Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mike Huckabee claims that Democrats insult women by claiming they cannot control their libidos. I'm sorry, what?

Courtesy of Slate:  

Our party stands for the recognition of the equality of women and the capacity of women. That's not a war on them; it's a war for them. And if the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it, let's that that discussion all across America, because women are far more than Democrats have made them to be.

Uhhh, WTF?

How is telling women that they can have access to birth control, and wanting to provide them cheaper health care service, and the right to control their bodies an insult to them?

And why is Huckabee so concerned with the libidos of women? He does understand that there is a part in reproxuction played by men and THEIR libidos does he not?

I mean the man has kids, surely he was there at their conception. Right?

However to be serious for a moment, THIS is where all of that anti-abortion stuff has always been heading.

The so-called pro-life movement is NOT concerned with protecting fetuses, they are concerned with controlling women.  They just use babies as a convenient ploy to hide their true agenda, which is to re-subjugate women and get them back in the bedrooms, the nurseries, and the  kitchens where they believe they have always belonged.

If you thought this guy, from this morning's post was an outlier, then you my friend have not been paying attention.


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Women use birth control for other health reasons not just to prevent conception...what an idiot!

    1. Which I find irrelevant to the conversation. GOPers are obsessed with sex - they must think about it - talk about it - night and day. They have serious issues with their life skills and associations.

      What a woman uses birth control for is her affair - it is not something that old white fools should be discussing - not anywhere - not at all.

      The pill was invented to free women from unwanted pregnancy - it was a MAN who provided the science and the research. He gave women a freedom that this fool wants to take away - because fat fool. That the pill has other health advantages is a positive outcome - that it gave women choice in their reproductive lives is something that millions of thanks can never repay.

    2. Anonymous6:40 PM

      he's probably alluding to acting responsibly and bringing religious beliefs into it. He's probably a prude and in the minority as far as humans go.

      I got through 3 years of undergrad and 2 years of grad school having 4 serious boyfriends and regular sex, with no pregnancies. I know my body and when to use safety measures.

    3. Anonymous8:58 PM

      Those that use it for other reasons such as Endometriosis, has always been covered, contrary to Sandra Fluke.

      It was only ever denied for contraceptive reasons. Even at Georgetown.

    4. Anonymous9:12 PM

      hopefully you use 'safety measures' consistently and correctly. Recent studies show that some women ovulate twice a month, especially in the 30's age category....doubling your chances of pregnancy.

    5. Anonymous10:37 PM

      WRONG, 8:58. I had to take estrogen pills to try to control heavy uterine cancer-related bleeding prior to surgery several years ago. I had to pay for them like any prescription.

    6. Anonymous3:34 AM

      I was on BC from the age of 43-52 because of extremely heavy periods, not because I couldn't control my libido. My husband had a vasectomy at 29, so there was little likelihood I'd become pregnant. My health insurance paid part of my BC . I still paid $30 per month. Huckabee is typical of old religious men. The republicans need to stay out of my bedroom .

    7. Anonymous5:02 AM

      Yes, 8:58 is wrong. I had to take estrogen for endometriosis and I had to pay full price. But my pain meds were covered yet ineffective. Once my estrogen kicked in, all pain subsided and I stopped taking pain meds. Why cover meds that mask the pain but not solve the problem because some male does not like the name birth control? Even my doctor said he wish that hormones were not called birth control.

      No man should be allowed to have a say in my medical treatment except if my choosen doctor is a man.


    8. Anonymous6:09 AM

      Thank you Mel68

  2. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Who the fuck is "uncle sugar"? And what would that old dick do with his viagra?
    Maybe we should send the Palin girls pics to him as examples of women who can't "control their libido" to make him stfu!

    1. Balzafiar6:17 PM

      "Uncle Sugar" is a term for the US Government.

    2. SHARON12:34 AM

      I love your comment 4:48.....simply brilliant!

  3. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Why anyone would follow the horrible remarks of this fat ass, is beyond me! He's a 'has been' and no longer relevant to our society!

  4. FEDUP!!!4:54 PM

    I have said this more often than I care to remember: "we live in an upside-down world, where up is down, black is white, good is evil... "


    1. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Me too! The Gabriel Sherman book about Roger Ailes explains how a lot of it is,and was, allowed to happen. G has a post about it further down. Mind boggling.

  5. Anonymous5:33 PM

    The man has kids--one of them tortured and killed a dog for fun.

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      So you look at his history but not Wendy Davis?

    2. The blog post is about HuckaFuckhead, not Wendy Davis nor your mother. Try to keep up, dimwit.

    3. "Anonymous9:01 PM
      So you look at his history but not Wendy Davis?"
      Of course we looked at Wendy Davis's history, dumbass. That's how we knew immediately that what you stupid right-wingers were spreading was pure bullshit.

      Do try to develop some critical thinking skills, you silly dolt.

    4. Anonymous8:28 PM

      9:01 PM Palin Libido Queens with Bastard Babies and Trial Daddies. You Palins don't compare with an educated woman like Wendy Davis. Your Jealousy shows with every comment. Wendy Davis and her kids have accomplished much more than you Wasillabillies will ever dream of. Your Mom is a Failure as a Mother, a Politician, and a Hollywood wannabe. Your Pimp Daddy is a Bi-sexual Wimp.

  6. Boscoe5:37 PM

    -facepalm- Wow... just... WTF. It continues to astonish me the way these rightwing morons make these proclamations, and try to pitch these ridiculously contrived storylines all while clearly having not considered the wants, needs and feelings of the group they think they've actually got a shot in hell of selling their hot mess to.

    They *actually believe* they can tell minorities that racism is over and if they're having problems that's only because they're shiftless and lazy, and call it "outreach".

    They *actually believe* they can tell the lower 95% of the income scale that what we really need to do to improve the economy is to further deregulate banks and capitalism. You know, exactly the things that tanked the economy. But THIS time it'll totally work!

    They *actually believe* they can tell the unemployed, the poor and the suffering that deregulation and tax cuts for the wealthy, combined with massive cuts to aid programs is in their best interest and will magically create jobs and security for them. You know, because the rich hire people out of gratitude for lower taxes. Or something.

    They actually believe they can simultaneously tell us that 30 years of proof that conservative ideas damage the economy never happened and also was really the fault of democrats.

    And they *actually believe* they can tell women that ideas like having CSI investigate their uterii as a potential crime scene in the case of a miscarriage, defunding centers that provide vital health services to women, and making sure they continue to pay more for their health care than men is actually a fight for THEIR rights, and it's the LIBERALS who hate them!

    Seriously, conservative thinking is a mental illness. How much more proof do we need?

    1. Anonymous9:14 PM

      There are plenty of educated but amazingly stupid people who bought the party line. They truly believe racism does not exist because we have a mixed race President. These people are the ostriches of society with their heads continuously in the sand.

    2. Anonymous3:48 AM

      The GOP leaders know that what they say they "actually believe" is just fodder for their followers. What they "truly believe" is that they could care less about the 99%. They want it all for themselves.

    3. Anonymous6:07 AM

      Well said Boscoe

    4. Anonymous7:59 AM

      I have a family member who "couldn't afford" health insurance last year... and now, she can't afford the $130k in hospital bills she has 3 years to pay after a near fatal car accident last year put her in the ICU for 3 weeks.

      She's still bitching about the $500/mo premiums under the ACA (for the best plan) because her state chose not to expand Medicaid. (She lives off alimony- even before recovery from her accident rendered that her only income, she CHOSE not to find any other empolyment)

  7. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Paging Sarah/ghosts! Where's the Facebook post? How 'bout you, Bristol? Willow? He's talking to YOU!

    Why the silence?

  8. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Mike Huckabee Worries that Women Want ‘Uncle Sugar’ to Hand Them Birth Control

    Mitch McConnell endorser Mike Huckabee made the mistake of offering his opinions on women today on NBC News. Understand, he based these on the “women he knows”, so that might explain the disconnect with the real world. But still. Huckabee thinks the main problem women face is Democrats telling them to get some sugar from Uncle Sugar. Seriously.

    Huckabee tells us that Democrats want to tell women that “they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing them for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of government.”

    Huckabee, “Women I know are outraged that Democrats think that women are nothing more than helpless hopeless creatures whose only goal in life is to have the government provide for their birth control medication.”

    I confess that Huckabee lost me at “their birth control medication” because I thought men benefited from that as well. No? But yes, this is a winning strategy — because the party that seeks to make all abortion illegal is also defunding birth control for poverty stricken women. This is how they say, “Ladies, we’re on your side! But that pregnancy that results from an act that takes two? That’s on you, sweetie.” Luckily since they are against the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and refused to re-authorize the Violence Against Women Act for a year, we can get a real picture of their idea of female “freedom”.

    So, Huckabee assured us that he sees women as smart and capable. So capable that his Republican party stands for the “recognition of equality of women and the capacity of women.” Don’t expect that “recognition” to come in the form of the only thing that matters, and that’s policy.

    If you don’t believe me, ask a Republican how they feel about heavily regulating industry while we TELL industry that we have total faith in their capacity to do right. We just see no need to act on that faith policy wise. Uh-huh.

    Or ask a Republican why if they see women as so great, why they don’t trust us to make our own medical decisions. Why do they feel the need to control us via...

    ...Ladies, stop holding your hands out for Uncle Sugar. Jump back into that binder you came from like a good girl and hush up about things you don’t understand.

  9. Anonymous6:22 PM

    When Huckabee's wife was 20 she was diagnosed with cancer on her spine. She had surgery and radiation and Huck promptly impregnated her. Libido.... Check out the dates and the facts. Horny Southern Baptists.....Did they have health insurance?

    1. Anonymous1:03 AM

      Interesting... I have a theory: Huck has been denied a lot of sex through his marriage, and he's blaming the birth control medication for reducing his wife's libido.

  10. Anonymous6:34 PM

    The GOP is terrified of Hillary crushing them with the female vote. They are trying to counter the "War on Women" charge despite all the facts proving it's existence.They are even having a woman give the rebuttal to SOTU. They are so transparent and are trying so hard to appear to be an inclusive party. Worried about the black vote? Make Michael Steel the RNC Chairman. Worried about the Hispanic vote? Have Marco Rubio give the rebuttal to the SOTU. Worried about the female vote? Pick a VP with a vagina. They are so clueless. Thinking individuals can see through this token nonsense.

    1. Nothing to do with Hillary - the GOP want her to run - if she is the nominee they will throw everything at her from the 1970s onwards. It will not be pretty.

      This is all about controlling women - the end.

    2. Boscoe7:23 PM

      Because they are sociopathic white guys, this really IS the best they can do. They truly believe they are reaching an audience with a "message" that is resonating with anyone other than sociopathic white guys.

      It's really bizarre and pathetic to see them lower the bar further and further while actually thinking they're winning.

  11. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I definitely think some types of birth control should be insurance related. but I also wish people thought more carefully about sex. Im aware most people, myself included, as animalistic. And I am not saying this is a bad thing. Though I have a friend, female age 29, who is into experimentation at such a level that she finds guys on craigslist and meets them on a street corner to have sex. It's not really a promiscuity problem. She's a naturally adventurous and daring person.

    I just don't think more humans are prudish and we as a country expect people to toe a line thats impossible to stay on. There's a reason so many leaders are embroiled in sex related issues and those issues aren't foreign to non-public people's lives. That isn't goingto change. It isn't just a power thing. It could be sickness or just how we are as being. Animals get it on whenever they want. Is it weird to think of humans, large animals, in the same manner?

    I mean, societal rules were put in placed by man who breaks them. Tells you something. Maybe some rules and unspoken things are just bad and illformed.

    Id LOVE to see less slut shaming and more talk of responsibility. If BIll Clinton and JFK can still be lauded as great leaders and have horrendously scandalous personal lives, including dangerous people, standards needs to change somewhere with how we treat others.

    1. Given what you say is your point of view - hard to believe the one you mention is "a friend". Go troll some place else.

    2. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Bristol, you need to stop talking about your 'friend' . She's your sister. You are both promiscuous, not adventurous. If you're meeting strangers on Craigs list for sex, you ARE a slut.

  12. I'm as dumbfounded as you.

    It seemed like Huck was trying to say the Republicans should be or are talking about ALL the concerns Americans have and the Dems keep bringing the topic back to the War on Women, specifically abortion, contraception, and health care in particular.

    Yeah, that little furor with Rush Limbaugh attacking Sandra Fluke over 3 days was because the Dems brought up contraception, not because that moron thought women take BC pills the same way men take Viagra, "as needed".

    And it seems to me Sandra Fluke's name became news because the GOP-controlled House Oversight etc. Committee -- all men -- refused to allow her to testify. They allowed two Republican women to testify.

    Michael Steele floundered around trying to parse Huckabee's speech without selling the GOP out. Big fail. Then he compounded his sleazy defense by muttering "spare me" when Walsh said Fluke was a hero to American women. Aaargh.

    1. Anonymous8:48 PM

      I was gagging when Steele cut in. If he feels comfortable in the crowd he hangs with, so be it but trying to defend the nuttiest, most indefensible garble in order to avoid allowing the party to take even the tiniest bit of criticism for this very rude and bizarre Huckster pronouncement!! For a few dollars Michael?? Puh-leeze.

      There should be a fair amount of backlash for his rude dismissal of the despicable Limbaugh verbal assault of Sandra Fluke. Might be a good time to have her story back in the air again as another example of just how hateful and devious these fools are. Might wake up a few of those women who might still be thinking of voting 'R' for any office.

    2. Anonymous8:14 PM

      If Michael Steele is such a staunch Republican, why isn't he a Pundit at Fox? Why does the Republican Party avoid him? Michael Steele needs to go find a job and quit Mooching off of MSNBC.

  13. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Huckleberry. Ugly, old, fat, white guy. Yuck!
    Chris Hayes had some young Republican woman on his show to debate this story with Karen Finney and another progressive author. How can ANY woman out there be a Republican? These old white farts just gotta quit fantasizing that anybody is into them. You can tell that they have no ideas how to move the country forward when their answer to all of society's ills is women's libidos. Republican party is going the way of the dodo bird.

  14. martona7:01 PM

    Why does no one ever point out that it takes two to tango, plus why are we paying for men's Viagra -- seems related, n'est pas?

  15. Anita Winecooler7:05 PM

    Every time I see Mike Huckabee, I throw up in my mouth a little. He must be so proud of his mother's ability to control her libido and reproductive cycle! There are only two huckabee children, Mike and one sister, so his mom only "submitted" twice in her entire marriage to her patient husband's pleas for relief, HA!
    Can we have a "Douchebag of the Year" award? I'd vote for him!

  16. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Can you even imagine going to bed w/any of these old, fat white guys that are Republicans? They repulse me and I feel sorry for their varied wives - yuk!

    And, you know damned well they are on medications that require their taking Viagra (if they are even having sex anymore!). Fat, heart disease, sugar problems, prostrate cancer and probably very little dicks that cannot be found! Yuk!

  17. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Huckabee is perfectly happy to have insurance to cover MEN's hormone medications.

    Maybe someday the gods of cognitive dissonance will get around to some payback for Huckabee and his ilk.

  18. SHARON12:55 AM

    This was a great topic.....every comment is hilarious! I agree that our women politicians need to start making speeches about Viagra and I would venture a guess that implants are covered too. How about the hair loss krap? If there weren't any men out there that couldn't control their libidos that would put an end to rape. Men can also use condoms for birth takes 2 to make a baby. GOP men have sex on the do you think Palin got so far? When Bill Mahr said he couldn't even date a republican because of their morals, I laughed out loud. Having a black president made them go nuts....wait for a woman, exploding heads!

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      I agreed w/Bill Maher when he said he wouldn't and doesn't date Republican women...I was married to a Republican husband and learned my lesson - we have been divorced for years!

      That party is horrible when it comes to women - they are so far behind the times it isn't funny and I just don't understand why anyone would vote for a Republican man on any level of government.

      Pay attention ladies for whom you vote!!

  19. Caroll Thompson1:15 AM

    Huckabee should mind his own business. The sex life of any woman who is not his wife is none of his business. Birth control is a good thing because people have sex and don't necessarily want children.

    And I so agree that this is about power over women. The only problem for Huck in this regard is that the horse has already left the barn. Women are becoming more empowered every day and not giving their power away to some man.

    When Hillary becomes the first woman President, women will become even more empowered to live their lives the way that they want to; not the way Huck or any other man wants them to.

  20. Chenagrrl6:04 AM

    I think Hucky's grifting. He probably still has his campaign funds and is hoping to plump them up by misrepresenting Sandra Fluke, again. Sandra was vilified by the misogynistic right for daring to suggest health insurance plans cover birth control. She was also banned fro speaking before Darrell Issa's hate tool, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

  21. Our Lad6:11 AM

    Christ all Friday y'all, LOOK at Mike Huckabee! He couldn't get laid in Ensenada with a pound of brown heroin. Have mercy on the pilgrim, peoples!!

  22. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Old white men picking on women is a Republican specialty.

  23. Randall6:23 AM

    It was within my lifetime that women got the legal right to open a checking account without a male co-signer (father or husband). It was in the 60's and the Republicans fought it tooth and nail.

    NOT within my lifetime, but less than 100 years ago women couldn't even VOTE in the country, much less hold office. And the Republicans fought THAT change, also.

    Fundamentalist, far-right-wing Republicans believe in the Biblical outlook on women: they are property - the property of their fathers until a (marriage) contract is made with another family at which time they become the property of the husband.

    I'm not sure Republican women such as Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, et. al. truly understand this. If we were to fully return to Conservative Republican ways not only couldn't any of them VOTE - Sarah could never have held office, and Ann and Michelle couldn't own property and the proceeds from the sales of their books would go into their husbands' bank accounts.

    Oh, they could access those bank accounts
    ...if the MAN of the family LET them.

    Vote Republican, ladies - we MEN know what's good for you.

  24. Anonymous6:49 AM

    I am just livid at what he said . He insults me . Any woman who has a grasp of the world, knowing how the earth, water, air is being polluted. How the wages are depressed, no jobs. Using your brain would tell you to use birth control. We no longer live on farms that produce food and we need lots of children to help. People used to have lots of children and only a few at times, ever made it to be adults. In Virginia people couldn't even bath. How can you have all these children and we don't have water for everyone to have lots of children. . Corporations are polluting our waters all the time. Huckabee this horrible person says, we are stupid and slutty to want our insurance to help with the cost of birth control. Note, the insurance pays for penis pumps, male penis pills, penis shots . Where is the male responsibility for pregnancy? Everything is a woman's fault. The only thing they want is no jobs for women( their jobs plan) Child labor for the rich. SLAVES because there will be no way for any of us to provide for all these children. ( also their jobs plan) In the 60's we went into poverty countries and the first thing to help people out of poverty was to get them on birth control- that is the key to help poverty. (also their plan to keep us down)

    1. Cracklin Charlie12:05 PM

      I'm starting to think this whole war on women might just be a war on one woman in particular. And that one woman might be whomever is the first woman President!

      Could the "war on women" be an attempt to remind wobbly voters of either sex that woman are too emotional, and easily distracted (read: inferior) to be elected to such an important position?

      I think these guys are terrified of Hillary!

  25. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Huck is right! The proof is simple. If Bristol had remembered to take her birth control medication, she would not have had that raging libido-- and she wouldn't be fighting Levi for custody over the result of her raging libido.

  26. Caroll Thompson1:46 PM

    I read today that while Governor of Arkansas, Huckabee signed a bill mandating birth control coverage in health insurance coverage issued in that State. The article stated that the exemptions were more restrictive than the exemptions offered in the Affordable Care Act.

    So, the R's have proven once again what a bunch of lying hypocrites they are.

    Keep up the good work R's. You are making the D's hopes to win the House in 2014 better every day

  27. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Big Huck sure knows alot about women's libidos..Ask any woman who had to have sex with that porcine , bloviating POS. They'd tell you their libido is dead.

  28. Anonymous2:49 PM

    "Our party stands for the recognition of the equality of MEN and the capacity of MEN.

    And if the Democrats want to insult the MEN of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing them a prescription each month for VIAGRA because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it,"

    Now his statement makes sense!!!!!


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