Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The venom does not fall far from the fang as illustrated by Bristol Palin's pathetic attack against the First Lady.

Today Bristol's ghostwriter thought it would get the blog some hits by attacking Michelle Obama.

Beneath this it said:

Our economy is in the toilet — due largely to Obama’s terrible policies. That’s why I thought the First Lady’s tweet showing her dogs eating off china and drinking out of crystal was a bit much!! 

Actually the economy is on the mend thanks to this President, and absolutely NO thanks to the obstructionist Republicans in Congress. 

This is a truly pedestrian attempt to smear a very accomplished person by taking fake umbrage at a sweet and innocuous tweet. In other words like a toddler's version of Karl Rove.

And to be clear if Sarah, Bristol, and Nancy French think that this somehow helps the Chin gain some supporters of her own for a future career in politics, well they better quickly speed things up. Because the people who respond to this kind of crap are a rapidly aging demographic of Fox News viewers who will be too old to mark a ballot by the time Bristol learns to bullshit her way through a speech like dear old mom.

On a similar note Bristol's Facebook page featured this birthday message to the crazy lady who screwed up her life.

You know if only more young women took pictures of themselves holding fish instead of taking selfies, this would be such a better world.

Gee, I wish I could remember who said that.


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    The Michael Dunn trial finished today, and is being deliberated by the jurists. This is the case where Dunn was so offended by the loud music of the black teens in the car next to him, that he fired 10 rounds into their car. How dare they disrespect him! And one teen died.

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      I hope they find him guilty and that he's put a way for life. Acted terribly entitled to me when on the stand. They've got his racist letters that he has written from jail. I'll wager he is under special protection in the jail and we're all paying for it.

  2. The jealousy - just highlights the mean.

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      How about when mom CEO of the State she was once of, bragging to the paper that she loved hanging out in her BIG WARM HOUSE during the Rural Energy Crisis with which the world rallied to send food and supplies, but she sent Franklin Graham instead? Bit much?

    2. Anonymous8:51 PM

      Just like her mother, negative attention is better than no attention.

    3. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Oh, she went along with Franklin. She brought cookies. Because nothing cheers freezing people more than $ Palin bringing cookies she bought.


    4. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Careful Bristol, your true twuntness is showing.

  3. Anonymous4:40 PM

    The Dysfunctional Palins are too stupid to remember what they post from day to day. Sarah's 'selfie' post was forgotten as soon as it was posted. Sarah Palin's ignorance is accepted by her daughters, who don't know any better. They avoid posting photos of all of the Bastard Babies of Bristol and Willow. But they try to criticize Wendy Davis, and the FLOTUS through their Ghostwriters. Not one Palin is competent enough to write a coherent sentence without outside help. Bristol and Willow love it when the State Troopers stop them and tell them to 'Spread Them'. They are good at that.

  4. abbafan4:41 PM

    Hey Fishlips - how's about you and Fishwife have some left-over moose chili gruel from her big "50th", with a side order of go fuck yourselves! palins are sick disgusting fucks!

  5. Anonymous4:43 PM

    SarahPac is in the toilet, not our economy. Track, Bristol and Willow need to go out and get a real job. The Palins are living off of OTHER PEOPLES' MONEY.

  6. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Moochelle's dogs live better than most americans
    Dining at the State dinner on fine china and crystal
    Let the eat cake, Moochelle Antoinette said to the public

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Grow up!

    2. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Oh lookie, a Palin worshiper graces us with their ignorance.. *flush* Bye bye turd!

    3. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Oh look, Wallow finally woke up!

    4. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Dumb cluck! The Palins are giving Alaska an ever-present rash of a bad name. They should just shut it while they're ahead.
      M from MD

    5. Anonymous5:05 PM

      It's spelled Michelle. If you would have actually gone to high school instead of having your Mom buy you a GED you would know that. Now run along before another abstinence baby drops out of your "warrior within"

    6. Meanwhile, the Palins return to Alaska and give the state an STD from their bick "Fuck you!"

    7. Anonymous5:33 PM

      4:44 you're dumber than I could imagine if you think they actually feed their dogs off china at the table.

      God, can you guys THINK beyond a 2 year old? Is everything so literal to you idiots?

    8. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Yeah its kinda like when the palins were invited to join the McCain circus and everyone called them the Wasilla hillbillies. They have zero manners, morals, grace or brains.

    9. Anonymous6:22 PM

      4:44 PM Bristol's Dad is a known Pimp, prove me wrong. You are obviously a Palin, you write like a High School Dropout Colony Girls' Gang Member. Willow, how old is your Bastard baby?

    10. Look how many Retweets and Favorites Michelle Obama's tweet got.

      The Palins are jealous. See what the Wasilla hillbillies missed out on because Sarah did her crazy act during the 2008 campaign? They don't EVER get invited to any state dinners.

    11. Anonymous6:45 PM

      The Palin Skanks stole everything that was not nailed down in their RNC Hospitality Room. Wasillabillies have the nerve to try to make fun of the FLOTUS, an accomplished Lawyer with more intelligence and common sense than the entire Palin KKKlan. Track-Drug Addict, Bristol-Illiterate Bastard Baby Maker, Willow Bastard Baby Maker, Criminal Vandal, Drug and Alcohol Abuser, Todd-Pimp/Bi-sexual Prostitute, Peeping Tom, Sarah-LIAR-IN-CHIEF, Adulterer, Drug Abuser.

  7. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Jeeze what an ignorant twat.

    As ugly on the inside as she is on the out.

  8. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I laughed out loud when I saw the pictures of the Obama dogs at the table. My husband and I have dogs, and I'd let them sit at my table if I could

    1. Anonymous4:58 AM

      Our first dog (who lived a long, long life) liked to sit at the table and was often invited up after dinner was finished. She would sit very nicely on a chair and join in the conversation with frequent comments in "dog." We have a photo of her at her last birthday party (age 16); she had a Snoopy paper plate and a matching party hat on. I am so glad we have the photo.

    2. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Sounds like a great dog! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I love the humor First Lady showed w/that photo of their puppies at such a beautiful dinner setting! Cracked me up!
    But, we all know that that Palin klan does not know fun and humor when they see it!

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Agree Anonymous 4:49! The Obama's puppies are adorable and that pic is as cute as can be. If people love cats and dogs they also enjoy watching videos and seeing pictures of pets looking sweet or behaving mischievously.

      Most if not all recent U.S. Presidents had pets that made the news and the public absolutely loved it. I recall a picture of the Clinton's cat "Socks" riding around on the President's shoulder. FDR had "Fala" and Nixon had "Checkers". LBJ caught heck from the public for lifting his beagles by their ears. Barbara Bush's dog "Millie" even "wrote" a book that became a bestseller. (Take that Sarah and Bristol!)

      Bristol/Nancy is barking up the wrong tree (pun intended) if she thinks her post will get Bristol/Sarah some favorable attention. In her dreams Bristol wishes the Palins had some fine china and crystal. Their parties feature paper plates and plastic ware...which is fine depending on the occasion, but I don't think anyone will ever approach the Heath-Palin's for advice about entertaining.

    2. Anonymous6:26 PM

      And remember that GW Bush's life was saved by the fearless Barney,( a black Scottish terrier like Fala), when they were alone watching sports on tv.

      Barney also appeared in a White House-produced video shown at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, looking for "weapons of mass destruction" all over the house.
      Wow, that was so funny! We were all supposed to laugh at this sly Bush humor.
      Barney's gone to his reward, but neither he nor Bush ever did find those weapons. Neither has the U.S. Army.

    3. Hey didn't y'all hear....Baldy was the Centerfold in this month's "Dog Gun" magazine! Saw it at the's their Puppy Spectacular issue according to head nut job "golfmom3".

      So take that Sunny and Bo! LMAO!!!

    4. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Barney was my favorite Bush!

      LMAO auctions, bowling conventions and now dog magazines. And a dog magazine that most have never heard about BBBBAAAWWWWWHHHHH! She couldn't get in to Dog Fancy because her coat as some sort of mange and she has bald spots. Now we can call Sarah a mangy old woman!

    5. Anonymous5:50 AM

      The classless palins are just jealous. When their dogs eat at the table it's off paper plates with plastic utensils like the rest of the family

    6. Anonymous6:51 AM

      Dog magazine. Seems appropriate. Who knows more about bitches, bitchiness, bitching, bitches in heat?

  10. Anonymous4:58 PM

    In the photo w/Sarah, Piper and Bristol. Bristol looks just like the woman that had all those babies...can't think of her name! Spitting image of her since she had reconstructive facial surgery. All these facial surgeries young women are having are making them all look similar. Check them out - all w/dark hair! Gross!

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      That would be Octomom.

      And how do we know she wouldn't qualify as Octomom anyway? Just one at a time ya know...

    2. Anonymous5:13 PM

      OctoMom, I guess Bristol can be the Octopuss

    3. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Give her another dozen years and Bristol may equal the Octomom's number of kids. In my opinion Bristol has already birthed three (Trig, Tripp and the DWTS baby) and maybe a fourth. They will just continue to be hidden or adopted out. However, when SarahPAC eventually runs dry those offspring may be forced out of hiding...hush money gone.

      Also, it may be my imagination, but Piper looks like a younger S.E. Cupp...that disgustingly stupid conservative now on CNN, formerly of MSNBC.

    4. Anonymous6:47 AM

      More like Snagglepuss. Exit stage left!

      Wait, three you say? Then Tripod it is.

    5. Anonymous6:59 AM

      The first I saw that picture, I thought that was Heidi Fleiss. No clue who the old one was. Piper was the easiest to recognize. You can smell the desperado in this gang. They have nothing to say but this pathetic Nancy dribble to the poor cult followers.

  11. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Duck-lipped twat.

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Duck-brained as well.

    2. Anonymous3:24 AM

      Duck lipped Bristles had better stay away from the Duck Dynasty clan. Their duck call is a mating call!! Didn't she just unload Junker's kid?

  12. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Just goes to show you that the Palins are not dog lovers. Any dog lover would think this is beyond cute.
    BTW Brisket, your Mom told you to stop acting like a whore and posting selfies.

  13. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Shouldn't all the Palins be figuring out how to get along without their PAC money? Once the movie about pimp Todd comes out their donates will dry up faster than cum on Briskets chin.

  14. Anonymous5:05 PM

    hey barstool, you ignorant inbred retarded skank, but speakin' of dogs ( yourself included ),

    why couldn't you get yer lazy perpetually high centered on a pelvis ass outta bed and take a pickax to that frozen stalagmite of dog piss that your crosseyed methed out ignorant skank of a mom posed next to during her Inside Edition debacle ?

  15. Anonymous5:06 PM

    The deficit is fast declining, unemployment has been coming down for five years, job growth is solid, and the U.S. Economy is stronger than Europe, Russis ( which is in trouble), and China, where growth's declining.
    Please, read a newspaper and learn something about economics. Also, too, repeating lies will not work in the long run

    1. Anonymous4:52 AM

      I'm not sure that any of them can read a newspaper. Bristol and her brother certainly seem incapable of reading the "help wanted" ads for jobs.

  16. Anonymous5:12 PM

    The dogs have better table manners than any of the Palin trash.

  17. Bristol Palin should be grateful she isn't in jail for the perjury she committed during the David Kernell trial.

    She is an illiterate and ignorant bigot, a liar and an unfit mother.

  18. Anonymous5:17 PM

    It's all humor, too bad they don't have any. Jealous bitches.

    Hey, fish face stand-in Nancy, did you know that portuguese water dogs are the most hypo-allergenic of dogs? Have fun with your Palin d-celeb status.

    What I was doing today? Listening to Malia on "The Brian Hammer Show." Guess what the subject matter was? Wasn't her 50th birthday.

  19. Anonymous5:19 PM

    You know if only some of those young Palin and Heath females kept their panties up instead of taking them off for their boyfriends, this would be such a better world and they wouldn't have to elope or get married.

    1. Anonymous3:31 AM

      Elope? They can not keep one of the baby daddies around long enough for that!! They skip town long before then. Bristles is upset that she can not find paper plates that look like china. How Nancy French can call herself a Christian while posting this crap is beyond me. Hasn't she already seen Bristles pregnant with 2 (as far as we know) illegitimate babies? Does she want her daughters to grow up with those morals? Isn't one of her kids adopted and BLACK?

    2. Anonymous6:45 AM

      Yes, Nancy French has an adopted Black Trophy/Toy.

    3. Anonymous6:57 AM

      They don't wear underwear. They "lost" them all.

    4. Balzafiar6:16 PM

      @Anonymous 6:57 AM

      They don't wear underwear. They "lost" them all.

      Not true, not at all; grandpa ate them.

  20. Anonymous5:23 PM

    What's wrong with that top picture. Ain't a bad looking hefer. Won't win any 4-H competitions but it sure does have a lot of meat on her.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Well she doesn't have a good enough pedigree to integrate her into my herd even though she is a proven breeder. And I doubt if I took my ultrasound it would show anything but pet food quality scrap( yes you use ultrasound on cattle to look at the muscle to fat ratio to help judge the quality of the meat right on the hoof).

    2. Anonymous5:50 AM

      That's pretty cool. I never heard of that. Thank you! Sincerely, a fan of good beef. :-)

  21. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Brisket is just a bitter old jealous soul. And not only does she look old for her age, but the hate and bitterness of a scorned bitter old woman is obvious. She is ugly inside and out.

    1. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Just like her mother!

    2. Anonymous3:33 AM

      Who thinks Bristol would make a good representative in office? The woman is dumb as a stump. I know Bush and Perry are, too, but they had BIG money behind them. Palin's are a joke.

  22. Anonymous5:30 PM

    She served the Inside Edition people moose, cough cough, on paper plates,,,

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      LOL...I know! Tacky Bitch!!

    2. Anonymous7:23 PM

      And cheap, also too!

    3. Anonymous7:25 PM

      LOL, not even on paper plates, but those poisonous styro foam bowls.

  23. PalinsHoax5:33 PM

    Plus daddy's prostitute has the same last name as your son's first name. Now how did THAT happen, hey Bri$$tly?

  24. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Good grief! Bitchtol and Tundra Turd need new ghostwriters. They have the lamest, most ignorant, most untalented writers on the planet. Too cheap to pay for quality I guess.

  25. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Thanks for proving once again that you are as humor-impaired as you are intelligence-impaired, sensitivity-impaired, parental-skills-impaired, and self-awareness-impaired, Bristol. Bless your poor little heart.

  26. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I don't see the dogs eating off plates or drinking out of crystal goblets, did I miss something here.

  27. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Ahh the Whitetrashian princess speaks out her arse again.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      White Precious. Kathy Griffen called it.

    2. Anonymous4:12 AM

      Yes,Brissy is the White Precious, the black teenager who named her retarded baby Little Mongo(loid).
      Thing is though, that black girl from Harlem was smarter than Brissy anyday!!

  28. ibwilliamsi5:42 PM

    WHERE is it that Brisket works, again? Or is she still pursuing that college education.

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      She's practicing that abstinence thingie.. by giving hand and blow jobs to any potential husband in training,

    2. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Brissy hon, two pooches at a table is better than two narcissistic pigs at the trough!

    3. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Maybe she learned how to "titfuck" from her father?
      that is her form of "Birth control". I guess that is why granny got a titjob or fake tits for tawdry.
      See shay's book for details....

  29. Anonymous5:48 PM

    "That’s why I thought the First Lady’s tweet showing her dogs eating off china and drinking out of crystal was a bit much!!"

    Bristol, you idiot, do you really think those dogs are drinking out of crystal glasses? Does your boss at "work" hehe, know you're this ignorant?

    1. Anonymous4:49 AM

      What work? I don't think that the members of the Palin family believe in working. They believe in making their "supporters" feel better by receiving donations from them. It's a very high calling, grifting is. Most of us are incapable of it.

  30. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Where's your blog about your elderly mother's birthday, Bitch?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:35 PM

      What an ingrate! After allowing mama to control every aspect of her life, one would think and original, heartfelt congratulatory birthday message would make them look somewhat normal. She's just drooling over the "bone apetit" photo.

  31. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Yikes! Please, people, be a bit more civilized about how you describe this clan of grifters. Remember, we are not in competition the SeaofPee!

    That said... I agree with what people said about Bar$tool being an illiterate, uneducated, self centered, ignorant Beatch!
    She shows it daily by her vile actions that center on keeping her kid from his loving father and adoring 1/2 sister and her mom.

  32. Anonymous5:57 PM


    Elle Hernandez • 5 hours ago
    They need to stop spoiling there dogs and blowing americans money to fit there high standards of living. Please your broke "trillions in debt" sale the china and start paying your bills!!!

    They're ALL as stupid as the Palins!!

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Too bad Hernandez doesn't speak well in's sell the china - not sale the china! Plus, she obviously doesn't know that china has been in the White House for years - First Ladies do not sell belongings of the White House you idiot!

    2. Anonymous3:36 AM

      Gibe her a break, she is just another inbred, ignorant Palin/Heath.

  33. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I do feel sorry for Piper. She appears as though she could be reasonably intelligent and focused if she didn't have those three older witches in her family.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:31 PM

      Yeah, but the sad thing is, none of them escape. Sarah's clutches. I had hope for Willow years ago, but she's been beat into falling in line with the rest of them.

    2. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Sarah has to watch Willow closely, Willow is just like Sarah was at that age. Willow's Pregnancy scare was not just a scare, Willow has a baby. Bristol recently had a baby. It seems that when Bristol or Willow get Pregnant, they are sent to Arizona with 9 month MONO. Either Abortions are easy to get in Arizona, or the babies are farmed out. Piper will be making that trip soon.

    3. Anonymous3:37 AM

      It is called "family tradition" Does Nancy French approve of all these unwed pregancies, or does she not ever meet with them?

    4. Anonymous6:41 AM

      Nancy 'Horse teeth' French only cares about 'what's in it her'. If the Palins run low on Grifted Money, Nancy French is gone.

    5. Anonymous9:23 AM

      I wonder how much a Palin "baby" goes for on the Black market?
      Hope they don't DNA them, see no palin there at all.
      Just heath junk dna!

  34. Anonymous6:00 PM

    She seemed so sweet on the 2008 campaign trail. Sincerely. She was a microcosm of Palin-Ilk parenthood and management of other peoples lives - abstinence taught and knocked up before graduating high school. Uninspired to higher education. A real job and whatnot. Her act of independence having Greta come to her Mama Grizzly's house and say Abstinence was unrealistic. . .then Mama couldn't stand to have the spotlight on anyone else but her and she crashed the interview and slouched into camera view with her dowager's hump and word saladed the hard work of a poor single mom with her 'joy,' who couldn't possibly make it in life without a HUGE family support system - unlike all the other baby mama's out there who don't pause before they play. Still trying to figure things out, she went back to Levi and then broke up again after Sarah and Todd got what they wanted out of him, a useless apology that doesn't negate the horrible truth about their messed up family.

    Bristol got a new chin out of it all. Inexplicably named her son after daddy's pimped masseuse. An apartment. An odd tea party spread in Harper's Bazaar, US Magazine, People. Mom and grandma with Uncle baby sharing a cover glad they "chose" life!

    Then she matures into a more viscous, pernicious, vacuous and inflammatory bitch with a blog. One minute she's boasting a meek moral high horse for refusing to judge people on their appearance on a reality show called WIFE SWAP and she refuses to engage in its premise to SWAP jobs. It's mind blowing. This whacky, tacky, lying, cognitively dissonance'd Little Shop of Horrors.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      and, has shown herself to be a very poor parent as is her mother, sister Sarah! Wonder what is going on w/the case that Levi has filed against her? The press quit covering it!

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      She didn't "mature," she mutated.

  35. Anonymous6:04 PM

    LOL Bristle, we've seen you Palins eating like pigs.

  36. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Psycho Skank from Wasilla 50th birthday was largely ignored yesterday, so she and her doorknob (everyone takes a turn) daughter decided take a cheap shot at the First Lady. They're jealous that people around the world wished a Happy 50th to FLOTUS & she had a big birthday party at the White House. No one gave hoot about skanky turning!!!

    Btw, dumbasses, the dogs are not eating from the "china", they're posing for the picture on the chairs.

    1. Anonymous3:40 AM

      Those dogs are better trained, and have better manners than any of the Payme's.

    2. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Anonymous3:40 AM

      Those dogs are better trained, and have better manners than any of the Payme's.
      Amen! That's for sure.

  37. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Hey Butthole I can see your mommy's receding hairline from my living room.

  38. Anonymous6:13 PM

    hey barstool, ya ignorant retarded skank,

    sux when you wakeup and see what the assholes in your life have penned in your name, eh ?

    gotta suk to be you

  39. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Hey Butthole your mommy shouldn't go without makeup. Get to work miss makeup school artist!

    1. Anonymous3:43 AM

      Oh, puleeze. Bristol has a stand in taking a correspondence course for her, that is why she has to leave Alaska to go where people do not know her. Bristol is pregnant, or recovering from a birth, while someone else "studies" and takes the tests for her.

    2. Anonymous6:37 AM

      Borderline Retards need help with all writing projects.The Palin girls have no talent nor ability to understand any school subjects. They were taught to just show up once in awhile and Mommy will pay someone to take the tests.

  40. Anonymous6:18 PM

    The pure jealousy that the Palins have for the first family so hilarious. Any of them, all of them, could go to law school, could have waited to actually have children in a marriage, and could have been raised to be gracious. But no, Brisket and Sarah whine because they aren't the Obama', their hate is based in pure jealousy.

    1. Anonymous4:53 AM

      None of them are smart enough for law school.

    2. Anonymous7:12 AM

      The never ending whiners. Whine, whine, whine, all day every day, whine. That's what you call a basement full of paylins, a whine cellar.

  41. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Do these people ever have anything nice to say about anyone? Their disrespect is disgusting - especially from a loser like Bristol who shows no desire to improve herself in any way.

  42. Anonymous6:21 PM

    I have never quite figured out why Bristol named her son after a prostitute of her Dad? That is still the strangest thing about the Palins, there must be such hate in that household.

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Freud is laughing his ass off over that one.

    2. I have never quite figured out why Bristol named her son after a prostitute of her Dad?

      Because the insufferable witch despises BOTH of them.

  43. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Fuck off and die you miserable slut

  44. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Absolutely incredible. I'm not aware of a Palin that has an even rudimentary understanding of the economy and job market. is a high school drop-out, single parent, unemployed loser who people may be paying some attention to. Let's make an more commenting on her asinine ranting. Quite frankly, she is a uneducated, unemployed loser and not worthy of our attention. I'm in...this is my last post about ANYTHING this loser has to say.

  45. Anita Winecooler6:29 PM

    Poor dear can't help herself. Joan Rivers held a dinner in honor of a dog, and was gracious enough to have a seat and table setting in her honor. Now the bitch has her claws out over the first dogs dining?

    It's your mother's birthday, silly. Instead of posting something mushy for your followers to oooh and aaaah over, you get bitchy over THIS? When's your next trip to Haiti with Franklin Graham? (You know, the smarmy dude always in the trenchcoat) How about a guest spot on uncle Rush's program (you know, the fat dude in a tee shirt with his paws all over your little sis)
    Of course, some of the blame should go to your babysitter, Nancy. She should touch bases with mommy so you're on the same page.

    Still sitting by the I Phone waiting for Your President to Call you? Yeah, it sucks to be ignored. Ask mommy. She's been trying, and failing for years.
    Wasn't there a photo of son Trig eating with a puppy on his high chair? Why not post that one?

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Sarah complains about 'selfies' a week ago, and now she is in one herself. Do they read what is posted in their names? Bristol posted a photo of a puppy on Tri-g's high chair eating with him. Was that a normal Palin activity? You Palins are Stupid and have no class. Your Jealousy of the 1ST Family of the United States is sickening. None of you HICKS will ever achieve anywhere near the greatness of the Obamas.
      You Palins were GIVEN an opportunity to succeed, and you blew it with your abject ignorance. You have Failed at showing Americans that you are competent at anything. Now go lay on your backs and do what you do best, Skanks.

    2. Most trial daddies put Beefy on her elbows and knees so they don't have to look at her face. Plus that chin could put an eye out.

  46. Anonymous6:34 PM

    So it's better to post a picture of your son getting a pedicure than your dogs at a dinner table. Duh.

    1. Anonymous7:49 PM

      The other day I saw several pictures of the Palin 'garage' and its numerous spendy flying and snow machines. Bet their loyal bots don't have a huge garage full of toys to show off because they sent most of their spare change to support $P's anything but normal lifestyle.

    2. 7:49 For real. Meanwhile they have spent pac money on vacations, patoons (whatever bustol's tour boat is called) free houses, spending sprees, bus wrap, flights, food, skiddo, guns, bear balls and whatnots.

  47. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Bristol looked at the beautiful , elegant table setting and became
    intimidated. Of course, they were raised to use plastic utensils,

    plastic plates . plastic cups and paper towels instead of
    of napkins. I bet they were not taught, including Sarah, that when
    you butter a roll or a piece of bread, you break off a bite size
    piece ,butter it from the little pad of butter you have taken from the large cube you put on your bread plate. Heck no, they all make a grab for the rolls and or bread, slather on the butter
    and stuff it in their mouths while talking. I bet they were not taught
    to keep their elbows off the table , how to use a napkin or even
    how to properly set a table. The kids were raised on fast food
    and hot dogs with cheese in the middle and some moose chili.
    Bristol knew, looking at that table ,that she would only be
    embarrassed being included there because her mother
    spent all of her time doing her "it is all about me" act and
    the kids raised themselves.. The bit about the roll and or bread,
    yes, to be included at that table, that is just one thing about
    table manners that, I bet, they have never been taught.
    She is angry at her absentee mother and took it out on
    our elegant and lovely First Lady!

    1. Anonymous5:57 AM

      6:39 PM

      You're so jealous of Bristol that it's hilarious. Just because BP can eat a Big Mac in two bites---I've seen her do it, doesn't mean you couldn't do the same if you practiced like Bristol has for so long.

    2. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Bristol was obviously very uncomfortable at Joan Rivers dinner party.

    3. Anonymous9:26 AM

      She can eat a dick in one bite also,2

  48. Anita Winecooler6:40 PM

    Where do you think she "learned" "the pose" on the phone photo? It's from the "Lot Lizzard's handbook of Truckstop Etiquette " She prolly "won" it in "Eskimo Bingo" and has been practicing.

  49. Anonymous6:50 PM

    The dogs weren't eating out of china and crystal, they were sitting in the chairs pretending to be a high society couple. It's cute and it was a joke.

    Bristol, a 23 year-old woman who has so many opportunities that other young women don't have, can't find something else to do besides stew over the Obamas? Guess she's pretty unhappy and unfulfilled. People her age are out making their way in life.

    It's a very sad situation in that family.

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      She will never be happy because she allowed her Mom to take away her first born.

    2. Anonymous7:33 PM

      LOL lmao hahahaha

      I see projection from MY porch, staring at you.

    3. Anonymous7:33 PM

      *GinaM using her counseling voice*

      Heeeyyyyy Beefy! It still hurts huh! Your crazy ass mama stealing your first born and passing him off as her own....I guess that empty feeling never goes away huh!

      What nerve Baldy had...leaving you without a kid of your own...but you showed her found yourself a "hockey player" and climbed on top of the poor fella and got yourself a replacement baby pronto!

      It's okay Beefy to be mad at your ridiculous mother...she's retarded and a drug addict..she doesn't know any better....but YOU have a chance to break away!

      Too bad you're just as nasty and vicious as your dumbass mother with no chance of must really suck to be YOU!


      Okay session is over....

      You owe me 50 bucks can mail me a postal money c/o Gryphen! LOL!!

    4. Anonymous6:06 AM

      My daughter who is 2 years younger than bristle has 2-1/2 years of college under her belt. She works a real job every summer, not paid by me to keep her mouth shut like your mom pays you, brissy.In a year and a half my daughter will have her degree. bristle will have how many kids and how many stds? She and her mother are nothing more than slightly toned down ted nugents with tits.

    5. Anonymous7:21 AM

      6:06, "slightly toned down ted nugget with tits."
      Huge snort! You get best damn insult of the day!
      What a grand damn slam, being compared to fungus.

    6. The joke was too sophisticated for that hillbilly klan..

  50. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Bristol, Nancy is in way over your head, you ignorant, fugly urchin.

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      You REALLY need a life. And to look up the word 'projection.' Jealous?

    2. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Oh snap MAD?? Was it the "ugly urchin" comment? Well...I mean did you LOOK at the picture of yourself you posted? You must admit you look like your chin is about to break off your face....and your cheek bones look like they hurt!

      The plastic surgeon really fucked up your you should direct that anger towards him/her ya know! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Bristol is Quadromom with 4 babies and no husband. All of Bristol's babies have different Daddies, but none live with Bristol. Willow has at least one baby, and no husband. The Bible calls your babies Bastards. I am sure that your professed Evangelical Church background has taught you HEATHENS about that fact. You have sinned just like your adulterous Mother and Pimp Father. If anybody is jealous, it is you because of your inept lifestyle, and Fatherless babies. You Palins are Fucking Machines with no regards for the babies.

    4. Anonymous7:42 AM

      7:33 Oh Toots! You make me laugh so hard! Look up the word projection? Really? Does this mean that you actually learned to use the dictionary I sent you? I am so proud of you.

      I laugh because you are so willfully ignorant it's hysterical. You live in such a self made fantasy land. But as long as you're happy there, that's all that matters.

      Jealous? Of what? The biggest dysfunctional family on the planet? Ho-ho-ho. Oh wait, that wasn't a joke? I thought you were making a funny. Well shit, I don't know how to break this to you but I have a great life and every thing I've ever wanted.

      There is one thing I am jealous of. Anyone who works in a fine chocolate factory and gets a discount.

    5. Hahahahaha Good one GinaM. :)

      she has to make a face, she been practicing all day in a mirror. she does look like she has removable parts like Mrs. Potato Head.

  51. Gawd Bristol looks like Octomom in that phone pic... ewww.

  52. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Lazy ass ignorant uneducated ugly pregnant Brisket aka "the chin" barstool has the nerve to pick on doggies now?
    Let's see, the ugly born-again-virgin & immaculate conception picks on the elderly, children (including Obama's little girls for the entire 5 years), Hispanics and Blacks--let's not forget her racial postings--the poor, the unemployed, get the picture. And now she's picking on pets!
    What the hell! For someone going to school full time in AZ & working in Alaska at the same time while being a full time mother , this woman has a lot of XTRA time on her hands. Oh lets not forget dating several men...

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Actually, Sarah helped Bristol. Without her, she'd be with Levi fighting DAILY as they always did. Everyones happier NOW and no one here should continue to act like they aren't. What are you, stupid stalkers who can't admit truth?

    2. Anonymous7:32 PM

      That's not a selfie. That's a screenshot of a facetime convo. smh

    3. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Thanks for letting us know Beefy! But you may need to see a doctor about all that "smacking" upside your head...your retard is showing....again! LOL!!!

    4. Anonymous8:22 PM

      7:31/7:32 PM What Truth has ever been told by a Palin? Why are all of your Records Sealed, hiding something? Why would a Facetime conversation be posted? You Palins are in love with yourselves. smd at all of you Palin Baby Makers. Your 'We are better than everyone else' attitude is what forced Bristol and Willow out of Juneau High School. That and the Blow jobs that they were giving in the stairwells. Those High School Girls don't appreciate SLUTS giving it up to their Boyfriends. Nine Month Mono is a Palin disease that sends them to homes of relatives until the Baby Bump goes away. Tripp should be 7 years old soon, does he even know his REAL Birthday? Maybe Tripp's actual birthdate will be posted in the court custody hearing papers.

    5. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Well we know Levi is much, much happier without Ol' Beefy. In fact you could say his life is quite Sunny :)
      As for beefy she will never be happy, heck her Mom has to pay her boyfriends to F her.

    6. Anonymous5:27 AM

      Convo??? ROFLMFAO

    7. Anonymous6:09 AM

      They call random blow jobs "dating" in AK?

    8. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Yeah, like the Palins convo on facetime in real life. SMH They live in the same house and text when the kibble dish hits the floor! SMH @ how stupid they think people are, all because of a few who squat in her majesty's presence. SMH Get a Life!

  53. Seriously Beefy! This is what Baldy had Nancy put out(down girl!) on your blog?? Come on y'all....we all know Beefy has no clue wtf Nancy is doing...stupid bitch just cashes the postal money orders!

    What I'm finding amusing is the disappearance of our resident troll! First Krusty the Rusty Bedpan hasn't shown up to defend her love interest...and then the crazy Sunny stalker troll from the Sunshine state is "deep undercover" studying for her next role (heard she was sending in her audition tape for the Shailey movie...but you didn't hear that from me...WINK!) the only troll left is that crazy missing period troll and they are just gathering material for a book! LOL!!

    Gotta love me some IM's...this place never disappoints! LOL!!

  54. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Um, people here write identical crap about Sarah Palin daily as was written about Michelle. I guarantee if Ann R were to do that she'd receive MSM nasty attacks.

    SMH at all of you

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Um (Palin word for I don't know what I am saying) people here write the Truth daily about Sarah Palin and her Pimp Husband Todd. Don't you have Babies to take care of?

    2. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Errrr....who you talking too Beefy? WhatTF does Ann Rmoney have to do with this? That stupid woman isn't the First Lady? They LOST...remember!!!

      Dang least try and keep up with what's going in the's not all about Joey's junk....tramp! LOL!!

    3. Anonymous8:45 PM

      Aaah, it must be Beefy herself here, earning that boyfriend her Mom rents for her.

    4. Do you really believe that our FLOTUS and the uneducated, nasty, insufferable, clown witch is on par with the FLOTUS?

      HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA Fucking idiot.

    5. Anonymous11:41 AM

      it's "uhm" dumfuk.

  55. AJ Billings7:33 PM

    The Pbots are stirred up over Piper shaking her head to indicate a big NO to the question of "how will you feel if Mom runs again for national office"

    Of course the rill question shoulda been "run on an attention whoring pretend bus trip charged to the Pac"

    Looks like Piper has some smarts, and realizes the entire thing is a scam, just like her sociopathic mother.

    You have to wonder if the family has to warn her to never believe anything about $arah in the media. Piper may be able to see through the hypocrisy and bullshit, by comparing what really goes on behind closed doors.

  56. Anonymous7:49 PM

    What's up with the Palins and dogs? I do not trust people that take a canine into their home and the dog just sorta disappears never to be seen again. Sorta like Gino and the black Newfoundland pup.....

    I do hope that someone did set a nice table and prepare and lovely meal for Sarah's milestone birthday. Surely the Palins' economy is not in the toilet that she could not be treated to a special meal. She looks like she needs some real food not wild game junk food on a paper plates. She is so frail that she can barely walk upright when she straps on those big ol' fake boobs. What happened to her breasts that she had when she was pumping all that milk? Her hair is so thin and her skin also, too. She's old and cold....won't someone fix her a good meal or take her to a special restaurant in Anchorage. Take a photo or two while you are there.....something that looks good. Not one of your ridiculous selfies.

    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Some people like their dogs next to their mash potatoes.

  57. Anonymous8:12 PM

    If I were Sarah Palin I would be upset at Bristol for posting a ghostly picture of me with no make up.

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Another passive aggressive dig at Mommy Dearest?

      Brristol must have lots of unflattering pics of her mother. And she will post them if necessary, cause she can. So remember Sarah, be nice to Bristol.

  58. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Mr. Colbert was there!~

  59. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Hey Gryphen, get a load of this! Aqua Buddha is at it again!

    Serial Plagiarist Rand Paul Accused of Stealing the Lawsuit He Filed Against the NSA

    Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) put on a big show about suing the NSA. This is all part of his freedom boy image (freedom for some, but for minorities, women, etc — forget it). But as usual, whenever Rand Paul is involved, trouble isn’t too far behind.

    Dana Milbank revealed in the Washington Post tonight that the suit Paul filed was allegedly stolen. Yes, the actual language in the lawsuit is said to have been written by someone else, and that person is not very happy.

    Paul had been working with former Reagan administration lawyer Bruce Fein to draft a class action lawsuit against the NSA (also known as raising money for his own coffers). But Milbank reports that when Paul filed the suit Wednesday morning, “Fein’s name had been replaced with that of Ken Cuccinelli, the failed Republican gubernatorial candidate in Virginia who until last month had been the state’s attorney general.”

    Milbank continued:

    Fein, who has not been paid in full for his legal work by Paul’s political action committee, was furious that he had been omitted from the filing he wrote. “I am aghast and shocked by Ken Cuccinelli’s behavior and his absolute knowledge that this entire complaint was the work product, intellectual property and legal genius of Bruce Fein,” Mattie Fein, his ex-wife and spokeswoman, told me Wednesday. “Ken Cuccinelli stole the suit,” she said, adding that Paul, who “already has one plagiarism issue, now has a lawyer who just takes another lawyer’s work product.”

    Rand Paul has a history of plagiarism. He has plagiarized speeches, books, newspaper op-eds, and even his own congressional testimony. And now, he stands accused of basically stealing a lawsuit and tacking Cuccinelli’s name on it. Oh, irony.

    After being busted for plagiarism the last time around in November of 2013, Paul dismissed the people who reported on his plagiarism as haters. Then he said that if it were legal he would challenge those reporting the facts to a duel. Then, when all hope was lost, he blamed the help.

    Now Paul is allegedly plagiarizing lawsuits. This will go well for his presidential ambitions.

  60. Anonymous8:47 PM

    This is rare to see. Fox going after a Republican. Louie looked beat up, wiped out. Dobbs was fired up. Makes ya go, hmmmmm. What are they up to now? Is Fox gonna start throwing Teaparty Repubs under the bus?

    1. 8:47, thanks for the heads up, louie gohmert is on the same level with $arah palin, and this guy disgust me, I watched it with amazement, when Lou tore him a new one, I also was thinking Lou shitted all over Chris Wallace, this was real journalism not republican talking points, seems like faux finally realize talking out their ass is not working like it used to,

    2. Sally in MI2:49 AM

      Hopefully the remaining sane viewers have all left for MSNBC and won't be back, no matter what Fox does.

  61. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Sarah's Wonky eye is more noticeable without the NON-PRESCRIPTION glasses.

  62. Anonymous9:16 PM

    7:32 PM WTF is a convo ? Could it be convErsation? Could it be a Trial Daddy Convoy? You Palins should never have dropped out of High School, you have no understanding of the basics. Was the Special Education class overcrowded? Your Mama and Pimp Daddy failed at Parenting.

  63. Anonymous9:19 PM

    The venom does not fall far from the fang ....

    Polly want a cracker? Jeez, what dipshit off the old block she is.

    1. Anonymous6:15 AM

      I prefer the shit doesn't fall far from the bat.

  64. Anonymous9:34 PM

    The stock market has been at record highs all January. When people have that kind of confidence to invest, the economy is not in the toilet. A girl with a limited eduction, whose idea of a cute photo is having her son get a pedicure at her beauty school, is hardly an authority on the economy. Her way has been paid for courtesy of her mother's influence.

  65. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Our economy is in the toilet — due largely to Obama’s terrible policies. That’s why I thought the First Lady’s tweet showing her dogs eating off china and drinking out of crystal was a bit much!!

    Looking at the photo-- there is no food on the china and there is nothing to drink in the crystal. It's just a cute, posed photo, like all of the photos that Bristol poses of Tripp throwing Bristol a surprise all-pink birthday party, or Tripp writing Bristol's name with a heart over the letter "i," or Tripp painting a bird house pink or Tripp kissing Bristol. Bristol knows what a posed photo is, but she doesn't know anything about the economy. If it was in the toilet, why did she spend all that money on a float boat when she should have saved it for something important, like Tripp's education.

    1. Anonymous10:46 PM

      Well said Anon 9:42!

    2. Sally in MI2:48 AM

      I think Bristol is just mad because the First Pets appear to be better behaved than her children...whom she doesn't dare pose with real crystal and china for fear it would be trashed. Ever wonder why all the Palin holiday parties feature paper plates and cups?

    3. Anonymous7:37 AM

      2:48 AM The Palins would have a Food Fight and break all of the china and crystal.

  66. Anonymous10:00 PM

    This is interesting.
    "Online trolls are just “everyday sadists,” according to new paper

    By Caitlin Dewey
    February 12 at 1:48 pm

    In yet another instance of science belatedly confirming what common sense has already told us, a new paper from researchers at three Canadian universities concludes that Internet trolls aren’t just mean — they’re sadists and psychopaths."

  67. What's up with the palins & the Obama dogs? a few years back the Obama's WH xmas card had a heart warming picture of BO lounging in front of the fire place and skank $arah bitched about that, now this? I swear the pac money must be running low, found out recently whoever sign up for the news letter or something on that $arahpac, they get these people emails and fund raise, the palins are publicity whores & grifters

    1. Anonymous6:17 AM

      Hill folk think animals belong in the barn or with everything else in the palin's worldview they haven't evolved past the 1950's.

  68. Anonymous3:17 AM

    Ah...dear, sweet, virginal Bristol...sweety, where was your outrage in 2007 when the economy started tanking under the Republican regime of Dick 'the dick' Cheney?
    In 2008, George W. Bush tookhis entire family on a world-wide farewell tour on Air Force One, paid for by the taxpayers while the economy went into the toilet further. Where was your outrage then, Bristol? Oh, that's right. Your were busy experimenting with wine coolers and tents...So sorry.
    Bristol, pick up a book and do some serious reading. Educate yourself on issues other than trying to emulate your air-head mother.

    1. Anonymous5:29 AM

      It's Nancy, not Bristol. I'd pay good money to see Bristol talk policy. LMAO!

    2. Anonymous6:20 AM

      In 2007 easy brissy was sukking dik and drinking wine coolers in a tent. She was too drunk/busy to be thinking about the economy.

  69. Anonymous4:34 AM

    I knew it! Sarah was so upset that a birthday toast was not proposed in her honor at the State Dinner for the French president that she had Bristol post a nasty message. Sarah, you should not hide behind your daughter. It just shows how stupid you all are!

    Good grief! The Obamas have not held many of these formal dinners. They have the right and the responsibility to do so. It comes with the job. And what, moose chili was not served? How awful! Had John McCain been president, Sarah could have had the job of organizing the dinner - deciding what to serve (moose meatloaf), setting the tables (paper plates decorated with American flags), and having her kids (or Todd) provide the entertainment. Or maybe Bristol thinks that Sarah would have asked her to "plan the party."

    And, Bristol, the dogs were not invited to the dinner. They did not get to sit at the table with the guests, although I think that their table manners would have been better than yours or your siblings or your child(ten).

  70. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Barney Bush giving the State Of The Union address.....geez, those darn posed photos of White House Dogs. Disgusting. ;)

  71. Anonymous4:44 AM

    If the 'Stoolz jaw was in such need of repair, why didn't the Pimp and his Trick Turner get it fixed when she was younger? If the damage was done after she because sexually active, poor Stoolz suffered from cock jaw .and it was to fix her gag reflex.

    1. That top pose continues to freak me; I know I've seen it in innumerable porn titles just before the male half delivers his gift on the woman's face.

    2. Anonymous6:13 AM

      She has a face that a money shot would avoid if it had a choice.

  72. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Dayum! Sarah Palin looks so fucking ugly in that picture. No wonder she lost Miss Alaska to that black lady. Why did Glenn Rice plug that pig?

  73. Anonymous4:53 AM

    How many wine coolers did Levi gulp down before he screwed that fish lip big mouth bass? There's not enough wine coolers in the canvas tent if you asked me.

  74. Anonymous4:55 AM

    P.I.G. Palin sure does have a big melon.

  75. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Put some fucking make up on Sarah you ugly bitch.

  76. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Bristol what in the world were you thinking when you posed like that? Should have put on a paper bag before you took that picture.

    1. Anonymous5:27 AM

      Like mother like daughter. NYC hooker pic.

  77. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Poor pathetic Palins still think they are the Kardashians. How clueless.

  78. Anonymous7:34 AM

    So corrective jaw surgery made her face look like that??? Bristol should sue for malpractice. She looks like she is posing for a Fish Hook.

  79. Anonymous8:35 AM

    The only crystal the Palins are familiar with is meth.
    The dogs are not eating and drinking and it's a cute photo.
    Bristol's non sequitur ( or should we say non
    se"quitter " ! ) about the economy and a family pet photo makes you wonder if she's gotten into the family crystal.
    The tea party whacko birds are the nastiest bunch of malcontents and disturbed individuals to ever darken the body politic.
    As a still registered Republican , it's shameful that the RNC didn't kick these sleazy dirtbags ( Palin, Cruz, Limbaugh , tea party et al. ) to the curb a long time ago.

  80. Hey pudge, have another bag of McRib’s… Oink…Oink..Oink…

  81. Caroll Thompson8:45 AM

    "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln

    1. You must've seen the clip of the interview with Oprah, bristol and $arah a few years back, about abstinent

  82. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Bristol's latest pic - she looks like the Joker from Batman. From Fish Lips to permanent smile; ain't plastic surgery fun!

  83. I'm starting to feel for this young fool, here's my problem, it's clear that bristool has a ghost writer for these ridiculous postings, I've tried (maybe not hard enough) but I can't find a clip of her making political statements, other than "yeah I think my mom can win" unlike her mother, we seen clips of $arah being nasty and vindictive numerous times, but not bristool, that bullshit she put's on her fb page doesn't match up to who she really is, crybaby, victim, opportunist, grifter, it's clear someone name nancy french is writing these post pretending to be bristool, I assume she does this while the money trickle in, however, at some point in time this is going to take a psychological toll on her, she's smiling on the outside, but deep inside something else is going on, I mean when there's lots of people that feel the same way that guy at the bar in LA, that got in bristool's face and told the truth about $arah, that's got to be depressing, they don't even have the backbone to allow all comments be shown, on fb, I'm glad I never clicked "like" regardless of how bad I want to make a comment, I mean think about it, you got to be psychologically damage to read, ugly, negative comments about you day in day out, so they keep the ass kissing comments as a false sense of security, no amount of money is worth that, and TRUST ME, sometime in the future, all of $arah kids will turn on her including Tri-g,

  84. Anonymous12:01 PM

    From idiot's facebook:

    "I cannot even believe our society. You left wingers are absolutely NUTS. There is not one conservative I know, that would post hate filled tweets like this about someone who's beliefs weren't the same."

    Huh? Am I high? Like Rush Limbaugh calling a grade school age Chelsea Clinton a dog because of her parents and their political party affiliation? Like that, Bristol?

  85. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I hope Bristol sued whoever fucked up her face in that fish picture.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.