Friday, January 24, 2014

In the attacks against Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis the Right Wing has decided to bring out the big guns. That's right they unleashed the Bristol!

Get a load of this from Brancy's blog:

If you aren’t paying attention to Texas politics right now, join the crowd. But the Democrat running for governor is just so awful you have to pay attention. Wendy Davis rose to the top of everyone’s minds because her story was so compelling. This CNN headline summed it up: 

CNN: Wendy Davis: From Teen Mom to Harvard Law to Famous Filibuster 

Turns out, she lied about much of her “pulling herself up by her own bootstraps” story. Actually, she found a man to marry her, pay her way through college, and then through Harvard Law School. The day after he paid the last bill, she left him. By the way, she left her kids too. She said, “it’s not a good time for me right now” to be the custodial parent. 

Is everyone paying attention? This woman is the hero of the Left? A woman whose ambition and ego were so big she couldn’t have both a career and kids at the same time. (Yeah why couldn't she fake a pregnancy and have an extra kid while running for office like Bristol's mom?)

Gosh, children are sooo inconvenient, huh? I’m glad my mother didn’t put motherhood on the shelf when she was elected to City Council, then became our mayor, then Governor. Oh sorry – I mentioned my mother… Have you liberals gone into a tail spin of hate already? Did I lose you? 

I know you would rather think about Wendy Davis, so let’s get back to her. She’s more your type of woman. She left her kid, husband, made it into a false “made-for-tv-movie-type-tale” and then demanded that Texans have the right to kill babies. That’s the woman you libs can really get behind! 

Let me be clear. I think it’d be so nice to have a husband take care of me, and my son, so I could attend school. (Any school — let alone, Harvard!) 

But the way Wendy Davis did it – by getting married and leaving him as soon as the ink dried on his last check – is downright pathetic. 

Plus, it perfectly shows that – no matter what they say – feminism is a farce. If you truly believe in strong, independent women, you’d be a conservative. 

This from a family where virtually EVERYTHING about their lives, achievements, and even the birth of their children is made up?


Hell even this blog post is written by somebody other than a Palin.

Ironically the article that Brancy links to, is really not that  negative.

It points out some inconsistencies in her biography and quotes an an anonymous colleague saying things that are not terribly flattering, but overall her campaign and story are supported by her children, her ex-husband, and the majority of the facts.

Is there ANY Palin family member who could say the same?

Look if the Right Wing wants to smear this woman, and holy shit do they, then they better find a better mouthpiece than Bristol "I use up men and toss the aside like tissue paper" Palin.

However it is worth pointing out that lightweight Bristol is only one member of the pitchfork wielding horde unleashed by the Right, which tells me that they are panic stricken over this woman and terrified of what her election as Governor of Texas might mean for that state and the Republican party in general.  

And yes that definitely makes her a "woman that the libs can really get behind."


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Fuck Bristol

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      And fuck Nancy, too.

    2. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Nancy 'Mister Ed' French is as juvenile as the Bastard Maker Bristol. Bristol, why don't you ever acknowledge your other Babies? You, who has never had a Husband, should STFU about anyone else's. Your Trial Daddies all hit and run? Close your Legs, and you will not have the problems that you have had with young men. How old is your DWTS Baby? When is your newest Bastard due, or has it been born already? Your Sorry Mom is too old to Fake another Tri-g Pregnancy for you or Willow, or next in line Piper. You Palin Sluts should never criticize other women about their relationships. You Promiscuous Skanks are experts at Fatherless Babies.

    3. Anonymous12:54 PM

      Uh, I doubt Bristol could get into community college, much less Harvard.

    4. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Fuck Bristol?

      That's what got Levi in this mess!

    5. Anonymous3:18 PM

      I don't think Wendy fucked her way across TX so I really don't care.
      Barstool on the other hand kicked out of Juneau HS for Sex and Meth along with Wallows not a rape threat as mommy dearest says, and both of them fucked their way across Alaska. Why do you think they can't find husbands?
      RW smears.
      Fuck those whores!

      Wendy Davis next Gov of Great state of TEXAS!

    6. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Fuck Sarah for using "Bristol's" platform as her alter-identity. Same thing as when she wrote letters to the editor and then had other people sign them.

    7. Anonymous5:33 PM

      I believe you've spelled her name incorrectly, Gryphen. It's B-I-T-C-H-T.-O-L

  2. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Bitch looks like a large mouth bass.

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Just noticed the upper lip, now... what's next to be augmented do you think?

    2. Anonymous12:39 PM

      That's exactly what my fisherman husband said when I first showed him the pic.

    3. Anonymous1:16 PM

      skank looks more like a carp to me

    4. Anonymous2:05 PM

      It's an old pic. Now bitch looks like a large-mouth cow in the middle of a drought, all skin and bones but still somehow with tits.

    5. Anonymous2:14 PM

      At this point, there's nothing cosmetically that will make Beefy more attractive to a prospective husband. However, she might still be able to get a guy to screw her more than once before he hits the door running and disappears, if she'd have her expansive Hoo-Ha taken up a notch or two. "They" say (and there are many) that if you don't bring a two-by-four and some rope (along with OSHA reg hard hat, steel-toed boots and safety glasses), then it's too risky to enter the massive abyss 'tweenst her thunder thighs. And did I mention hazmat gear including breathing apparatus? The skank's stank will cause you to heave.

    6. She bares zero resemblance to the teenager we saw at the convention in '08. None. A total stranger. Was there nothing better to do with mom's money than to make herself look like a run of the mill porn star...?

    7. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Yeah, but 2:14 PM, what self-respecting man wants a pass-around pack?

    8. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Was Bristol in a car accident? What happened to her face?

    9. Anonymous10:12 PM

      Wendy Davis is HOT.
      Meanwhile I wouldn't fuck Bristol with Sarah palin's dick.

    10. Anonymous4:02 AM

      Cut-rate plastic surgery will NEVER work. Someone should tell Bristles and her "mother".

  3. Anonymous12:07 PM

    What the hell was Bristol thinking when she posed like that?

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      She was thinking Kardashian. FAIL!

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      She was trying to hide those ugly new bulges in her chin and jaw. Someone must have told her that that would work and she believed it. Could she be any dumber? I have cows more intelligent than Bristol Palin- AND with better morals.

    3. Anonymous2:16 PM


      I'll bet they dance a helluva lot better than beefy, also, too.

    4. Anonymous2:56 PM

      the next trouser trout she can kiss and then swallow whole.

    5. Anonymous2:56 PM

      "Does this dress make my chin look huge?"

  4. Anonymous12:16 PM

    My God, talk about a face only a mother could love or in this case use.

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      What mother would love that train wreck?

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      That is NOT a face 'only a mother could love' - she did NOT get it from her parents, but from a knife wielding money hungry third-rate cosmetic 'surgeon'...

  5. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Really BitchAll? You're just jealous cause she had a husband who cared enough about her to help with her college expenses. Ms Davis HERSELF earned her degree from Harvard.

    YOU BitchAll, had your Mommy Dearest pave the way and pay for your epic fails. You BitchAll will never find the husband who will love you that much. And I might add, your mother uses you for her selfie.

    So sad Sarah's MiniMe is such a tool.

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Both she AND Nancy French, 12:17 PM!

    2. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Not to mention, she was married to him for 18 years. Hardly the quitter bio Bicthtol's mommy $carah is.

  6. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Oh Holy Mother Of God, did we not see this coming? Don't even get me STARTED on how I could rip ol' fish lips to shreds on this one! She's one to talk about ambition (has none) and ego (aplenty).

    Mom parented while holding office? Since when? If she means the kind of parenting that produced drop-outs, delinquents, and knock-up daughters.

    "Made-for TV?" Says Bristol of the Candie's ads. Says Bristol of DWTS. Says Bristol of failed reality TV series.

    It would be so nice to have a husband take care of her, and my son? Yeah, well, the trial husbands all said "no thanks."

    Going to school? Going to school?!?!? She wouldn't be able to hack a community college let alone Harvard. Hair school it was, and MOMMY bought.

    Nice try, Nancy, but we know exactly who and what Bristol is and it's not the last paragraph.

    1. Bristol sure as hell didn’t write that herself. Besides, she tormented her kid by leaving a “Daddy” along the side of the road. Short memory, huh Bristol?

    2. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Bristol thinks it would be nice if she had a husband. Ain't happening. Bristol's milkshake brings all the boys to her yard but not to the preacher.

    3. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Has Skunk-Face Brisket EVER paused before she played? She's never seen a condom before. She just keeps pooping out the little bastards left and right.

      And Brancy sure is a shitty writer. What a career to have! LMAO at their combined stupidity.

    4. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Maybe THIS time, it was not Brancy who wrote the excrement of a post. Maybe THIS time it was Willblow...

  7. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I see barstool's tools now practice the same deletion of any comment that doesn't agree with her just like her skanky mama's fecesbook. They're getting very paranoid, I wonder why? Shit getting ready to hit the fan perhaps?

  8. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Is her chin growing?

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      That's why she had jaw surgery

    2. Anonymous12:50 PM

      I really dislike this girl almost as much as her mother, but more and more everyday, I feel like the palin's kids is damaged because of $arah, personally, I don't think this is bristol's way of thinking at all, and I say this because I read some while ago that she agreed to do something with FLOTUS, and $arah damn near shitted herself, and talked bristol out of it, I believe some people sat bristol down and told her let them run things (fb,her fake blog, etc...) while the money rolled in, I think all of this is eating the palin family up like a cancer, but they have to keep their mouth shut, whatever happen to the white powder they found at DWTS, her break down after the bar when the guy told her everything we think of her mother, that's the real bristol who broke down crying saying she wanted to go home to her mom, they would have us to think she's a political pundit? I'm not buying it, it's just a matter of time before it all comes crashing down on all of them, is it so wrong for me to smile when it happens?

    3. Anonymous1:00 PM

      She went under the knofe all right, 12:36 PM, but it wasn't for a jaw problem. Purely cosmetic.

    4. Anonymous2:29 PM

      It didn't fuckin work. She was cute before. Now she has that fuckin horseface that is an erection killer. Anyone desperate enough to tap that must be drunk first, turn off the lights, and collect their payment in advance (cash only). Personally, there ain't enough money in circulation to hit that.

    5. Anonymous4:07 PM

      12:50 PM, Colonel Parker ran Elvis' life and look where it took him, he died on the shitter at a young age. That talk about Bristol doing something with FLOTUS is a rumor, she has zero drive or independence except in fiction and planted stories. Since the whole family are all frauds and criminals, don't feel bad about things crashing down. They continue to harm others each day. Be as happy and celebrate like when Bush took out Saddam Hussein, when the Heath and Palin clan is finished off.

    6. F u, McCain!4:25 PM

      After Sarah Palin took the opportunity to provoke racial discord to the point where People shouted, "KILL HIM"!!! At her political rallies,

      I believe the President decided he would never allow any Palins near him or his family, ever.

  9. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Harvard? Who cares?

    Everyone knows the true measure of success for a teen mom is a dubious high school "diploma," a couple failed reality tv shows, and a string of trial daddies.

  10. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Wass wrong, Chin.. scared of a little woman from Texas? You know, a place your parents couldn't or wouldn't see medical attention for your *laughs and a *wink* "brother"? BTW, any lingering problems from your raging five month case of Mono?

  11. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Ha ha, this is so hilarious. Brisdul doesn't read up on the daily happenings in the world of politics. Can you picture it? I can't! I doubt she even reads what Brancy writes on her blog. IF she reads anything it's TMZ or who's had the latest plastic surgery and what the latest color of nail polish is for the season. That whole family is one big pile of fakes. It's like the Barnum and Bailey circus (just look at her face in this picture) and they truly think there is a sucker born every minute.... that they can cash in on.

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Mother and daughter are too dumb to write their own blogs. I think that's hilarious. They're just a couple of uneducated hillbillies.

    2. They're jealous of those who are educated, but they're personally too lazy to get off their asses to learn anything for themselves. Bristol and the rest of the Palin bunch are perfect examples of willful ignorance.

    3. Anonymous4:01 PM

      True that... Wasn't she caught at least once, where she spouted totally opposite opinion from what was posted on 'her' blog?

  12. Anonymous12:36 PM

    OT- Nicolle Wallace and Katie Couric--two of Sarah Palin's favorite peeps--will be together on the tv today. Also, too, John Fugelsang, Joy Reid, and Roseanne Cash.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      This should break bad for Sarah, or one can at least hope.

  13. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Wendy Davis didn't go around lying to her parents and smoking dope and spreading her legs for boys in tents either, Chinless Wonder. And her father didn't manage a stable of prostitutes on the remote North Slope where Boys Will Be Boys.

  14. Anonymous12:39 PM

    toooo funny !!! - like the inbred retarded skank, barstool, has a fukin' clue about who or what Wendy Davis is ... LMFAO !!

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Trout Pout having Harvard dreams? lol! Dream on, Fish Lips!

  15. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Brisket is just jealous because no matter how much her Mom pays her "bfs" none of them will actually marry her.
    The divorce rate is about 50%, many couples split after a few yrs and BTW what is wrong with the man having primary custody?? Nothing wrong about that at all. Unlike Brisket, most women think their child's father can and should play a large role in their children's lives.
    BTW Briskts Mom had 2 "whiteouts", many lawmakers , including Greg Abbot, Wendy's opponent would like to make that illegal.
    And BTW Brisket, keep your pointy chin outta Texas politics, we don't need an unwed teen Mom from Alaska telling us how to vote. And now I am off to make another donation to Wendy, I'm maxed out but my Dad isn't, I'll make the donation in his name.

  16. Anonymous12:41 PM

    As someone who lives in SC, where Gov. Sanford had his wife pay for his gubernatorial campaign, then went on his Appalachian-Argentinian Trail hike into the depths of another woman, I can see that Re-thug-licans are always about projection.

    Of course, they could forgive Sanford enough to get him back into government as a congressman for SC-1, even after he trespassed on his ex-wife's property. But when he prevailed against the much more capable and honest Elizabeth Colbert-Busch, who was on the ballot as a Democrat, you could cut through the hypocrisy.

    1. Anonymous1:12 PM

      My first reaction to this was that the GOP loves to get moralistic about Democrats but Democrats are not supposed to question any GOP candidates' past lives. Look at all of the unanswered questions about John McCain and family, about Sarah Palin and family, about Mitt Romney and family. We simply are not allowed to call any of them into question. God, David Vitter even got re-elected? On what planet should that have happened? Well, only in a heavily Republican state where family values get touted about but ignored by those doing the touting.

    2. Anonymous1:23 PM

      PPP polls (I believe that is the name of the group. They did the best estimates during the Obama 2012 election) all said that Colbert-Busch was going to win. Then, surprise Sanford wins. They use electronic voting machines there and as I understand it, there was no way to check the results. More people should have made a stink about this!

    3. Anonymous4:15 AM

      David (Diaper Baby) Vitter humiliated his wife on national TV. Now he is running for governor of Lousiana!! Good Lord, what the HELL do they put into the water down there that makes these people so damn dumb? Bristles Palin should keep her big fish lips shut, on BOTH ends!!

  17. Oh yes, devastating political punditry blasted out on facebook and blogs read by at least a thousand people. Wendy Davis must be shaking in her sneakers.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Actually, Wendy's ex-husband is pretty complimentary of his ex-wife. Says she's a good mom and he's proud of her.

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Bet they don't interview him on Fox. Or CNN. Or CBS (Fox lite.) Maybe Rachel can talk to him.

  18. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Wow, weren't Sarah and Bristol always pointing out how they felt that there was a double standard in the way that Palin was scrutinized more for being a woman than any male politician would have been? (I disagree, I say she was scrutinized more after people realized how totally unqualified the she was).

    Now she's out there claiming that Davis was a scheming goldigger? Hypocrite much?

    Also, the youngest and only child still living at home was a teenager. Teenagers are usually consulted about who would be best to live with. It doesn't mean that they don't love their non-custodial parent, it may mean that they don't want to leave familiar grounds, etc. And the fact that the child was a teenager tells me that this couple was married for a very long time, divorced long after Davis had graduated from college and started her own law practice.

    Just another Benghazi, Benghazi! ploy by the right.


  19. Anonymous12:44 PM

    barstool >>> ignorant, perpetually pregnant, inbred, retarded sperm burpin' bitch ...

    1. Leland3:34 PM

      I'm sorry, but if she were a"sperm-burpin' bitch' she would have all those kids! Wrong hole!

    2. Leland3:35 PM

      That should read "would not" have all....

    3. Anonymous5:30 PM


      it's called "DP" - skank don't care which hole's gettin' filled

    4. Anonymous4:19 AM

      Hey, Bristles, Wendy's mother did not have to buy her a boyfriend. LOOK at her, she is a beauty. Beauty and BRAINS a winning combination. When your skank mothers money runs out, what will YOU have to fall back on? Tripp is not getting any work in reality shows, you have no education or job training. Politics? Not with your background.

  20. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Her comment it would be nice to have a husband take care of her and her son so she could go to school is downright jaw dropping. So that's her excuse why she can't go to college? My God. With all that's been handed to her she could go to college purely as a frivolous hobby if she wanted to. But wait, that means work, real work.

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      At least going to college would justify the full-time nanny for Tripp.

    2. Anonymous6:34 PM

      She barely has a GED. She could get into community college (which is cheap and local) but horrors..they would expect her to do the work!~She hated DWTS because the rehearsals were too hard...imagine her having to sit through a math class. Poor baby.

  21. Anonymous12:52 PM

    When will Barstool rant about Mike Huckabee denouncing her cramp pills and inability to control her runaway libido?

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Bristol's a.....(gasp).....DEMOCRAT!

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM


  22. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Somehow, the name 'Brancy' doesn't quite capture the blog's purpose of providing a platform for Sarah's cowardice, deceit, manipulation, and perversity.

    Is there any other politician who takes on their child's persona to use as a target for public attack?

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      All payback for being complicit in the hoax.

  23. Anonymous12:53 PM

    And yet Baldy Sarah Hollywood Palin goes traipsing all over the country and leaves her minor children abandoned most of the time.
    And yet Brisket thinks it's okay to go to "skin school" in AZ separating her son from his Father.

    1. Anonymous4:21 AM

      Fore skin school would be more to her liking!! Look it up, Bristles.

  24. Anonymous1:02 PM

    "Oh sorry – I mentioned my mother… Have you liberals gone into a tail spin of hate already? Did I lose you?"

    No matter the subject of Sarah's facebook posts, Brancy's blog, or the trolls here at IM, the real purpose of what those morons say is to antagonize people into making comments about Sarah or Bristol or some of the other retarded people in their family. Ailes is quoted as saying that he only put Sarah on Fox to piss off the people who wanted her dead. They have nothing to say, they're only purpose is pissing people off. It's getting old.

    Sarah and Bristol go through ridiculous routines to look sexy what with the Belmonts, chin and cheek implants, botox, lip injections, sexy poses, skirts so short their ass shows, winks and coy flirting and whatnot yet they can't hold onto men. Of course they're going to come out against Wendy Davis who is truly a beauty with a brain and a REAL education when Sarah couldn't get a degree even after going to five different schools and Bristol can't get out of hair school. Of course all the Palins are jealous of Wendy Davis.

    Sarah, Bristol, Willow, Chuck, Sr. and Chuck Jr. ... none of them can talk, write or even read off of a teleprompter and make a lick of sense. But Wendy Davis? She made sense for eleven hours straight, without a break. She wasn't even allowed to lean on the podium with either hand. Sarah can't walk across a floor without bobbling around!

    Did even one "conservative" read any of Sarah's books? Did any "conservative" read Bristol's book? Any and all books that the low IQ Palin/Heath retards have published are full of lies and exaggerations. I didn't hear conservatives say one word about the lies in the Palin "books" so that tells me that either conservatives didn't read their drivel or none of them are honest enough to call Sarah and her family out for their lies.

    When Bristol's mama admits that she had an affair with Brad Hanson, admits that she slept with Glenn Rice, admits that she was pregnant with Curtis Menard's child when she conned Todd into marrying her, admits that she didn't give birth to Tri-G ... then I'll listen to what the Sarah says about Wendy Davis. When Bristol admits that Levi didn't rape her, then I'll listen to what Bristol says about Wendy Davis. Not that I'll pay any attention to either of them but just saying.

    Damn straight I'm behind Wendy Davis.

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Brava! Brava!

    2. Anonymous1:46 PM


    3. Anonymous4:24 AM

      Also, too, how much is fake Christian Nancy French being paid from the Pac ? How could a REAL chrstian associate themselves with this bunch of low-class, low I.Q. losers??

  25. Boscoe1:05 PM

    Why is ANYONE reporting this "story"? Why does anyone give a syphilitic rat's sphincter about anything Bristol says?

    I couldn't even bring myself to read it. Honey Boo Boo is more meaningful.

    1. Anonymous8:38 PM

      I SO agree. Looks like the lamestream media could give a rats ass about anything Sarah has to say through Bristol. Try again Sarah...they might pay attention if Trig "wrote" his own blog.

  26. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I think it's hilarious that Nancy is calling Davis a liar when not only dies Nancy is deceptive writing Bristol's blog and is deceptive throughout this post. Even the title. Wendy Davis did work and gave kids. Nancy accuses Wendy of abandoning her children in the divorce. But fails to mention they were 23 and 17 at the time and she didn't abandon them. She accuses Wendy if leaving her husband as soon as the last check was written to law school. That was a really 10 years after law school and the Liam was in his name. She could have walked before if that was her goal.

    Yes Nancy, lets talk about lying.....

    All this got my comments deleted once Znancy got ba k from stuffing her face at Chik Fil A

  27. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Bristol you are an experienced actress, will you be playing Bristol in the new movie about the Wasilla pimp?

    Currently in early development, the movie version of BOYS WILL BE BOYS is a fictional account inspired by the best-selling book, Boys Will Be Boys by Shailey M. Tripp (pictured) with Vickie Bottoms.

    "...a riveting tale of a single mother who will do anything to keep her children. Everything from a relationship with a politician's husband to prostitution, scandals, police cover-up, and so much more. Boys Will Be Boys bares it all." - cover notes

    1. Anonymous4:28 AM

      I already alerted Radar Online and Nat's Enquirer about this. Told them since the Kardasians are fading, there is a treasue\re trove of scandals in the Palin family to write about. When did $carah and Jethro divorce? How many kids does Bristles REALLY have? How many illigitimate grandkids (including Trig) does $carah REALLY have? Start digging.

    2. Anonymous5:22 AM

      Tell Bristol it's a reality tv show. She'll be there with bells on.

  28. Olivia1:13 PM

    I wonder how Bristol (Nancy) feels about John McCain's first wife and Newt Gingrich's first 2 wives and the circumstances surrounding those divorces. I am sure they were all over that too...right?
    Fucking hypocrites!

  29. Jim In Texas1:15 PM

    Hell, don't you damn people understand that living single with two kids in a trailer park for 6 months rather than for 18 months TOTALLY disqualifies you from ever again participating in the body politic? And discovering that you received your divorce at age 21 when you had (correctly) SAID that you were separated at 19? My God! I can never trust MY interpretation of YOUR story ever again!

  30. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Bristol, how dare Mike Huckabee talk about your uncontrollable Libido. Was he talking about Willow and Sarah too? Free Government Healthcare for all of you Palins and your Bastard Children, that is a crime.

  31. Anonymous1:24 PM

    So, Bristol can use her boatloads of reality show cash to buy a house but not to pay for college? Bristol can go to skin school but not college classes?

    This just looks like an attack on Wendy Davis. It's really Sarah shoveling passive-aggressive shit to deal with her embarrassment that Bristol's going to skin school.

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      That would be skin flute school and what not.

    2. Anonymous4:30 AM

      What about the boat? The cost of that could have paid for part tuition in a college.

  32. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Can you imagine that face showing up at a Hollywood casting call?

    Maybe at "Jaws Attacks Alaska, The Movie".

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Or the pre-quel to "Sharknado."

  33. Anonymous1:28 PM

    every time i see that pic it screams "the lights are on but nooobody's home, and they ain't comin' back ... either "

  34. Caroll Thompson1:36 PM

    I don't think that Bristol has to worry about Harvard. She won't be getting an acceptance letter anytime soon.

    As for Texas, she should leave it alone. Texans will decide who their next Governor is. If the Dems can get a good ground game going on election day, Wendy Davis has a good shot at winning. Texas is not the red state it was ten years ago.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:40 PM

      Your entire post is spot on. The first part was the best!

      Like Sir John Gielgud said in "Arthur" (to Liza Minelli)

      "I'd have to go to a bowling alley to find a woman of your stature"

  35. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Neil deGrasse Tyson: Republicans doomed to poverty because they’re ‘born into’ ignorance

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      deGrasse Tyson rocks.

  36. Anonymous1:43 PM

    even at the end Terri Schiavo had more brain synapse going on than barstool has on her best day

  37. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Is barstool even remotely aware that there's a blog supposedly "penned" by her ?!?

  38. Anonymous1:47 PM

    What a warped and vicious article about Davis. Her comments are exaggerated and shaded to attempt to prove her point. Seems like someone put her up to this. She has a bite like an asp - just like her mother. Pathetic.
    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Spot on, Pat. Does anyone think Bristol says "you libs?" My GOD I cannot imagine anyone putting a child through this. The money must be GOOD and she's been taught well how she's treating Levi in seeing Tripp.

      She was so fresh-faced and pretty at the RNC '08. Now you look at her and OMG.

    2. Anonymous8:40 PM

      You KNOW it's not Bristol talking. It's granny grizzly ranting you betcha!

    3. Anonymous5:26 AM

      It's Nancy French, speaking her twisted so-called Christian, conservative so-called values through Bristol. Bristol agrees to it because, even if she reads what Namcy writes in her name, Bristol doesn't really understand any of it, and does what she's told.

  39. Caroll Thompson1:50 PM

    What did Bristol do to herself; she used to be a pretty girl. Now, with all that obvious plastic surgery, she is not looking so good. What about those lips? Trout pout much?

  40. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Shut the fuck up Bristol.Fucking grifters.

  41. London Bridges1:52 PM

    Dear Ms. Do The Bristol Stomp: Recent research show hat wearing spanx may damage your organs: . In your case, it may have damaged your brain. Wearing spanx while pregnant has additional implications.

  42. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Vicious privileged know-nothing who lets other people speak for her because dense as a post. She and French must get a fresh injection of Sarah's elixir of snotty animosity every morning when they get up. This group is an unbelievable triumph of ignorance and arrogance.

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      It's called "postage."

    2. Anonymous5:27 AM

      Nancy brings her own snotty animosity.

  43. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I remember that Curtis Menard Jr. (or was that Curtis Menard II?) came into Sarah's office when she was mayor of Wasilla, telling her that she needed to be taking care of her kids. He was Track's god father (and yes, you can speculate about the rest), so he had reason to be concerned that Sarah's kids were being short changed.

    The problem for women is that they are expected to do it all-- raise the kids, take care of the house, contribute to the family income because one income just does not cover all of the expenses any more). It's OK for Dad to be off working all day long, and only spend a few hours with the kids-- but society still has different standards for women. The last person to be writing about women, feminism, and the role of a working mother and/or supportive husband is Bristol-- whose mother has been arranging her life and paying her way since Bristol was a teen. And, Sarah wasn't much of a mother if she thought that Bristol was a pregnant teen in 2007, and as punishment, took away her cell phone for a few days. Maybe some contraceptives could have controlled that kid's libido, thank you, Mr. Huck. Sarah paid little attention to her wild children, and Bristol seems to be blessed with full time help. These are not women who can relate to the real problems of real women, especially single mothers who have to raise the kids and earn money all at the same time. There ARE single mothers where there is an absent father-- not the situation for Bristol.

  44. Anonymous1:55 PM

    O/T: George Zimmerman has a new legal problem. hehehe I think George's IQ is about the same as Sarah's.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      What happened with that law suit against Sarah's PAC for misusing a copyrighted image?

    2. Anonymous4:23 PM

      2:28 : it is going forward... in NJ, not Alaska. :)

    3. Anonymous5:12 PM

      @4:23 It's not nice to take a copyrighted image, crop it, turn it from color to black and white, and slap your PAC logo on it-- especially when it is such an iconic image-- and the funds received do not go to the newspaper that holds the copyright. The money goes to a fund for the first responders who are suffering the bad health effects of working in that toxic mess. Who is Sarah hurting in her greed for contributions? The First Responders!

  45. .
    a shameless idiot, whose only accomplishment was to give birth to TRIG and thus give her whore-mom a prop that would fool most of the low-watt brains in the GOP.

  46. Anonymous2:02 PM

    With so many stories about the Heath/Palins, Bristol really had to chime in about Wendy Davis. I hope that Wendy's daughters had a good stable home and education with Rich Davis and their Gram helping.

    When Sarah was playing leader of the frozen world, her kids were not being supervised and were doing stuff that teenagers shouldn't be doing. Small town stories usually are mostly true....but the Palin kids were handed off to someone else to watch and raise. How did that work out for you?

    So, it would seem that Sarah really couldn't do it all. Really, no one can. Not even write books without a ghost writer. In his own way Levi was Bristol's sugar daddy by providing her with a way of tripping into some acts she would have never ever been considered for. McCain did the same for Sarah. Ailes/Murdock?

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Sarah still doesn’t do it, she has nannies, extended family and full time help alongside Toad. The rest of us? How many live on one income? I am willing to bet it is a very small group of women in our country who are able to stay home with their children for long. Most must work, juggling children, shopping, house and food prep work — managing as best they can. Sarah always had a nanny. That North Slope job of Toad’s brought in $125K at least and combined with a Bristol Bay fish permit add on another $100K. These were not poor people — ever. Sarah Palin is out of touch. She knows nothing about keeping house, keeping a job, and making sure her children performed well in school. She was checked out. It was clear to any mother who came in contact with her. It was all an act. Like mother like daughter their children are treated like accessories, thus the title: Caribou Barbie.

      So apt.

    2. Anonymous4:37 AM

      If $carah had a nanny, they did a piss poor job. Bristles had the 9 month mono, and had to go to her aunt's house. Willing vandalized other people's homes, and Track vandalized buses. $carah should sue the nanny, if there was one.

    3. Anonymous5:29 AM

      Sarah didn't have a nanny, her kids ran wild. I think Ivy Fry managed them when Sarah was governor, but for the older Palin kids, it was too little too late.

  47. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Hmmm... is Brissy testing the waters for a new reality show based on herself going to Harvard Law School with the show title being Legally Stupid and a Palin?

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Brisket couldn't pass the tests needed to mop the corridors at Harvard.

    2. Anonymous8:42 PM

      No. Mommy is trying to push Bristol into politics by writing for her. Bristol may go for it one day as she thinks it's all about the wardrobe, makeup and bumper sticker slogans.

  48. Apparently Brancy didn't like when I pointed out the fact that pimping her child in several Reality Shows does NOT equate to a J O B...
    Funny how it got deleted, not sure why.

    1. Giving away blowjobs doesn't make you a job creator, Bristol. Sorry, but your mom was lying about you being an "entrepreneur". You're just a skank. As if you didn't already know.

  49. Anonymous2:21 PM


    Gryphen, I just found your new best friend!!!!

    Atheist Senator Ernie Chambers Tells Religious Organizations: 'PAY YOUR TAXES'

  50. janice2:27 PM

    Did Bristol forget that Wendy stayed a lot longer then Track did with his wife?

  51. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Sorry Bristol, but most working women can't get behind what you say, because that photo of you with those puckered up fish lips says that you ain't a woman after one's own heart. Real women work and don't have the ego as big as yours, allowing photographers to click away while you try to look all glam and beautiful. Real women are busy taking responsibility for their children by abstaining from sex and taking time out to educate themselves, meet the right guy, then get married and produce. It's the bible way.

    I'd be pretty careful to spout off on other women; you cast the stones at those who have had so much less than you, and believe that you are pure and gold, but, your condemnation of others doesn't measure up to what a christian is.

    If you've received redemption and forgiveness, why are you atacking Wendy Davis' past?

    Nancy French, please stop using Bristol to spout your Phariseeical unforgiving unconcerned heart.

    1. Anonymous4:41 AM

      Nanacy French must be desperate for $$$ to write this crap in Bristle's name. Will Nancy's children be proud of her for promoting a low life family such as these Palins? The Failin' Palins made the mistake of thinking the lower 48 could be bought off like the Alaska authorities, and they fell flat on their faces. Most cities in the lower 48 have larger populations than Alaska. Not to mention, we are better educated.

  52. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Those idiots love guns so much they are shooting themselves in the feet. I read about a similar sexist criticism of Wendy Davis the other day, and it disgusted me so much I promptly made a donation to her campaign. I don't even live in Texas anymore. I can't be the only one who did this. It will backfire, Brancy.

  53. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Okay, let me get this right. A young girl with an (in)famous mother disappears with "Mono" for 5 months during the same time her mother does a poor job of pretending to be pregnant, barely graduates from High School, shows up on the national political stage looking rather "oddly pregnant" with an uncomfortable-looking suitor by her side, undergoes maxillofacial surgery for a purported "jaw realignment", does two stints on Dancing with the Stars (one of which she is, shall we say, uncomfortably large in her midsection), then does a reality show based on her bad judgement leading to her being a single mother of the (one child that she recognizes) then does another reality show with Melissa and Joan Rivers with her sister Willow playing her "wife" and epically fails in that show regarding the responsibilities of parenthood with the one child that she admits to birthing.

    Yes, this person needs to give advice to others: NOT.

  54. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Wow, that posting just screams hatred.

    "If you truly believe in strong, independent women, you’d be a conservative "

    Bristol would be a nobody if it weren't for her mother- just another unwed, high school drop out. Heck she couldn't even stay on DWTS if her mother's "fans" hadn't cheated.

    So I guess that makes Bristol a liberal !!!!

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      WHAT kind of loving mother would put a daughter through that? The national stage. The gorilla costume. The purple pregnant genie costume. I'll tell you, a self-serving bitch.

      My daughter had the same issue at 16. It happens and we openly adopted out our first granddaughter who will be 13 this year and thriving.

      My point is....don't give me your CRAP, Heath/Palins. I can see right through you because I've lived it. They are liars down to each and every one. They saw dollar signs and every damn one of those offspring will pay for it and pay it back later.

    2. Anonymous7:02 PM

      anon@553, And let's not forget, WHAT kind of loving mother, when faced with questions about whether she actually birthed a baby in April 2008, would opt to not do something totally extreme like release medical records or even photographs of her in the hospital with her newborn son, but instead would announce, my daughter can't be the mother of Trig because she's pregnant now! (As if the 2008 pregnancy couldn't have been kept under wraps if they'd wanted to? Give me a f*cking break.) That was the thing that sealed it for me: this woman is a total fraud and a grotesequely pathetic excuse for a mother.

    3. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Thanks, 7:02 PM. I can see 'em from a mile in heavy fog. Did NOT.

  55. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Look Bristle you lame fat cow stupid bitch.
    You could go to college too - financially anyway - except you are too fucking stupid. So don't be whining about someone ho went to Harvard.
    Also, the sooner you realize that you have always been nothing more than your mothers pawn, the sooner you can start to move on with your life.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Why didn't Bristol, Willow and Track go to college? Didn't multi-multimillionaire Sarah Palin say something about her kids not going to college and being in debt?

  56. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Bristol, it have a serious question for you....

    If you stand with your face into the wind, does your head spin 180 degrees to your back like a weather vane?

  57. Leland3:46 PM

    What's that old saying about people who live in glass houses?

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      The saying is:

      They shouldn't screw in canvas tents without condoms.

  58. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Oh goody, the daughter of Americas best known and notoriously ignorant lame duck politician is giving advice.

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Is this the same daughter who disappeared from high school and was sent away to live with her aunt like they did in the old days because of.... what did they say MONO?

  59. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I learned something new tonight. Chris Hayes said that Uncle Sugar refers to Uncle Sam who is a pimp. I then thought of the powerful pimp of Alaska, Tawd. How long does it take to bring charges against that rat bastard?

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Gotta wait until Sarah Palin's former Lt Governor and current state governor of Alaska to get his ass out of office before any indictments can be filed against Sarah and Todd Palin and friends.

  60. Anonymous4:25 PM

    How old is this Nancy French? Bristol is obviously a little immature but isn't Nancy a grown woman? She should be ashamed of herself for writing this about any person. I can not imagine someone so filled with hate is raising children, driving a car, out in society. I suggest Nancy set aside some of her ill gotten gains and seek some therapy.
    What neither Bristol or Nancy seem to realize is that Republican women in office work with Democrats every day in government. They lunch together, they are co-workers. This rant just serves to remind me that obviously neither Nancy or Bristol has ever had a real job where you have to work with others who may think differently than you.


    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      At the time that Nancy was Bristol's ghost writer, Nancy was 36, and lived in Tennessee (2011). Now, she's 39 or 40. She and her husband write right wing stuff, and Nancy also "collaborates" with others in writing their books.

    2. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Nancy and her worthless husband Dave are far right evangelicals. Nancy hates anything that doesn't conform to her narrow mind which is why she hides behind Bristols name and spews this shit.

    3. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Well um gee, Nancy, isn't there something in the Bible about false witness? Must not matter when there's money to be made.

    4. Anonymous4:47 AM

      French is obviously a true "strong conservative woman" in the best sense. She will go along with ANYTHING as long as it pays. No scruples, no morals, just spew the bile and get the money. Just like $carah.,

  61. Anita Winecooler4:27 PM

    Priscilla, Princess of the Dead Lake, pick up the poop in your own yard before spreading lies.
    This has been going on in Texas, a brain dead woman is forced to stay on life support because she happens to have a deformed fetus in her womb. She's on a ventilator and feeding tube despite her wishes. . For those who have trouble wrapping their head around that (Sarah,Nancy and Bristol) The woman is DEAD and the deformed fetus is being kept artificially alive. Her husband says there's no life in her eyes, her skin lost it's color and elasticity, and her room "smells like death".
    Don you now your "Right to Life" capes and swoop in to Florida. Terri Schiavo part two is about to happen on steroids and time is money. Make signs, petition the government to intervene, heck call GW Bush, I'm sure he'll lend his image to the cause! Imagine the heart warming blog post and adulation of the Right to Lifers!

    Proceed, Governor Davis! Turn Texas Blue and save it from the nutjobs!

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Along with the nutjobs, we do have some good Judges in Texas. A Judge ordered that hospital to get that poor woman off life support by Monday. I hope the freaks don't do anything to delay this which will only hurt her poor family even more.


    2. Anonymous8:47 PM

      My question is why didn't that judge do that sooner? Why did he wait one day after they found out the fetus has hydrocephalus. heart problems, deformed limbs and actually so deformed that you can't tell if the fetus is male or female.

      It was CRUEL to the family to keep that fetus in a dead deteriorating body for weeks on end trying to coax it to life in a zombie host.

    3. Anonymous4:50 AM

      I wonder who is paying the hospital bills, which must be huge? I doubt if all the Christian people wanting to keep the tubes on will contribute to help.

  62. Anonymous4:42 PM

    You people stop questioning why Bristol didn't go to college.

    Chin medical procedures, trial husbands and pontoon boats ain't cheap.

  63. Anonymous4:42 PM

    This is a LEVI JOHNSTON distraction. They must keep Bristol thinking that she has a blog and she is doing something.

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      How much money does Sarah's PAC pay Bristol to post that crap?

    2. Anonymous5:45 PM


      Too much money, they pay for her name in some kind of arrangement. After the bust and courts, years in the future it will be more detailed about how they do it and amounts. Bristol picks out a few shots and may write a sentence or two once in awhile. She does next to nothing, except when she checks out what others are writing. Mommy Dearest is in charge, when she is able.

    3. Anonymous7:46 PM

      If only "I" could go to school." Who the HELL are you trying to kid, Bristol? You don't even send your son!

  64. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Does anybody know what Caint Get Right is doing?

    Is he getting off his butt to earn a buck?
    is he going to college?
    Or is he hanging out at his mama's house playing video games?

    1. Anonymous10:04 PM

      Track 'CAIN'T GET RIGHT' Menard is the Oxycontin King of Wasilla.

  65. Anonymous4:54 PM

    That picture of Bristol is the best reason why people should think twice before surgically altering their appearance.

  66. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Nancy, Sarah, Todd or someone in the family, that can read at middle school level, please start reading Ice Palace by Edna Ferber to Bristol to keep her mind off of others. Also, they can form discussion groups.

    study group
    Watch Ice Palace (1960) Free Online

  67. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Bristol is proof that Huckabee is right about birth control and libido. If Bristol had just taken her birth control, instead of forgetting it, she wouldn't have had that raging libido, she wouldn't have gotten pregnant, and she would have already graduated from Harvard.

    1. Anonymous10:02 PM

      Bristol Palin graduate from Harvard? BWAHAHAHAHA, Bristol Palin couldn't even graduate from High School. What would her major have been, Making Babies for Single Mothers?

    2. Anonymous4:53 AM

      Then she could have given "the middle finger" to the rest of us!! (As she said on DWTS) Like, awesome and whatnot!!

  68. Anonymous5:13 PM

    First rule in the Republican campaign book: If you can't win on the issues, go negative and make it personal.

    Notice republicans do that a lot?
    Yeah, that's because they can't win on the issues.

  69. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Remember in Jan., 2011, when Bristol was hired for $20K to lecture at Washington University in St. Louis on abstinence only and the students there protested AND Bristol got canned? Good times.

    That was the closest she ever came to college. She never learned her lesson, never even tried to overcome her self-imposed obstacles. What has she done since 2011, when students her own age called her out on her hypocrisy? She has the nerve to post a negative about Wendy Davis getting an education while being a mom???

    Here is a comment from Huff Post on the Wash U article:
    "Bristol didn’t even graduate from high school, she may have a GED, that is it. Speaking at a college and getting paid to do so? The girl is lacking in so many ways I don’t want to even begin to get into it.

    Forget about paying Bristol $20,000. Assemble the students, put a poster up of Bristol and Sarah Palin, and it will be more than enough to get the results they are looking to achieve, for free. “Lack of morals, no values, uneducated, going nowhere, an accident waiting to happen, unmistakably mistaken, lacking critical thinking skills, asleep at the wheel, lost in space; Don’t let this happen to you! Be responsible for who you are and what you do, always.” Class dismissed."

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      I remember that!

    2. Anonymous6:00 PM

      I'm sure the Stool has seen the inside of a Anchorage dorm room during the last Great Alaskan Palin Fuck.

  70. Poor little frozen tundra pop tart. More fucked up that a football bat.

  71. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Wendy Davis
    Just another losing Texas Democrat
    Great description of her by Bristol

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Come on, Barstoll didn't write that.. Your SarahPAC donation paid the 'stoolz for profit prophet, Nancy French.

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Wendy Davis
      Texas is stupid
      So is Nancy French
      Bristol spreads for anyone
      $arah laughing stock
      Tawd pimp

    3. Anonymous4:57 AM

      Someone on this blog wrote about the Palins celebrating the New Year. "They start the countdown and at MIDNGHT, Bristol';s panties drop around her ankles"!! I think THAT happens at closing time at the local bars.

  72. Nancy French Sucks5:33 PM

    Nancy French, you really suck at writing. I have high school students who are far better writers than you are. Your skills are below mediocre.

  73. Nancy French Sucks5:34 PM

    Wow, Bristol, you are one bitter young woman! Holy crap, that screed was dripping venom. You are a sad piece of work girl.

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Why trial husbands flee when they figure it out. Who in their right mind would want to be a part of that? I felt so sorry that the bitch would trot her out on stage in '08. How embarrassing and she did it for mom. So fresh! I lost all hope for her when she chiseled her face. She bought in and her kids will pay the price just as she has.

  74. Anonymous5:51 PM

    brancy/bristol/skank can go fek themselves.
    the palins records are sealed yes? so no one can actually find out the truth behind their so called "history"-births/marriages/etc.

    come out from the sealed records you skanky skanks then you may be allowed to talk with the grownups. until then go whistle it out of your azz.

    peace out!

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Anyone that seals their records and wipes computers as the McCain campaign did, gee. Hiding much?

      Shay Tripp and Shawn's Mom "living the dream" of who these people are. They're toast because they KNOW.

      Evil INCARNATE are the Heath/Palins and every damn one that works or trolls for them.

      Constitution? Not EVEN. The LAST thing they represent and it goes deep.

  75. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Bristol's rant is very bizarre.
    Davis is involved in Texas politics and why Bristol feels the need to interject herself into
    that state's election is a mystery.
    Or more likely, Bristol doesn't fall far from the tree and will do anything for publicity,
    just like Mommy Dearest.
    It's weird that a 23 yr old uneducated and unmarried single mother has so much free time that she can waste it engaging in an odd attack on Wendy Davis.
    Anyone who watched Celebrity Wife Swap with Bristol and Joan / Melissa Rivers knows that Tripp is desperately in need of a structured home environment.
    Hopefully, the outtakes and show will be part of Levi's case.
    Instead of reading a book to her son, Palin attacks Wendy Davis in the typical ad hominem
    and puerile Palin fashion.
    Palin's line " Actually, she found a man to marry her,.." is really low road.
    " Found a man " ???
    Wendy Davis and her husband were married for 18 years.
    Bristol should be so lucky , although the pickins are getting slimmer every day as obviously
    not too many men would be proud to bring Bristol home to their mother.

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Bristol didn't write it, Nancy did. I don't even know what that blog is trying to prove since it's inception. Bristol is none of what it portrays and fancy Nancy accidentally left her calling card on a pic that solidified it's her. That is one effed up operation.

    2. Anonymous8:50 PM

      One of the only points of Brancy's blog ordered by Sarah was to make Sarah look better as a mother. It's still bugging her...everything written about Sarah's failures in politics and as a parent is eating her up alive. And we all know Sarah, she can't let anything go EVER without trying to get back at someone. Sarah Palin can absolutely NOT MOVE ON. That's her downfall and she keeps doing it. No wonder she gets no respect.

    3. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Sarah never met a slight she didn't like snd why AIles hired her bsck to piss people off. There's your "rill" America. MONEY, please, while we grift the stoopid.

    4. Anonymous3:46 AM

      Bristol does not write her blog. She is a puppet. They do what they can to teach her acting, that has also been a fail.
      " Found a man " is the Palin perspective. Todd makes the arrangements, what is in it for them?

    5. Anonymous5:01 AM

      I would LOVE to see a debate between Wendy and $carah!! Of course, $carah would never let that happen, since she is out classed in every way. The same goes for the vile Nancy French, the religious pretender.

  76. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Fugly, fugly fugly. Looks like Bitchtol has two pounds of nuts stored in her cheeks! Geez I can't stand this family!

  77. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Of course Bristol did not write a word of that, but also, too, with the exception of the Harvard thing, it sounds like Nancy is describing Sarah.

  78. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Didn't Sarah dump Track off with some family they didn't even know in Michigan for a couple of years; and Bristol with her sister for a couple years; Willow with a friend for a year; and isn't Piper living with her grandparents; and who knows who is raising Trig.

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Some mother that Sarah is. Why even have kids in the first place? Maybe for sex only?

  79. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Oh WHO will play scrawny brissy in the NEW shailey tripp film? The tripp license plate, the pillow, the stories. Oh this movie will be so great.

  80. Anonymous9:34 PM

    What's wrong with this family? A mother who's family is a mess and she sticks her nose in other people's business.

    A daughter who is a mess and she sticks her nose in other people's business.

    They need to worry about their own mess.

    1. Anonymous4:46 AM

      The daughter who refused to get the least bit engaged on that stupid tee-vee show she was on because she "just wasn't comfortable commenting on other people's fashion sense"?
      Or, oh, wait, clearly it's a different kettle of fish altogether, weighing in with your totally ignorant opinion on other people's life choices, as opposed to something serious like fashion sense.

  81. Anonymous11:08 PM

    FAMILY TRAITS. It was reported that while on the high school basketball team, Sarah would scratch and claw her own teammates in her desperation to participate as an "athlete". Fuck her teammates, only Sarah mattered.

    While a senior in high school and the boyfriend of Sarah, Todd and two of his buddies caught a junior high school black boy and beat him up. Put him in the hospital. Todd didn't like blacks and no doubt needed to compensate for his own inadequacies so fuck the child who was 3 or 4 years younger, only Todd mattered.

    While in high school, Track and a couple of his buddies slashed the tires and fuel lines of 46 school buses because Track didn't want to go to school the next day. Fuck everybody else, Track was the only one to matter.

    Bristol partied, got knocked up then changed the story to she "was raped" and "the father of her child is a deadbeat". She wasn't then and still isn't prepared in any way to attend to the needs of Tripp. She doesn't care about the father of her child even though he contributed to her having Tripp who she claims is the "love of her life". Bristol was cruel enough to put another boyfriend out of her car, leave him by the side of the road. Fuck everyone else, only Bristol counts.

    Willow led her crowd to the house of one of her parents' friends, broke into the house and had a drunken, doped up, sex party doing $30,000 or $35,000 worth of senseless damage. Fuck the rights of other people, only Willow mattered.

    I don't know the story of the Palin kids' involvement in sinking the boat that belonged to Track's and Bristol's friend but the story's out there. Another "fuck everybody else, nobody has any rights but mememememe".

    And then there's Sarah's brother who walked out on his wife and kids for a young student teacher that he knocked up. Fuck everybody else, only Chuck, Jr. mattered.

    Then there's the Wooten story where lots of damage was done to Wooten and his supervisor, Monegan. Fuck them, only
    Sarah mattered.

    And the story of Chuck, Sr., demonstrating in support of a teacher or the teacher's supervisor who hadn't taken action to protect the children after the teacher had molested several little girls. Chuck, Sr., had no sympathy for the children. Fuck everyone else, the Heaths / Palins "protect" their slimy, sleazy friends.

    And of course, Dar Miller, Curtis Menard, Jr. ... lives don't matter when they are weighed against the wants of the Heath / Palin clan.

    Who will ever forget the Gabby Giffords tragedy and the deaths of 6 people including a beautiful 9 year old girl. Fuck everyone else, Sarah needed to feel relevant when she put the crosshairs on the map. Fuck everyone else, Sarah was desperate for attention.

    That family is cruel, vicious, selfish, stupid beyond belief and it's not just a one generation trait.

    Fuck you, John McCain for not refusing to put that filth on the GOP ticket and for leaving her on the national scene spreading her hate when it would be easy for you to take her down but hey, the country deserves her filthy mouth because the country didn't vote for John. Johnny had a need for power, fuck the needs of the country.

  82. Our Lad4:55 AM

    It is unfortunately not astonishing that Mrs. Palin, who ,without question,has orchestrated this latest attempt to portray her daughter as a political scribe and analyst, would place this woefully monosyllabic slow witted young woman in this position. It clearly shows that Mrs. Palin realizes that her own intellectual limitations have not stopped her from achieving wealth and notoriety ,why not have Chubby Checker lower that limbo bar lower yet,lower,how low....can you go? For the radical right, low enough that a barely literate young woman without a single accomplishment in the arts or sciences, a person who probably did not even graduate from an accredited HIGH SCHOOL, and whose intellect suggests that she would likely be confused by a new pair of gloves qualifies for the position. Holy Father Of Kong, it's finally happened. It signifies the downfall of, well I dunno what but it's gotta be something.

  83. Anonymous5:00 AM

    "Last time I saw a face like that, it had a hook in it"

    Rodney Dangerfield


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.