Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Nothing to see here just the President and the First Lady greeting people on the White House tour in person.

Such a shame that the President is so cool, and aloof, and unapproachable, don't you think?


  1. Anonymous6:10 PM

    You're right...the President IS cool!

    (Notice that his most comfortable and relaxed conversations always seem to happen with children.)

  2. Anonymous6:12 PM


  3. Anita Winecooler6:16 PM

    Grace, Dignity, Class, Poise, Respect, Content, Thoughtful, Smart, and then some. What a perfect couple! And as an aside, their dogs are beautiful creatures and so well behaved!!

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM

      They're better behaved than the Palin spawn, that's for sure.

  4. Anonymous6:28 PM

    If I could shake hands with the President and first Lady or better yet get a hug, I would be so happy! But it does make me smile to see others get a warm hand shake or a hug.

  5. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Damn Marxist Kenyan One World Order No Junk Food Fuck Our Military Communists! And Fuck You Too, Gryph! -- the pee puddle

  6. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Great to see POTUS and FLOTUS in our White House!

  7. Ailsa6:56 PM

    That was lovely. And I loved Bo (?) taking the chance to get his First Tummy rubbed.

  8. Anonymous7:05 PM

    And Bo welcomes the president!

  9. POTUS and FLOTUS make me proud to be an American!

  10. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Love them both!

  11. Dinty9:27 PM

    I'm kinda glad that didn't happen when I went there. I was baked beyond belief (having smoked some primo hydo-weed the night before and being still high from the night before). This was during Bush The Elder's reign. I remember I really got into Rutherford B. Hayes' china. It was quite compelling.

  12. Anonymous9:36 PM

    For all the crap the President and First Lady have had to take from the Republicans and the press, I hope historians will recognize them for the upstanding citizens and fine human beings that they are. We are so lucky to have them in the White House. (And Bo and Sunny, too!)

  13. Anonymous9:51 PM

    What excellent role models for our youth! And you can just tell how children are drawn to both the POTUS and the FLOTUS

  14. Sally in MI9:57 PM

    I do not recall one photo of the Bushes ever doing this. Can't imagine anyone wanting to hug the man who started wars, but Laura seemed nice enough, if clueless.
    And can you imagine hugging Ann Romney, or her deigning to hang out with 'you people?' And the Palins? Shudder. Sarah would have a bearskin cap out for donations to herself.
    Yes, the Obamas are a class act. Too bad the GOP is to blinded by their hypocrisy to se it.

  15. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Love that man! Trust that man! Admire that man!

  16. Anonymous4:03 AM

    I think that we in the US are so lucky to have President and Mrs. Obama in the White House. When the "New York Times" did an article recently about how aloof and unapproachable President Obama was, I was almost apoplectic. Their not-too-bright reporter came to that conclusion after seeing Bill Clinton playing a video game with a youngster during a campaign dinner in Virginia recently. So what! I'm sure that President Obama would have engaged the young boy too but he was the one making the speech at the event! The "New York Times" is very good at getting things wrong. Obviously the reporter didn't know that the Obamas do these "meet the public" things quite often. They also meet people in restaurants and in their homes; how many other presidents have ever done that?

    How fortunate are the people who tour the White House on the days when the Obamas meet and talk with them! Both dogs participated this time, although Sunny might not have lasted as long as Bo. She jumped up to greet people while Bo did his job perfectly. She'll learn; she's still a pup.

  17. Anonymous4:22 AM

    I love and respect President and Mrs. Obama. They truly are beautiful people in spite of what the Republicans/Teabaggers put out there that has been constant obstruction and lies since the day President Obama took office the 'first' time!

    Their trying to defund/repeal and degrade the Affordable Care Act is going to bite them in the ass. It'll be just as good as program as are Medicare and Social Security - which so many Republicans are receiving via a federal computer system that is working perfectly!

    Vote all Republicans out of office every chance you get folks. They are a horrid group of folks!


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