Thursday, November 14, 2013

I think we discovered Sarah Palin's role model.

This was a picture posted yesterday on Palin's Facebook page.

If it seems familiar, then you may be thinking of this one of Andrew Breitbart's favorite fake pimp James O'Keefe.

Personally I think that Hanna Giles leather top is far more fetching than Todd's pink disco shirt, but then again I'm not in the market for whatever Todd and Sarah might be selling.

Maybe this is part of the dress code that Palin has to adopt now that they are the only Right Wing group willing to publish her venomous word salad diatribes.

Perhaps Palin needs to be more careful as to whom she models her look after, since things did not work out so well for O'Keefe.


  1. Anonymous4:41 PM

    falling fast...

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #98 in Books

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Link please

    2. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Sarah's fans are trying to stuff the ballot box over there at Amazon by writing lots of favorable reviews of Sarah's book, because there are so many people posting negative reviews. One Palin fan wrote four comments, four minutes apart at her fan website, begging people to post some reviews at Amazon, kind of like voting and voting for Bristol to return to DWTS.

    3. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #104 in Books

    4. Anonymous7:02 PM
      #113, not good considering the big roll out with an interview everywhere except MSNBC

    5. Anonymous7:21 PM

      May I say I'm PROUD of those those have "reviewed" that door stopper on Amazon today. Well done.

    6. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Bargain bin by Thanksgiving.....if anyone can find 'em by the time I'm through.

    7. Anonymous8:54 PM

      Hide and seek with her it!

    8. Anonymous10:05 PM

      Now #124 and that is not the best part. Keeps falling off number 1 on the Christmas category. How in the world can she be already loosing this category?

    9. Anonymous4:55 AM

      It's fallen more than 100 spots since Tuesday. And this after her well publicized book tour.

      Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #133 in Books

      Price has been reduced: Hardcover $13.79

    10. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Turn her book around on the shelves where ever you see them - i.e. Costco, etc.

      Sarah Palin is not a Christian in thought word or deed. She is a liar, doesn't attend church anywhere, a racist, provides nothing to the poor and hungry (like Pope Francis - the liberal!!!), a horrid mother, wife (had affairs as did Todd 'the pimp'), is corrupt and a fraud!

  2. Anonymous4:48 PM

    WTF?? That picture of that effed up family reminds me of teenagers being high for the first time with serious munchies and shopping at a convenience store/gas station. This is where the Palins have dinner??? They can't even hide how gross they are.

    1. Anonymous6:39 AM

      Arrested development without a doubt. Sarah may be younger than Tripp.

    2. Anonymous6:49 AM

      lol One time and you create another myth in your mind. I feel bad for you

    3. Anonymous7:30 AM


      One time? You are joking of course. She does the 'cool' impress the gansta teens often. It is the group she can relate to the best.

      HOOKER POSE FOR ANY AGE!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/palin-2-0617.jpg


  3. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Why do those Palin girls insists on putting their hair up? Willow has a bulbous forehead like Bristol.

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      That hair on top of the head thing is the only hair style that Willow learned at hair school.

    2. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Willow wears her hair up to try and add height to her dwarfish frame.

    3. Anonymous5:34 PM

      The whole Palin Family is Dwarfish.

    4. Anonymous6:03 AM

      Their small minds make them appear less than human and shrinking.

    5. Anonymous6:41 AM

      Willer's har skool certificate was purchased.

      She must have quit after the how to put a brillo pad extension on the top of your skull class.

    6. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Nice to see how crass you are, and judgment not to mention just an asshole

    7. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Extreme hair, stuck in a bad repetitive style. Of course it is worthy of comments and opinions. Ask Sarah.

      "Oh, that's because it's been extreme, okay?" Palin said. "It's hard for some people not to comment on it."

  4. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Above all things, the raging jealousy and monumental angst that consumed $arah Palin's entire being after her humiliating loss to Obama/Biden in 2008 is most responsible for her stasis in hatred and bitterness.

    When she realized that her disastrous interviews had ruined her in Alaska, and that she was a punch line and joke to 90% of the country , it was bad enough

    But to lose the VP race, and return to a workaday humdrum bullshit job that she hated in Alaska? Unthinkable!

    To think that she had the fame, the spotlight, the notoriety, and the amazing luxury and decadent lifestyle of the VP within her grasp, only to lose it to a black, liberal Democrat man was unthinkable.

    Who was that elite Harvard brat to deprive the vaunted Esther of her birthright, when her prayer group had promised her the Presidency?

    The bitterness and gall has festered in her heart and feeds the incessant need to lash out, to demean, and to vilify.

    The unmitigated bilious hatred she carries in her heart for being robbed of fame and fortune drives her on to new depths of despair and rage on a daily basis.

    As to her current incredibly awful physical condition, and constantly whoring herself to photographers, we can conjecture forever.

    I put it down to the resulting psychosis from being defeated, having to quit as Governor, and being humiliated nationally.

    Sarah Palin is above all things , still striving for political fame and revenge, and longing to be the Political Prom Queen, and she will never burst the chains of shame and infamy forged from her loss in 2008.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Exactly. Why she gets any publicity at all is beyond me and why no one sees her inner cries for help is beyond me. I see an Elvis-type ending.

    2. Bravo! That is the old, tired, immature, unhinged, insolent insufferable retarded cow.

    3. Anonymous2:37 AM

      I put it down to the resulting psychosis from being defeated,

      Sorry, she was psychotic waaaay befroe she was wvwn the VP nominee. And that is one of the real dangers of her not being properly vetted.

    4. Anonymous6:07 AM

      I also think she will have a tragic ending, falling from a toilet. Perhaps in a truck stop food market with junk food dining and her red bull mix.

    5. Anonymous6:50 AM

      im tired of your lies

    6. Anonymous8:44 AM

      5:01 Sarah Palin did NOT run for POTUS! John McCain did! They lost - thank god - to our wonderful, second-term President Obama.

      Palin was the VP Candidate and McCain and she lost by a large margin. Neither were good candidates!

  5. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Scarah is becoming un-hinged. What 50 year old woman with any sense of dignity acts like this? I am 3 years shy of 50 and very many ways (and have a 3 year old that I legitimately gave birth to). There comes a time when you understand what is age appropriate and what is not. Mrs. Palin is an embarrassment to all women. Grow up Sarah and teach your children some dignity. Oh, I forgot, all of your children, like you, are drop outs so you have no concept of education.

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Sarah has no dignity nor self-esteem. She has had an abusive childhood and an abusive relationship in her "marriage" with Todd. Married out of wedlock with a child from another man. Married to a absentee husband, who spent time away from home working, then returning to hustle other women, party with buds (and all the substances there in needed), and she gets the remainder of the attention. Her husband even ran a little side business pimping a few local girls for his friends and associates.

      Then enter the opportunity of corruption and graft when she entered the small town politics of Wasilla. Doubling down when elected governor because Alaskan's voted for her because the alternative sucked. She didn't see the opportunity for cashing in. Todd did. It's not about her. Todd's the winner. She's just too dumb to see the abuse.

    2. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Interesting report, from 5:53. Would you like to tell us about Trig?

    3. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Why he was shadow governor and sat in on meetings and cc'd on e-mails. WHY he stands in the background and sits beside her at book signings when they're not even married anymore. Why her live interviews are word sausage when left to her own understanding. Drrrrr.

      Again, Gryph said WAY back if we knew how this came about that we;d feel sorry for her. Well I don't anymore for what she's caused.

      God, Jesus. Christ in Christmas my @ss.

    4. Anonymous6:51 AM

      Wow, helloooo libel to the above Anon shithead. Get a life. I don't see why you insist on writing such lies.

    5. Anonymous7:38 AM

      If any libel or slander you can be certain the Palin's will sue. That is a good way to know it is true.... PALINS NEVER SUE.

    6. Anonymous8:25 AM

      The Palins do not sue!!! They do NOT want to end up Court where they'd have to answer ANY questions!

      In fact, when called to appear in Alaska, Todd didn't show. And, because the State of Alaska is so damned corrupt, they didn't even go after him!!!

      Sarah was deemed unethical by the Alaska Legislature when she was the 'quitter' governor. Frauds and liars - both of them!

  6. Anonymous5:40 PM

    O/T sort of. It deals with SarahPac and money.

    Does anyone who knows how to read these things know when we'll see SarahPac's next earning and spending report?

    Will it be a quarterly for July, Aug., and Sept.?

    I was hoping to see her most recent filing and it appears that would be the July 31, mid-year report.

    Here's the link:

    Thanks. (And I confess, I'm hoping we'll see something in there that we can all be thankful for--like way fewer donations.)

    1. Anonymous5:02 AM

      Because it's a non-election year the next SarahPAC filing is due January 2014 (for the period of July - Dec. 2013).

  7. Anonymous6:11 PM

    What I get a kick out of? Blogs like Gryph's, Malia's, and SPHASH's. She, her family (?), and her ilk HATE the truth and come in like gangbusters calling names just like their QUEEN because we have her figured out and don't adore on bended knee. Who DOES that except mentally deranged?

    5:01 PM was spot on in assessment. This is exactly why, Steve Schmidt said "OH shit" (rhyme intended) after McCain picked her and McCain knows it too. The GOP knew it and didn't invite her to the RNC, she was pissed about that! Remember renting the hall down the street that never happened? All she has left is the tea party because she is to them, self-confessed, "just like ME!"

    Australia got it off the bat with Stephanie Banister, the "Australian Sarah Palin" and she went away quick embarrassed as hell. The REAL Sarah? Queen Esther was in her head but DAMN does she keep trying to her detriment. LMAO!

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      What does G have to do with truth? All he writes is manipulative garbage to perpetuate his myths.

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Anonymous6:48 AM
      do fact checking.

  8. Anonymous6:26 PM

    She's in a convenience store and he's in front of the National Mall. She's wearing a puffy vest and he's wearing a suit and some kind of pelt. Where are the similarities? They're both wearing sunglasses? Lots of people wear sunglasses. What am I missing?

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      The similarity is the pimp in each photo.

    2. Anonymous9:04 PM

      They are both cheap, tacky, immoral lying frauds.

      Look closely.

      See it now?

      The B.

    3. Anonymous6:47 AM

      Yes you are.

    4. Anonymous6:53 AM

      Anonymous6:26 PM

      The overall look and style (Palin/O'Keefe) is visually similar. The instant I saw that picture I was reminded of the Breitbart disaster. Pimp and pimp are similar, also, too. Not everyone will see it the same but she is in pimp O'Keefe mode to many.

      FOR SURE BOTH ARE cheap, tacky, immoral lying frauds.

  9. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I think there is something very telling in her "slavery" comment. She has mentioned slavery at least twice this past week. She knows it racist as Hell and that's why she qualified it. She's projecting. She IS a slave. Chains may not shackle her but she is in so deep she may as well be chains. Her glamorous life and all the money sure don't look to pretty from here.


    1. Anonymous7:44 PM

      She is a slave to all the lies she's told and the rich benefactors who keep her financed (to do their bidding). Someone is protecting her...she should have disappeared in disgrace from the public eye long ago.

    2. Anonymous8:12 PM

      That would be the Kochs.

    3. Anonymous10:43 AM


  10. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Hey, Sarah, I hear that you had 8 reporters held in a room in the Wausau Wal-mart, and they were not allowed to talk to your fans. So much for freedom of the press. In fact, they couldn't leave the guarded room to visit the bathroom, unless a guard accompanied the reporter. Wal-mart said that the goons, excuse, me, the security team was provided by the publisher.

    You may wonder why Todd travels with Sarah. He is one of the guards, an enforcer. I guess that Sarah misses her protective wall of Secret Service protection. I have never heard of a book signing where reporters are held in a room to protect the author and her fans. What in the world is Sarah afraid of?

    And let's be clear about Wal-mart. They will be open on Thanksgiving, speaking of Joe McScrooge spoiling their employees' holidays. Thanksgiving is a time to be with family, not with customers buying things. Wal-mart just wants to get 24 hour jump on the competition. Pretty tacky. And, Wal-mart provided the room where the reporters were restrained. (The original reporting was that they were locked up. Maybe the door wasn't physically locked, but they were held there, unlawfully restrained and detained for no reason at all). Hey, Sarah, WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF?

    1. Anonymous9:57 PM

      In all fairness, this happened in 2011. Looks like both sides lock reporters in closets ;-)

      At least old handsome Joe only locked up one!

    2. Anonymous2:43 AM

      She would be catatonic with fear that they would ask a question that exposes her fakery.

    3. Anonymous6:47 AM

      Yet you fail to report the dinners when BIDEN has reporters locked in closets. From 2010. Those exist.

    4. Anonymous6:55 AM


      Was that the same Walmart where a dead body was found? Strange coincidence.

    5. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Doesn't sound quite legal to me! 'Freedom' of speech - 'freedom' that she always hollers about! Covering up stuff as usual!

      Palin is a fraud and liar. The book is dropping, dropping, dropping....time to put her on an ice float in Alaska and hopefully she'll end up in Russia w/Putin never to be seen or heard from again!

    6. Oh 9:57 et seq:

      Sarah Palin keeping the reporters in a guarded room in Wausau, Wisconsin happened on Thursday. Last I checked, it is 2013, not 2011.

      As for your remarks about Biden, go fuck off, you ignorant twat.

    7. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Geeze, the stories those Walmart back rooms and bath rooms could tell.

  11. Anonymous7:19 PM

    C'mon trolls! Time to "refudiate!' Just look at the smorgasbord you have in above posts tonight. It's early...we've got time..

  12. Anonymous7:40 PM


    Huffington Post said:

    Sarah Palin Apologizes For Remarks On Pope Francis

  13. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #113 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

  14. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Anonymous5:00 PM
    Why do those Palin girls insists on putting their hair up? Willow has a bulbous forehead like Bristol.

    Is that the style they teach GED students?

    1. Anonymous8:44 PM

      The hair store was out of bumpits.

    2. Anonymous6:46 AM

      Some people aren't as crass as you, nor as judgmental.

    3. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Re-purposing Sarah's old Brillo pads since she doesn't clean.

  15. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I hope those trailer park people are buying something other than condoms and douche at the gas station.

    1. Anonymous8:42 PM

      they sell douche at gas stations ?!?

      LMAO !!

    2. Anonymous9:19 PM

      And to think her stoopid followers think she's president-worthy and still send her money. You want THAT leading this country?

    3. Anonymous9:25 PM

      By all the illegitimate children in the family I doubt they are buying condoms.

    4. Anonymous6:46 AM

      Wow Anon 9:25, you're pathetic

    5. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Anonymous9:25 PM

      You are right on!

    6. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Anon at 6:46
      Pathetic is illegitimate baby after baby being born into one family because all of them are too stupid to use birth control. The ONLY way a 16 yr old gets pregnant is because of very poor parenting.

    7. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Track Palin only conceived in illegitimacy, he married someone a month or two before a birth. In Palin world that means that baby is not a bastard or illegitimate.

      His Uncle Chuck Jr. was married to the mother of 2 of his sons when he illegitimately conceived his daughter with the eventual replacement wife, Abbey. It may be the Palin tradition of preventing the birth of bastards in the family. Illegitimate conception is not the same as an illegitimate birth.

  16. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Please tell me that this is Photoshop! There is no way in blue blazes that a woman that once held public office and ran for VPOTUS in 2008 for the GOP would allow herself to be photographed trying to cup her own breast in what seems to be a convenience store.

    Sarah, you are acting like a D-list celebrity! Stop it! You are mother and grandmother who is quickly approaching 50. Act like you honestly love and respect yourself and your family.

    A public meltdown in Britney Spears fashion is not too far away for the grifter. McCain, if you are so proud of Sarah as you constantly say, step in and help her! She is imploding right before your eyes.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      I hope this "Britney Spears" meltdown doesn't include a crotch shot. Sarah is already bald so she doesn't have to shave her head, just toss the wig off for all to see. I really don't care what happens to her as long as she leaves the stage the media has created for her. Melt away, you witch.

  17. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Isn't that the same nasty funky ass outfit she and the pimp had on a few days ago?

    1. Anonymous7:01 AM

      They sleep in their clothes.

    2. Anonymous12:40 PM

      They must smell real funky.

  18. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Why is Willow with them? I thought she just got a new job? Or I guess the "job" was just another Palin lie.

    1. abbafan3:07 AM

      Anon @ 9:25 P.M. - $arah would be mighty pissed having her "book" tour interrupted by a 3 A.M. phone call telling her someone's house in Wasiller' was vandalized. This way, she is in eyesight, so there is no threat of her young'un contracting 9 month "mono" in their absence dont'cha know! You betcha!

    2. Anonymous6:45 AM

      Just stop talking. You sound stupid.

    3. Anonymous6:45 AM

      And abbafan, libel isn't good.

    4. Anonymous7:48 AM

      abbafan knows what they are talking about. And that is exactly what is going on. Plus their unemployed daughter needs to use SarahPac and funds also, too, so she can buy more bumpits..

      What isn't good is the misuse of the word libel like a broken record routine that has never worked. The definition of insanity, can anyone recall what that is?

      The Palin's must do a lawsuit when there is libel or slander or they make fools out of trolls.

    5. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Nor is slavish fawning, 6:45 am. You'd do much better aiming your silly little bits of advice to Mrs Palin. I think "Libel' is her middle name.

  19. Anonymous9:43 PM

    DA ang those guys have fun! Still sportin' her bootiful white, puffy vest=so flatterin'. Where was Toad today, while Wallow filled in for him at the book table? Did he have to service his skank GF?

    Oh, the Vibrant Life!
    (snark, of course)

    1. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Todd has his secret Rainbow Bay Resort business, the pimp business and a new gal to hook up with who wants another ring. Todd is busy and Willow wants a cut of the riches. She is not playing mommy's little hair darling for free.

  20. Anonymous10:20 PM

    What in the world is going on with her legs? Did somebody try to photoshop out some flab and went overboard? For the life of me I can not figure out this dumb fuck.

  21. Anonymous11:48 PM

    I used a program to pose a photo of O'Keefe side by side with Lee Harvey Oswald...uncanny (wish I could post it on this message).

    As O'Keefe was born AFTER Jack Ruby sent Oswald to become Satan's bitch, he just may be a reincarnation!

    1. Anonymous5:48 AM

      O'Keefe also resembles Timothy McVeigh.

  22. Anonymous3:09 AM

    What a bunch of rubes. From their cheap clothes to their tacky antics, not ready for prime time at all.

    1. Anonymous6:45 AM

      lol So being normal is tacky? You need a reality check. And happiness

    2. Anonymous7:07 AM

      They are ready in the TEA BAG world.

  23. Lots of chatter going on around my area about this. Palin's team did NOT know that Oliver North was signing HIS new book only a few blocks away from her at the SAME TIME. Palin's "team" made a personal request to OLIVER NORTH to extend his time (i.e., make him hang out later than his scheduled time) so that HER fans could finish with her and then go to his signing if they still wanted to. Good grief....ego anyone? North's book signing has been in the works for quite some time. I am NOT going, as I originally planned for 2 reasons: work commitments that came up and the fact that I just don't want to be seen there anymore. Part of me is disappointed because I did want to give everyone some great photos & boots on the ground reporting, but I don't think I can stomach it.

    1. Anonymous6:44 AM

      How would she have known? Are they friends?

    2. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Track Palin is Sarah's google expert. He was in the military. He would be up on Oliver North and any right wing book or military event.

      That is the sort of matter that would have been looked into before Palin planned this book tour. She would know if North would be in the area when she made her plans. Or he knew she would be near when he made his plans.

      Either way it wouldn't be a surprise unless it is just incompetency.

  24. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Why doesn't she ever put those damned cell phones down? What important call is she waiting for?

    Seeing Todd's pink shirt made me think. What Sarah needs to do is fake breast cancer (can plastic boobs get it?) . That would get her huge amount of attention and sympathy donations. Our high school volleyball coach is a royal bitch. So mean and nasty to the kids. Last year, unfortunaely, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Suddenly, she is the second coming. All the people who previously hated her feel guilty about their (legitmate) complaints and are going to great lengths to canonize her. All the kids, boys included, wear pink the day of every game etc. They held a dinner (even though she has great insurance) and gave her a huge check. I am very sorry she has this horrible disease...but know many other people facing it who need the help.
    Watching this makes me think what a gold mine it could be to Sarah. Can't you see the sea of pee posts now?

  25. Anonymous4:31 AM

    It looks like Willow is saying, "No! I said Marlborough Lights!"

    Also too, Palin's fb comment states they're getting "dinner" at the gas station. Guess it's an early dinner since the reflection on the plate glass window suggests late afternoon or early morning.

    1. Anonymous6:23 AM

      They are getting douche for all three of them stanky ho's

    2. Anonymous6:43 AM

      that would be libelous suggestion.

    3. Anonymous7:51 AM

      643 libelous suggestion and “less tort-reform threat”

    4. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Dinner at a gas station? what might that be? Beef Jerky and diet cokes? Week-old hot dogs? Red Bull and beer?

      No wonder she gave up on her health and fitness book!

  26. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Hey Sarah is the Pope Catholic?

  27. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Last night, Sarah's book was #133 on Amazon's best sellers list. This morning, #135, and the one star reviews are hilarious. The Pee's had their panties in a twist last night over the negative comments at Amazon. When Sarah gives speeches, she loves the line, "Do you love your freedoms? Track fought over there to defend your freedoms." That would include the freedom of speech, which includes the right to say that you don't like the book. That would also include the freedom of the press, yet Palin's security put 8 reporters in Wausau, Wisconsin's Wal-mart in a room with a guard. (They don't like the words "locked in a room" because the door was not officially locked. But it was guarded and they could not leave nor could they talk to Sarah's fans). Do you love your freedoms?

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      PALIN LIES. I have never seen one iota of proof that Track Palin made it anywhere close to any war zone or that he ever fought more then his battle with substance abuse.

      We know about the military and vets and dope (medicine they keep soldiers strung out) and drugs (what soldiers illegally transport back from places like Afghanistan).

      They will never be free until they can face the abuse of chemical substances.

  28. Anonymous6:43 AM

    I don't see any relation to these people or picture. One is a family being normal and having fun. The other looks photoshopped and is of people Palin's never even met.

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Anonymous 6:43 AM that would be libelous suggestion.

    2. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Sorry 6:43. That gal with O'Keefe is not related to him so you can't describe them as a family having fun. And in the other picture Palin must know those people cause she's with them!

    3. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Palin and O'Keefe are comrades. They are both with the Andrew Breitbart Group. They don't tell you about any secret meetings or when they get together. O'Keefe had to move into the dark shadows since his crimes and treatment of women is so disgraceful.

      Sarah Palin will not be forthright and say how she thinks or feels about James O'Keefe. She obviously likes his style and compliments him by mimicking and acting out.

    4. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Anonymous6:43 AM Turn on a light. It will help you to see better.

  29. Anonymous7:18 AM

    The Palin's and O'Keefe are symbiotic under the Breitbart umbrella. They don't have to meet in person or tell when they get together. The Palins can emulate the Kardashians without meeting them. She probably has someone read O'Keefe to her and is one of his greatest admirers. Why wouldn't she want to emulate his look? He even went to school, he may be one of the few college grads she can look up to and hope her daughters can find someone like O'Keefe.

  30. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Anonymous7:48 PM
    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #113 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #135 in Books

  31. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Bad mix

  32. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Palin does not suggest libel, she is out right lies.

  33. Anonymous11:25 AM

  34. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Sarah was so proud of the rainbow. Why don't they mention their part in the Rainbow Lodge? Todd is a partner. I think he owns a quarter of the place and it must be a successful financial enterprise. Not to mention all the benefits of such a remote and secret lay out. He could get by with anything there. He could hide numerous stashes of whatever he would want.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      It's also a way for them to launder money.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.