Friday, January 24, 2014

Dinesh D'Souza the guy who tried to slime President Obama with the mockumentary "2016: Obama's America" has been indicted for violating campaign finance laws. Update!

Courtesy of the Hollywood Reporter: 

Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, whose documentary 2016: Obama’s America took a critical look at President Barack Obama and was a surprise hit in 2012, will be arrested in New York on Friday for allegedly violating campaign-finance laws, The Hollywood Reporter has learned. 

Federal authorities accuse D’Souza of donating more than is legal to the campaign of Wendy Long, who ran in 2012 for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton but lost to now-Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. Long, though, is not mentioned in an indictment obtained by THR on Thursday.

I don't know how many of you are familiar with D'Souza but he is a hateful Right Wing troll who spends all of his time making shit up about President Obama and Hillary Clinton. 

The garbage that he put into that Obama attack movie was so laughable that I could not believe it when I saw it on the marquee of my favorite movie theater in Anchorage. However I have learned to never underestimate the Right Wing appetite for manufactured "scandals" about our President.

The guy is a scumbag, and I am not even a little surprised to see that he broke the law.

Of course the Right Wing will simply chalk this up as an orchestrated attack on D'Souza by the Left, and that he is a martyr for their cause.

Update: Just in case you are not aware of just how hypocritical this so-called Christian crusader is, check out why he was fired from his job at King's College.

Update 2: Ahh you knew a picture like this had to exist didn't you?


  1. Anonymous6:37 AM

    HA! What goes around, comes around. The karma was quick on this one. HA!

    1. Anonymous6:46 AM

      Wasn't he a Heifer endorsement? No surprise here! What goes around comes around indeed!

    2. Anonymous9:14 AM

      YEP, the troll is back! Gryph must ave hit a little too close to home again! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

  2. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Sarah, you're on their "to do" list, with all your postage and whatnot.

  3. D'Souza was fired from a cushy job as President of a fake Christian college because he attended a Christian conference and shared a room with a young lady other than his wife.

  4. Anonymous6:56 AM

    his personal life is slimy too. He introduced his fiance' at parties and his wife had no idea until someone sent her pictures. Messy, messy divorce.

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Republicans are the "Do as I say, not as I do" Party. His 1st marriage was as Fake as Sarah Palin's. Birds of a feather?

    2. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Typical hypocrisy for a "Christian," "Family Values" Republican.

      That's the problem with their "big tent." The only minority spokespeople they can get are the shitty ones.

  5. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I wonder if Mama Griz split the sheets with him.. like filling out her dance card? Keeping score.. A white guy, an Eskimo, a black guy, an east Indian gives Sarah Palin foreign affairs experience!

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      I highly doubt she gives "anything" away for free. He looks as slimy as she does.

    2. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Wow, you're sad.

    3. Anonymous8:49 AM

      7:50 AM Are you still up? Too bad that you are not paid to post your stupid unresearched B.S. You are on these blogs longer than any sane person would be at work. Are you a Meth Head? You have a SAD, Meaningless Life.

    4. fromthediagonal10:08 AM

      I wonder if Dinesh helped her get to that conference in New Delhi? For her to be a part of a rather illustrious international conference did surprise me at the time. I think someone pulled some strings, and in the process inflated her knowledge, or better, hid her ignorance.

  6. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, is it wrong for me to smile :-)

  7. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Pity the fool, he never had a chance...

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Yep, the Palin curse strikes again!

    2. Super Fan In Atlanta2:04 PM

      Just wow! IM jokes about the Palin curse all the time, but man, it's hard to "refudiate" it when it's so consistent.

  8. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Soooo, NO ONEs allowed to depict Obama accurately and outside what the media has CAREFULLY dictated to us about who he is???

    How biased of you.

    Yo do know eventually THE story will be told. Threats from his people won't be enough. Chicago, the most dangerous place, can one day start to better itself

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      It drives you nutjobs CRAZY that they can't find anything real to pin on the President.

    2. You are an uneducated, ignorant moron.

      The fact that you do not like accurate depictions of the President does not make them inaccurate.

      Every single word of your comment is that of a mouth-breathing, bigoted, un-Christian idiot. Go back to forwarding your illiterate email chain letters.

      You should be ashamed of yourself. The Bible does say that thou shalt not bear false witness, but dirtbags like you are eager to believe and spread lies. Shame, shame, shame on you.

    3. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Hopefully, you never, ever visit. But them again we have animal control ordinances... subhumans like you 7:52 aren't allowed, especially without their rabies shots.

    4. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Chicago isn't the most dangerous place.

      It didn't even make the top ten most dangerous cities:

      You must really hate the President to go on so much about him and where he used to live.

    5. Anonymous1:16 PM

      We really enjoy going to Chicago. It's a beautiful city; has marvelous museums and a great symphony. Also very good restaurants, lovely parks and very nice people.

    6. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Totally agree with you Beaglemom at 1:16! I love Chicago and have taken AMTRAK there several times with my sister and women friends for the weekend. If I were young again (I'm retired now and 65) I'd head to Chicago after graduating from college or make it my goal to make a job transfer there.

  9. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Wheres the in-depth report on Obama's loose PAC operations and requirements? You didn't even need a real address or ID info to donate.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Deflect! Deflect!


    2. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Proof, please!

    3. You are a liar.

    4. Anonymous8:37 AM

      7:53 is like the low IQ person that you can keep busy all day telling them to find the penny in a corner of a round room.

    5. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Sarah Palin has been accepting Donations to her Pac since 2008, what office is she running for? Sarah Palin is on the FEC'S Short list. The I.R.S. is interviewing in Alaska and the corruption is being exposed. Sarah, you have some 'splaining' to do. BWAHAHAHA. Todd will have to scramble to keep his Prostitutes quiet.

    6. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Your time would be better spent learning to write a sentence in grammatically correct English,otherwise we have no idea what you are trying to communicate.

  10. Anonymous8:00 AM



  11. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Yeah, Sarah, like Tulsa, Texas, is a real town in Texas.

    Tick tock tick tock ...

  12. You may enjoy seeing this clown getting Hitch-Slapped on youtube. Truly a d-bag.

  13. Anonymous8:29 AM

    So in thinking about this Wendy crap, I have one thought.

    Truthfully, none of that matters in her career prospects. In acting like our leaders are perfect, we do ourselves a great disservice. And when we judge one, we judge thousands, a dangerous thought. Everyone makes mistakes. And everyone has the potential to grow from them, no matter how big. the more democrats act like republicans play a higher card is just wrong. In reality, there really aren't any on the right who act "better" than the rest. To my ear, and I hear things more biased listeners don't, all prominent republicans admit imperfections.

    I mean, is it REALLY fair, if I were to go into politics, if people were to attack ME on who my uncle is? A $6000/week engineer who's morally bankrupt, who has had sex with his son since age 17, who's wife has also slept with her stepson, who gives no shits about anything.

    That's REALLY not fair now is it?A person's personal decisions and career path are THEIRS.

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      "All prominent republicans admit imperfections?" Seriously? Name one. The only time they admit anything is after they have been caught, and then they give that fake apology crap "Oh, God forgives me, and if I offended anyone, I am truly sorry." Blah.

    2. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Haven't you heard? Bristol is going after Wendy on her blog. Can we expect you to change from "this Wendy crap" to "Wendy is crap!"? Any way the Palin wind blows, right?

  14. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I mean, Barack Obama Sr was a mysterious fellow and his other relatives who aren't American are unknown. That couldn't happen in a republican's life and it's really saddd

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      8:30 AM You are SADDD and a Sick Woman who has no one to enjoy life with. Your obsession with President Obama is as bad as Sarah Palin's obsession. Are you trying to be just like your Idol? If you are so Lonely that you have nothing but the Internet for companionship, buy yourself a VIBRATOR and live your life Vibrantly. You obviously have too much idle time on your hands.

    2. Anonymous10:53 AM

      must've cooked up a fresh batch-0-meth out there in the hangar on the dead lake in wasilly last night - the white trash inbreds are still awake

    3. You are a moron. There is nothing "mysterious" about the elder Obama unless you are a drooling dolt that can't figure out how to read.

      And why do we have to know all the details on his extended family? Why aren't you whining about Cruz's relatives in communist Cuba?

      Of course republicans hide plenty in their lives, like their affairs, their voting fraud, their sleazy associations, their TAXES (hello Mitt).

      You are an illiterate, uneducated, idiot. That is what is "saddd."

  15. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Maybe D'Souza's ex-wife will attend his sentencing to get a good laugh. Maybe she gave up information about his crimes. BWAHAHAHA, never mistreat your wife, then leave her.

    1. Rattletrap9:21 AM

      Yay, karma!

      I'm all for keeping these shitass misogynists in the news, especially Sarah.

      It makes election years so much easier.

    2. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Yup the wife probably reported his crimes. Wonder if this douche ever had any rentboys to carry his luggage?

  16. Anonymous9:37 AM

    He also got "Hitchslapped" in one very memorable debate (it is a pleasure to watch him struggle):

  17. Anonymous9:43 AM

    typical right wing crap response:

    Allies See Conspiracy Behind Indictment

  18. Anonymous11:31 AM

    And yet, the YouTube record of the New Orleans 2012 Investment Conference does NOT feature Ms Palin:

    Will see if I can find any record of her performance...

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Started to watch this speech by Palin, but I'd rather go clean some rancid litterboxes instead.

    2. Anonymous1:10 PM


      Sarah Palin on Benghazi, New Orleans Investment Conference 10/27/2012

  19. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Here it is!

    Sarah Palin at New Orleans Investment Conference 10/27/12

  20. I just watched Palin is out of her mind!!! How come this hasn't gone out? She's so bad in this interview!

  21. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I fought pretty hard against Bush those 8 years. I had several articles published detailing his stupidity. I liked Clinton back in the day. I voted for Obama in 2008.

    At some point logic took over. The evidence against Obama being a vicious sociapathic liar who is destroying our Constitiution & American sovereignty is undeniable. The evidence is overwhelming. I cant pretend any longer. He is a bad man & anyone defending his actions at this point is either stupid or criminal. I live in Chicago - its a cesspool of crime & corruption. Something you "visitors" seem to have missed.
    When I used to debate with Republicans (whom I despise) at least they put forth effort in explaining their candidates actions. Democrats wont even try. They instantly forge lies they cant backup, & immediately attack with name calling. Dems will NOT debate. I can honestly say Republicans are better human beings than Democrats. Its really noticable how sick & sheltered Dems are - they are dispicable.
    Im ashamed I helped them - never again.
    Neither party represents us. Its hard to deny at this point...

    1. NSA scandal
    2. Fast & Furous scandal
    3. IRS scandal
    4. Birth Cert scandal & college records hidden
    5. Firing top Generals that wont kill American citizens
    6. Healthcare lies
    7. Campaign coverup
    8. Attack on 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 10th ammendments
    9. Benghazi scandal
    10. Usama Bin Laden lies - got rid of body & evidence
    11. War in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen & wants syria & Iran - but gets Nobel peace prize? Bush was only in Iraq & Cindy Sheehan camped outside of Crawford TX. I went ballistic calling him a warmonger. Repubs would try to explain with their BS - but couldnt. Dems wont even try to explain this liars 4-5 wars- they just call you a racist. That was when I woke up.
    12. NDAA
    13. Bank bailouts car bailouts, insurance bailouts, post office bailout
    14. Increases debt to trillions
    15. Chicago homosexual scandal

    theres more...
    Maybe not all of these are 100% - but odds are some of them are valid. Even Vegas odds would have some of them being totally true. Nixon was impeached for wiretapping a couple offices. Obama, Eric holder, NSA wiretap the entire nation - nothing but crickets. At some point logic sets in.
    Neither party represents us. Anyone that thinks Obama is a helping this country is insufferably stupid - and I'd say sheltered & coddled from reality..

  22. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I fought pretty hard against Bush those 8 years. I had several articles published detailing his stupidity. I liked Clinton back in the day. I voted for Obama in 2008.

    At some point logic took over. The evidence against Obama being a vicious sociapathic liar who is destroying our Constitiution & American sovereignty is undeniable. The evidence is overwhelming. I cant pretend any longer. He is a bad man & anyone defending his actions at this point is either stupid or criminal. I live in Chicago - its a cesspool of crime & corruption. Something you "visitors" seem to have missed.
    When I used to debate with Republicans (whom I despise) at least they put forth effort in explaining their candidates actions. Democrats wont even try. They instantly forge lies they cant backup, & immediately attack with name calling. Dems will NOT debate. I can honestly say Republicans are better human beings than Democrats. Its really noticable how sick & sheltered Dems are - they are dispicable.
    Im ashamed I helped them - never again.
    Neither party represents us. Its hard to deny at this point...

    1. NSA scandal
    2. Fast & Furous scandal
    3. IRS scandal
    4. Birth Cert scandal & college records hidden
    5. Firing top Generals that wont kill American citizens
    6. Healthcare lies
    7. Campaign coverup
    8. Attack on 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 10th ammendments
    9. Benghazi scandal
    10. Usama Bin Laden lies - got rid of body & evidence
    11. War in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen & wants syria & Iran - but gets Nobel peace prize? Bush was only in Iraq & Cindy Sheehan camped outside of Crawford TX. I went ballistic calling him a warmonger. Repubs would try to explain with their BS - but couldnt. Dems wont even try to explain this liars 4-5 wars- they just call you a racist. That was when I woke up.
    12. NDAA
    13. Bank bailouts car bailouts, insurance bailouts, post office bailout
    14. Increases debt to trillions
    15. Chicago homosexual scandal

    theres more...
    Maybe not all of these are 100% - but odds are some of them are valid. Even Vegas odds would have some of them being totally true. Nixon was impeached for wiretapping a couple offices. Obama, Eric holder, NSA wiretap the entire nation - nothing but crickets. At some point logic sets in.
    Neither party represents us. Anyone that thinks Obama is a helping this country is insufferably stupid - and I'd say sheltered & coddled from reality..

  23. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Addendum: I wrote the post above regarding "neither party represents us". I didnt expect it to be posted. Of course the article was heavily biased & slanted, I reacted. I commend the blog owner for at least honering my free speech - Thats respectable.

    I'd also like to apologize for using terms like "insufferably stupid" etc..etc... I resorted to the same tacitcs of name calling that I accused Dems of. Pretty foolish. My point was simply this:

    Republican values dont seem to represent my interests.
    Democratic values do not seem to represent my interests anymore. Neither party seems to care about the working class citizens. What is more, I'm not alone - everyday I meet more people that feel the same. These 2 parties simply want control & revenue - and they'll screw us to get it.

    I have noticed very clearly the way Repubs & Dems handle criticism though. Repubs handle it better & react by trying to explain motives, situations, reasoning. Even if they lie, they attempt to reason. Dems react by simply calling names or insulting your family or way of life. They explain nothing. Its been really notcieable for me - being a lifelong Dem, then finding a different perspective you'd think other Dems would want to embrace you & help you understand - nope you are now instant enemy. IMO Its been very noticeable and moved me further away..

    Politics are underhanded & dirty - but the level of heinous tactics is noticeable. Its basically mafia these days. Who you voting for? Gambino's or Genovese?

    I simply cannot ignore all the scandals, & there are many many scandals with this President. I've lived through 10 Presidents. I've never seen anything like it. I find it hard to believe that all these scandals are simply fabricated. Law of probability prevents total dismissal. I cant simply follow blindly - and despite that I respect the author allowing my free speech - the article he wrote is gibberish nonsense. What the Dems are doing is a witch hunt. It looks bad & it make Dems look bad. Campaign finance corruption runs very deep in both parties - to pick out a measly 20k on this guy - coupled with all the IRS audits for Repubs, looks suspicious. The media lies. This article does not seek truth. If you cant be accountable - the population will bail. Thats what we are seeing with approval numbers. The masses are bailing out & away from supporting this President. Say what you want but it looks bad & if the author really cared about Obama & the Democratic party - he would point that out & steer his blog readers in the correct direction of wisdom. Nobody respects deceit.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.