Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sarah Palin back in Alaska? Does this lady think we're idiots?

Courtesy of the Arizona resident's Facebook page:  

Back home in Alaska after a great few weeks on our “Good Tidings and Great Joy” book tour! Had to jump on Todd's SkiDoo with Trig to eliminate jet lag. Thanks so much to all who came out to visit, share recipes, and give us the chance to say an early Merry Christmas!

Back home?  Does this picture look like Arizona to anybody else?

Look I believe that coincidences DO happen, unlike a certain poorly bewigged lunatic I could mention, but come on!

I put up this post proving that Sarah Palin has not received a PFD two years running yesterday morning, and then eight and a half hours later Palin is saying that she is suddenly back in Alaska?

And with pictures to "prove it." Pictures which just so happen to feature the little boy that we accused her of abandoning as well. Seriously?

You know if I were a conspiracy theorist I might think that somebody was watching this blog, and felt the need to put the kibosh on speculation that she was not a resident of Alaska while she was out selling a book that was all about her life in Alaska.

You know, IF I were a conspiracy theorist.


  1. Anonymous6:28 AM

    is this a recent photo?
    Love how she has eyewear but none for Tri-G. No helmet either. I guess she figures he has nothing to lose? Sick.

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      She couldn't be more disengaged. She is a rotten mother to the core and she likes poor quality and failed attempts of posing her props.

    2. Anonymous7:17 AM

      TriG's legs are bigger than Sarah's.

    3. Anonymous7:28 AM

      And it looks as if she is the passenger and Trig is the driver.

    4. Anonymous8:03 AM

      No helmet either.

      More proof she loves to abuse her DS prop. Poor kid.

    5. Anonymous10:33 AM

      No one at Camp Palin gives a hoot about dear Trig. This photo response to IM is also an ad for Ski-Doo http://www.ski-doo.com/home You can't be commercial enough during the Christmas season. Didn't someone write a book to sell about all that?

      Todd speaks


      What's in it for Palins?

    6. Anonymous10:46 AM

      guarandamntee that emaciated skank fraud did not pull start that thing let alone be able to hang on to it's 160 HP - fuk, she can barely walk without assistance

      goddamned phoney whitetrash palin/heath frauds

    7. Anonymous10:54 AM

      no snow in the skid - somebody fired that thing up and parked it there for the skank to wobble over to it and straddle it for her photo op -

      what's the standin' on the tiptoes about ?!? must be all wired/methed up ...

    8. Anonymous11:20 AM

      Does that even look like Lake Lucille?


    9. Anonymous11:36 AM

      To compare, look how Tripp is swaddled up for snow machine riding. And *he* gets a helmet, too.


    10. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Where was that SkiDoo parked? Doesn't look like the compound lake to me.

    11. Anonymous11:58 AM

      This does look more authentic for taking a child out on a snow machine.

    12. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Definitely Lake Lucille. Remember she had a break in her book tour to come back to AK for thanksgiving then is off again to spread her xmas hate December 5.

      Todd has Trig because Bristol is in AZ at hair school so Trig must be a little confused because he usually lives with Bristol and Tripp and no the weird skinny lady is taking photos with him again.

    13. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Pure photo op pic. Totally unbelievable.
      M from md

    14. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Someone said this pic was posted MONTHS ago!
      Epic FAIL... BITCH! ES&D!!! You and your FAKE boobs!

  2. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Congratulations, Gryphen!

    You've got your very own Sarah puppet.

    She just demonstrated once again how frantically she dances when you jerk her chain.

    Just think how very much she must wish she could wave Trig's birth certificate at you while she's gyrating. The fact that she can't is clearly consuming her.

    1. nora in California7:53 AM

      Yes, don't you love these postcard responses?

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Don't get too big of a head. As entertaining as Immoral Minority is with covering Sarah's trail of b.s., it is unlikely she 'reacts' to the IM posts, at least not ones as benign as where she is spending Thanksgiving. This pic is for her fans that already believe her anyways.

    3. Anonymous8:49 AM

      You own her Uncle Gryph! HA HA HA Now if we could just get a pick of her by the pool in AZ. Anyone got a helicopter?

    4. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Anon 7:55 She may or may not be responding to IM, but it's a fact that she uses photographs to spin her BS and reinforce her myths. ie Gusty photo, hunting pics, "happy" family pics.

      A snapshot in time is easily used to portrait what you want it to portray. Tou have complete control. That's whySPAK failed. It's much harder to control everyone and keep the myths alive. The true behaviors eventually creep in.

      She also has a history of posting old photographs, especially of Trig.
      The troll on the Bristol in AZ post kept daying IM was posting propaganda, but in fact Granny Grifter's photos prove to be the propaganda and the slobbering bots eat it up.

    5. Anonymous9:49 AM


      Palin paid Thomas Van Flein, Sarah Palin's lawyer, to threaten to serve libel papers to Gryphen.

      How is that not "react"ing?

      Gryphen has extracted so many lbs of flesh out of Sarah nothing's left but skin, bone, and sinew. I would include hair but that fell out long ago.

    6. Anonymous10:43 AM

      7:55 she and the Toad Both read the blogs. I told my plan for the booksigning and all of a sudden she demands no personalization of books a few days into the tour. I was gonna twll her to sign it "to someone i didnt fool". I didnt get a low wtistband number. But i like to believe she IS our skinny ass dancing monkey;)

    7. Cracklin Charlie12:04 PM

      Same here

      I told here for people to have them signed..."to Shailey". Next thing you know, no personalizing.

  3. Sure looks to be some weird photoshop going on with that picture?? The heads look to be pasted on the bodies

    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      My same exact thoughts, as soon as I clicked on the photo!

    2. Anonymous7:00 AM

      yes it does....it really, really does.

    3. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Yes and why would a Palin be riding a SkiDoo when Tawd has a sponorship with Arctic Cat?

    4. Martha again10:25 AM

      I don't know. If it's photoshopped, it's by someone who's a zillion times better than the one who did her spacelift on the grass during that race. Remember that one? Yowzer.

    5. Anonymous10:50 AM

      negatory 8:44

      the tenor voiced metrosexual pimp is indeed on the ski-doo's and off the cat's

      luv it if his fake wife and him would find some thin ice somewhere and disappear for fukin' ever

    6. Anonymous11:36 AM

      I didn't know posing on a snowmobile eliminated jet lag, look at the footprints on top of the snowmobile tracks at the bottom of the photo.

    7. Anonymous12:50 PM


      i know, right ?

      but skanks mouth breathin' cousin humpin' bots'll exclaim she took a afternoon jaunt to Nome for tea - fer realz

      LMFAO !!

  4. Anonymous6:31 AM

    She is such a plonker.

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      "Plonker?" I've never heard that term and I've no idea what it means, but I rather like it.

      "Go plonk yourself AND the caribou you rode in on, you thrice-plonked half-term plonker-plonking piece of plonked-out plonk!"

      Whoa. Therapeutic and family-friendly!

    2. Irishgirl8:42 AM

      dope, idiot, moron, wally, pillock, dunderhead, dimwit

      We use it in Europe a lot. I was too lazy to sign in earlier.

  5. Anonymous6:34 AM

    _ I put up this post proving that Sarah Palin has not received a PFD two years running yesterday morning, and then eight and a half hours later Palin is saying that she is suddenly back in Alaska? _

    YOU BETCHA! Trig just happens to be with her in that oddly posed picture. (In a Sarah brain it is proof of Alaskan residency and that she is a good hands on mother of a Down Syndrome child)

  6. Crystal Sage6:38 AM

    And now, news of the more important war: The War on Thanksgiving

  7. Anonymous6:38 AM

    I want to see her Christmas decorations and family all together in the same room.

    1. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Not a snowballs chance in hell will there be decorations and family all together in the same room. Do you recall the previous bs the family posted for the holidays? That is the best that big family can do.

      Sarah made it back to Alaska for BLACK FRIDAY?

    2. Anonymous9:01 AM

      It's just not Thanksgiving anymore with Granny Palin's turkey slaughter video. Uncle G, please make my Thanksgiving wish come true!

    3. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Anonymous9:01 AM
      As "Hilarius" as it "Seems" on the surface...I am convinced the Cunt Sarah knew exactly what was happening behind her and it was a "Threat" to all Alaskans.... STFU or else.
      I don't laugh at it anymore once I had this "realization". It is as direct threat as the dead bear to Piers Morgan, the Crosshairs on Gabby, and all the other threats she has done to people.
      Only soon, the tables will be turning 'eh cunt?

  8. Anonymous6:41 AM


  9. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Who gets jet lag on a three hour flight?
    She's so DUCKING FUMB!

    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      That's what I thought! LOL!

    2. Anonymous9:02 AM

      So, now she gets jetlagged from a three hours flight, but a couple of years ago, she was fit and chipper to bypass several hospitals and drive through a snowstorm to 'deliver' a DS baby?

    3. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Alaska is really faaaar dontcha know. It's almost like traveling to another planet.

    4. Anonymous9:31 AM

      You got that right! Stupid is as Stupid does, but that is Sarah, doncha know?

  10. Anonymous6:46 AM

    She's pimping snow machines now.

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      6 days to go, and only 37k left to raise! Have you checked out #WinterProject yet?

  11. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Hey, $arah! eff you from MN!


    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      That is a great article. The author does a great job of demonstrating how ridiculous Sarah Palin's "war on Christmas" really is. Thanks for sharing.

    2. Anonymous7:00 AM

      where are her boobs in that photo? They are gone!

    3. Anonymous8:41 AM

      That Star Tribune column was spot on. There is no war on Christmas. But the bigger issue is why is this charlatan still around? Why is her Grinchy spirit allowed to taint everything it touches?

      The PC police? Her every utterance is insulting, racist, and ignorant. No one shuts her up. She's allowed to cast aspersions at the president constantly. She's allowed to attack and spout gibberish and nastiness. She's given a platform for hatred. How many of us can go on NBC, Fox, and CNN to air our grievances? PC police? She's an uncensored wreck, a nasty, bitter, dried up shrew. And the media lap it up and spew it out for our consumption.

    4. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Note that the Star Tribune writer said that about 30 people had lined up to see $creech at the Mall of America. ... the nation's biggest mall!! LOL

      And what other "authors" have so many rules about staying in line, no photos (except if you pay for them) --

      What a self righteous, delusional hate monger.

    5. Anonymous10:23 AM

      The English-challenged, self-serving, ignorant idiot liar has fallen so far down--that the flames of Hell are reaching out to her in anticpation of a long, hot visit. She'll be right at home.

    6. Anonymous11:11 AM

      really good funny read! thanks for the link.

  12. Anonymous6:53 AM

    So which charities did she highlight again? I missed the memo.

    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      She highlighted her favorite charity, her PAC.

  13. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Where are Trig's helmet and glasses -- unless, could it be? -- this is just a photo-op and they're not going anywhere.

    Sarah's reverted to her sporty hair-geyser "do," which she favors on boats, horses, snowmobiles, and when "running" foot races or chasing some wild animal to kill.

    She might spend some of her hard-grifted dollars on a real hair stylist, who can advise her on how to take care of her hair
    and wigs, and give her a shorter, more age-appropriate "do."

    Sarah, you're not 40 or 45 any more. Just a few short months from now you'll be 50 -- a grandmother and someone who's been in the public eye for a long,long time. Time for a new you!

    Note that she's not holding Trig, reading to him, or other maternal displays of affection.

    Sarah, just fyi -- much of the country has some sort of snow. Over here on the East Coast, we have snow, mountains, snow shoes, hiking trails, sledding and a whole host of winter activities that don't require expensive machines or fossil fuels. More age-appropriate for a five-year-old with special needs, too.

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Sarah is helping Joey. They sell that snow crap, it is big business.


    2. Anonymous11:14 AM

      So Mrs.Palin is still trying to buy her daughter a husband?

      Or should we say, No, Mrs. Robinson, Joey is just not into you.

  14. Anonymous6:59 AM

    She went to AK for Thanksgiving...big deal. Lots of people travel on the holidays. Nice of her to see her grandkids once in a while and she's sweet to take Todd's kid for a ride.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Why is Bristol alone with Tripp back in Phoenix? Will she travel for the holidays and Tripp will be able to have family holiday time with the Johnstons?

      Holidays are all about family time, traditions and working things out to be together.

    2. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Good one.

  15. Anonymous7:06 AM

    lol at Star Tribune describing all the regulations to stand in line for Scary's book on the War on Democrats.

    I would be standing there with a camera taking pictures of everyone. If her goons tried to remove me...I'd be screaming at the top of my lungs. "HELP, SP's goons are assaulting me! Get your filthy mitts off me!"

    Freedom Sarah....Freedom appears to be something you know nothing about. Oh, that's right. You don't know anything because your bulbous head is a vacuum.

  16. I don't usually nit-pick photos, but really? No gloves? No goggles? No hat (maybe there is a hood)? I don't see them plopped on the dashboard, etc. Why would you go all the way out to the snowmobile without already being appropriately garbed?

    They obviously haven't already been out for a ride (too fresh, not snow-covered or sweaty-looking).

    After the picture was taken I have no doubt that they went right back in the house.

    Frontier woman, my ass.

    And guess what, you simple-minded potatohead, we have snowmobiles all over this country and a lot of us know how people dress to ride on them.

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      It was just a photo op. However I am not sure that woman in the pic is Mrs. Palin.

    2. Anonymous12:05 PM

      I am... The gigantic head on the malnourished body.... yeap...that's her.

    3. Anonymous12:19 PM

      The "woman" in the photo is Mrs. Palin, however, she looks like a 12 year old girl with an eating disorder. She's so skinny now that she must have to pad her ass when sitting or she's gonna get sores where the bones poke through.

      Congratulations Mrs. Palin, you have achieved "Skinny Little (Starlet) Status. (Skinny, but actually not a starlet, she got only 50% of what she asked for, but hey, don't quit now, you still could lose another 40 lbs or so...)

  17. Anonymous7:12 AM

    How do we know when that photo was taken? Last year maybe? Trig looks quite small. The other day, Sarah was broadcasting form her Arizona house. My, she does get around.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Well she's got fully paid PACmobiles at her disposal. Trains, planes, automobiles, snowmobiles, horses, float boats, mule trains, helio-copters, SUV limos, ice-skates at the snap of her bony fingers, night or day.

      If there is a $ to be had anywhere on this globe, she is so there!!!

    2. Anonymous11:46 AM

      It looks like the picture was from spring of this year. Tack's birthday? Trig's birthday?

    3. Anonymous12:21 PM

      The photo looks pretty consistent with the weather this weekend and today. I think she simply came home to visit to Tgive. Hopefully she doesn't eat too much because she needs to lose a few more pounds.

  18. Anonymous7:16 AM

    If that really is Sarah & Trig, then the child has shrunk. Even with the winter clothing, he barely comes her waist and she is tiny herself. Down kids tend to be on the chunky side and the pix of Trig have never shown him as frail. This kid looks small framed and about 3, not closing in on 6. And "Sarah" sure looks a lot like Todd in drag.

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      plus Sarah said Trig was obese a couple years ago....

      That is not Trig. That's Willow's child born in NY.

  19. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Jet lag comes where you fly from West to East or East to West, changing time zones. Wow, two hours time difference between Phoenix and Anchorage. Really, that's jet lag? And, running around in the cold without a hat on is not how you cure "jet lag." No, like everything else in Palin's life, it's a photo op. It's a convenient way of saying that the Mama Grizzly does so live in Alaska, even though she doesn't live there long enough to qualify for the Permanent Fund check.

  20. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Why no book signings in Alaska? She knows people would not show up and support her, that's why! What a friggin' fraud!

  21. angela7:25 AM

    Okay. Did anyone know that Palin was charging people big ass American bucks at her signings for people to take a picture with her!!!!!?????? hahahahaha. $19.99 to $29.99.
    Did she stick her tongue out when she was signing her name
    for the $29.99 'cause signing is hard work?

    Her fans are nuts if they paid money to get photographed with the Grifter extraordinaire.

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      if you want a picture with my trash can, I'm going to charge you 20 dollars. if you want oral sex with it, I don't think I could get even one cent, and that only if it's been recently cleaned and tested.

    2. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Damn thst's more than the book, and her "photographer" sucks.

    3. Anonymous11:14 AM

      What a nasty thing to do to her fans, especially in these times. A freaking photo? They can't take a photo because all photos have to be reviewed for "bad" shots of her highness.

      Mother Theresa she ain't.

  22. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Notice the path of footprints leading to the machine. Not a "What a ride!" picture.Hopefully not a "Let's ride!" picture either, due to lack of proper gear.

    1. hedgewytch11:01 AM

      Pretty sure that is right in the back yard of the house in Wasilla with "Lake" Lucille in the background. In other words Todd drove the snow machine out of the garage parked it, took the picture, and then returned it to the garage.

  23. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Her leg... it's... it's the same circumference as her (allegedly) five year old son's. The woman is a fucking skeleton.

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      I would agree that her legs indicate to me that this is a fairly recent photo, per the legs (or lack thereof) in the Minnesota mall pic.

    2. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Her legs have looked like that for awhile. Remember the flashdance shirt &zippeer jeans in LA.

    3. Anonymous10:38 AM

      repeated liposuction - not the legs of a runner.

  24. Anonymous7:32 AM

    No wedding ring.

    1. Anonymous11:20 AM

      That's curious. Mrs. Palin wore her wedding ring (or replacement ring) on the WALlace Interview. Only time I have seen Mrs. Palin wear a wedding ring since 2008.

  25. Anonymous8:04 AM

    How did Trig get to the snow machine if there is no snow on his boots? If they are really going for a ride, the cold wind is going right through their thin pants. Sarah is wearing sunglasses while it's dark enough for the lights to be turned on but poor Trig's face is really going to get cold if they are going for a ride. He should have protective glasses and a helmet. It's just a photo op. The footprints in the snow show that they just walked out there for the pose, not for a ride. That photo could have been taken any time. Trig looks really young.

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Snow machine rides require helmuts and glasses, but for comfort against the cold wind, a nice plush winter scarf. That kid, if he was really riding should have had a scard wrapped around his face. I don't what the temperatures up there in AK right now, but if they are in the low single digits, riding or skiing, for an adult can be painful if not dressed properly. The cold wind whips the face and freezes it on contact. Little kids especially need a good solid hat tied under the chin and even a face mask would be appropriate, especially for a child with Down Syndrome.

      Where the scarf Sarah? Northern Mainers know how to dress for snow machining, they wear snow pants and special suits and all the gear to keep the cold wind out, and she's got her little 5 year old in regular pants?

  26. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Wow...She is so f...fat! She needs to loose some weight :D

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      ooooohhhhh you're a mean one! lol

  27. Anonymous8:15 AM

    If I were a conspiracy theorist also, I'd say she's watching this blog very carefully and reacting to every observation that brands her as a deadbeat mom, or a grifter, or a fake phony liar.

    It appears she lives to control her fake brand. She can't relax and just live a truthful honest life, like we do. She has to follow her tracks over and over and keep up the show that she's the gal she pretends to be. After a while, that's got drain her energy, constantly one-upping someone who might reveal her secrets. She has to continually be on the ball, never letting her guard down, sleeping with one eye open, hiring her minions to keep tabs on Immoral Minority and going into 'alert' mode. My imagination goes wild, seeing in my mind's eye, Sarah getting a 'red alert, red alert' or beep-beep from her blackberry and getting a phone call with her secret agent - meet me in one hour. Then she goes incognito with her sunglasses and wig into a back alley with Piper to activate "operation Kibosh Immoral Minority".

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      I wonder if we told her to walk across the thin ice of Lake Lucille she would do it? Come on you frontier freak, give it a shot, your Jesus did.

  28. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Seriously, this woman is truly running for fear of being discovered. It's obvious she can't live 'vibrantly'. I can't imagine having spent 3 or four weeks on the road like she did, without seeing that sweet little guy, and getting jetlag, not just for a 3 hour flight, but for all the flights she's been on these past weeks with her book tour and interviews. Staying in a different hotel and the travel stresses, it boggles the mind that she'd just get 'home' and hop on a ski-doo.

    Does this woman never enjoy quiet time with her family? Does she never take Trig away from the cameras and have bonding personal time with him? Does she always have to post personal family photos of herself and her kids to infinity? What real mother does this?

    She a poser as a mother. No real mother could do this.

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      So fucking well put. In all the zillions of photos she's compulsively displayed of herself and her family, I've never seen a sincere hug bt Palin and another human being, including her own children. I would imagine she does not know that area of human experience called intimacy.

    2. Anonymous8:52 AM

      One of her mainstay nourishments to replenish her well traveled body is Red Bull and Vodka. Try it along with her other medications. You might just rush home and do a photo op. Tawd, Arm-e Track or a needy bud staged it for her, she only had to do her har and make-up. lol

    3. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Fear is why $arah never shows her face in AK (except for phlny photo opps) -- $he knows she is reviled in Alaska - and we won't hold back if we see her in one of her staged "appearances."

      No AK media ever ask to speak with her, nor do any stories appear in AK media (except occastional reprings from elsewhere.) $arah is NEVER invited to attend any AK women in politics events or asked for an endorsement of any kind. $he knows she is toxic in AK and lives on fear of being called out for the lying hypocrite she really is.

      $he might still fool some people in the L48, but not in AK.

    4. Anonymous11:09 AM

      You know damn well we are now going to see an ton of photos showing the scrawny harpy trying to cop a "sincere-looking, intimate hug" from everyone within arm distance. It might cost sarapac some bribery $ though................

    5. Anonymous11:11 AM

      To answer your question, No! That woman does not enjoy anything except promoting herself. Her Facebook comments were about her book tour and her jet lag, not how happy she was to see Trig again.

  29. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Rick Santorum’s movie ‘The Christmas Candle’ flops

    The power of prayer has failed to save The Christmas Candle, the new release from Rick Santorum’s faith based film studio, EchoLight.

    The Christmas Candle, set in the fictional English village of Gladbury and billed as “a timeless holiday film for the entire family”, attracted widespread critical scorn as well as dismal box-office results, having grossed just over $1.6m after two weeks on release.

    The bad reviews were perhaps predictable, with the New York Daily News saying: “This odd Dickens-meets-Sunday-school movie is as artless as the setup is muddled”, while the New York Post judged: “This throwback, made-for-TV-style film takes the easy way out in a cheesy climax, but its resolute quaintness may appeal to the kind of viewers who regard electricity as disturbingly newfangled.” The Arizona Republic called it “resolutely stiff and hollow”.


    1. hedgewytch11:04 AM

      That review could also serve as a description of Rick Santorum.

    2. Anonymous11:21 AM

      “resolutely stiff and hollow”.

      Sorta like Rick (google it) Santorum.

  30. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Pope Francis rips capitalism and trickle-down economics to shreds in new policy statement

    In case there was any doubt left, Pope Francis made it clear that he shares little in common with U.S. conservatives.

    The pontiff released his Evangelii Gadium, or Joy of the Gospel, attacking capitalism as a form of tyranny and calling on church and political leaders to address the needs of the poor.

    “As long as the problems of the poor are not radically resolved by rejecting the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation and by attacking the structural causes of inequality, no solution will be found for the world’s problems or, for that matter, to any problems,” the pope said in the 84-page document that essentially serves as his official platform.

    Pope Francis said that inequality was the root of social ills, and prayed for world leaders with more empathy and sense of social justice.

    “I beg the Lord to grant us more politicians who are genuinely disturbed by the state of society, the people, the lives of the poor!” Pope Francis wrote. “It is vital that government leaders and financial leaders take heed and broaden their horizons, working to ensure that all citizens have dignified work, education and healthcare.”

    The pope has already drawn the ire of some conservative Catholics, particularly in the U.S., for his open-minded comments on social issues such as homosexuality, abortion and contraception, and he’s also previously criticized capitalism for promoting greed.

    But his latest statements put those concerns into sharper focus – and puts him in sharp contrast to American conservative leaders who prize the unfettered free market and promote the Randian theory of objectivism, or rational self-interest.

    “I am interested only in helping those who are in thrall to an individualistic, indifferent and self-centered mentality to be freed from those unworthy chains and to attain a way of living and thinking which is more humane, noble and fruitful, and which will bring dignity to their presence on this earth,” the pope wrote.

    He also launched a broadside against former President Ronald Reagan’s signature economic theory, which continues to serve as conservative Republican dogma.


    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      "I am interested only in helping those who are in thrall to an individualistic, indifferent and self-centered mentality..."

      Splendid. The Pope is finally going to the right thing and sell all the vast holdings of the Catholic church that in excess of what is needed for ministry. He can start with the Vatican Museum. That alone, would lift millions from poverty and let them build a future for themselves, the future that the church robbed from their ancestors for 2000+ yeats.

  31. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Sarah's followers do not care about Trig Palin or if he gets proper therapy and attention. Sarah would be posing how she works with him and she would talk about his progress and schooling if her money donors cared about a real child. What a cold heart that group of suckers that she has following her schemes and sending her money.

    She only shows them these poorly crafted images b/c of their low life perspectives. Why do they not show any care for Trig? Trig is a prop to Sarah and Trig is a prop to her heartless fans. They probably juice their panties seeing him unprotected and set up in the freezing weather while she is wearing gear and promoting snow-machine sales.

    They are also blind to Sarah's skeletal and near death look. They can never help her with the intervention she so desperately needs to survive her fatal disease.

  32. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Did Tawd lose his Arctic Cat contract? If not, why would they be supporting another snowmobile ( or as we say in Minnesota where they are actually made---sled) company?

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      North Korea.

    2. Anonymous10:58 AM

      The only sponsorship available to him was offered by Craig Compeau, who owns the Skidoo franchise in Fairbanks. Compeau is a local right leaning republican who apparently, is a Palin sycophant. He thinks supporting a known sexual predator is a benefit to his business. Only in Fairbanks. Wasilla of the north.

    3. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Craig Compeau likes pimps and predators and supports using a vulnerable child famous as a political prop. What a pos he is.

      Now that Sarah doesn't have a title she can sell herself for commercials. Do they pay Trig for his work as a model?

      That picture was from a commercial the pimp's old lady did for Skid-oo.

  33. Anonymous8:50 AM

    when you get down to it, who really gives a shit?

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      I DO.....when it involves the future of my country.

  34. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I thought she was still too distraught and in the fetal position from Martin Bashir saying
    "“When Mrs. Palin invokes slavery, she doesn’t just prove her rank ignorance.
    She confirms if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, she would be the outstanding candidate.”
    Which is a whole lot different from the disgusting filth her tea party buddies -Limbaugh, Hannity , Levin , Breitbart are saying Bashir said.
    Bashir did not order anyone to defecate in her mouth , that was Breitbart and the far right's sick, sick , sick spin.
    Perhaps their creepy fantasy , which says a lot about them .
    Bashir said " if " not " should " and since Thistlewood lived in the 1700s, no one is going to get a dose of discipline from him.
    I digress.
    The one feature that immediately strikes me is her anorexic legs and her shrunken head.
    No wonder she sports the Dolly Parton wigs , but, she should have added padding to the twigs.
    The lack of a helmet or protective eyewear for the adopted little boy is terrible , but, at least his caretakers put a hat and gloves on him.
    Obviously a staged photo.
    Just like her using the photo from the Mall of America of gawkers and lookie loos from the upper tiers to
    imply they were all there for her.

  35. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Well, $he MIGHT BE back in Alaska for Thanksgiving (yeah, as if $he EVER gives thanks...), but that little boy is TOO SMALL and TOO YOUNG to be Trig. Besides, his facial features are NOTHING like ANY of the TRIG'S we have ever seen.
    Also, too... Virtually NO SNOW on the 'ski doodle'. Also, too... No more Arctic Cat sponsorship???

  36. Anonymous8:55 AM

    I just messaged Arctic Cat wondering if they dropped Tawdy boys sponsorship since the family is now being photographed on what was said to be Tawd's Ski-Doo.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Ski-Doo is a brand name of snowmobile fabricated by Bombardier Recreational Products.
      This was last year

      Did Davis drop Palin? Are Scott Davis kids mixed up with the Slednecks?
      “I’ll try anything twice!”

    2. Anonymous12:01 PM

      too funny - how long before Arctic Cat drops him? He's supposed to be touring the factory in MN on Friday.

  37. Anonymous8:59 AM

    ...In order to cure Palin of her lack of empathy, I would not have chosen the words of a slave overseer. There are thousands of stories in the WPA slave narratives, but one of the more gut-wrenching ones comes from a former slave named Mary Armstrong, who describes, with a horrifying mix of aplomb and anguish, the death of her sister:

    You see, my Mama belong to old William Cleveland and old Polly Cleveland, and they was the meanest two white folks what ever lived, ’cause they was allus beatin’ on their slaves. I know, ‘caus Mama told me, and I hears about it other places, and besides, old Polly, she was a Polly devil if there ever was one, and she whipped my little sister what was only nine months old, and jes a baby, to death. She come and took the diaper offen my little sister and whipped till the blood jes’ ran – jes’cause she cry like all babies do, and it kilt my sister.

    After reading that, Sarah Palin would surely have to wonder what use a slaveowner would have had for a baby who was disabled, would surely know that our public debt will never be like that, and that saying it will is deeply painful to those who are still scarred by that chapter in our history. Sarah Palin doesn’t deserve the treatment that slaves got, no human being does. The point is that the indelible pain of slavery doesn’t deserve the treatment that Palin gave it, either.


    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      And, Martin Bashier's comments regarding slavery were NOT off base! Sarah Palin deserves having many things put in her evil mouth to shut her up forever! Better yet, someone should sew her mouth shut or wire her jaw shut!

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Martin's ratings are soaring because everyone agrees with him. Sarah is stupid beyond words.

  38. Crystal Sage8:59 AM

    Sarah is obsessed with this blog to the point that she immediately has a photo op to "refudiate" the latest discussion. Know that, I fully expect Sarah and family to make a big deal out of attending church very soon. Her lame answer of where she worships caught the attention of many on this board.

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Don't forget about her "consultant" who peppers the comments with "you lie" and "get a life."

  39. Anonymous8:59 AM

    That photo is taken in front of their house near the lake! They were no more out for a snow machine ride than I was! The kid isn't dressed properly for doing so. Sarah must think we are all friggin' idiots!

  40. Kathi in NJ9:00 AM

    What I don't understand, is why she feels compelled to answer this blog. And it most certainly appears that that is exactly what she does. Gryphen calls her out on something and she answers in some form within 24 hours. With all due respect to this blog (it's a site I visit multiple times a day) it's not as if it holds the audience of say, Huffington Post or Talking Points Memo. Perhaps I just cannot comprehend how a person with national recognition thinks that a small Alaskan blog can hurt her.

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Because Gryphen has a very, very smart world-wide audience, who'll really make trouble for Sarah if she starts doing damage again to our Republic. Reading IM gives her a foretaste of what she'd be in for. It wouldn't be pretty, Ms./Mrs.(?) Palin, defunct Governor, former Alaska resident, ten-week-wonder on the GOP ticket half a decade ago.

    2. Anonymous10:51 AM

      I was fairly new to this blog when Gryph was escorted out of those two events when she found out he was there. Gryph also knows a lot that he feels is not appropriate to divulge yet, which is his right.

      Of course she's going to read this blog as her bony @ss is "this close" to being nailed to the wall and SHE KNOWS IT. Having fun looking over your shoulder, toots? The clock ticks......

    3. angela11:17 AM

      Well, Kathi. it seems Gryphen is the reason she is still tied to Todd. Gryphen told everyone they were divorcing . . . and she could not stand that Gryphen knew about it. That meant he had an inside view into a lot of her world. So . . . .Gryphen is living in her head rent free now . . . .and forever.

    4. Cracklin Charlie11:53 AM

      You will never understand her actions, Kathi, because you are not mentally ill. It is impossible to rationalize the irrational.

      That's a good thing!

  41. Anonymous9:12 AM

    That kid looks more like a DWTS kid than Trig. Too young to be him, but just about the right age of Barstool's DWTS baby...

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Willow's kid was born right around when Shawn Cristy was arrested....

      My money is on her as the mother of THAT child, who is not TriG.

  42. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Oh Baldy ain't gonna be happy with the Pope again:


    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Yeah, that Pope guy keeps talking about loving and caring for the poor! What a liberal plant. All the more reason why Sarah's evangelicals will reject the premier leader of the world's Christians -- one billion strong. No matter how hard the "christianists" and Mormon try to convert them, the Third World, when it is Christian, is Catholic.
      Note to Sarah: the Pope's not some marginal religious leader, like Billy Graham and his ilk. He's the real deal (trans: rill dill). No matter how many pot shots you take at him, in his goodness and mercy, he'll pray for your tiny, ink-black soul.

  43. Anonymous9:23 AM

    "I move on and I charge forth."

  44. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Piper and her basketball games are awesome. You know Grandpop Heath will be cheering her on. Love the photos!

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      where are her parents?

    2. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Ha ha now Sarah will post pictures showing she is at Piper Diaper's basketball game

    3. Anonymous10:20 AM

      She can't because Piper is a drop out. They call it homeschool. Piper isn't well adjusted and not a team player, she won't be back to the court to pose for any pictures for her mother's scams.

    4. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Piper must have a split personality, or a clone. How could she be on Sarah's book tour and play basketball in Alaska at the same time? It's a miracle!

    5. Anonymous11:34 AM

      11:06 AM The book selling is done for now. Sarah is jet lagged and Trig will eliminate that problem so she can do another attack on something asap. Piper must be in need of eliminating jet lag and can soon play basketball in Alaska.

    6. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Piper live with the Heaths, close to her school. There was a break in b-ball and she went on the book tour with her mom now she will move back in with the grandparents. What a life for a little kid, living with the grandparents. How weird is that when you dad lives a few miles away?

  45. Anonymous9:42 AM

    What does that snowmobile Sarah Palin is straddling and Glen Rice have in common?

    They're both black and Sarah Palin loves to ride them

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      I really think we should agree to lay off (no pun intended) Glen Rice. It was a really long time ago and he's apparently a nice guy- for his sake, can we drop this and let him be?

  46. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Ruffles, My Puppy, Sam Loudan, Trig, Tripp and there had to be a 2010 DWTS baby, a girl that looks like Bristol.

    Also, too, Sarah is so thin that health problems are going to start popping up. Stress fractures, muscle loss including heart muscle, and losing that protective layer of fat that helps keep one warm and cushions a fall. Tooth loss and hair loss. The stress of all the lies and the people that she has thrown under the bus will come back to haunt her like the ghosts of holidays past.

    RJ in Brownbackistan

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      9:51 I totally agree w/you.

      Sarah Palin is a mess and getting worse all the time. Her demise is not going to be pleasant when the time comes. She's been so damned mean and evil for so long that it's showing on her physically. And, she is aging faster than do most her age.

      She is the furthest thing from being a Christian in that she practices nothing that is taught in the good book!

      Hell awaits her!!!

    2. Anonymous10:18 AM


      How much her fanbots hate her is obvious now. They can only see their fantasy. They demonstrate not an ounce of care for a human being. Same goes for Trig, he is also their prop. No love from her fans.

      What happened to Sarah's parents and her brother that loved making money (not much, but tried) from the so-called "Our $arah"... bring in the money for uncaring relatives, you scrawny death knocking on your door witch!

  47. Wendy9:51 AM

    I dunno enough about Photoshop to have an opinion but the size of the footprints suggest Trig was carried to the snow machine. Can't really see his footwear but maybe not snow boots. If adults need sunglasses for glare protection, don't kids, also?

    1. Cracklin Charlie11:48 AM

      All they did was pull the snowmobile up out back, Sarah hiked out there, carrying Trig*, and they plopped themselves up on the machine and took a picture.

      Trig was in no danger during the photo op. As usual, he wasn't really going anywhere.

      *or someone ordered to carry Trig by Sarah

    2. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Why would the 5.5 year old have to be carried. He can't walk in boots?

    3. Anonymous12:30 PM

      I don't even think they did that. Sarah's so lazy she just used an older picture

  48. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Are you sure that is Sarah? That stick figure doesn't have any titties.

  49. Anonymous10:01 AM

    When is Greta's next Wasilla interview?


  50. Chenagrrl10:02 AM

    Get a current pic of the lake. Compare and contrast.

  51. Anonymous10:05 AM

    How come we never see pictures of Sarah with Caint Get Right's ex-daughter he gave up for his guns?

    Is Sarah forbidden to take pictures with her?

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Something is wrong with that family. They can't keep relationships with their children's other parents.

      Track is not with Britts
      Bristol is not with Tripp's daddy
      Bristol is not with Trig's daddy

    2. Cracklin Charlie11:43 AM

      Kyla Grace wouldn't sign her contract?

      And, 10:11, that trend seems to go back through the generations, doesn't it?

  52. Fuck you, McCain!!!!10:06 AM

    I see no lady.

  53. Anonymous10:06 AM

    If she was actually driving (or riding) that snowmachine not just posing for a picture, she would have gloves on.

  54. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I think Skanky and Trigs heads were photoshopped on Barstool and Tripps bodies.

  55. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Anon@9:28 why are you stalking the Palins!

  56. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Ski-Doo is a brand name of snowmobile fabricated by Bombardier Recreational Products.
    This was last year

    Did Davis drop Palin? Are Scott Davis kids mixed up with the Slednecks?
    “I’ll try anything twice!”

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Dare you to watch Todd video? What is he on? If it is too awful try it with the sound off but you will miss the dullness of his sounds.

  57. Martha again10:18 AM

    I'm from Massachusetts, so don't know how you can tell right away it's not Alaska. ? I totally believe you, but wonder how you can tell.

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      The photo was taken in Alaska, just not sure when, or who might actually have been sitting on the snowmachine. The mountains are familiar to anyone who lives in the Valley. What struck me was how small "Trigg" looks for his age. I wouldn't be surprised if it is a pic from last winter.

  58. Martha again10:23 AM

    Actually, I the child reminds me a little of Piper.

    Also, all the lack of helmet and stuff COULD be explained, as everyone was just looking their best for the picture, and whoever was taking the photo had the rest of the gear.

    Not that I believe anything she says, but.

    1. Cracklin Charlie11:41 AM

      You're kidding...right, Martha again?

  59. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Notice that she is not touching Trig. Is that because he does not like her touching him?

  60. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Gloves? Face-masks? Helmets?


  61. Anonymous11:01 AM

    That top photo is an advertisement for Todd's sponsor, Skidoo. Who knows when they did the photo shoot? She could be in the Lower 48 and they post an old ad with Trig to give the appearance that she is in Alaska and showing she did not abandon her son. Wherever she may be, that photo and what she wrote are moosepoo as far as saying where she is now.

    It is clearly not showing that anyone is actually going to ride a Skidoo. It is posed like an old car ad. The kid was put there as a prop, not a kid that is going for a ride in the snow.

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Todd's sponsor is Arctic Cat.

      Todd Palin is scheduled to visit Thief River Falls, Minn. on Friday. The town is home to snowmobile manufacturer Arctic Cat. Palin, a longtime Arctic Cat snowmobile racer, plans to tour the factory.

  62. ibwilliamsi11:01 AM

    It's difficult to know when this photo was taken. Trig does not seem to be growing taller, but I understand that this is not unusual given his health concerns.

    BUT - as has been mentioned in other replies, where ARE his eyeglasses? Where IS his helmet? I guess that we can at least rest easy that he is wearing shoes that day. Whatever day that is.

    FWIW, Trig should be in school now, right? Is he enrolled anywhere? Whoo takes care of Trig while she is on her whirlwind tours? I don't claim to be the BEST mother in the world, but no one else raised my kids. Not in a million years.

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      As a special-needs child, Tri-g has been entitled to a free intervention education since he was 3 years old--schooling plus free speech, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. That his caretakers have not enrolled him says a lot about them.

    2. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Actually Trig qualified for therapy from birth, he should have been in a Zero to Three program and then would have switched to the 3 and up program as Anon at 11:35 AM writes about.

    3. Cracklin Charlie12:48 PM

      Sounds like they had trouble proving that he qualified for those programs. Birth certificate required?

      Oh, what a wicked web we weave...

  63. Anonymous11:04 AM

    So, did she actually take time from her tight schedule to visit charities and highlight their good work like she said she would? I don't facebook, did she post something?

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Mrs. Palin's Facebook is public, you don't have to be on Facebook to see it.

  64. Anonymous11:04 AM

    That photo comes from a set called "Fun at the Cabin" where Trig is wearing the same green jacket, sitting on the same snow machine-- over the Easter weekend, March 2013. The photo on Sarah's facebook proves nothing except that she is very reactive. Further proof? There is now a very long ghost written post about Obamacare, forcing the snowmobile photo further down the page so no one will notice it.

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Where is this? Snow machine.

      See Trig properly dressed for snow fun. posted April 2013.
      BRISTOL: There’s nothing more fun than hanging out with my family at the cabin. Here are five photos of our Easter weekend — of Tripp, Trig, Piper, Dad,

    2. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Thanks for the info. Seems to solve our question.

    3. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Is that the skido machine

  65. ibwilliamsi11:05 AM

    Why doesn't her head fit on her body here? It's also lit differently than the rest of the photo.

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      She must only weigh 90lbs now and her head is easily 1/4 of that. She has a big old noggin on top of a starved frame and it looks very odd but I'm sure when she looks in the mirror she sees something way different that we do.

  66. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Anonymous10:20 AM said:
    She can't because Piper is a drop out. They call it homeschool. Piper isn't well adjusted and not a team player, she won't be back to the court to pose for any pictures for her mother's scams. 

    Another Palin homeschooled? How much do you want to bet Tri-PP will eventually be homeschooled too.

  67. hello i am new here but i have been visiting this site every morning. i found a picture on bristol blog her son playing golf that look alot like the mountains behind them but with snow

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Do you know the link?

  68. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Anorexia kills

    she really once was quite attractive, not now

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      When a nearly 50 year old woman who used to be muscular and fit now has calves and thighs the same size it is alarming. That being said, she should drop another 30 lbs, she's looking a little chunky. Is she quitting anorexia halfway through as well?

    2. Anonymous12:46 PM

      I certainly hope she's at least drinking a few Ensures a day. If not, then she may have passed the point of no return. She may dine with the family on TGiving but I guarantee that she's barfing it up not 10 minutes later. This could explain the new looking teeth veneers. Bulimia is quite erosive to the tooth situation. Can't say I know many 50 year old bulimics but Sarah seems to be more dedicated to starving herself than she ever was to being a public servant. Guess she finally found her calling and achieving her ultimate goal will end up costing her her life.

    3. Anonymous1:15 PM

      I. Don't. Care.
      Bu-bye, tinsel thighs.

    4. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Anonymous12:46 PM

      It gives them control over something.

  69. Anonymous11:27 AM

    SP "Back home in Alaska after a great few weeks on our 'Good Tidings and Great Joy' book tour! Had to jump on Todd's SkiDoo with Trig to eliminate jet lag."

    Trig is the latest elimination for jet lag?

    After 18 hours she is back to Facebook and "So let’s call them out yet again. I was recently interviewed on Fox News Sunday."

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Know why? Because MSNBC (Comcast) just axed Alec Baldwin. Now she's out for blood.

  70. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Dance, Sarah, dance!

    Let's see a picture of your family attending church at Christmas. Christmas 2013, that is. Not fake pix of lone grandchildren sitting in a church hall surrounded by emptiness, but the God-loving, God-fearing, close-as-ticks Sarah and Todd and all their Palin descendants standing right outside the church with the pastor .. Tripp doesn't have to be there- he's not a Palin.

  71. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Trig Palin sells snow mobiles for Ski Doo now? The boy must be amassing a small fortune?


  72. Anonymous12:07 PM

    11:49 AM You think she can remember what church she belongs to?

  73. Anonymous12:12 PM

    The entire world knows that little kids love to walk in the snow yet Tri-G's boots have no snow on them. Why is that, Sarah?

  74. Anonymous12:28 PM

    This is a classic from the Sarah/Trig saga. Did Greta investigate? Sarah sure has a way with photos. It is some kind of scientific marvel.


  75. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Palin Product Placement

    Ski-Doo in this photo Todd's ride for the Iron Dog 2014.
    Hobby Lobby cheap, Chinese made decorator crap in book and home photo shoots. Potential garage sale filler.

    Chick Fil A (Not as good as Mickey D's) (Not sure it's even chicken.) photos, her book, and the Tittie, T-Shirt display.

    Do those companies pay for her indorsement?

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      What's in it for a Palin? There is some kind of deal going on. Do you think Trig gets paid for his work?

  76. Anonymous12:42 PM

    She's so skeletal that she looks like Jack in the Nightmare Before Christmas.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.