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BOOK SALES RACE, WEEK 11/17/13: RUSH LIMBAUGH 'BRAVE' REMAINS #1 WITH 52,463 SOLD [300,400 SINCE RELEASE]... O'REILLY 'JESUS' IN SECOND AFTER SCANNING 49,069 [645,976]... MORE... KRAUTHAMMER 'MATTER' TAKES SHOW WITH 40,598 [131,713]... DUCK DYNASTY 'SI-COLOGY' 26,934 [347,811]... DORIS GOODWIN 'THEODORE' 22,268 [47,571]... PALIN 'GREAT' OPENS WITH 20,157 (Note that the other authors listed are on their second, third, and sometimes fourth week of publication. Not their first.)
Gee even after subjecting herself to interviews on the Today Show, CNN, and USA Today she still cannot convince anyone outside of her rapidly shrinking group of supporters. (For context it should be noted that "Going Rogue" sold in excess of 2 million books, most of which were sold in the first few weeks.)
Also keep in mind that the sales for these conservative books are artificially padded through the use of bulk sales to conservative groups who then give them away with donations or subscription to their periodicals or websites. So the question to ask is, are they still doing that for Palin? Or are they doing it in a far less aggressive fashion due to her fading popularity?
By the by, I think that THIS, and not the Bashir controversy, is the main reason why Palin is taking back her invitation to have Matt Lauer fly up to Alaska to interview her.
Or perhaps it was HE who determined that it was a waste of his time, and NBC resources, to fly all the way to Alaska to interview a has been who is no longer relevant to anything or anybody.
Update: As if to illustrate Palin's diminished popularity, here is Bill O'Reilly telling Howard Kurtz that Palin is too afraid to come on his program:
BILL O'REILLY: Let's just be frank here. You want to be frank, Howard? You want to be honest? Sarah Palin won't do this program. She won't come on the program because she doesn't want to mix it up. She doesn't. She wants to give a speech, and nobody gives speeches here. Okay? So she doesn't come on. We invited her on tonight. You're here instead. But I don't begrudge Sarah Palin that. She can come on. She doesn't come on, she does come on, whatever she wants to do. Okay? Fine.
You know when the top rated host of the Right Wing cable news station/Republican propaganda machine that once employed you, feels he can slam you like this, you are essentially finished.
I'm betting SarahPac bought 15,000 of those books.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm with ya on that. It would be interesting to see a breakdown of individual vs bulk purchase. I bet it would abysmal in the individual category.
DeleteOh yes definitely, you betcha! That's why Sarahpac was trying to unload them to her drooling bigots for a $60 donation, to recover the cost of purchasing.
DeletePiper ..."how much money have you made selling the books mom?"
DeleteSarah ... "I make a dollar a book, and I have sold 20,000 books."
Piper..."so, you made $200?"
Willow ... "Piper, you dummy! mom made $2000"
Sarah ... "Piper, maybe you will pass second grade math next year... where are those flash cards?"
Anon @ 2:16 P.M. - yeah, that sums up the dysfunctional palins; all of them cain't get nuttin' right! (Tri-G is innocent.)
Delete2:16 PM That is about right, they have no Educational skills.
DeleteWhy is Willer wearing a wooly cap? Didn't have time to "do" her own hair?
ReplyDeleteI like that look. It's popular with the younger generation right now.
Deletegotta uphold her gangsta creed
DeleteProbably too hung over to bother.
DeleteAnon 12:20 you must be old. And bored. And nosy.
DeleteThe Palin women sure have large heads. No brains, just lots of empty space.
Delete1:48 PM You must be young, and uneducated.
DeleteWhat happened to Willow's job, she quit already? Do any of the Palins have a job?
Deletebeats bein' an inbred uneducated palin/heath any day
Wool caps are not "in" with any other 18 yr olds, not inside anyway. Maybe if you've been raised by weasels or in the Palin household it's cool, but no where else in the world.
DeleteIn Palin bizarro world - it's normal to wear winter coats and hats indoors at all times.
DeleteThose caps are REAL popular with the kids nowadays if "nowadays" is 2003.
Kids have been wearing wool caps as fashion (rather than simply for warmth) for years. It's not new.
DeleteIt's cred (short for credentials), not creed.
DeleteAlso, yeah, knit hats are still quite popular with the "youngs." I see the slouchy ones more often than the beanies. I have 4 boys and am also a busy studio photographer (east coast) with mostly all younger coworkers as well...
that withered bag of bonz skank's looking more and more like a crypt keeper
ReplyDeletecannot wait for the bitch to permanently tip over
She reminds me of the corpse that comes out of the coffin in one of the Night Gallery episodes. I think it was called "The Dead Man." LOL
DeleteI think skank's looking rather chubby and could stand to easily loose 30/40 lbs
DeleteBill O'Reilly Goes After Sarah Palin
Will Mrs. Palin go after Billo now? Will she refuse to do any FAux interviews now?
Deletelol, she's scared shitless of o'reilly. google her interview with him regarding the BP gulf oil spill...she gets owned and looks like she wants to bolt. he brazenly jabs at her with that snide smile on his face as she squirms in her own ignorance. you won't hear a peep out of her, Billo isn't the president or gov of NJ who won't even acknowledge her existence let alone respond to her childish, hateful taunts. she's a typical bully, if called out she runs with her tail between her legs, yelping like the yappy little dog she is.
Deletelooks like she left her "rack" at home today!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, you are right about that! She's flat as a pancake!
DeleteI noticed tha too. Where did the boobies go Sarah?
DeleteAlso, She facetimes Tri-G cause he can't slap her that way lol!
Tawd took them home because Granny Sarah kept his testicles
DeleteSeemingly, only about a thousand have been sold at Amazon, not counting whatever number might have been sold during the earliest days of its pre-release status.
Mrs. Palin's hands are sure showing her age. Looks like some arthritis in those bony fingers.
ReplyDeleteAnd her hair really really looks dirty.
Where did Pimp Daddy Todd go?
Is Piper being home schooled?
Piper and Willow are eating pizzas and slurpies while Sarah signs books.
DeleteThe parenting 'skills' of this family are abhorrent. The disregard for education is astounding. Why is Piper being carted around from one store to another attending book signings and not in school.? Shameful. Sarah's next book should be "Raising Another Drop Out. Palin Style". Good job! Child abuser!!
DeleteShe probably quit her tour.
ReplyDeleteThe skank is going to be at the megamall tomorrow and I just happened to have arrived in town. I am going to try to get photos of the thousands(cough) of admirers clamoring to see her. I wonder if she will be shrouded in curtains so only the paying faithful can catch a glimpse.
ReplyDeletePlease buy a book and get in line. When it's your turn, tell her that you have a DS child in your family and you want to know what kind of therapy Trig is getting.
DeleteOlivia @ 12:43 PM
DeleteThank you for any first hand reporting you do!
It would be worth the 12 bucks (or whatever), to buy one of her shitty books, look her in the eye and ask her about the square pillow and Shailey Tripp. Imagine the look in her eyes.
DeleteI think you should pretend to be Trig's real mom and start screaming "What have you done with my baby?". See how the media reacts. Maybe they'll finally ask to see the birth certificate.
DeleteHere's what I think happened with the NBC interview. When it first came up, probably when she talked to Lauer about the book on the Today Show, Mrs. Todd Palin thought it was a swell idea. Sure Matt, come on up to Alaskaaah and see the Palin clan in our natural habitat, doin all those rill Americun holiday things.
ReplyDeleteAnd then Jake Tapper asked her what church she went to and she about had a grabber and made up some bs about a Bible totin church that conveniently didn't have a name and moved on to the next question.
And I think that got Mrs. TP thinking, whoa, what if Matt wants to follow us to church, or wait in the parking lot and ask the churchgoers what the Palins mean to the community. And what if Matt wants to show Chuck, Sr. boiling a bear head. Or filming the happy family playing Eskimo Bingo or cutting down their own magestic tree in the woods. And then she realized that they don't do any of those things and the whole house of cards would come tumbling down.
And probably Matt would wonder who all those needy 20-somethings in the garage are and what's that funny smell? And Tripp would call people faggots and Trig would scream at the scary lady with the wonkey eye and the varmint on her head, and Levi might show up with court papers and lord we cant have any of this and besides she would rather be in Arizona anyway. . So she just quit and called it off.
At least that's the way I hope it went.
Happy Holidays Palins!!
A Fan From Chicago
You nailed it.
DeleteHer little empire is falling and everyone's running ship. She probably has to pay everyone to pretend. They all have their own lives now.
sounds accurate to me
DeleteThat sounds about right!!
DeleteYou forgot though, Todd's girlfriend might also be around.
Lauer would insist on filming the whole family, which would include Trig. It might be a problem if Matt put the microphone in front of the little guy and asked, "How are you doing?" Can Trig even talk? Would he perform well on camera? Matt would be certain to ask what Trig wants for Christmas. What if Trig couldn't answer?? And, I don't think that Tripp can be counted to put on a good show either, We know that he needs to be bribed with popsicles. Does he still sleep in Bristol's bed? No, too many problems to have Lauer poking around.
Deletethis way some of them can celebrate the glorious holiday in ak and the others in az..they can serve banquet turkey tv dinners and buy gift cards at safeway christmas eve day. just a normal palin christmas with no nosy matt lauer askin' gotcha questions and such.
DeleteBINGO, Anonymous 12:45!
DeleteBwahahaha! So true!
DeleteNot to mention that Lauer might ask one of the Palins about "their traditions" which they probably do not know about, not having read the book!! Bristles probably has another trial husband around, also, too.
DeleteAnonymous 12:45, I think you described a perfectly valid scenario of what happened!
DeleteFirst and foremost, Palin is a coward.
Second, she has told so many lies that there is no way she can get all of her family members to fall in line and support her falsehoods. There is no way they could convince Matt that they are a normal, happy family who enjoy each other's company.
According to Palin's book, it isn't Christmas unless every surface in the entire house is decorated with lights, stars, evergreen boughs, holly, jingle bells, Santa Claus, stockings and of course, numerous statues of the Nativity Scene. Sarah had been out on a book tour, and her house is bare. Not a good image for an interview about Killing Christmas.
DeleteShe's more interested in her phone than in the man who drove to meet her and spent his money on her book! "Gracious Living," Alaska-style!
ReplyDeleteShe is communicating with Trig.
Delete1:07 PM Photo Op? How convenient. We all know that Tri-g did not initiate Facetime on his own. What a setup, she cares nothing about Bristol's son Tri-g.
DeleteTrig can't talk but he is tech literate?
DeleteI had a friend whose daughter had Down syndrome. In over 15 years I can't recall her ever being away from her daughter much less for days and weeks at a time. She spent her days working with parents of other compromised children in the hopes of raising funds and interest in setting up a private home and care for these children who would need constant care long after the parents might be gone. One can't always assume that extended 'family' will take on the responsibility or that they would be able to with their jobs and responsibilities for their own children and/or aging parents.
DeleteI was fortunate to attend the dedication of "Milly's Place", a beautiful well equipped and safe 6 bedroom home, a haven of love and security for the 8 girls in the group, ages 13 to 29. The families allowed their daughters to live in the home before any of the parents died hoping to acclimate them to living away from their family homes while family could still visit them daily. The goal was to avoid any of them having to be shuffled off at the last minute should a family caretaker die.
My friend lived almost 3 years beyond establishing the home and I know she went to her maker knowing that she had provided well for 'Milly' and her housemates.
I don't believe for one nanosecond that Mrs Palin gave birth to T-rig but she should have fleshed out her little act with a semblance of caring for the boy. It's likely there are caretakers in his life who give him love and affection but Palin hasn't even tried to hide her disconnect with him. She is beyond despicable and disgusting for soooo many reasons but the Tri-G fabrication stands out as the worst and cries out for a whole new word to describe people like the devious charlatan known as $arah Palin.
DeleteShe is beyond despicable and disgusting for soooo many reasons but the Tri-G fabrication stands out as the worst and cries out for a whole new word to describe people like the devious charlatan known as $arah Palin.
And this is precisely precisely one main reason this bitch needs to be exposed.
She abused this child for political gain.
It is sick. All who enabled ger are sick.
CBJ who supposedly is an abused child guru is SICK and disgusting because she allowed this little farce to blossom. She could have stopped it post haste and she did not.
All enablers will have to answer to it in one way or another.
On other blogs I keep reading that TP has a new GF who might be pregs. True?
ReplyDeleteTodd can hide her out at the Lodge, if true. CBJ can go to the remote location when it is time to give birth. If true, I doubt we will ever know. Palins love secrets.
DeleteHave you seen any evidence of a denial from the Palins? Has he ever denied being a Pimp? My guess is that Todd is paid to appear with Sarah to keep the facade of a marriage going.
DeleteWhile we're asking questions, is he in the military or not? Does he work?
DeleteTodd has the pregnant girlfriend, but she may have bitched by now.
DeleteTrack is on military leave until he's clean. His contract ends in 2015.
Jesus Heath Christ why don't those mongrels use birth control!?
DeleteJust what the world needs, another Tawd spawn.
Track is on Military Leave until he is 'clean'? Since when did the Military offer a Contract like that to others?
Deleteit's a common problem in the military and that's how they deal with it. Oxycontin abusers are sent to rehab programs. They are not allowed to do their time until they are clean. They are "in service but not available" until that happens.
how's that little tenor voiced needle dicked metrosexual get anything pregnant, artificial insemination ?!?
DeleteDAMN she's a stupid one. Seems to fit right in on the Fox bimbo couch.
ReplyDeleteHasselbeck: Oprah shouldn’t call out racists because it ‘undermines racism’
Well, Lizzie is concerned about all those pregnant seniors on Medicare!!
DeleteThis must have been deflated chest day for Sarah Palin. Willow has no job, and Piper goes to School on her Own schedule. Dysfunctional Family on display. Pimp Daddy escaped to be with his new Younger Skank.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't Piper have to go to school or is she as smart as her mother?
DeleteYes, Piper is as smart as her 83 I.Q. Mother. Who needs an Education in that Family?
DeleteIn this case, I think Billo is trying to ride Palin's "gravy train" to line his own pocket as a smear-monger and generally smarmy grifter in his own right. Did you read what he said? It's like 1st grade taunting.
ReplyDeleteThat said, is Palin sold 500 books at every tour stop, it does begin to mount up, so she probably only sold half of the total sales to her PAC.
I don't consider it taunting, that's just his style. The fact is she won't -- his show, his rules. No speeches, no scripted Q&A, and she WILL be interrupted when the word sausage starts. NO one interrupts Queen Heifer, don'cha know!
DeleteBill has never gladly suffered Sarah Palin. He fancies himself a genius* and obviously thinks she's a moron. It would be great to see these assholes square off on each other.
Who says she sold 500 at every stop? She didn't even have that many people there.
DeleteWatching Bill O'Reilly spar with Sarah Palin would make me embarrassed for myself, that I was taking precious time out of my life to watch two monkeys fling poop at eachother for our "entertainment". It's gotten to the point where it's sort of like the Hunger Games, and I'm guilty of watching for something to do.
DeleteI feel sort of miserable and dirty just thinking of anticipating a Bill-Sarah face-off, and while I'm grateful for those who watch and report, so that I don't have to touch it, I still have to wonder at my even looking in the first place.
All in all, of the $496,505 and 68 cents SarahPAC spent in the first six months of 2013, $5,000 went to a candidate.
1:05 Thanks, I've been waiting to see that.
DeleteBILL O'REILLY turned on Sarah Palin
ReplyDeleteGreta turned on Sarah Palin by bringing up the womb shifter comment and Glenn Rice
Why is everybody turning on Sarah Palin?
Greta believes Glen Rice and won't mention that to Sarah.
DeleteSarah's number is up. The crappy fake Christmas book was a finishing nail for many.
They have grown tired of trying to protect a LIAR and Grifter.
DeleteBecause their boss Roger told them she is now fair game.
DeleteShe's tried to pass off a compilation of useless, uninspiring crap as something worth purchasing. Nobody likes a grifter.
DeleteHow the Bashir stole Christmas
ReplyDelete...Needless to say Bashir’s comment pissed off (but not in the mouth) Sarah Palin something fierce and you will not like a pissed-off Sarah Palin who, every night before bed, soaks herself in bathtub filled with bile and grievance and hate in order to keep her edge...
And even though Bashir has apologized by pointing out that it was “shameful” thing to say about a person who has special needs issues when it comes to how words are strung together in order to form coherent sentences, Sarah Palin, or actually “her people” have declared 1st Amendment Jihad on MSNBC and now Matt Lauer along with his tragic hairline is considered persona non grata (which is Latin, but not the Mexican kind, and means GTFO) in Wasilla. Alaska USA.
...Palin has denied Lauer bienvenue to her Wasilla Ice Meth Castle to talk about the story of the birth of the Baby Jesus and how the Three Wise Men palled around with him and brought birthday gifts of Naughty Monkey slingbacks, American flag pins, and oil dividend checks;
...And because of Martin Bashir’s “violent and hateful” words which is totally a blood libel against Sarah Palin, she will not go on Matt Lauer’s Morning Housewife Gossip Show and flog The Book That Saved Christmas that was written, once removed, by Sarah Palin and now people will never learn about The Joy of Christmas As Practiced by Sarah Palin’s Family:
From the first chapter, it is clear that, whatever her concerns about “a Christ-less Christmas,” Palin has found a convenient frame on which to hang her rage at pretty much everything: Obamacare, Obamaphones, Nancy Pelosi, the national debt, gay marriage, sexual sin, crony capitalism, the preferential treatment of Muslims (whoo-wee! does she get rolling on that one), the lamestream media, Chick-fil-A haters, abortion, Mitt Romney’s hair, and on and on. No liberal stereotype, from Birkenstocks to the French, vegans, and NPR, is too tired to sneer at.
...This is totally like the Bible but less fiction-y because it really happened to the Palin family and now Today Show viewers (who, by the time that Sarah came on, would probably be on their third Bloody Mary since they got the kids on the bus) will never know about the Joy and Miracle of Christmas because Martin Bashir finally killed Christmas - so thanks a lot, Martin Bashir, you dick. ... now we all will all have to go over to Bristol Palin’s house for Festivus and listen to her once again drunkenly bitch about people who still compare her dancing to that of a “rhythm-challenged Clydesdale” … and then nobody wins.
Particularly not the Baby Jesus.
Hell, lets all take a dump in her mouth.
DeleteI notice that Bashir is still on MSNBC a week later.
Deletei'd rather piss on her grave ..
Is she wearing a pajama top?
ReplyDeleteMrs. P alin sure likes those zipper tops.
DeleteHow come those Palin kids have big bulbous foreheads? Look at the picture, why would Piper wear her hair up and expose her melon like that?
ReplyDeleteGee, has Thanksgiving vacation begun already for Piper? Shouldn't she and Trig be going to school until sometime in the middle of next week? Who is paying for these kids to galavant all around after their mother? Is it SarahPAC; if so, is that legal?
I've been wondering how it's ok that Piper has been missing school to escort her mother. What a surprise that the Palin kids drop out. Their parents have obviously do not make education a priority.
DeleteI've taken my kids with me when I have an out of state conference. We go sightseeing and their dad takes them to historic sites, national parks and museums while I'm at the conference. They bring their homework along too.
DeleteOh- you mean that isn't what the Palin kids were doing?
Who cares what you do?
DeleteGood thing she's not in high school yet. 6 missed days in a semester is an automatic fail.
DeleteBill O'Reilly makes it so obvious he doesn't suffer her. Greta has not yet invited her on with all the fiascos and Reverend Graham's party, or since Sarah started her book tour. I have a suspicion that Greta and Sarah have had a falling out.
ReplyDeleteAll there's left is Hannity. Even Megyn Kelly hasn't had Sarah on since that first time. I wonder what kind of contract Sarah made with Fox, that she is allowed to do interviews with competing networks, like CNN and NBC.
I expect she'll be facebooking a mean nasty comeback to Bill in the next few hours.
She won't attack O'Reilly, because she would be embarrassed.
DeleteBill is probably one of the reasons she backpedaled on the Pope.
DeletePosted on Sarah Palin's facebook:
ReplyDeleteStanley Liebman > Sarah will you please just go on the Factor already and show Bill O'reilly your not trying to avoid him so he'll stop bringing it up all the time.Like · 3 · 22 minutes ago
Oh, yes, please!
DeleteOh YES, pweeeze, Sowah, pweeze! The smackdown will be EPIC!
Deletesaw that..lots of grandmas telling her she needs to gain weight..her anorexia is now obvious even to her most rabid rube fans...
DeleteMaybe it's O'Reilly who doesn't want Palin on his show. She interrupts him. She doesn't answer the question. She thinks that she's the most important person on O'Reilly's show, while O'Reilly thinks that he is the star. There can't be two stars in the same small space.
Delete1:56 PM
DeleteIt is long past due for an intervention. When they get that together we can believe there is someone on the planet that cares about her. Her money grubbing family doesn't give a darn. They will watch her die of slow starvation.
Deleteseriously, i think she could stand to loose another 40 lbs
The Dalai Lama Has Some Very Uplifting And Wise Words
Remember this horror? Warning, it's ugly to the core.
Does Piper look like the other Menard women?
ReplyDeleteNo, she looks like Brad Hanson's daughter. Shouldn't she be in School?
Delete@2:09 She is also Sarah's daughter, and following in Sarah's footsteps, she doesn't need to go to school.
DeletePiper sure is "light complexioned" compared to her sisters Bristol and Willow. Maybe Todd isn't Piper's biological father, just like (according to much speculation) he isn't Track's.
DeleteDidn't Todd once say about Sarah, "I don't know how she gets pregnant?" Even if he said it kiddingly, it's a very telling remark.
I remember the flashcards at the table in the kitchen. My kids and grandkids had that down pat at that age. FLASH cards? Just like mama!
DeleteGod you are all so harsh! I enjoy it immensely.
DeleteJust reading around the web, Matt was getting a lot of flack for, in essence, choosing one religion over another to have NBC feature on Christmas. Bad move for them, there are so many religious groups, bad move for NBC to fawn on Mrs. Palin's particular sect. I'm sure he saw the witch doctor tapes, and I'm sure that someone probably sent him some of the quotes of things she has called the president and other men. I would bet that NBC cancelled it.
ReplyDeleteNBC could investigate cults in Alaska. How do they celebrate Christmas or winter holiday. Any good cult recipes NBC?
Delete“Sarah Palin won’t do this program. She won’t come on the program because she doesn’t want to mix it up. She doesn’t. She wants to give a speech, and nobody gives speeches here,”
According to the Pee's, Drudge claims that Sarah's book will be listed in NY Times Top Ten for Non Fiction this weekend. That's hard to believe, considering that right now it's #269 at Amazon, and it never made it to the top 10 or top 25. I think that it might have been at 89 during the big media blitz. Ever since then, it's been in the 200's and 300's. That's not a top 10 book, unless Sarah's PAC rushes in and buys a couple of truckloads. They can always use it for kindling this winter.
ReplyDeleteIf he uses "Christian" books, pardon me while I cough up a hairball, it could be top ten. Overall sales? No way in double hockeys. Drudge will use anything tactic possible to make things seem like they aren't.
Delete@1:42 Top Ten books written about the War on Christmas
DeleteThanks, 2:39 PM. Proves my point. HUGE difference between "War On Christmas" and Top 100 Bestsellers. Spin, Drudge, spin!
DeleteYep, the excuse next week will be "Knewed it! Those dang east coast elitists ignored Sarah because she's Conservative Can't trust Knew Yourk Thymes!"
DeleteWhile it's Palin announcing that she is cancelling the visit with Lauer-- there is every possibility that NBC had enough of Palin and cancelled Lauer's trip. This is Sarah's face saving way of saying, "You can't cancel me, I cancel you."
ReplyDeleteor high school days -
DeleteYou can't break up with me....I'm breaking up with you!
How did Limbaugh "slam" her? He just sounds butthurt that she refuses to go on his show.
ReplyDeleteIt's Bill O'Reilly, not Limbaugh. Limbaugh loves the grifter and the grifter loves him right back.
DeleteJust got my "Holiday Entertainment Guide" from BJs. Palin's opus isn't there under either "Holiday Reads" or "Must Have Winter Reads." I'm sure they begged her for permission to include it but no doubt she would agree only if they changed it to "Christmas Entertainment Guide."
ReplyDeleteO/T, but two idiots have actually bid on Palin's Wasilla dopemobile. Wanna bet they hope the cardboard cutout Palin is included?
PT Barnham was right!
DeleteThe top bidder @ $10,100.00 only other bids are on NBA paraphernalia.
So which one is it...Glen Rice or Dennis Rodman?
There must be 20,000 households that are running low on toilet paper, and her book is the next best thing.
ReplyDeleteI doubt it's 20,000 households. I'm sure each bot bought at least 5, so more like 4000 households.
DeleteI have a feeling there's a hangar and "postage" involved in this whole book thing. The crowds trickle slower than mole asses
DeleteBristol must be in her final trimester, because you never see her around anymore. What's that, baby # 4 Bristol?
ReplyDeleteWell she is in Arizona and that's where she goes to lay her secret eggs. All the latest pics are of Tripp no smiling mother son pics. Things that make you go hmmmmmm
DeleteIt must be #$, #4 or #5. Whoever the baby daddy, I hope she will be Mrs. Junker. Great name, What fun to name a baby with a last name of Junker.
DeleteHe would fit right in haha!
How many Last Names does Bristol claim for her slew of Bastards?
DeleteBristol has been Pregnant almost every year since age 16. Bristol's job is Baby Making.
DeleteJoey Junker has family in Arizona. Is this his uncle?
Junker was fired but now he works for a charity. SEND MONEY.
Glad to see Piper not wearing a scarf ....
ReplyDeleteCumming soon.
DeletePalin's lack of courage to appear on O'Reilly's show gives further credibility to the movie Game Change (she has been on it before but not since she was pressed). Recall the scene where Palin had problems learning history/policy leading up to the debate with Biden, Schmidt et al. realized Palin was a better actor than not. Subsequently, she was given several talking points.
ReplyDeleteSarah will not go on any media outlet where she fears she will be exposed for being unprepared and/or an intellectual lightweight and/or a fraud.
Prepared? I still haven't heard what church Sarah attend up there in Wasilla. She never did say how Trig is doing. Oh, those gotcha questions.
Delete2:38 PM - see? And there comes the "the girls surprised me with Trig face time." That wouldn't have even happened had she not been cornered. Another Oh F*CK moment.
DeleteNo wonder all the "consultant" fees. Can you imagine having to keep up with all her lies? Still cracks me up how fast they're on every website or blog immediately when something is said against her! They look just as stupid as she is.
When Sarah's church was burned by an arsonist Sarah was proud to speak up about her church. She apologized that it happened because of her. They were going to find out who did that to Sarah's church. Some said it was attempted murder, the arsonist knew people were in there.
DeleteNow she can't remember the name? She may have early signs of dementia. Drugs will do that.
She's taking a selfie
DeleteWhatever you think of O'Reilly's politics or personal life, he's a graduate of a tough, top-tier Catholic prep school, plus Marist College. a Master's from Boston University and a degree from Harvard, plus study in London.
ReplyDeleteHe's sharp and smart and an incredible bully who's been in the broadcasting world for nearly a generation longer than Palin. who' just entered kindergarten when Bill-O was heading off to
No one comes out unscathed from an O'Reilly interview. Palin would be lucky to be alive.
Please remember than Rafael Cruz is highly educated. School smarts is no indication of life smarts. Neither Crooz or Billo have it.
DeleteOne very important thing to realize is that IF reports are that Palin's new book has sold 20K--those are not true sales. Those are ONLY bookstore orders. And, they can ALL be returned, and a certain percentage--at least 50%--probably will...meaning she will have only sold 10K...with a few future sales trickling in over upcoming months.
ReplyDeleteShe will have received an 'advance' on royalties. Since her star has fallen it would not have been much. I would be surprised if she got even $100K for an advance. Probably more like 50K. So the publishers would have based the advance on how many they conservatively expected to sell. So with a 50K advance, that is probably an expectation of selling around 20K books.
IF she were to sell MORE than 20K books, then she would get more money--like a $1 or 2 per every book over 20,000 sold. But if she sells less than that--she will get no more money. She will not have to return any of the advance, but the publishers will have lost money on her and she will not get another book deal. Or if she does, it will be a much worse deal.
With her est. 50K advance she would have had to pay her ghostwriter AT LEAST 30K, if not more. So chances are she's not made much of anything on this book. So her only chance of making big bucks is by having huge sales--which is why The Today Show cancelling their visit/interview with her is a HUGE BLOW.
She could artificially inflate her sales by buying books with SarahPac money as she has done in past books. Or maybe some Xtian group might buy a bunch for some promotional reason.
If she is doing any PR, then it's a wonder who is paying the expenses for that. The publishers probably agreed to a bit, but would probably not fund a huge book tour for her since she is not famous us to sell much product anymore.
So...expect her to do something and says outrageous stuff to try to drum up sales.
The book accomplishes some more things for Palin besides book sales. It gins up donations for her PAC. Because there is political stuff in the book, her PAC can pay for expenses like promotion, travel, and everything else associated with the book tour. It is, after all, a political tour, too, especially when you add in a meeting with the Cruz father and son, or some conservative group.
DeletePalin has few ways to promote herself. With the launch of her book, she appeared on any number of TV shows, more than all of her appearances on Fox. In addition to promoting the book, the appearances were meant to promote Palin, too, for donations and to keep her in the public eye.
I do agree; she will and does say anything outrageous just to get attention-- for sales, for attention, for donations, and just because she doesn't want to be ignored. It's so hard to be a star whose light is fading fading fading.
That explains the addition of the expensive photos tomorrow...at $15/photo, she certainly gets a cut...more than $1 each, I'd guess, Come on , Minnesota, boycott Palin. Let her slink home to Arizona for Thanksgiving, and not return.
DeleteI am in the Dallas area. With the "Going Rogue" book tour, Palin arrived in this area amidst much fanfare with motorcycle police escorts, etc like she was the Pres or VP and there were news reports and a large crowd.
ReplyDeleteWith "America By Heart", there were far fewer people and a small snippet of news.
This time with "Good Tiddings", I didn't see a thing in the news --written or on tv about the Plano book signing. (When she was in Tyler, they covered it but not here in Dallas. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.) I don't think the crowd was probably what Palin expected. Several hundred is not much of a crowd if you think of how many millions live in the Dallas-FtWorth (Metroplex) area.
The first time, the "Going Rogue" tour, was ridiculous with police escorts and her trying to appear to be the Pres. It serves her right the lack of interest in her now.
Why did she take down the Plano, Tx event pics on her facebook?
DeleteThe Plano pics show the person who helped Sarah to cancel the event to go to a Fundraiser with the Communist Cuban.
Delete5:01 PM
DeleteThey were proud of Lynda, there were other blogs about her and "medical emergency". Weird if Sarah FB took that off. Lynda has been a Heath and Palin pal a long time. Did all the blogs take down Plano pics?
She is talking to Trig
Started scrolling through that FB album. Hysterical facial expressions on the young gent helping her out, as he is faced with her crazee fans!
Delete@4:16 Sarah may be talking to Trig but can Trig talk Sarah? Can Trig talk?
DeleteDoes she know Halloween already passed? Poor Trig looks confused, I wonder why?
DeleteDon't count Sarah Palin out. Sarah will sell a 1/2 million books before New Years
ReplyDeleteNot unless she gets a job cashiering at a very very busy book store selling books written by others.
Deleteyeah, to her PAC, dipshit
DeleteOnly b/c Doug Matagayness is begging people to buy her book. She needs help.
Deletesarapac doesn't bring in enough money to buy back a 1/2 million books
DeleteOh that's funny. 500,000? She's at 20,000 already...only a half mill to go. Wanna bet the reswt of her 'book tour' never happens? She's already alienated Matt Lauer and so will never be on Today again. She's scared of O'Reilly, and Great and Megyn know she's insane, so where else can she go to hawk these things? Wait and see how few people show up in Minneapolis tomorrow due to her 'rules of engagement.' She is through. Kaput. Happy Holidays to the rest of us!
DeleteWhich "New Year" are you referring to? Just curious, because if it's THIS one, it ain't happening.
DeleteI predict that This chick will sell a million tickets by March 22.
Doug Matagayness Please Go Buy Sarah Palin 's new book . She needs our help . Spread the word . Where are the Palin supporters?
ReplyDeleteRene Finn Hi Sarah, Where are the pictures of the Plano, Texas book signing event? Btw...love you!
Margaret B Sands I'm kind of concerned . Sarah seems to be loosing a lot of wait lately.
Stacie Powell I agree with Margaret. You need to put weight back on sweets! You're a beautiful and intelligent woman and we worry about you!
God Bless you Sarah and your family!
Hey Margaret, Sarah never had a lot of 'wait' in her. She has never believed in delayed gratification. Thus, her sleeping around in college, her hasty marriage to Todd, her daughter's lack of restraint (and Track's) and so much more. If only they had stayed home and read their little Bibles...just through the 10 Commandments.
DeleteOne comment on her facebook the other day had some guy bragging that he got her signature "Wait till my friend fines out!" Woo Hoo!!!!
DeleteBWAHAHAHAHA, you are dreaming.
ReplyDeletePalin will be at the Mall of America tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteThere are strict requirements to be in her presence-
She will have her official photographer take every attendees photo.
According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune-
" Also, according to the mall, the only photos with Palin must be taken by her photographer.
Prints will then be available for sale and range in price from $15.99 for a 5-by-7 to $29.99 for an 11-by-14."
" No personalization of books will be allowed ".
There is a list of required behaviors.
Airport screenings are less draconian.
I'm surprised Palin isn't charging a fee for people to use the bathroom.
I'm surprised they're allowed to look her in the eye directly.
DeleteThey are, aren't they?
best part of this is in the st paul paper, her event is listed on page 5, (in a split column story too) just above a story about banning couches on porches. haha loser sarah, maybe she can stop at forever 21 and buy a new padded bra since it looks like her boobies left with tawd
DeleteAnon @ 5:00 P.M. - People may not be able to use the washroom - her private goons may keep curious reporters locked up in there! I wonder if the photographer will let her adoring fans stand beside Her Heinous, or squat in front of her and stare into that wonky eye, like star-struck Isabel!
DeleteWhat utter bullshit to have a one-minute audience w/the non-Christian!
DeleteTotal waste of time America!!! Her book is garbage and in the tank!
control freak
DeleteSo a photo with Her Heinous costs mor ethan her whole book? That is pretty sick.
DeleteHow much does it cost to kiss her ass?
DeletePimping her photos while pimping a book of lies - stay classy.
DeleteGypsies, Tramps and Thieves....
Anonymous5:14 PM
Delete"I'm surprised they're allowed to look her in the eye directly.
They are, aren't they?"
Would be difficult to look Sarah directly in the eye, what with her wonky eye.
I'm concerned about the "She will have her official photographer take every attendees photo." part of it. That seems pretty creepy to me. What will she do with those photos??
DeleteWhoa.....she looks terrible
ReplyDeleteIf Sarah has Piper and Willow with her why isn't Trig along?
ReplyDeleteI guess Piper isn't playing basketball this year.
ReplyDeleteAnd she'll miss her holiday concert if she's still playing trumpet. And doesn't she miss her nephews while she's gone? Or is she glad of the break from mothering two young boys? And why does every Palin need glasses? I know Sarah's are fake and meant to hide her wonky eye, but the girls?
DeleteHow can SarahPAC justify spending $202K on fundraising while only giving $5K to one political candidate?
DeleteBrisket's hidden children.
DeletePostage. How much can bulk mail cost? I'd love to know where that "postage" money goes.
DeleteAccording to SarahPAC FEC report, Tim Crawford made $80,500 in the first 6 months of 2013.
ReplyDeleteThat means 16 people would have to have paid $5,000 each to attend SarahPAC's recent fundraiser just to pay for the first 6 months of his salary and I doubt 16 people paid $5,000.
So all these people who are barely making a living give annually to SarahPAC are giving money just to pay his salary alone. What's wrong with this picture?
Knowledge Is Free.
ReplyDeleteWe Are Anonymous.
We Are Legion.
We Do Not Forgive.
We Do Not Forget.
Expect Us.
MOA rotunda 6pm Friday bitches!
(cue maniacal laugh sound)
152 Individual donors gave $200 or more in contributions to SarahPAC in 2013-2014 and not one came from Alaska.
ReplyDeleteI thought Alaska loves Sarah Palin?
Didn't see John McCain's name on the list? John where's the love for Sarah?
DeleteYou know, when you find yourself agreeing with Billo, it kind of sends chills up your spine, but the bastard's right this time! "the girls" "Surprised" grandmaaa at a book event where she had "facetime" with Trig. There's another photo that shows his face. Looks confused poor kid.
ReplyDeleteNice to see Kurtz land himself a job where he fits in, finally.
Completely flat-chested in the photo above!?! The on-again, off-again appearances of the Belmonts indicates to me that she's seriously unstable. Looks like that would embarrass her or at least embarrass the her traveling care-takers.
ReplyDeleteThe Palins are incapable of embarrassment.
DeleteThat would require a knowledge of the world that none of them have.
I think you should pretend to be Trig's real mom and start screaming "What have you done with my baby?". See how the media reacts. Maybe they'll finally ask to see the birth certificate.
ReplyDeleteBillo has always considered Palin an idiot. Just refer back to her earlier appearances and his veiled dissing of her. But for him to actually articulate that now pretty much tells you what her standing is at Fox.