Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dan Savage, yes THAT Dan Savage, reviews Sarah Palin's new book. And it is awesome!

Hey do you remember how I said that this review of Palin's book from the Daily Beast was the best one ever? Yeah, I was wrong.

Dan Savage decided to force himself to wade through the waist deep mooseshit which makes up this steaming pile, and his observations, and reactions, are NOT to be missed.

Don't believe me?

Well try this on for size: 

Here's a picture of Sarah Palin's grandson—who for a time was the most famous fetus on the planet (2008, Republican National Convention)—and a quote: 

"'All this for me? And I wasn't even very good!' 

—My grandson, Tripp Easton Mitchell [Johnston], upon seeing the presents beneath the Christmas tree, 2012" All this for me—and I wasn't even that good. 

Translate that into Latin and it could be on the Palin family's coat of arms.

That is awesome.

But there is more, so much more.

Savage keeps getting overcome with anger as he tries to crawl through the stupidity and hate in the book, but can barely get started before he has to stop and regroup.

Like when he gets to page five. (That's right 5!)  

Here I learn something I didn't know and, if I were Sarah Palin, something I wouldn't want anyone to know. But Sarah hustles this fact to the front of the book because she sure as hell wants us to know it: Sarah surprised Todd with a "nice, needed, powerful gun" for Christmas in 2012. It was a "small act of civil disobedience," Palin writes, prompted by "the anti-gun chatter coming from Washington." 

What was inspiring that anti-gun chatter in Washington in December of 2012? Oh, right: Twenty children and six teachers were shot dead in their classrooms by a deranged asshole with a "powerful gun." And before the grieving mothers and fathers of Newtown, Connecticut, could put their dead children in the ground, Sarah Palin ran out gun shopping. Buying Todd a gun in the wake of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary was "fun," Palin writes—and, again, an act of "civil disobedience." Because gun nuts are a persecuted minority. 

This paragraph about gun shopping in December of 2012—one first grader at Sandy Hook was shot 11 times—ends with Palin bragging about her tits. I'm not kidding. Okay, I have to put the book down. 

I'm five pages into Good Tidings and Great Joy and... Jesus Fucking Christ... I have got to put down this toxic little shitstain of a book. I'm going to go wash my eyes out with hydrogen peroxide. Be right back.

That should be the reaction from just about anybody subjecting their sensibilities to this ghostwritten roadkill.

Courageously Savage wades back in:  

Secularists have a vision for Christmas—and Sarah doesn't care for it, not one bit. 

"The other vision is a secular winter festival, which launches on Black Friday and ends sometime after Kwanzaa. People who hold Christmas in contempt believe the holiday can be 'saved' from its religious heritage. The secular vision wants the 'peace' and the 'goodwill toward men' without the miracle of the Virgin Birth—forgetting, of course, that there is no ultimate peace apart from Christ, and it is Christ who empowers every act of 'goodwill toward men' in our otherwise fallen hearts." 

Two things: 

1. Who holds Christmas in contempt? Who? Where are these people? I'm a secular humanist—there's an award from the Freedom from Religion Foundation on my mantel just inches from my Christmas tree—and here I am, at home on a Saturday morning, baking Christmas cookies for my family. Not holiday cookies. Christmas cookies. I'll be taking some across the street to share with my Jewish neighbors later today. They love Christmas. And no one is trying to "save" Christmas from its heritage. We have a crèche for the baby Jesus and strings of lights for the Roman god Saturn. We honor Christmas's religious heritage—the Christian and non-Christian bits. 

2. You read it here first: No Jew—or Muslim or Hindu or Buddhist or atheist—ever performed a kind, loving, or selfless act. Or if a Jew ever did such a thing, that Jew was "empowered" to do so by Christ. Unwittingly inspired. And no human being ever performed a kind, loving, or selfless act before Christ was born. 

I just threw Sarah Palin's book across the room—no, scratch that. I just threw it clear across the house. If our front door had been open, her book would've sailed across the street and onto our Jewish neighbor's porch across the street. 

Sorry, gang, but I gotta take another hydrogen peroxide break.

I hate to give away the ending, but ultimately Dan Savage simply cannot subject himself to venom soaked volume long enough to even get past the introduction before his partner stages an intervention,

However in my opinion, his inability to actually read the entire thing, is probably the most honest reaction to this bullshit book that I can imagine.

Personally if I met somebody who had read this book and still claimed to have retained their sanity I would slowly back away from them and assume they were either lying through their teeth or possessed by the demon Beelzebub.

Actual picture of Beelzebub.


  1. Anonymous4:52 PM

    chuck_tard jr,

    suk it

  2. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Great review. Nice face you wonky eyed bitch

  3. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I perused at Sams club after I finally found it, stuffed in the bargain area at $13.98. (OVER{PRICED AT THAT)
    the book is LIGHTWEIGHT in context and quality. what did they use recycled newsprint?
    what a piece of junk, I'd be embarrassed to give that cheesy of a gift. this review is -worthy-

    1. Anonymous9:10 PM

      $12.49 at Costco today....5 huge stacks, people picking the book up, flipping through the pages and flopping it back on the buyers while I watched.

  4. Anonymous5:03 PM

    since Dan's brave enough to wade through skanks piece of shit so called book, think it'd be askin' him a lot to wade through adulterer chuck_tard jr/perverted dad squint eyed chuck_tard sr's book of unadulterated horse shit too ?

  5. Anonymous5:03 PM

    She surely is a representative of the devil....look at those evil eyes! No longer attractive physically as we all have learned who and what she really is!

    To hell with you Sarah Palin!

    1. abbafan6:46 PM

      Anon @ 5:03 P.M. - she IS the devil incarnate; fuckin' Damian Thorn in drag!

  6. Anonymous5:09 PM

    That review is gold!! "toxic little shitstain of a book" *LOL*!!!!!!!

  7. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Sarah's resume:
    Possible murderer
    Prick Tease
    Shape Shifter
    Speaks Word Salad
    Can get by in English
    Extraordinarily deceitful
    Not hindered by fashion sense
    Terrible mom
    Misogynist(not an easy feat for a woman)
    Mentally Ill
    Drug Addict

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Master of making mountins out of mole hills.. including her own chest.

    2. Anonymous9:43 PM

      Great list!

      And I laughed out loud when I got to DIRTY and BALD! ! :)

    3. Anonymous11:18 PM

      Please add: Devil Incarnate

    4. Leland5:05 AM

      I can't believe it. Nobody added "Wonky Eyed"!

  8. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Thank you Dan! I'd invite him over for a nice plate of Christmas Cookies and Holiday Cheer anytime. The Skank can go fuck herself...

  9. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I love this quote (which also could be posted to the previous thread about the homophobic duck dynasty people)

    "And if I may: Gay people have been persecuted for years, for centuries, for motherfucking millennia. Really persecuted, primarily by people of faith. And our persecution didn't take the form of straight people wishing us well but failing to use precisely the right phrase. No, we were burned at the stake, arrested, imprisoned, committed, lobotomized, thrown out of our homes, and fired from our jobs; our children were taken from us, our partners were barred from our hospital rooms during medical emergencies, and on and on and on. And yet... somehow... the joy of giving and receiving blowjobs wasn't drained from our minds and hearts."

  10. Anonymous6:32 PM

    The A&E thing is sad. This is a man who's completely honest about who he used to be and is now, which is so much more than I can say for most people. And most people here are just plain nasty human beings, so any criticism for others is just stupid coming from them.
    While I'm not one to enjoy hearing someone look down on a group of people because of personal differences (and gay people truly don't need more grief in their lives,) there are legitimate ways to handle this type of situation from an employers viewpoint. Like scheduling a meeting to discuss the differences.

    It was AN OPINION. Gryphen, every day, knocks ALL christians by grouping them into a radical group. THAT is no different.

    1. The Concern Troll just earned herself another nickel. If the peebank hasn't gone broke yet.

    2. Anonymous7:14 PM

      I'm actually more worried about Phil comparing anyone who doesn't believe in Jesus to ... Nazis: 'Look at any society where there is no Jesus. I'll give you four: Nazis, no Jesus. Look at their record. Uh, Shintos? They started this thing in Pearl Harbor. Any Jesus among them? None. Communists? None. Islamists? Zero [...] Just look at the records as far as murder goes among those four groups.'

      Not to blaspheme -- but Jesus Christ, Phil. Did you just compare all Shintos to Nazis? And propagate an erroneous stereotype that says that all Muslims are terrorists? Forget his off the cuff gay bashing -- this sort of talk is what we should really be worried about.

    3. Anonymous7:57 PM

      6:32 PM Well whoopdedoo, Martin Bashir gave an opinion that was True, and what happened to him? Alec Baldwin gave an opinion and look what happened to him. What is good for the Goose is good for the Gander. You Palinbots did not desire that Bashir have a 'meeting' to discuss the differences.

    4. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Is Sarah expecting a visit from Glenn Rice? She certainly is posing like she is.

    5. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Love the faux outrage...! No Martin Bashir was different we won't give him a pass b/c he's a lib but phil oh he's ok!
      And snortin' sarah gets going her jihaid, then this is breaking not a word from snortin' sarah yet...BREAKING: TeaParty Pastor Arrested For #Child Pornography!

    6. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Sorry, but it's up to A&E who they want on their network. So far, I haven't seen them air programs with featuring neo-Nazis, KKK, and other people who are free to profess their hatred-- thanks to the freedom of speech. But, just because they can say it doesn't mean that A&E has to air it. Go watch Fox.

    7. Anonymous8:23 PM

      You're not even making any sense.

    8. And you see what you want to see when reading IM - I've not seen ALL christians being knocked - the Pope is getting some big kudos at the minute - and last time I checked he was known as a christian.

    9. Anita Winecooler8:54 PM

      All our visitors make us happy, some when they arrive, others when they leave.

      Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya,,,,,

    10. BabyRaptor12:28 AM

      Just like Christians do to us. But it's okay when ya'll do it, right?

    11. Anonymous3:54 AM

      Well, not only is that offensive, but it's really wrong. I think Nazism DID have a Christian element. And Muslims DO believe in Jesus, just not that he's the son of God. Also, the Pearl Harbor thing didn't have anything to do with their religion -- it was a declaration of war thing by their government. and…Commies, well…aside from Mao and Stalin and what they did to their own people, we engaged in just about all the wars that the Communists did. So…yeah...

    12. Anonymous5:16 AM

      FOX Geraldo on Duck Dynasty

      [ Phil comparing anyone who doesn't believe in Jesus to ... Nazis: 'Look at any society where there is no Jesus. I'll give you four: Nazis, no Jesus. Look at their record. ]

  11. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Here's a comparison to the Phil R stuff tonight. Personally if I were gryphen's employer's I'd suspend him for things he writes. And not just the lies.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Oh, NOW I get it. Phil R can say whatever he wants to, as your two-but hussy, but Alec Baldwin and Martin Bashir cannot. Riiiiiiight.....

      As for Gryph, you know they aren't lies. You only show up when he's hit too close to home. Truth is truth.

    2. Anonymous7:29 PM

      What lies? What things he writes? Be specific please.

    3. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Piper diaper, is that you?

    4. Anonymous7:50 PM

      7:12 PM Go Away, Palin Troll. Gryphen tells the Truth. Is Bristol Pregnant, or has just given birth to another Bastard? Did Sarah Palin drop her Curse on Duck Dynasty? Is Pimp Daddy still with his new Flame at Rainbow Bay? Is Track Menard still in Rehab?

    5. And if I were a book publisher with a conscience I would plaster this review all over every book store in the USA.

      Palin grifts and the great world of free enterprise helps her every step of the way. She cannot string a sentence together - she has never written anything worth being read & the sycophants are too stupid to realize all she wants is their money.

    6. Anonymous8:46 PM

      He'd never work for you, so don't stress yourself.

      (And no apostrophe in employer.)

    7. Anita Winecooler8:51 PM

      Why would any employer fire someone for blogging the truth? Oh wait, look who I'm responding to - Happy Winter Solstice!

    8. Anonymous9:40 PM

      You don't believe in the freedom of speech huh? Well you can move, there are plenty of countries without it.

    9. Anonymous9:56 PM

      Give me a break.

    10. Anonymous9:14 AM

      7:12 PM Are you standing in a corner wearing a DUNCE cap? You are having problems understanding your subjects at School, right? It is obvious that you have not learned how to write a grammatically correct sentence. Are all of you Palins Borderline Retarded? Your Gene Pool must be dipped into Lake Lucille before you are conceived.

  12. Anonymous7:26 PM

    'Beelzebub' suits the conscienceless harlot to a tee. There is actually nothing funny about the humanoid shaped thing but that made me laugh.

  13. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Remember how Palin wanted to ban books from the library? She needs to ban her own books that are filed with lies and deceptions. Poor Dan Savage may never recover from exposure to this toxic tome

  14. Crystal Sage7:35 PM

    Oops. The grammatically challenged trolls are out in force tonight. Dan must have hit a nerve with his hilarious review of the introduction to Sarah's latest "toxic shitstain of a book." (Gotta love the apostrophe to denote plural. Dead giveaway of the uneducated.)

  15. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Bar Huhbug?

  16. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Further proof of her idiocy and evilness... her ghostwriter is instructed to pen that the legal purchase of a gun is civil disobedience after Newtown. Sick fucker!

  17. Anonymous8:03 PM

    In the picture posted above, Sarah Palin looks like a creature from hell ready to eat human flesh. Sorry for sharing that but she does.

    Now I have to go wash my eyes out with hydrogen peroxide.

  18. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Dan should write a review and post it on Amazon.

  19. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Killing in the name of Christ: The Crusades, The Inquisition, Protestant vs. Catholic in Northern Ireland, the KKK.

  20. Anonymous8:22 PM

    I heart Dan Savage.

  21. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Gregory W. Horrell > Sarah Palin
    near Ketchikan, AK · You need to run for US Senate...

    Greg you must be drinking the water from Dead Lake Lucille. How else can it be explained that you want a know nothing failed beauty pageant contestant to be our senator.

  22. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Ken Spaulding > Sarah Palin· 
    Free speech is an endangered species. If that is true leave this comment on your page.You are a clueless delusional bimbo. Merry Christmas

    And a Merry Christmas to you too Ken

  23. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Terrel Williams > Sarah Palin

     I love sarah palan save us in texas ill vote for you

    Save us in Alaska, permanently move all the Heathens and Palins to Arizona and close Arizona's borders.

  24. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Look at that mouth - rabid as it is! Could handle a large you know what and perhaps swallow it? She is good for nothing else!

  25. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Melissa Kay Menz > Sarah Palin

    When will u run for president again its time for a woman president... its badly needed.

    Melissa are you saying it's time for another SarahPac scam? Send your best donations to SarahPac to convince Sarah to run for president?

    How soon you forget.

  26. Anita Winecooler8:49 PM

    One fantastic review of the Ghostwritten "book" of a skank, and the trolls come out from under their rocks like leeches.

    What this tells me is two things, Dan Savages's review must be truthful, and Gryphen has gotten the cavity filled mouths of the foil hat wearers to chew their hats while drinking Mrs Butterworth. It's the ONLY way to get electrical impulses to jump the synapses in their brain stems.

    Great Post and Excellent review!

    OT. While shopping today, I stopped in Barnes and Noble to sample Sarah's new book. It wasn't in the front with the best sellers, it wasn't in the aisles where popular books are usually displayed. I asked a clerk if they had any copies left, well, lo and behold! They had a stack of them at least five books wide and thirty deep, but none prominently displayed on and angle where one could see the cover.

    Get this- They were way back on a table near the "self help" section, near the coffee area. The clerk said "they're just not moving for some reason" and left. I flipped through it and she's mad as hell at the world. I'm shocked christians aren't upset the words "Jesus Christ" are mixed in. The writing style is nothing like her other books, and it's rather small and cheaply made. Thin paper, that wobly webbed rubber binding crap, and the book is about as heavy as an ipad.

  27. Anonymous8:52 PM

    That mouth is rancid!

  28. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Danielle Krupka > Sarah Palin
    Haven't seen any posts lately. Glad you can rest and enjoy your family after the book tour. Merry Christmas to you all

    Danielle I think the Reason For The Season book scam is over. The reason may be because Sarah's book is close to getting to 900 on Amazon's Best Seller's List. Hard to explain a book writer whose book is number 900 still trying to push their piece of shot.

  29. Anita Winecooler9:00 PM


    Was just closing out and saw this link. It shows what great parenting and love can do for a child with DS.

    In other words, the opposite of Sarah of Wasilla and Trig.

    1. Anonymous5:03 AM

      Great story. In my hometown there was young woman with DS who enjoyed cooking. She was invited to attend Johnson and Wales University if she could pass our MCAS test. Unfortunately, she could not pass and so she lost the opportunity to study Culinary Arts. There was a lot of talk at the time because the assessment test really should not have dictated whether or not the young woman was capable of being a chef.

  30. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Not for nothing but she ran for Vice President of the United States of America, so you'd think someone would have explained the first amendment to her by now.

    1. Anonymous4:39 AM

      And one would think that the candidate for the presidency who chose her would have vetted her more carefully before making his choice. Imagine our national humiliation had she actually become vice president.

  31. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I read in a previous post that Sarah Palin said that Lake Lucille is the Palin's family swimming hole. That could explain all the genetic misfortunes in that family and the reason none of the Palin kids went to college.

    From Wikipedia:

    Lake Lucille is a 350-acre (1.42 km2) lake within the municipal limits of Wasilla, Alaska, located at61°34′N 149°28′W.[1]

    Most of the lake shoreline is private property (i.e., not incorporated into the City of Wasilla),[2] and many residents have docks for swimming, boating, or docking floatplanes. There is also a city park with a campground and boat launch. "Lake Lucille is basically a dead lake -- it can't support a fish population" according to Michelle Church, a local environmentalist.[2] State environmental officials say that leaching sewer lines and fertilizer runoffcaused an explosion of plant growth in the lake, which sucked the oxygen out of the water and led to periodic fish kills.

    1. Anonymous6:23 AM

      Did Madam Mayor Sarah Palin have anything to do with pollution running into that lake? Does her kids really swim in that Raw sewage Palin family swimming hole?

  32. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Bristol did you get a job yet? Or have you decided you don't need to work? (like the rest if your family)
    We know you weren't good Tri-PP. We all saw your mom's failed reality show. Have you figured out your real birthday yet? Has Bristol introduced you to your brother Tri-G?

    1. Anonymous11:23 PM

      Bristol did you get a job yet?

      Hope its not a blowjob.

    2. Anonymous4:12 AM

      Isn't Bristol a doctor or something? She must be. Bristol said she's in charge of a medical office and she gets to take off whenever she wants to for long periods of time and returns when she wants to and still has a job.

  33. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Have a merry Christas and a happy New Year.
    That was the original greeting before X-mas went all out commercial.
    Happy holidays, the spellch. dos not allow "holydays" - another war on X-mas -, is a time saving device.

  34. Anonymous10:36 PM

  35. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Yep, I agree with the photo caption. If there is a Satan, it's Palin for sure. Everything she says or does drips and oozes with evil.

  36. Anonymous1:53 PM

    This quote from Pope Francis appears to reference S. Palin strutting about.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.