Saturday, December 07, 2013

Sarah Palin walks among the faithful at the Billy Graham Library.

Photo courtesy of Facebook
Courtesy of the Arizona snowbird's Facebook page:  

Meeting old friends! Charlie and his family met the Palins during the ’08 campaign and during the 2009 “Going Rogue” book signing event in The Villages, FL. They met again during a book signing event for Governor Palin’s new book, “Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas,” on Friday, December 6, 2013, at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Look Palin found the one Down Syndrome boy in the crowd to get her picture taken with.

Of course it is the same Down Syndrome boy she had her picture taken with in 2009.
Photo also courtesy of Facebook
This from the Billy Graham website:

Palin visited the Billy Graham Library for a tour and a signing of her recent book release, Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas. 

“I certainly recognize there is a war on Christmas that’s being waged—it seems—in our culture right now,” she said. “The true meaning of Christmas, of course, is Christ’s birth. I wanted to write this so that people realize that they can proudly and boldly proclaim the true meaning of Christmas.” 

In 2010, Palin and some of her family members travel to Haiti, where they visited a Samaritan’s Purse cholera clinic and help distribute Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. In 2009, Palin visited Billy and Franklin Graham at Mr. Graham’s Montreat home in the North Carolina mountains. 

Today, she finally had the chance to visit the place the bears the name of one of her spiritual heroes. 

“Billy Graham changed the world because he has allowed Christ to shine right through him. People would listen to him and could receive his message,” said Palin, who attended Mr. Graham’s 95th birthday party last month in Asheville, N.C. “He so capitalized—in a good way—on the favor that God gave him to do the Lord’s will and to do the Lord’s work.” 

“I am happy to be here at the Billy Graham Library today. I had no idea it was this amazing. It reflects the fact that it was not about Billy Graham. His ministry is truly about the Gospel, and this facility reflects that.”

You know I used to joke that someday Palin would walk away from politics altogether and start her own church, and follow in the tradition of the Jerry Falwells, Billy Grahams, and  Jimmy Swaggerts that came before her. And more and more it looks like that may not have been such a joke after all.

At least if she did that she could afford better wigs.

Palin mingling with Samaritan's Purse volunteers
After this disastrous book tour I actually think that Palin has just about run out of options. She can really no longer seriously perform her political prick tease, she can't sell books, and nobody wants to see her on television.

She is a talentless has been, whose looks are rapidly deteriorating, and whose family has come to rely on her to pay their bills. So what options does somebody like her have left?


  1. I have said from the moment I laid eyes on her - and after it became apparent she would lose her race - that she was going to end up as a Christian evangelist goddess. And I'm sticking to my prediction.

    By the way, a couple of the commenters on her FB page or where ever this was published, thought the young man was her son, Trig. He's a bit long in the tooth for that...but how stupid some people are!

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      If they are stupid enough to be a Sarah Palin fan, their stupidity knows no depth.

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Wow the pic from 2009 and then recent one Wow! She looks like hell!

      Don't you have to actually GO to church to be a televangelist? I don't think she will live that long.
      She needs a intervention for her drug addiction and some IV feeding like yesterday.
      EVEN the BOTs are telling her to EAT! (but not lay off the meth)

    3. Anonymous1:10 PM

      Sarah Palin supporters are at the imbecilic end of the stupid category. They are special.

    4. Anonymous5:33 PM

      $creech Paylin has not been seen in a place of worship for at least four years. !!!

      You know damn well that if she stopped into a church or prayer group that pictures would be posted all over the place.

      That's what really ticks me off -- the $arah uses Christianity as a prop, just like she does Alaska, without living what she spews. NONE of the Palins go to church anywhere they are.

  2. Anonymous10:25 AM

    During the 2008 campaign Sarah said she would be the spokesperson for those with Down Syndrome.

    Sarah when was this effort suppose to start?

    What has Sarah done to help these children? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM

      In the middle picture we see, once again, poor little Trig in his bare feet. Why would a mother take her child to an event without being properly dressed? Is it really that difficult to put shoes and socks on a baby when you take him out?

    2. Anonymous12:30 PM

      She also said she'd stop vy all those places that do such GOOD work on her book tour. Did a quick dog rescue shelter for the photo-op and no more. SERIOUSLY, how stupid ARE her followers?

    3. Anonymous2:28 PM

      12:30 You give her too much credit. Have you not been reading here much?

      As I recall that was not a dog rescue shelter--those photos were taken in an opulent house...Robin and David Licktieng's House.

      "Palin came to Iowa this weekend to speak at tonight’s Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition’s fall fundraiser at the State Fairgrounds. The fundraiser’s keynote speaker, Republican U.S. Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, also went to the Puppy Jake event."

      The article also claims that Palin wanted no press coverage of the event. Like she's being modest and all, but WE ALL KNOW that she didn't want reporters and their pesty cameras and recorders catching things that she couldn't control. Only controlled settings and Palin approved photos can be released.

      ps...I'm all for helping dogs and for the Service Dogs this Iowa woman supports. I'm sure she is more than sincere and gives lots of her time and money to the cause (and others).

      I'm also SURE that the Palin Curse does not apply to Service Dogs--only to people--so those dogs should be safe.

  3. The sex kitten has mange? OK, that was mean.

    The problem for Sarah is that she isn’t educated in religion. It would have to be a cult of personality and nothing more. Are there enough suckers to support that? If the camera adds ten pounds, yikes, she’s a skin covered skeleton wearing a pound of makeup.

    1. LOL, Darlene. Coming from Kentucky, let's just say I'm no stranger to the mange . . . .

  4. Anonymous10:25 AM

    It's entertaining to read the reviews on Amazon of her book. Also entertaining: Si-cology by Si Robertson (Duck Dynasty) is #9 on the NY Times best sellers list and Happy, Happy, Happy by Phil Robertson is #14. Sarah's book didn't make the list.

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Anon @10:25 - from 13th the first week it was listed to less than 25th (and not listed) the third week. It started out weak and then plummeted. I would not be surprised if a bulk (SarahPAC) purchase happens. I see it's ranking fluctuates wildly on amazon. It was in the six hundreds but as I type it is 273. Novel Rank ( is not showing bulk purchases. I don't know what methodology Amazon uses in it's rankings.

    2. Didnt the insufferable witch buy a shitload of her shitloaded grifting teeny booklet to give to cracka U? Didnt it bump up her pitiful number a bit?

      She really believes her own bullshit. You can tell she enjoys her racist, lying, hard-up bullshit.
      Oopsey my ass. you sick evil saggy fatass.

  5. Anonymous10:32 AM

    OMG her legs! She's scary skinny!

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Absolutely no hips. Those are probably a size 0 jeans and they are falling off her. Look how low the crotch is. She looks like a very skinny boy from the waist down. Even the bots are telling her to eat something. I'm sure she'll post a photo of herself stuffing food into it in the next day or so to sooth the bots.

      50 is a bad age for anorexia. Her bones will start to become brittle very soon.

    2. Anonymous1:30 PM

      She's already done major harm to her organs and bones...booze, drugs and eating habits. She's a mess and will leave this earth way before her time. But, come to think of it, perhaps it is her time?!

    3. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Can she just ignore her bots that want her healthy? What kind of damage control can she do this time? The last time was a failure. Can they shut the bots up that are noticing her condition?

      It could get interesting.

      She can take off by Christmas. Soon she can have a complete black out except for Facebook. It will give them time to think up something.

      Does her extreme religion, the Dominions, or what it is, allow their cult members to get mainstream treatments for an eating disorder?

      It sort of reminds me of Jean Harlow and her mother, Christian Scientist. Harlow suffered and went fast. Could have been saved if treated. It wasn't an eating disorder. I for got what it was. The end could be similar for Palin.

      The show must go on.

    4. Anonymous2:35 PM

      If she acknowledges anything she will blame it on the "Librils" or make up a story that she has some "life threatening immune disease" (I've heard THAT one from my ex DIL who was anorexic)
      Or she will just go Lalalalalalalaaaaa
      we could make up obits for tombstone Annie:
      I knew her when she fake a pregnancy...
      When she was gov and left the state with a volcano threatening the state...
      when she got fake belmonts...
      wore wigs all the time...
      Let Todd pimp the secret Service....
      sexted a kid and blamed it on willow....
      tried to seduce Levi....
      covered up her daughter burglary...
      covered up her sons school bus slashing tires....
      Lied about everything....

    5. Anonymous3:06 PM

      I don't think it's anorexia, I think it is just plain old Meth.

    6. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Anonymous3:06 PM
      Oh me too but they/bots think she has a eating disorder....

    7. Anonymous5:40 PM

      The scariest thing about anorexia is that the people really believe the skinnier they are, the better they look. They often boast about how little they weigh. ...It is part of the mental disorder. ...... Of course, $arah has the money to do the nips and tucks to pull the flabby skin in place.

    8. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Anonymous4:36 PM
      Anonymous3:06 PM

      It is both. For sure meth and whatever Track is into. ALSO, TOO, an eating disorder.

    9. Anonymous7:37 PM

      What about the time the fake hips were falling off her ass? The famous "skirt" photo?

    10. I would be on the pipe if my money train dried up, if my slambook is an embarrassment, if I had pending (serious) criminal charges, (will make Ted Stevens look like he robbed a piggy bank) and.

      Something is coming...

  6. Anonymous10:32 AM

    There is no greater irony than a book so filled with anger and bile being titled "Good Tidings and Great Joy."

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM


    2. Anonymous1:39 PM

      An Angry Anorexic with a lawyer. When will she sue somebody? She can't be a professional victim forever and not come around to suing someone.

    3. Anonymous2:44 PM

      I doubt the Palins will sue anyone....they've not done it in a long, long time or even threatened to - like they use to! Too much about them they don't want brought into a Court situation would be my guess - testifying, etc.

  7. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Why is Sarah so obsessed with marketing herself as a friend of the poor and working class?

    These are the same people that Whisky Tango low-class bitch always made fun of, forever if you knew her, and her lower class daughters also too. "Well aren't you special?" or "Look at you," or "You are just jealous and you'll never have a title," whatever that means.

    This is a 'Madame Mayor," that would smack her gum at public events and stick her tongue out at critical constituents the moment they turned their back on her.

    She's a multimillionaire folks, and she hasn't had to work a day for it.

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      10:40 Did she literally stick her tongue out at constituents?

    2. Anonymous3:39 PM

      2:12 PM - I read years ago that she did. I can't remember the source now.

    3. Anonymous5:42 PM

      $arah has never donated a damn penny or a moment of her time for any charity or cause. That's been proven in her FEC filings and other records.... More lies .

  8. Anonymous10:41 AM

    She's wearing that top? That formal top from a high faluting event she went to years ago with black jeans? Oh lord. Proves that you can throw good money after dowdy people.

  9. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Her jeans are slipping off her non-existent hips. Quick, get her an obscenely large Jesus Belt Buckle (or Star of David.)

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      I am the same height and have close to the same build as her. I weigh around 110 lbs and am fairly slim. I would need to weigh around 95 lbs to look as emaciated as her. Karen Carpenter weighed 85 lbs when she died.

    2. Anonymous11:20 AM

      I am the same height and have a similar frame as her. I weigh 110 lbs and am fairly slim. I would need to weigh around 95 lbs to look as emaciated as her. Karen Carpenter weighed 85 lbs. when she died.

    3. Anonymous1:28 PM

      But, Karen Carpent was much taller. I remember those final public photos of Karen - they were horrible. Her face showed it where that of Palin doe snot.

      What a beautiful voice we lost in Karen Carpenter....come to think of it, think I'll pull out some of my old CD's of "The Carpenters" and enjoy!

    4. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Anonymous 10:41, I certainly agree with your description. Her pants are in danger of falling down! LOL. Seriously though, as Sarah insinuates herself into televangelism I think she will deliberately drop the Jewish symbols in favor of Jesus hype.

    5. Anonymous1:49 PM

      nope, just googled her. she was 5'4'' just like skank and me...

    6. Anonymous2:33 PM

      1:28 I always thought the Carpenter's Christmas album was the best overall Xmas album ever. Thanks for the pleasant reminder. I, too, will play some Carpenter this weekend and mourn the loss of someone so talented who died so early.

    7. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Here you all go. Enjoy!

    8. Anonymous2:41 PM

      1:49 Sorry, I really did think Karen Carpenter was taller.

    9. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Mrs. Palin is under 100, whether it be 95, 90 or 85 she's seriously unhealthily thin and needs to eat or die. Anorexia is serious and yes, now she is getting the attention she craves but at what cost? People with her disease will read those concerned Facebook comments with a sort of glee as in "they really care about me and love me" and will keep going down the anorexic road because it gets them attention and care, the same attention and care that they seek from their parents and family but do not get. Anorexia is a great attention-getter, but at age 49 it's even more deadly than for younger people.

      I've never found it in my being to wish her any goodwill, but wow, I never thought she'd actually leave the national stage and the surly bonds of earth through an eating disorder. I really thought she'd be killed by an overzealous hater, but wow, to do herself in for attention is beyond the pale.

    10. Anonymous6:11 PM

      where did my comment in reply to 2:41 PM go? I spent a lot of time on it...

    11. Anonymous6:38 PM

      seriously, where did it go??

  10. Anonymous10:44 AM

    And now she's recycling her (old) but still inappropriate clothes - that jacket was hat she wore to the Times dinner in 2009 or 2010. Way too fancy for a book signing even with jeans.
    What is it about business casual she just can't understand?

    1. She has also recycled a book sign - that's a sign from the first book - no style - no taste and no flippin' idea

    2. Anonymous1:44 PM

      The scrawny body is obvious with her disease. The mental deterioration is happening but not so blaring as to link that to her fatal disease. Sometimes they just go fast. Another scenario is Terri Schiavo.

    3. Anonymous5:49 PM

      The same black jeans. She always wears the same black jeans . WTF? And they are falling off her emaciated body.

    4. Anonymous7:42 PM

      But, from all accounts she felt fine up until that day.

      Sarah and her loving (not) family won't see it coming.

  11. Anonymous10:45 AM

    She is so wierd! Like how come her face looks like a normal weight but from the waist words,

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      I was thinking the same thing. Fillers?

    2. Anonymous12:16 PM

      i think her head's been the same size since the day she was hatched

    3. Anonymous1:36 PM

      I vote "fillirs" as our dear turd would say.

    4. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Who works her face over? Why do they leave her with the turkey deal under her chin?

      She doesn't hire quality people. Note the wigs. She should get her money back on the face and head work.

      Her skull is what it is. The bone will deteriorate in time. Her heart may not last long enough for that to be apparent.

    5. Anonymous3:05 PM

      she has that weird lump back on her jawline.

    6. Anonymous3:07 PM

      sort of the opposite of some of those plus size models, their faces don't carry any of the extra weight as their bodies do.

    7. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Anonymous3:05 PM

      she has that weird lump back on her jawline.
      crap willow is prob injecting that shit in her! She gets abscesses all the time.

    8. Anonymous4:39 PM

      She's done some tightening on her neck but they can't pull the skin up under her chin because there is no place to hide the scars because she is so thin. Her neck must only be about 10 inches around; I don't even know how it holds her head up! She's a sick puppy but at this point in her disease she is running on high energy from endorphins and hyper-energy from the last fat reserves and muscle being consumed. If she doesn't stop this soon she'll crash and do a Terry Schaivo. Terry was much younger but only a little thinner than Palin when her body crashed and her heart stopped. But, from all accounts she felt fine up until that day.

  12. Anonymous10:46 AM

    There are few job opportunities for failed evangelical politicians but I've always seen Mrs. Palin, the religious hypocrite, as a perfect fit as a grifting evangelist. Looks like our predictions were correct. She'll keep grifting from the same pool of idiots that currently support her, but she'll grift using the voice of God now, instead of her own. The refrain will change from "Run Sarah Run" to "Preach Sarah Preach". All this coming from the woman who herself said that "God won't let the wrong people win" in 2008 and also too bragging about God opening doors for her.

    It looks like God closes more doors than he opens for dear Mrs. Palin these days, so perhaps her first sermon-for-pay can address why this is happening. Go tell it on the mountain, Mrs. Palin, I dare ya.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      aimee semple mcpherson.

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      She doesn't know the bible - hasn't read it I'll wager - would be terrible preacher....folks might be interested at first, but I suspect they'd get to know her and go elsewhere. Remember, this is a woman who doesn't like to work and assuredly dislikes 'preparing' for anything.

      But, then again, perhaps she'd have everything written for her, memorize and speak forth to the masses! Haha!

    3. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Shit for brains has never read a bible.But if the pay is good she can sell all her bullshit and make more $$$

  13. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I loathe to comment on her looks, but this time - so unbelievably thin. Worrisome.


    1. Anonymous12:14 PM

      skank seriously needs to lose another 30 lbs

    2. Anonymous12:27 PM

      I don't worry about her at all. She chose her "god" and it is eating her alive. So be it.

    3. Anonymous1:35 PM

      She's still too fat! Another 60 lbs she'll look so much more bbeeuuttiful!

  14. Anonymous10:50 AM

    There is simply nothing left of her bottom half. Her bottom must be so bony that she has to sit on pads else her bones would ulcerate her skin.

    In that older photo she looks the absolute picture of health, rosy and full of life and at most a size 8. She never was a large woman but now, wow, she's ghastly.

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Except for her hair in that older photo - another hair piece and it is very apparent, but not talked about back then.

    2. Anonymous12:24 PM

      What do you mean nothing left of her bottom half? She probably has her overgrown bush down there with her hair bumpit on it to give it some lift.

    3. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Looks like she had fresh cheek injections in that 2009 pic.

  15. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Bwahahaha!! Some of the old bigots at her fakebook thought that the boy by her side is Trig! And the grammar! I don't claim perfect grammar but I can spell loose and weight.It's so funny because it makes it so obvious her fans are mostly old white uneducated religious zealots.

  16. Anonymous10:53 AM

    WOW!! I knew she was thin, but look at that gap between her thighs in the first picture! Stick legs. The gap is almost as big as the gap between her ears.

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      that gap ?

      wonder what's holdin' her guts in ?!?

    2. Anonymous12:35 PM

      The pink jacket pic! OMG......would someone intervene PLEASE???? My GOD, she's still a human being. Holy CRAP.

  17. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Is she wearing that same outfit she has worn for her last two performances? Gross.

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      If retards don't have anybody to dress them, they would wear the same clothes year round.

    2. Anonymous12:44 PM

      What do you mean gross? Trailer park panties are made to be worn at least two times. You just turn them inside out when one side gets rancid.

  18. Anonymous11:03 AM

    When, Gryphen?
    When will we see this fraud and her family taken to task

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      I think something is on the horizon for this grifting fraud and her shiftless crew. No one just wastes away like this without a reason. Sarah is not just watching what she eats, but by the looks of this most recent picture; she's not eating at all.

      And one knows it has gotten really bad when her loyal and doting supporters are starting to show some concern over her skeletal appearance.

    2. Anonymous11:46 AM

      All someone in Alaksa has to do is file a freedom of information act request with Alaska Birth Defects Registry and AK Bureau of Vital Statistics and see if CBJ filed the proper paperwork for Trig's birth. It is required by law. If she filed it and we know Palin didn't give birth to Trig, she committed a crime. If the Palins were co-conspirators to the fraud, they all have some explaining to do and the gig is up.

    3. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Many have tried to get the records from the State of Alaska and things are locked up tighter than a tick! By her, when she was quitter governor and now by her buddy Parnell, current gov.

      Eventually things will be found out. I feel sorry for the kid and what he has before him!

    4. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Anonymous 11:46 AM

      Alaskan say they don't like her. They want to restore their reputation. I don't get why someone out of the 700,000 Alaskans won't do something.

  19. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Nice fucking jeans. ugh. She's such a disgusting asshole.

  20. Anonymous11:07 AM

    She is a disgusting piece of shit.
    She doesn't care one iota for people with Trisomy G.
    She named her kid after his condition.
    She is repulsive and her actions are reprehensible.

  21. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Based on the top photo we aren't going to have the hateful bitch to kick around much longer. So, is there going to be a story soon about CJB not even on the roster of the Mat-Su hospital the day before, day of or day after Trig's alleged birth date?

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM


    2. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Anonymous1:55 PM

      Please WHAT? We aren't the ones feeding her meth!!!!

    3. Anonymous5:51 PM

      I believe 1:55 PM is asking to please post the story about CBJ not being on the mat-su hospital roster on the day before, day of or day after trig's alleged birth.

    4. Anonymous7:46 PM

      PLEASE!!!!!! post the story about CBJ not being on the mat-su hospital roster on the day before, day of or day after trig's alleged birth.

  22. Anonymous11:49 AM

    ,So what options does somebody like her have left?

    There's always pimping and prostitution. Somebody knows where Shailey Tripp is?

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Tripp wouldn't hire her even if she was still in the business, I'll wager Palin is the worst lay in the land anyway! There isn't one once of love and kindness to, it's all about Scarey Sarey...the act (if done) would be all about her - not her partner!

    2. Anonymous4:51 PM

      I suspect Mrs. Palin is frigid. A prick tease.

  23. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Here's a suggestion , how about shooting botox into her legs?

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Antifreeze could also work.

    2. Anonymous5:21 PM

      or auto body repair filler silicone

    3. Anita Winecooler5:28 PM

      Running uphill also works!

    4. Anonymous7:47 PM

      No way can she run, she can barely walk at times. Auto body repair filler silicone is a winner for her.

  24. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Sarah Palin maybe losing weight but one thing for sure, her big ass Dumbo ears hasn't gotten any smaller.

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Our ears actually grow as we age...look at your parents - compare photos.

    2. Anonymous2:06 PM

      It's all about cartilage. It grows with age. Noses and earlobes, yeah, they get bigger, I hate it.

    3. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Anom 1:18 then that means Sarah is really old if you look at her big ears.

  25. Anonymous11:57 AM

    What is Sarah Palin doing at a libieairy? Is she lost? Oh that's right, she is hawking her books.

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      that would be liberry.

  26. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Trig is probably throwing a tantrum right now. Sarah is hanging out and bonding with that same DS kid from long time ago while she sent Trig to Auntie Heather's house.

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      I am hoping Trig has a chance for a little kindness and happiness. Socks in the winter, seeing, hearing, eating and therapy would also be nice. Start with some kindness for the boy.

  27. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I really don't get it. Why is Sarah fighting the war on Christmas and traveling while her kids are uneducated and has to go to hair school because they do not want to go into debt even though Me Me Me Madam Mother Sarah Palin is a multimillionaire?

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Her real war is on her body. It is a battlefield. Organ against organ. No wonder she is projecting so much war.

  28. Anonymous12:08 PM

    "She is a talentless has been, whose looks are rapidly deteriorating,"

    Uncle Gryph what do you mean talentless? Didn't Sarah Heath play a flute or something and won the Miss Wasilla beauty pageant? That's her talent.

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      If Sarah was a great flute player then Glenn Rice would have taken Sarah with him when he went back to Michigan.

  29. Anonymous12:12 PM

    “I am happy to be here at the Billy Graham Library today. I had no idea it was this amazing. It reflects the fact that it was not about Billy Graham.

    What? If it is not about Billy Graham then why is the library named after him? Sarah you want to try to sell that crap to somebody else?

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Yeah WTF? What was the POINT of going to the Billy Graham library if it "Wasn't about him"? What a Tard she is.

  30. Anonymous12:15 PM

    So what options does somebody like her have left?

    Well there's .... sorry Sarah I got nothing.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Sarah can always open a deli or restaurant in Wasilla and roast her famous upside down almost cooked turkey?

  31. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Her pants look old and ugly and dirty....ewwww...
    And she's still trying to dress young but she doesn't know how BWAHAHAHAHAH. And she never will because even the Born-AGaiN-Abstinance virgin Brisket doesn't know how to dress .

  32. Anonymous12:20 PM

    If Sarah Palin is running out of options, how about Sarah and Todd running for co-governors of Alaska again? You people in Alaska loves her according to Sarah.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      She wouldn't win in Alaska for dog catcher!!! Plus, she's no longer a resident. She lives the majority of time in AZ!

    2. Anonymous3:44 PM

      I wouldn't be so sure she couldn't get enough support up there in Alaska. They elected Captain Zero, didn't they?

  33. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I'm SO tired of her Jesus crap and I'M a Christian! Hey $arah, here's what Billy Graham said while you parade around his library:

    "I don't want to see religious bigotry in any form. It would disturb me if there was a wedding between the religious fundamentalists and the political right. The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it."— Rev. Billy Graham, Parade, 1981

  34. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Damn! Sarah just posted a picture on her Facebook and she is signing a red hoodie jacket. Look at Sarah's bracelet. Her arms are so thin she has to wear her bracelet near her elbow.

  35. Anonymous12:33 PM

    She's got the hips and legs of a ten year old boy. With her stick legs and brocaded top she looks like the ghost of a Victorian era whore.

  36. Anonymous12:37 PM

    He entire persona is make-believe. Charlatan is all she could ever be. The starry-eyed dummies who adore her will never see her true nature and she will continue to fleece them. They think she cares about them. How pathetic is that? The evangelicals are ripe for her picking. They think she birthed Trig and is devout. Reality will never intrude on their imaginary world.

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Her self hatred is obvious. She can't care for anyone else until she can love herself. Anyone who follows her is as bad off or worse than she is.

  37. Anonymous12:42 PM

    She is a talentless has been, whose looks are rapidly deteriorating, and whose family has come to rely on her to pay their bills. So what options does somebody like her have left?

    Well Narcissistic Sarah can't stay at home and needs constant love from what's left of her followers, so she needs to find a new gimmick or something soon.

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      gimmick: a method or trick that is used to get people's attention or to sell something.

      Mrs.Palin IS a gimmick.

  38. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I thought mama grizzly bears are supposed to eat a lot and get fat so they can hibernate during the cold Alaskan winters. From what I can see, I don't think Sarah Palin is a mama grizzly bear.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Sarah is now an Arizona bear, they don't need to eat and hibernate since Arizona doesn't have cold freezing winters like Alaska.

    2. Anonymous2:28 PM

      She's an Arizona rattlesnake slithering around.

  39. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I thought Alaskan men love to sleep next to a big woman during the winter times. Is that why Todd spend his time in Anchorage?

  40. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I think Sarah is more like a tall elf with those big ears of hers.

  41. Anonymous1:05 PM

    If Sarah dies from not eating will Alaska release her governor emails in full and not redacted?

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      And release Trig's birth certificate.

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      As long as we have Gov Parnell a/k/a "Captain Zero" in place (a Republican and friend of Palin), probably not!

    3. Anonymous2:09 PM

      They will continue to cover up for Senator McCain, Todd and all. Think of all the Alaskans that would be doing hard time in a cold prison? There are not that many people in the entire state. It would fall to a population of 400,000 or less.

    4. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Will we find out who really built and paid for Sarah Palin's 2 story red house that has similar materials as the Wasilla hockey rink that was built close to Sarah's house?

  42. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Dear Sarah is an f-ing stinking skank ho. I pray for the day her secrets are finally revealed and she turns into a caricature of herself.


  43. How I wish I could take credit for this comment I read on another site in reference to a Sarah Palin article: "Sarah Palin is the gift that gives endless pleasure... kind of like a remote controlled butt plug."

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Why don't you just give credit to whomever wrote it?

  44. Anonymous1:13 PM

    “I am happy to be here at the Billy Graham Library today.
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah when will Wasilla build the Sarah Palin Liberairie? You were Miss Wasilla, 3rd runner-up for Miss Alaska, Madam Mayor of Wasilla, co-governor of Alaska, John McCain's losing vp pick and mother to a hair school graduate. You deserve to have your name plastered on something.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      How about putting her name one of those Alaska rest stop outhouses on one of those ice roads?

    2. Anonymous1:46 PM

      1:13 You forgot to say she was 'quitter co- governor of Alaska - mother of delinquent teenagers - and, married to a pimp ("Boys Will be Boys").

      Wouldn't you like to be just like her? Haha!

    3. Anonymous2:14 PM

      What concerns me is that there are people already thinking about her legacy. There may be some in her entourage that see the writing on the wall and know there is no time to waste, they need to get their ducks in a row and be prepared for the inevitable.

    4. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Sarah Palin will have no legacy. She hasn't accomplished a damned thing in her entire life. Her claim to fame would only be that of spreading hate and racism and not succeeding in running for national office w/John McCain and quitting as gov of Alaska!

    5. Anonymous2:59 PM

      2:33 PM What you say is all true. That will stop her family from making up sheit and making up a fantasy theme park with Sarah rides and all? They will just stop making money off the myth they have been creating over the years?

    6. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Sarah Palin always says the same thing. I am happy that I git to be here-- not, I'm happy to be here. Sarah adds useless words all the time, and she's been saying that one over and over. She told the students at Liberty University that they were lucky to get to be there. "to get" doesn't add anything to the sentence, and it's a sure sign that she's no journalist. Journalists practice an economy of words. The only time that they would pad a story is if they have nothing to say.

  45. Anonymous1:21 PM

    How that book thing going SP?
    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #2,362 Paid in Kindle Store

    You should fired the ghost writer.

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Fire Piper? Then how will Piper pay for her hair school after she quits in her sophomore year of high school?

  46. Our Lad1:21 PM

    Mrs Palin, I know you read here and I feel that this is the best way to contact you. I feel that, as your friend and supporter I must advise you to LOSE SOME WEIGHT! You are no spring chicken, gals your age can look dowdy and shopworn when THEY GAIN SO MUCH WEIGHT! Those plus sizes you're having to shop for just don't have the flash and pizzazz that a CELEBRITY such as yourself deserves. So, whatever it takes, you Need to knock off about oh, say, 30 or 35 pounds. You will thank me for it, and so will a lot of other people. BURN THOSE CALORIES and I hope to see you when you're slim and trim!!!

    1. Jester1:32 PM

      Preach it!

    2. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Hey, 1:21 - are you going to attend her funeral or memorial service after the 30 lbs. is gone? Haha!

    3. Anonymous2:54 PM

      How much do you think her big head weighs?
      30 pounds? 60 pounds?

  47. Anonymous1:24 PM

    That's the black lace jacket she had on for her BOR appearance, and I bet she was wearing those balck jeans also too. Such class. Such intelligence. Such a POS is Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      She wore the same top at the 2010 Time Magazine dinner. And, she wore it the next day, after appearing on O'Reilly's show when she signed books.

  48. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I bet she's got her finger down her throat constantly. Looks like anorexia and bulimia. At first I thought her appearance is just from a lousy fast-food diet and sugar and caffeine but now I think it's more, and probably beyond her control. Can't say I enjoy seeing this part of her demise, but then again... She seems to have hardly any central fat so the thighs and ass are giving it up to sustain her brain, what little it may need. Upper arms and back, then I don't know. Passing out, seizure, blood sugar all off.

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      I can't seem to get a link, but on her photographer's site, in the Minneapolis batch, there is a photo of her shaking hands and her arm looks skeletal. You can almost make out the bones in her forearm.

    2. Anonymous2:55 PM

      I bet she's got her finger down her throat constantly.

      Are you sure it's a finger?

    3. Anonymous5:03 PM

      When I first read about Palin on the Alaska blogs, people in Alaska wrote that Sarah had ADHD and used adderall to control it. Adderall is speed, and while it speeds up most people, for some reason, it has a calming effect on hyperactive people. There's no question that Sarah has an attention deficit disorder. She can't read anything, concentrate on anything, or learn anything. The Paul Revere story is an example of hearing a lecture and being unable to process it and remember it 5 minute later. (Or Sarah was on her phone and couldn't be bothered to learn something). Her garbled way of speaking is an indication of how her mind races around, not in a straight line, but scattered and fragmented.

      I'll agree with anorexia, but I'd like to add that speed or adderall or the other drugs meant to control ADHD are appetite suppressants. And, it probably takes more to calm Sarah down, considering that she runs on coffee, Red Bull and the caffeine in soft drinks. I doubt that she eats very much. When Sarah has to appear on TV, she takes a massive dose to calm herself down, We've seen her agitated and shaking, and we've seen her just smiling and agreeing, moderating her voice to make it sound lower. The drugs also produce a dry mouth, and we often see Palin licking her lips.

    4. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Amphedimine Annie!
      Speed Kills!

    5. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Anonymous5:03 PM
      well it must of started after the election b/c Sarah's never been skinny.
      I think they gave her adderal during the campaign and she just kept taking it and now is just using meth. No dr. would give her a rx the way she looks.

  49. Anonymous2:32 PM

    bet she didn't have it cleaned since she wore it in 2010 either. And she's been living in those now baggy, saggy jeans. Her stench must be horrible.

    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Well the stench maybe because she is supposed to be a fish picker.

  50. Anonymous2:43 PM

    When Sarah Palin passes on from her weight loss, I am willing to bet that the dough will be rolling into SarahPac. To bad Sarah won't be around to enjoy it.

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      You got it. They will be begging Bristol to step into her mother's shoes. With Junker by her side she will have more energy.

  51. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Which state wants Sarah's corpse? Alaska, Arizona or Idaho?

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      It's either Arizona or Idaho? We had enough of her in Alaska.

    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Bet Hannity doesn't fly up for her viewing.

    3. Anonymous3:40 PM

      It is not too soon to start planning. If Alaska isn't on the ball her heirs will be re-naming airports and mountains in her mythological honor. Curt's mom will come out of retirement and fight for her to be emblazoned all over the state. The Menard's made a deal and they kept up the front. Curt had a rink named after him. They owe Sarah and have appearances to maintain. Parnell isn't out yet. Palins own him.

  52. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Will Sarah Palin be the next Teresa Marie?

    Her medical chart contained a note that "she apparently has been trying to keep her weight down with dieting by herself, drinking liquids most of the time during the day and drinking about 10–15 glasses of iced tea." Upon admission to the hospital, she was noted as suffering from hypokalemia (low potassium levels): her serum potassium level was an abnormally low 2.0 mEq/L (the normal range for adults is 3.5–5.0 mEq/L). Her sodium and calcium levels were normal. Electrolyte imbalance is often caused by drinking excessive fluids. A serious consequence of hypokalemia can be heart rhythm abnormalities, including sudden arrhythmia death syndrome. Vomiting, a self-induced act for many bulimic patients, is another cause of low potassium levels. Terri was eventually switched from being fed by a nasogastric feeding tube to a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) feeding tube

    1. Anonymous7:56 PM

      That's our Sarah. Chuck

  53. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Wears does Sarah buys her jeans from? From the little boys department.

  54. Anonymous3:01 PM

    "So what options does somebody like her have left?"

    Since Piper has the street in front of the Alaska governor's mansion for her lemonade stand business, how about giving Sarah one of Piper's lemonade franchises in Arizona?

  55. Boscoe3:02 PM

    Sarah's body language in all those photos is hilarious! She's never standing WITH people, she stands ADJACENT to them.

    Even when she's hugging them. it's weird.

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Why is it we never see a picture of Sarah with Menard's boy Tractor?

    2. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Arm Y. Track is busy.

    3. Anonymous5:47 PM

      3:33 PM Tell it like it is,Track is busy with REHAB.

    4. Anonymous6:12 PM

      No one ever seems to see Track. Ever. What's up with that, Wasilla?

    5. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Mom should join TRACK in REHAB be4 she dies!

  56. Anonymous3:03 PM

    That Black and beige lace jacket is one of the RNC articles of clothing Sarah returned...Oh, I guess that means she lied about returning them.

  57. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Can't she ever look directly at children? Always looking at fans or at the camera, never interacts with the kids.

    1. Irishgirl3:56 PM

      I noticed that too.

  58. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Top photo looks like she has a muffin top, she should exercise and run to get rid of it.

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Her toothpicks will break. Walking on the beach - Waikiki is perfect.

    2. Anonymous4:46 PM

      If you stripped Mrs. Palin naked she would look much like the beach woman at the link from 3:31.

  59. Sorry but doesnt the other womans name tag (in the samaritans purse photos) say "JoeNel?" !!!!! niiiiiice.

  60. Anonymous3:22 PM
    In case you haven't seen this already.
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Thank you. EXCELLENT!

    2. Anonymous8:14 PM

      “By attacking the democratically elected President of the United States of America at a sensitive time in her country’s history, she shows the tact of a boorish drunkard bawling obscenities at a funeral….
      And now she turns not only against the fibre and backbone of her country, but against its democratically elected President, accusing him of being incompetent for not stopping Wikileaks. Where was she and where was her GOP before and during the 9/11 attacks? She accuses President Obama of not taking “steps” to assure the leaks were not published. What “steps”?……


    3. Anonymous8:15 PM

      If anything is a threat to the national security of the United States of America, it is this screaming, unrefined oaf with as much class as a searing release of flatulence followed by hysterical giggling at a state banquet. Is this what the people of the USA deserve?
      To attack the President of the country at a time when the USA needs to close ranks and stand together to consolidate the enormous strides his (President Obama’s) intelligent and respectful approach has achieved in building bridges, when her party’s period in government bombed them, Spankin’ Sarah Palin comes across as a pitifully inadequate anachronism from the times of the Far West.”

      Ouch! Ouch!

    4. Anonymous8:19 PM


      "When she went to Hong Kong for a speaking engagement, Ms. Palin attacked her President on foreign soil during a time of war. On her first book tour, Palin and her entourage of hit men (aka, her father, et al) attacked the Commander in Chief on military bases. In times of major decisions regarding the war in Afghanistan, Palin has mocked the President when he followed the course of action recommended by his Generals. On 9/11, Palin bashed the President. In her speeches, Ms Palin is sure to remind her followers that Obama’s foreign policy is weakening America while she accuses the President of not loving his country. During the WikiLeaks crisis, Palin blamed the President instead of calling for a united front for our country."

      No wonder Sarah Palin said North Korea is her ally. I don't think that was a gaff.

  61. Cracklin Charlie5:01 PM

    Okay, so the picture of Trig included with this post is from 2009, right?

    Is there anyone here who thinks that shoeless child that Piper is holding looks like a one year old?

    No way was that boy born in 2008.

  62. Anita Winecooler5:38 PM

    All her junk starts with "I'm so happy to be (fill in the blank) today!" Bless her heart, she's done so MUCH to further the cause of Down Syndrome since the day God wrote that AWESOME annuciation/birth announcement of her having a baby with Down Syndrome, much to the shock and surprise of his "siblings", except, of course, Willow, the pee stick snortin, mri reading down syndrome identifying science wonk and hair stylist.

    She's show more caring and affection for this random boy with down syndrome than she has for "Trig".

  63. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Something weird is going on with this Sarah Palin Happy Holidays pitty book tour. Sarah posted pictures of Willow sitting in a private jet.


    Who is paying for the jet, jet fuel, pilot and crew? Who is paying for the jet to sit idle while Sarah is signing books? Who is paying for the hotel for Sarah's entourage room and board? Don't forget the book publisher has to make money and then Sarah and Willow are getting paid too. Oh what about the limos too?

    Is Sarah selling that many books?

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      What is going on Sarah? Who paid for Piper and Todd to fly to the book tour and back to Alaska?

    2. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Security detail is not cheap.

    3. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Private jet is most likely Franklin Grahams, she was just at his whatever in NC.

    4. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Todd is an operator, maybe he hooked Frankie up with one of his girls and Frankie gives them jet service. Sort of like when Todd worked the north slope for BP

    5. Anonymous8:12 PM

      So 7:11, how does Sarah Palin fly to her different book signing spots, back home to make her famous upside down raw turkey, fly Todd, Piper and Willow back to her book signings and back to Wasilla? I doubt Franklin Graham is footing the bill.

  64. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I was at the main Library today in Anchorage today & saw 2 copies of her new book on the shelf. No one had checked it out. (the website lists the main library as having 2 copies in its collection) Normally with new titles at the library, you have to put it on hold & wait weeks to get a chance to check it out. Hmmmm, maybe everyone who wanted to read it, just bought their own copy....

    1. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Yes all of Alaska bought their own copy without Sarah Palin even having her book tour in Alaska. We just love her here. (snark)


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