Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Bible Belt meets Liberal America summed up in one photo.

By the way, I in no way wish to suggest that liberals walk around in assless chaps.

I mean I do, but I don't represent everybody.


  1. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Who's to say that lady is not a hardcore Democrat like me? Stereotypes much, Gryphen?

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      LOL! Funny pic!
      The lady is like WTF?

  2. And what to do when discombobulated by the sight (site?) of assless chaps? Why, hire Six-Shooter John McAfee for tech advice on dissecting the ACA website of course! GOP asks tech founder, ex-fugitive McAfee to diagnose Obamacare


    1. Anita Winecooler5:26 PM

      Love it! He was interviewed by Gretchen, the blip I caught has her asking him "So, how can one lose their life savings while signing up for Obamacare?"

  3. angela3:29 AM

    Then I suppose the question becomes . . . .
    Do our liberal asses look big in front of southern conservatives?

  4. Some very encouraging developments on this front lately. Here's one:


    1. Hopefully more sane Republicans will follow this trend. For me, it just took experiencing the Bush administration.

  5. fromthediagonal3:42 AM

    ... and a Gooood Morning to you too, Gryphen!

    It just was a hot night, and their attire is air conditioned.
    Nuttin' wrong with that!
    But NO, I would want to see the onlooker in an outfit like that!

  6. I know some nice liberal lades who look something like that. And the gays I know who would wear assless chaps are pretty much idiots I doubt they even vote.

  7. Anonymous4:33 AM

    While it is true that Democrats are always asses (see our logo), chaps are ALWAYS assless.

  8. No, no, you're misunderstanding the Bible Belt. All the people in the pic are conservatives. It's just that the younger ones are out on "bumspringa", a time when they live free and then decide whether they'll go back to being true teap...er...conservatives.

  9. Chenagrrl6:07 AM

    Or, she's part of the act.

  10. Anonymous6:23 AM

    It shows liberal America perfectly
    A gay displaying his ass
    Maybe Cory Booker can do the wedding

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Anonymous6:23 AM
      Hey Sarah,
      Not getting enough attention on Beerfart site? Oh, boofuckinghoo.
      Fuck off.

  11. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Griffin, I insist you share a picture of you in your assless chaps. For science...

  12. Anonymous6:57 AM

    G, could I get a pic of you in your assless chaps. Perhaps with Jim Wright & his hairy white ass? The Alaskan Cheeksters. Good name for my next band.

  13. fromthediagonal8:01 AM

    Hmmm... Alaska Cheeksters? Not Baaad, anon @ 6:57.
    Whaddaya think Mr. Gryphen?
    Wonder what Mr. Wright's comment would be on that suggestion. Maybe we will find out about it on one of his Stonekettle posts, slyly woven into the fabric of his comments.

  14. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I don't know what would be less comfortable--- chaps with the ass part not cut out or wearing chaps without jeans under them. Them boys need to find them some britches, or they will be saddle sore.

    G, I hope you don't wear your white chaps after Labor Day or before Easter. Faux Pas.

  15. Anonymous11:49 AM

    So Gryphen that was YOU I saw at Mardi Gras 1971?

    1. I was 11 in 1971, so that is unlikely.

      I DID run around in my underwear a lot back then though.

    2. Anonymous6:05 PM

      It was easier back in those days to get dressed to watch cartoons on Saturday mornings when pants were optional.

  16. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I've met many a large man at Mad Myrna's that love to cross dress. Sometimes fitting them into their costumes gives one an arm workout, to say the least, however, if that lady in the photo was a cross dresser, then baby, she needs some fashion advice, stat! Unless of course she is dressing like that ironically, and in that case I'd have to say it's a win! The ghost of Divine would either be pleased or horrified, but most likely pleased.

    The guys in the assless chaps, those guys are a dime a dozen.

  17. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Thats actually perfect. Class meets ass

  18. Anita Winecooler5:30 PM

    She looks like a younger version of Mimi Bobeck from "Drew Carey Show". The troll collector.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.