Monday, December 23, 2013

Denied! Court refuses Utah's Emergency Motion for Temporary Stay. Gay Marriage 2 - Mormon polygamy loving hypocrites 0.

Courtesy of Fox News 13:  

Utah Gov. Gary R. Herbert filed seeking an Emergency Motion for Temporary Stay following a federal judge’s ruling that struck down Utah’s ban on same-sex marriage, and on Sunday the United States Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit denied the motion. 

According to court documents, “The Defendants-Appellants ask this court to stay the district court’s order pending the district court’s ruling on a motion for stay pending appeal that is currently pending in that court.” 

According to the documents, the filing for an Emergency Motion for Temporary Stay did not address nor satisfy the factors that must be established to be entitled to a stay pending an appeal. The denial is without prejudice if the defendants-appellants file a motion for stay pending appeal that complies with regulations.

Let's face it Utah gay marriage is coming whether you like it or not.

Perhaps it would be helpful to think of the gays as a small congregation of like minded people who are fighting to find their place in the world, and who are constantly being judged by others for their faith in their cause, and for their somewhat nontraditional views on marriage.

You know if they could find it within themselves to sympathize with such people, so unlike themselves.


  1. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I wish we could stop calling it "gay marriage" and call it what it is: marriage equality. This is a civil rights issue, plain and simple, and is about the right of an identifiable minority to the same legal rights and responsibilities as the majority. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean you can remove their legal rights, and, thankfully, rights are not something that is subject to the whim of the population. How it ever got to be 2013 with this STILL an issue is beyond me.

  2. Okay, I'm confused. It's now at the 10th court in Denver. Has that court ruled yet? Are you referring to the 10th ct yesterday or today????

  3. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Considering how it was Mormans from Utah meddling in California's elections in order to interfere with marriage equality there a few years ago, this is delicious irony and karmic payback.
    M from MD

  4. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Howe about ghay marriages performed on car elevators? Legal/Illegal?

    Can you iron your tux while being ghay married?

    Is it allowed to shove your partner's face in teh butter while celebrating after your ghay marriage?

  5. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Mormons, nor the extreme right on the Republican side, are going to be able to stop people that love each other being able to marry! No matter who they are!

    Screw these supposed religious cults! Hope they know that the numbers of the 'religious' are dropping in the are the number of whites in the country. And, there isn't a damn thing they can do about it!

  6. Randall5:53 PM

    Joe Smith wrote the Book of Mormon... he SAID
    he found some golden plates inscribed with a language he called "new Egyptian" that nobody could read except with these magic golden glasses - that Joe also found.

    When asked where the sacred plates were - he said he lost them.
    Well how about the magic glasses? Nope - lost those too!
    ...and by the way, God wants you to send your young daughter over so I can have sex with her - BOTH daughters, actually.

    And the Mormons believed him and said "Gaah-HUK! Duuuu okie-DOKIE!"


    These are the deep-thinkers that want US to listen to THEM about whom we should hate.

  7. Anita Winecooler6:58 PM

    I'm surprised it passed in Utah! Can Gay Polygamy be far behind? (just kidding).
    How much longer will it take the other states to realize they're on the wrong side of history?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.