Friday, January 31, 2014

Former Port Authority official, and Chris Christie appointee, says that Governor knew all about the George Washington bridge closings as they were happening.

Courtesy of The New York Times:  

The former Port Authority official who personally oversaw the lane closings on the George Washington Bridge in the scandal now swirling around Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey said on Friday that the governor knew about the lane closings when they were happening, and that he had the evidence to prove it. 

In a letter released by his lawyer, the official, David Wildstein, a high school friend of Mr. Christie’s who was appointed with the governor’s blessing at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which controls the bridge, described the order to close the lanes as “the Christie administration’s order” and said “evidence exists as well tying Mr. Christie to having knowledge of the lane closures, during the period when the lanes were closed, contrary to what the governor stated publicly in a two-hour press conference” three weeks ago. 

“Mr. Wildstein contests the accuracy of various statements that the governor made about him and he can prove the inaccuracy of some,” the letter added. 

The letter marked the first signal that Mr. Christie may have been aware of the closings, something he repeatedly denied during thenews conference.

Many of you may remember that Wildstein has been asking for immunity since his appearance before the state assembly panel back in January which convinced me then that he had incriminating evidence to share.

With this revelation, if it is actually supported by evidence in Wildstein's possession, I think the end of Chris Christie's political career is a given.


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Wildstein more than likely a scumbag as well but if he can prove roundboy knew about it all along, I say give the guy amnesty.
    You don't walk with Chris Christie, you walk among him.
    Legend has it that he once killed a dog with his shadow.

    1. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Yup, go after the big fish.

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      I find it amusing that Christie THOUGHT his biggest problem in getting in to the WH was hs weight!! Now all the repubs. like McCain, Romney and others will have to find a new "hero". Too bad their party is full of unethical scumbags.

  2. Anonymous12:17 PM

    O/T. The newsblog, TPM has a short story about Ms Palin blasting Peggy Noonan, again:

    The best part is in the comments, where a poster repeats a comment made back in 2008, about the spat between the two:

    34 Minutes Ago
    Time being limited lately, I normally wouldn't have bothered to click on this story; but I can't resist this perfect opportunity to share a terrific old post by the terrific John Cole, which includes a comment that ranks among the greatest single things ever written, on the internets or elsewhere:

    "Don’t forget the sexism angle. Noonan’s spent 30 years playing King Lear’s Dutiful Daughter — cheerleading every nasty, wrong-headed, short-term-goal-oriented attack on the Reality-Based Community. She’s been the Go-To Lady Intellectual for the fReichtard/Robber Baron points on the GOP triangle coalition, working tirelessly to keep the "Daddy Party" in power, happy to sell her soul (or at least her intellectual integrity) for a pat on the head from this year’s Big Poppa Reagan avatar. And after all these years & all these efforts, Daddy McCain chooses his idea of the perfect female Republican… and she’s a perky, half-bright, vicious little rodent with a big beauty-pageant grin, a bottomless sense of entitlement, and a string of trailer-park relatives. In Noonan’s political soap opera, Palin has shown up as the Evil Trophy Wife/Stepmother who turns Big Daddy’s head with her meritricious charms as she schemes to destroy the GOP Family Brand for her own benefit & that of her witless, trashy kinfolk."
    Comment #47, by the immortal Anne Laurie; flawless on both Noonan and Palin. And I've never had to bookmark it, because how can you ever forget the phrase "perky, half-bright, vicious little rodent"? :Perfect.'

    1. abbafan1:27 PM

      "Perky, half-bright, vicious little rodent with the big beauty pageant grin". Truer words could not have been spoken! Fuckin' A Bubba! I love intellectual discourse; since the palins are too fuckin' stupid to decipher that juicy tidbit! The shit-for-brains morons have to pay some half-witted fools (Brancy, RAM) to twist its meaning to suit themselves!

    2. Anonymous1:55 PM

      I've always considered her vermin...

    3. Anonymous3:44 PM

      That there was a thing of beauty! Up fist X 10

    4. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Beauty is only skin deep!!! She's losing it as she is aging and the evilness is showing through!

  3. No way in hell I'm missing Rachel Maddow tonight!!

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      but but the alaska aces are playing the idaho steelhead tonight at the sullivan - game 2 of a three game series

    2. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Maddow needed more tonight than the Aces!

    3. Anonymous2:17 PM

      aces first, i'll catch rachel later on in the eve - enjoy

    4. Anonymous1:42 PM

      I don't think they run her late in the evening on Friday nights? Could be wrong, but think it is the continual 'prison' thing.

      Hope you had fun at the Aces! From what I read, they have a great season going.

  4. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Do we trust that the evidence of Christie involvement won't 'disappear' if Wildstein gets Port Authority financial assistance and indemnity?

    I wish I wasn't so suspicious but I don't think people in legal jeopardy usually make a public display of wanting immunity.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      I think he would not look credible if he changed his tune after geting Port Authority financial assistance.

      I don't think Foye would agree to financial assistance for Wildstein. There's nothing in it for him. And it would look like the Port Authority had something to hide and create more scrutiny.

      People ask for immunity all the time.

    2. Anonymous2:36 PM

      He isn't going to go to jail for the fat boy, he will talk.

  5. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Not just the end of Chris Christie's political career. It might be the beginning of a slow walk to a minimum security prison for a couple of years. He's gonna need a really big jump suit. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. And trust me, being from Illinois I know about crap Governors.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      He can look on the bright side, with a prison diet he should be able to control his weight :)

    2. Anonymous10:06 PM

      me too!

  6. Anonymous12:33 PM

    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's (R) former campaign manager will plead the Fifth Amendment when he is asked about his role in an apparent plot to create a traffic jam in Fort Lee, N.J., according to a filing from his lawyer.

    The campaign manager, Bill Stepien, was one of two people disciplined for his actions related to the access lane closures, shortly after the apparent scheme was disclosed in a series of e-mails and text messages. While then-deputy Christie chief of staff Bridget Kelly was fired, Christie told Stepien to end his contract with the Republican Governors Association, which Christie leads, and not run for state party chairman.

    See letter about pleading the fifth from Stepiens' lawyer here:

    1. hedgewytch6:29 PM

      When he did that I knew he had the goods and he had them solid. Stepien decided that no, he wasn't going to be tossed under the bus for his HS friend. Nope, he decided instead to protect his ass from jail as best he can and sing, sing, sing. What a popcorn moment!

  7. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Spring must be right around the corner as I hear birds singing!

    1. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Are they jail birds?

    2. Anonymous3:01 PM

      2:36 LOL !! Where is Darrel Issa when there is something REAL to investigate?

    3. Anonymous3:13 PM

      must be, I got 8" of snow...

  8. Anonymous1:02 PM

    So, he really was out moving the cones like he said.

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      He probably meant ice cream cones.

  9. London Bridges1:17 PM

    This is off topic but very important! George Zimmerman say he is willing to box anyone in a charity boxing match: How about Mike Tyson? But the truly significant thing about this is that Zimmy is bragging about his fisticuff skills. This implies that he could have easily fought off Travon and that he had no need to fire a gun in self defense. Of course George is as mad as a hatter! But ......

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      How about Zimmerman and Palin...oops, forgot...she'd not donate to any charity! She'd keep the money that was raised to add to her PAC that is dropping in donations!

    2. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Toad!~ Have him and the Toad in the ring. I don't even care if one or both gets a beatdown.

    3. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Chuckles Jr. will be looking for extra money to pay child support and also support his trophy wfe and new kid. The $$$ he gets from SarahPac will be drying up shortly.

  10. Anonymous1:24 PM

    There once was a Gov’nor named Christie,
    Whose panties were all in a twisty.
    “Let ‘em wait on the Bridge,
    While I go to the fridge”,
    The gridlock was what he called nifty.

    he'll move a few cones,
    and bury some bones
    but in the end he's still very shifty

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      What one evil, lying fraud! He kind of reminds me of the Todd and Sarah Palin team!!!

    2. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Chris Christie = Chunky Palin!

    3. Anonymous3:05 PM

      1:24 Very witty!

  11. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Sarah Palin Still Hasn't Forgiven Peggy Noonan

    Nobody holds (or exploits) a grudge like Sarah Palin. Just ask Peggy Noonan.

    Noonan, you might recall, couldn't hide her displeasure with Palin back during the 2008 campaign. The former Reagan speechwriter was caught on an open mic disparaging John McCain's selection of the former Alaska governor as "bullshit."

    When the campaign ended and she was free to air her grievances in public, Noonan wrote a devastating column in which she asserted that Palin "was out of her depth in a shallow pool."

    Palin still hasn't gotten over any of that, as she made clear in a Facebook post on Friday.

    "Great article, Peggy, but where the heck were you when I and other commonsense conservatives were sounding the warning bell in '08?" Palin wrote, referring to Noonan's latest column.

    "You joined the 'cool kids' in mocking and condescendingly criticizing -- ultimately demanding that we 'sit down and shut up.' Better late than never, though, Peggy and your ilk, because, meanwhile back in America..."

    Can Noonan see Russia from the doghouse?

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      From the WSJ column Noonan wrote after Palin resigned:

      'In television interviews she was out of her depth in a shallow pool. She was limited in her ability to explain and defend her positions, and sometimes in knowing them. She couldn't say what she read because she didn't read anything. She was utterly unconcerned by all this and seemed in fact rather proud of it: It was evidence of her authenticity. She experienced criticism as both partisan and cruel because she could see no truth in any of it. She wasn't thoughtful enough to know she wasn't thoughtful enough.'

      This and the rest of her comments still hold up, lo these almost five years along...

  12. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Watching Ed on MSNBC. Love Ed and he reminds me of "Lou Grant".

    This is the final nail in the coffin for Christie's presidential dreams.

  13. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Poor little Ann can't get over the fact that her loser husband got beaten soundly. No, Ann, we WON because YOU aren't in the White House...entitled bitch.

    Ann Romney has a message for the country that rejected her husband: Your loss, America!

    The Romney family postmortem/movie promotion continued Friday with Ann reflecting on Mitt's defeat in the 2012 presidential election.

    "I really believe this, you know, we lost, but truly the country lost by not having Mitt as president," Ann said during an interview on Fox News.

    She opted to be "polite and nice" and not comment on President Obama's second term, but said she comes across people all the time who are "still really sad" about the outcome of the 2012 race.

    The Romneys have had a ubiquitous media presence lately promoting "Mitt," the Netflix documentary that chronicles the former Massachusetts governor's two presidential campaigns.

    Mitt said earlier this week that his biggest problem in 2012 "was me and my campaign."

    "We made enough mistakes that we take responsibility, I take responsibility for those mistakes, and I wish we could go back and make it better, but time moves on," he said.

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      It's oka Little Offended Annie, we the people, or as you call us "those people" including the 47% are quite happy with Mitt staying home with you. Too bad about that 100 million dollar scam Mitty boy got caught in but hey, it's called Karma.

    2. Boscoe2:48 PM

      Mitt shouldn't feel too bad, there's nothing he could've "fixed" that would have mattered without a time machine. Mitt's problem was that he was an entitled wealthy elite cultist who clearly had no honest connection with reality and made too much of his money by the use of practices most of us would consider despicable, unethical and inhuman.

      Sorry Mitt, you can't change who you are. The apple indeed fell too far from the tree this time.

    3. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Methinks Lady Anne wanted the throne much more than her panty waist hubby. Didn't one of their sons say (after Mittens lost) "Well, Dad didn't really want to be President anyway" Fortunately for all of us, the sensible people voted.

  14. Anonymous2:07 PM

    I watched "Mitt" on Netflix. I had to re-start it twice because it was impossible to keep my mind from wandering. It was boring.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      x 1,000

      Gave it one star. They tried to make this robotic Mormon seem human. No go.

  15. Lucera2:28 PM

    ". . . I think the end of Chris Christie's political career is a given." Not so fast Gryphen. Ever hear of Rick Scott (R), Governor of Florida? There is no reasoning in the voting habits of many citizens. It's as if they have a masochistic wish for the country; voting against their best interests.

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      How about Sanford of the Apalatian Trail? Vitter of the crappy diapers and prostitutes?

    2. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Isn't Scott behind in the polls in Florida? He'll be gone!!! As will Christie! Only, Christie could end up in jail for a good number of years!

  16. Beldar Cone Conehead2:35 PM

    Isn't it somehow fitting that a man who so vibrantly loves his dead meat, is in turn, himself, now political dead meat?

    1. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Why, yes, yes it is!

  17. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Poll: Palin Would Beat Rob Ford In Bizarro 2016 Matchup, But Not By Much

  18. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Wildstein is the only one who could have covered Christie's ass. Ultimately, that job is too big for any one human being.

    Wildstein always looked shifty to me. His eyes are very close together like Bush's. He'd be the one I'd choose as the squealer ... unless there are ten million dollars on the table. I think it's funny that he's saying if he goes down then he's taking Christie with him. Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy year LOL

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Boy, they talk like they are members of the mafia, don't they! Wildstein, Christie and that little twerp that threatened to throw the reporter over the bannister in the Congress building in D.C.

      Fucking assholes - all of them! And,Republicans too - surprise, surprise!

  19. Our Lad2:55 PM

    "Fat fuck's gonna get us all pinched."
    "Jimmy Conway in Goodfellas

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      LOL, thanks for that..

  20. Hobokken No Jokken2:59 PM

    Enough shoes dropping to start a shoe store.

    TRENTON — The City of Hoboken has received a subpoena from the U.S. Attorney's Office regarding Mayor Dawn Zimmer's allegations against top officials in Gov. Chris Christie's administration.

    "The City of Hoboken has received a subpoena for documents and is fully cooperating," Zimmer spokesman Juan Melli said.

  21. Hey Wildstein.. Better think carefully about which witness protection location you choose...

  22. Hey Wildstein -- Ya better think carefully about which witness protection location you choose.

  23. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Stick a big ole fork in him. Then flip him over and stick a big ole fork in him again, because he is really, really, done.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:22 PM

      It's a damn shame that "The Butterball Hotline" doesn't work all year long, but I do know one thing, I ain't checking to see if the pop up thermometer popped up. I have a weak stomach, and MaryPat has about a fifty lb. advantage.

  24. Anonymous3:21 PM

    It's too bad someone in Wasilla can't come forward with the dirt on Palin. Christie is Minor League compared to Palin's unlawful acts.

  25. SHARON3:34 PM

    So I don't forget to mention.....Issa is actually going to be on Bill Mahr tonight. OMG I am sending my question to Bill on HBO as he better ask that piece of shit why he isn't insisting on hearings about Christie!!!! FFS....the shit storm congress had about Sandy relief money and everyday there are more and more subpoenas going out about just that. This is what that stupid committee is for, not the imaginary scandals they are desperate to tie to Obama...this is a major scandal. Why isn't the national media screaming about this???? Where are all the GOP and FOX screamers talking about Sandy relief money being misused?? This cracks me up, it is beyond a joke anymore.
    I was in NJ during his first election and the stuff coming out when he was a US attorney was really bad, corrupt stories. The same as what is happening now....nothing has changed. Rachel had the story about that sheriff Trout last night. Christie has been wielding this powerful sword of power for so damn long....he is a legend in his own mind. I will never forget watching his wife smiling and laughing right next to him while he screamed and bullied that teacher that simply asked a question. Never ceases to amaze me how damn lazy this country has become...that is how these lying scumbags keep getting elected. That famous saying about a true democracy needs informed citizens....ffs how many people are just too lazy to even vote.
    One more thing..check out Naomi Wolfe on the 85 wealthiest people vs rest of us.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      I saw him bullying that teacher also, I don't know Mrs Christie, she may be a nice lady for all I know, but I thought to myself, what's wrong with this bitch standing there smiling next to her lard of a husband, how would she feel if someone was talking to her in that manner, I can't remember a time when she didn't have that stupid smile on her face, watched Rachel Maddow show tonight, NJ Tax payers is footing the bill for Christie's $650 an hour lawyers, where the fuck is the teaparty? talk about government spending, if it was Obama they be out there with their pitch forks and signs, I swear I hope I live long enough to see darall issa get his just due, I wish I had HBO, Maher came up with an idea that will hopefully get rid of the bad apples in congress,...stay tune

    2. Anonymous1:10 PM

      7:51 I watched Bill Maher last night and have already responded to his new idea of taking down bad apples in Congress...i.e. McConnell (up for reelection in Kentucky), Issa, Cantor, Ryan, McCain (up for reelection), etc. Damn, but this will be fun to watch along w/the demise of Christie. He's going down and could so likely end up in jail for misuse of the Sandy funds! MSNBC is doing a hell of a job in investigating him...hope they all have good security around them because Christie acts like he is a member of the mob!!

    3. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Issa was horrible on Maher's show last night. He tried to be funny (found him flip!) and he fell flat w/the audience.

      He is one guy that should be gone after as to getting him out of Congress. He's out of California and a Republican in a majority Democratic state....should be pretty easy to sway things when he next comes up for reelection.

  26. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Wildstein is just a poor shmuck who was used by Christie. Christie doesn't have friends. People like him (Palin) have followers, and they use them as much as they can. Then they are tossed under the bus. I won't begrudge him getting immunity.

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Thing is Wildstein was a highly paid shmuck who advanced his career by planting his nose between Christie's hind cheeks. User just as much as he himself was used. He deserves whatever he gets. REPUBLICON

  27. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Looks like we must send out a new batch of subpoenas, this time over fresh and powerful evidence that the governor personally misused Hurricane Sandy funds to win an endorsement from a Democrat.

    This sounds like Hoboken in reverse. While Mayor Dawn Zimmer accuses the administration of withholding Sandy aid for political reasons in her city, the evidence in Belleville indicates that the governor provided extra aid for a mayor who was willing to dance.

    And here, the governor was directly involved.

  28. Anita Winecooler6:18 PM

    I was driving into Jersey for work today, and there was a long line on the bridge coming toward Pennsylvania. Now I know why ---- they're sold out on popcorn and stocking up for Chris Christie's "Don't Cry For Me Hoboken" moment.

    In the spirit of bipartisanship, I hope a few Democratic friends who know things spill their guts. .

    Hey Chris, I know you're not a bully and all that, but you need to pick better friends to give cushy jobs to, just sayin!

  29. LisaB25958:19 AM

    Of course he knew about it, just like Palin knew all about and actively participated in Troopergate.

    Underlings just don't do things like this without a blessing. It's their fucking job not to fuck shit up for their boss.

  30. Anonymous6:46 PM

    a rich man and a poor man are standing at the pearly gates.the rich man enters first.a Big party is thrown for the rich man.the poor man enters big party is thrown for him.curious,he turns to st peter and asks,why the party for the rich man,but not for him?st peter replies,we get poor people every day.


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