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Photo courtesy of Brancy's blog. |
I am not sure if this is related to Bristol going to school or not, but for Tripp it means being away from friends and family for a quarter of a year, with only Bristol, a nanny, and possibly his infamous grandmother for company.
I have it on good authority that there was no warning before they left this time either, so Levi was given no time to say goodbye to his son nor have him for an extended time before he left.
For the professional Levi bashers perhaps THIS will help to explain why Levi is pursuing a more reasonable custody agreement.
I also received an e-mail from an attorney yesterday who assured me that Bristol cannot have the case moved to Arizona, nor can she permanently move the little guy there until the current case is settled.
So that is good news.
By the way this is the typical tactic of the Palin family that when things get too difficult they simply run away. That is what Granny Grifter did in 2009, and it has been a family tradition ever since.
Too bad that this time there is yet another young boy who will be negatively affected by those selfish decisions.
Bristol is a nasty piece of work. Disgusting, slovenly, and deceitful.
ReplyDeleteYou said it and I couldn't agree more. Selfish to the core. She should NOT have custody of Tripp.
DeleteI tend to think that her parents are the driving force behind her.
DeleteWithout Tripp Bristles would merely be just another tramp. Tripp is being used, to make HER feel important. The fathers of her other kids must either have custody, or do not want custody, so Levi is being taunted like a bug in a jar. I hope the court asks Tripp how many "daddies" he has had so far.
DeleteBristol is taking her instruction from Sarah and Todd...no doubt about it! They are nasty and vindictive people and we've seen proof of it time and time again throughout the years.
DeleteBristol follows instructions, is not independent and does not think on her own. Plus, she isn't smart and I project she'll be very sorry of her actions later in life!
She's going to have trouble w/her son once he has a mind of his own! I've seen too many in this like situation end up badly!
And, she needs to stop having the kid's nails and toes done and stop putting him in girly colors (pink)! He needs waaay more influence from Levi who is a man's man. Todd is a purse carrier, so his influence on the kid isn't going to be good either!
Just like her law-breaking mother, " I can do whatever I want until the courts tell me I can't". Even then they still flaunt the law since they've gotten away with everything else.
DeleteSorry 11:35 : I don't think that that kid knows how to count yet. He has never seen the inside of a preschool, kindergarden, or elementary school...
Delete@ 12:39 - you are a real homophobic ass.
DeleteWTH? Tripp in a sleeveless t-shirt, and Brissles in full camo down jacket???
DeleteIn this picture, that kid does not resemble Tripp (or Levi for that matter). Tripp is the spitting image of Levi, and Breeze, Levi's daughter, could be a twin of Tripp. But not this one.
DeleteI hope Levi goes for shared custody. If the times are equal Old Brisket will be paying Levi some child support.
ReplyDeleteA 5 year old with permanent teeth? Bristol is still posing in pictures with her body obscured.
ReplyDeleteHow are you identifying these teeth as permanent? Do they have to be a certain size; what is the criteria for determining if a child's teeth are permanent? This is a serious question as I keep reading this assertion and would like to know if it is actually true.
DeleteIt would be telling if there were pictures of Tripp with missing teeth but I have yet to see one. Have you?
Those aren't permanent teeth. Permanent teeth would be bigger and longer than the teeth on the sides. I assume we are talking about his upper middle front teeth. You can also see spaces between his baby teeth. That's room that will be squeezed out when his permanent two front teeth come in. I have two grandchildren going through this right now. New front teeth usually look huge on little kids until they "grow" into them.
DeleteI agree with 10:59...those are baby teeth that Tripp is sporting. They may be starting to get a little loose or wobbly, but they are not his permanent teeth. They're just too close in size to the surrounding baby teeth to be his permanent teeth.
DeleteI would say to start watching for his baby teeth to start coming out not before the fall of 2014, when he is between 6 1/2 to 7 years of age.
So he supposedly turned 5 end of December 2013. If his teeth fall out in the next few months we'll know she lied about his birth/age. I'll bet we won't see any open mouth smiley pictures of him for close to a year real soon...Trig will supposedly be 6 in April let's see when he starts losing teeth.
DeleteHere's another potential FUTURE tell on Tripp's real age. He will not be able to play organized sports without providing a birth certificate during registration. Further, placement on hockey and soccer teams are based on birth years initially. Betcha the kid doesn't end up playing in Alassssska.
DeleteWell, maybe. My boys never had to produce a birth certificate to play sports.
DeleteGet over the teeth, people, or read up on them. There is a wide range of time for losing baby teeth. For example, one granddaughter who will be 7 in a month has lost one tooth and it is on the bottom. The other granddaughter is 61/2 and has lost 4 teeth. One of her front uppers is very loose as well. Tripp's teeth aren't going to be a good indicator of his age, unfortunately.
DeleteI thought Bristol Palin is supposed to be Christian?
ReplyDeleteI don't think so.
She is part of a Christian cult. They make stuff up to fit their brand. Speak in dog whistle and word salad.
DeleteBristol is still living her junior high mean girl days.
ReplyDeleteWhy does she need a nanny? How can she afford one? I thought Bristol was a single struggling mother?
ReplyDeleteHow does she commute to her job in the dermatologist office in Alaska from Arizona?
DeleteShe is a strong, independent frontier gal. I think it was the first DWTS, she and Tripp drove all the way from Wasilla to Hollywood in her Tripp tagged truck. Actually, a cousin, the body guard made the journey and she may have done some photo ops.
DeletePalins can do anything, they are magic. Like on a Hollywood studio back lot kind of magic.
Anonymous11:36 AM
DeleteHow does she commute to her job in the dermatologist office in Alaska from Arizona?
Didn't you know? Alaska airline put a non-stop Anchorage---->Phoenix! How convenient? No?
Why is Bristol dressed like a man? Did she switch teams?
ReplyDeleteFree duck dynasty junk, grifter's gotta support each other, and this is the cheapest way. This and waddling like a duck.
DeleteTripp loves his mother, as he should.
ReplyDeleteBut Tripp cries and wants to go back to his Daddy after every visit. He metamorphoses into a completely different boy when told he is going to visit his Daddy. Tripp is happier with Levi.
That is what Bristol is trying to destroy.
She will fail.
I believe that. I think Bristol’s relationship with the boy is loving, but probably too girly for him to be comfortable. There’s also the danger of Bristol attracting a guy who’s more interested in Tripp than her. Look at them. Who’s the prettiest?
Delete9:59 AM
DeleteShe has failed and is failing. Children love and protect parents who beat, sexually abuse them and all manners of awful things. They are dependent on the older people and it is all they know.
Yes, 11:02, that is a risk she probably doesn't consider, but it is a serious one.
DeleteDon't tell me that's a selfie
ReplyDeleteAnd why isn't she wearing Duck Dynasty camo????
DeleteCamo clothing? Must be on the hunt for a new trial husband.
DeleteListen to Mommie Dearest, Bitchol, "what goes around comes around." You'll pay for this eventually.
ReplyDeleteWhen will the little guy start kindergarten?
ReplyDeleteWhen the court steps in Levi will have rights and a say in his school and religious teachings. If Levi is fine with Bristol and Sarah doing all the home schooling they can continue. If Levi would like to see his son in an accredited school and be kept up on his attendance and progress that can be worked out.
DeleteMeanwhile, Tripp is screwed over and it is not looking good for him as far as stability, healthy diet or authentic religious teachings. Tripp is learning the same as his mother learned from Sarah Palin.
May it be over soon and the child can be restored and happy. Not just the fake picture "happy".
The last thing Tripp needs is religious training. Look where it has gotten the whole stinking family.
DeleteThe last thing Tripp needs is religious training.
DeleteTripp is a celebrity and a television star. His show was named for him. If you watched it, you know he is getting religious training.
His mother also tells him God is watching him. That would be the God she is training him to believe in. At one time he was praying before every meal, she said it was his idea. The boy isn't that old but he has been indoctrinated with at least one parent's religious beliefs
The last thing the kid needs is home schooling by Sarah and Bristol - both of whom are stupid as shit! Public school and no religious training...let him grow up and decide if he wants to seek religion.
DeleteThe last thing he needs is following the examples and teachings of the Heaths and the Palins!!!! god forbid!
God is watching him? Sounds like she's trying to scare hom into behaving. And sorry , but mo preschooler decides on his own to pray before meals. He got the idea from someone.
DeleteWhich god is watching him? The one of the Dominionists, or the one from that witch doctor, Muthee?
DeleteIt doesn't matter for Tripp what I think. What the Palins do and are doing is what it is. What is next for Tripp has a lot to do with Levi and his take on things.
DeleteLevi may be cool with the Dominion/Muthee god and all the fear and brainwashing Bristol has learned to pass on to him. Levi can address any matters that do concern him. No one else is in that position.
There is free speech and others do have opinions.
That would be difficult. How would anyone know when they travel incognito or they are sneaky? I think Levi has been keeping track the best he can. Doesn't he live nearby on the same or a nearby lake? Not that he can see her house, she is attached to the Palin Compound anyway.
DeleteIf it comes up in court Bristol could be required to submit things regarding Tripp's schooling and caretakers, where he is and such. Also Tripp's travel schedule. There are records for travel, flights, hotels, eating out, school, medical records. If Bristol claims Tripp is consistently in school or going to Sunday school, she could be compelled to present verification. The information Levi has can be compared. He can ask for medical and school records. It is difficult when dealing with a chronic liar. This is more difficult because the family has created a virtual life. Old pictures posted to appear current. I doubt their cameras have accurate time stamps. Levi needs to know the reality of his son's life and he is the only one who can inquire and find documents. If he wants to protect Bristol more then his son, he is not going to do anything that can show her slutting around.
It's simply incredible that a 23 year-old woman can just pick up and go back and forth, back and forth, with no care in the world, 3, 4 months at a time, living like a nomad, WITH her young son, who needs a solid steady routine in his life. He needs familiarity and friends and the same comfortable environment to thrive and grow in; not this pulling and pushing and shoving him away every time his immature mom has her nose out of joint.
ReplyDeleteIt's abuse, plain and simple, to do this to a child.
And how does she pay for all this travel ? SarahPAC"postage" ??
DeleteI hope, someone here has made a timeline, and can publish it here for Sunny and Levi, as to when/how often/how long Bar$tool went out of state with Levi's kid, Tripp...
DeleteBristol is way too flighty. Look how much she's dragged that boy around since birth. Tripp should live with his father and see his mother when she's not traipsing around the lower 48, in skin school or looking for her next tv appearance.
DeleteIt's so bad, Bristol had to go on "wife swap" to learn how to be a mother.
DeleteShe had and still had no understanding of the fact kids need routine. Children crave routine and parents who lay out clear rules.
Sadly the little fella probably doesn't even know who his real father is what with all of b's hump mates jumping her bones and leaving when they get what they want. None of them hang around very long after they get a fishy taste of daughter dearest. Special place in the hereafter for those who deny kids their time with their parents.
ReplyDeleteHow about when she had Tripp calling Gino "Daddy" and then told him she'd find him a new daddy after kicking him out of her truck on her reality show. How confusing Tripp. What a cruel and selfish thing to do to your child. And how about when she told Tripp they were meeting Levi knowing Levi did not want to participate in her reality show. Hurting your child to make your ex look bad on National TV is reason enough to give Levi custody. That reality show is a goldmine for Levi. Remember when she shot his book (with his face on it) in front of Tripp. That poor child. Good luck to Levi and Tripp!
DeleteOr how about when she told Levi that they were out of state, and then she drove by Levi, with the window rolled down, and Tripp seeing his daddy on the street?
DeleteDoes anyone have a copy of the posted picture when she shot at Levi's face (i.e. his book)?
Delete1:59 : here is a YouTube video about it:
Let's hope Levi's attorney presents all these examples and more (including the many times Bristol allowed Tripp to be filmed being a foul-mouthed little brat for he own gain). Parents have lost physical custody for less than this. Bristol should be the one scheduling her visitations.
DeleteThis type of behavior Bristol is displaying by taking their son is not in the best interest of the child, but more importantly is likely to really screw Tripp up. Maybe what Levi should be doing is demanding that his child be brought back so he can have his normal visitation. There should also be a State of Alaska child welfare agent put in charge so they can monitor the situation and avoid situations like this, and also to monitor the parenting by both parents. A guardian at litem assigned to Tripp I believe is also called for in this case, especially if the State doesn't want to assign this case to a case worker. Levi could request this through his attorney and through the with the courts approval. Courts are generally very willing to do these things if requested by one of the parties. This would also no doubt infuriate Bristol by interfering with her ability to take Tripp with her at anytime and not without giving Levi proper notice and also in limiting the time Tripp is away from Levi.
ReplyDeleteIf Bristol is going to whine that she must attend school in Arizona (not saying she actually does) for the next several months, it is an excellent opportunity for Tripp to be in Alaska. Levi and Sunny can begin to establish him in a proper school. Bristol can visit when she can make arrangements. When she returns, Tripp will be in a better place and the parents can continue to work together to keep his life consistent.
DeleteThe Court will decide this....Levi's side has so much stuff they can bring to the forefront - video - radio - newspaper - Facebook - emails - etc. Comments made, etc. Too bad it won't be open to the public!!! Or will it?
DeleteBristol should be monitored by a State of Alaska agency regarding children and their care or no quality care.
DeleteBristol is the one making this issue nasty. Not Levi and Sunny!
Plus, we already know that Bristol is a horrible mother - as is her mother! No example to follow that is quality! It's been documented time and time again!
Anonymous12:17 PM
DeleteLevi did want open to public before. For Tripp's sake, I hope he sticks to his guns. That is always a win win in Alaska. Stick to your guns, Levi.
Also, too, whatever type of guardianship they end up with (hopefully), that person can put a STOP to Bar$tool making money off of Tripp.
DeleteYes, as that way it will be apparent who is the most mature and stable parent. Barstool will be stamping her foot screaming "Do you know who I am? My mom was the governor of this state and no one can tell me what I can or can't do with my kid."
DeleteThat boy doesn't have a prayer of turning out normal.
An esthetician license only requires 600 hrs of instruction (about 4 months) before sitting for the licensing test in AZ. Alaska is 700 hrs, half of which is an apprenticeship. Can't imagine Bristle sitting still for having someone watch her closely or try to instruct her for any period of time. Since she's alleged to have started 'skin school' sometime ago, why does she need 3 months now???
ReplyDeleteThat dermatology office in AK sure has a lenient policy for vacation time off based on her last 5 years traveling record. How can that place possibly survive with their 'head receptionist' off to seek her infamy and fortune??? sheesh!
Doesn't Aunt Molly work for them?
DeleteI think they're starting a new family business. Willow supposedly does hair, Bristol's studying skin, Piper will go for nails and Track will be a wedding planner. They already have the huge house on the lake with a view. Sarah and Todd will film it and call it "Quack Dynasty"
DeleteAt Penrose Academy they only attend "skin school" three days a week -- Thursday, Friday & Saturday. At that rate it would take about six months to complete the 600 hours. Bristol started in October and probably will be done in April.
ReplyDeleteSeven months.
DeleteIf she conceived in late July or August, that would be about right.
Observation: Tripp in sleeveless t-shirt; Bristol in camo jacket.
ReplyDeleteWhat's with that? It is HOT here in AZ - I live here - so why does Bristol have on a camo jacket? You guessed it.... Mommy Dearest says "wear camo" and Bristol wears camo.
Bristol wears camo to 'Camo' proof of her Pregnant Body. It is Hot(77 degrees) in Arizona right now, and Camo is not what is worn. Bristol is trying to keep her new Bastard a secret. That is the way of the Deceptive Palins.
DeleteWhen was that picture taken? It is probably another old one.
DeleteI have to wonder why this idiot broadcasts her travels away from AK. B/c she's living vibrantly?
ReplyDeleteBTW, who wears camo in AZ?
She's taunting Levi with the postings. Also, that is a camo hoody.
DeleteIt looks like you were on the mark, Gryph, about the Order Granting Motion for Expedited Consideration, given the unannounced departure of Bristol and Tripp. I see that requests for expedited consideration are rarely granted, and should only be used in a real emergency. So, fingers crossed for Levi.
ReplyDeleteThe Motion for Expedited Consideration was only a request for the court to hear Levi's attorney's request to file a late response to Tiemessen's Motion to Dismiss or Consolidate. The request was granted. The Court did consider Levi's attorney's request to file a late response. It considered it, and then it denied it. So the Motion to Dismiss or Consolidate went forward with no response from Levi. The court granted the motion to consolidate with the '09 case. That's all that happened. This was not a request to expedite the entire matter. It moves forward according to the case schedule, whatever dates it has.
DeleteThere are multiple cosmetology schools right in AK. I can't for the life of me figure out why a simple daily drive to Anchorage is a big deal. Tripp could be on his same schedule since Bristol has told us for years that she has made this drive daily.
ReplyDeleteIt's not like she got accepted into medical school or anything.
This is all about pulling Tripp away from his father. I hope Levi ends up with physical custody.
Levi has a right to know what his son has been exposed to and where he has been in school or cared for. He is from the same area as Bristol and may be impressed with the Muthee church people and that whole way of life that Tripp has been living with since birth. The spooky religion people may not change for Tripp with Levi and Sunny.
DeleteIf they find it inappropriate they can do something about it when the time comes. Levi may already know about the dermatology office story and Tripp, since young, getting up at 5, Bristol bathing, driving rain sleet of snow and all. If that was the schedule Tripp knew Levi and Sunny would want to know and work out any transitions he needs to make.
If your child was with a nanny from the Church of Satan and they were giving religious training, you would want to know and about the people the child was exposed to and trained by. People who share the same religion don't have those issues to work out.
Levi and Sunny may be in the same cult as Judge Heath and the Palins. It will only matter if they have another viewpoint and don't think that is healthy for Tripp. At least, not 24/7. The mother can still train the child when she is with them.
Bristol could even live in Anchorage. Remember the hoopla over her condo there so that she could get to her "job" at the dermatologist's office? Arizona is not the only place in the country where one can attend "hair" or "skin school." Bristol obviously does not want to share Trigg with his father and that is really unfortunate, in the end, for all of them.
The Court will decide this and it is killing the Palins...they are so use to being in control! Sarah has been a horrid person for Bristol to learn from - absolutely the WORST!
DeletePoor Levi and their son!!! Bristol will eventually not be able to take the kid back and forth and forth and back once this issue get to Court. Levi has his rights and the Palins are trying to negate him...it ain't gonna work!
She's down there playing house with Junker.
DeleteJunker is in Alaska. But they can both afford to fly back and forth as they please. B is only in skin school 3 days a week. A very light schedule. She has plenty of time to get her grove on and do what she wants with Tripp. No one will know. In Ak she probably has concerns about spies and people that talk. She stays hidden from what I understand.
DeleteWhy so secret so much?
Levi should demand a DNA test, since Bristles has quite a reputation from before he met her. When she was pregnant she told Levi she hoped he was NOT the father, so who got off free from this?
DeleteI agree Anonymous 2:41. Levi should do it now just to set the record straight. I'm sure he loves Tripp no matter what, and always will, but Bristol did say she hoped Levi was not the father. Levi can say (sadly) that remark leaves a doubt in his mind about Tripp's paternity and he wants it cleared up.
DeleteI used to think Levi should get a DNA test. Then Breeze came along. Tripp and Breeze strongly resemble each other, especially the eyes.
Delete2:00 PM Bristol does not want to be seen Pregnant again. That is her secret. Junker Junior is about due, if he is actually the Sperm Donor. With Bristol, the Sperm Donor could be any Bar Hopper.
DeleteI am sure others have observed it; so striking how Tripp looks relaxed and happy with his father, and tense and 'fakey' with his mother. Very sad.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why you think she's moving to AZ or wants to. She is in SCHOOL. HOLY dang, what is with blogger manipulation and bullying here. This is nunya business anyway.
ReplyDeletesmh at everyone here. No one tried to move the case.
Get a life!
DeleteNot our business but she keeps posting public pics of her son. She should go live vibrantly in private.
DeleteChild abuse, even suspected child abuse is everyone's business.
Delete11:23 grow up and go live your own life vibrantly.
Deletesmh? Shaking My Hiney ? Why would you do that, Troll???
DeleteShe can't make unilateral decisions about where Tripp is spending his days. It's not ok to take a child out if state for an extended time without his father's permission, even if it's for school. Holy shit, woman, get a grip. Somewhere in your brain, you know what Bristol is doing isn't right. Come out of you fog and join the living.
DeleteThere's no reason this should be talked about publicly. You're creating drama when there is finally none. Notwithstanding basic couple drama that only time heals.
ReplyDeleteWhen couples hurt each other, no one can predict when each heals nor can judge by how long it takes.
NO ONE can deny Levi hurt her at at least equally if not more, as much as you all try and as much as certain boys deny.
So stop pretending like these are your best friends and get lives. It's sick how biased people are.
Grow up!
DeleteThe only one creating drama around here is you. You obviously know nothing about couples, relationships, parenting, children, the law, or the Palins or Johnsons.
DeleteHow about you just go stalk the Palins, Bristol especially, privately and vibrantly and maturely, you sick, demented loon?
You really need a life. Or stronger meds.
Bristol, Sarah and Todd are the villains in this child custody stuff, NOT Levi! It's already of public record and Bristol knows she is going to lose when this mess is finally in Court!
DeleteI'm not sure if I'm following you. Are you saying that Levi hurt Bristol by not marrying her? writing a book? doing a photo spread? something else?
DeleteIf so, does that equal being called a deadbeat by the world famous grandmother? not being allowed to see the child? agreeing to an exorbirant amount of child support for a high school drop out based on a one-time gig?
Maybe I'm missing something
Anonymous11:26 AM, you're so weird!
DeleteAnon@11:26. You lie. Grow up. Get a life. Go live vibrantly away from this blog.
DeleteDid you sleep in, Shit For Brains? Shame on you. You're not going to get all your postage from SarahScamPac for that! Shame, shame, shame!
DeleteGryphen you really are stupid or a giant bully, pretending like she's in AZ for shit and giggles and not school related things.
ReplyDeleteNo respect man. ay caramba
My, my. Aren't you judgmental?
DeleteI always love it when you call someone else stupid. You want to see stupid? here's a mirror.
Couldn't she go to "hair" or "skin school" in Alaska? Or somewhere in the Lower 48 that's closer to Alaska, like the State of Washington?
Because there are no schools in AK huh? But, no caring parent moves across the country with a child without considering the Dad or getting permission from the courts.
DeleteAy caramba - you is learnin' some Spanglish, I see. Yeah, all those illegal household helpers down there seem to be rubbing off on ya.
Delete"School?" Gigglesnort. Job training.
DeleteJust curious:
ReplyDelete1. Even assuming Tripp just turned 5 yo (he's is probably actually 6 years old) he should be starting preschool soon. How could that happen with all the pulling him back and forth between AK and AZ?
2. From the looks of it Bristol has 4 kids -- Trig (or whatever child was born 2007- early 2008 range), Tripp, DWTS baby (probably the little girl) and the recent addition (with Junker). Tripp is now old enough to know he has a bunch of sibings, but at that age where things slip out innocently.
How can they possibly think they can keep him secluded and not blab about his brothers/sister and not send him to school?
Tripp is now old enough to know he has a bunch of sibings.
DeleteThat is reasonable to think. However, if you read about other cults, especially where sex is used and babies are a commodity, you start to realize how different children can be raised. Tripp has Sarah's son, Trig, who is his uncle. There are cousins and whatnots and many children that are all children of the Lord. Details about who parents who and when don't matter to small children.
Exactly what I was thinking. Does she really think she can "hide" her other 3 kids forever ?
DeleteJack Nicholson and other public figures grew up thinking bio Mom was an aunt or cousin, may be even a sister. I had a cousin I thought was an aunt until an adult. If you are part of the churches in Wasilla, it is even easier. Check out some of the things that go on with people like Dr. Baldwin-Johnston, that are to help abused children. Or these religions that are into adoptions. Sorry, but babies and kids of all ages are big business. Human Trafficking is up there with drug smuggling. If Tripp was born into a family where their boundaries are askew, it is not that hard to pass off a half-sibling as being a cousin or friend's kid.
DeleteWasilla should have to keep a DNA registry, so when these kids are teens, they do not have sex with their half siblings. So "The Hills Have Eyes" community.
DeleteAnon@246pm, maybe that thinking explains how things got to this sorry state in the first place? I remember one post here from a long time ago, saying that babygate would be sorted out when people looked closely at all of the ties between the Johnston & Palin families. One gets the sense that, as far as generational inbreeding goes, certain factions in Wasilla put the Ashkenazi to shame.
Deletemaybe there's a fatal STD in barstool's future
ReplyDeleteShouldn't she be holding a fish?
ReplyDeleteI see Bristol is holding her trophy fish.
ReplyDeleteThis is a young lady - that is probably listening to her horrible mother - that is doing harm to her son!!! We know what they say publically about Levi - you can only imagine what they say privately of him in front of the kid!
ReplyDeleteI hope Levi sticks to this legal issue as to custody .... he is NOT a bad guy! Many know him personally and think the world of him. The Palins and TMZ have made him look bad!
If Levi needs financial aid, many will help. The Palins have no clue how to play fair! All we have to do is go back through the coverage of them for the past ten years!!!
I always assumed that when there was joint custody, taking a child out of state was tantamount to kidnapping. What the length of sentence for that crime?
ReplyDeleteThere was no joint custody. Levi didn't do anything to protect Tripp. He went through his stuff and didn't know what was what. He had his problems with the Palins but he always wanted to say Bristol wasn't a slut and that she was a good mother.
DeleteIn the best of situations, Reality TV kids are really screwed over, if you ask me. But they may not realize it until they are old men and women.
Levi was too young to work against the Palins in the beginning.
DeleteHe's matured, is married, has a lovely family and is making a living. Now he is making his move to do what is right for his son.
I cannot imagine being up against the Palin machine as young as he was and the games they played with him!
The Palin klan is no longer regarded well and everything has been made so public by them...so much can be documented in the Court!
He is in the right place and time to make his move to have the proper, documented and enforced decision made by the Court to give the needed care of his son.
Be sure to see game playing continue on the side of Bristol due to the direction she receives from the Palins....
1:04 PM 2:13 PM
@Anon 1:04 PM
DeleteIn the State of Alaska, parents of a child -- married or unmarried -- automatically have joint custody.
Ginger: so, WHY does Levi NOT have joint custody????
DeleteHow very thoughtful of Bristol to whisk away Tripp without any warning. But then she learned her "loving ways" from her pickle-brained mother-in-name-only. Ya know, the nasty, selfish, delusional, memememe first last and always.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 11:26 AM
ReplyDelete"There's no reason this should be talked about publicly."
HA! That is funny.
Too bad for kids we can't go back to the good old days.
DeleteSarah Palin is fighting for kids so they can be farm hands without pay for family business. Great for kids in the Foster Care System. Great for kids adopted from other countries. Good Christian families can save kids all over the world from hardship and have them tend the family business, farms, domestic help right here in the states.
How old are they claiming this child is? Jesus, is he shaving yet? Those wacky Palins, you just gotta love 'em!
ReplyDeleteIN Palin/heath logic since they claim Brisket is a yr older than she is then of course her kids are all one or two yrs younger than they are. Got it now?
DeleteThis whole story is unfortunate, but the blame goes to the parents of Bristol who weren't paying attention to their daughter's needs, nor her social schedule. It appears she had to fend for herself and hung with the wrong crowd. She gets pregnant, and refuses to this day to admit fault.
ReplyDeleteShe believes she took responsibility her teen pregnancy by keeping the baby and raising it herself. Bristol physically takes care of Tripp, but refuses to take accountability for his emotional/psychological care. Her abstinence advocacy went down the tubes, not because she couldn't have been a convincing spokesperson, but because she's shown herself to complain about her fate a lot.
Everything is about Bristol showing how victimized she is, in her reality TV show, her book, her interviews, her DWTS persona (tragic teen single mom of celebrity Sarah, trying to make it on her own), but what's really evident is she's trying to compete with her mom. Her career choices center around her need for victimhood. Look at me, feel sorry for me, I'm alone trying to make this little kid behave.
It is so apparent and will be to a judge that she uses her child as her personal security blanket, needing him to give the middle finger to her and her mom's haters, and using him against his father.
Most probably wouldn't agree, but I really believe Bristol is crying out for help. She can't get maternal love nor wisdom from her own mother. I think her behavior up to now shows she's lashing out at anyone, in this case Levi, because she doesn't know how to deal with her extreme anger against her mother. It is a sad sad situation.
While I agree with most of your post I think your last paragraph is way off. Bristol ( who probably has an IQ of around 70 to 80) isn't crying out for anything, she isn't intelligent enough to do anything but what she is told. Her anger comes from her Mom stealing her first born, but I don't even think it's anger, she just does what she is directed to do. I had a brain damaged cat that way once.
DeleteThat's Bristol in that picture? I though it was some 50+ year old woman.
ReplyDeleteShe is not looking healthy.
DeleteShe's had more cosmetic surgery done than just her chin...
DeleteBTW, now that the case has been consolidated, it is no longer Judge Heath's case. It is back in the '09 courtroom, which according to Courtview, is Kari Kristiansen. She is still a Superior Court judge in the Palmer courthouse, per their website. http://www.courts.alaska.gov/ak-judges.htm#sup-judges. It could be reassigned (for various judicial reasons, including whether she still hears family law cases), but for the moment, this is the judge.
ReplyDeleteUntil it is happening the judges can change, that is typical.
Delete111 thank you.
DeleteFriday Jan 17.
ReplyDeleteNew York Fed Ct. Sends Palin Firefighter Photo Copyright Suit to New Jersey
In an Order filed today, the Judge granted the motion to transfer, but to New Jersey where NJMG is headquartered. Given the transfer, the Judge deferred ruling on the merits of the motion to dismiss to whichever federal judge gets assigned in New Jersey.
What's up with that haircut the kid got?????
ReplyDeleteDid Willblow cut his hair???
ReplyDeleteAs far as I'm concerned Sunny is Tripp's real mother.
ReplyDeleteshe's about 100x prettier and seems to have a much kinder soul than The Wasilla Whisker Biscuit.
DeleteUnlike Bristol, Levi and Sunny provide a stable home for Tripp. One loving home...in one city...in one state. Married parents working together to provide security for their two children.
DeleteBristol hauls Tripp around from AK to AZ to CA to be her little money maker and to hurt Levi.
Bristol is totally wasting her time going to become an Esthetician.. What Sarah needs is for her to an auto body repair school to learn how to apply Bondo to Sarah's face correctly.
ReplyDeleteIf ms.palin keeps fuckin' around with her face she's going to end up looking like Mitch McConnell.
DeleteWatch out, Tripp! Mommy's chin could poke your eye out!
ReplyDeleteWhy is Tripp never in any kind of school? Does anyone know the facts about his total lack of education or social involvement with other kids his age? Unless he is being "home schooled" (!!) this could be grounds for removing him from the home, wherever that is ...
ReplyDeleteTo kool 4 skool.
DeleteTripp needs a stable home life with two married parents who mind their own business and live vibrantly. All this back and forth, different dudes to call "Daddy" and having to move around because Mommy wants to use him as a human shield/weapon isn't helping. Tripp deserves better.
ReplyDeleteGood god, has she signed some kind of contract obligating her to wear camo?
ReplyDeleteMommy Dearest says "camo" and mini Me wears camo.
DeleteDamn, that chin is something else!
ReplyDeleteNot a very smart move on Brisket's part. She's only help to prove Levi's case.
ReplyDeleteBristol should never ever take photos of her profile. Her strap-on chin is so obviously fake.