Thursday, November 21, 2013

“Well, I appreciate you’re trying to lecture me in the morning." Ted Cruz cornered by CNN reporter during interview about the responsibilities of his job.
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Courtesy of TPM:  

An interview involving Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Wednesday turned testy when the subject shifted to the Affordable Care Act. 

During an appearance on CNN's "New Day," Cruz repeated his call to "start over" on health care reform, arguing that the law simply "isn't working." Host Chris Cuomo pushed back on that contention. 

"How can we say it's not working when it isn't implemented yet?" Cuomo asked. "How can you say premiums are skyrocketing when they haven't put the plans into effect yet? You’re being a little dangerous with how much political spin you put on something that’s so central to the wellbeing of so many families?" 

"Well, I appreciate the adjective you tossed my way," Cruz shot back. 

When Cruz said he's heard from "men and women across Texas" who have lost their health insurance as a result of Obamacare, Cuomo pressed the senator on what solutions he would offer to those people. 

“You don’t think that you have a responsibility as a U.S. Senator to do better than that in terms of offering a solution on what to do next?” the host asked. 

“Well, I appreciate you’re trying to lecture me in the morning," Cruz said. "Thank you for that.”

Seriously how many men and women do we REALLY think put their hands on the shoulders of Ted Cruz to tell him they that had lost their health insurance? Yeah, none.

Cruz of course does not volunteer the fact that those "five million" people losing their health insurance are actually being offered alternate plans by their companies and now have the opportunity to find more comprehensive and less expensive insurance plans thanks to Obamacare.

Of course Cruz offers NOTHING of any value to solve the health care crisis in this country, except more demagoguery and attacks on the President for trying to do something to help. (You will notice that Cruz mentions nothing about the five million Americans who will not get insurance coverage because of Republican governor's refusal to expand medicaid in their states,)

Cruz is a sleazy, slippery, reptilian piece of shit, and I have no trouble believing that he is as widely disliked by his fellow Republicans as has been reported in the past.

Bottom line this guy cares about nobody except Ted Cruz, and believes he is above reproach, which is well illustrated by his snippy response to these questions posed by Chris Cuomo.


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Cruz is a Castro Communist Cuban and a shill for his Communist Dad Rafael Sr. They are trying to infiltrate our government in a big way.

  2. Anonymous9:42 AM

    What do you expect from someone raised by the equally reptilian and equally crazy Rafael Cruz, who thinks his son deserves to be king of a democracy.

    1. I think I can offer some insight here. We ran into this when we were deeply involved in Mensa.

      A parent or grandparent discovers a gifted child in the family. That was probably the case with Raphael Sr. when Ted came along. They think they have a divine gift. The kid pees perfume and his poop doesn’t stink. It doesn’t occur to them that gifted children are very common. They teach the kid that he’s better than anyone else, and try to force outsiders to bow down as well. I’m sure the teachers reading here can give their own stories.

      Raphael thinks God has chosen his son to be king of America, and I believe he said that out loud.

    2. Anonymous11:01 AM


      cruz pee perfume ?

      it was made mention here a couple weeks ago that one of cruz's college dorm roommates said he typically stunk, had bad hygiene habits

  3. Anonymous9:51 AM

    THIS is great news! Harry put the hammer down!

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      All I can say is : It's about time.......!

  4. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Lots of health care info:

  5. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Gryphen did you watch O'Reilly last eve?

    He said Palin won’t go on his show because she is afraid of tough questions! WOW

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Even Fox knows that Palin is too Stupid to go one on one with O'Reilly. He will not allow her to spew non-stop talking points word salad. She would be forced to have some knowledge of the subjects, and she doesn't.

  6. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Bill O'Reilly Goes After Sarah Palin: 'She Won't Do This Program'

    "Sarah Palin won't do this program. She won't come on the program because she doesn't want to mix it up. She doesn't! She wants to give a speech, and nobody gives speeches here. Okay? So she doesn't come on. We invited her on tonight. You're here instead. But I don't begrudge Sarah Palin that. She can come on. She doesn't come on, she does come on, whatever she wants to do. Okay? Fine."

    1. angela10:49 AM

      Does Bill understand what the world needs less of is him and Palin?

  7. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I take comfort in his unpopularity and hope it remains so in the GOP. The spin and omission Cruz employed in this interview is typical GOP crap.Keep writing and exposing the truth to the light!

    Emily Post

  8. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Hey, CRUZ!
    Enjoy "majority rules."

  9. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I hate him more than I hate Palin. That is saying a lot.

    1. Was just thinking the same thing.

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      10:30 AM - He is more dangerous of course.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:37 PM

      YEah, he works AND he can read Dr Seuss.

  10. honeybabe10:40 AM

    why would any poor people tell ted cruz about losing benefits. he is one of the reasons they ARE losing benefits by opposing the affordable care act.

  11. Sharon10:46 AM

    If all of our media (sans Fox) would interview like Chris....we would have less Cruz and Palin, they can not stand up to facts.

  12. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Good on Chris Cuomo. Other interviewers loft softball questions and accept any answer.
    Crooz is an ace debater and honed the art of obfuscation, denial, attack the other person, and then snark if nothing else works. "Thanks for telling me my job." He's a class A tool.

  13. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Cruz Wilts and Implodes When Asked About His Plan To Replace Obamacare

    Another step in exposing a Texas sized fraud occurred today when Ted Cruz wilted and melted down on CNN when asked what he would do to fix or replace the ACA.


    Sen. Cruz thinks that it isn’t part of his job to propose policy solutions and alternatives. Cruz is cut from the same tea party cloth as the House Republicans who believe that their job is to stop laws from being passed.

    Cruz wilted under the pressure of being held to the standard of having an alternative to replace the ACA with. Cruz is a fraud. If he and other Republicans seriously believe that the millions of people who will eventually have access to healthcare thanks to the ACA are going to be satisfied with the Republican solution of taking their new healthcare away, they are going to be in for a big surprise.

    Sen. Cruz, Republicans, and the mainstream media are behind the curve on this story. The truth is that the website has been performing better for weeks. More people are signing up every day. Republicans are behind the eight ball. The number of cancelation notices is not going to keep increasing, but the number of people who are signing up will.

    Cruz imploded when asked how he would fix or replace the ACA, and fell back on his old inaccurate Obamacare talking points, but the Texas senator better get used to answering the question that Chris Cuomo posed.

    The American people aren’t going to let Republicans walk in and take their health insurance away. Voters rejected the Republican “alternative” when John McCain tried to sell it in 2008, and Romney dug it up from the grave in 2012.

    Republicans are trying to beat something with nothing on the ACA, and Ted Cruz’s latest implosion revealed that they are well on their war to losing the healthcare war.

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      So, Crooozy Wooozy, are ou going to demand an apology from Cuomo because he nailed you like your counterpart?

      Holy CRAP, is CNN finally getting a backbone???

  14. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Is this the end of the MSM treating Cruz, Palin, etc as legitimate political players?


  15. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I wouldn't give him two cents for his "stubborn facts", either. Lying POS.

  16. Anonymous11:26 AM


    Ian W. Stageman asks Sarah:
    Where are the pics from the November 19th signing in Plano?

    Is she shuttering the evidence? Lynda Armstrong helped her set up the "medical emergency". Sarah had to scoot on over to where the money was with Mr. Cruz. lol

    Palin: The girls surprised me in the book line last night for Trig to do some FaceTime with me from Alaska – sweet little visit amidst a sweet setting in Oklahoma.

    What happened to Plano?

  17. THIS PICTURE!! We must talk about this picture! Somebody posted this on another thread! It's of Baldy and Ted and she looks like she is having SEX with the man while hugging him....W T F!

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      imagine the combined stench of those two ..

    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      You just gave me a nightmare...

    3. Anonymous1:29 PM

      The FACE of all things REPUBLICAN.

    4. Anonymous2:17 PM

      She'd hit that in a minute. Seriously. So would he, but only with a peg over his nose.

    5. Anita Winecooler7:32 PM

      Even the back of his head is repulsive!
      Ummm, Gina M. I do believe you've outdone yourself this time! That's a lot more than a hug! There's more heat there than a pile of freshly turned horse manure! Whew, whatever you don, Don't light a cigarette!
      Wait, what am I sayin?

  18. Anonymous11:34 AM

    That slime bucket totally enrages me.

  19. Anonymous11:39 AM

    After Harry Reid was pushed to the brink by Republicans blocking three D.C. nominees, he changed the filibuster rules for judicial and executive branch nominees. The new rule does not apply to legislation or Supreme Court nominees.

    People for the American Way noted that Republicans tried to shut down our courts like they shut down our government, all in an attempt to nullify elections they lost, “This irresponsible obstruction is part of a larger effort by Republicans in Congress to nullify laws they don’t like and overturn the results of elections that they lost.”

    Marge Baker, executive vice president of People For the American Way, issued the following statement:

    “Republicans’ abuse of Senate rules during this administration has been astounding. While President Obama has made an effort to work with Republican senators to nominate fair, accomplished judges, Republicans have blocked his nominees at every turn, often for no reason other than the fact that it was President Obama who nominated them.

    This irresponsible obstruction is part of a larger effort by Republicans in Congress to nullify laws they don’t like and overturn the results of elections that they lost. This profoundly anti-democratic approach to governing shut down our federal government, and threatened to shut down our courts.”

    Republicans are carrying on now as if they’ve been mortally wounded because they have to do their jobs. Republicans were using the nominee obstruction to avoid doing any legislative work.

    Those days are over now. Republicans are threatening that they will change all of the rules when they are in power, but they would have done that anyway without cause. (See John Boehner making up the “Hastert Rule” in the House that keeps the minority from having any power at all. Even the person that rule is named after calls baloney on it.)

    Republicans are never going to bargain fairly or keep their word, as Harry Reid learned over and over again. They can’t afford to have honor, because they keep losing elections and the only way they can assert power is to lie, cheat and steal. While this is perfectly understandable given their desperation, it is unfair to the American people.

    Harry Reid took a small but very important step today that will protect the people from just one of the many wars Republicans are waging.

  20. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Memo Outlines House GOP's Plan Of Attack Against Obamacare

    A memo circulated among House Republicans this week details the GOP's plan to relentlessly attack the Affordable Care Act over the course of the next several months, the New York Times reported.

    The memo contains a number of talking points that echo some of the GOP's most dire warnings about the health care law.

    "Because of Obamacare, I Lost My Insurance.” reads one.

    “The Exchanges May Not Be Secure, Putting Personal Information at Risk,” reads another.

    According to the Times, GOP strategists intend to use the next several months to "gather stories of people affected by the health care law — through social media, letters from constituents, or meetings during visits back home — and use them to open a line of attack, keep it going until it enters the public discourse and forces a response, then quickly pivot to the next topic."

    Read the memo here.

  21. Anonymous11:45 AM

    'Alaska' Woman In Anti-Obamacare Ad Is Actress From Maryland

    An Americans for Prosperity attack ad directed at Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK) over Obamacare purports to feature a voter for Alaska, but the woman is actually an actress who lives in the state of Maryland, according to The New York Times.

    In the ad, a woman criticizes Begich, who is up for re-election in 2014, and President Barack Obama for the "promises they made to pass Obamacare."

    "They knew the real truth," the woman said in the ad. "Some are even losing their jobs. For too many of us costs are going way up. Senator Begich didn't listen. How can I ever trust him again? It just isn't fair. Alaska deserves better."

    In fact, the woman speaking is an actress Connie Bowman, who regularly does voiceovers as well as appearances in print ads.

    The Koch brothers-funded Americans for Prosperity ad doesn't explicitly say the woman is an Alaskan, but the Begich campaign slammed the spot for the implication.

    "Today's misleading ad from the Koch brothers is just more evidence that even billions of dollars can't buy integrity," Begich spokeswoman Rachel Barinbaum told the Times.

    To keep the senator from being too closely associated with Obamacare, Begich's office also released a fact sheet calling attention to his support for legislation that would let Americans keep their current insurance through 2015.

    Americans for Prosperity released a statement saying that Begich was just trying to distract from Obamacare.

    "While Sen. Begich is focused on the residence of an actress in a TV ad, thousands of Alaskans have lost their health care plans despite promises from Sen. Begich to the contrary," Americans for Prosperity spokesman Levi Russell said in a statement. "Alaskans deserve an answer about why he would continue to doggedly support a law that is leading to less choice, higher premiums, and more bureaucracy.

    "The Senator can say he wants to ‘fix’ this law, but he already voted against a bill in 2010 that would help keep health plans grandfathered in. Once again, his focus is on politics, not real people."

    Watch the AFP ad below:

  22. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Reports: Obamacare Enrollment On The Rise

  23. Anonymous12:15 PM

    The Massive Republican Campaign to Sabotage the Affordable Care Act

    We're entering a bizarre end-of-the-year edition of Silly Season in which the news media is laser-focused on the wrong things. As stories about the roll-out of the Affordable Care Act begin to dissipate, it looks like we've segued into an especially nonsensical "MSNBC Anchor Wants to Poop in Palin's Mouth" meets "Wacky Toronto Mayor Does Wacky Stuff" news cycle.

    Lost in the mix, of course, is the ongoing far-right effort to sabotage the Affordable Care Act.

    I'm not talking about the myths and propaganda -- the "death panel" nonsense and the like. This is serious business: the well-financed, broadly implemented sabotage campaign designed to rig the law for failure, while also making it more difficult for Americans to receive insurance.

    Sabotaging the Website

    We've known for quite some time that most Republican governors refused to open health insurance exchanges in their states. 27 states don't have exchanges and therefore uninsured residents are shuffled over to the website to buy a policy.

    However, earlier this month, we learned that Republican Party leadership directly urged those governors not to do it -- chiefly to burden the federal exchange with a heavier load.

    Worse yet, the ACA contained zero funding for the development and implementation of the site, and there's no way the congressional Republicans would ever authorize more money for it. It's unclear why the federal exchange was unfunded in the law, but one thing's for sure, a House of Representatives that voted 46 times to totally repeal the law wouldn't have coughed up a dime to rectify the oversight.

    So, what happened? A cash-starved development process, which precipitated serious glitches when October 1 rolled around -- problems that should never have occurred.

    And those glitches might've been exacerbated when right-wing hacktivists reportedly conducted "denial of service" attacks against -- deliberate attempts to overwhelm the website's servers. CNN reported on Monday:

    Hackers have attempted more than a dozen cyber attacks against the Obamacare website, according to a top Homeland Security Department official. The attacks, which are under investigation, failed, said the official.

    Authorities also are investigating a separate report of a tool designed to put heavy strain on through a so-called distributed denial of service. It does not appear to have been activated.

    What else?

    Sabotaging the Medicaid Expansion

    Bill Maher Has A New Rule For Republicans Who Hate On Obamacare

  24. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Here's Every Argument You'll Need To Win Your Obamacare Debate This Thanksgiving

  25. Anonymous12:28 PM

    New Analysis Reveals Extent Of Obamacare 'Rate Shock'

    Americans who buy their own health insurance plans and may be seeing them canceled under Obamacare will pay higher premiums, according to an analysis released Thursday.

    More than seven in 10 Americans who purchase health plans directly will get subsidies to help pay for coverage under the Affordable Care Act, according to the report by Families USA, a Washington-based organization that supports the health care reform law.

    The report comes as President Barack Obama is under fire for breaking his vow that consumers who liked their health plans could keep them. It shows that even if some people do lose their current health plans, most won't pay more for insurance and millions more will gain access to coverage.

    "It is important to keep a perspective about the small portion of the population that might be adversely affected," said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA. "That number is a tiny fraction of the 65 million non-elderly people with pre-existing health conditions who will gain new protections through the Affordable Care Act. It is also a small fraction of the tens of millions of uninsured Americans who can also get help."

    1. Anita Winecooler7:15 PM

      Makes sense! Thanks for the link.

  26. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Well, all I can say is that Cruzer the Bruiser needs to just get his sorry incompetent ass back to Cuba, where his father is from! He is certainly doing no good for our country.

  27. Anonymous1:11 PM

    When Cruz said he's heard from "men and women across Texas" who have lost their health insurance as a result of Obamacare" HUH? Texas opt out of the ACA. It even turned down the Medicaid for the poor (millions that could have been insured). SLEAZY LAWYER that is all he is....

  28. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Usually I'm not too affected by a person's appearance but Ted Cruz just looks like such a whiner. Imagine representing a foreign country and trying to negotiate with him. Yuck.

  29. Anonymous2:35 PM

    I want to know why his father and his mother are on the voter rolls of Alberta Canada for 1974. The Republican party in our area had the elder Cruz ( said he's a much wanted speaker for the right)., and he also spoke to one of the churches in the area. The newspaper article said the elder Cruz had a brief stint in Canada,. Ted was born ( 1970) and has a Canadian birth certificate and they are on the 1974 voter roll,( not a brief stint). The article also said he was on Ragan's Campaign . Elder Cruz didn't become a citizen of the US until 2005. He's so involved in politics but said he was just too lazy to become a citizen. So they want us to believe that his father has been so involved in politics since Ragan but has never voted until he became a citizen. BUT--- they voted in Canada the yr they moved back to the US Did his mother give up her citizenship? Why did his father not get Us citizenship until 2005? We have no investigative reporters anymore. They just report all the wrong fluff these idiots, spew out. Never in this article did it say they were both married to other people. Here are some good questions he needs to answer. And the elder Cruz has the nerve to say things about our president. He fought with Castro. He took Canadian healthcare. What are the requirements to vote in Canada?

  30. Anita Winecooler7:12 PM

    Bravo, Mr Cuomo! Next time ask him what he reads - that'll send him over the edge. Amazing, millions of people have lost their insurance coverage and no one's interviewing them, I wonder why???

    I'm starting to like the Bachmanesque answers "A lady approached me, and reported that her daughter got mental retardation after getting the HPV Vaccine" It's always some random person, or a "constituent", and we're left to take them at their word.

    I may have to re consider my boycott of CNN. I love Cuomo's style!!


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