Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sarah Palin tweets that the storm which stranded thousands in the south was not so bad if they could be stranded near a Chick-fil-A. You know, because she's a crazy person.

Now before I say anything else I do want to give mad props to the Chick-fil-A owner who handed out free sandwiches to the stranded motorists, because that really was a nice thing to do.

However if anybody, and that includes the Wasilla Wendigo, thinks that getting s free sandwich made the entire experience positive, then they are an idiot beyond compare.

Courtesy of ABC News:

Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal ordered the National Guard to clear the way for school buses that were carefully delivering schoolchildren back to their homes after thousands of them were marooned overnight. All of them were "home safe and sound" by late Wednesday afternoon, Deal said. After snowfall and ice paralyzed Atlanta, some were left wondering whether the city is destined to quit functioning when bad weather strikes again. NBC's Gabe Gutierrez reports. 

But National Guard troops were still distributing blankets and 200 cases of military-style MREs, or meals ready to eat, to drivers along Interstate 20. 

Churches, groceries and hardware superstores opened their doors to the stranded. Neighbors took in neighbors and strangers. At least one baby was born in a car, helped by a police officer. 

Aerial pictures made the highways look like parking lots, and there was no indication of when or how the roads would be cleared. Twenty hours into the jam, one trucker, Joe Schmitz, told NBC News that drivers would probably be stuck for a second night. "There are some people who are really kind of scared," he said.

But hey, if they were near a Chick-fil-A it must have been like a party for them out in that storm, right?

What a moron!

I guess this helps to explain why she had no sympathy when villagers from Emmonak and other rural villages were freezing to death and starving back in the winter of 2009.

If only THEY would have had a Chick-fil-A close at hand.


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    That is one frivolous, superficial, clueless, dumbass broad. Free sandwiches does not make up for being marooned in the cold, separated from your kids, family, etc. for that many hours. What a cluck!
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      As the saying goes, "that's why aliens don't visit here."

    2. Anonymous5:36 PM

      And of course she has to tip her wig to one of the most in-your-face bigoted businesses in the country.

  2. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Palin is as far-removed from reality as one organism can get.

    1. Anonymous1:29 PM

      What a stupid wonky eyed dumb ass. To all the Palins, education could have been your best friend. Now look at you, Sad, Sad, Sad.

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      She is a sick rabid animal.
      less than a cockroach.
      nuff said

  3. Anonymous12:15 PM

    That woman is an idiot!
    Keith Olberman

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      I often think of his one liner when I read about her. He said it first and said it well.

      Pat Padrnos

  4. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Clueless and heartless and narcissistic to the gills.

    Stupid woman cannot comprehend anything other than her universe of MeMeMeMe centering around her.

    John McCain, I would love to hear what he had to say about that stupid remark. She is embarrassing the pants off him. She'll never shut up and he and the GOP are at this moment figuring out how to farm her out to Mars.

  5. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Sarah Palin is the most 'retarded' idiot we have on this planet! Her bullshit commentary is what is getting press today - she's a joke to the nation!!!

    1. Anonymous12:43 PM

      You can thank reality TV for that.

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      thinkin' more like 'we can thank her parents for that'.

  6. Anonymous12:22 PM

    How selfish!

    Couldn't she show concern or talk about the kind acts of people or give a shout-out to the store owners and businesses that gave people shelter?

    She's just kissing rich owner Chik-Fil-A's a$$ so he can send her a nice hefty donation.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Yes, Palin's gotta give some free publicity to Chik-fil-A!

  7. Anonymous12:38 PM

    all her spare time, useless crosseyed skank needs to get a job

  8. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Here's a new Chick-fil-A t-shirt for Sarah to wear:

  9. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Sorry, Mom and Dad, you said never to, but I HATE this woman.

  10. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Palin = chick-fil-a-hole

  11. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Chick fil A is trying to reach out in goodwill effort, and the attention hog Palin has to horn in on it. Nothing to do with her, but she'll leach on to it. Disgusting woman!

  12. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Sarah cares about no one but herself. She is devoid of an sort of empathy or compassion. She a killer of helpless, innocent animals, she's an absent mother, she's a heartless witch who is taking up space on the planet, unnecessarily. I won't shed a tear when she's plunged into the depths of hell.

    O/T, but this is pretty ironic:

    Anthony Weiner's advice to Rep. Michael Grimm on how to get along with reporters

  13. Anonymous12:52 PM


    She never THINKS before she opens that yap, does she.

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Oh! I really do like your "THUD". May I borrow it, to use any time Sarah says something stupid? Maybe every time? It could become a "thing", y'know?

    2. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Please do!

  14. Anonymous12:53 PM


    1. Anita Winecooler6:31 PM

      Now THAT'S funny!

  15. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Put her on an Alaskan mountaintop with one of those Chick outlets and see how long she'd last. Quality of food - healthy? Goes along w/her taking in those energy drinks when she was quitter gov in Alaska, pop, booze, Taco wraps, etc.

    She has no friggin' clue about anything!! It's being proven time and time again!

  16. Anonymous1:11 PM

    As usual, Sarah will use anything to promote herself. She's still obsessed after all these years with defending the idiotic things she says and does. She will NEVER get over the media or Obama still not thinking about her.

  17. excrement and farts: she is no more than an outlet of the TP/ FOX septic tank...

  18. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Which Palin jumps on this first? Bristol or Sarah?

    Anti-Choice Groups Launch National Boycott Of Girl Scout Cookies For ‘Endorsing’ Wendy Davis

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      barstool's ghost writer maybe but sure as shit not barstool, she doesn't even have a fukin' clue what day it is ...

    2. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Barstool only jumps on guys..

  19. Anonymous1:30 PM

    All of the oils and trans fats in Chick Fil A ensures that my colon will be rejecting it within 10 minutes of eating it. I hope none of those stuck in their cars suffered the same reaction to their free food....I'd definitely have to say no to Chick Fil A unless there was a bathroom, really, really close. That food is absolutely TOXIC!

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      lol. I almost posted the same thought. Talk about toxic fumes all those people eatin that grease.

  20. Anonymous1:36 PM

    We know Sarah loves free stuff! And she loves to play the victim. I hope she gets her wish. Careening off an icy road and being stranded for 10 or more hours before her free sandwich arrives would be great. Amen!

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      careening off an icy road over an inverted 3000' cliff ... with a totally flat, rocky landing ... amen ...

  21. Anonymous1:45 PM

    People were stranded in their cars for 24 hours. These people were not heading up to the cabin to jump on their Skidoo's, outfitted with camping gear. These were people just heading home from work or trying to pick up kids at school. And, they were caught unprepared. Many people left their cars to find shelter, and it will take days for everyone to be able to get back to their cars to move them from the traffic jam. Palin's tweet shows immaturity and insensitivity towards people in trouble. Did laugh at people who were victims of hurricanes or tornadoes? She will say, post or tweet anything to get some lame attention.

  22. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Sarah Palin has no compassion for others.

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      The Palin gene-pool is contaminated. It is devoid of any kind, caring, loving, honest or genuine emotions. She is filled with Hate and spews it relentlessly.

  23. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Did Chick-fil-A give chicken to everyone or just the straight people?

    1. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Just the ones with a plastic jesus on their dashboards

  24. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Stupid ass moron

  25. Anonymous1:54 PM

    The ONE time I wouldn't mind being stranded...


    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Glenn Rice, Curt Menard Jr., Brad Hanson, Ted Nugent.

    2. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Anyone but Tawd.

    3. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Those days and nights are long gone. Nobody wants to 'do' the putrid skank anymore. Even Tawdry escapes every chance he gets.

  26. It is darn near impossible for me to express my feelings for her without using all of Carlin's words.

    In pretty much that order.

    Some more than others.

    Just as an aside, "asshole" is not gender specific.

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      I won't call her a cunt or a dick. I think asshole is the best term to describe her.

    2. Anonymous4:35 PM

      If Sarah Palin ever put a chicken sandwich in her mouth these days, it would come out minutes later. Front end, back end, finger down the throat, laxatives. It's pretty obvious Sarah is starving herself.

  27. Anonymous2:10 PM

    She never quits, does she - being an idiot, that is. Never loses a chance to make a tragedy into something all about her. Never shows a molecule of empathy for others, never fails to say something asinine in any situation, never extends common human kindness and understanding to those who suffer from man-made or environmental disasters.

    Way to go, Sarah. You never fail to affirm every negative stereotype we've come to associate with you.

  28. Anonymous3:24 PM

    You know folks, it could be worse... No news yet about someone handing out bibles to those stranded on the freeway. Frankin Graham refused to leave his warm home.

  29. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I am surprised she didn't blame all of it on President Obama. cuz the polar vortex is a liberal cold front.

    What a micro-cephalic !! Too bad she wasn't in the area of the avalanche, see how content she'd be with a only chicken sandwich.

  30. Guess this is off topic - but I'm wondering if Sarah Palin will sue because of this one

    I guess not - Yahoo would have the money to fight her.

  31. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Dear Alaska,
    Can you please put Sarah Palin on an ice floe the next time she visits.
    Thanks the lowe 48 and Todd Palin

  32. Anonymous4:27 PM

    This is what I posted over on Todd Starnes Fox news story about Chick-Fil-A handing out food to the people caught in the Atlanta storm. My comment is still pending and probably will be deleted because Mr. Starnes is a coward! :

    Todd Starnes....Todd Starnes...gee where have I heard that name lately in the news? Oh that's right just a couple of days ago he got busted AGAIN for pushing a one-sided story claiming religious persecution of Christians. Mr. Starnes promoted a story about about a California first-grader who allegedly was not allowed to give a one-minute presentation about her family’s Christmas tradition because it included religious references. This isn't the first time he has been caught pushing poorly sourced stories claiming religious discrimination.

    I think it's a wonderful thing that all the citizens of Atlanta, other businesses (including Chick-fil-A) stepped up and helped out their fellow man on their own. I've seen on TV and read many heart-warming stories. Who cares what their religion is?

    However I think Mr. Starnes is trolling quite a bit here with this story so he can further prove his right-wing theory that Christians are being persecuted. Shame on you for baiting like this Mr. Starnes.

    I'm not falling for it.

  33. Sarah Palin is the stupidest person who's ever been on the national scene. I've said this before: When I first read that Sarah's IQ was 83, I didn't believe it because how could anyone elected as governor of any state be that stupid. Now, I still don't believe her IQ is 83 ... I think it is much, much lower than 83.

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Hear ya. I think Bristol's IQ might be even lower, Willer's maybe a smidgen higher. They all fall just this side of educable. There might be some dyslexia in the mix too.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Todd isn't exactly a rocket scientist. Sarah and Todd are wily, not smart. The kids don't seem to be either.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:22 PM

      Could look at it this way. The first female special needs VP pick who sunk the ticket with her sheer ignorance.

    4. Anonymous6:46 PM

      it's 86. No wait. she SHOULD be 86'd. Yeah that's it. Go and don't come back Scarah.

    5. Anonymous8:47 AM

      83 is shared between the enormously stupid Sarah and Bristol.

      VernD @6:46 YES!

  34. She has lotsa stiff competition: Louie Gohmert, Virginia Foxx, for example. (They're both vying for lowest IQ in Congress.) Dan Quayle, PINO Shrub, Michele Bachmann, Raffie Cruz, etc, etc.

    Notice a pattern here?

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      What about this Huelskamp mutant? He could be the bottom of the barrel if it weren't for Palin.

    2. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Huelskamp actually has a PhD in poly sci from American University. Did he get kicked in the head by a mule since then or what?

    3. Anonymous8:16 PM

      He's a paid shill. No more, no less.

  35. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM

    That's our special needs pal from Wasilla. Never one to let a crisis pass without exploiting it, she rears her ugly head and snickers behind facebook.

    I suppose if they had a Chic Fil A on the GWBridge or the Bridge to Nowhere, she's be dancing the jig because, you know, FREE FOOD! I wonder how many Obamaphones her family owns?

    One woman gave birth in that storm, on a sled on the way to an awaiting ambulance before her husband even got a chance to pick up a suitcase she had packed by the door. Imagine the WILD RIDE story THAT kid will have! Just like Sarah's Sofa cushion!!!!


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