Wednesday, November 20, 2013

This was posted on Levi Johnston's Facebook page late last night.

Courtesy of Facebook
My response to this would be, "Yes but the truth is better than silence."

After all I know that Levi has information that could destroy Sarah Palin completely.

What I have never understood is why he has not come forward with it by now.


  1. Anonymous12:39 PM

    The truth shall set Tripp free!

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Yes, it would be wonderful if Levi did tell everything he knows, Gryphen, but perhaps he feels it would not be worth the fallout and danger that would be put on his family if he were to publish any disclosures that would ruin the Palin brand.. Heaven knows, there are plenty of deranged Sarah supporters out there who would have no hesitation in going after someone who dared to sully the reputation of their idol.

    2. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Tripp is doomed by both parents. Levi may be silent to keep his family secrets. Tripp is not his first priority.

    3. Anonymous2:04 PM

      ". . . why he has not come forward with it by now."

      I agree with 12:59 PM -- and know I would be totally frightened of §P and that very, deranged family -- and ALL their deranged followers.

      It is so sad he does live his life with any/all of the threats I am sure have come from them -- but he has all his new family, his Mother, and sister to think of first.

      Maybe, some day, things will (hopefully) change for him. He and his are always in thoughts, for good and happy times. :)

    4. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Anonymous1:35 PM

      Tripp is doomed by both parents. Levi may be silent to keep his family secrets. Tripp is not his first priority.
      How the fuck do you know?
      He is waiting for the right time. Which is coming soon.

    5. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Anonymous 12:39 And maybe Trig, also too.

    6. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Wasn't there a burned down church and a downed airplane? I'm sure he was threatened. This is how the Palin's take care of problems.

    7. Anonymous5:53 PM

      I think it might be very simple as Todd threatened Levi a long time ago because he has very powerful buddies who could follow him stealthily on any one of his many hunting trips and he would never come back. His body would never be found and people would think he must have had an "accident" i.e., got lost, eaten by a bear or had a fall off a cliff. And/or threatened to hurt his mother and/or sister.

    8. London Bridges3:40 AM

      Levi's mother was sent to prison on a set up. Let us not forget this.

    9. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Any child that lives a lie is doomed. Neither of Tripp's parents will break the cycle. The Palin Curse will come down heavy on the most innocent.

      Tripp Johnston is no exception.

  2. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Sadly, I don't think anything he could say at this point would destroy her. Within her lunatic world, it seems she is bullet-proof. And few would believe him at this point. He's better off keeping silent and going about his life. His wife seems like she actually has a pretty good head on her shoulders.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Bullshit bullshit bullshit.
      Anyone of the major babygate players (CBJ, MATSU ) tlakining would absolutely END HER.

    2. AJ Billings3:46 PM

      Not true. Not just babygate , but there might be video from the campaign that could damage her big time.

      Any family member that decided to go postal on mommy dearest could get quite a payout too.

  3. Anonymous12:41 PM

    What info does Levi have that could destroy Palin? Just a wee bit curious.

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      lots, but he'd rather be a bit player in the palin's grifting of America. Anyone who thinks he doesn't report to sarah is daft. He would have spilled his guts long ago if he wasn't owned by sarah..she's like kris jenne, nothing is real, every move is orchestrated by her to generate more cash.

    2. Anonymous5:44 PM

      You're right - every move is orchestrated right down to the lines at the books stores.

  4. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Perhaps he just wants to get on with his life. Levi has a beautiful family and a great future, I don't blame him for wanting to keep the Palin stench out of it.

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Levi is going into the thick of the Palin stench. They will find a way to cut him off since they are not going to have Bristol in family court if they can help it.

    2. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Bristol is in danger of losing her meal ticket: "it's such a struggle being a single mom with a deadbeat dad who doesn't see his kid", i.e. "I need a fourth reality $how." Without Tripp she is nothing and nobody.

      And she might have to get a job!!!!!

    3. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Bristol will not loose a meal or a ticket. You would be seeing current pics of Bristol is she lost any meals.

      Bristol is closeted so no one will ask any questions about her present condition.

  5. Anonymous12:51 PM

    There were comments on another post that Tripp is giving off Gay vibes with his pedicure picture and look. Tripp needs to know to be comfortable with whatever lifestyle he chooses.

    The question is what about Bristol? She seems to have problems with the opposite sex. Maybe she needs to comes to term with herself?

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Please stop the 'whatever lifestyle he chooses' nonsense.

      First: being gay isn't a lifestyle choice. Second: It's simply ridiculous to talk about 'gay vibes' related to a young kid whose mother took him to a salon and set him up to get a pedicure for any number of reasons.

      You're giving off serious 'concern troll' vibes both about Tripp and about Bristol.

    2. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Oh dear. If Bristol is gay, that would rock Palin's world, wouldn't it?

    3. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Enough of this, please.

    4. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Pimp Daddy Todd and Willow are bi. So Bristol's being gay would not be a problem. with her difficulty finding a trail husband maybe she would do better to try for a wife.

    5. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Wasn't Bristol married to Willow during Celebrity Wife Swap?

    6. Anonymous2:33 PM

      If the boy enjoys pedicures then what's it to you guys?

  6. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I also believe that he has information that would not be good for Palin.. I can only wonder what they have on him that they think could be used against him.. he was a minor when he was in their grasp, so even if he signed something I am not sure it would have been legal.. even with council.. and he could get enough money to start over anyplace he wanted, or just get rid of her and stay there.. I think she would be finished if he told what he knew.. like who was really pregnant and who fathered and mothered the baby in those early photos.. it would take a lot of courage, and I think he just lacks that courage,.. I don't know what I would do, it is a lot to ask of someone.. but I think we all wish he would reveal what he knows.. one can only hope and pray he gets the courage and is respected for it..

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      His dad may have knocked up someone underage. He would hardly want accusations that he is a pedophile. Whatever he is silent about it must be a huge secret.

    2. Anonymous5:43 PM

      If you had information that could bring down Sarah Palin but at a possible cost of putting your family in harm's way, would you come forward? Knowing what we all do and maybe more about the history of fires and deaths under suspicious circumstances? (Didn't Levi say at one point, "you don't know what they're capable of"?)
      I'm not a troll and I have zero inside information; this is just a question that comes to mind.

    3. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Knowledge would only bring down Palin if there was proof. "He-said-she-said" won't do any good.

  7. angela1:17 PM

    Levi is right. He wants his kid. Anything close to what the Palins are doing would make him less. This isn't about blog comments or getting people on his side--this is his child. And it isn't about what he knows about the dip-shit from Wasilla.
    He could have pictures of her blowing up a nursery school and her idiot followers would just congratulate her on getting rid of a public school.

    People on his side and demonizing the Skanky Palins did him no good before. He needs a good lawyer and a detective.
    I hope he gets his child back in his life. That kid will be a mess if the Palins are his only model.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:55 PM

      I agree, Angela. Posting this on facebook was a wise move on his part. He comes off as classy, doesn't engage the boy's maternal family, and above all, demonstrates he's focused on his son's best interest. I hope he gets good legal advise this time.

  8. Anonymous1:31 PM

    O/T - They have posted this as breaking news over at pee pond:-

    "According to an article at FOX News written by Howard Kurtz, Governor Palin has cancelled an upcoming Christmas interview with Matt Lauer over Martin Bashir’s vile comments.
    It’s no secret that Sarah Palin is mighty steamed at MSNBC and Martin Bashir over his despicable remarks about the abusive treatment he imagines for her.
    And now she’s doing something about it.
    The former Alaska governor and Fox News contributor was scheduled to sit down with Matt Lauer for a Christmas season interview. That’s now toast.
    Palin has now canceled Lauer’s scheduled trip to Wasilla, a source close to her tells me. It’s not because Palin is upset with Lauer or the "Today" show, but as a protest against NBC for not taking action against Bashir. In fact, Palin once sat in as a "Today"co-host".

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      I am pretty sure Lauer is not one bit sorry he won't have to go to Wasilla to "interview" Mrs. Palin.

      She was probably looking for a way out also too. Typical quitter.

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      LMFAO !!! ... at skank ...

    3. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Good! The less of her smug mug and vitriol the better. I'm sure it hurt NBC's feelings. NOT.

      Bashir supporter.

    4. Anonymous1:50 PM

      as if we didn't all know she wouldn't let this go..who gives a shit? she's too frickin' lazy to pretend to make cheesy moose weenies for him anyway..and Levi? curious he comes out right around the time goth granny is hawking her book, more attention for her..he could come clean and make millions, he won't, he's a player in the palin dysfunctional family's drama for pete's sake. bunch of bumpkins played the public for fools and they're all sitting on their ignorant asses reaping the rewards of the country's gullibility.

    5. Anonymous1:52 PM

      I call BULL SHIT on that one. Her tour is dying on the vine and she can't stand it so she is calling in 'emergencies' and 'outrage' to get the hell off the trail. It's utter and complete nonsense to think that this media whore would stop whoring, except when victimization becomes the top priority. It's old news and she's trying to stir it right back up. Her book is a failure, she is a fraud and she is so damned uncomfortable in the public arena with out her body guards, child shields, control of the press...hiding behind curtains? A book about joy and good tidings? Not even close. She's 'quitting' as she usually does. And besides, that just spares us from pandering from the Today show that would have had us throwing up in our mouths anyway. She's trying to prove that she can cut it in the mainstream 'librul' world and she can't, so she's quitting. Simple as that. The outrage she's spinning is cover for what a skank coward she is.

    6. Anonymous1:52 PM

      So Lauer is off the hook. Par-tay!

    7. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Agreed, 1:52s. Watch for the same when it comes to a run in '16. We called it long before this tour ever started.

    8. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Sarah is gonna milk this for all it's worth. I'm glad she cancelled. No one will notice except the minions and they don't even watch MSNBC. Why isn't FOX doing the Christmas interview? They already have cameras up there, don't they?

      Did Martin Bashir Really Need to Apologize to Sarah Palin?

      ...Bashir contritely and professionally offered a full apology to Sarah Palin. He seemed legitimately sorry for his choice of words and stated that he would make sure to carry himself in a more mannered, adult way in the future. The sad thing here is that Palin’s idiotic statements get swept under the rug, as she now continues with her well-worn brand of victimology. It is always about poor little Sarah getting picked on by the big, bad liberals. It doesn’t matter that she is a polarizing idiot that says dumb, offensive things and helps push the Tea Party’s barely-masked racist agenda against this president.

      No, the main thing here is to make sure that Palin is treated with respect, even when she never shows any herself. It is perfectly fine for Palin to constantly insult and denigrate POTUS, liberals, Democrats and anyone that just doesn’t agree with her. Why? Because they deserve it, that’s why! However, let anyone truly dig into her and take her to task for the ignorant, hateful a-hole she really is, then out comes the victim mentality. Her and her supporters immediately cry ‘sexism’ and immediately blame the ‘lamestream’ media for allowing this to happen. And then she gets her apologies. It has all grown so tiresome.

      Maybe Bashir was right on Friday. Perhaps he shouldn’t have apologized yesterday. Maybe someone does need to take a big sh*t in Sarah Palin’s mouth. At the very least, it would keep her quiet for a bit.

    9. Anonymous2:07 PM

      1:52 right on!

    10. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Matt Lauer is blessed to have this good fortune.

      I would like to see NBC answer that bogus letter SarahPAC used for Braitbart Inc.

    11. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Great news for lucky Matt. Will NBC back off Palin and only praise her glory now?

    12. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Perhaps Lauer read Bashir's actual non-comments about Sarah and realized what a maroon she is to go off about nothing at all. He cancelled the interview.

      She is the idiot that started screaming blacks don't know the meaning of slavery.... Nobody that knows anything about her would want to interview her.

    13. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Probably thinking about how the interview would go....1) book sales 2) meeting the "people/fans"; I'm sure with a picture or two; 3) censoring the media

    14. Anonymous2:33 PM

      She quit on the book signing the other day. Maybe there is something brewing on the home front. She might not want media types in Wasilla

    15. Anonymous2:47 PM

      might explain why Todd left first.....

      are we finally going to see the prostitution bust? how about the gambling and drugs? half a dozen grandkids? where's TriG!!!

    16. Anonymous3:07 PM

      2:33 PM
      Something fishy was up with that. Todd abandoned her and not there to dress her. I am going with she forgot her depends and shat her pants, hence "medical emergency' and "abbreviated event".

    17. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Sarah the purported Mama Grizzly and "tough" frontier woman is simply done with AK. She would no more come back to AK during this cold snap than she would shit in the woods. She's gone soft and didn't even want to come back up long enough to entertain Lauer. I find it absolutely hilarious!

    18. Anonymous5:52 PM

      anon@152: , that's the sound of a nail being hit squarely on the head. No effing way way does a NPD queen walk away from a Today show interview, not on this planet. Either Our Lady of Perpetual Grifiting is in a total state of collapse, or maybe the Today show pulled the plug first but agreed to let her spin the story her own way. If you think the prospect of a cold Alaska winter is enough to deter a NPD queen from that kind of exposure, you haven't spent enough time around NPD queens (lucky you ;)

    19. Anonymous6:09 PM

      So she thinks she can control the media now like she controls the book signing lines. She's still out to "teach a lesson" for not making her VP.

    20. Anonymous6:13 PM


      skank's always been "soft" - besides being a lyin' piece of shit coward

    21. Anita Winecooler8:00 PM

      Matt probably called Marty and begged him to dis Palin. Matt's off the hook, Marty's clip AND apology got more hits than Palin sold books... Win Win Lose!

      Life is Good.

    22. 152 and et al you know that insufferable clown. She is an absolute riot/violent inciting racist, liar, uneducated, stupid, smelly, cow.

      she is absolutely insane if she wants us to believe her "emergency" is a Sorry unhinged play on President Obama helping a fainting pregnant woman during his speech. You know the one she found so funny after knowing the woman was diabetic and with child. The sick witch.

      I agree palin's phony book tour is a predictable huge laughable bust. Rotf!

    23. OMT -- Matt cancelled on the obtuse airhead.

  9. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Check this out. Palin cancelled the Matt Lauer Alaaaaaska interview? Now who will be the next interviewer that will make the snowy pilgrimage to kiss the scrawny ringless finger? Mountains, molehills, and moose stew.


    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Boohoo, Sarah is upset..

      I knew she would cancel the visit. Matt Lauer made her answer a question and the queen will not stand for that.

      From Huffington Post:
      When he asked about what the Tea Party alternative to Obamacare was, Palin looked him straight in the eye and answered an entirely different question. "And it's not just the independent grassroots Tea Party movement saying this!" she said.

      "But where's the plan from the Tea Party?" Lauer beseeched, his increasingly scraggly beard lending him the air of a reproachful professor."


    2. Anonymous6:44 PM

      It will probably be Palin-toe-licker, $cientologist Greta who once again ventures up North.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:02 PM

      I don't know about Greta's "BFF" credentials with Sarah. She did the Mike Tyson interview, and "went there" re: Glenn Rice.

  10. Grrrr !1:44 PM

    Maybe not everyone's definition of "bullshit" is the same ... ?

    Sure, by "bullshit" Levi could mean lies -- maybe even the kind of toxic, permanently-scarring lies a deranged mother tells her kid about his father just to get revenge ?

    But maybe "bullshit" also refers to the kind of terrifying damage a wealthy, powerful sociopath like Sarah can do to those who piss her off.

    That's something Levi and his family -- especially his poor mom, Sherry! -- have all suffered and I can only imagine how awful it's been.

    So, IMHO (no moralizing or lecturing intended), as desperately as I want somebody to come along and FINALLY SHUT THAT PSYCHOTIC BITCH UP ... ???

    I also totally understand and respect Levi's preference for silence.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      I like your comment.

      I think the only person who could shut up Mrs. Palin is McCain, and we know why that won't happen.

    2. AJ Billings3:34 PM

      No, I don't agree. I believe there are others that have known $arah for a long time that could completely ruin her if they ever wanted to cash in, or expose that vicious harpy.

      When Levi was on one of the late night showss (Jay Leno I think ) he actually said something like "if I told what i know it would really hurt her"

      I WAS HOLDING MY BREATH, but he didn't continue, much to all of our displeasure

      Certainly CBJ could come clean as could nurses on duty that night at Matsu.

      The rill dill would be if $arah pisses off one of her kids some day, and they spill the beans.

      No wonder Granny Grifter is so desperate for pac money and book sales, she has a LOT of people to pay off to keep their mouths shut.

    3. Anonymous3:39 PM

      It would be something if Levi had solid proof of the plane crash and fire, and a certain ex-governor's role in those incidents. And the connection between the house and hockey rink.

    4. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Levi knows more about Todd bidness than he wants to tell. He will protect his dad.

    5. Anonymous6:04 PM

      4:02 - of course he will protect Keith. Keith and Todd were BFFs. Are they still? Your comment makes it sound like Todd is Levi's dad.

    6. @Anon 4:02 PM

      How interesting. I've always felt there was something between Levi and the Palin family. The way Sarah mentioned Curt Menard in her book. It was like she wanted that story to come out.

      All these years and that's the only tidbit of gossip I've heard. Sarah controls what she wants released and I think she threw Track under the bus as a distraction.

      Go back and look at the pictures at the RNC and notice the resemblance between Todd and Levi on the campaign stage. Several of us were commenting that..."Bristol's boyfriend looked more like her dad than her brother did."

    7. Anonymous4:37 AM

      The rill dill would be if $arah pisses off one of her kids some day, and they spill the beans.

      Her kids have the cult mentality. They are needy for medication and accustom to being controlled. It is what they know.

    8. Anonymous9:27 AM

      In 2008 when McCain gutted wiki and all things Palin on the internet, Mercedes computer, the state photos and all they could. At that same time there were links to Keith Johnston and his part in hockey and the local youth projects. EVERYTHING Keith Johnston also disappeared from the internet. It was not even bad news type of articles. Hockey and business connections.

      For a time Keith spoke and supported the Palin version of Levi and Bristol. Eventually, Keith went quiet.

      Keith was not in favor with his Wasilla family due to abandoning them and his young wife and Arizona connection. Over time the Wasilla Johnston's mended things with Keith and he and Levi were father and son in good standing again.

      As far as I know, Keith and the Palins have always been solid. No one wants Keith Johnston mentioned or related back to his Palin/Levi connection.

    9. Anonymous11:53 AM

      i always wondered why Mercede let her blog taper off into silence...

  11. Anonymous1:48 PM

    What is a non-disclosure agreement?

    Justin Bieber required all the guests at his party to sign a 3 Million Dollar NDA.

    What happens when someone breaks the agreement?

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Depends. If someone ends up knocked up by a one night stand at the party and they end up disposed for a dispute or there are crimes involved, the non-disclosure agreement could end up useless.

    2. hedgewytch2:41 PM

      Exactly Anony 2:11. Levi has to wait until a legal indictment is made again Palin and he is called to testify. THEN he can tell all he knows.

    3. Anonymous11:50 AM

      So who will bring a legal indictment against any of the Palins? They seem to be bullet proof as I believe there have been many opportunities to investigate their crimes, misdemeanors, and lies yet they go nowhere.

    4. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Did Mrs. Palin really quit the book tour before it was scheduled to end?

      Are there more book tours scheduled after thanksgiving?

      Did Mrs. Palin or the publisher quit on the not-going well book tours?

  12. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Well good - one less outlet for her vitriol.

  13. Anonymous1:50 PM

    The way I read it is that it is a message to Bristol who released some info to TMZ. He is saying that she should be silent rather than releasing all that bullshit of hers, and that she knows it.

    He is fighting back.

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      How nuts do you have to be to think you are sending a message to Bristol?

      Bristol is a tool. Her mother's attorney's handle everything. A message to Bristol is ridiculous. It is hard to believe he hasn't comprehended that yet.

      He is messaging Sarah's attorney.

    2. Anonymous5:02 PM

      I believe that Bristol is not very bright, has never gotten over her (immature) love for Levi and is indeed a tool of her mother. I also think that Levi and Sunny are sending a message to Bristol, Sarah, the Palin's attorney and anyone else who has tried to destroy Levi's relationship with Tripp. The message is that right now, for Tripp's sake, they are being cautious about what they say in public--as opposed to all the BS from the Palin camp.

      IMO Levi and Sunny are truly a happy family. They are the married parents of a daughter and are very supportive of each other. They really have it "together" and are not afraid of the future. Time is on their side and their image will only improve.

      Time is not on the Palin's side. Even though many of us are disappointed that Sarah and her ilk are still around spreading hatred and lies, at least their happy, Christian family mythology is slowly being destroyed by their own hands.

      I agree with the post above that McCain will never shut Palin up. However, once he is gone from this earth, I expect widow Cindy and daughter Meghan to voice some extremely negative feelings about Mrs. Palin. They will build up old John's legacy and try to distance his memory from the disaster of picking Palin as VP. The McCain's (through Cindy) have plenty of money and influence and nothing to fear from Sarah.

  14. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Just how mean and nasty would Bristol go? Would she have him put into jail? Garnish his wages so that his family lives in poverty?

    Will she go that far or will she be content to just trash him in the media?

    Give it up, bitch. You need to get laid.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      The Palins will harass Levi and trash him in the media. He won't have the money to go on and Bristol will not have to lie to the local court system.

      Bristol is recovering from her last belly situation and she is having a big laugh at the thought of having Levi silenced.

    2. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Getting laid is the problem.

    3. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Junker recently went to Arizona to make sure Bristol was getting laid. A lot. No doubt he'll be back. The AZ media aren't interested in who Bristol's screwing after they got a look at Gino.

    4. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Junker is not the one who lays Bristol a lot.

    5. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Yep, it was Junker.

    6. Anonymous4:29 AM

      If Junker thinks he is a baby daddy, he needs DNA test.

    7. Anonymous11:42 AM

      What ever happened to Gino, the Itallian Stallion?

      Oh and Dylan Kolvig lives in AZ also too.

  15. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Bristol's picture should be pasted on all condoms as a reminder to teens -- Do you Really want to be tied to this person forever?

  16. Anonymous2:19 PM

    What's with these Palins? If you refuse to kiss their asses they put you on their shit list.

    Sarah has President Obama
    Bristol has Levi

  17. Anonymous2:24 PM

    still waiting for Palin to explain ear baby and the double baby shower and 2 babies... also waiting for Levi to explain his pic in the hospital, his tattoo, his change in hair style and tan and weight in a matter of 3 weeks...also waiting for Levi to explain the fact that his book and Bristol's book, while telling the same story are about a 'year apart' if you compare the two...waiting for Levi to explain why he quit HS for no reason before Bristol was even "pregnant" with "Tripp". Oh there are so many things that I am waiting for Levi to explain.

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      AGREE ... explain his pic in the hospital ...

      What he wrote in his book about Sarah in the bed and that whole intimate scene, sure would like the facts and to know more. All the details when he was set up by Bristol and did that apology to the Palins, oh if only Levi didn't think he has to live the BIG LIE.

  18. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Look at the number of failed relationships Bristol has had:

    Levi (twice)
    Snowmobile guy

    I'm starting to think the problem is Bristol

    1. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Who is the snowmobile guy?

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Joe Junkie?

    3. The problem is not the failed relationships - it is bringing the media into your life and pretending every relationship you have is the love of the century. Bristol has a life of nothing - she sees a male partner as her path to glory - which is a sad reflection on her view of herself.

    4. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Poor Bristol. She only feels like she deserves trials. That is what her relationships come down to.

    5. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Bristol is too needy. She's the girl a boy gets just to get some ass then after hitting it they move on.

    6. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Oh hell, try all of Juneau and all of AK. She fucked her way across the state.

  19. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Poor Gretel. I guess she will have to make the pilgrimage to Wasilla now that Mrs. Palin had her hissy fit and cancelled Lauer.

    Gird your loins, Gretel. And wear your hip boots.

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      Gretel will conveniently not bring up Glen Rice, although she knows about him and Sarah. She won't give her opinion after reading "Boys Will Be Boys". She won't even bring up her talk with Mike Tyson about Sarah Palin.

    2. Anonymous9:39 PM

      Greta and her husband are going to Haiti the day after Christmas. They built a boarding school for 75 orphans and bought each a new pair of sneakers and 1 gift of the child's choice.Greta is a scientologist but works with Franklin Graham on this Haiti project.

  20. Anonymous2:26 PM

    So Sarah Palin cancelled her interview with Lauer. Anybody surprised? Sarah is always quitting on her commitments.

    1. She really can't handle the minimum effort - even when money is involved - what she wants are the $$$ from the blind faithful - those who gaze into her eyes and see the light.

  21. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I'm gonna be a bitch herre, but why don't YOU, Gryphen, tell what it is you know he knows?? Get some shit in the spotlight, see where it the ball rolling.
    I do not get it.

    1. I have already told you what I know he knows, where do you think the information for those posts about the divorce, older Tripp, and family arguments came from?

      However I also know that he knows things that he did not tell Tank and Rex, and which he could come out with as well.

    2. Anonymous2:36 PM

      So ,that is stuff we all know now. The way you presented it, it can be inferred you know more stuff that you have not said. See my side?

    3. Anonymous3:23 PM

      2:31 PM

      Links? Can we revisit a few things?

    4. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Yes, let's revisit a few things... Questions that NEVER got answered because they NEVER got asked....

      #1: As discussed, Levi claims, Bristol was not due until mid-January, but then says she was 2 mos pregnant on 4/25. That would make an 11 mos pregnancy.

      #2: Bristol claims she was due on 12/14 and so was 2 weeks over due by the time Tripp came along.

      #3: Both Bristol and Levi say that Levi went with Todd to the cabin on 12/26.

      #4: Levi claims that because Bristol was not due for another 3 weeks, he agreed to go. Bristol says that she was going to the doctor "every day" the last week of pregnancy and the doctors had said she would need to be induced if the baby didn't come soon.

      #5: Todd, Levi, Willow, Piper leave Trig, Sarah & Bristol alone to go the cabin, knowing that Bristol could go into labor at any moment??

      #6: Levi's book claims that Sadie & Sherry visited the baby the night he was born. Sadie says she saw the baby at 7pm, Sherry claims it was the next day at the hospital. Levi claims that Bristol was discharged THAT same night and that Keith visited the Palin house the next day to see the baby (i.e., i guess the 3 generations pic)

      #7: Levi claims that Bristol had, BEFORE SHE WAS PREGNANT, liposuction on her "double chin" and breast reduction surgery and that he took her to her appointments. (Now i dont know about you, but i dont know any doctor that is going to perform liposuction on a double chin for a 16-17 yo girl, especially when Bristol is skinny as a stick and there's no parents???)

      #8: Levi claims that AFTER bristol and he got engaged, that Sadie referred to sarah as 'mommy in law' and trig 'as baby brother' -- yet the pics were taken the day BEFORE sarah and todd were told about the pregnancy?

      #9: Levi says he quit school with 2 mos to go in his junior year, yet also says that on May 1st, 2 days before his 18th birthday, he had just returned from classes, where he was sporting a 3.8 gpa, and that's when Bristol called him and went over there to tell him she was pregnant.

      #10: Levi also says he got the call at 10pm on 12/26 that bristol was in labor and then says the baby was born at 6am. Bristol says the baby was born at 5:30am and that she was in labor for 24 hrs!

      Let the discussion BEGIN!

    5. Anonymous6:01 PM

      very easy - change the dateline to 2007....and it all fits.

      Tripp was born when Levi was 16, and sporting his frosted blond curls for hockey.

    6. Anonymous9:37 AM

      5:27 PM6:01 PM


    7. Anonymous10:16 AM

      2007. That connects all the dots.

  22. Anonymous2:28 PM

    When his child support payments come up for review...and they will, ...... it is disclosed that Levi is paying for 3 children, he will get full custody of his. Perhaps the other fathers will want custody of their kids too.

  23. Anonymous2:28 PM

    If that were me, I'd leave AK with family in tow and start all over again. Sunny must feel the stress of this, and her parents? What does her mom feel about this kind of life for her and Levi and their baby? If Levi is so focused on his hunting and the Alaska wilds and the lifestyle at the expense of his little family, he deserves what he gets.

    No young person enjoys being pussy-whipped by vindictive ex-girlfriend and parents, ad nauseum. What is keeping him there? He needs to get off Facebook, go complete incognito and take his mom and sister and all of them leave that place, never to return. The Palins can't harass them in another State. If Bristol wants to engage a Hollywood custody fight, she can fight alone.

    He may have to forget Tripp for a while, as painful as that would be for him. The Palins are never going to get along or go along, they will always attack his character and that of Sunny as long as these Palins have breath.

    He needs to think about what's best for the personal peace-of-mind of his wife and baby, and nothing else. Them getting enbroiled in a fight with the Palins will only cause stress on their marriage and I'm sure that is what Bristol and Sarah are betting on.

    Levi, start a new life!! If you have a second chance, take it.

    1. Anonymous2:45 PM

      @@ eye roll. That advice sounds like it comes straight from a Palin

    2. The worst advice I've ever read.

    3. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Anon 2:45 How so? Eyeroll.
      Sadly, we got stupid assholes on our side also too.

    4. Anonymous6:48 PM

      You don't just "forget" your kid, especially when your kid is being raised by a terrible mother.

    5. Anonymous3:11 AM

      YES, 6:48 PM! Just ask Curtis Menard. Oh wait....

    6. Anonymous5:00 AM

      How so, Charlie?

  24. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Gryphen's right. 'Truth is better than silence.' Always.

    Since the beginning, it seemed Levi was tricked to believe silence was leverage to get Bristol to keep the custody agreement. He's been double-crossed and attacked publicly over and over. He's also likely been overwhelmed by the Palin's shenanigans.

    I hope there's an excellent attorney who will help him navigate the truth to win the custody battle and right the other wrongs waged against him.

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Levi is stuck and he will live THE BIG LIE. At this point it is what he knows.

  25. Anonymous2:53 PM

    who says the Palin mob can't hassle you in another state? Ever heard of Shawn Cristy and his family? Sarah's sexting turned into pure harassment that landed the boy in jail and Willow institutionalized. They knew the truth and had to be shut up any way possible. Nobody will believe them now. One's been labeled a dangerous criminal and the other has been labeled criminally dangerous.

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      2:53 What about Willow being institutionalized and how does she relate to Shawn Christy? Please tell us all so we can follow along.

      I have always said: How the heck did that kid (Shawn) get Sarah's private cell phone address??? Why didn't his lawyer bring that up?

    2. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Willow was institutionalized because of Shawn Christy?

    3. Anonymous7:56 AM

      go read on the blog

  26. Anonymous3:01 PM

    The T's are going to stand up for Sarah. Martin Bashir and Cher will now be silent. This is going to show anyone that dare speak "vile" of Palin.

    It use to be that N-word, C-word could be used to replace the actual words.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM


    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      3:01 PM
      When speaking of Sarah Palin, vile is the only way to speak of her.

    3. Anonymous5:57 PM

      T-baggers can't even stand up for themselves..... As a party, they have disintegrated. They left Stupid Palin behind because even they don't want her.

    4. Anita Winecooler8:17 PM

      I stand with Martin and Cher, you go squat with Sarah, k?

  27. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Bristol is going to be the next Dick Chaney.

    Against same sex marriage but once it hits home she will be okay with it.

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Bristol is going to take Tripp back to Wasilla for the holidays and to visit the Johnstons. His new mother, baby sister, aunt and all.

    2. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Anonymous 4:31 PM

      Please tell us how you know this.

    3. Anonymous8:12 PM

      snarkiness @ 4:31 PM

    4. Anita Winecooler8:23 PM

      Good question, 6:52!

    5. Anonymous4:30 AM

      Anon at 4:31 pm. IF it is true that Bristol is planning to take Trigg to Alaska for the holidays so that he can spend time with his Dad's family, it is only because Levi has sued for joint custody. Bristol might want the court and the tabloids, of course, to see how generous she is in giving Levi access to his son during the holidays. Hopefully no court would believe that she is sincere.

    6. Anonymous6:11 AM

      The Palin's rolled out this big deal of a Christmas show to sell books, it is an immediate flop. NBC, Matt Lauer, was part of the Palin promotion. Focus on the Heaths and the Palins and their traditional family Christmas. There would be a lot of preparation and set ups to pull off a production like that. All the characters would be dressed and camera ready.

      It would be questionable for Bristol Palin to slack and not return home for Christmas. Martin Bashir did Palin a favor by helping her create this excuse to cancel filming her traditional Christmas family. Bristol Palin was saved from taking Tripp to Wasilla to be filmed as in a happy wonderful family. She can now sneak into Wasilla or she can remain in Arizona now that the focus has changed.

  28. Anonymous4:02 PM

    It is HIGHLY unlikely that Palin gave up her TV interview with Lauer--ESPECIALLY if her book is already tanking. An appearance on the Today show--esp one highlighted by Lauer is book-selling GOLD. It is more likely that The TODAY SHOW cancelled on HER! She probably took the initiative to milk the rejection by turning it around and blaming them and making it her decision--sort of like what she did when she was fired by Fox News. She probably did it so fast, they didn't even have a chance to issue the their own official statement. And probably might not bother, perhaps allowing her to save face since they might want to interview her in the future. If they saw that her book was sinking fast, the would NOT have decided to spend the $20K needed to fly out there with their crew to give her free publicity for a book very few of their viewers clearly give a crap about. The Today Show cancelled on Sarah Palin, not the other way around.

    1. That sounds most plausible, as television shows change guests frequently at the last minute.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Oh, right, that's what I said before I read down this far. NO WAY does a NPD queen like Sarah walk away from that kind of exposure, not as long as she has a pulse. Zero chance. Zero on the Kelvin scale. Less than zero. She could be in a total state of physical/emotional collapse but, I agree, them pulling the plug on her is the more likely scenario.

    3. Anonymous8:14 PM

      hmmmm... What was her abbreviated event all about? "MEDICAL EMERGENCY" LOL

  29. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I haven't read through the comments but I wanted to point this out in case nobody else had.

    Regarding the "67,000.00" child support arrears- I would not pay that if I were levi either and this is why:

    When Bristol convinced Levi she wanted to "make it work" and announce their engagement publicly etc- all with the single condition that levi "take back" everything he ever said about Sarah. So levi did it, because he believed it was keeping his tattered little family together. At the time of this grand reconciliation, Bristol had a shoot with a US tabloid arranged to announce the new engagement. Tiemessen set this up for Bristol and negotiated a payday- $50,000 for Bristol, $50,000 for Levi. US Weekly asks Levi if he wants a bank draft or a certified check, etc. Levi's "lawyer and advisor" told US weekly that the entire $100,000 should go into bristol's account, "since you're going to be married and sharing money anyway". Well of course the very moment that money was in Bristol's account, they got the "statement" from Levi and dropped that poor child like one of Sarah's diseased wigs. And when Levi asked for HIS $50,000? You can guess what happened. So I urge Levi NOT to pay those exorbitant support payments. Instead, file a civil suit against Bristol for your $50,000 PLUS interest. See who owes who what at the end of the day.

    1. Anonymous10:22 PM

      I hope he takes your advice.

  30. Anonymous9:19 PM

    TMZ was supported of Levi when he called in to the show. After Bristol's attorney responded to Levi's suit, TMZ called Levi a loser. Did Harvey read recorded court docs that madehim think Levi does not have a case at this time?


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