Sunday, January 26, 2014

Duck Dynasty ratings continue to plummet in the new season. What happened to all them REAL Americans?

Courtesy of Mediaite:

It looks like Duck Dynasty’s relatively low premiere ratings following the Phil Robertson controversy that swept the nation at the end of last year were not a fluke. In the second episode of the show’s fifth season, the show’s ratings dropped even further to 6.6 million total viewers, the lowest the show has seen since December 2012. 

There were high expectations for season premiere on January 15th after the weeks of free publicity the show received due to Robertson’s comments about homosexuality and the subsequent, short-lived “suspension” he was given by A&E. But the notion that an even larger Christian conservative audience would flock to the show in support of Robertson was dispelled after the first episode of the season on Wednesday, January 15th drew 8.5 million viewers, a 28% drop from the fourth season premiere last August, which had 11.8 million. It was more on par with the third season premiere in February 2013, which had 8.6 million. 

This week’s episode, with 6.6 million viewers, marked another large drop from the second episode of the fourth season, which had 8.5 million viewers. In the 18-49 demographic that is particularly attractive the advertisers, the show also saw a decline. While last season’s premiere had a 5.0 rating, this week’s episode was just 2.9. That put it below network competition like American Idol (4.5) and Modern Family (3.4).

You know if I were a religious man I might just think that God had turned his back on this gang of hillbilly hoaxers and left them high and dry.

But of course I'm not so I think what it is being demonstrated here is that the country is evolving, and that the fundamentalist dinosaurs of the past are starting to die out.

Or, you know, it could just be that old Palin curse kicking in again.


  1. Anonymous4:25 AM,0,861198.story

    This is a bit OT, but interesting discussion of Palin's race card comment.

  2. My husband and I were buying oil for my car yesterday, and there were Duck Dynasty decals and sh@t on an end cap. It was looking pretty dusty. We laughed at what fakes they were. No one was offended; everyone’s on to them now.

    Why they were devalued and transparently phony preachers left standing is a little puzzling. Phil did himself no favors with the gay and pedophile remarks, but it went way beyond that. A segment of the population hungers for religion so badly they’ll listen to any coiffed fool, but they don’t hunger for ducks.

    And there’s the Palin curse, of course.

    1. Anonymous6:06 AM

      If we had access to Mayor Palin's emails from the Papa Pilgrim vs. the world drama in the early 2000's, we'd of probably seen her sneering The Feds and rallying support to a man who turned out to be a incestuous pedophile rapist and child beater-abuser. A king of Domestic Violence, with God on his side.

      "They're wonderful, loving people who I find to have a high degree of integrity. We're helping them because they're American citizens wronged by their government."

  3. Anonymous5:04 AM

    The Palin curse claims more victims..."quack, quack!"

    1. Anonymous5:59 AM

      Palin's Lake Lucille Lame Duck touch!

  4. Ailsa5:10 AM

    Apart from the justified negative opinions about Phil's racism and homophobia, most of what has been written about DD has been by people who never saw the show.

    I watched the first 2 seasons, usually when I was traveling (like the POTUS did) and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was more sit-com than reality show and the humor was based on the tension between their two lifestyles - rich yuppy and redneck. No, they weren't fake, in that sense. We saw the McMansions as well as the swamp.

    However, I saw little of season 3 and never even knew there had been a season 4 until the controversy. Why? Because they ran out of string a year ago. The concept had been played out. Plots were more and more contrived and the script, for there was never any doubt there was a script, was hackneyed. See this review, and there were many like it, from April, 2013 -

    Jumping the Shark Tales

    In other words, DD was on it's way down - relentlessly and boringly - long before Phil opened his big mouth.

    1. Anonymous5:34 AM

      ....which is why I think Phil did open his big mouth! Sagging ratings, and it backfired.

    2. Anonymous5:39 AM

      Ah, but he and Palin hastened their demise. Ducks everywhere are smiling.

    3. Ailsa6:03 AM

      Anonymous5:34 AM, yes. I'm not sure Phil said what he did for that reason, but whether he did or not, A&E certainly seemed to be capitalizing on the sudden widespread publicity.

    4. Anonymous12:48 AM

      I liked Duck Dynasty and I agree with you about it being played out. Originally it was sweet, cute and easy going with the humor. Even though they said that the scenes were shot with different people then what happened, it did happen. Now it does seem a little scripted, besides I think they expanded to fast with anything and everything, like the dog beds with their faces on them. I'm just tired of seeing them everywhere. Like the kardashians. Eh

  5. Anonymous5:27 AM

    I think people got bored. Americans have a short attention span. Their controversy came at the same time they reached market over saturation. I think the reality show craze has reached over saturation in general. Americans want something else now to mindlessly indulge in.

    1. Anonymous5:56 AM

      Yeah, what ever happened to Honey Boo-Boo? (And I'm not talking about Bristol Palin.)

    2. Anonymous6:59 AM

      The show is still popular and the 3rd season has begun with a cross country trip and a honeymoon. The first season, the family was paid a total of $25K...kinda' sad when compared to the Palin hillbillies paychecks for doing the same thing.

      The second year, the salary was raised to $100K.

      I don't know what the current rates are, but the family is looking at a new home.

  6. Olivia5:30 AM

    I think they misunderstood their demographic. There are only so many people, Christian or not, who will take an interest in watching a bunch of hillbillies do whatever it is they do. I know many people not fitting into their stereotypical audience who really liked that show. I think they lost a lot of those people after the little publicity stunt they pulled.

    From the beginning, I was convinced that it was a calculated move and they really believed that doing some good ole boy gay bashing would solidify the numbers they had and add more gay haters.
    The plan blew up in their faces and of course, the Palin curse helped it along.

    1. Anonymous5:55 AM

      I think it's a matter of an educated public catching onto the un-reality of such programming. Manipulated scripts, environments and doubtful authenticity.

      Take NBC's The Apprentice for example, they packaged Donald Trump out as a measure of success and with an eye for talent. They can edit in ways that make him appear so, instead of the kid born with a silver spoon and a bail-out plan of declaring bankruptcy all these years. But the more he went out on his own in other mediums, revealed what a petulant, ugly and narcissistic piece of crap he is. And a taker at that.

      Phil was a beloved patriarch with no airs about him, but his worldview is quiet hideous and minimizing of the struggles of others that haven't hit upon a burgeoning need for duck calls and yuppies playing backwoods Heath/Palins.

      God help those that started the ball rolling with 16 And Pregnant, or was it Life's a Tripp?

    2. Anonymous6:35 AM

      I think all started with MTV's Real World.

    3. Anonymous10:28 AM

      The FIRST reality show was Ozzie & Harriet.

    4. Anonymous2:06 PM

      they are not really 'hillbillies.' these people, the Robertsons, make no mistake about it, are mufti-millionaires. they are different than you and I. i don't care one iota that they preach 'family values.' Bull-fucking shit! they made their money, they preach to a select choir..they laugh all the way to the bank. but fuck them!

  7. Anonymous5:37 AM

    I don't like or agree with Phil's comments, but I have enjoyed the show. My husband says the first 2 seasons are the funniest, which I haven't seen. But now A&E has saturated their channel with DD. You can just about watch it 3 or 4 nights a week. I didn't tune into this season because I know it will be played over and over, so I won't miss it. Also, I do feel reluctant after Phil's remarks. On the show, Phil complains about young people and yuppies. He's an old curmudgeon. Ya got a take it with a grain of salt. However, I still think the show is funny.

    1. No thanks. I don't waste salt--even a grain--on watching haters.

    2. Anonymous9:23 AM

      In other words Phil is just a jealous of the young, old fart. No thanks, I'll pass on the hating fakers.

  8. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Modern Family, complete with a homosexual couple, beat Duck Dynasty. Well, don't that just beat all!

    Sarah would beat the drum to remind folks to watch their show, but then, she's going to have to be begging Christian Conservatives to watch HER show while eating Chik Fil A, if they can find it.

  9. I have not ever watched this show....... It comes to my mind as I look at this pic, if they had a Peace sign displayed somewheres they would be called dirty hippies. I do miss the 60's!

    1. They were not and never could have been hippies. Hippies were too busy making music, making love, making peace and getting high to hate and con the way these guys do.

  10. Anonymous6:03 AM

    It will be fun to see Sarah Palin new floating TV turds ratings.. Her devoted Depend wearing Pee Fans think this is her entry into 2016. I say the bitch better get 60 million viewers a week or they can kiss their SarahPAC donations away once again for another election cycle. Palin 2020 anyone? How about 2024? Oh hell, most of those Pee bastards will be six feet in the ground or turned into ash by then!

  11. Beldar J Conehead6:08 AM


    say, Gryphen, check this out:

    That's right. It's time to hang Obama. (Jeez.... what is wrong with these people????)

    As you know, I have long advocated the impeachment, summary execution and life sentence in prison without parole or food for Barack HUSSEIN Obama, the most corrupt president since Emelio Estevez! (Ed. Note: According to Wikipedia, Emelio Estevez has never officially served as president of the United States) But, my intention was always to ridicule the extreme right wing lunatics who have become the unchallenged leaders AND base of the conservative side of the political spectrum with their inexplicable hatred for our demonstrably decent and patriotic president.

    FINALLY, a rational, well-spoken, thoughtful real conservative advocate for Obama's execution has come forth to explain in simple rational terms why the 44th president must face our harshest punishment for his innumerable crimes against... uh... humanity and, um.... maybe other offenses to be named later, I guess, and the accidental killing of the teenaged son of an Al Qaeda terrorist leader,

    I know losing Obama will be a great tragedy for his legion of admirers, myself included, but look at the bright side. Once the precedent is established that a SINGLE unintentional death of a non-combatant can result in a presidential execution, imagine what judicial fate awaits those lying sacks of shit Bush, Jr, Cheney and Rumsfeld for the hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians killed by our thoroughly discredited, universally regrettable, misguided invasion of their country.

  12. As Bill Maher indicated… “Except here is what we recently found out these guys really look like before they got their TV show, preppy a**holes at the golf club wearing Tommy Bahama,” Maher continued. “That’s right. It is all an act, fat cats pretending to be just folks. And you fell for it.”

    Duck Rustling in the fake woods is a FAKE SHOW. All the Duck Fuc**rs are actually yuppies… They been in it for the Monkey Queen’s people’s money all along.. Just like the Monkey Queen - A CON JOB !!

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Most hunters grow their beard for hunting season and then shave during off-hunting. The DD gang have said that's what they did until the show was on.

    2. Anonymous9:25 AM

      "Most hunters", NONE of the guys I know who hunt change their facial hair. The more hair you have the more you carry a scent and scare off the game. DERP.

    3. Bill Maher didn't do his homework just like everyone else who was shocked, I tell you! to just discover what the guys looked like before the show. If they had researched before they spoke, they would have found out that they had shown pics of themselves pre-beard on the show. I'm not going hunting for all the clips but here is one with Willie's photo -

      Yes, they're yuppies. That's what Phil keeps calling them.

  13. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Reminds me of the old Hollies' song, "King Midas in Reverse."

    Sarah Palin is Queen Midas with a curse.

  14. Crystal Sage6:42 AM

    I just hope the Palin Curse continues to the next generation. Bristol taking swipes at Wendy Davis warmed my heart for it should presage the demise of Wendy's opponent.

  15. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I suspect there are a lot of people, like me, that had never heard of the show before the anti-gay, racist, pro-molestation controversy blew up in the media.

    Then once word got out that it was all fake, even the beards, the people that actually watched the show and believed it were dumbfounded and ashamed at being fooled.

    So basically, a lot less people want to watch rich, white country club bigots masquerading as simple country folk. It's a good start.

    It's also running opposite American Idol and Modern Family which would kill a lot of shows besides DD.

  16. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Repeal Obamacare
    Impeach Obama
    Send Barry and Mooch back to Kenya
    Stand your ground
    Take back our country

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Fuck you, and Mama Grifter too!

    2. Anonymous8:39 AM

      7:29 has Palin stink aroma all over the place. Home-Schooling has ruined the Dysfunctional Bastard Making Palins. The Tea Party Sucks.

    3. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Repeal Obamacare? Why? Do you like to watch people suffer and die? I have talked to several people that are very happy with the coverage they got.

      Impeach Obama? Why? For doing the same god damn mother fucking thing that every other American pres. has done? This is what I cannot stand, hypocrisy. You are a huge hypocrite.

      Send them back to Kenya? Silly me. I didn't know they were from Kenya. Who the fuck do you think you are? Where do I send you back to?

      Stand my ground? I would just love to. Come on over.

      Take OUR country back? OUR country? Define OUR. Back to where? Back from what? You?

      See here's the deal. You get to have an opinion. You get to have free speech. So does EVERYONE else. Whether you like it or not. YOU do not run shit. "You can't even run your own life, I'll be damned if you'll run mine."

      You fuckers that are having such a temper tantrum for the last 5 years because you can't MAKE people do what YOU think they must do are beyond pathetic and ridiculous.

      Guess what? YOU are not my boss. YOU will NEVER tell me or anyone else what to do. YOU have no control over me or anyone else. Here's your ass back.

    4. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Anon 8:39, that's why they fantasize about an overthrow of democratic principles in favor of dystopia or a theocracy. They want their gun, ammo and water hoarding to pay off, lord their power over us and make us their bitches.

    5. Anonymous9:17 AM

      7:29 - the Mooch? Who? The Koch's? Walmart? NFL? The Palin's? Tea Party Congressmen?

    6. Anonymous10:26 AM


      this is the song sung by the crazies in the looney bins and the ones released by Reagan, plus tea baggers and the idjits that love the whore Palin and her mini-mes.

    7. Anonymous11:24 AM

      The mooch is Michelle Obama

    8. Anonymous12:08 PM

      sarah, you ignorant slut, stop disrespecting the commander-in-chief you treasonous pos.

    9. "Anonymous11:24 AM
      The mooch is Michelle Obama"
      Well, that's just silly. Our wonderful hard-working, giving First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, is certainly not a mooch.

      You must be thinking of sleazy republican fatcats with all their corporate subsidies that mooch off of hard-working Americans.

      Really, you should think because saying such stupid things.

      But then, stupid is as stupid does.

    10. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Sarah is the mooch, big time, stealing $ in AK filming credits.

  17. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Maybe they will be available to appear on Sarah Palin's new TV show. Maybe it was the Palin Curse that accounts for their drop in ratings.

    1. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Let's hope she gets that new tv gig going soon or they may have to settle for $arah's radio thing. Well, at least they wouldn't have to wear all the fake gear.

    2. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Standing O over here, 8:39 !! ty

  18. Anonymous7:40 AM

    What is the attraction about watching a bunch of country club preppies dress up and act like backwoods hicks? What's interesting about watching Honey Boo Boo and her hillbilly family? All kinds of people seem to attract viewers for hoarding, for needing an intervention, for having lots and lots of children, getting tattoos, or being yelled at in their restaurant. TV programs seem to be looking for the bottom of the barrel. No wonder Sarah Palin has another TV show.

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      People who have shit for brains love to watch those they think of as less than themselves and laugh at them. In other words, the audience is in it for the entertainment value of laughing at other people. Sick.

  19. SHARON8:02 AM

    I think the disclosure of the "before" pictures is what did them in.
    If you were a fan and the hateful rant by Phil didn't really bother you....being fooled like that kinda pisses you off. Alot of us already knew the truth, but hitting the national media was sweet.
    I can't imagine spending any of my time watching any of those shows no matter how bored I was....try a book!

  20. Anonymous8:19 AM


  21. Anonymous9:01 AM

    EXCLUSIVE: Intermediate School Planning ‘Duck Dynasty Day’, Mom Terrified to Come Forward

  22. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I'm voting with those who think exposing their preppy past accounts for most of this. It's one thing to spotlight an unusual throwback lifestyle of 'real' folks but to mock them by pretending to do so is yet another. Those viewers who tuned in to learn something about a unique way of life only to discover it was just another fake, scripted 'reality' show were wise and discerning to adios.

  23. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Sarah Palin supported them (and their racist ways) and offered her usual KISS OF DEATH!

    Plus, Bill Maher offered them some commentary on his show this past Friday night. The guys are utter frauds - America is finally realizing it and their ratings will continue to fall!

  24. Anonymous9:26 AM

    f*ck off dirt bag commie guttertrash

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Ohhhh somebody's maaaddd! LOL!

  25. Anonymous10:41 AM

    The Silence of Sarah Tells the Whole Story!

    It was May 22, 2013 that I invited Sarah to deny the allegations made by Shailey Tripp that Todd had unusual coloring of his penis. Sarah did not respond publically or privately to that letter. Her silence was deafening.

  26. Anonymous10:44 AM

    The Duck Family is perfectly capable of doing themselves in on their own. It was ominous when Sarah latched on with her dreams of sparking donations. Ducks had zero chance when the ghost for Bristol Palin stepped in it with support that could only backfire. I am always glad to see these people never learn. Can't wait to learn who gets the Palin curse next. That family can actually wipe out the entire Republican Party and Fox News. Please Roger, give Palin more air time. Give Bristol a show with co-star Uncle Nuge and Tripp.

  27. Anita Winecooler5:15 PM

    I live on the east coast and have been doing a lot of shopping recently in the malls/ party stores. The stores took away anything to do with DD, and the ones that didn't have it deeply discounted.
    Last week while food shopping, the entire Duck Klan were on the cover of some magazine defending their right to defend their religious beliefs on their reality show. I thought, ok, I'll bite, and read the article.

    It seems Mr Duck overlooked or forgot his homophobic pro life lectures and saw the outrage as an "attack on his constitutional right to practice his faith" and that "TLC knew he was a preacher when they hired him, and asked him to "tone it down". Guess he forgot to ask what "tone it down" means, because TLC was contacted and refused to comment further.

    Guess they already saw the writing on the wall. Perhaps Pastor Duck and progeny would reach their target audience on a religious program and leave "reality shows" to the professionals. Sister Wives, breaking Amish, DWTS, honey boo boo.

  28. I saw some duck dog toys in Petco's bargain bin and almost bought one until I noticed they were wearing camo. Assumed they were dynasty crap and passed. I won't support them in any way.

    My dog already has a duck toy anyway. Naked, like God intended.


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