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Chris Christie with Springsteen tickets. |
At the time I wrote that it would probably really hit Christie where he lived because he is a HUGE fan of Springsteen. And since Christie has not yet spoken about the parody I think I was probably right.
However that has not stopped Rush Limbaugh from coming to Christie's defense.
Limbaugh brings up the fact that during the President's visit to New Jersey after Super storm Sandy that Obama facilitated a phone call between Christie and "The Boss" and insinuating that somehow Christie was set up.
RUSH: There's no question that's painful. The nerve of Springsteen! Governor Christie has attended over 127 Springsteen concerts. Governor Christie loves this guy. It's 127 different concerts he's attended, and he's mocked, he's made fun of. He can't be a real fan because he's a Republican.
You can only be a real fan and friend to somebody like Springsteen if you're a Democrat, and even then for only as long as they can use you. But if you are a Republican? You are only a friend of a Democrat for as long as they can use you, and why this isn't seen by people is beyond me. I think Springsteen has to know, because Christie was public with it. Christie... In fact, not only did Christie have no compunction telling people this, he was proud to tell people that he talked to Springsteen! He cried because he had the chance to talk to Springsteen. Now, think about that however you wish, but the fact is, it was a big deal to Christie. It's a big deal that Springsteen and he are both Jersey guys.
It was a big deal that Obama got Springsteen on the phone from Air Force One.
Christie's thinking, "Man, this is great! We're all working together and we're gonna fix this problem. We're gonna fix New Jersey back up," and this thing comes, and Christie has publicly said he didn't have anything to do with it. He's apologized, he's done all the right things -- and here is the guy who brought him to tears by talking to him, making fun of him on a late-night comedy show. That is really...
You talk about a low-rent character?
"Low rent character?" Bruce Springsteen?
Yeah Limbaugh wishes he could afford to pay rent on Bruce Springsteen.
You know Springsteen is a very, very powerful man within the entertainment world. So the idea that he was manipulated by the "Left" to hurt Christie's feelings is ridiculous.
However the Boss is also somebody who genuinely feels for the working man, he doesn't just pander to them in order to get elected. (Like SOME PEOPLE we know.)
Therefore I have to imagine that the way Fallon got Bruce Springsteen to join him in that song was simply to ask him. And that Springsteen, who has never reciprocated Christie's admiration, jumped at the opportunity.
So if it hurt Chris Christie's feelings to have his bullshit called out on national television by his idol, then he can come clean, apologize to his constituents, and volunteer to step aside if the people of New Jersey want that from him.
THAT might actually earn Springsteen's respect.
Limbaugh is trying to curtail Springsteen's first amendment rights. Where's the outrage, Governor Palin?
ReplyDeleteShe should be linking to something about it from her FB to Brancy's blog any minute...
DeleteLimbaugh is just pissed that the song done by Jimmy Fallon and Bruce Springsteen was so, so popular. It was shown on every network (don't know if FOX ran it?) and the late night shows.
ReplyDeleteWe all know Springsteen to be very talented, but I think Jimmy Fallon did an outstanding job! Plus, the song was warranted when it comes to Christie!
Limbaugh and Christie are from the same mold in that they are bullies and have nasty personalities! Christie should be impeached (I think he was behind the whole bridge closure), and Limbaugh should be taken from the airwaves.
Christie reminds me of a guy that is part of the Mafia!
I gotta take a leak-gate. Way to take a stand on the right side, Boss!
DeleteHere's the thing..........Bruce walks the walk and is beloved for it. Maybe Christie knows this, he just has other means to get things done than Bruce. No two men think alike but really, show me what you have accomplished in your life....lay it all out.
ReplyDeleteJust because someone accomplishes a lot during one's life does NOT mean he/she didn't bully or force or step on people, hurting them in the process!
DeleteThere are plenty of other ways to get things done than Monsewer Christie's way!
I thought it was one NJ guy making fun of another NJ guy.
ReplyDeleteNot a Democrat making fun of a Republican.
Springsteen is the most well known NJ face.
With all the insensitive remarks Rush has said over the years on public radio, about people, and with all the conservative-right hating wussies and pussies and those without cajones, and their push for telling it like it is, and their love of arrogance and hubris.............it is remarkable that Rush could now get all 'new age sensitive guy'.
ReplyDeleteChristie cried tears of gratitude because his idol paid attention to him and now that idol did a little mock-up? It's strange how the right can take anything and turn a molehill into a mountain. They can manipulate, squeeze, twist any story and fit it into their righteous indignation. Kind of like those circus balloons made into little animals.
He's not fooling anyone. Bullies like Christie and Rush can't undo the damage they've done just because they think they can sweet-talk in backwards. Every mean thing they've said to others is recorded and facts are facts.
Christie was probably gleeful that his idol performed that song. Rush is jealous that no one sang a song about him.
Why anyone would vote for a Republican in the upcoming elections is beyond me. They are a horrid party on the national, state and local levels. Pay attention voters!!!!
DeleteIt's like I've always said; Republicans can dish it out but they can't take it. They're hypocrites. They're psychopathic elitists that believe they are above the law and what applies to the little people doesn't to them.
DeleteSince when does being a fan and attending 127 concerts get you anything except a concert? Do you some how get points for every concert that you can cash in later when you do something idiotic? dispicable? criminally idiotic? unethical?
ReplyDeleteI don't get the point Rush is making. Christi paid for tickets (or perhpas not) and got a great concert. That's the deal. there is no more. Christie isn't part of Springsteen's marketing strategy.
If they (Springsteen and Fallon) did a song about President Obama, Limbaugh would talking oh so differently!
DeleteChristie gives me the utter creeps!!!
What a bunch of whiney assed babies Limbaugh thinks republicans are. (Well--they are) but does Rush really want to expose them?
ReplyDeleteThis is what you call karma......when I saw that whole "we are friends" bullshit after Sandy I knew Bruce was just being the gracious man he is. Bruce knows exactly what kind of governor Christie is and he ain't for the working poor. Bruce has made a career out of advocating for the blue collar working man everywhere, NJ was just lucky enough to have him write and sing about the shore....where I grew up. I was lucky enough in my 20's to be at the Stone Pony in Asbury when Bruce made a surprise appearance, he was already a superstar there and he still lives...well some of the time close by. Wildstein wants to talk....they will give him immunity and the ship is gonna sink, couldn't happen to a nicer group of republicans.
ReplyDeleteSo Christie cried. Why, because Springsteen discovered he'd been had and chose to sing about it? BFD. My formative years were the sixties (Vietnam and Woodstock, anyone?) and musicians have been writing/singing protest and parody ever since I can remember.
ReplyDeleteGet over it, Rush. If he thinks stations are going to stop playing The Boss because of Christie's and hissy fit, he's crazy. This isn't country-western and the Dixie Chicks.
Mighty thin skin for such a fat guy.
ReplyDeleteA Fan From Chicago
Maybe Christie can cut the power at the next NJ Springsteen concert, in retaliation, and blame it on the need for a grid study, ordered by a high school buddy he barely remembers.
ReplyDelete"Supposedly" barely remembers.
DeleteOT, message to Gryphen:
ReplyDeleteYou might want to put this into context with a post. Many of us have long thought that the mainstream media was actually muzzled from (not just derelict about) discussing the many Palin issues, most notably her hoax on the electorate regarding her faked pregancy that was the symbol of the GOP bankrupt 'family values." At the expense of a disabled child.
Here, at 12:38:
is the author of the latest Ailes book saying that a Fox reporter who questioned the policy of shielding Palin from direct questions during the 2008 was humiliated and "punished," to use Gabriel Sherman's term.
Just as some of us suspected.
There is plenty of BridgeGate coverage but one angle that hasn't been brought to the front regarding the 'traffic study' was why wasn't it done with computer simulations instead? Great article that shed some light on the process which shakes the table more on CC house of cards.
O/T Sorry, but I'm often just overcome by nostalgia from "the good old days". Note: this article appeared right after Sarah announced she was quitting. Of course, there have been hundreds more of these cringe-worthy moments since July, 2009.
Wow, I almost forgot a few of them. but they're even funnier today than they were then! Beauty Fades but stupid is to the bone.
DeleteShe looked so shiny back then, what happened?
Gee, Governor Chrispie Creme in a "selfie" with two tickets to see Brooooooce! What does Chrispie Creme see in Broooooce? They have nothing in common. Bruce stands for the working man, Chrispy Creme stands for xxxxlarge suits, ties, and petty vendettas. Even his "friends" want immunity so they get a turn at the proverbial knife in his back. They learned the art of being bullies from the best, A little immunity goes a long way.
DeleteBruce never forgot his roots, he earned a lot by hard work and gave a lot back to Asbury Park and the State. Everytime I see Gov Christie, I want to photoshop "maalox" on the edges of his lips and put a pig nose on him. Stronger than the Storm, my ass. He wanted a semi presidential looking ad with himself, Mary Pat and the kids.
Sounded like a great Idea at the time.
David Wildstein Practically Begs for Immunity So He Can Spill the Beans in Bridgegate
ReplyDeleteRepublican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie appointee David Wildstein, who would not be in the Port Authority if Christie hadn’t had them create a position for his “friend”, is practically begging for immunity and promising to share more information if he gets it, according to the Associated Press via the Morning Sentinel.
Christie Made Up a Job For David Wildstein At Port Authority Because of Friendship
CNN reported on Thursday evening that after Chris Christie was elected to his first term as Governor of New Jersey, he gave the Port Authority a directive to place his ‘good friend’ David Wildstein into an executive position. Therefore, the Port Authority created a position that did not exist prior to Wildstein showing up on their doorstep: Director of Interstate Capital Projects. Wildstein was also introduced around the agency as a close acquaintance of Christie by Deputy Executive Director of the Port Authority.
Prior to Christie being elected to his first term, the agency had four executive level positions. After Christie’s election, the total jumped up to six. Presumably, this was for a couple of reasons. One, Christie was giving a friend of his a high-paying, cushy position because he could. Two, he wanted to have a close friend on the inside who would report anything and everything back to him.
Per CNN’s sources, Wildstein was essentially Christie’s ‘eyes and ears’ in the office. Christie felt comfortable with Wildstein that he’d tell him the truth and confident enough in him that he’d be able to get juicy information. With Wildstein’s past as a political blogger, he probably felt that he’d definitely have a penchant for snooping and digging up info. Obviously, Christie’s camp denied that Wildstein was being used to gather information for the Governor. Christie’s spokesman Colin Reed had this to say:
Port Authority Finds ‘Zero Evidence’ of New Jersey Traffic Study
ReplyDeleteAt his press conference over Bridgegate, Chris Christie said, “I don’t know if this was a traffic study that morphed into a political vendetta or a political vendetta that morphed into a traffic study.”
Additionally, the traffic study was cited as the reason for the closure of the lanes on the bridge during the New Jersey State Assembly hearings. It turns out that there is no evidence of a legitimate traffic study being the cause for the lane closures, according to the Port Authority.
In the Port Authority statement released on Thursday, the agency told Senator Jay Rockefeller ( D-W.VA), chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, that an appointee of Governor Christie’s did not seek prior approval for any traffic study.
The Port Authority wrote that it shared Rockefeller’s concerns and that the closure of the lanes on the bridge were “not in any way representative of the manner in which business is conducted at the Port Authority.” Furthermore, just as the Democratic Senator warned, the Port Authority expressed concern over the risk of sideswipe crashes, “The Chief Engineer raised traffic safety concerns related to the local traffic merge situation that would be created, including the risk of sideswipe crashes.”
Rockefeller also issued some bad news for the embattled Republican Governor today.
Michelle Obama is celebrating her 50th birthday Friday.
ReplyDeleteThe first lady is spending the day out of sight, with no public appearances after back-to-back White House events this week.
But she tweeted a picture of herself holding up her AARP card. She tweeted, quote, "Excited to join Barack" in the 50-plus club today . "check out my @AARP card!"
President Barack Obama turned 50 in 2011.
First Lady of the United States, Mrs. Michelle Obama, looks stunning at age 50. I would have thought that she was only 40!
DeleteFunny how some women look tens years younger than their age while others (cough, cough) look at least 10 years OLDER than their age.
Must be the vegetables and exercise. Oh, and also a loving husband and beautiful, educated daughters.
Rachel Maddow: Chris Christie may have just given up on the presidency
ReplyDelete“I’m not prepared to say definitively tonight that Chris Christie just announced he is not running for president,” Maddow said. “But, compare what he said with the way he usually talks about this thing, and it kind of seems today like Chris Christie announced he is not going to run for president in 2016.”
Christie was in the community to meet with victims of Hurricane Sandy, Maddow explained, when he said he accepted the job of running the state “for eight years, not four years” and assured the audience that “this is where I intend to spend the rest of my life.”
“That is not at all the way that Governor Chris Christie has talked recently about his immediate next few years’ plans,” Maddow pointed out. “Not at all.”
She then played various clips of Christie refusing to commit to serving out a full second term while in the midst of his re-election campaign, insisting that it was impossible to predict what could happen. The deflections continued after he won that second term, with Christie telling ABC host George Stephanopoulos, “Nobody can make those predictions.”
Rachel Maddow speculated on Thursday that New Jersey governor Chris Christie's presidential ambitions might be over.
ReplyDeleteChristie has been under fire since emails revealed that his administration ordered the lane closures that caused a massive traffic jam in Fort Lee, New Jersey. The revelations has observers wondering just how damaging Bridgegate will be.
On Thursday, Maddow suggested that the scandal has been damaging enough to make even Christie re-evaluate his chances at the White House. "I'm not prepared to say definitively tonight that Chris Christie just announced he is not running for president," she said. "But compare what he said with the way he usually talks about this thing, and it kind of seems today like Chris Christie announced he is not going to run for president in 2016."
She was referring to a public appearance where Christie told Hurricane Sandy victims Thursday that voters elected him to run the state "for eight years, not four years" and that New Jersey "is where [he intends] to spend the rest of [his] life."
Maddow compared those statements to older clips of Christie refusing to say whether he would serve out a full term as governor and saying "We'll see what happens" when asked his future plans.
Isn't Christie also being scrutinized for how Sandy funding has been handled??
DeletePeople may overlook or forgive him for creating a horrendous traffic jam for political retribution, but they will NOT forgive him for playing games with storm recovery funds.
Delete'President Chris Christie': How Does That Sound Now?
ReplyDeleteJust when you think you've seen everything in American politics another story line develops where fact is wilder than fiction. From the time he was first elected New Jersey governor in 2010, the corporate media gave mad love to Chris Christie. He was a "new" kind of Republican and possibly the next president of the United States.
And then: Poof!
Governor Christie is revealed to be the mean-spirited bully his liberal detractors always knew he was. And since he's the chairman of the Republican Governors Association and was widely considered to be the GOP frontrunner for the presidential nomination in 2016, he has become a total disgrace and embarrassment not only to the state of New Jersey, but also to the national Republican Party.
David Wildstein, Governor Christie's high school buddy who he set up at the Port Authority as the director of interstate capital projects, through his attorney, Alan Zegas, indicated at the recent hearing before the New Jersey Assembly (where Wildstein pleaded the Fifth) that his client is too smart a fellow to become Christie's Fall Guy.
Toward the end of the hearing, Zegas made it crystal clear:
Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas
ReplyDeleteAmazon.com Sales Rank: 22895
Here's some great news!
ReplyDeleteTed Cruz Would Get Absolutely Destroyed By Hillary Clinton in 2016 Per PPP Poll
In a poll released by Public Policy Polling on Thursday, New Hampshire voters favored Hillary Clinton overwhelmingly to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in the Presidential election in 2016. The results weren’t even close for Cruz, as the poll showed Clinton leading by 19 points, 51-32. While this is just one state, it is also an important primary state. The poll also showed Clinton with double-digit leads over Jeb Bush, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio.
How were the voters in New Jersey so hoodwinked about this guy? He is a proven bully (via videos), abrasive, not physically attractive, has a huge ego and would not garner like majority votes in other parts of the US!
ReplyDeletePlus, he didn't do a commendable job in his first term! They have high real estate taxes, high unemployment, the shore has not be cleaned up in certain areas (minority) and there has been no analysis of 'where the money went' for the cleanup!
Sounds like people didn't question him - don't understand it!
He will never run for POTUS and would never be elected!
Actually, if you look at this stupid pig's statement about the Boss from a different angle, it could be taken as a badge of honor. It seems that only those who do a decent job are attacked by Limpballs - or at least, with as much fervor!
ReplyDeleteRush is dissing the Boss? He sure has a high opinion of himself, doesn't he? Springsteen;s fans should flush Rush.
ReplyDeleteI doubt there are that many Bruce fans who would 'follow' Rush anyway. Bruce attracts a well educated, sensitive, civil crowd. Not exactly Limpy's audience.
DeleteA Milder Chris Christie? Don't Expect It to Last
ReplyDeleteTo a greater degree than with just about any other contemporary politician, it's never been so much about what Chris Christie says as how he says it.
The New Jersey governor's rapid ascent to the upper echelon of American public life was built largely on his forceful -- and often intentionally provocative -- personality.
In carefully cultivating his image as the antidote to bland, poll-tested politicians who have turned off so many voters, Christie has always sought confrontation rather than shrunk from it.
His bravado-saturated “YouTube moments” have turned off some voters, but the Republican’s convincing triumph in a blue state last November demonstrated clearly that many more people -- in his home state, at least -- are receptive to his Jersey tough-guy shtick.
Since the outbreak of the Bridgegate scandal, however, that trademark swagger has been in short supply.
During last week’s marathon press conference, Christie visibly choked back his emotions, repeatedly reiterating the “sadness” he felt over revelations that an aide and two appointees were responsible for traffic jams on the George Washington Bridge in an act of apparent political retribution. Christie informed anyone watching that they were looking at a “sad guy standing here today.”
In stark contrast to the finger-wagging bombast for which he is known, Christie slouched at the podium, as if to emphasize the extent of his contrition.
And in his State of the State speech earlier this week, the robust confidence and snappy one-liners from previous years’ addresses was gone entirely. Instead, the Garden State Republican offered up a mostly flavorless defense of his administration’s record and a laundry list of generally noncontroversial proposals for his second term.
These efforts to strike a humble note, at a time when the “bully” label has threatened to sink him, seemed to be by design. But this shift in tenor raises the question: Does a kinder, gentler Chris Christie risk losing everything that was appealing about him in the first place?
The answer appears to be that this toned-down version is a temporary aberration, not one built to last.
Bruce has never kept his politics hidden, he has always been a progressive democrat and if Christie didn't know that he is as dumb as Baldy Hollywood.
ReplyDeleteAs far as drug addict Rush calling Bruce "low rent", well as my Mom used to say "look at the source". This source, Rush, is nothing but a low life felony druggie.
But like always, Republicans are trying to interfer and complain about someone elses freedom of speech.
Enter The Alligator: Christie's Bridge Lawyer Has A 'Merciless' Reputation
If he's 'innocent' why does he need to hire this animal?
Oh he needs a lawyer alright. His "loyal" former employees are ready to sing for immunity. Bye, bye Christie! He'll be lucky not to end up in prison.
DeleteLOL, Wildstein says for immunity he will reveal anything the investigators want. Oh,oh, not a good day to be a NJ Governor!
ReplyDeleteChristie's Office Served With Bridge Investigation Subpoena
20 subpoenas issued in N.J. bridge scandal
ReplyDeleteA newly formed special state committee investigating the George Washington Bridge scandal issued 20 subpoenas Thursday, including several to key staff members of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
The legislative committee sent subpoenas to 17 individuals and three institutions. None was immediately named.
Assemblyman John Wisinewski, who is leading the investigation, said no names would be revealed until the recipients were officially served. That could happen Friday.
A New Jersey Senate committee is also investigating whether Christie's top advisers orchestrated or covered up lane closures near the bridge for political purposes.
Rush is appalling. The sick,low ,sordid places his mind reaches down to are truly frightening.
ReplyDeleteLimbaugh and the tea party have never forgiven Christie for behaving like an adult when the President
ReplyDeletecame to New Jersey.
Apparently, Christie should have refused to meet with Obama.
To make matters worse , Christie did something unforgivable to the Limbaugh crowd.
He touched Obama.
These ignorant ( and no doubt racist ) throwbacks , like Limbaugh and the tea party , actually admit publicly
that they hate Christie because he " hugged " Obama.
I'm not sure what the two men did was " hug ", they shook hands and clasped shoulders .
At the time, Limbaugh described the two as showing
" man love ".
Limbaugh also wanted Christie to refuse to take the call from Air Force One and to hang up on Springsteen.
The Springsteen bit on Fallon was funny , it wasn't full of hatred like the garbage Limbaugh does.
Politics aside- there is a decorum expected when one meets and interacts with a superior .
Whether it's family, business or politics.
The POTUS trumps a Governor and you can have severe political differences, but, you don't act disrespectfully.
I don't recall any Democrat Governors being disrespectful to Republican presidents.
Now, the Levin, tea party crowd is demanding the Republicans boycott or stomp out of the State of the Union speech next week.
Maybe Ted Cruz will lead the parade of jaw dropping rudeness.
Speaking of Christie , maybe the tea party should Google
"Jeff Christie " and " arrested for gay pandering on Winthrop Street " . Hmmmmm.
...Questions have previously been raised about O'Toole's role in possible efforts to counter the mounting scandal over the lane closures. On Nov. 25, O'Toole's office issued a press release criticizing Democrats for holding a "discriminatory" hearing about the lane closures "without addressing why [the] rest of New Jerseyeans must endure Fort Lee induced traffic every day."
ReplyDelete“Today’s hearing is an example of the type of government waste that happens when out-of-touch Democrats try to score political points against an ever-popular governor,” O’Toole said in a statement included in the press release. "Five legislative districts in this state have more commuters who use the bridge than Fort Lee, including nearly 6,400 from my District 40. … Are these New Jerseyans not as important as Fort Lee residents?”
O'Toole recently denied to The Bergen Record that he was part of any coordinated attempt to spin the bridge's traffic numbers and minimize the scandal.
Christie should be more worried about what his fired ex staff members are going to be singing in a courtroom thatn what the Boss sings on any stage.
ReplyDeleteThat Baldy Hollywood curse is really working.
The image of Christie as a tear-shedding super-fan is creepy.
ReplyDeleteWho listens to this fat fuck??
ReplyDeleteDespite his artistic and financial success as an international superstar, Springsteen has always remained exceptionally loyal to the state and the people of NJ.
ReplyDeleteChristie's administration (and likely Christie himself) are responsible for a deliberate, dangerous act of political retaliation and/or implied threat that hurt thousands of NJ residents and businesses, and could have easily cost lives.
I suspect Bruce Springsteen did not take kindly to HIS people being intentionally hurt and then hearing that those responsible actually gloated about the chaos they caused.
"but til then you're killing the working man."
DeleteWhat a laugh! Like Bruce Springsteen cares!
ReplyDeleteI think old Rush is just trying to suck up so Christie will give him all those clothes that don't fit anymore since he started losing weight.
ReplyDeleteRush who?