Thursday, February 20, 2014

Bristol Palin is embarrassed that her generation are not as hard working as she is. Yeah, she actually said that.

Courtesy of Brancy's blog:  

“Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.” Proverbs 10:4 

I came across this Scripture and wanted to pass it along. I love it because it reminds me of my parents and the work ethic they instilled in all of us kids. If you want something, you go out and work for it. 

No one owes you anything, and I’m embarrassed to be in a generation that doesn’t have that mindset. 

Honest, hard work, is the only way to do it right. Don’t rely on anyone to provide for you. 

The world doesn’t owe you anything!

You know if I were a millennial I might be inspired to slap the shit out of Bristol Palin for posting something like this. (No, I am not advocating violence, but urges are urges.)

What a lying, hypocritical bitch!

Literally EVERYTHING this idiot has was handed to her on a silver platter.

Her reality show, her book deal, her speaking engagements, her high school diploma, EVERYTHING was given to her because she has a famous parent, and she did next to nothing to deserve any of it!

Hard working Bristol Palin trying to remember how to work a car.
There are reams of evidence to prove that when Bristol is left to her own devices she essentially disappoints her employers, does not meet her obligations, or ends up pregnant again.

Remember this is a girl who took credit for a ghostwritten book, has somebody else write posts for her blog, and has failed miserably to even raise her young son correctly.

And is there anybody left on this planet who actually still believes this loser has that job at the dermatologist? And believe me, when she did have it that was all due to her mother's influence as well.

The very LAST person on earth who should be giving advice on hard work, is Bristol Palin.


  1. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Just like the unchurched Palin's get credit for being Godly, they learned that if they spoke of being 'hard working,' 'patriotic,' and 'vibrant,' enough, her devoted would believe it.

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Teen Sex for Fun and Profit!
      By Bristol Palin

    2. Anonymous8:56 PM

      sperm burpin' bitch

    3. Anonymous5:45 PM

      8:56 pm

      Bristol claims she just loves mayonnaise. But her breath tells the tale of her hobby.

  2. Anonymous2:51 PM

    The comments over there aren't cutting her any slack, at least for the moment until they're discovered and deleted. What a crock of crap that blog is and the "morans" who eat it up hook, line, and sinker.

  3. Anonymous2:52 PM

    And invoke Reagan often enough no matter how non sequitur, you get associated or correlated with him.

  4. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Bristol is beautiful ...she looks just like a reincarnated Natalie Wood! She should be a big name actress and a star on stage and screen.

    Nah.... will never happen. Bristol is too lazy, too dumb and too untalented. She will just remain a loser.

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Speaking of Bristol's looks, has anyone else noticed that in the last couple of selfies (sans fish I might add) that she has posted of herself, one with Tripp, the 3 way birthday one and the raceway pic, that her face looks totally different again? What did she have done to it now?

    2. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Link please Anon 3:48

    3. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Mom! Someone just called me a twatwaffle!

      Is that supposed to be a compliment?

      Aren't waffles something to eat?



  5. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I'd care more if I thought Bristol actually wrote these comments. In fact, she probably doesn't even know what's on there until she gets called on something inflammatory Brancy wrote. She's too busy partying with Joey Junker in Scottsdale. The only way she finds out what's on "her" blog is when it shows up on IM. We all know she reads this one--or at least her mom does & passes the info.

    1. An European Viewpoint3:05 PM

      Bristol's blog has to get attention,

      so that Todd's 80-mile-and-I'm-heading-home race stops getting any.

    2. Anonymous3:35 PM

      An European Viewpoint3:05 PM

      What happened to Toad? Will we ever learn the truth? Huntington talking yet?

      That Kevin Kashter that runs this race is like no other sporty event operator. Has he been checked out?

    3. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Who get's the breast fund $?? He didn't there isn't any?

    4. Anonymous5:55 PM

      The "breast fund" is for Sarah's Belmonts. Did anyone really think the Palins would actually support a real charity?

  6. ManxMamma2:55 PM

    Does Nancy French really want Bristol to be attacked? One is a moron the other a grade A bitch. And remember Bristol never got an "A" in her life.

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      But...but...she did graduate! One of the pee pool remembers her in a cap and gown on the front of People! Snort!

    2. An European Viewpoint3:06 PM

      Yes, they want her to be attacked. It's called a diversion.

    3. Anonymous3:10 PM

      yes - she posed in a cap and gown, just like her mother did. Still did not graduate.... Bristol has a purchased GED, just like Track and Willow. Sarah has a certificate of attendance at community college for the one course she took there.

    4. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Crap, at that rate, we could pose in spacesuits and be bonafide astronauts awaiting our turn on the space station. RME.

    5. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Thanks for the memories, 3:29. I recall a whole page of "If this, than I'm that" jokes that follow that line. I couldn't find them (they were by regular people, not comedians).

      My favorite was: "I can see the moon from my house, therefore I must be an astronaut."

      They were all that same pattern. Absolutely hilarious. I couldn't find it by Google so I'll post this link to one-liners by comedians and others about our "Favorite Joke."

  7. Caroll Thompson2:59 PM

    Is she serious? Living off mommy is hard work?

    Hard work is getting yourself educated and making something of yourself. Hard work is trying to make ends meet on a minimum wage. Hard work is actually showing up for a job every day.

    This spoiled girl knows nothing about hard work.

    But karma being what it is, she may one day find out. Sarah's gravy train won't last forever. I hope she is saving her money for a rainy day.

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      My thoughts exactly. I had hoped that Sarah the lying sociopath, her pimp ex-husband and her lazy-butt, obnoxious adult children would be out of the news long ago. My prayer...Sarah and Todd in jail and the "kids" attempting and failing to support themselves in the style to which they have become accustomed. Bristol forced to reveal all her children in an effort to get child support from all the different fathers. Most important of all...continued happiness and much success to Levi, Sunny and their family.

  8. Anonymous3:01 PM

    From Wikipedia

    Main article: Hare Psychopathy Checklist

    Psychopathy is most commonly assessed with the Hare Psychopathy Checklist, Revised (PCL-R) created by Robert Hare, based on Cleckley's criteria from the 1940s, criminological concepts such as those of William and Joan McCord, and his own research on criminals and incarcerated offenders in Canada.

    Each of the 20 items in the PCL-R is scored on a three-point scale, with a rating of 0 if it does not apply at all, 1 if there is a partial match or mixed information, and 2 if there is a reasonably good match to the offender. This is said[19] to be ideally done through a face-to-face interview together with supporting information on lifetime behavior (e.g. from case files), but is also done based only on file information. It can take up to three hours to collect and review the information.
    Psychopathy Checklist-Revised: Factors, Facets, and Items

    Factor 1

    Facet 1: Interpersonal

    Glibness/superficial charm
    Grandiose sense of self-worth
    Pathological lying

    Facet 2: Affective

    Lack of remorse or guilt
    Emotionally shallow
    Callous/lack of empathy
    Failure to accept responsibility for own actions

    Factor 2

    Facet 3: Lifestyle

    Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
    Parasitic lifestyle
    Lack of realistic, long-term goals

    Facet 4: Antisocial

    Poor behavioral controls
    Early behavioral problems
    Juvenile delinquency
    Revocation of conditional release
    Criminal versatility

    Other items

    Many short-term marital relationships
    Promiscuous sexual behavior

    The PCL-R is widely used and is referred to by some as the "gold standard" for assessing psychopathy. There are also numerous criticisms of the PCL as as a theoretical tool and in real-world usage.

    High PCL-R scores are positively associated with measures of impulsivity and aggression, Machiavellianism, persistent criminal behavior, and negatively associated with measures of empathy and affiliation. Out of a maximum score of 40, the cut-off for the label of psychopathy is 30 in the United States and 25 in the United Kingdom, although there is little scientific support for these as particular break points. A cut-off score of 25 is also sometimes used for research purposes.

    The PCL-R items were designed to be split in two. Factor 1 involves interpersonal or affective (emotion) personality traits and higher values are associated with narcissism and low empathy as well as social dominance and less fear or depression. Factor 2 involves either impulsive-irresponsible behaviors or antisocial behaviors and is associated with a maladaptive lifestyle including criminality. The two factors correlate with each other to some extent. Each factor is sometimes further subdivided in two: interpersonal versus affect items for Factor 1, and impulsive-irresponsible lifestyle versus antisocial behavior items for Factor 2. "Promiscuous sexual behavior" and "many short-term marital relationships" have sometimes been left out in such divisions.

  9. Ugh. My three kids are college-graduated, in college, and college-bound. They work multiple jobs, have healthy relationships, and participate in theater, sports, and music. How dare Bristol speak to a generation, which, in my opinion, is one of the hardest-working, socially aware, and tolerant of all others.

  10. Anonymous3:03 PM

    well hell...she WORKED HARD pumping out those kids. Even with inches of added padding to the polka dot dress, her pregnancy is clearly visible. Kyla Grace...we see you.

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      I had the same idea when it came to Kyla...

    2. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Kyla Grace's size is consistent with being born on the announced Aug. 2011 date, about a year after that photo of Bristol. Something else happened to the DWTS pregnancy.

    3. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Palins put the wrong dates on all their photos. Kyla was born to Bristol in January while she was in Arizona after DWTS. She is 6 months older than stated.

    4. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Anonymous3:37 PM
      If Kyla is Bristol's daughter then this baby shower thrown for Track's ex-wife was a sham and, like Sarah, she also faked a pregnancy.

    5. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Although it was tempting to think that Track's baby could be Bristol's, I always thought ....... nah, that's just TOO out there. But, it does seem kind of unusual that that little girl has dark brown hair, and Track has light "sandy" brown hair and his ex-"wife" has very blonde hair. Don't know if it is her natural color, but she (Britta) seems to have a blonde's coloring.

      hmmmm. It would go some ways in explaining the dispassionate way that the divorce was announced (Britta reportedly was "fine with it"). Nothing natural about THAT!

    6. Anonymous9:04 PM

      notice, if you will, that the baby shower gifts for Track and Britta were all clothes for a 3 year old....TriG comes to mind. Britta was Track's girlfriend in 2007/2008....She went abroad early 2008 and was given a high end job for which she was not qualified by Sarah before she completed HS. Reward for job well done. Track's baby was born in 2008.

    7. Anonymous9:05 PM

      besides...faking it was easy. Britta just borrowed Sarah's fake pregnancy belly for fake marriage photos and a sham shower for TriG.

  11. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Todd every morning at breakfast says to Willow, Bristol and Track, “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.”

    Track replies, "Fuck you and your whores".
    Bristol replies, "Shove up yours, you unemployed loser".
    Willow replies, "I need some more hush money to go shopping you jerk, or I will call National Enquirer".

  12. angela3:05 PM

    I rarely comment on Bristol Palin---because the fact is Bristol Palin is not really saying anything. Sarah and Nancy decide
    what bullshit to put on that fake blog. It is quite embarrassing
    really. It is almost like they are trying to embarrass Bristol because as everyone knows—she has not one clue about what is going on. And she and doesn't have a real opinion about much. I mean really--what twenty-something bitches at her peers about working? Especially when she knows nothing about actual work herself.

    Being a political beard for Sarah must be a bitch.

    1. Olivia3:49 PM

      I don't think Bristol can read or comprehend very well so she probably isn't embarrassed at all. You are right, she has few opinions because she hasn't the brain power to form one and can only parrot what she hears. She most certainly has no clue about how she is being portrayed by those manipulators and they can attribute words to her that she can't even understand.

  13. Anonymous3:06 PM

    My "millennial" daughter (24) gets this jibe at work from jealous older colleagues.
    It never sinks in to them that she went to college totally on scholarships and loans, that her college PAID for her to study at Oxford and spend a month in India, that she graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa while holding down two jobs: and now is working on her Master's full-time, while working all-out.
    That's just one anecdote: I can give you dozens more from her high school and college classmates.
    Bristol, I think even your bots know you're not preaching to them and their families, but to some shiftless, no-name "others" that you all have your knives out for: the mythical 47%.

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      But did your daughter dance on teevee in a sparkly dress? NO!!!

      All she did was get a fabulous, well-rounded education, learn the value of hard work and determination, open her mind to experiencing new cultures, serve as a wonderful role model for those who will follow her, and start on a journey that will undoubtedly leave the world a better place for her being in it.

      But no sparkly dress on teevee!!!!!

    2. Anonymous5:18 PM

      No simulated sex acts on teevee neither, I'm guessing.

    3. Anonymous6:04 PM

      But but but can your daughter dance like a cow in a gorilla costume while knocked up with another bastard-to-be 7-month fetus? No?

      I didn't think so. See, she must be an elite or a smart person who is actually jealous of Bristol.

      There are actually people who believe people are stupid enough to believe that kind of drivel. Namely, those with the last names Heath and Palin.

  14. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Come on you guys. Going to skincare classes 3 days a week is HAaaaarrRD!

  15. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Words fail. When will the child welfare people in Alaska or even Arizona check on what is being done to help Bristle's son, Trig? Seems NOTHING. His eyes should have been fixed by now, and he should be wearing glasses and hearing aids. This useless piece of CRAP has no feeling for anyone but herself. Before she pounds out anymore babies, she should take care of the ones already here. My hope is that in the not too distant future all the Payme family will have to get jobs, and stop living off other people's money. With each blog, Nancy French shows exactly what type of Christian she is, the same type as the Paymes.

    1. Children's Services will investigate...but they need to be informed about the neglectful parent.

  16. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Dos anyone have the slightest clue what happened to the DWTS baby? How far along was she in the end? Adopted in CA? Who was the father (or was that left blank)?

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Track's fake marriage was invented to cover for this child.

  17. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Is Sarah paying for Bristol's classes like she did for Willow?

    ”You know, my tips for gittin' the glam, especially in Wasilla, Alaska, is to offer to pay for one of your daughter's tuition to hair school, (baby voice) which we did—Willow is now a hairdresser."

  18. Anonymous3:15 PM

    "Honest, hard work, is the only way to do it right. Don’t rely on anyone to provide for you"

    This statement may be the biggest pile of horse shit ever uttered by any Palin.

    1. PalinsHoax5:48 PM

      Maybe Brisdull's statement of horse s**t ties that statement of Tawdry's:

      "Can't have a fish picker born in Texas." in reference to why his wife, after her water broke:
      * had to catch two aeroplanes from Texas to Anchorage
      * cancelled her security detail who could have escorted her as she & Tawdry then
      * drove by car for almost an hour to a small-town hospital
      * just so that she could "give birth" to a fish picker in Alaska.

      Yeah, right.

  19. Anonymous3:25 PM

    “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.” Proverbs 10:4

    Palin demented pretzel logic: I have money; I must have worked hard. People who don't have money--who need food stamps or unemployment payments--must be lazy. God is happy with me and is disciplining them.

    FREEDOM means getting government out of the way so God can keep smacking you down.

    1. Anonymous9:07 PM

      The biggest welfare queen in this country is Wal-Mart, but Palin is too ignorant to recognize that simple fact.

    2. Anonymous4:14 AM

      So "diligent hands" Bristol is now giving hand jobs, to avoid any more babies??

    3. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Bristol's diligent hands are good for jerking off a stranger for a supersize order of french fries.

  20. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Octane brain will do that to ya....

  21. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Ok. Anyone up in Alaska: can you find out which 'dermatology office' she claims to be working in, and can someone go and visit there and ask questions about her working there?
    Tis stuff is simply getting totally ridiculous with her claiming to be working there, yet at the same time traveling all over the States as well as being full time mom and going to hair school down in Arizona and going out with her sister who supposedly has her own beauty parlor up in Wasilla, yet is never seen there.

    1. Anonymous10:20 PM

      Bristol doesn't claim to work there. It's Kristy Patullo with her multiple identities who claims this.

  22. Oh, hush, "Bristol", you lazy, lying, brainless, hussy. And your stupid, nasty, ghostwriter too.

  23. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Pure horse hockey from a dumb bitch!

  24. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I just saw a promo on USA Today web site of her Momma for Amazing America, there she is boys wearing her flag platform shoes, jutting out the fake chest and the background music! sounded like a stripper was going to appear I thought for a minute she was going to revive the Sally Rand fan dance! it's hilarious.

    Now if your 50 year old Mom acted like this you would be messed up and angry too. Hey Bristol ya better keep Joeys Junk away from Mama....

    1. Balzafiar5:02 PM

      Sally Rand had talent; don't compare her to Scary Sarah. Her only talent would be to take off her panties and throw them against the wall to see if they stick. If they don't, she can wear them another day or two.

  25. Anonymous3:36 PM

    The palins are the most deluded, hypocritical morons on the face of the earth. Being the mother of a daughter who actually does work hard bristol's post makes me want to puke.

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      "Repeat the lie long enough, it will be accepted as fact." The oldest political ploy in the world. We ALL know better, but there's that tiny percentage of paint chip eaters.....

  26. Next, I want to hear all of Chris Christie's anti-bullying sentiments.

  27. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Her ignorance knows no bounds. Truly, she is a hopeless sack of shit.

  28. Anonymous3:49 PM

    "We Palins/Menards work hard for our money Trolling for Mama.
    Bristol and Willow work the hardest at making Babies without Daddies.

  29. Anonymous3:53 PM

    No one owes you anything, and I’m embarrassed to be in a generation that doesn’t have that mindset.
    Chill, Bristol. There's plenty of fine young people in your generation that are really embarrassed by you. For your stupid "abstinence only" campaign alone, you stand out as one of the most embarrassing idiots to disgrace your generation.

  30. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Another sign of the complete and utter inability of this family to be honest, forthcoming or self aware. Sheesh. Nobody in the know in Alaska believes anything that comes form the family’s PR group.

  31. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Nancy French is doing some serious trolling.

    I know she wrote Bristol's "auto" "biography," but has she actually met Bristol? Bristol is a lot of things, but hard-working aint one of them. Her laziness was crystal clear on DWTS. She admitted she's not a good mom on her other reality shows. Exactly how is she "hard working?"

  32. Anonymous4:01 PM

    " Lazy hands make a man poor", but lying about most anything is a great money maker....Palin family tradition.

  33. Anonymous4:03 PM

    It's a good thing the 'stoolz eggs and Levi's sperm knew what their jobs were. All the 'stool had to do is lay on her back and spread her legs. That's some hard work Stool!!

  34. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Bristol works hardest on her back.

  35. Anonymous4:17 PM

    "The world doesn’t owe you anything!" Interesting. Then how is it that the world owes your lazy, unintelligible, slack-jawed clan most everything?

  36. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Soon enough SarahP{ac will run out of funds and Bristol will be applying to McDonalds for work, worry about losing her home because she can't pay taxes. And ignorant Bristol will have a late rude awaking to life and I will not feel sorry fr the whore.
    BTW maybe Brisket should start lecturing her unemployed parents and siblings first.

  37. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Yes I agree Bristol Palin works hard at her craft:

    One of the things that I remembered was that my much older cousin (he is in his 30's) came up from the lower 48 to stay in our house while working with my father. We made him a bed in our downstairs living room which happened to be very close to my brother's room. Apparently Bristol, the virgin, woke my cousin up several times with all of her .....well let's just say "enthusiasm."  And by the way this was BEFORE that now notorious camping trip!

    The next morning my cousin called my brother aside and had a talk with him. I think Levi was far more embarrassed than Bristol was because the next night she wasn't any quieter.

    Now I don't usually feel comfortable talking about another person's sex life. I never even liked talking about Bristol trying to get pregnant because I feel that's a very personal topic

  38. Anonymous4:41 PM

    She can only judge her generation by the company she hangs with and I agree, they seem to be losers. I know of about a dozen young folks in her age group who are doing quite well in college thanks to the efforts of their liberal parents and their own part time jobs. Also know two college kids whose education and all expenses are being paid by their wealthy conservative grandparents. Both these kids are little greedy tyrants looking down their nose at the more industrious hard-working kids.

    The Palin kids fit more with these brats who have no real purpose but to party thru early life never having had to work at an actual real job and having everything handed to them so they end up with no concept of real values. The Palins are merely a bunch of classless freeloaders hoping to cash in on their infamy. All of em.

  39. Anonymous4:44 PM

    "Bristol Palin is embarrassed that her generation are not as hard working as she is."

    Is Bristol saying that boys her age just lay on their backs and make Bristol do all the riding?

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      How many gallons of sweat does she release per fuck?

    2. Anonymous8:54 PM

      flop sweat ..

  40. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Hard working? Didn't Bristol Palin lay on her back on DWTS and let Mark dry humped the shit out of her on the floor in front of Sarah and Toad? Yup Bristol is a hard worker.

  41. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Hard working?


    Yup Bristol is an expert.

  42. Anonymous5:09 PM

    What do you mean Bristol is not a hard worker?

    It's hard work trying to look like Jay Leno.

  43. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Is Bristol saying that boys her age lay on their backs while she ummmm enlarges them but they won't return the favor?

    Bristol here's a hint, douche.

  44. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Ol' Brisket seems to have skimmed over the part of the bible that says unmarried women that have sex should be killed by stoning( that doesn't mean lighting up the meth pipe either)

  45. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Bristol is a hard worker? How many days did Bristol the medical office manager missed from work?

  46. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I wonder if Bristol thinks about the cable guy, the maintenance staff who keep her power running, the mechanics who keep her car operating, the donut shop staff who make her coffee and lattes, the garbage collectors, nurses, teachers, construction workers, electricians, pilots, burger flippers, babysitters, radiologists, fire, police, ambulance personnel, grave diggers, funeral undertakers, coroners, food producers, upholstery cleaners, etc. etc. etc. sat home today and slept in because they felt like it?

    Who doesn't work, Bristol? Flip open the yellow pages in your community, and accuse them of not providing services or not having a work ethic. From the moment we get up in the morning until we go to bed, there is always a busy worker we have to thank who provides us with the comforts we are so accustomed to.

    What is stuck up that girls' backside? She needs to name the names of people she thinks don't work for what they want. Send them to a real christian, Bristol, so a real christian, instead of berating them and beating them over the head, would help them through their problems and keep them until they find a job. Instead of talking BRISTOL, WALK it.

    1. Anonymous3:58 AM

      Maybe she spends her days watching Kardashian reruns. Not one member of that family gets up in the morning, goes to a job, comes home in the evening exhausted, eats, watches some television or reads for a bit and then goes to bed - to sleep - and start the process all over again in the morning. But then, neither does Bristol. And Track, who knows?

    2. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Maybe Bristles should have her father pick a better class of escort for her, ones who actually have jobs? Could this be a swipe at some of the trial husbands who seem to be able to travel to Arizona with her at the drop of a hat? Do any of them have regular jobs?

  47. Anonymous5:47 PM

    The fat-lazy-cow blocked me from her blog, and now I'm blocked from voting down on comments that I don't agree with. What a joke of a liar and hateful bitter scorned woman--the born again pregnant immaculate conception is a lazy liar.

    1. Anonymous5:48 AM

      "Immaculate Conception" is NOT synonymous with "virgin birth." "Immaculate Conception" is the Catholic Church dogma that the Blessed Virgin Mary herself was conceived without the stain of original sin on her soul. It has nothing to do with the belief that she conceived Jesus Christ while still a virgin. This "misconception" seems to be widespread, but now you know the difference.

      PS Bristol Palin is really unfortunate. Born to awful parents, lacking the ability and/or will to develop into an autonomous ADULT.

  48. Anonymous5:51 PM

    It's evident that Bristol is still in a juvenile mental state of mind. She might be suffering with a form of autism. At 23, good grief, why would she post that a scripture reminds her of her parents and how they instilled a good work ethic in her and all of her siblings.

    At 23, most of her peers have left home, left the nest and developed new mentors, peers and people who inspire them to keep improving. I think Bristol believes that once a child of parents with a good work ethic, always a child with a good work ethic, but that's not so. Many young adults learn good things at home, but don't do them. Some kids learn bad things at home, and push through the barriers and overcome, and do great things in their lives, regardless.

    She's got to cut the mommy strings and start being accountable for herself. She can't keep riding on her mom's laurels. Her peers certainly aren't riding on their parents' laurels. They are making their own way. At 23 years old, isn't it time for her to stop sitting around thinking of mommy?

    And, of course, she's lying and doesn't have a clue as to what a good work ethic is.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Nancy French is "Bristol."

    2. Anita Winecooler6:46 PM

      AMEN! We just pushed our third out of the nest. It's their time to test their wings. It wasn't easy, but it was the right thing to do. None of the Palin brood will experience life on their own terms.

  49. Anonymous6:10 PM

    The part that II like about Bristol's blog is when she wrote (LOL) that she came across this Scriture, quoting Proverbs 10:4. The chances of a Bristol finding a Scripture to capitalize and quote are slim to none, and Slim just left town. If Bristol could not read one book about parenting or cooking, there is little chance of her reading the Bible or Scriptures or anything else. As an example of her parents' hard work ethic, Sarah quit her job as governor. Todd just quit the Iron Dog, rather than fix his machine and complete the race in the spirit of good sportsmanship. No, Todd quit and went home because his motto is, "What's in it for us?" With no chance of winning, why bother pretending to be a good sport and a good role model. There's nothing for him in that.

  50. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Bristol is a hard worker? How much does she charge for 3 minutes?

  51. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I'm pretty much done feeling sorry for Bristol Palin because of her awful mother. Bristol Palin is old enough that she needs to take responsibility for being an asshole. Even though we all know Nancy French writers her blog posts, Bristol's name is on them. Believe me Bristol, all but the most douchy millennials think you're a ridiculous asshole.

  52. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I have stumps in my east pasture that are more intelligent that the stupid lump that is named Bristol.

  53. Anita Winecooler6:43 PM

    Once Again, Bristol opens her mouth and removes all doubt. Quitting a job doesn't show a good work ethic. Being a Pimp neither. Let's see, how this computes. A single mother who's and abstinence ambassador for a company that sells highly sexualized clothing to young girls. Dermatologists office full time job, blogger, DWTS loser, the poster child for failed reality shows. The little girl that never cut the apron strings. The young woman who forgot cramp pills, got pregnant, then wrote a book about being raped, er losing her moral compass and boinking her way past go to free parking. Biggest accomplishment to date? Putting a cow catcher where her chin belongs.

    Where did I go wrong? Three in college, I'm 54 and not a grandma yet. One Daughter just got engaged to be married in 2016, after graduation. She can't dance, do a reality show, be on "Wife swap" with her sister (wtf?), or even blog. She's too busy with school and work.

    How many people believe she cracked open "The Bible"? Ok, maybe she cracked it open, but did she ever read it?

    Once again, Gryph used my favorite cray cray photos ever of the hypocrite.The car one always reminds me of MR Mc Goo. I just feel badly for the girls sitting in her back seat.

    LMAO Advice from Bristol to todays youth is a riot!

  54. Anonymous7:18 PM

    My favorite explanation for the blog post is that an angry Sarah used Nancy French to send a veiled threat to Bristol that her financial support will be cut off if Bristol doesn't shape up.

    1. That's an interesting theory.

      Let's see...
      “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth, Bristol"
      "If you want something, Bristol, you go out and work for it.
      "Noone owes you anything, Bristol."
      "Don’t rely on anyone to provide for you, Bristol."

      Thanks for your comment. This is now my new favorite explanation, too.

    2. Anonymous4:26 AM

      Either SarahPac donations are drying up, or the IRS is hot on their trail. Yes, this sounds a lot more believeable than Bristol reading the bible. Unless, of course Chik-Fil-A has started putting bible quotes on their packages.

    3. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Good point Anonymous 7:18. Now, will Bristol read it and understand it? From past observation I think she is quite dim-witted.

  55. Anonymous8:14 PM

    "Bristol" is a troll. People should stop taking the bait.

  56. Anonymous9:00 PM

    What Job does Bristol's older Half-brother go to each day? Where does Bristol's Pimp Daddy work? Where does Willow work? Where does Sarah work? Bristol, STFU about work ethics, you are not qualified.

  57. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Those hard-working Palins? Not a single job between the lot of 'em!

  58. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Bristol is projecting. She, her friends, and her sisters are layabouts, but she's dead wrong about "her generation." I have two daughters, 22 and 25, who are extremely hard working. One has two jobs. Both are college GRADUATES. One was a double major. Neither had children out of wedlock. Even the married daughter is still childless. Both are preparing to go to graduate school. Bristol's circle hasn't even finished high school. She doesn't even know any college graduates, so she needs to keep her trap shut.

  59. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Bristol only uses her hands for 'hand jobs'. If it 'ain't about sex, it ain't about Bristol. Bristol's expertise is MOANING while having sex.

  60. Chenagrrl9:31 AM

    I guess she includes in her condemnation of her generation the nice young man who made her look like she knew how to dance.

  61. Anonymous11:57 AM

    OMFG Bri$tol! Your name became known because you were a teenage WHORE that got KNOCKED UP and had a "mother" who QUIT her job. You've been riding on her coat tails the entire time. You make $ off of your "mother" whoring you out and you exploiting your child. You have no idea what it means to work.

  62. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Hard Work? Just try competing on DWTS while preggers. That weight gain was more than In and Out Burgers, taters, and ice cream held together with double Spanx. It must be really hard work keeping track of those babies and remembering when their birthdays were and who is caring for whom. Mark herniated Ballas did some serious ass hauling.

  63. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Hey Bristol, is that a basketball under your pants? It is big enough. It has to be since you claim that you were not pregnant.
    After Tripp's birth, have you ever gone a full year without being pregnant?

  64. Anonymous3:12 AM

    As one of those in Bristol's generation, I want to slap the shit out of her. Girlfriend doesn't even know what it's like to graduate HIGH SCHOOL let alone actually get a college degree. I spent three years of my life after college living at home waitressing because I couldn't find a job, struggling to pay student loans. Does that mean I am not hardworking?

    Bitch please. She has all the resources in the world at her disposal and she is an IDIOT to not use them and actually you know, work and apply herself?

  65. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Bristol Palin is the world's highest paid Jerry Springer guest. And she has some nerve calling her fellow Millennials lazy and full of entitlement when she has made both laziness and entitlement into art forms.

    Jennifer K


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It just goes directly to their thighs.