Thursday, November 07, 2013

Turning to Hollywood to get the message out about Obamacare.

Courtesy of Los Angeles Daily News:  

The health care overhaul will be getting a Hollywood rewrite. 

The California Endowment, a private foundation spending millions to promote President Barack Obama’s signature law, recently provided a $500,000 grant to ensure TV writers and producers have information about the Affordable Care Act that can be stitched into plot lines watched by millions. 

The aim is to produce compelling prime-time narratives that encourage Americans to enroll — especially the young and healthy, Hispanics and other key demographic groups needed to make the overhaul a success. 

“We know from research that when people watch entertainment television, even if they know it’s fiction, they tend to believe that the factual stuff is actually factual,” said Martin Kaplan of USC’s Norman Lear Center, which received the grant. 

The public typically gets as much, if not more, information about current events from favorite TV programs as mainstream news outlets, Kaplan said, so “people learn from these shows.”

Could this help? Well Republican strategists don;t think so, which probably means yes.

One thing for sure, it certainly cannot hurt. And SOMETHING needs to be done to out maneuver the GOP message that the ACA is a train wreck and should be repealed.

Besides if Hollywood knows anything at all, it is how to educate and entertain all at the same time. 


  1. Anonymous4:53 AM

    Hey, Gryph! Guess who hired Rand? First two don't count!

  2. Anonymous5:09 AM

    I dunno.....might be beyond the point of no return. As someone who's worked in IT for 24 years. if I had released that product I would have been long since drawn and quartered.

    1. You are equating the website problems with the health care plan and that is a Republican talking point.

      Thanks for playing.

    2. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Apparently you haven't looked at the individual state sites that are functioning quite well. This whole issue was created by the states not doing what they were supposed to do. I have actually used the Minnesota site and California site to help different friends.
      One couple hah a tremendous result, husband 65, wife 55. He is still working, she is a housewife that had been covered by his healthcare through work.....until the letter in October.
      Because he was going to be 65 in December, his family coverage would Jump from $1,200 out of his paycheck a month to $3,472 a MONTH. Why? Because he turned 65(doesn't really make sense since he will also be covered by medicare)
      Now who out there can afford over $40,000 a yr for insurance before any deductibles or co-pays?
      Well, they were upset and frankly, terrified about this.
      The wife has health issues and cannot be without insurance, I helped them look online when I was visiting them....
      Here are their results
      He will be on medicare and medicare Part B
      Part B will cost him $107 a month
      She is getting a Gold Kaiser Plan for $718 a month
      resulting in their insurance plans costing them $825 a month for 12014, lowering their monthly insurance costs a month from
      $3,472 to $825 a month. That may seem high to many, but it is lower than they had been paying and their yearly income is quite comfortable.
      Anyone earning less than $45,000 a yr as an individual can get assistance.
      Now thanks for playing and if your family and friends are having issues it is your Governors fault because he/she did not do their part.

      Little Rabbit

  3. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Another Obamacare 'Horror Story' Debunked; and, No, the President Didn't Lie About the Law

    As the week began, another "Obamacare" horror story hit the press, instigating a fleet of outrage-pornographers and concern trolls across the political spectrum to continue self-flagellating and screeching about the disastrous Affordable Care Act -- selectively forgetting about actual healthcare horror stories that existed before the law was implemented. It was a story focusing on yet another vague, anecdotal tale about a hapless ACA victim whose insurance policy was canceled, thus vindicating the accusation that the president lied about "keeping your existing insurance policy if you like it."

    Before we dive into the lie accusation, let's take a closer look at an op/ed for the Wall Street Journal written by a stage-4 gallbladder cancer survivor, Edie Littlefield Sundby.

    Sundby wrote that she received a letter from UnitedHealthcare announcing the cancellation of her insurance policy. She was advised to seek a different plan from the ACA exchange in California, known as Cover California. However, she claimed that there aren't any insurance plans in the exchange that are accepted by both her primary care doctors at University of California San Diego, and her oncologists at and Stanford, thus forcing her to choose one or the other.

    But here's the thing: Sundby wasn't shoved into this predicament because the ACA law forced her insurance provider out of the ballgame. UnitedHealthcare, one of the most notorious insurance providers before the ACA was passed, responsible for canceling policies and penalizing customers, decided to voluntarily bail out of the individual insurance game as a matter of corporate strategy. In doing so, it could avoid taking on less healthy customers early in the exchange sign-up process, forcing other insurers to absorb the risk. Clever. And sinister.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.