Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wendy Davis responds to criticisms by Bristol Palin. Nooooo!

Courtesy of Fusion.net:  

Wendy Davis, the Texas state senator and Democratic candidate for governor, rejects the idea that she’s a bad mother and “downright pathetic” — just a few of the barbs thrown her way in a recent column and tweet by reality TV personality Bristol Palin. 

“With all due respect to Miss Palin, of course, nothing that was said in that tweet is true,” Davis told Jorge Ramos on Monday. “I am very proud of the mother that I have been to my daughters. I have always been and will always be the most important female in their life.”

In Wendy's defense I will point out that she was responding to a question, and was being polite by answering it even though it is ignorant, and unworthy of a response.

The fact is that Bristol is her momma's favorite troll, and responding to her gives her credibility among the Right Wing fanatics that is wholly undeserved.

Bristol is like that gnat flying around on the inside of your car. If you try to swat it you risk driving off a cliff, but if you leave it be it will die on its own soon enough.  

And this particular little insect thrives on attention, it is a family trait, and the more they receive, especially negative attention, the more they flourish.

Wendy Davis is destined to be a star, Bristol Palin is a pathetic cautionary tale for young women to not get pregnant simply to gain attention, to not live a life based on lies, and to not allow their crazy mothers to run their lives for them. 


  1. Anonymous9:23 AM

    But Bristol is working SOOOOO hard to earn her monthly consulting fee from Sarah's PAC. She is buying the wine coolers this weekend.

  2. I almost wish Wendy had ignored the hateful brat, but at some point, it is necessary to fight back with truth. Too bad the Palins only know how to fight dirty.

  3. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I would take Bristol over Wendy any day
    Wendy is a liar and a fake

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      You can have her.. half of Alaska already has.

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      FUCK OFF!! dirty wig.

    3. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Says the troll about the woman with a fake chin, fake life, fake claims of rape,....shall I go on?

    4. Anonymous10:00 AM

      You are ridiculously uneducated. A liar and a fake? Go back to high school Bristol. If they will have you.

    5. Anonymous10:01 AM

      You want Bristol? You can HAVE her. Take her, please! The rest of us are happy with Senator Davis, thank you.

    6. Anonymous10:06 AM

      I'm glad you want Brisket, contact her Mom because even Franklin Graham has been unable to find anyone willing to be her husband or boyfriend without being paid.
      Just bring a wine cooler and you can "have" her in the first 5 minutes.

    7. .

      all that proves is that you are as putrid and repugnant as anything that Sarah excretes,,,

    8. Anonymous10:28 AM

      I listen to Wendy Davis. Why would I listen to another bouncing ball rebounding?

    9. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Bristol has how many Bastard babies? Does Bristol Palin even know who the Fathers of her babies are?
      Bristol is only getting attention because she was an UNWED TEEN MOM. Bristol is Dumb as a Rock and has no personality.

    10. Anonymous10:39 AM

      9:32 AM Kristy, Lola, Sick Fool? What can Bristol offer anyone other than PUSSY? She has no talent, she is uneducated, she is lonely, she is borderline retarded, and she is her mother's puppet.

    11. Anonymous10:46 AM

      9:32 Is that you Ben? Gino? Joey? Must be one of the other "trial husbands" who had a free sample then took off for more decent girls.

    12. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Bristol Palin
      political pundint
      hires willow
      life coach
      double lmao

    13. Anonymous12:34 PM

      you already have bristle wrapped around your little finger, sarah..you've succeeded in ruining her.

    14. Anonymous2:39 PM

      palin's/heath's >>> totally unequivocally fuked up inbred lyin' dysfunctional whitetrash griftin'/thievin' retard's extraordinaire

    15. ibwilliamsi5:28 PM

      No one gives a shit what you would "take", Tawd.

  4. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Ms. Davis was wrong in responding. The Palin's should not be engaged in response to their lunatic rants. They should be called out indirectly on blogs and other news sites.

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      I'm glad she spoke out against the tundra twat because the people support Wendy Davis.

    2. Anonymous7:24 PM

      I'm with you Anonymous 10:44! Remember how John Kerry was swiftboated in 2004? I couldn't understand why he and his supporters didn't respond much sooner to the lies and attacks on his character.

      When the Repugs attack someone, we can no longer stand by and let it happen. We must push back with as much strength and money as we can muster. No more being a nice person who takes all that crap without a peep. The GOP and it's RWNJs are nasty, evil people and the more they can be called out on their behavior the better.

  5. Super Fan In Atlanta9:43 AM

    Totally O/T

    Is it me or am I the only one completely enthralled with the Live Traffic Feed widget that reports the number of people that visit IM (i.e., the defunct blog)? Sometimes it moves so fast, it's like getting a rapid-fire geography lesson on the names of cities, states and countries.

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      I like it, but it can be deceiving. I live in Texas and am working short term in California( yes the weather is beautiful) so it sows me as CA instead of TX.

    2. Anonymous10:44 AM

      well duh...you're posting from CA so it's accurate.

    3. Anonymous10:54 AM


      The widget is based on IP tracking and if you were utilizing local WiFi in California then you should show up as in California. Unless you were using your contract data subscription from Texas while in California then you would show up in Texas, however most devices default to local WiFi unless you override that setting.

    4. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Not IP tracking. I change my location to Wasilla sometimes just to get people all weweee'd up! Live in a very small very red town. Must keep politics on the down low to prevent cross burnings in my front yard.

    5. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Yes Super Fan! I love that widget, it's fascinating! I notice that Wasilla shows up often.


  6. Anonymous9:43 AM

    What is truly pathetic is Bristles saying that Wendy Davis lied to make her lfe more like a made for TV movie!! WHAT?? The Palins really should think before speaking. Bristles has been trying to get back on TV ever since her "reality" show tanked. Face reality, Bristles, you have ZERO talent. No brains, can't dance, sing or act. Looks like you inherited your mother's wonky eye also, too. Wendy Davis' children are PROUD of her, can YOU say the same about your skank mother? Will all your children say that about you, once they find out all their fathers are different? Wendy conducts herself like an intelligent, educated, classy LADY. I intend to make a contrbution to her campaign.

  7. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Here's the video: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/01/wendy-davis-bristol-palin-102708.html

    Seems to me Wendy was asked a direct question about Bristol's tweet and was expected to respond...

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Yes, Wendy was asked a question by Jorge Ramos. She answered his question. He brought up "the attacks" BP was merely an example. She was not treated as a player actually, "the attacks" are personal and scurrilous. BP demonstrates how low ball it has become.

      Wendy did not answer or respond to BP. She was polite and answered Mr. Ramos question.

    2. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Agree, and she answered the reporter's question well and with grace, PERFECT!

  8. Anonymous9:48 AM

    $carah Palin should google the expression "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear" Trying to make over her uneducated, promicuous daughter into a political critic is not working. Educated people such as Wendy flick her off like a bug. Politics was lucrative for the Palins, but those days are over now that people have caught on to how they operate.

  9. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I believe Wendy made a sage decision.

    The Palins are a fund raising bonanza for Democrats.

    And the Palins are an embarrassment for Republicans.

    The GOP war cries change as often as Sarah's wigs: "Deficit! Deficit! Deficit! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Obamacare! Obamacare! Obamacare!..."

    They may not believe Americans admire the crazy lady wearing the dirty wigs and her underachieving children, and they may believe the Palins are harmless and mostly ignored.

    But they better start believing Americans equate the Palins with the GOP.

    The GOP = the hard right = ignorance = the Palins = failure = international embarrassment = wrong side of the tracks.

    Answering the question sent one message: Wendy may have lived in a trailer park, but she has never lived on the wrong side of the tracks.

  10. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Bristol truly is as sick as her mother. She is being trashed beyond imagination for her comments, yet, I honestly believe that she welcomes the attention. Just like her mother.

    As a survivor of childhood abuse, I will not get into what kind, I can assure you that we will do anything........good or bad, to get attention. This is the most fu#k3d up family I have seen in the public eye. Ever. Please, get Tripp out now!

  11. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Really wish future Gov. Davis had simply said: "Bristol who?"

  12. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I cannot wait for the movie "Boys Will Be Boys" to be released. The Palin's will finally be exposed for what they are and what they have done.

  13. Anonymous10:06 AM

    I posted this on a previous post but it belongs here. And for those of you that missed it.....it's pretty awesome.


    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      That is awesome!!!

  14. Anonymous10:08 AM

    It is, of course, just more of Nancy French channeling Sarah Palin and right-wing piffle de jour through "Bristol's" blog in an attempt to stay in the news.

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      I agree with you. Bristol's name is used, Sarah's jealousy and hate is expressed. French gets paid to write.

  15. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Bristol is heinous

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      That would be anus

  16. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I'll be 57 years old this year and have seen a lot in that time. From day one when Mommie Dearest trotted her out on stage '08, I thought, "what loving mom would EVER put her child up for public humiliation as that?" Then came the Leno Chin, passed off as necessary jaw reconstruction, and any psychologist would tell you red flag majorly waving! NO one does that at such an early age. Self-esteem issues, and it's no wonder.

    I just cannot imagine having a parents like her heinous and the pimp toad. That she allegedly broke down and shared how hard it was with someone is no surprise. That she rode that mechanical bull and called the patron a "homosexual" because he made a comment about $arah is no surprise either. That she finally bought into it and lets Nancy French speak for her is the icing. She needs help badly, and that she allowed this screech under her name shows just how off she is, let alone custody issues.

    Like mother, like daughter.

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      I've had the surgery she claims to have had (I had it at at 25- they do it at any time once your body is done growing), and there's no way she had it for medically necessary reasons, which I discussed when she made that claim.

    2. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Screwed up family - from the Heaths to Sarah and Todd (the pimp)! Now we have Bristol raising a brat that is already like her - she hollers 'homosexual' and the brat is already saying 'fuck you'!

      Bristol will have her hands full - just give him another five to six years! Levi and Sunny need to have more influence with him...they are going to be the only ones that can save him!!!

    3. Anonymous12:05 PM

      10:56, OP here. I remember that and pardon if I slighted your plight. This to me was nothing but Kardashian wannabe and nothing she has attempted since has proved otherwise.

  17. The Palin crime family is directed by a puppetmaster psychopath, no amount of ignoring will make them stop trying to recreate themselves. Bristol is trapped in the control of her mother and others, having none of her own original ideas she will simply repeat what she hears or is told to repeat. When they disappear it is due to recovery from plastic surgery, when the healing is done it's time for the next grifting performance. The public needs to see how this kind of orchestration works to understand how important their votes are to the welfare of this country. Wendy Davis is running for governor in a red state, that means authoritarian people who think in talking points, she has no option but to address the crazy because they believe crazy.

  18. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Bristol Palin making this statement is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen..especially.when there is so much out there about her being uneducated, having a child as a teenager, being unwed, known to have slept around and for being a horrid mother (which she even said herself - it's all on video!). Plus, she is raising a brat (that's on video too!) that she purposefully keeps away from his father (Levi)!

    Wendy Davis is much more of a quality woman than Bristol ever thought of being! Plus, she is well educated, has a profession, has worked for a living, was married, has two daughters and is running in a very difficult state (Texas).

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Bristol should shut the hell up - otherwise her other kids are going to come out of the closet, no matter WHAT color they are.

    2. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Perfect situation for Brisdull/Scarah/Nancy to respond to with empathy. You were a young mother, I was a young mother, wow, I hear you, it's damn hard. But noooo.... Like the blogger says, Sarah Palin has a serpent's heart, and she shares it with her daughters.

    3. Anonymous11:42 AM

      10:48 AM Bristol and Willow are very sneaky with their Pregnancies. They have hidden their babies from the public.

  19. Anonymous10:28 AM

    All that the public remembers about Bristol is that she was a slutty teenager. Wendy Davis being attacked by a slutty teenager isn't going to put tax-free money into SarahPAC's bank accounts.

  20. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I despise bristol almost as much as her Mother, and I could be wrong (won't be the first time) I don't think this is bristol thinking at all, she's putty, a weakling, victim, you have to have a backbone to say those things about Wendy, bristol has no backbone whatsoever, she's getting paid to allow others to use her name, I truly believe bristol more than her siblings will be psychologically damage from her mother doings, when the shit rains down on the palins it won't be pretty, just a matter of time

    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Gee I hope she doesn't commit suicide. What a loss to humanity

  21. Anonymous10:42 AM

    If she thrives on attention, she must LOVE the hate that is pouring out for her on FB. Her ghostwritten rant has shown the world that she is, indeed, as stupid as her mother.

  22. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Bristol's response...

    Who's Wendy Davis?

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      I hope that Nancy French does fill Bristol in regarding the topics that she posts on "Bristol's Blog", however I doubt it and most likely Bristol herself has no clue who Wendy Davis is.

  23. Anonymous10:49 AM

    My question to Bristol Palin is what concern is Wendy Davis to you?

    Right now Bristol has her hands full in learning to become a decent human being and mother.

    Bristol nerds to take a community class on how to be a mother.

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      What is "Bristol nerds?"

    2. Anonymous11:37 AM

      11:12 AM Deductive reasoning would select 'needs'. It is a typo.

  24. Anonymous10:52 AM

    That is one ugly ass face.

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      I'm sorry, I was directing that to the Jay Leno chin girl.

    2. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Keep in mind that's the face that cost her over 20 grand!

    3. Anonymous5:06 PM

      20 G is definitely wasted. .

  25. Balzafiar10:52 AM

    @10:28, you wrote: "All that the public remembers about Bristol is that she was a slutty teenager."

    And nothing has changed except she's now an adult.

  26. Anonymous11:03 AM

    It is utterly offensive for a 21 year old, high-school drop-out unwed mother to criticize a 50 year old, Harvard educated Senator about her parenting.

    I know she didn't write it, but that's not the point; these kids are so entitled, and have no real skills at all.

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      11:03 AM They think like kids, however they happen to be Dysfunctional Palin Adults who have learned nothing.
      Bristol and Willow are PINO'S (Parents In Name Only) with no Husbands in sight.

    2. Anonymous2:21 PM

      11:03 I know she didn't write it, but that's not the point; these kids are so entitled, and have no real skills at all.

      Doesn't matter whether she wrote it herself or not- she willingly gives full rein to the ghostwriter. She gladly takes praise, she can also deal with criticism.

  27. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Davis daughters share open letters


  28. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Wendy's daughters have also responded to the smear campaign by the tea baggers and the GOP. PoliticusUSA has the story.

  29. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Great news Bristol

    Stephen James is the person who will be the producer of the movie Boys Will Be Boys

    For reference, the urls are:

    FB page: 

    Twitter: @BoysBoysMovie http://www.twitter.com/BoysBoysMovie


    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      The Stephen James? He is "awesome" (that's a word Bristol knows).

  30. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Check out on PoliticusUSA - have a story on Wendy Davis's daughters striking back with open letter.

    Letter itself is here:


    1. Anonymous11:29 AM

      "...The fact that these two young women felt that they needed to write these letters should shame conservatives into apologizing to Wendy Davis and her family. Frankly, it’s no one’s business how much time she spent with her children, as it does not relate to policy or her ability to govern, and we have never attacked male candidates over going to school while having children at home.

      In fact, Republicans happily run (Sanford), support, and admire men who abandon their families all together – for real – and then have the nerve to attack Wendy Davis over going to university in order to better herself."

    2. Anonymous11:50 AM

      palin kids could not say even ONE of these words about their mother.

    3. Anonymous2:20 PM

      It isn't even Bristol that writes attacks and writes that crap. She owns it for allowing her name to be used.

      The truth must come out and be dealt with because it is fraud for Bristol to get credit for something she isn't able to do.

      It is ridiculous that everyone has to respond as if it is that dwts person that could not dance. When many people know it is Nancy French in co-hoots with Sarah Palin and maybe Becky or others from Barterer or other.

      It is time for an apology about using Bristol Palin's name. If there are lies about a person they deserve to have the actual names of the people who are attacking and not only the front person.

      If they want to continue to write for a front person they must apologize for the deception to date and continue to write as Nancy French using a name.

  31. Anonymous11:08 AM

    And nothing has changed except she's now an adult......and likes the women as much as she likes the men. She likes sex, no matter how she gets it. Todd???? Daddy??? please send some more friends to visit.

  32. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Is Sarah worried about how she will be portrayed in the movie Boys Will Be Boys? It is going to be interesting to see what her part in Todd's business was and what she knew.

    1. FEDUP!!!3:43 PM

      Must be. She has been in 'radio-silence' for the past ten+ days...

  33. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas

    Amazon.com Sales Rank: 31858

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHA Sarah Palin Failed Author. The Publisher of that Farce took a beating. Everything touched by Sarah Palin turns to Shit.

    2. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Sarah Palin Curse

    3. Anonymous12:32 PM

      11:30, that would be Sarah Palin Felled Ahther.

  34. Anonymous11:22 AM

    LOL I bet Sarah Palin's lawyers have contacted the producers of Boys Will Be BoysThe Movie with phony lawsuit threats.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      They will have to sue the book. The movie will go as 'fiction'.

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      I bet they don't dare.

  35. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Wendy Davis’ Daughters Strike Back At Ugly Republican Smears With Open Letters

    Republicans have been relentlessly attacking Democratic Texas State Senator and gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis for a week now over her “background”. The misogynistic attacks have been so ugly and repulsive it’s been hard to even write about them. Even Republican women like Greta Van Sustern (Fox News) have said it’s unacceptable.

    Ms. Davis already submitted a detailed background that explained that she was indeed living alone as a single parent in a trailer at 19, even if her divorce was not final. But this is not good enough for Republicans. They are calling her a liar, “Abortion Barbie”, and worse, they even accused her of abandoning her children because she worked and went to university. Apparently, good mothers don’t work or go to school or something.

    So today, Wendy Davis’ two daughters have written open letters to refute the ugly smears. Dru & Amber Open Letter:

    Open Letter from Dru Davis

    My name is Dru Davis and I am Wendy Davis’s daughter. I hate that I feel the need to write this, but I have been reading and hearing so many untrue things about my mom and I want to set the record straight. And sadly I feel the need to be crystal clear on the malicious and false charge of abandonment as nothing could be further from the truth. My mom has always shared equally in the care and custody of my sister and me.

    My mom had my sister at 19 and although she was technically married for a short period of time, she was handling almost everything on her own. She was working 2 jobs regularly and going to school. She met my dad when Amber was still very young. They had an amazing love that I witnessed for many years. Unfortunately, it didn’t last, like so many love stories don’t.



  36. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Become a Fan/Member of the "Boys Will Be Boys" movie web-site and be the first to know about developments as the production of the movie progresses.

    And don't forget to invite ALL your firends and contacts to become a Fan/Member too!

    Thank you for joining and for your continued support.

    Stephen James
    Producer - Boys Will Be Boys
    Pink Hat Productions, LLC.


    Bristol you too can become a member. It is so easy.

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      That is going to be an excellent film.

  37. Boscoe11:37 AM

    I don't get it. The CORRECT response would have been: "...Who??"

  38. Anonymous11:38 AM

    It must be hard for Bristol Palin to find a husband. Guys are probably interested in getting into her pants but not interested in marrying her.

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Get into Bristol's pants, then run back to their 'Rill' Girlfriends. Isn't that what Todd Palin does to Sarah Palin?

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Todd is an old hand with making arrangements for girls. He will do the same for his daughters if they can't make it on their own. Bristol is an example. Now she is way over the hill and used up with an unhappy bastard to raise. Todd likes situations where it is what is in it for him. Now the situation is the other way around. Some snowboarder will want more than he wants to give.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:08 PM

      Bristol can't get into Bristol's pants, what guy's that patient?????

  39. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Thank you 10:08. I posted earlier, without reading any of the comments, asking what Nancy's last name was. Nancy French. I'll share that over at TPM in the comments on this story.

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Be sure to post this wonkette link also too! We at IM busted these ass clowns when their blog was brand new. Wonkette gave credit to us godless heathens at IM!


      "Bristol Palin has a blog, you guys, and for serious we are so jealous! It is super exciting and insightful and intimate and well-written and she promises lots of neat stuff, like maybe a picture of Tripp with a mohawk, if you are very very good and buy her book and watch her show and watch her other show and go see her lectures on inspirationalism and how to become a grandmother by 30. Now, you might think the following posts are illiterate enough to have been written by Bristol herself, but as the godless heathens at ImmoralMinority point out, the posts were originally signed by longtime Palin apparatchik Nancy French, who was all whoopsie, nah nah nah mang, I was just showing her how to use WordPress."

    2. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Also too TPM commenters will like this post about the Frenchs and their Mitt Romney ties.


      Evangelicals for Mitt? ‘Grassroots’ Group Has Close Ties to the Romney Campaign

  40. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Bristol, you're as big a twat as your mother.

  41. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I would like to know who the person (reporter?) was who asked such an assinine question - bring Brissy into the conversation. Another paid troll?

    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Me, too.

    2. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Jorge Ramos, the top-rated Spanish-language news anchor and a vocal immigration advocate, said he’s prepared to put pressure on members of Congress if a reform bill isn’t passed by the time the Fusion television network launches this fall.

      No one is responding to a person named Bristol Palin. Jorge was responding to conservative attacks. Bristol is a tool. It would be good if this opens up the truth about what is going on. It use to be unacceptable to be as deceptive and disparaging as the fake blog is, while pretending to be a real person.

      If someone besmirched your name and your family would you want to know who is doing the dirty deeds or would you be fine with a fake set up?

      Bristol Palin can have opinions and lie all she wants. She can allow her name to be used by a quasi-political fundie operation. The public deserves to know the facts behind the effort to destroy Wendy Davis. It is not only done in the name of Bristol Palin, other conservatives are piling on. It should be a crime to use a half-wit prop and immature adult-child just because her mother finagled her way into John McCain's foolish mistake of a campaign.

      It is too crazy to seem real and no one cares or wants to deal with it. Still this crap costs a lot of money, time and energy to deal with and they won't stop on their own.

      What has the 'mastermind', Sarah Palin, been screeching about the last few days?

  42. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Bristol is pissed that Wendy was married when she had children.

    Having a husband and married before you have kids... something Bristol the teenage unwed slut will never have.

  43. Anonymous11:48 AM

    What in the hell is a reporter asking a state senator what she thinks of an insignificant former reality personality blog post?? Did they also ask one of the stars from "Teen Mom" to weigh in? Bristols blog is ghost written by Nancy French. Should we just have every teen mom line up and give their opinion on Wendy Davis and then report on it? I'm disgusted

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      11:48 I agree with you 100% Why even mention a failed reality "star" who pimps out her son trying to get an easy paycheck.

    2. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Bristol Palin is a tool and a fraud. She is used by a SarahPAC's FB organization and other conservatives. Jorge Ramos isn't interested in Bristol. He is interested in the liars that use her.

  44. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Bristol is an ignorant, dull, petty, lonely little girl. Who on earth would value her opinion on anything? She's a joke.

  45. Anonymous11:49 AM

    How do you respond to a FOOL and a BIMBO with no education, no job, and plenty of children out of wedlock? Simple, STFU!

  46. Bristol if you don't take your behind somewhere... I wonder how many of her daughters ended up with child while drunk, on a camping trip with a bunch of other under aged kids - who were drinking... and a best friend had to tell her - that she and a guy (her boyFriend) had actually had sex the night before. (Ms Palin's wrote about how she got the preggers, in her book).

    Go check your own Mom the QueenOfQuitting.

    Gurl you have some nerve. What would the GOP think about you - taking #birthControl pills because of one of your on-going #womenConditions. Oh no, you would never use bc for the sake of bc.


    Shut-up woman with life time #Free Health Care.

    And with so many questions surrounding your own Mom$ pregnancy, you might wanna take a step back. Because you dear child have never earned the right to tell other women "NOTHING," and deff'' not right to question their motheringSkills.

    People, I bet she's setting this up to run for office. #Congress
    I'm hoping we aren't taken in.

  47. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I'd be very surprised if Bristol Palin has more than the vaguest awareness of who Wendy Davis is, and if she has, she probably thinks that's where you go for square hamburgers. It's not as if Bristol writes her own blog; we all know she doesn't. Doubtful she reads it either! Even Nancy French is too intellectual for Bristol to follow.

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Exactly. Someone will tell her, Hey Bristol, Wendy Davis commented on your blog post about her. Bristol will answer, Who's Wendy Davis? What blog post?

      I sure hope Nancy French got permission from the Palin team to write that disgusting screed against Davis.

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Bristol is just picture on the label.....the GOP idea of a rill wimin like her mama ....

  48. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I have the utmost respect and admiration for Wendy: her past decisions, her recent actions, her smarts and good judgment, her ethics. What a wonderful package for a leader. I would follow her anywhere.

    Since when it is not okay to leave your children to your spouse's care, in order to follow career goals? Men do it all the time. Besides, Wendy didn't leave them.

  49. Beldar j Conehead12:11 PM

    You libtards are so predictable!


    The Screechy Wretch(tm)'s daughter was ELECTED by the her imaginary constituents to comment disapprovingly on those who - like Wendy Davis - DO NOT live vibrantly! You KNOW who you are!!!

    Screechy Jr.'s comments do not constitute a personal attack on Wendy Davis. This is just her JOB!!! (google "unwed teen mother and cluelessly ironic scold" ) And she does it VERY well!! LEAVE SCREECHY JR. ALONE!!!

    Don't worry, libtards, your failure to GROW UP won't be forgotten! Before Screechy Jr's term in office is complete (or she quits half way through it) you will ALL be individually identified and slammed severely in her Facebook posts and Twitter tweets, also too! COUNT ON IT!!

    Finally, notice the typical left wing hypocrisy of whining about Screechy Jr's so-called rants while letting Wendy Davis' daughters defend their mother publicly without ANY evidence at ALL that either of them has experienced god's gift of multiple premarital pregnancies!!!! WHAT GIVES THEM TO RIGHT TO OPEN THEIR MOUTHS AT ALL????

    And if you know what's good for you, Do NOT force me to get on my high horse about this topic again!

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Your rides through Alaaaaska on your high horse are so funny.

    2. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Those Davis gurls must be barren or something if they have not experiencee the joy of having an entire littler before the age of 21. They are certainly missing out on having a special "brother", a poorly behaved son, and a cute little "niece". That "niece" sure can dance though, perhaps she learned that while I was dancing on the TV show. (of course she was watching the TV show of dancing and not actually hanging out in my womb while I was dancing....no that never happened, regardless of the tale that my actually physiology was presenting.)

  50. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Bristol, sweetheart: when you've gone through junior college, then regular college, then get through Harvard Law School with flying colors, and get elected to your state's legislature: then you'll be qualified to cast stones at someone who's done all these things.
    Until then, from your throne at hair school in Arizona (who's paying your tuition?), better to stick to your facials and such, and leave the governing to the grownups.

  51. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I made a huge mistake thinking, period . What happened to that mean spirited,selfish ,ignorant ,sloppy Bristle that I didn't miss . Now, I am more certain then ever that she suffers from some serious mental health issues ..
    I hope that she gets the helps that she desperately needs .

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Mental health issues inherited from her whacked out Mother-in-name-only.

      They both require a mental health intervention--but would not think they need it.

  52. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I'm a little too internet-challenged to do this myself, but can't we Santorum Sarah and Bristol?

    1. Anonymous1:07 PM

      TOOOOO FUNNY!!! I finally goggled Santorum last month, ewwww Discussing!! but with $arah & brisol, a perfect fit

  53. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Oldest daughter: Daddy I need lunch money.

    Father pimp: Let me call my prostitute.

    Father pimp: Shirley my oldest daughter needs lunch money and my wife needs a fake pregnancy belly. How much money have you made?

    BTW that was a fictional script.

  54. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I wonder what it will take for Bristol to understand that she's nothing more than a puppet to her mother. Sarah pulls the strings and Nancy French puts the words into her mouth. And French did a particularly lousy job this time with the attack on Wendy Davis. She's either incompetent or purposefully set Bristol up to be attacked in return.

    1. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Bristol would need an IQ of over 60 to understand any thing.

    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      what kind of a mother sets up their own child like that? I guess the same kind of mother who parades their teenage, pregnant, unwed daughter across the national stage to squelch rumors about the mother faking a pregnancy.

    3. Anonymous2:24 PM

      If Tripp's true birthday was revealed, everyone would know that Bristol faked being pregnant at the RNC because she had already delivered the child.

    4. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Agree with you, Anonymous 2:24. Bristol faked a pregnancy to make Sarah's fake pregnancy more believable. Sarah needed Bristol to be pregnant at the RNC to dispel rumors that Bristol had birthed Trig earlier that year. I think both Trig and Tripp are Bristol's children, but their birth dates are not what we are led to believe.

  55. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Poor Bristol. Not an ounce of common sense, throwing juvenile personal barbs at an older woman, who is an elected representative of her State and who represents the will of the people who voted for her. Bristol's own mother, who threw personal barbs at politicians who she didn't like, has a daughter who's carrying on the family business.

    If the Palins can't understand why they have critics out there (who they call haters), they have a bigger problem.

  56. Anonymous12:24 PM

    As vile, crude and low life as Bristol Palin is, and make no mistake, she is...this guy takes the cake!

    These are the kind of people who Roger Ailes (and briefly CNN) give a public platform to. These are the kind of people who degrade women. These are the good friends of the Palins.


  57. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Sarah Palin has a thing for either directly telling her children what they think or putting words into their mouths to use them as a protective shield. Here's just one example.

    From: gov.sarah@yahoo.com
    Sent:Wednesday, October 17, 2007 10:00 AM
    To: Frye; Ivy J (DOA)
    Subject: Re: Crack ...
    Ugh. My beef was considering all the good women running this state - including YOU!!! I ran it by Bristol- she says he wouldn't have even used the term whore if he was talking about men.

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Sarah says her "beef"... what about her "wallow"?

  58. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I applaud Wendy Davis for speaking up to the Palin machine. Of course, Mama Palin will be suing by the end of the day....it has worked on any male who ever spoke up to the Palin Machine.....I wonder if it will work this time? Will Wendy run and hide? Or will she use the free publicity the same way that the Palin machine does?

    1. Anonymous1:12 PM

      Sarah is a chicken, Wendy is the real deal.

  59. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Spawn of trolls can be recognized by the trail of slime. It is totally unfortunate that the ration of ignorant brains full of sawdust are allowed to spew drivel. Palin sr thinks she has a chance at Senate seat, may be in the Congo, with the government of stupid.

  60. Anonymous12:43 PM

    The Warrior Within statue

  61. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Hey 12:35 don't insult Congo like that, Howard Stern said it best, bristol palin has the personality of a wall.

  62. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Yeah, Bristol is the ultimate authority on good parenting and how to seek a high education. Keeping Tripp's father away from him and publicly complaining that she can't discipline Tripp does not qualify Bristol for anything, let alone major custody of the kid. It's supposed to be what's in the best interest of the child, not Sarah Palin.

  63. I just read a couple of letters from Wendy Davis' daughters, turns out Davis actually WAS a hockey mom!

  64. Anonymous1:55 PM

    The beauty of Davis' short and succinct remark is that she did not give the Palins any ammunition to
    perpetuate their phony feud .
    Davis illustrated how an educated and classy adult responds to gutter comments without getting in the gutter herself.
    How refreshing.
    Bristol unwittingly handed Davis a golden opportunity to show how she calmly and professionally handles unwarranted
    The far right / tea party is incapable of stating their opinion in a manner that does not include personal insults and childish taunts.
    The reason that a 23 yr old unwed mother felt the need to inappropriately interject herself into Texas state politics is obvious.
    The Palins need to generate publicity for their new show and also to remind the faithful that the coffers desperately need refilling.
    Mama must need new shoes .

  65. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Brisdull is a fish headed, fish lipped fool!

  66. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Ha - Wasilla and Flagstaff in the house at the same time....

    Got to keep up with news.

  67. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Wendy's daughters' letters were beautiful and spoke movingly to their mother's attention and devotion to her girls, and their love and respect for her.

    GO WENDY! Texas needs you, and our country needs you!

  68. Anonymous3:21 PM

    So lets all take a stroll down memory lane...

    2008 Mama Grizzly announces she is knocked up and will be having a political baby. Then 17 year old Bristol is highly upset her mother annoiunces she is preggers and Bristol believes she should be the one with a bun in the oven instead of her. Bristol then decides to spread her legs and have a political baby just like mom. Now present day Bristol along with Nancy French's ghost writing abilities is pissed off at Wendy Davis for getting more attention then herself or her worthless mother Sarah Palin.

    Yeah, 'stool, you sure have done a lot of growing up the past 5 years. The kicker is you got knocked up a second time over a political need and clearly your mother was never pregnant becasue she took your Triggy away from you.. Now who's the bigger lair, Wendy or yourself?

    1. Anita Winecooler5:44 PM

      From her old facebook (before the pinnochio chin): (paraphrased from memory)

      "Someone's gonna have to be a mama to that duck"

  69. I haven't been able to read the comments yet, so someone might've posted this link already...


    1. Anonymous4:31 PM

      I read this and it's on point!! $arah needs to read it, but she's too thin skinned to allowed on her fb or twitter which I refused to follow either of them, because she (or her moderator) doesn't post oppositions

    2. Anita Winecooler5:42 PM

      Perfect! Someone needs to read it to Bristol and explain the big words.

  70. Our Lad3:53 PM

    Anyone who thinks that this dull witted young woman writes or directs a word of what is credited to her is gullible indeed. Those among us who have seen this unfortunate person stammer and slur her way through a slang laden stew of malapropisms, double negatives and vulgarities know that a cogent thought process is as foreign to her as Chinese arithmetic. If she weren't such a nasty little strumpet it would be easy to feel sorry for her as she is indeed yet another victim of her vainglorious fuck knuckle of a mom. This tribe is certainly among the most entertaining and bilious creatures on Skull Island, home of Kong.

    1. Anonymous9:11 PM

      Our dear lad, you do have a way with words...

    2. Anonymous6:22 AM

      fanned & faved!

  71. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Actually there were more than a couple of Warriors inside Beefy at times. I was there but was NOT one of the, um, victims. She was too drunk and her breath smelled so bad. Splooge & halitosis.

    But the statue is a 1:1 scale model of Bristol's lady parts.

  72. ibwilliamsi5:30 PM

    Hey, Bristol! Get a job!

  73. Anita Winecooler5:37 PM

    I bet Wendy could drive effectively and safely while swatting THAT gnat. Have you seen the size of just the piehole on that gnat? See what I'm saying? (wink)
    A few thoughts. Wendy Davis graduated College while raising two daughters who can hold their own AND are smart as a whip.Bristol? She's 23 and already has penned her own memoirs, writes a blog, does reality shows that tank, and hasn't experienced the challenges, joys and pains of marriage at all. Wendy's been through it twice. Wendy wrote the response using her own mind and hands. Sarah hires Nancy French to write for and babysit Bristol. Bristol can't write, she has a problem with punctuation and misses too many periods.

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Right on Anita at 5:37! Bristol does miss too many periods...LOL. Willow also, too.

    2. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Bristol Palin is the recipe for instant Pregnancy. Since 2007, Bristol has been Pregnant at least 4 times.

  74. Failin’ Palin — the next generation.

    Demonstrating once again that the acorn does not fall far from the tree, Bristol appears to share several fundamental character flaws with her mother -- both obsessively crave while simultaneously denigrate the media spotlight, both have a propensity for making snarky, banal comments and directing snide, petty insults toward those with whom they disagree, neither does her homework before making publicly spewing their opinions regarding important science-related issues, societal topics, and historical events, and neither is mature enough to accept responsibility for her own mistakes, failures, and shortcomings.

  75. Anita Winecooler5:57 PM



  76. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Bristol, what happened to your FAS baby? You know the one you damaged because you couldn't stop drinking booze and popping Oxycodone while pregnant.

  77. Anonymous11:57 AM

    You can hear the question and Ms. Davis' answer here:
    She said 'in all due respect' not if respect was due. She didn't throw mud back at anyone. She was addressing the journalist. I don't get how sane people could turn this into addressing or acknowledging 'Bristol Palin' or the actual writer, Nancy French.

    It would have been passive aggressive BS and tossing a bone to the right wing to make a snide remark like "Bristol who?"


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It just goes directly to their thighs.