Sunday, January 05, 2014

Mitt Romney accepts MHP's apology on Fox News.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Former U.S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said on Sunday he is ready to "move on" and has forgiven MSNBC television host Melissa Harris-Perry for a segment that joked about his adopted African-American grandson. 

"They apologized for it, and that's all you can ask for," Romney said on 'Fox News Sunday'. He said Harris-Perry's apology "was clearly heartfelt, and we accept that." 

The comments from the 2012 presidential nominee and former Massachusetts governor were his first about Harris-Perry's emotional on-air apology and explanation on Saturday about the controversial segment. 

Romney said he understands public figures are fair targets for criticism, "but children - that's beyond the line."

Did you notice how carefully edited that segment was on Fox? 

That is so they can hide the fact that Melissa Harri-Perry herself was only respectful and kind concerning the newest addition to the Romney household and that does not fit the Right Wing meme that she attacked the infant.

Romney has to know this, so this bullshit acceptance of her apology is a thinly veiled attack on MSNBC, because the GOP hate them so very, very much.

So now after almost 200 years of labeling the African people as damned by God, the Mormons now use them as a prop to attract attention and deflect criticism? Somehow I don't think this can be considered progress.

It also appears that playing the victim has officially now become the Republican strategy for 2014 and 2016.

Yet another thing that we can all thank Sarah Palin for.

P.S. Oh and by the way Romney is also being sued for Criminal Racketeering

Let's see him blame MSNBC for THAT!


  1. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Romney told us all we needed to know when he was asked about Limbaugh calling Sandra Fluke a slut. Instead of condemning Limbaugh for calling someones daughter a slut, Romney responded " I'll just say this, it's not the language I would have used." What language would he have used, hussy, harlot, scarlet woman? When he had the chance to show courage and leadership, he choked.

  2. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Chris Wallace is no MIKE Wallace. Far from it.

  3. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Hey Gryphen, an update on the (probably) closeted gay guy who's starving himself for Jebus and gay sex. And apparently he's even LIVE TWEETING his starving for attention routine. Talk about taking this to a really stupid place. The level of narcissistic behavior from these conservatives is boggling!

    He sure as hell better have Obamacare or he's toast!
    Same-sex marriage protest in Utah: Mormon man is having trouble keeping his pants up

    From the comments section:

    --And when this christian bigot’s body starts to shut down and he starts to die, what will save him? Not his imaginary friend but good old medical science, staffed mainly by egalitarians and atheists – and probably the odd gay person too.

    --Meacham’s brain has been rotted by his flaky religion. Believing nonsense he thinks he must be right and those who differ must be wrong. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of different belief systems and their followers are all convinced their faith is the true faith.

    --There is more than a little posturing about Meacham. He wants to be a hero and to attract admiration. Tough. It isn’t going to happen. He is a fool and he behaves like a fool.

    --Silly boy, he should just skweeem and skweeem and skweeeem until he gets his way.

  4. Anita Winecooler5:43 PM

    I made the unforgivable mistake of replying to yesterday's post and being proven wrong. First of all, this is so unlike Mitt that hell must have frozen over. I know it's Fox News, but could Chris Wallace be more of an asshat (sitting next to Romney, that's quite a stretch). Melissa NEVER attacked the baby, she apologized sincerely, Mitt accepted..... yet Chris needed to stretch it out to ask what Queen Ann of Botox had to say, THEN actually playing a portion of the apology, as if to mock MHP's sincerity.
    Mitt did the right thing, twice, and for that I give him credit.

    I'm still waiting for Ann's apology for flipping the bird at candidate Obama
    I'm still waiting for Tagg Romney's apology for a similar gesture to Candidate Obama. Maybe Chris Wallace will do a segment on that?

    Mitt Sued for RICO in Criminal Court? That has a nice ring to it. The guy should have gone to the cops, got wired and accepted the 850 grand bribe, but hindsight is 20/20.

  5. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Anon 4:53pm...
    I whole-heartily agree with you.
    I have Mike Wallace's book: "Between You and Me" (2005) and love it because it shows him as he really is and his thoughts on various subjects and interviews with various people in the course of his career. Mike was not a Republican.

  6. Anonymous5:48 PM

    “Is America A Christian Nation”

  7. Anonymous5:56 PM

    The name the Romney's gave the child means Black in many different cultures. Enough said....

  8. Chenagrrl6:13 PM

    I understand MHP's apologies for her show. Using the picture for comedic fodder does come a bit close to the line. But when you bunch all the grandbabies together and take a picture like that, you are doing the Sister Sarry thing of using your kids / grandkids as political pawns. It took a lot to get those kids together. I don't think this was a casual snap at a family bbq. A political point was being made, whether it's because Mitty wants to set an example for other Mormons or he is primping for another political adventure remains to be seen.

  9. Jennie Monroe of Roll Tide6:33 PM

    Sandra Bullock googled herself.

    “So, I Googled myself and read the comments section, thinking I could get some tidbits of what people really think of me,” Bullock said at the Palm Springs International Film Festival’s opening night on Saturday when accepting her actress of the year award for the film Gravity. “No human being should ever read the comments sections or ever Google one’s self at any time.”

    Bullock read some of the comments she came across to the audience, “There’s nothing special about her acting, she’s not particularly attractive, I can’t stand her, she’s mediocre, she’s over 40,” she joked.

    - -

    People really are disgusting creatures. Anonymous cowards with no lives but to drag others down to their gutter.

    1. Anonymous9:09 PM

      Ok. That was random.

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Is Sandra lived as "vibrantly" as sarah and her klan these things wouldn't happen. :p

    3. Anita Winecooler6:07 PM

      The last two sentences after the ramdom Sandra Buttocks quote is probably your main point.
      I agree, The Palins can't help themselves.

  10. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Things Go Horribly Wrong For Fox News When They Try to Use Mitt Romney to Smear MSNBC

    It was a classic Fox fail on Fox News Sunday as Chris Wallace tried everything he could think of to get Mitt Romney to criticize MSNBC, but the Republican nominee ruined the whole segment by refusing to play the victim.


    ...Chris Wallace tried multiple times to get Mitt Romney to say something bad about Melissa Harris-Perry and MSNBC, but he wouldn’t bite. Romney was never known for his public displays of emotion, but it was clear that he wasn’t going to give Fox News ammo to use against MSNBC. Wallace tried everything to get through Romney’s brick wall. He even asked about Ann Romney’s feelings about the comments, but it went nowhere.

    The whole point of having Romney on Fox News Sunday was for Fox to keep the Melissa Harris-Perry story going. Fox News Sunday claimed that they had Mitt on to talk about Obamacare and the upcoming Olympics, but who really cares about what Romney has to say about any current issue? He isn’t in politics anymore.

    The only reason that Romney was booked on the show to help fuel the conservative outrage over things that they claim Harris-Perry said that she didn’t say. This final segment was what Wallace kept viewers waiting for, but Romney wasn’t going to play along.

    In the end this interview illustrated why Republicans never really liked Romney. Unlike Sarah Palin, Romney is never fully able to be one of them. His blueblood upbringing doesn’t allow him to wallow in the mud that self-pitying Republicans happily reside in.

    It was 2012 all over again as Romney was unable to connect and deliver what Fox News and their viewers wanted. Instead of giving Fox News more red meat, Romney buttoned up and shut down. Fox News must have been sorely disappointed, as instead of rage against the liberal scum at MSNBC that they could have talked about for days, Mitt Romney singlehandedly killed the story.

  11. Anonymous9:07 PM

    How lovely!
    I'm sure President Obama would also be as gracious about accepting Ann Romney's apology for flipping him off in a most childish manner after one of the debates.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:13 PM

      Yes, and Obama showed his Class by approaching Tagg after Tagg acted in a similar fashion.

  12. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Report: Liz Cheney Dropping Senate Bid

    Dogged by bad polling, controversies with Wyoming Republicans and a public feud with her sister over the legitimacy of her sister's same-sex marriage, would-be Senator Liza Cheney has decided to drop her longshot primary challenge to Wyoming Sen. Rick Enzi, according to CNN.

    Cheney surprised Wyoming Republicans and incumbent Sen. Mike Enzi (R) when she initially launched her bid this summer. "I thought we were friends," Enzi reportedly told her.

    Cheney's candidacy resulted in awkward exchanges between her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, and many longtime members of Wyoming's Republican political establishment, which tends to be close knit and made up of long-serving members of Congress. Former Wyoming Sen. Alan Simpson accused Cheney of "destroying family relationships" with her Senate bid. And Enzi himself got in a bizarre debate with Cheney's father over whether or not they were in fact "fishing buddies." Enzi said yes; Dick Cheney said no.

    But for all the heat the race generated, polls consistently showed Enzi crushing Cheney. And the real damage appeared to come from an increasingly public and acrimonious argument with her sister over support for same sex marriages. Mary Cheney, who is out and married, publicly criticized her sister and suggested she had privately supported gay marriage before getting into the race. Mary eventually said publicly that she was not supporting her sister's campaign.

  13. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Lizard Cheney slinks away...plans to exit Wyoming Senate race

    'Who knew that throwing your sister under the bus for who she is to further your political ambitions would make you end your pathetically hopeless campaign for a senate seat in a state that you are not actually from.'

  14. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Hillary Clinton's shadow campaign

  15. Randall3:40 AM

    Watch Willard's face at the beginning of that clip - whenever he's trying to look sincere he always looks (to me anyway) like he's just shit his pants a little bit.

    Hey, it must be hard to act like you're a human being for poor old Mitt.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      I always think Mitt looks constipated.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:18 PM

      I never expected this from Mitt. It almost did what they couldn't do during his entire campaign. It almost "Humanized" 47 percent of Mitt Romney.

  16. Anonymous4:16 AM

    The expression on Romney's face suggests he is receiving a colonoscopy while being interviewed.

  17. Anonymous8:11 AM

    stupid, err I mean sarah, better quick review what joe scarborough said about her this morning on morning joe. looks like she'll be able to add yet another one to her enemie's list. perhaps a friends' list would be shorter...

    1. Anita Winecooler6:36 PM

      Gird your loins, Joe! He's such a wuss. Should have compared and contrasted Romney and Bobblehead's reactions.

  18. Anonymous8:14 AM

    I found out you can't get someone's fb page deleted, take away $arah's, and you take away part of her platform and strength

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      it would have been deleted long ago if excessive racism, lies & profanity were not allowed.

  19. Beldar J Conehead10:00 AM


    C'mon, Gryphen, now you're just being lazy. You call THIS news???? Mittens accepts apology? Seriously? That's not news.

    You get back to us when Mittens apologizes to the Amercian people for all of his insults, his condescension and his misguided conceit that he was an appropriate candidate to be president of our country. THAT'LL be news!

    And while you're tracking that apology down, can you confirm or refudiate the rumor I'm hearing that Mitttens will soon announce another campaign for the White House with alleged non-Mormon bigamist and soon-to-be Arizona Governor Steven "Hi! Karate! Seagal in charge of vice?

  20. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Palin has not accepted MHP's apology .
    She's still raging on FB about something that's none of her business.
    This was between the Romneys and MHP and it's over , everyone has graciously moved on.
    Except crazy eyes.
    The far right , led by Palin and Limbaugh,
    hated Romney , because he was a RINO
    among other things.
    The RW blogs are furious that Romney didn't go all Palin and curse out MHP, like a true tea party conservative would have done.
    The fact that he downplayed the whole thing proves he was never a real conservative they say.
    Wallace was disgusting , talk about a yellow journalist.

    1. The latest revisionist history is not to be believed -- except by the lead-paint-chip-eaters who read the National Review Online:

  21. Anonymous10:55 AM

    How big of you..........little man!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.