Monday, October 14, 2013

The one year anniversary of the Sandy hook school shootings is almost upon us so one 2nd Amendment group is planning a national event to celebrate gun rights.

Courtesy of Komo News:

A Seattle-area group is planning a national event to celebrate gun rights on Dec. 14th, the anniversary of the mass shooting at a Connecticut-area school. 

"Guns Save Lives Day" will take place in all 50 states, said a representative for the Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation, although what the day entails is still to be determined. 

Gun advocates are planning the event to coincide with the anniversary of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, which killed 26 people, mostly children. 

"The gunman lived in my neighborhood. He lived 50 yards from my front door," said Po Murray, a Newtown mother with two kids who were once Sandy Hook students. "For them to use that day to promote their agenda, it's completely inappropriate in my opinion." 

Event organizers say they fear gun control advocates will use the day to push their beliefs so they want to counter that; to "show America that there is a good side to guns." 

"We are certainly aware that it's going to hit a raw nerve with a lot of people," said Dave Workman, with the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a co-sponsor of the event. "I think that possibly is one of the reasons we chose the day -- to make sure that people understand that, while what happened last year was a horrible tragedy, there are many good things people do with firearms." 

 "My Facebook lit up on it. It's sadness, more than anything else," said Ralph Fascitelli with Washington Cease Fire, a gun control advocacy group. "Is there no line of common decency?" 

No there isn't.

At least not for those who believe that the 2nd Amendment is the MOST important right given to us by the Constitution.

Insensitive pricks!


  1. Anonymous6:41 AM

    We get it, NRA. You think guns are just some right that makes you macho. No one is taking your killing machines away, you stupid jerks. But I have a right to be safe on my streets without carrying some war weapon. And we all have a right to not have to listen to your propaganda on a day remembering a bunch of kids who were gunned down because you refuse to act like civil adults and vote for mental health care and minimal gun control and registration.

    1. I was for gun control. Sandy Hook was a hoax so I am against gun control. However, the Republicans caused a worse false flag with 9/11. So we can't have a Republican president. We do need divided government, however. Robbie Parker was a fraud, an actor, and possibly Robby Parker, a spy out of Utah. Google it. Donna Soto, the nurse, was not employed where she said she was employed. She was also a crisis actor. Check out the images for Rebekah Fernandez, actor and Kaitlin Roig the alleged teacher are the same person. Kaitlin cried without tears, without red eyes at all, just like Robbie Parker. She even wiped off a NON EXISTENT TEAR. We are fast becoming the United States of Israel and we need to teach people to oppose this. My natural father was Jewish and I am adopted and I want the US to be a sovereign nation. No war with Iran!

  2. Abaham Lincoln7:12 AM

    It's their well-orchestrated second Civil War.
    We liberals are going to have to take the reins from these secetionists in sort order. They're in the minority, but, having lost elections, they want armed insurrection. It's called treason.

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Frankly I think the Old South should just secede. And good riddance. Let them create the anarchy they so desperately want. Let them become the Fascists they are. Build a huge border fence to keep the rest of the US of America safe from their treasonous poison. They can call it the Tea Baggers Nation and fill it with all the carpet baggers who are jumping on the band wagon.

    2. Anonymous11:55 AM

      They won't secede. They are way too dependent on the Federal government.

  3. Anonymous8:02 AM

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      She's the Carrot Top of politics.

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Ha, Sarah couldn't even come up with a new gimmick! Writing on her hand - oh so cutesy.

  4. Sharon8:04 AM

    These people are so disgusting words can not express their total detachment from reality. I know for all of us here that read alot....thousands and thousands of innocent people, esp children have been murdered since that fateful day. That day in Sandy Hook that SHOULD have woke up this country to these weapons of war being hyped by the NRA as a "must have", like a toy. Nuts, racists and assholes....making billions off the dead bodies of children. It is so amazing to me how electing a black man has unleashed this horror in every part of our society, they are all traitors one and all.

  5. Anonymous8:16 AM

    "I think that possibly is one of the reasons we chose the day"

    Oh, ya think? Jackass.

  6. Anonymous8:17 AM

    They want to "show America that there is a good side to guns." Like the fact that 85 Americans are shot dead every day. Of those 53 — or 62% — are suicides.

    And that there are 51,438 licensed retail gun stores in America, more than three times the number of McDonald’s restaurants.

    A 2011 study “Guns in the home provide greater health risk than benefit” showed that a gun is more likely to send a family member to the emergency room or the morgue than to ever be used against an intruder.

    As the nation considers what can be done about gun violence, the issue of how to protect gun owners from themselves definitely needs to be considered, that's doing them a favor - it still involves us worrying about our own necks too.

  7. Anonymous8:19 AM

    There was a rinky-dink golf course in Middle America somewhere that had the bad idea to market a $9.11 golf round special on 9/11 this year, they got beat up pretty bad by the chattering class.

    This group is in for a wild ride, thing is, they don't have to worry about getting shot by us critics for it.

  8. Anonymous8:20 AM

    "In all 50 States"? Yeah, right.

    Just like "One Million Vets Obama Something", or

    "10,000 Truckers" .....

    They'll be lucky to get one or two guys even in the Red states, because even most Republicans wouldn't advocate the 2nd on that day...regardless of what the Tea Party claims.

  9. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Hey, Gryph - totall off topic, but thought you'd get a kick out of this. Lawrence O'Donnell said this morning: "How do you know when your on the losing side in a political contest? Sarah Palin is standing next to you." Look for that clip on MSNBC.

  10. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Sure, count me as being insensistive. Sandy Hook is one big hoax. This goes the same for Boston bombing. One possible agenda is gun control, even as gun-related violent crime and murder has decreased over the past two decades, alongside higher rates of gun ownership. Quote " The deepest sin against the human mind is to believe things without evidence" I proved these hoaxes with my own research and found the main stream story one lie after another. If you seek the truth, you should do the same.

    1. I had no idea that Alex Jones was a visitor to this blog.

    2. Anonymous9:40 AM

      9:08, kindly mishandle your firearm.

      Meghan in PA

    3. Anonymous12:56 PM

      Well, I was going to post my thoughts but after reading 9:08 my mind went numb. I worked with a guy like you and he thought he always sounded so smart by saying totally stupid shit like this. Idiot.

    4. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Hey Gryph, come on! You know the media can't be trusted, AJ included, 80% truth is not good enough. You gave us some old school journalism back in 2008 with Palin to expose the truth 100%. Expose the media BS. Example, Seymour Hersh on the Bin Laden raid; All faked! Your chief fits in with all the other liars, killers, and thieves that hijacked our government. If truth makes you sound like a nut, so be it.

  11. They're acting out of fear again. Cowards.

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      That's why they have guns, because they're afraid of EVERYTHING.

  12. Anonymous12:53 PM

    A 22-year-old Nashville, Tenn. man accidentally shot his gun through the floor of his apartment about 11 p.m. on Sunday, hitting a downstairs neighbor who was sleeping in her bed, according to The Tennessean.

    The woman was reportedly hit in the shoulder and was rushed to a hospital, where she was in stable condition on Monday morning.

    The alleged shooter, David White, told police he was "playing around" with the firearm.

  13. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I can't believe these a$$hats come from the BLUE state of Washington - AND from the LIBERAL town of Bellevue, suburb of LIBERAL Seattle (and NOT from the RED part of our state! :/)

  14. Anonymous4:01 PM

    What a faggle of fuckers!

  15. Anita Winecooler6:17 PM

    Another reason why stupidity should be a terminal illness. I know what I'll be doing. Donating to Mark and Gabby's cause and spending the day doing something good for others.


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