Thursday, February 20, 2014

Latest attempt by Sarah Palin to attract a few pennies for her PAC.

Palin's hurting for dough these days, and is clearly pulling out all the stops in an attempt to once again portray herself as a maybe candidate, while also dabbling in a few poorly thought out endorsements.

Just look at that picture. Is it even possible that there are people out there so simple minded as to believe that Palin has any future in politics, muhc less the presidency?

Of course the answer to that is yes, I mean SOMEBODY is still supporting televangelists, watching Duck Dynasty, and believing that McDonald's serves actual food in their restaurants.

Besides don't all future Presidents host hunting shows on channels that nobody can find, write books that nobody reads, and provide political punditry on the same social network where people show pictures of their new kittens and talk about which family member just died.


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Looks like Mama Grizz's overhaul of her milking machine is complete. Time to suck the Christian Conservatives dry of their cash and credit lines.

    1. Anonymous8:37 PM

      Here she is!
      Spew: Alert!

    2. Anonymous8:45 PM

      OMG - ROTFLMAO! Love the bump and grind music!


    Sorry for yelling...but OMFG...I can't stop laughing at this crazy ass "SNEAK PEEK" at Baldy trying and failing to look sexy in SILOUHETTE! It's gut busting funny as hell!

    Link to some serious funny ass SHIT!!

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      I thought it was a parody! I could not stop laughing! They actually made a joke of her and she bought it.

    2. Anonymous6:12 PM

      oh that was ridiculous! those shoes are revolting!

    3. Anonymous6:14 PM

      her wonderwoman bracelet is prominently featured, gag!

    4. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Here she is, boys, The Amazong All American Sarah Palin and her patriotic, sexy big-busted, high-heeled red-white-and-blue reality show about...,what is it all about you ask....all about Sarah!

    5. OMG hahahahahahahaha

    6. Anonymous6:28 PM

      I thought it was a parody, too, those fugly, tacky shoes.. and that pathetic pageant walkin'. ROFLROFLRROFLMAO

    7. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Holy crapola! Her ass is falling halfway to her knees!!!

    8. Anita Winecooler7:03 PM

      Uhmmm that ain't gonna keep quarters get into those sneak peek slots. Epic Mistake, Where's Lisa Ann, she's a pro at this stuff.

    9. Anonymous7:06 PM

      okay i am happy to see i wasn't alone in wondering wtf when glancing at this ridiculous excuse for a trailer. i thought it was a porn preview in the beginning!
      then she started walking and i thought "uh oh" and sure enough fugly showed up! the best part? her trying to have an "announcer's voice" baawwaaahhhhhhh! she is such a loser.
      the shoes have already been laughed at. the bracelet is so old news. the tee with the "s" on it? could be for stripper. strapped. stanky. stoned. and you all please do carry on about what that "s" on that tee shirt stands for!!!!:)

    10. Anonymous7:06 PM

      okay i am happy to see i wasn't alone in wondering wtf when glancing at this ridiculous excuse for a trailer. i thought it was a porn preview in the beginning!
      then she started walking and i thought "uh oh" and sure enough fugly showed up! the best part? her trying to have an "announcer's voice" baawwaaahhhhhhh! she is such a loser.
      the shoes have already been laughed at. the bracelet is so old news. the tee with the "s" on it? could be for stripper. strapped. stanky. stoned. and you all please do carry on about what that "s" on that tee shirt stands for!!!!:)

    11. Anonymous7:11 PM

      BWAHAHAHA!!! OMG is she serious??!!!

    12. Anonymous7:44 PM

      OMGF! Horrifying but LMFAO!

    13. Anonymous9:14 PM

      S for Superfreak

    14. Anonymous10:33 PM

      Ha. Superfreak indeed!

      I wonder if Sarah had Rick James on her bucket list, but had to make do with Glen Rice? I bet Rick's women would have kicked the shit out of Baldy if they ever caught her with Rick! You know Rick had good blow back i the day!

      Wonder what the Taiwan Animators could do with Rick James and Sarah?

    15. Anonymous4:01 AM

      Holy Christ, it's a Fembot!!! The only thing missing is Sarah's fake tits firing bullets.

  3. Boscoe4:50 PM

    Palin makes a fair point here. ...and all we have to do is trust HER instincts to point out who the best candidates are.


  4. I think I posted the wrong link!

    Try this one....

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      gag me with a fukin' fork !!

      JESUS GAWD !!

    2. Jesus wept. Again.

      And notice they can't show her below the Belmonts because she's wasted away. (Also probably wasted.)

      (And that promo wasn't filmed in slow motion; that's as fast as she can move.)

    3. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Palin's tease looks like an ad for a " Gentleman's Club " or as we used to call them strip clubs.
      It's hilarious .
      Is this how "good Christian, God fearing women " behave?
      Like hookers?

    4. Olivia5:21 PM

      Thanks a lot for that 30 seconds of my life I will never get back.

    5. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Looks like a promo for a Nailin Palin parody. Remember that gal that did those a few years back?

      Now SHE was funny

    6. Anonymous5:38 PM

      America, prepare to be amused.

    7. Anonymous6:00 PM

      I. Can't. Breathe. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

    8. Anonymous6:14 PM

      She has no ass.

    9. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Mediaite's take:

    10. Anonymous6:35 PM

      GinaM, those heels remind me of this. LMAO:

    11. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Anonymous6:14 PM
      She has no ass.

      Was just going to say the same. I noticed they showcased her hunched back nicely too. I'm thinking the editing people don't like her much, lol

    12. Anonymous7:15 PM

      She looks like an old lady who just walked out of the 80s

    13. Anonymous8:11 PM

      There's nothing she won't do for money

    14. Anonymous2:16 AM

      The pee pond has it up today in their open thread. Pass the washcloths!

  5. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Enough Is Enough of YOU, Esther. You're nothing but a circus sideshow selling snake oil to the stupid.

    1. She’s stealing from simpletons. How this is allowed to continue I don’t know.

    2. Freedumb in uhmurrica5:26 PM

      You know what they say about a fool and their money.

    3. Anonymous6:17 PM

      They are as dumb as she is, probably even dumber because they think that she will run for president. LOL

  6. Olivia4:55 PM

    She has that right. "It's time to put inspiration, ingenuity, and integrity over incumbency in the GOP". Vote the GOP bastards out and vote Democratic.
    BTW, does anyone believe her pea brain came up with that, along with spelling the words correctly?

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Guess she got stuck on the "i" part of the dictionary for this post.

    2. abbafan3:19 AM

      Anon @ 6:34 P.M. - "she got stuck on the "i" part of the dictionary". No shit! She is permanently stuck on "IDIOT", more like "Fuckin' Idiot! She is an ultra-maroon asshole, lazy and stupid just like her brain-dead spawn!

  7. Anonymous5:06 PM

    If Zee Beech was running for anything, she wouldn't have aligned herself with Nugent. Expect another $5K donation to one person so she can say she did and the rest pocketed for her cronies and herself. The "rack" may be fake as hell but the "racket" isn't.

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      As if Sarah has been at all generous in contributing money from her PAC to GOP candidates! I think a lot of her PAC money goes to those who know and keep her secrets, plus the effort to keep the grifting game going.

      Bristol has received many goodies that I doubt she could afford on her own--even though she (Bristol) claims to be soooo hardworking. Poor Willow and Track have been slighted in that regard...they must not have contributed much of anything their mother needed for her campaign in 2008.

      At least the money donated to Sarah is money that isn't finding it's way to a viable GOP candidate at any level. Not that the GOP has any presidential contenders now that Christie is toast.

    2. Anonymous6:30 PM

      While I agree with your last paragraph, 5:50 PM, my point is they are liars and scammers all in the name of a God they don't even follow. I absolutely detest ANYONE that preys on the weak.

    3. Anonymous6:53 PM

      It took me a while to figger out who Zee Beech rilly wuz!

    4. Anonymous7:12 PM

      6:53 PM: Is that you, Malia? *wink*

    5. Anonymous10:35 PM

      7:12: No.

  8. What I can't wrap my brain around is, on her fb they're begging her to run, saying the country needs her,as far as I'm concern she is a stain on America, an abomination, the whole palin clan, just once I would like her to offer solutions, regardless of how stupid they may be. all she does is sling hatred, I swear the palins has cornered the market on being imbeciles, FUCK YOU JOHN MCCAIN!!!! you should have manned up and said I'm sticking with Joe Lieberman as my running mate. I remember I was soo depressed when Bush was President, and when the Supreme Court gave him the 2nd election, I just wanted to leave the goddamn Country, I was listening to Randi Rhodes talk show on Air America radio (Senator Al Franken, Rachel Maddow both came from this station) just listening to Randi calmed my frayed nerves, she's the polar opposite of hannity, billo, and the rest of them at faux nooos, don't understand why she doesn't make guess appearances at MSNBC, the point I'm trying to make is, maybe that's why the palinbots butt lick $arah the grifter, knowing she's a buffoon, they're that part of America that just hates President Obama, when him and his Family leave the White House in 2016, their lives will be Popping! what will the palins and their dominions do?

  9. Anonymous5:15 PM

    You all are jealous that Sarah is living outdoorsy and vibrant with daughters and son and friends in hangars and such as also too in this glorious and of real americans and guns and moose. oh and have you seen todd? no really have you seen him? todd where are my facecloths and how do i make the letters look big like in the Capitol?

  10. Anonymous5:18 PM

    In the word of Austin Powers "she's a man baby!"

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM

      LMAO!!!!!! Perfection.

  11. Ineedmoremoney!5:18 PM

    Doesn't I look prezidenshull (sic) in that there beoootifull picshure?
    Send me more money, i need more money, dammit!!! Dontcha see that this here is MY PAC, so send me money so i can pertent to be runnin' fer offishul offise!!!

  12. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Sarah continues to attck those that ignore her. Now she is even attcking the gOP! I'm loving it, Sarah and her few mentally ill followers will all end up in a locked ward of their local hospitals.

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      That's what I thought Anonymous 5:25! John McCain is certainly part of the permanent political class in D.C., so obviously Palin says he's not listening and needs to be replaced. Silly girl Sarah...John "done brought you to the party" in 2008 and that's the way you repay him for his stupidity.

    2. Anonymous6:38 PM

      6:02 And, she better be damn glad that McCain hasn't started talking about her in regard to the campaign they both lost together! Thank god!

    3. Anonymous7:15 PM

      McCain will never admit shit. Closest he came was the statute of limitations comment. He can thank his lucky stars he lost or he'd be dead by now and he knows it.

  13. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Check out this turd...

    Trailer: 'Amazing America with Sarah Palin'

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      another link

  14. Anonymous5:50 PM

    At least this time she's not ripping off a photographer of poster or using an American tragedy to make money. Who am I kidding? That photo IS of an American tragedy.

  15. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Oh holy crap I couldn't help myself......I watched the ol meth bitchs clip.....I need to take some psychotropic medicines now.


  16. Anonymous6:07 PM


    crosseyed shit fer brains skank

  17. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Still has the nailin palin thingy going . Work it Sarah .

    At any rate I just sent in my 1st donation to Wendy Davis Campaign for Gov. .
    Slimey Ted ,thanks for prompting me . Idiot .

  18. Anonymous6:14 PM

    I think we've reached Peak Teatard here. Between Ted Cruz and Princess Dumbass, they'll destroy the GOP.

  19. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Funny, for two years she crowed about all the teabaggers she sent to Washington, now they're the bad guys? LOL

    Go away, Sarah. Nobody's giving you anything- not credibility, not money.

  20. Anonymous6:24 PM

    The problem with that ad is that it is all about how amazing Sarah Palin is while there is nothing about Amazing America or the so/called Amazing Americans who are supposed to be part of that program. Sarah can't interview anyone because then she would have to pretend some interest in them. That is not possible when Sarah is the centerpiece of the show and she had never been interested in anyone except herself.

  21. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Yes, we need more cow doctors, Realtors and car salesmen to run for Congress so that our weird, racist, conspiracy theory drunk Uncles who can only put on a show at holiday gatherings can take their game to Washington and figure that starving the beast is 'restoring' our country and whatnot also.

  22. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Here we go again - Sarah Palin the prick teaser - trying to raise funds for Sarah Pac since she is the one that supports her family.

    Why anyone would fall for this 'new' photo teaser campaign is actually funny. Horrible picture of her - all jaw/chin - clamped to boot! Too bad she doesn't keep it 'clamped' ALL the time.

  23. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Donate to Sarah PAC
    and hope that she runs
    The best hope for America's future

    1. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Sure, you go ahead and donate, party on. You guys,I just watched the promo, I could have sworn that America's future was gonna start flinging her clothes at the cam.

    2. Anonymous8:00 PM

      You first.

    3. Give to SarahPAC until it hurts, or else it doesn't count. It's up to Sarah to save the Republican Party from the smart people or something like that. Palin/Trump 2016

  24. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Did she mean "Good new candidates" like Lets shut down the government and cost the american taxpayer billions of dollars T.Cruse?.....and the beat goes on

  25. Anonymous6:35 PM
    GinaM, those heels remind me of this. LMAO: first I thought you had posted a clip of that pimp in "I'm Gonna Git Ya Sucka"! You know the scene I'm talkin's the one where the pimp gets out of prison and he's walking down the street wearing his pimp outfit and on his feet are these enormous ass platform shoes and inside the platform shoes are some gold fish swimming around!

    Yep....that's what ole Baldy looked like in her promo...a broke down hooker trying to recapture the old days!


    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      You're welcome. I SWEAR, every damn time!

    2. Anonymous7:29 PM

      I Looooovvvvvveeeee that movie.

  26. Anita Winecooler7:07 PM

    I could swear she used a shot of Julianne Moore in that ad. How old a photo is it? Her face actually looks like it has some elasticity and blood flow. She's scrawny, anemic and got that dowager's hump thing starting. What an ass! Sarah cried wolf one too many times.

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Julianne Moore has much softer and more feminine features and doesn't need to wear so much makeup (unless she's playing the part of Sarah Palin).

    2. Funny you mention Julianne Moore....Game Change was on HBO again today! And did I laugh or did I laugh!

      Baldy hasn't CHANGED! She's still stupid as shit with no chance of changing!

      I LOVE IT! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous7:53 PM

      skank's not just starting a dowager's hump, she's been hunchbacked for years

  27. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Just watching the feedjit, there is a constant parade of wasilla visitors. I think she's refreshing the page

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Speaking of feedjit, it sure is lively for a defunct blog.

  28. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Richard Frazier > Sarah Palin

    13 minutes ago · you got my vote, that's for sure!

    Vote for what Dick? Moron of the century?

    1. She has my vote for Dick as well. There needs to be at least one Dick between Sarah and Toad.

  29. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Tony Reed > Sarah Palin

    2 hours ago · Run baby run!

    Why don't you idiots realize that Sarah Palin is not running for anything. It's a shame she won't admit that. All Sarah says is that she won't close any doors even though she knows she already slammed all her doors shut.

  30. Anonymous7:58 PM

    James Knight > Sarah Palin

    37 minutes ago · <<<< this man believes this is one of the finest ladies the world will ever know

    James you should see Sarah Palin in the morning when she gets out of bed. Ain't a pretty sight. What to see another ugly sight? Search the internet for her picture in Hawaii after losing the presidential race for McCain.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      James is obviously blind and trusting of a liar's description of Baldy.

  31. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Hey Sarah, how;s that pallin' around with draft-dodging child molesters thingy working' out for ya? Not too good, eh?

    Now just fuck off out of here, you fetid twat.

  32. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Bobbie Cook Cedillo > Sarah Palin

    1 hour ago · Please run for President!! We the people need you

    Bobbie who is we? There's not enough "WEs" in America to elect Sarah as a dog catcher.

  33. Anonymous8:08 PM

    For once I agree with you, Mrs. Palin: enough IS enough! Now, pack up your sorry, grifting, drug-addled ass and leave!!!

  34. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Robert Johnson > Sarah Palin

    1 hour ago · Love you, your family and all you do. please help put America back on track and please, please protect our constitution. Behind you 100%

    Robert do you really think Sarah Palin gives a rat's ass about anybody? Why do you think she quit her job as governor of Alaska? Sarah heard Hollywood and reality shows calling her name.

  35. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Michael Livingston > Sarah Palin

    38 minutes ago · Sarah would be a benefit at either post. She would make a good President or a congress lady

    Michael first you need to tell Sarah Palin what a president or congress lady does.

    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Is this the same Sarah Palin that quit on us after we elected her to be our governor? Sarah will never hold a post in Alaska again. Alaskans hate quitters who run off to Arizona especially after making all that film tax credit money from us.

    2. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Everybody knows that our president rides his horse through town warning the British.

    3. Anonymous1:59 AM

      8:29 PM, $arah will never hold a post again PERIOD.

    4. Anonymous3:49 AM

      A "Congress lady." What on earth is a "Congress lady"? We've had plenty of Congresswomen, many of them have been quite amazing, but a "Congress lady?" Is it a fancy name for a prostitute? The photo of Sarah on her PAC ad, taken from below the Belmonts, is pretty bizarre but really - what in the world is a "Congress lady"?

    5. Anonymous6:27 AM

      haha, that's what I was, "congress lady". See the caliber of people she attracts? If you want to see what happened to all those kids who never wasted a minute studying or cared about furthering their education go to her facebook page. That's where the majority of them congregate. She must be so proud to attract the dregs of society the way she does.

    6. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Congress lady = fake titties + stupid shoes + rancid body odor

      Yep, Sarah's the perfect candidate.

  36. Anonymous8:20 PM

    I read this and I am surprised that people gives money to a mother who raises her daughter to be like this:

    I apologize if that part about my cousin hearing Bristol making noise was confusing. I just tried to word things carefully because, like I said, I just flat out didn't feel comfortable saying she was moaning loud enough during sex to awaken people in the house.

    And yes people, Bristol Pain DID stay the night at our house when she was younger.

    Sometimes my dad would be up on the North Slope, and my mom in the hospital, or, if they were home, she would simply sneak through Levi's window.

    Most times she would just stay really late, but because it was a school night, leave around 1-3 in the morning to sneak back into HER house before her parents woke up. (She was such a "good girl" wasn't she?)

    1. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Bristol why did you moan so loud during sex? Did your sock fall out of your mouth?

    2. Anonymous8:53 PM

      How funny. Sarah accused author Joe McGinnis stalking and peeking into her windows when it was Bristol who was stalking Levi and climbing into his bedroom windows late at night for sex.

  37. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Don't worry Todd we haven't forgotten that you quit the Iron Dog and went back to Sarah's house.

  38. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Is that the same Bristol Palin who is offering advice to young people about work ethics? It must have been Hard to stay awake in School after going home at 3 AM. No wonder Bristol had to drop out of High School. She was always tired, pregnant, and had a learning disability. Sarah Palin is so proud that her daughters grew up just like Sarah.

  39. Anonymous10:24 PM

    This fetid grifting secessionist ninny has pulled in plenty of money pretending to be America's best patriot. The addled brains at c4p and elsewhere think she is Joan of Arc. Enough is enough.

  40. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Heh. Republican Civil War. Cat Scratch Teabaggers vs. the Randroids!

    Rand Paul Blasts Ted Nugent, And Says He Should Apologize For Calling Obama A 'Subhuman Mongrel'

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      You know you fucked up bad when rant paul, ted crooze and ricky perry call your ass out. Of course poopy pants, draft dodging pedophile, nugent is like sarah and as long as his name is in the news he doesn't care what anyone says or thinks about him. It's a sign of their mental instability that they don't experience shame or embarrassment.

  41. Anonymous10:53 PM


    Ted Nugent ‏@TedNugent 8h

    Are words really more offensivethan lying about Benghazi

  42. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Christ, she looks like a wax figure from Madame Tussauds in that photo! Then again, she's just as intelligent as one (my sincerest apologies to the other figures of more notable inspiration for the comparison.)

  43. Caroll Thompson2:07 AM

    Who would give money to a PAC that collected tens of thousands of dollars and gave a mere 10k to two candidates?

    Not too many it turns out. The gravy train doesn't have as much gravy as it used to. And every day less and less gravy comes through the door.

    I watched the trailer about the new 'show'. What hunting show has someone in stripper heals? Not to worry, she will quit that too like everything else. Too much work for our Sarah.

    But seriously folks, I love Sarah Palin and you should too. Because of her endorsements and fringe candidates getting the nod, the Dems held the Senate in 2012 and 2010. Remember the "I am not a witch" candidate from Delaware? That idiot from Missouri who said woman don't get pregnant from rape. Ya, that's what I'm talking about.

  44. janice3:22 AM

    I bet since Sarah lost the Vice Presidency, she as a woman did not make it and will campaign against any woman in any party to lose. If she as a woman can't make it, she will be embarrassed if another woman makes it anywhere. She will only campaign for men.

  45. Randall3:41 AM

    Has this trend hit your area yet?
    Sarah Palin jokes.

    When we were little kids we used to tell "little moron" jokes.
    And of course there were the "pollock" jokes and "blonde" jokes, etc.

    Well, rather than "the little moron" or "the blonde" or whatever,
    you plug-in "Sarah Palin".

    for example:
    A guy was walking along a river and couldn't cross, saw a woman on the far side and shouted over to her "HEY! How do I get to the other side?"
    And Sarah Palin answered, "You're already ON the other side!"

    ...Has this phenomenon hit your area yet?

    I heard some kids - WAY too young to know who Sarah Palin is - telling "Sarah Palin jokes" the other day and I was wondering if it is just locally here or whether this is a country-wide (WORLD-wide?) trend?

  46. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Why does she keep using photos that are 5-6 years old?

    Is she embarrassed about all the facelifts her fans paid for, they should be able to see what their hard earned money is paying for.

  47. Anonymous5:01 AM

    The shoes are more recent. Which is kind of funny and revealing.

  48. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Really? She, of all people, has the audacity to accuse others of "lining their pockets"? She who shakes down the hard working, low intellect rubes to line her pockets on a regular basis. Lol, what a tone deaf moron.

  49. Anonymous4:46 PM

    She looks like a man. Why would she pick such a picture. lol

  50. Anonymous5:20 PM

    she has a granny mouth ....she must wear dentures...

  51. Anonymous5:59 PM

    She's working overtime to support her offspring. I'm pretty sure they all live off her or her full-time-grifting. Can you imagine the


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