Friday, November 08, 2013

Evangelical Christian preaches that there are no Christian liars, fornicators, homosexuals, or thieves. Gee, who does that leave?

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

The outspoken evangelical Christian uploaded video of himself preaching to attendees of a Pearl Jam concert in Charlotte, North Carolina last week. 

“If you claim to be a Christian, you better check your life,” he shouted. “There is no such thing as a Christian liar, there is no such thing as a Christian thief, there is no such thing as a Christian fornicator, there is no such thing as a Christian pro-choicer, there is no such thing as a Christian homosexual.” 

“There is no such thing as a Christian gossipy-mouthed woman,” he continued, as a woman confronted him. “There is no such thing as a Christian foul-mouthed, immodestly dressed woman.” 

“Come on over, we are offering free judgment,” Fisher added as the woman stormed off.

Uh hang on just a minute.

There are NO fornicators, liars, or thieves who can call themselves "Christians?"

Has anybody told this lady yet?

"Don't care, still writing the book."


  1. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Being a regular NE Methodist and not an evangelical in ANY WAY, I'm not that fond of gossipers either. It's hurtful to others, and the truth of anyone is never surely known.

    I can't even imagine being married and having (some) children with a pimp. It escapes my comprehension, but apparently Sarah's true nature came forth for all of us to see, she took direction from him, and she was good for it. The blend of them both has been horrifying to so many of us.

    There is no doubt to me that she has been under the influence of drugs and/or substances. There is also no doubt that she raises money from her firmly held belief, from Todd, in the John Birch Society and the secession of Alaska, and that she will do anything, murder included, to enforce her views and to cover her past indiscretions when huge money showed it's face.

    What a wild, hateful, and horrible, for most us, ride. I couldn't believe that she brought out that baby whose ears were obviously upset by the applause: I knew this woman had no compassion, even for her supposedly own child. Said it all.

  2. Anonymous3:18 PM

    He's got an interesting perspective but WTF's up with wasting breath on Pearl Jam fans when he could have targeted Billy Graham birthday party attendees this week?

    Anyway, fabulous photo selection and caption-writing, Mr. G!

  3. Anonymous3:27 PM

    i added this to the last post but you all have got to go to this link and click the ornaments! too much fun:)

    ginam this is for you darlin!!!
    ny mag has a "review" of skank's book-LOL
    and they have a picture of her and a xmas tree so go click on the ornaments hanging on the tree to hear some real serious stupidity!!!!!!!!!!! omg! bbbaaawwahhhh! have fun y'all!
    gryph, post this link so everyone can have some holiday fun!

  4. According to him, basically, there's no such thing as a Christian who does anything wrong at all.

    Humans being what they are, that means there's no such thing as a Christian, period.

  5. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Gadree...just look at that photo of her! She is a mess and proven liar and fraud!

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Has ANYONE ever told the story of what she was up to the night of the Chik-Fil-A shirt?

      There was a series of three or four photos taken with her sitting next to a woman with straight brownish hair, who was speaking to her and gesticulating. SP is seen looking frowsy and blowsy and making those goofy expressions.

      And I never saw a follow up story on it...?

  6. Anonymous4:27 PM

    This is the photo that will define Sarah Palin. I still laugh about the “Iconic” photo a la Megan whatever. This is the real Sarah Palin!

  7. Anonymous4:27 PM

    As pointed out in previous posts, like the one on adultery for called christians are the worst liars, cheaters, dishonest bastards around!
    Give me a witch or atheists (like G) FLIPPIN' DAY OVER THE CHRISTIAN SKANKS!

  8. Anonymous4:30 PM

    And yet again on the local evening news, a Holy Roller preacher busted for sex with underage boys. Sponsored a huge singing event every year. This one is an old guy but yesterday it was a middle-aged youth pastor. I'm shocked, I tell you. just shocked!

  9. Boscoe5:38 PM

    So basically he's saying there is no such thing as a Christian. I can live with that.

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Ditto. Now we can go buy some holiday shit. And drink.

  10. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Has anyone told Bristol too?

  11. No Christian thieves?

    Do you think the thief on the cross and Jesus might take exception to this Pharisee's claim?

  12. Anita Winecooler7:20 PM

    Hey Preech, us women, fornicators, sinners, homosexuals paid our tax dollars for the sidewalk you're staining with hate. Pearl Jam concert? Dude, seriously, you're in the wrong place, go find a church and set up shop....

    Your photo caption is perfect! She looks like a lot lizard in that outfit. Scratch that, she looks like a lot lizard in ANY outfit.

  13. BabyRaptor7:26 PM

    So he thinks he's perfect, eh? Good. Can we find a cross?

  14. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Every time I see this photo I wonder who she had to f&^k to get in. I mean, she looks, and is dressed, like she just got done doing it and is on her way to the fridge for OJ. But she's in, who'd she bone in a coat closet for entry?

  15. Anonymous5:39 AM

    "Has anybody told this lady?"

    That's no lady, that's Sarah Palin!


  16. Super Fan In Atlanta6:07 PM

    Everytime I see that photo, I am amazed at how bad her arms look? They look like they belong to another person all together. Simply amazing!


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