Saturday, February 01, 2014

Dallas News editorial writer slaps Wendy Davis on the wrist for deigning to respond to question about Bristol Palin's tweet.

Courtesy of Dallas News:  

Wendy Davis needs to remember one important thing: She is running for governor of Texas, and for now, her focus needs to be on the Democratic primary. Period. Which means she doesn’t have to answer to Rush Limbaugh or any other GOP commentator on the national stage. She is not vying for Rush’s vote, nor is she going to win over the kinds of Texas voters who listen regularly to Rush Limbaugh. So who cares what he thinks? 

Doubly so for Bristol Palin. The daughter of embarrassingly disastrous GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has zero political insights that are worth anyone’s time. None. Her only claim to fame is that she emerged pregnant and unmarried just as her mom was chosen as John McCain’s running mate. Bristol got her own reality show, which also was a disaster. She was on Dancing with the Stars. 

But because Bristol blogged last week about Wendy Davis, drawing comparisons between their incomparable experiences with single motherhood, Bristol has managed to draw Wendy Davis onto today’s front page of The New York Times. (Bristol’s blog item came up in a video interview, and Davis responded to the interviewer’s question, thereby giving Bristol undeserved traction.) Once again, the nation is talking about Davis’s imprecise personal history. And yet, nobody seems to have anything new or insightful to say. It’s all the same rehash.

It is clear that while the writer has great confidence in Wendy Davis his opinion of Bristol could not be much lower.  

Bristol Palin embarrasses herself with blog items like the one she wrote. They’re not eloquent. They’re crass. And they reflect Bristol’s very tendency to rewrite and hype-up her personal, inaccurate history in the same way that she condemns Wendy Davis for. For example, Bristol writes: “Gosh, children are sooo inconvenient, huh? I’m glad my mother didn’t put motherhood on the shelf when she was elected to City Council, then became our mayor, then Governor.” 

Well, actually, Bristol’s mom did put motherhood on a shelf, according to Bristol’s own recollection. Perhaps she’s forgotten her interview with Harper’s Bazaar in 2010, in which she acknowledged that her parents didn’t engage in the most fundamental conversation you can have with a teenager. ”It’s not like we sat down and were like, ‘All right, here’s the birds and the bees.’” Bristol said. “Truly, my parents just assumed that I wasn’t doing anything. And it was a shock for us all.” Her mom, who certainly has engaged on the national scene about abstinence, never quite got that important message across to her own child. 

As the father of Bristol’s child, Levi Johnston, explained in Vanity Fair after having lived with the family: “The Palin house was much different from what many people expect of a normal family, even before she was nominated for vice president. There wasn’t much parenting in that house. Sarah doesn’t cook, Todd doesn’t cook—the kids would do it all themselves: cook, clean, do the laundry, and get ready for school. Most of the time Bristol would help her youngest sister with her homework, and I’d barbecue chicken or steak on the grill.”

Looks like somebody did his research. 

I wonder how much lower his opinion would be if he knew that the non-eloquent, "crass," blog posts that he refers to are actually written for the embarrassingly undereducated former abstinence only spokesperson?

Well probably about as low as all of OURS is of her.

He of course makes a very good point, and one that I made after I first heard that Davis responded to Mama's little baby factory, and that is that Wendy Davis is on the verge of a very significant political victory, and responding to the idiots on the Right only distracts her from that destiny.


  1. Anonymous9:41 AM

    A smackdown for the ages!

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Great smackdown but he should of added that BrisDull's idiocy shouldn't even be REPORTED on let alone worthy of Wendy's comments. You know the saying...throwing pearls before (human) swine....
      Can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, etc.
      But great smackdown. Of course mama grisly will have have the flying monkeys attack or address this "issue" on facebook b/c well b/c "That woman is a idiot"!

    2. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Sorry should of been "Can't make a silk purse"...but you guys knew that I'm sure :)

  2. Anonymous9:42 AM

    The 'stool is as illiterate as her mother.

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      I disagree. I think Bristol is even Dumber than her mother, and I would have thought that was nearly impossible.

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Walls are closing in Todd and Sarah...

    Some of the players in Hookergate

  4. Anonymous9:54 AM

    The Right-wing noise machine was very loud with that post of Nancy's. Maybe it was loudest in Texas, we don't know.

    Or maybe the President was getting a lot of attention last week.... for, you know, being President while blah.

  5. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Whoever is running Wendy's campaign is worth every penny!

    Keep comparing Wendy to the Palins and watch that war chest grow.

    A direct comparison with Sarah will be more profitable..

  6. Anonymous10:00 AM

    He said what Wendy couldn't say about the Palin family. Somebody had to respond though.

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      He accomplished two things - reminded Wendy not to get involved in trying to response to trash and also did a remarkable put down of Bristol. As to Wendy's response to Palin - I thought she did a great job of calling a lie a lie, though. Great article.

      Pat Padrnos

    2. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Wendy was asked a question and responded, unlike republicans democrats answer journalists instead of threatening them.

    3. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Anonymous12:14 PM

      So true.

  7. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Bill Maher Turns The Tables and Rips Duck Dynasty For Disrespecting the U.S. Flag

    Bill Maher shredded both Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson for disrespecting the American flag at the State Of The Union, and Republican hypocrites for not saying a word about it.


    Maher said, “New rule, when you’re invited to the president’s State Of The Union address wear your good bandana. Nice to see you observing the dress code, Cletus. But you know if Beyonce wore that, they would say she was bringing down America from within. But somehow everybody is cool with this 1840s gold prospector sweating goose grease into the Stars and Stripes. All because his homophobic daddy invented a whistle that makes ducks horny.”

    Maher was right. If Beyonce, or any other supporter of the president showed up wearing the Stars and Stripes to the SOTU like Robertson did, Fox News would be screaming for days about how they hate America. They would be indignant over the disrespect that the Obama showed both for the flag, and for those who have fought and died for what it means.

    The tirades would be endless. Rush Limbaugh would claim that the act of wearing the flag at the State Of The Union was proof that Barack Obama isn’t really an American. The name Alinsky would tossed around endlessly, and many conservative news cycles would be consumed by faux outrage. None of this happened because the Duck Dynasty guy is a Republican.

    Paul Ryan happily looked the other way while posing for a picture with the reality TV star, because what could be more appealing to homophobic 2016 Republican primary voters than a pic with America’s First Family of racial intolerance and homophobia? This the same political party that threw a hissy fit when then candidate Obama wasn’t wearing his flag lapel pin, but they are totally cool with some D-list reality TV star disrespecting the flag because he is one of them.

    This is a prime example of the sort of hypocrisy that plagues the Republican Party. Beyond their wildly unpopular agenda, Republicans don’t get that selective application of their “values” is a major turnoff for millions of Americans. In Republican land,

    1. Anonymous2:45 PM

      I love Bill Maher and the fact he goes after the asshole Republicans .... and can hardly wait to see how bringing down some of the Congressmen/women running for reelection goes....hope everyone has submitted their names to him! We need to take down as many of the Republican party as possible - nationally, state and locally!

  8. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Is that picture of Bristol recent? In that pic it looks like she had more work done on her nose and a brow lift (look at how high the left brow is and the shallowness of the lid). Lips p(l)umped up also, too, as well.

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Looks cross-eyed also, too!!

    2. Anonymous12:15 PM

      She looks very pretty in that particular pic. But you see her through envious hate colored glasses. And no, I'm not any palin, so save it.

    3. Anonymous12:35 PM

      sperm burpin' skank

    4. Anonymous2:07 PM

      12:15 Envious? Not on your life. My children know where and when they were born and who their father is - just one for all 3. What a concept for the Palin family, eh? My kids celebrate their birthdays on their actual birthday, no secrets in this family. So, envious of someone who has to hide her kids, and lie about their birthdates? Not on your life. Her attitude and sense of entitlement make Bristol very unattractive.

    5. "Anonymous12:15 PM
      She looks very pretty in that particular pic."
      I disagree because she changed her face completely from her fresh-faced natural prettiness that she used to have, to an artificial face that could be anyone's.

      There is very little that is attractive and much that is sad about someone so young wanting to see a different person when she looks in a mirror.

      And I am not envious or a hater, so save it.

    6. Anonymous2:49 PM

      WHAT, pray tell, is there to envy?

    7. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. In some cases you are looking at a work of art. Not everyone will admire Bristol Palin's surgeon's efforts. Unfortunately, that type of work doesn't hold up and Bristol will need expensive up-keep to maintain at all. What is unattractive to me is that Bristol doesn't have the inner confidence to carry herself well. I don't find that picture attractive because she lost her youth in an artificial manner and it just comes off weird. Mainly due to her inner self which is in far worse shape.

      No one in their right mind would envy a life time of surgery to keep up with a manufactured look.

    8. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Totally agree with you Nefer 2:32. Bristol is so full of self-loathing (perhaps because her mother Sarah WAS and her sister Willow IS more physically attractive than Bristol ever could be) that she destroyed the perfectly good face God gave her.

    9. Anonymous7:48 PM

      No, she doesn't look pretty, she looks like a mannequin with spackled-on makeup. Then again, I prefer the more natural look. We all know what YOU prefer, Patullo.

    10. Anonymous8:01 PM

      12:15 - interesting that your faulty critical thinking, logic, and reasoning skills jumped to the shallow judgement of pretty vs not pretty. 10:03 asked about the work that was done and offered no subjective opinion about her looks or the outcome of the surgery.

    11. Anonymous8:12 PM

      12:15 Bristol's mouth is hanging open like her son Tri-g's mouth hangs open. Tri-g looks exactly like his Mom, Bristol.

  9. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Agreed. Wendy Davis should not ' punch down'. The Palins only thrive off of faux controversies. She ought to have said, ' I have nothing to say about ...whats her name again?..... right, Bristol.

  10. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Seriously, she needs to nut up!

  11. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Nancy French was dumb to mess with Texas, any part of Texas. I am glad she uses Bristol Palin but it is all so old now. It only proves how clueless they are. Also, no style or grace. Just a black hole in a black hole.

    This is off topic and I have a question. There are several blogs with Governor Palin in Barrows Alaska. (2008?)
    "June 30th The Governor of the Great State of Alaska arrives for Blanket Toss" and "Yes it is true. The Governor of the State of Alaska is on the blanket, she is pregnant so they had to be gentle ! Go Sarah go !! The weather was perfect, a most spectacular day indeed." Pregnant? Trig's birth was stated as April 18, 2008.!!-Eskimo-!/page6
    Who wrote that ridiculous statement, she is pregnant so they had to be gentle?

    Trig would be two months old (9 weeks) in June of 2008. In Barrows no one knew he was born? Are the people of Barrows that far off the grid to not know her condition? Wouldn't they be asking about the baby and commenting on how fast she lost the preganancy weight? After Trig's birth he would go most places with Sarah and many photos were taken. Why the mix up in Barrows? Who was the original writer? This was picked up and repeated by several people. Was it an innocent mistake or some manipulation to confusticate? Sarah must have made a great impression on the locals when she participated in this event. Other blogs commented on her popularity with all the people of Alaska.

    Piper's expenses were paid for by the state> When Gov. Sarah Palin's 7-year-old daughter flew to Barrow with her mother recently, the state
    paid the $402 bill. In other mail it claims Trig was 12 weeks old and with Sarah and Piper.
    Or who was watching Trig and who paid? Britta Hansen, Ivy Fry and others doubled as nannies when they worked for the state and Palin.
    Barrow, Alaska, summer 2008 Barrow Nalukataq feast Sarah Palin
    This was a high point in her career and she appeared to be a real super woman for all people. I wonder why they don't promote her zenith more?

    1. Trig would be two months old (9 weeks) in June of 2008.Definitely post "delivery":

      Remember the picture of Palin in the grocery store wearing that pink Native Alaskan costume and mukluk boots holding what was probably the life-size doll that Piper was clutching at the Go Red luncheon in February?

      That was taken during that trip to Barrow.

    2. Anonymous12:14 PM

      That is all very interesting. There were many repeat blogs and posts that had the entire write up that included "Yes it is true. The Governor of the State of Alaska is on the blanket, she is pregnant so they had to be gentle!" Palin also gets kudos for being so able and athletic. While "pregnant" lol. It would have been pretty good for an old gal who birthed a 9 week old baby. What the heck was that all about? No one noticed that Trig was there? At least the e-mails say travel arrangements were made. Certainly at the taxpayer's expense. That was some kind of production to perform. Sarah really looked cool and in touch with native Alaska. Only Piper was with her to help with Trig?

    3. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Isn't that the year she blew off Juneteenth? Are there many other events to make her look so good with other cultures?

    4. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Do you think 2 month old Trig was there and there are no photo op pictures? When did she have the trampoline in Juneau? May be it wasn't for the kids as much as it was for her to practice for that big moment.

    5. Anonymous7:27 AM

      This is crazy. Yesterday The Black Vault Message Forums said one thing, today it is changed...

      Black Vault WAS "Yes it is true. The Governor of the State of Alaska is on the blanket, she is pregnant so they had to be gentle ! Go Sarah go !! The weather was perfect, a most spectacular day indeed." like the other sites with the article. Black Vault TODAY "Yes it is true. The Governor of the State of Alaska is on the blanket, they had to be gentle ! Go Sarah go !! The weather was perfect, a most spectacular day indeed."

      Others that have the same report. So far they still include "she is pregnant so":!!-Eskimo-!/page6

      It isn't unusual for friends of Palin to alter things. In todays MSNBC they are talking about the Superbowl, Cindy McCain and sex trafficing. I didn't hear enough to know the story. It was interesting. Cindy McCain is fierce about sex abuse in Arizona? She ignores Todd Palin, John McCain and David Chaney. Part of her life as a Mafia Princess includes doing charity work. One of her previous charities helped children. She was caught stealing drugs from them, her husband got her out of an arrest or any serious consequences. He latest cause seems to be deja vu.

  12. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I was so fucking mad when I see Wendy Davis on tv responding Bristol's shits. Davis only lowering herself to her level. Fucking Davis, she disappointed me.

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM


    2. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Smarty Pants, Wendy answered a question asked by a top Spanish language journalist, Jorge Ramos. To be rude and blow off his question was not necessary. People that don't understand are in their own zone.

      Wendy did not give any cred to the Palin tool, Bristol or Nancy.

    3. Anonymous11:17 AM

      If that's all it takes, you must not have been much of a supporter.

    4. Anonymous11:33 AM

      11:17 AM

      More like a troll that wants flames. No one can stand up to a ghostwriter for an immature childlike prop of a political fraud. They just want to get people to be through with Wendy. They don't want for anyone to look at the actual situation.

  13. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Bristol Palin... Sarah Palin's mouthpiece (ghostwritten by Nancy French) when Sarah Palin doesn't dare go there herself...

    Dance little gorilla, dance!

  14. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Davis was asked about Bristol's blog post. I have no doubt she never would have commented on it otherwise.

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Most seem to completely overlook this fact.

    2. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Ah…that makes sense!

    3. Anonymous11:25 AM

      I bet most of the comments that are 'disappointed' with Wendy Davis for the wrong reasons are just troublemakers. They want to stir up disgust for any reason to distract from the idiots at Brancy Blog.

  15. Anonymous10:44 AM

    This should have been Wendy's response: Bristol who?

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Get a grip. She was in an interview with a man she respects and he is no slouch. She superbly handled the matter.

  16. Anonymous10:53 AM

    when's barstool gonna move to chatsworth ca. to get going on her porn career ?!? or is she there now ?

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Chatsworth would never have her disease in their business.

    2. Anonymous12:31 PM

      kind'a hard too to bust a move when she's perpetually high centered on a pelvis i s'pose

  17. I agree with Gryphen, Wendy should have ignored Bristol. That being said, that smackdown really had to sting - for Bristol, not Wendy!

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      I read that the porn industry is moving to Las Vegas, where filming without condoms is allowed. So, expect to see Bristles in Vegas soon.

    2. Anonymous11:24 AM

      There is a branch of political thought that you should respond to every accusation, rather than let the story get out there and define you. The example would be John Kerry, who was the target of those Swift Boat lies. He brushed it off as "unimportant," and the story was repeated and repeated for two weeks until it was believed. The same thing happened when Dukakis failed to respond immediately to those Willy Horton ads. I can understand Wendy wanting to set the record straight, especially since her critic was a unwed mother with a middle school mentality.

    3. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Very good point.

      Pat Padrnos

    4. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Listen to the actual interview again. She did ignore Bristol. It was rhetorical and she didn't ignore being asked a question.

  18. Sally in MI11:12 AM

    And yet, the writer himself devotes an entire column to Bristol and why Davis should ignore her? Please. Davis did not come out with her own FB rant denouncing the girl. She responded to a question.
    OT, but there is a recap of an interview with the recently caught D'Souza and Hannity where they blame Obama (of course) for his arrest..D'Souza is sure his movie of lies 'got under his skin.' I'd love for someone to ask Obama about it, and see him say, "Who?" The arrogance and insanity of these people is stunning..still. Even after watching Sarah lie day after day on the trail 5 years ago, and seeing the downward spiral of what passes for 'news' since, I am still shaking my head over the gullibility of people and their willingness to follow idiots like the Palins, all the supposed newscasters on Fox, and the RNC. Wake up, America, or it will be too late.

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Davis did ignore the Palins. She didn't ignore the interviewers question.

  19. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Gryphen - maybe the writer of the DMNews column would be interested in a summary from you of some of Sarah's recent history, starting with the wild ride from Dallas?

  20. Anonymous11:25 AM

    O/T but this map is fascinating related to the extreme weather that's been happening in the country and how different areas respond. Poor Alaska, seems they NEVER get a day off!

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      As long as the snow is right Ak will be fine.

  21. Anonymous11:33 AM

    While Sarah and Nancy might have thought that it was a good idea to let Bristol attack Wendy, they could not have picked a worse spokesperson for that ghost written rant. Bristol was the unwed teen mother who barely finished high school. She didn't go to college, even though her mother could have paid for the baby sitter and the tuition. Instead, Bristol was set up in Anchorage in a swell condo, with a baby sitter, so she could pretend to be working in a dermatologist's office. Yes, medical practices that are subject to all kinds of liability are going to employ a girl with no education at all in nursing, medicine or any related field. (It's only now that Bristol claims to be studying skin care, 3 days a week).

    Bristol claimed that her mother didn't abandon motherhood during her political career. I remember that Curtis Menard Jr., Track's godfather, marched into her mayor's office and told her to spend more time at home, taking care of her children. He did have a vested interest in how those kids were being raised. (Sorry about the water in your airplane's gas tank, Curtis). Sarah's motherhood is a role model how kids react to neglect: vandalism, drink, drugs, getting pregnant all while being teen agers acting out and calling for attention. We can guess at Sarah's mothering skills, because Bristol has none. The way that she would have learned to care for a kid would have been through following Sarah's mothering. And, please, dear trolls, don't write in and say what a good mother Bristol is and how Tripp is the angel of the world. That's not what Bristol wrote to Melissa Rivers during the Wife Swap program. Bristol admitted in the letter and in her blog that she needing parenting advice, and Tripp was not a new born when she wrote those things. We could see how he acted out around Bristol. Melissa whipped him in shape in a week. It wasn't Tripp. Kids want guidelines and boundaries, and they push as hard as they can until the parent shows them the limits. Bristol never got that guidance from her own mother, so she was not equipped to have a baby of her own. No, Bristol is not qualified to pass judgement on any one's motherhood and/or or education, since she is such a bad example herself.

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Great post Anonymous 11:33!

  22. Anonymous11:47 AM

    She answered a question. Take it up with Jorge Ramos Dallas News.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      ____ She answered a question. Take it up with Jorge Ramos Dallas News ____

      Right on.

      I am not in Texas but I can imagine the attacks from the Right Wing are fast and furious. Men don't want to directly attack a woman like a woman can. Sarah Palin doesn't want to directly attack a woman running for an office in another state. They are all using Bristol Palin's name and having Nancy French write the attack.

      IMHO, Jorge was going along with the tool's name, Bristol Palin. He was wondering why the attacks have become more personal. "Why so personal with the attacks? What's behind this?" WHAT'S BEHIND THIS is what people could be focusing on. Overall all the attacks are basic Republican attack points, he used the prop they are using, the name Bristol. Wendy was saying all the attacks are not the truth. She has every right to stand up against the Republican lies, even when they use someone like Bristol Palin. They want to make it mud slinging dirty from behind a ghostwritten blog.

    2. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Sarah never stops using her children, even as adults, to hide behind.

    3. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Children are convenient props.

  23. HOW did the natives of Bull Shit Mountain get involved in Rick Perry's cesspool of hate?? Oh yea, the QUEEN of BullShit Mountain created interfering versus contributing to the election process ..... Hopefully, someday soon, a building will fall straight from the sky on all of her ......

  24. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Wendy Davis on the verge of winning.
    What a joke!! Are you serious?
    Check the latest polls.

    1. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Wendy already won. The ones throwing dirt already lost.

    2. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Exactly. If Wendy Davis wasn't a threat in Texas, there wouldn't be Republicans all over the country going after her?

  25. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Mitt 2016? Romney Leads In Key Primary State Poll

    Mitt Romney, Round Three? A poll released this week in a key presidential primary state found that the 2012 Republican nominee is still the preferred 2016 choice among a crucial cohort of voters.

    The Purple Strategies poll placed Romney as the 2016 front-runner for the Republican nomination in New Hampshire with 25 percent of the vote. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) followed at 18 percent, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie ranked third at 17 percent.

    Romney has emphatically stated that he won't run for president again in 2016. But that hasn't stopped the speculation. “You know what a lot of them say to me? I think we need Mitt back," a GOP operative told BuzzFeed earlier this month of some top Republican donors.

    Among the Democratic field, Hillary Clinton sat comfortably in the lead with 68 percent of the vote. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was the only other candidate who earned more than a 10 percent share at 13 percent.

    Oh god, spare us..

  26. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Oh and BTW Brisket and that bitch of a Mom of yours, as a Texan I could care less what any of you dishonest unemployed Palin's have to say. Now run along and practice keeping your knees together before another abstinence baby falls out of your crotch.

  27. He nailed it. I hope Wendy hears it and takes it to heart. She never has to stoop that low. She's head and shoulders above all those losers.

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Can you be specific how she stooped 'that low'? I don't get how people are interpreting that interview. I see it so different. Is there another interview?

      Wendy didn't stoop at all and I don't know why she could consider stooping in the future. If there is an interview I missed can someone leave a link? Thanks.

  28. Anonymous12:49 PM

    "Now run along and practice keeping your knees together before another abstinence baby falls out of your crotch."

    LMAO !!

  29. Ratfish12:54 PM

    "Bristol Palin embarrasses herself with blog items like the one she wrote. They’re not eloquent. They’re crass. And they reflect Bristol’s very tendency to rewrite and hype-up her personal, inaccurate history in the same way that she condemns Wendy Davis for."

    What? Bristol Palin lies about her personal history? Hmm. Who does that remind me of? Of yeah- her mother.

    The "eloping" story (aka she was knocked upon prior to marriage) comes to mind.

    Like mother, like daughter. That's for sure.

  30. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Wendy Davis' response could go well for her though. It brought out this article and her daughters' essay on what a good mom she was. It makes Bristol Palin look like the small petty vindictive person she is.

    It makes Bristol appear clueless. If anyone wants to check her history since the 2008 election, they'd find out she didn't vote. They'd see the juvenile interviews she gave, and the entertainments magazine family photos she posed for.

    She's lazy. A girl her age, with the money and opportunities that were handed her, should be out making the most of her life, NOT sitting around trashing other people who offer themselves to serve the public. A fulfilled woman in her position with a child to care for won't be looking for people to trash. Her peers in the lower 48 are working, learning, traveling, dedicating themselves, setting goals. Bristol's christian example is nil.

  31. Anonymous1:31 PM

    My question is why Jorge Ramos would even mention Bristol's blog. The "lies' about Ms Davis are all over right-wing media. Why bring up Bristol, of all people?

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      A fake Bristol blog makes an fine example. Most people may not know any facts about Bristol and who writes what or that the blog is for her mother's PAC to use. Ramos presented 'Bristol' to be the Right Wing attacking the personal. It could be Joe Smoe or any Right Winger. People will either find out more about this Bristol and the political games that run her or they will go along with the fantasy about Wendy Davis and sinking low and engaging poor Bristol that hard working single mother who knows about the convenience of having a child.

  32. Anonymous1:37 PM

    I disagree, I think that the Republicans assume that she will win her primary and they are already running against her. She needs to nip these things in the bud. If she says nothing now, then people will assume that she really did marry just to get her education paid for, ad then abandon her children.

    A natural reaction to a lie about yourself is to defend yourself upon hearing it. Silence leaves the impression that you aren't that shocked by it because you're guilty.

  33. Anonymous2:24 PM

    “When you throw dirt, you lose ground”

    I did hear that while in Texas but it goes way back. It seems simple enough but several people coming here today may need to have it spelled out.

  34. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Why the "long face" Bristol? Oh, I forgot.... Your plastic surgeon.

  35. Anita Winecooler4:25 PM

    So the Dallas News got it right! Yeah, Wendy did respond, but it did little if any damage to her campaign, as a matter of fact she and her daughters came across as quite respectful and intelligent in their response to Nancy-Bristol's blog post.

    Bristol stepped in it with all four hooves and her chin. Amazing that she has no memory of her own words at such a young age. Perhaps it's time to switch to a padded headboard?

  36. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I am pleased with Tod Robberson for calling the Palin's ghost scribe out. Why did he exaggerate Wendy Davis's part? She didn't respond like it was a Rush Limbaugh. She was amazingly succinct and respectful to her interviewer by answering him. I think they let the spot light on the Republican stupidity and desperate lies and attacks, without getting down and dirty about anything. Wendy has every right to clear things up and not just allow the people of Texas to believe that smears might be true because she was rendered speechless by a Bristol Palin. Robberson may have wanted to warn her for the future attacks but I doubt that was necessary. Wendy Davis is a winner.

  37. Anonymous6:39 PM

    The Palin house was much different from what many people expect of a normal family, even before she was nominated for vice president. There wasn’t much parenting in that house. 

    That's why Sarah Palin's children terrorized Alaska. Those hoodlums had no parents that raised them.

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      That explains why Willow got caught breaking and entering, Track supposedly damaged school buses and Bristol went hog wild screwing like there was no tomorrow.

    2. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Was that when Todd was courting Shailey Tripp?


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