taught for many years at a university.
Good LORD. No words.
DeleteAgreed, Liz L, not to mention Pete and Brianus The Anus. The hate on that site interspersed with Bible passages is something to behold. What do those people do all day but watch for any slight given their golden calf and off they all go to demean. Losers every one.
DeleteShe is such a juvenile, dumb bitch. I'm glad she's attaching herself to the ridiculous, fringe tea party because she will really put the final nails in their coffin. Keep going Sarah!
ReplyDeleteIt's really crazy how they think they are the mainstream when they represent a small minority.
She is so vile and filled with hate, I'm pretty burned out on her BS right now. What an immoral, petty and dim witted white trash Nutjob.
They are bitter, angry, greedy, stupid and ugly- both of them.
ReplyDeleteone would hope the GOP releases THE PALIN FILES and free the nation of this pathogen.....
ReplyDeletei'm sure they got it all, including BABY-GATE.
please, oh please, flush this TURD once and for all.
That is my fervent hope for the future. McCain - YOU have been attacked by your lil darlin. Time to man up.
DeleteThere HAS to be a reason or several why Karl Rove, McCain and others haven't unleashed the goods on Palin. Could it have to do with her PIMP faux husband?
Deletethe time is ripe; all agree a CIVIL WAR is on between that Teatards and the GOP establishment...
DeleteKARL, release the scandal hounds.
I"m thinking it because the Koch brothers are holding the puppets strings and no one dares to interfere. Otherwise, she would have been "outted" by now. She does need to shut up!
DeleteI don't think Pimp Daddy Todd has the goods on either McCain or Rove. It must be something else.
DeleteI think you may be onto something. Perhaps McCain will get all "Mavericky" and spill the beans. He's getting at the age that he may want to repair his legacy.
Delete"...this fracture remains unfixed... "
ReplyDeletemerriam-webster defines "unfix":
1) to loosen from a fastening : detach, disengage
2) to make unstable : unsettle
So Palin thinks the fracture is either detached/disengaged or the fracture is made unstable. Maybe she wanted to say the fracture is not healed or something. That communication major in college that Palin says she earned, well, I don't know, seems kind of unlikely, sorta, maybe, also, too.
Unfixed can mean "no two bull", bless her yellow stained white cotton socks!
Delete"I’m prepared to be attacked" says the perpetual victim. She wouldn't be happy if she weren't attacked. It's how she knows somebody is paying attention to her.
ReplyDeletepalin-дешёвая прдажная шлюха!
ReplyDeleteCheap AND crusty. But no one would pay her to fuck unless he were blind and stupid, so she's not a *real* whore. Just a meth/coked-up cunt who shills because she's too goddam lazy to have a job. Besides, what skills does she have? She's failed in every area of her personal and public life. And she's never had a professional life. She's a fraud and a loser. Period.
DeleteWe lost so many on Obama Beach in Normandy. WTH!
ReplyDeleteSarah's trip to NJ for the Tea Party Express was educational. She just learned that the 'tea' in tea party is an acronym and is super-duper proud of herself, first 'teaching' Megyn's audience and now insisting her ghostwriter include it in the Breitbart article. She's so much like a 10-yr old.
ReplyDeleteNow she just needs to learn what "Acronym" means. Oh wait, she can't learn - nevermind!
DeleteShe is the Jodi Arias of the GOP.
ReplyDelete'Off'' and 'Full Retard' are her only settings.
ReplyDeleteI give a lot of credit to the "liberals" that comment over to Sarah's article @ Breitbart. They use facts and coherent writing to make valid points even citing the facts. Yet, those Palinbots cannot accept any truth but their own distorted ones. The ugly nasty comments I read will give me nightmares for months. These are really scary people. They are ready to start another Civil War in order to save "their" country. I think I just witnessed what Hell would be like.
ReplyDeletenow how are they gonna start a civil war ? do they have some sort of super advanced batteries for their hoverounds, 'cause if they don't they ain't gonna get far and pretty much render themselves sitting ducks ...
Deletesplat !!
That's the same kind of sneer she had at the Belmont races. Obviously looking over her shoulder at someone calling her an idiot.
ReplyDeleteThis is by far my new favorite picture of Sarah. It shows the constant fear and paranoia she must live in because of her hate speech and non stop lies. She is the most hated woman in the world and that picture shows what its like to be running scared in fear.
DeleteAgain, holy crap!
ReplyDeleteSarah and Todd had to escape from the crowd of Veterans who were calling them 'IDIOTS'. No Vets were in awe of the Grifters, and they look so alone and lost.
ReplyDeletePardon my language on a Sunday, but what the FUCK?!? Psychotic break as I live and breathe.
ReplyDeleteWe all can see where Track, Bristol, and Willow inherited their mental deficiencies, from their Bi-Polar Sociopath Mom Sarah Palin. It is questionable if Todd is even the Biological Father of more than 2 of her kids.
ReplyDeleteThat last pic looks like the insufferable clown is saying, "toad that was you not me (fart odor.)
ReplyDeleteJeez... How many days in a row has she been wearing that silly pink and black outfit? Must have not wanted to pay the baggage fee for this trip back East...
ReplyDeleteI agree Anonymous 7:00 PM. You'd think a wealthy woman like Palin, especially with all that PAC money, would have many attractive changes of clothing for her public appearances. To think she was once a half-term Governor. She and hubby both look crummy. At least the GOP cleaned them up when she was their VP candidate.
DeleteSo, $arah.......level with us. They're the Corrupt Bastards Club only because you weren't invited to join? 'Tis the pity. If anyone would know a corrupt bastard, it would be you after being married to one as long as you were. Keyword: WERE.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to read your book about Jesus. You emulate him SOOO well.
Definitely OT, but NPR had a story about '23 and Me', the genetic testing site which will take your saliva and complete a genetic workup. They will also show relatives, etc. I couldn't help but think of Trig and wonder why someone wouldn't do a relatively easy genetic workup of Trig and reveal that he isn't Sarah's biological child.
ReplyDeleteIf only! That would be fantastic.
DeleteSuch a proposition would probably require a test of Sarah's DNA, as well as Trig's.
DeleteWho do you suggest, since you seem to think it's so easy to do a DNA test on someone else's child, 7:19? Whose DNA would you suggest Trig' s be tested against, how would you suggest obtaining it, and how would you suggest paying for this work up?
DeleteIOW, why don't you think things through instead of throwing out impossible suggestions for someone ELSE (not YOU, of course) to act on. Dumbass.
DeleteIs there a good reason you have to call someone dumbass because you don't like what they wrote. The name calling is pretty sick and exactly what is wrong with Internet discourse today. Take a Valium for Gods sake. What's your problem biiiitch!?!?
Hey 7:19, I read about that company. It's pretty interesting but in this case might be hard to accomplish. It's amazing how cheap that testing is becoming though.
9:08, because the poster was a dumbass. And you're a fucking hypocrite.
DeleteUntil you learn how to write in coherent sentences you shouldn't be calling other people dumbass. Stop wasting your time trolling and get yourself an education.
If Trig attended school how hard would it be to get DNA? How hard is it to get Sarah's DNA? There are people that may have saved her DNA from a past experiences. The same goes for Todd's DNA.
DeleteFor halloween I'm going to be Sarah Palin. I'm going to be a retard.
ReplyDelete.Wow, she's calling out for help.
ReplyDelete"The corrupt Bastards Club" in DC. Isn't that what Sarah "Joan of Ark) Palin was trying to become part of with John McCain? AIP, also, too? The part I liked was when she kissed Cruz and :Lee and the tealiban's asses. Can't wait for her next appearance on Fox news. Wonder what shade of brown her lips will be?
Well, at least her minds off of big sticks and cajones for now.
Six years of College, and she's the expert on death panels, Free Canadian Health Care, and bastards. Go Figure!
The best part is:
ReplyDelete"Americans, if you’re faced with a 300% increase (or even a 65% increase like my family) in your health care premiums for crappier coverage, doesn’t “free” socialized medicine all of a sudden sound appealing?"
You mean Todd and the kids won't be getting their free, socialized IHS medical care any longer.
Just another in the long list of Palin lies.
When ever people complain about Obamacare raising prices, I feel the need to point out that, yeah, some people will be paying more. Because crappy plans that didn't really cover anything will not be allowed anymore, and if you have something like that, then you will see big increases.
DeleteFor example, I used to have a healthcare plan that didn't cover pregnancy. (I've since changed...which is good...because I'm pregnant) But a plan like that wouldn't be allowed under the law anymore. Because it's, essentially, junk.
Shouldn't Tawd and Granny Sarah be home holding Bristol's knees together so another baby doesn't fall out of her snatch in 9 months?
ReplyDeleteWhy is she still talking?
ReplyDeleteThe Palins are their own Corrupt Bastards Club.
ReplyDeleteHey, Sarah?
ReplyDeleteMy husband fought for three years in World War II, both in Europe and in the Pacific. He could tell you a lot more about warfare than you'll ever know. He laughs when he hears that "Greatest Generation" BS, especially when he's down at his Legion Post, with his male and female comrades from wars in Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Iraq and Afghanistan.
They were all delighted that those tiny little metal fences were put up at the national monuments, so no one tripped and got hurt, or threw paint, as someone did last month.
Oh, and, in addition to being a vet, he's a proud graduate of Columbia, as is our President, and he's also an attorney, just like Mr. Obama. A difference? He's a lifelong Republican, some of whose family has happily signed up for the ACA.
D. D., thank you. And a big thank you to your husband for his service.
DeleteWhy is Todd the only one in the crowd who needs sunglasses on an overcast day?
ReplyDelete10:06 Drugs make the eyes look funny.
DeleteEspecially with BLUE eyes! They become black as the pupil expands like demon eyes!
DeleteIs using the "retard" epithet part of the liberal "tolerance" you folks like to pretend you own?
ReplyDeleteMy healthcare plan is being discontinued due to Obamacare, yet Obama emphatically promised I could keep it, no matter what, period. The ACA replacement is 2x mor expensive, and the deductible is 4x more than I have now.
We heard these lies on Hannity, too, and have been reading them all over the web. So, here's the only two words I have for you - Prove It! Black out the personal info on your latest insurance bill and the info you downloaded about the ACA and post them. Otherwise, you're just another lying RWNJ like those Hannity promoted on his show and whose bullshit was debunked within a matter of a few hours.
Delete10:17 YOU LIE!
DeleteAnonymous10:17 PM
DeleteIs using the "retard" epithet part of the liberal "tolerance" you folks like to pretend you own?
Yes you are a RETARD or TEATARD!
Complain to your ins co who choose profits over people!
A bit off topic, but this description, though long will paint he perfect picture of Palin's personality. When you were raised by a narcissist, you can have some sympathy for her kids, but it would be a terrible shame if they turned out to be carbon copies of her.
the 700 million website that doesn't work
ReplyDeletetells you all you need to know about Obamacare
Sarah is right about the rinos
They go back to their districts/states and claim they are against Obamacare
yet when they could have ended it
vote to fund it.
6:04 The only reason Sarah appears right is due to lying by ommission. That means she omitted major pertinent facts.
DeletePalin also gave you wrong information on what a debt ceiling is.
So now Palin is casting both parties except for her, Lee and Cruz as liars, nonpatriots, corrupt bastards! Polarizing in the extremes
6:04 AM When did the 'RINOS vote to fund ACA? Get your facts straight. Too much Fox News?
ReplyDeleteSome things never change other than continuing to degrade.
ReplyDeleteNotice in the first pic how high Sarah's crotch is versus Toad's, and then how much shorter she is than His Pimpness. She must have on the 12 inch "please make me look taller than a shrimp" stilts to overcome her osteoporosis. She's such a self-hating, insecure woman. Is there any body part that is "original" other than her wilted brain, which she's done nothing to enhance?
If you take away her visual props, including:
- the goofy risers she stands on and tries to walk with
- her obvious fake tan in a can which supplements her time in the tanning bed
- the hard, mannish look of her face which has resulted from too many procedures to tweak the wrinkled and lumpy face and turkey neck of a rapidly aging, former tiny town beauty pageant contestant.
- the excessive makeup that she trowels on her face
- the ridiculous leggo fake tits that she bolts on and off [at least 3 different sizes to supplement her tired, droopy mams that are like a freshly used condom in terms of mass and appearance]
- large tacky accessories like the Holy Hooha Belt Buckle
- Wonder "what the fuck she's saying" Woman Patriot Bracelet
- Fake Combat Mom Mandatory US Flag pin
- I love BIbi and Israel but Fuck the Jew Heathens Star of David and/or Cross to help grift from the Hypocritical non-Christian Fundies
- Oversized wad of nasty, greasy, smelly wig hair to cover that bald dome of free dumb
- her usual sloppy, tacky, ill-fitting, hooker wardrobe
- Etc.
--- all that is left is an a miserable, perpetually angry, foul-smelling, potty-mouthed, rotting cadaver which is full of shit with word salad spewing out of its mouth.
The low IQ Re-Tards at the Sea of Pee are the only ones who listen to the Scrawny Queen of Screech's verbal diarrhea without laughing their asses off at her ignorance. Of course, half of those are Sarah's PAC postage shills and the rest are her idiot family members who are unemployed also and retarded, too.
I've been purposely ignoring any news about Sarah and her fellow swine for the past month or two and haven't taken a close look at any pictures of Sarah during that time. It appears that she hasn't changed a bit if not for the worst, and that I haven't missed a thing worth paying attention to. Same ol same ol' monkey behavior dancing to the Koch Organ Grinder.
fanned & faved!!
DeleteWhere's the love for Alaska? The retard stopped wearing her Alaska state flag pin. You guys must have gotten her mad after you guys stopped giving Sarah Palin and Bristol their Alaska Film Tax Credit money?
ReplyDeleteCanada does not have a worse system of health care and it is not free, they pay for it with taxes. The difference is they are covered if they loose their job, become disabled or retire. People don't have to loose everything they have and go into debt for health issues in Canada. I would say that is a hell of a lot better system. Many employees from other countries make sure they have a clause in their contract that they will be flown to their country of origin by private plane if they become gravely ill.