Saturday, February 01, 2014

Ann Romney is just heartbroken that America was denied the privilege of having Mitt as President. Yeah, that's a tough one.

Courtesy of TPM:  

The Romney family postmortem/movie promotion continued Friday with Ann reflecting on Mitt's defeat in the 2012 presidential election. 

"I really believe this, you know, we lost, but truly the country lost by not having Mitt as president," Ann said during an interview on Fox News. 

She opted to be "polite and nice" and not comment on President Obama's second term, but said she comes across people all the time who are "still really sad" about the outcome of the 2012 race.

Holy crap! Do these people never take a hint?

And how is it that Ann still thought Romney had a chance right up until the end?

I knew Mittens was toast after the second debate. Hell, to be honest I NEVER thought he had a real chance.

My favorite part is at the end where the host teases the idea of a third run for Romney, which at this point reminds me of the pathetic teasing about a never going to happen Sarah Palin presidential campaign.


  1. He *is* going to run again. Mark my words... stuff on him is disappearing from the internet. I was checking my old links on him and many are dead / gone. Thank goodness for my portable hard drive!!

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      I've noticed that too...they are remaking him for another run! Good thing many of us throughout the US kept records - copies of emails, videos, etc.

      He is a liar (as all Mormon men are - they are trained to be!) and creepy in every way! Wish their entire family would disappear forever - much like the Palin klan!

    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Yep. It's their turn!!!

    3. Anonymous1:57 PM

      I agree KAO! What scares me is this time they'll be able to cheat or buy the election,as they tried to last time. Mitt and Ann truly believe that he is destined to be Pres. according to Mormon prophecy...and the Mormon church is wealthy beyond belief.

    4. And their "prophecies" are in constant flux.

      Remember, folks, the second "m" is silent.

  2. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Poor Little Offended Annie, maybe she should spend her time worried about the 100 million dollar scam her husband got caught in.

  3. Anonymous12:12 PM

    She thought he had a chance because she knew that with a click of a few buttons, her son's company could have changed votes here and there in Ohio. Only, when election time came around, it turned out that Obama was ahead by so much that it would have been illogical for him to have lost, and, besides that, with victories in Florida and Virginia, he didn't need it.

    I know I sound cray-cray -- but I wholeheartedly think that the Romneys were planning on stealing the election. Who the flip buys an electronic voting machine company? Doesn't seem very profitable to own a bunch of things that only get used twice every other year!

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Yes, exactly! A little suspicious, don't you think???

    2. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Oh, and don't forget: they hadn't planned on the hacker group Anonymous getting involved and making sure the machines weren't tampered with.

    3. Anonymous9:23 PM

      I loved it when Anonymous announced that they'd hacked the program- and I completely believe they did it. Know why? They said they watched the repugs try their program 105 times. That's an odd number, I think. If they weren't counting, they would have just said "numerous times." Nope, I think when the crunk came, they tried 105 times- and they were letting the repugs know that the GOP is in a world of hurt.


  4. Anonymous12:18 PM

    How this over privileged, whining asshole is even news is beyond me. Go back to La Jolla and play in your car elevator, you soul sucking moron.

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Queen Ann thought SHE would be First Lady, bringing REAL class back to the WH. Give me (and many, many others) Mchelle Obama anytime. Ann looks like a younger version of Barbara Bush, with all the warmth that brings to mind. Mrs. Bush is a cold hearted witch, too, just like Queen Ann. The Romneys should be relieved they lost, so their Queen will not have all the stress that being Flotus would bring, since she has MS, or does she?

    2. Anonymous5:21 PM

      1:55 - At least Barbara Bush had a sense of humor, which is far more than you can say about Ann Romney. She has no endearing qualities, clearly demonstrates revulsion and hostility towards anyone who is not in the very top of the privileged class, and has an exaggerated sense of entitlement.

      She and Mittens never wanted the Presidency in order to accomplish some good, they wanted it because they felt they were owed the title and the fancy house.

    3. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Ann Romney and Sarah Palin are the opposite sides of the same bigoted, entitled, mean-spirited, petty, vicious coin. Sarah is the trashy skank side and Ann is the snobbish princess side. Both can fuck off for all I care.

      Jennifer K

  5. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Rumors are circulating nationally that they are working hard to 'repackage' Mitt Romney to run for POTUS AGAIN!!!

    First thing he'd need to do is divorce that wife of his....she'd be a horrid 'first lady'! She'd be compared to Michelle Obama and there is zero comparison! Michelle runs circles around her.

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Mitt will never be president no matter how much Anne wants to be first lady, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it'd still a pig.

    2. Anonymous12:46 PM

      "Michelle runs circles around her."


    3. Anonymous1:07 PM

      No coincidence that "Mitt" was released.

    4. Anonymous1:36 PM

      They could put that asshole in a brown paper bag and 52% would still not vote for him. Notice there is no talk what so ever of the GOP fielding Palin.. That ship set sail and sank outside the harbor. Even the salvage crews gave up on her.

    5. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Mitt himself said that they should limit Queen Ann's appearances, since she can get annoying. Seriously? What a well matched pair they are. He seems so wimpy, I think SHE wears the magic underwear pants in that family.

    6. But, does she have a thousand dollar t-shirt?

    7. She = Michelle Obama

  6. Our Lad12:25 PM

    I like the part about magic underwear.

  7. Anonymous12:36 PM

    "she comes across people all the time who are "still really sad" about the outcome of the 2012 race." Yeah, right. She comes across these people in the Mormon Church...which is 100% Republican. Get out amongst the rest of the country...the real people, Ann..You'll get a different perspective. And stop watching Fox News!

    1. Anonymous3:48 AM

      12:36 Oh, puleeze.The only real people the Rmoneys know are supremely wealthy, or else are their household servants IF he runs again, he will be sorry, since there is even more dirt to be realeased about him since his last failure. He is like robot, the gop loves him because he has $$$$, even if he DOES stash it overseas.

  8. Anonymous12:37 PM

    The only thing "Queen Anne" is bitter about is the fact that she didn't have the chance to be the shining white example of what a First Lady "should" be.

  9. Anonymous1:00 PM this is so funny that that would actually believe this and want to be Gods

  10. Anonymous1:07 PM

    She comes across people who are really sad he wasn't elected? Would that be in the temple or temple parking lot? Maybe at Bain?

  11. Anonymous1:11 PM

    What a classless ,rude,arrogant woman. Do you see Tipper Gore or Cindy McCain whining about their loss???Plus it looks like she has porked out about 30 pounds.I wish Ann would stfu.

  12. If a Mormon is ever elected as a US President, I will personally leave... well, leave in a sense like Limp balls, Hannity, Nugent... etc.

  13. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Ann,Why don't you comment on the massive ongoing lawsuit including your husband for racketeering???It's not the first time either.. He and Taggalong were involved in a Ponzi scheme involving billions . Other people got jailtime but the Romney boys walked off shot free. This woman is repugnant.

  14. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I'd say we dodged the bullet first time it's time to "return fire"........and put his candidacy out of it's misery.

  15. Whatever happened to the good old days when losing candidates, even if they couldn't force themselves to say something positive about the winner, would at least confine their public remarks to civilized niceties like "Well, the American people have spoken and we have to respect that. I am of course, willing to contribute should the President ask for my assistance in any way."

    First we have her asinine husband complaining that America's standing has suffered under President Obama and that Putin is a better president. Now we have the Queen of the $900 T-Shirt whining that America lost by not electing her jackass husband. In other words she is saying that the American people are too stupid or too uncaring to have done the right thing.

    What tasteless, classless, trashy boors.

    Oh, and listen up, Queen Ann. You are one of the many reasons your husband lost the election. No one wanted your snotty attitude in our White House.

    Suck on that, Bad Lovey.

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      "she is saying that the American people are too stupid or too uncaring to have done the right thing"

      And that's a sure way to win more people over to their side, isn't it?

  16. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Oh Ann, he lost because logic dictates if someone wears magic underwear to keep them safe, he or she has no place in the Whitehouse.

  17. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Perhaps she really thinks her hubby could have done a better job than Obama. But - I think what really frosts her cookies is that she is not First Lady. As I recall she said something like "It's our turn." Really?? And why is it your "turn"?

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      What I think frosts the ass of Ann Romney is the fact a half white/half black man beat the hell out of her husband!

      The two of them would have been jerks in the White House! And, we'd be in another war if he were currently serving. Thank god, he/they lost!

      And, thank you President Obama for the great job you are doing in spite of the constant obstruction from the right! Plus, we have an outstanding First Lady!!!

  18. Anonymous1:59 PM

    So sorry you assholes were crushed in an electoral landslide.

  19. Anonymous2:00 PM

    G -

    OT - but I just read an article on HuffPo (believe it originated from New York Times). It is entitled "Mia Farrow's Daughter Opens Up About Alleged Abuse by Woody Allen". Shocking. Check it out.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      It sure appears that Mia Farrow is having all her kids spell the guts about Woody Allen of late! I doubt seriously she was a sweetheart in that relationship.

      Don't forget there are always two sides to a story!

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Here's the other side of the story:

    3. Anonymous6:13 PM

      I doubt Mia Farrow has control of what her adult children are now saying. Mia did NOTHING when her kids were being abused.

  20. Anonymous2:01 PM

    What does she expect people to say to her: I'm glad your husband lost? This woman never has much to add to the conversation.

  21. Anonymous2:01 PM

    There is something that is simply so annoying about this woman. Ann Romney hasn't an ounce of interest in or curiosity about anyone other than her husband or herself. And it was so painfully obvious during the miserable campaign that they ran in 2012. Nothing gracious or charming about her. Ann Romney makes Laura Bush look like Mother Theresa in comparison and I always thought that Laura Bush was rather too reserved in public. We never knew what she thought about anything. Now, Michelle Obama has been the quintessential First Lady - intelligent, articulate, interested in people, approachable. She and President Obama have brought class, style and believability to the White House.

    1. PINO Shrub's wife was the perfect Rethuglikon/Stepford wife: Xanaxed.

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      "She and President Obama have brought class, style and believability to the White House. "

      And some damn fine dancing, too!

    3. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Laura was a valiumed up drunk, actually I doubt she ever got over killing that boy and she never was charged with vehicular manslaughter either, I guess she was the original "affluenza" case in Texas.

    4. Anonymous9:42 AM


  22. Anonymous2:18 PM

    There's never been a thing they could not buy and poor Mitt would've been President too if it wasn't for you people being do damned nosey.

    1. "And I would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!"

  23. Anonymous2:30 PM

    When the Mittbot left office in Mass he was so unpopular his approval ratings were in the 20's.He knew he would never win re-election and that's why he didn't try. He was so unpopular still when he was running in 22012 he didn't even campaign in Mass and Obama won there in the double digits. Rem when he went abroad and every time he opened his mouth proceeded to insult the people in every country he visited. The Lord Mayor of London mocked Mitt in the Olympics opening ceremony. Oh Yeah , What a great President he would have been.We dodged a heat seeking rocket with Mitt. Ann needs to shut the fuck up.

  24. angela2:36 PM

    Oh for fucks sake!
    When is this rich entitled harridan going to STFU and go hang out with her money and clueless Mittens? She is bad mannered and angry. But it does make me happy that she is so miserable.
    (Ok that makes me a bad person--but i don't care when it comes to Egg Romney.)

  25. London Bridges2:40 PM

    Willard was exposed as one of the sleaziest people to ever walk the face of the earth, both from his vampire capitalism and treatment of his dog.

  26. This says sit all.

  27. Beldar E Conehead2:51 PM

    MIttens WILL run again!! And again and again! He will become the 21st century version of perennial candidate and lovable loser Harold Stassen.

    Without the lovable.

  28. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Mitt Romney lost partly because of his wife! She'd make the worst first lady the country has ever seen. She feels privileged and it's constantly reflected! I want to slap her face every time I look at her!

  29. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Ann Romney would be Nancy Reagan and Barbara Bush on steroids.

  30. NRO claims they are not the Onion but are still full of SHIT5:02 PM

    Well the National Journal is not yet shut down and their headline is

    Mitt Romney Is the 2016 Republican Front-Runner
    This is not an "Onion" story.

    Mitt Romney leads the Republican field among New Hampshire primary voters for 2016. Yes, you read that right.
    Why not make it a third run for president? That's something that the former Republican nominee is definitely not thinking about right now. To put it in his own recent words: "Oh, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no."

    But that didn't stop the Virginia-based bipartisan policy firm Purple Strategies from adding his name to a recent survey for Granite State voters, which shows Romney in the lead with 25 percent support. Libertarian firebrand Rand Paul (who has strong infrastructure in New Hampshire) and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie are behind with 18 percent and 17 percent support, respectively.

    We might be experiencing Mittmentum 3.0. The Netflix documentary about his 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns was recently released to the excitement of political insiders everywhere.

    1. Anonymous8:48 PM

      Mitt Romney is not the republican"front-runner" in 2016. This article is based on ONE recent poll that was taken in New Hampshire. This poll isn't surprising considering what is happening to Chris Christie.

      Plus, the "moderate" establishment candidate typically leads in states like New Hampshire. This poll is also no surprise, since Mitt Romney also led in 2012 New Hampshire polls, and he won New Hampshire in the 2012 republican primary.

      The timing of this poll is suspicious. Mitt Romney's people are probably behind this poll. Mitt Romney thinks' he has a shot at the republican nomination again, because of Chris Christie's implosion.

      Mitt Romney ran practically unopposed in the 2012 republican primary, but that won't be the case in 2016. If Mitt Romney does run again in 2016, it's going to be much harder for him to win the nomination the second time around.

      In 2016, Mitt Romney would be running against republican primary candidates who already have money, and a following, unlike in 2012.

      Mitt Romney is still a weak candidate, and the republican base still hates him. The republican hates Chris Christie, too. The Tea Party types are celebrating the downfall of the establishment's candidate (Chris Christie), and they believe this will give them the opportunity to finally nominate a far-right candidate.

      The republican base will be pissed if they get stuck with Mitt Romney a second time in a row, and there will be even less enthusiasm for his candidacy, than the last time. The republican party is divided, and they may be even more divided in 2016. The more united party usually wins the presidential election.

      If Mitt Romney does by some miracle manage to win the GOP nomination again, he be the nominee of a divided party in the midst of a civil war, running against a more united party, with a strong candidate (Hillary Clinton?), and he will lose even worse than he did in 2012.

      P.S., Fuck Ann, and Mittbot!

    2. Anonymous9:32 PM

      I could never imagine these two in the White House....Ann would be the very worst first lady? There is no comparison as to the wonderful woman currently serving as our First Lady! She's outgoing, gracious and warm! Ann comes across as being very, very cold!!

    3. Anonymous3:57 AM

      Ann looks like there is a nasty smell right under her nose in every photo. Maybe having to speak to lowly non-Mormon TV interviewers is beneath her. I watched Michelle Obama do the Mom Dance with Jimmy Fallon again last night. She is so natural, warm, likeable and down to earth. The polar opposite of Queen Ann.

  31. Anita Winecooler5:18 PM

    Oh Poor Queen Ann! They treated her like a mushroom, kept her in the dark and fed her horseshit to the last moment. The clip I saw really showed she was shocked and saddened as she plopped her haute couture outfit on the unsanitary sofa next to Mitt. Taggart was busy playing a game of jenga, then talked to his daddy a little. Ann walked into the room, and they quickly switched to FOX news then Mitt broke the news. She was genuinely shocked. The blood drained from her face and she bit her tongue till it bled, wishing the camera guy wasn't filming.

    Oh, to be a fly on the wall in their bedroom that night! LMAO

  32. Anonymous6:33 PM

    LOL with all that money the Romney has, that bitch couldn't buy the White House. Ann is a sore loser.

    1. Anonymous7:15 PM

      Wonder if they send each other selfies in their magic underwear???

    2. Anonymous3:58 AM

      I think we can all agree that a selfie of Mitt in his magic underwear would be a vast improvement over Mitt naked!! He is a robot.

    3. Anonymous9:50 AM

      More likely the google glass app that lets you watch intimate relations from your partner's point of view. EWWWW!!

  33. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Mitt and Ann had a strong sense of being entitled to the office, as if Mitt's father's legacy had been, "Son, go out and finish what I started." His 47% gave him away. A man whose needs an elevator to store all of those cars in his ocean resort of a mansion is not someone who relates to ordinary people and their problems. The way that Bain took over companies and fired people is just another example of what Mitt thought of "those people." The dog on the roof of the car was an indication of Mitt's lack of sensitivity for personal things, people, even pets. Clinton was famous for "I feel your pain," even if he really was pretty well off. Both Clinton and Obama had real life experiences in which they could relate to other people and connect with them. Mitt lived in a Paris mansion as part of his missionary work in France. In order for him and Ann to meet some college expenses, they had to sell some of Mitt's stock. The Obamas finally paid off their student loans. As the child of a single mother, Bill Clinton did not have stocks to sell to pay his way.

  34. Anonymous4:14 AM

    And don't forget Mitt's missionary experience in that mansion in Paris was his equivalent of serving as a soldier in Vietnam. He served too, remember? there hasn't bee so obvious and so clueless a candidate for the presidency before Mitt Romney in the history of the country.

  35. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Nice that she thinks the country needed Mitt so much, but he quit trying to help the country that needed him so much after losing.


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