Thursday, January 30, 2014

Ted Cruz decides that despite millions of Americans benefiting from Obamacare it is not too late to repeal the it. Because after all, what else can Ted Cruz do with his time?

Courtesy of The Weekly Standard:

During the summer and fall of 2013, Texas senator Ted Cruz repeatedly warned that it would be impossible to repeal Obamacare once Americans began receiving subsidies on January 1, 2014. 

In the new year, Americans would become “hooked on the subsidies, addicted to the sugar,” Cruz told a Tea Party gathering in his home state on August 19, according to the Texas Tribune. “If we get to January 1, this thing is here forever.” This belief was a main justification for the last-ditch campaign to fund the government if, and only if, Obamacare was defunded. 

But on a conference call Wednesday afternoon, a month after Obamacare subsidies began flowing, Cruz told reporters that he no longer believes that January 1 was the deadline to stop Obamacare. "I believe we will repeal Obamacare," he said. 

The reason Cruz thinks the law can still be repealed is that he and others had the high-profile fight to defund Obamacare in the first place. "I think we are seeing the fruits of the battle that so many millions of Americans engaged in last fall to stop Obamacare," Cruz said. "I think the direct result of that fight was to elevate the national debate about the harms that Obamacare has caused. And as a consequence, I think the terrain has changed, and I believe we will repeal Obamacare."

I swear Ted Cruz and his merry band of dipshits have no other  strategy than to go after the Affordable Care Act.

If that gets taken away from them they will have to spend their days filling in crossword puzzles and playing solitaire.

I mean it's not like they have jobs to do or anything. 


  1. Anonymous10:21 AM

    What a hateful, lying ugly fascist of a man. What does he want? A country of poor, sick, elderly people living on the street? And Teddy, they won't be living on the street up her in frozen Michigan. Oh no, they will make their way south where they can live outside and not freeze to death. And then what? Is the real GOP jobs idea more undertakers and ambulance drivers?

  2. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Cruz can want to repeal the law all he wants BUT if it gets through both Houses, President Obama will veto it!

    But, he and other Republicans will be on record for their continued antics and Republicans will lose some of their seats in Congress!

    Do they (Republicans) think Americans are not paying attention to them - with numbers in the teens as to their approval ratings? What idiots!!

  3. Anonymous10:36 AM

    too bad we can't deport him.

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Maybe we can make a deal with Canada, we will take the obnoxious Justin Beiber back only if they take Rafael Cruz( Sr and Jr)

    2. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Justin Beiber in no way compares to the asshole being of Ted Cruz!

      Cruz needs to be run out of our country on a rail! The Americans following the likes of a Cruz are leading us into the status of a third world country.

      Are we paying for the security force surrounding Cruz as taxpayers? I think it should be taken away from him .... get him out of our country and back where he belongs. The majority in America cannot abide the jerk!

      Voters pay attention for whom you case your ballot. Get the Republicans out of office across the country in the upcoming elections!

  4. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Bagger Rafael is done.

  5. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I read the other day the rethugs want to get rid of ACA and their "plan" is to use tax credits-sounds like only the rich would benefit.

    He is going to beat this dead horse til the cows come home because they have nothing else. If I were his constituent I was ask for my money back from his salary and benefits.

    Good idea send him back to Canada or Cuba.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Cruz needs his ass kicked out (ceremoniously and public) of the United States of America. He is from Cuba and Canda - let them have him back!!!! He offers nothing more than a treason attitude to America!

      Perhaps arrested and put on trial with a possible execution? Sounds more than appropriate to me.

  6. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I wish the media would give the same amount of negative coverage to Ted Cruz as they are to Justin Beibar (spelling?). Both are imported and became American citizens, but the harm that Ted Cruz is doing to our country is pure treason! And, his evilness will never compare to what the media is hollering about as to Justin B. (look at his blood and urine test results - they are minor!!)

    I strongly suggest pulling the citizenship of Cruz and railroading him out of the country. It's embarrassing to have an import like him (Cruz) having a say about our country and some actually going along w/him. He is one evil, nasty asshole!

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      The damage Bieber is doing is primarily to himself. Cruz, on the other hand, is trying to destroy our country.

      Therefore, he is far more dangerous.

  7. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I am so sick of these creep and creep-ettes. On and on they go with absolutely no solutions to anything, only to obfuscate and obstruct, to our peril.

  8. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Neither Obama or Obamacare is popular with the American people.
    Obama can not run again
    Obamacare will be repealed soon.

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      No it won't, though it may be improved on. ACA, or as you call it, Obamacare, is the REPUBLICAN plan over single payer.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:06 PM

      Ahh, the fortune cookie writer Troll is back!

  9. Anonymous12:56 PM

    off topic, but this is an interesting read, totally discrediting the pos article the Dallas Morning News wrote about Wendy Davis. What a bunch of liars, I'm sure Bristol aka Nancy French would never acknowledge the pack of lies that this shitty reporter got away with. I once subscribed to the paper, but cancelled when they endorsed Mitt. They stink.

  10. Anonymous1:07 PM

    So, now Teddy wants to take business away from insurance companies...oh they aren't gonna go for that.

    Major Insurer: More Obamacare Sign-Ups Than We Expected

    A major health insurance company reported Wednesday that its Obamacare sign-ups were higher than its projections, some of the first concrete evidence that the health care reform law is working from the industry's perspective.

    Joseph Swedish, CEO of WellPoint, told investors that the company had received 500,000 applications through and its state-operated counterparts. He said the number was "ahead of our most recent projections." He added that applications had spiked in December and the company expects another surge before the March 31 deadline to enroll in coverage for 2014.

    “We do feel good about what we’ve seen thus far on the exchanges,” Swedish said on the call. “While it is early, we are encouraged by the level of applications we’ve received."

    The majority of those applicants were not previously enrolled with WellPoint, Swedish said, though it wasn't clear whether they were previously uninsured or insured by another company.

    As for the demographic make-up of those enrollees, which will be one of the critical barometers for Obamacare's success, Swedish said that the numbers were "tracking closely with expectations." The Obama administration's original goal had been for close to 40 percent of enrollees to be under 35, but the initial breakdown reported this month showed about 24 percent fell in that age group.

    That might not be a major problem for insurers, though, as Swedish said that WellPoint had priced its products expecting its Obamacare enrollees to be older than its existing customers.

    Overall, WellPoint executives expressed optimism about what the law would mean for their business.

    "We entered 2014 with a strong foundation, and we look forward to the opportunity to serve a growing part of the marketplace this year and into the future," Swedish said.

  11. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Hillary Clinton Causes a Republican Freakout By Opening 12 Point Lead on Chris Christie

    The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll numbers aren’t going over well in Republican land, as Chris Christie continues to plummet like a rock, and Hillary Clinton has opened up a 12 point lead on the NJ governor.

    The ABC News/Washington Post poll found that the Republican whispers of Benghazi are having little impact on the Clinton express. Former Sec. of State Clinton has a 58% approval rating, and a 38% unfavorable rating. Clinton is blowing out the entire potential 2016 Democratic field. She leads Vice President Biden 73%-12%. She leads Elizabeth Warren 73%-8%.

    Over on the Republican side, Chris Christie’s 2016 decline continues to escalate. Christie’s unfavorable rating (40%) is now higher than his favorable rating (35%). Among registered voters the numbers are even worse (43% unfavorable to 36% favorable). Christie has sunk to third in the race for the 2016 Republican nomination. The New Jersey governor trails Paul Ryan by seven points (20%-13%), and Jeb Bush by five points (18%-13%). Christie is danger of falling into fourth place behind Ted Cruz, as the Texas senator only trails him by a single point. The biggest problem for Christie is that more Americans see Bridgegate as a part of a pattern of behavior (46%) than see it as an isolated incident (43%).

    The initial line from Republicans was that Christie needed to come out and answer all the media’s questions. They believed that a Christie press conference could make it all go away, but the exact opposite has happened. Questions have continued to grow, and Christie’s 2016 numbers have plunged.

    Republicans are starting to realize that Chris Christie, and their 2016 hopes, are in real trouble.

    Ron Fournier at the National Journal took back his kind words about Christie in a column today. Fournier wrote...

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Christie is done, once people start in about the bridge and other things he lost his pants.

  12. Anonymous1:19 PM

    GOP Receives Shock To The System As Democrat Michelle Nunn Leads In Georgia Senate Race

    PPP released a poll on Wednesday that shows Democrat Michelle Nunn ahead of all four GOP candidates in Georgia’s open Senate race. Republican Saxby Chambliss is retiring at the end of his term. This led to a number of high-profile Republicans in Georgia announcing their candidacy for the open seat. The four Republican candidates that have announced include three current U.S. House members and the state’s former Secretary of State. Meanwhile, on the Democratic side, Nunn has emerged as the only real candidate.
    In all four matchups with the GOP candidates, Nunn currently holds at least a small lead. Rep. Paul Broun comes closest, as Nunn is only ahead by one point. Against Rep. Jack Kingston, she holds a two-point advantage. Nunn is ahead by four points against both Rep. Phil Gingrey and former Secretary of State Karen Handel. With women voters, she is ahead anywhere between four and eight points against the GOP candidates.

  13. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Utah elementary school takes lunch back from 40 children over debt, throws it in the garbage

    Taking food out of the mouths of children...yeah, that's real smart...fucking tools! How outrageous to subject them, not just to humiliation and embarrassment, but to deplete their nutrition which is essential to their learning. WTF, indeed.

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      And because throwing it away didn't waste food in the republican bizarro world

    2. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Just like the attempts by the GOP to cut the SNAP program...take food away from children in order to punish their parents.


  14. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Disney Channel Features First Gay Couple: Right Wing Goes Ballistic (VIDEO)

  15. A diarist on Daily Kos has dug into the "Bette from Spokane" story Rep. Cathy McMorris-Rodgers spoke of in her response-to-the-SOTU Tuesday night.

    Apparently they were the victims of a con job by the health care insurance company they were dealing with, which naturally wanted to sell them the most expensive HC insurance coverage they could.

    How did that happen? Well, the couple are such right wingnuts that they absolutely refused to go on the Washington state health care insurance exchange to check their options, which according to their current employment situation might include a considerable federal subsidy -- maybe enough to practically get "free" medical coverage.

    It's fascinating how utterly stupid right wing propaganda makes these people.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Nothing like cutting off your nose to spite your face!

    2. Anita Winecooler6:10 PM

      Why is it that every time the GOP puts a woman in front of a camera, they lie their butts off? ....... And she seemed so dang convincing! Ha ha ha ha ha!

  16. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Tea Party Terrorists Plead Guilty To Building Anti-Muslim Death Ray (VIDEO)

    Eric Feight and Scott Crawford, were caught planning to build an x-ray weapon of mass destruction, in order to wipe out Muslim-Americans, whom they referred to as the “enemies of Israel.”

  17. He is simply trying to improve his image after his last disaster, and trying to make his disaster look as if it accomplished something, which everyone knows, including him, it didn't. In other words, he trying to polishing a turd.

  18. Caroll Thompson2:20 PM

    My husband almost died in October. He spent 10 days in the intensive care unit. He had no insurance and found out he has congestive heart failure and a blood clot in his heart. Thanks to Obama and the D's, he now has an affordable policy that allows him to see a doctor and get the medicines he needs to stay alive.

    Fuck Ted Cruz. He doesn't care about "life" and he's not a God Damned Christian either. If he were, he would try to help the sick, not kill them for lack of medical insurance and a doctor's care.

    1. Absolutely true! Cruz is only interested in his own political career and could care less for those who have pre-existing conditions who were before excluded from getting insurance.

      Someone needs to ask him what his plan is to help people in that situation and the elderly. He is just a whore to people like the Koch brothers and corporate interests who will contribute to his campaign if he continues to do what they want.

      I hope your husband makes a full recovery and is around for a long time.

    2. Caroll Thompson1:12 AM

      Thank you m baker; I appreciate that. He is still alive and walking around.

  19. Randall3:28 PM

    Is there a website I can go to in order to find out which parts of "Obamacare" are evil?

    Because I've downloaded the PDF of the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" (Obamacare) and I haven't found anything in it that's really evil so far...

    I mean... "Obamacare" makes it illegal for your health insurance company to fuck you over - WHY would anyone want to repeal that?

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      "WHY would anyone want to repeal that?"

      Well, other than the insurance companies, no one with a conscience would.

  20. Anonymous4:21 PM

    "I think we are seeing the fruits of the battle that so many millions of Americans engaged in last fall to stop Obamacare," Cruz said. "I think the direct result of that fight was to elevate the national debate about the harms that Obamacare has caused.

    Huh? What millions? What harms?

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Glad I have my good ACA coverage cause just looking at Cruz makes me violently ill..... Palin too.

  21. Anita Winecooler6:12 PM

    Proceed, Senator Cruz! Perhaps another temper tantrum filibuster and dramatic reading of Dr Seuss?


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