Sunday, January 26, 2014

Iowa GOP posts graphic about identifying a racist, that essentially identifies them as racist.

Courtesy of the Daily Beast:  

The Republican Party of Iowa briefly posted a photo on its Facebook page of a flowchart asking readers to determine "Is Someone A Racist?" 

The flowchart first asked if the person was white or not white. If they weren't white, they were automatically not a racist. If they were, it then asked "do you like them?" If the answer was yes, they were also not a racist. However, if the answer is no, then "they are racist." The flowchart also noted "if you think this flowchart isn't funny, then this flowchart is racist." 

 It was posted by the official Iowa GOP Facebook account at 8:00pm EST on Friday night with the message "Because it's Friday night and we don't need serious political posts on Friday night we are sharing this. Happy Friday and LIKE and SHARE! Unless you think the chart is racist, then don't." 

In a statement posted on the Iowa GOP Facebook page at 8:50 EST, party chair A.J. Spiker wrote "Earlier tonight, a contractor of the Iowa GOP made a post referencing a discussion on race that the GOP believes was in bad taste and inappropriate. We apologize to those whom were offended, have removed the post and are ensuring it does not happen again."

Yeah okay so they are saying that there was a loose cannon contractor in their building who posted this and that it is not something that the Iowa GOP endorses.  At least not publicly.

But here's the thing. If the person who posted it had access to the official Facebook page of the Iowa GOP, which they did, and they posted this knowing full well it would be seen by everybody who visited that page, which it was, doesn't it kind of stand to reason that the contractor felt that what he was doing was in line with the attitude of the Iowa GOP?

Because much like the Chris Christie George Washington Bridge closures, even if the big muck-a-muck at the top did not direct the action personally, you have to believe that the action was taken by those who believed they would approve.

Anybody disagree?

In other words, there is a VERY strong chance that this chart was passed around among members of the Iowa GOP for days, before somebody with access to the Facebook account decided to share it with the world.

I mean is there anybody left who thinks the Iowa GOP is NOT racist?


  1. Caroll Thompson2:44 AM

    The Republican party is it's own worst enemy. It's a longshot, but if the R's keep this up, the Dems just might win the House this November. Hope Lives....................

  2. Anonymous3:52 AM

    I am a proud bleeding heart liberal and I find this chart amusing....actually I find it funny. As we all throw the word racist around at each other, certainly that habit is ripe for humor. That is a great shame, of course, as racism is a real problem. Three thoughts. First, this is clearly intended as satire or humor. Second, I took the time to Google the chart and found it appeared in 2012 in a Canadian, not Republican, blog written by a conservative, Roman Catholic woman who seems to have a sharp wit (rather like the flip side of Bill Maher). And third, just this chart Obama can not be a racist or play the race card--or at least he can only be half a racist.

    1. i absolutely agree with you, Anonymous. I laughed when I first read it, and the bottom line makes it clear this is someone making a direct-hit dig at Republican hypocrisy about racisim. If you're white & I like you, you're not racist; if I don't like you, you're racist? Seriously funny stuff.

    2. Anonymous6:52 AM

      It's not funny. It's racist. People don't accuse people of being racist because they don't like them. They accuse them when there is proof in their actions or words. By using that excuse no-one is justified in calling someone racist. Also saying only a white person can be racist is just their way of again trying to play the victim. The GOP's latest racism meme is to say that black people are really the racists and white people are only racist in reaction to black people's racism. They can't rewrite history to justify their actions.

      The fact that this graphic was posted by the Party that has done everything they can to sabotage the President partly because he's black it's even less funny.

    3. Anita Winecooler4:49 PM

      Calling President Obama "Half Black and half White" is racist as well. Which half is white? Which half is black? Where is the line of demarcation?
      President Obama self identifies as a black man, and that should be respected. Besides, how come we never see or hear jokes or comments making fun of his "white half"?
      Who ever calls him the "Irish marxist muslim in the white house"???????

  3. Anonymous12:40 PM

    "Because much like the Chris Christie George Washington Bridge closures, even if the big muck-a-muck at the top did not direct the action personally, you have to believe that the action was taken by those who believed they would approve."

    Exactly right and the same goes for actions by the IRS.

  4. Anita Winecooler4:53 PM

    Whenever you read or hear

    "We apologize to those whom were offended"

    It WAS racist and it WAS intended to be published. Not that there's anything wrong with that, GOP! It's a great first step in reaching out to voters from all backgrounds. Keep up the good work and keep chuckling!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.