Thursday, February 27, 2014

Bristol Palin's ghostwriter attempts to damn abortion using outdated attacks on founder of Planned Parenthood, while Bristol provides more ammunition for Levi Johnston's upcoming custody case.

Courtesy of Brancy's blog:  

Do you guys watch Patricia Heaton’s great show The Middle? 

Well, she’s one of the only Hollywood stars who has the guts to speak out against abortion. 

Last week, Heaton shared a National Review article about how more black babies are aborted than born in New York City. Alec Torres writes: 

In 2012, black women in New York City aborted over 6,500 more children than they gave birth to. Data from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene shows that, among non-hispanic black women, there were 31,328 “induced terminations” to 24,758 live births, according to a CNS News report. 

Heaton tweeted this article, by adding: “Margaret Sanger gets her wish.” Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood and actually believed in ethnic cleansing. 

I’m so proud of Patricia for having the courage to speak out against the evils of abortion! 

Ah yes, the old Margaret Sanger was a racist, therefore Planned Parenthood hates black people approach. I thought after Herman Cain got shamed for using this that the conservatives might leave it alone.

Here is the quote, in context, that allows conservatives to use this line of attack: 

Sanger, who was arrested several times in her efforts to bring birth control to women in the United States, set up her first clinic in Brooklyn in 1916. In the late 1930s, she sought to bring clinics to black women in the South, in an effort that was called the "Negro Project." Sanger wrote in 1939 letters to colleague Clarence James Gamble that she believed the project needed a black physician and black minister to gain the trust of the community. 

Sanger says that a minister could debunk the notion, if it arose, that the clinics aimed to "exterminate the Negro population." She didn't say that she wanted to "exterminate" the black population. The Margaret Sanger Papers Project at New York University says that this quote has "gone viral on the Internet," normally out of context, and it "doesn't reflect the fact that Sanger recognized elements within the black community might mistakenly associate the Negro Project with racist sterilization campaigns in the Jim Crow south, unless clergy and other community leaders spread the word that the Project had a humanitarian aim."

In other words, while Sanger was trying to deliver control of the female reproduction system to women, regardless of ethnicity or social standing, she was cognizant of the fact that she as a white woman could be seen as encouraging genocide among the black community.

Funny how seeing things in context pretty much changes everything about what the Right wants you to believe about them, don't you think?

Here's what else I find interesting about the conservative's love for this attempt to smear Planned Parenthood.

On the one hand they want to vilify Planned Parenthood for killing black babies, but then on the other hand they want to condemn black mothers for having so many babies in order to defraud Federal welfare programs out of millions of dollars, the so-called "Welfare Queen" scenario that Ronald Reagan made popular.

You would think that you could not argue one side while also arguing the other, but of course that's because you are not a Right Wing lunatic.

Speaking of lunatics, everybody's favorite terrible mother has been helping Levi with his court case, first by posting this video of Tripp laughing hysterically at the use of some mildly inappropriate language.

And then with this montage that Joey Junker put up of Tripp and Bristol playing house with the latest trial daddy.

The caption said "Miss my little fam just a few more weeks."
Now these on their own would not be a big deal, but placed alongside footage of Tripp using inappropriate language on the reality show, and Bristol kicking Gino Paoletti out of her car while assuring Tripp she would get him a new daddy, it certainly doesn't help.

I mean yes of course it DOES help, but it's certainly not her that it helps.

P.S. By the way Patricia Heaton is the reason I can't watch reruns of "Everybody Loves Raymond" anymore.


  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Nancy French is helping Levi and Tripp. Bristol must not have a clue what goes on with the blog namesake deal.

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Get a life. Stop believing Gryphen propaganda and hypocrisy

    2. Drunk commenting and loving it Anonymous4:35 PM said....

      "Get a life"

      Bitch please! Your ass is hanging here reading "propaganda and hypocrisy" and loving that shit! If you didn't...your crazy fucking ass wouldn't be here every time Gryphen post a picture of Beefy and her fucked up face!

      Get a life....indeed! LOL!!

    3. vegaslib5:06 PM

      4:35. Funny you tell other people to get a life for doing the same thing you are doing. What a fucking idiot. I would never in a million years go to a site that hates Obama and try to defend him. It's a useless waste of time and will never change their shallow little minds. I have a wonderful life and being disabled I do surf the net frequently. I go to sites that reflect my beliefs. You just come here to stir up shit and sniff the Palin's ass. Guess who needs to get a life.

    4. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Anon at 4:35pm
      Dear Bristol,
      If you don't like Gryphen's blog why are you reading it?
      Now run along before another abstinence baby falls out of your crotch.

    5. Anonymous5:28 PM

      OMG! she's clearly pregnant in the Disney picture and the picture to the right where she laying on top of that man. What happened to abstinence.

    6. Anonymous5:44 PM

      OMFG! Bitchcol and Junkie! Two meth-heads and both ugly especially while "selfie-ing" themselves...Retards!
      I hope the Judge gives Tripp to Levi Permanently. How many babies has that ho dropped already? 3-4? She needs to be spayed.

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Bristol Palin didn't write that. I don't see her word "AWESOME" in her post.

  3. Boscoe2:39 PM

    What?? Right wingers using selective editing to make it sound like someone said something they didn't actually say and then smearing them with it as if they did? That never happens. ;P

  4. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Look at the montage top left picture. Is that a photo shop picture of Bristol? Nobody has a long face like that. Not even Jay Leno.

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      How many penises has been in that mouth?

    2. Anonymous4:35 PM

      you need a life

    3. Anonymous4:35 PM

      I see you're jealous. And ignorant

    4. Crazy Unemployed actress stalker both of them posting at Anonymous4:35 PM

      Answer the damn question.....

      HOW MANY?


  5. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Also add in that he isn't properly restrained. That is assuming that children need seatbelts in AZ?

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Actually, when he's in Levi's truck in the back, its' the exact same setup

    2. Anonymous4:29 PM

      It is not exact same setup if there is no film.

    3. Paste eater Stalker who's commenting as Anonymous3:52 PM said....


      Yep...that's exactly right....EVERY fucking thing the Palin's a "setup"...thanks for the confirmation...dumbass!


  6. Anonymous2:45 PM

    If this prick is referring to Tripp as part of his "little fam", he has a nasty shock coming his way.

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Yup! A shock just like Ben, Gino and the rest of Bristol's trial dicks experienced. Here today gone tomorrow.

    2. Anonymous2:59 PM

      That you, Levy? Go get 'em!

    3. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Wow. you're way out of line. Besides, Levi et al write identical things.

      Grow up

    4. Anonymous5:04 PM

      3:52 PM STALKER!!!

    5. Stuck on Stupid and failed actress commenting as Anonymous3:52 PM said....

      "Grow up"

      AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and see how annoying that shit is!.


    6. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Its Wallows.
      You can tell by the extreme lack on intelligence..."grow up" "Quit lying" bla, bla, bla. Dipshits and liars all of 'em any of 'em!

    7. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Maybe by "just a few more weeks" he meant the cow is having his baby (my little family) ?? Maybe marriage?

  7. Anonymous2:50 PM

    That video of Tripp again is evidence that Bristol does not use proper safety with Tripp. He should still be in a booster chair for one. And the shoulder strap is tucked behind him. Bristol you are a careless idiot of a mother. You are blessed to have a beautiful child and you are really messing up with this parenthood thing. In so many ways. Get a grip. Let your son have a relationship with his father. And maybe take a class or two on parenting. You really need advice.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Tripp is in the same setup in Levi's truck in the back.

    2. Anonymous4:30 PM

      3:52 PM

      Show the video.

    3. Crazy lady who's wearing out her welcome on IM's while commenting as Anonymous3:52 PM said....


      You said that already stalker! Yes...the Palin's "setup" every damn thing...including your dumbass!

      What's that you hear at the door...better go answer's the po po.....AGAIN!!


  8. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Levi that picture of Bristol, Tripp and Bristol' s current trial husband is meant to make you jealous. Don't worry Levi, Tripp knows who is his daddy and that your love for him is genuine and is not "trial-love" from Bristol's trial husbands.

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Levi is no place near jealous. He may feel deep sorrow for what his son is forced to endure. That will change soon. This only shows how severe Bristol's troubles are and she is hooked up with someone as weird or just paid enough money.

    2. Anonymous3:53 PM

      SOOOO, Levi/Sunny can post pics and write "little fam" a lot, yet she/he cannot?

      Child whose parents aren't married WILL ALWAYS have two families.

    3. Anonymous4:34 PM

      ow anon 3:23, you need a severe amount of help to fabricate such bullshit. I know Levi's as jealous as Bristol is, which is not at all.

      Both are living happily. NO ONE will deny they were never a strong couple. Levi's family fell apart at the time his HS relationship was peaking. BAD combo for a naturally needy boy.

      Just let them live their lives without outsider hate blogger judgment and lies.

    4. Fucked up in the head Anonymous3:53 PM said....

      "SOOOO, Levi/Sunny can post pics and write "little fam" a lot, yet she/he cannot?"

      Ummm....excuse me crazy...but WhyTF do you give a rat's ugly ass what Levi and Sunny post pics and write?

      Again....didn't the po po tell you to mind your fucking business and leave them the fuck alone?

      WTF is wrong with you?

      Nevermind...I know the answer to that! LOL!!!

    5. Anonymous4:47 PM

      But why did Levi and Bristol get divorced and then say they were hooking back up again on front of US magazine?

    6. Anonymous5:02 PM

      3:53 PM In Bristol's life Families consist of multiple Trial Daddies and lots of premarital sex. None of Sarah Palin's adult offspring are married or working.

    7. Still fucked up in the head and commenting as Anonymous4:34 PM said....

      "Levi's family fell apart at the time his HS relationship was peaking" forgot to mention're slipping stalker! LOL!!

  9. Anonymous2:54 PM

    On Bristol's Facebook, there is a picture of a baby, along with Bristol's oh gosh amen comment that she wants more children. She has done such a poor job raising one child that maybe she should think before posting a wish for more children. Not with the guy in the pictures that Grypen posted. Bristol and Joey look pretty juvenile themselves, so three kids look like enough for now.

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Funny because everyone who sees Tripp says:
      Zack Ralston "I saw him a couple days ago. You've raised a good healthy kid man."

      Me: "thank you Bristol for raising a good healthy kid"

      NO ONE who knows him would disagree. He's sweet, has loved babies for years, spirited, adapts to chores well, listens, he did naturally say his pleases and thank yous.

    2. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Nope, everyone who sees Propp says "hey,he just called me a fagg, what happened to little cracker, he was sooo cute when he was a baby."

    3. Losing her mind but can't stop commenting at IM's as Anonymous4:32 PM said....

      "He's sweet, has loved babies for years,"

      How MANY babies are we talking here....2....3...or is it 4....come on you started this tell us how MANY damn babies does Beefy have laying around for Tripp to play with?


    4. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Zack Ralston? does he have Brisket's throw away kids? Or is he one of the guys that fucks Bristol?

    5. Anonymous5:35 PM

      I can tell you about some of the stuff I've seen on Tumblr and what some of the men say when they see photos of little Tripp, especially the one where he's rolling around on a bed full of candy in his underwear.

      I swear to god Bristol does not think before she posts some of this shit.

    6. Anonymous5:57 PM

      5:35 WHAT kind of men do you hang with??????????????????????????????

  10. Anonymous2:55 PM

    "Brisdull," you're a putrid and ignorant sludge pot. You and your mother would make a bigger contribution to humanity going down on each other on camera for a buck.

    Wait a minute...I guess that's already happening.

  11. Anonymous2:56 PM

    "My Lil Fam?" Did Bristol and Junker get married? Maybe this trial husband will work out this time for B. But she needs to be reminded that Rripp already has a father. A real father, not some trial daddy.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Well, Levi and Sunny moved in together and posed for
      "family pics" like 6 mos into their relationship. Actually, they moved in otogether after meeting.

    2. Sniffing glue and posting comments Anonymous3:54 PM said....

      "Well, Levi and Sunny moved in together"

      Excuse me left out....THAT THEY GOT MARRIED!

      Is Beefy married? Does Beefy have a ring on that fat sausage finger of hers? Does Beefy have a "hubby" of her own?

      Again....WhyTF do you give a flying saucer what Levi and Sunny did PRIOR to getting married?

      Key word.....MARRIED!

      Hurts don't it! MARRIED....MARRIED....poor retarded Beefy will never hear those words! At least her bald headed mother got a ring on that claw like hand....Beefy...not so much!


      And we won't even talk about Wallow! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous4:58 PM

      3:54 PM How long have they been MARRIED? When did Bristol or Willow get MARRIED? Their Christian ways are null and void. Bastards born every year to the Palin girls.

  12. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I gotta say, Junkie old boy, you shore is uuuuggglllyyyy!!

    1. I have to agree! He's not even half way good looking! He has a strange expression and he looks like he's in it for the money! I thought that Gino was funny looking but this Junkyard fella has him beat by a country mile! LOL!!

      Looks like the Toad the Pimp is still working for a living! What kind of gargoyle did he find for poor Wallow to hang with? LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Gina, pot meet kettle. And you're just being a nasty hoe

    3. Anonymous4:36 PM

      He looks like his name - like a JUNKIE! (Also, too, that roach clip he is holding against Bar$tool's ear does not exactly help his/her image!)

    4. Drunk on her own pissy smelling ass while commenting as Anonymous4:28 PM said....

      "Gina, pot meet kettle. And you're just being a nasty hoe"

      BITCH....I know ya ain't talking about my avatar! And as for calling me a "hoe"....that's a garden tool dumbass! Get your ass back to school and learn.....HO!!


    5. Anonymous5:28 PM

      First of all, that Pic is NOT of Gina but of Rebecca Mansour, chief Cuntess Sarah Palin panty sniffer.

      And I agree, he is pretty homely but since Sarah has failed at being able to bribe anyone else to hump the whore what can you expect.

  13. Anonymous2:59 PM

    This poor Joey, no really, I mean it. Whoever he is, if he was a decent young guy before, he's in for a hard life if he commits to Bristol.

    It would be nice for them to settle down, raise Tripp co-jointly with Levi. But, peaceful arrangements don't work with Sarah Palin. She will do everything to throw a wrench in Bristol's happiness. She can't be anything but jealous of all her children. None of these kids will ever have solid marriages or relationships until they break the umbilical cord from Palin.

    French is really going over the line with her obvious obsession with interfering in Bristol Palin's life. What is so important that French use BP to push her agenda? Why does a woman, whose husband is a lawyer and well-known author with a public platform, and Nancy, who is an author and speaker in her own right, NEED Bristol Palin???????

    It doesn't make sense.

    1. $$$$$$$$$$$ ?

    2. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Nancy French is well paid to do what Sarah can't do. The best Sarah could come up with is to have someone else play like they are Bristol and write the dribble.

      If Bristol is again pregnant and sick of pretending she is not pregnant when she is, she would want to be married this time.

      Joey is in sync and adds his adrenalin junker blog with the 'his family' (out of character and out of the blue). 'Family' is married for a Xtian. Remember how strange Track and Britt's wedding farce looked? This one could be worse.

      When Presidential material have children that marry think of the Clintons and others. See how the Palins handle what is happening with Bristol. Only a few poor desperate loons will make up excuses for how horrible the Palins handle this.

      The Junker family are the ones who need to speak up if there is any thing legitimate about the relationship. Other than a business arrangement with sex included.

      It is not a coincidence that Levi files in court, one part says Bristol needs to be back in a few weeks or less. Like Joey says he has a few more weeks. The Palins and all their flying monkeys are building up the Bristol resume and virgin, single mother yadda yadda.

      This time Sarah has been warned not to mouth off the 'dead beat' or any of that. She needs to look like she is not interfering. Bristol is that strong frontier skin cleaner gal. Adrenalin Junker is the man for her and Tripp. At some point one of Sarah's media pals will do some public relation pieces for them to help Bristol;s image and give Junker some status. Like people are going to want to know more about his business and what he does. How will he help support Tripp and the new babies they are working on? Did he have a good winter? Is his film a money maker? How long until he can work again?

      When Junker and his family are doing more press and interviews we can see more of the story they are selling.

    3. Anonymous3:54 PM


    4. Anonymous4:27 PM

      I doubt Sarah even knows specifics. I doubt she even knows what Levi's done in the last 2 years. No one else does, or cares.

    5. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Well, I can say any prolife statement probably comes from Bristol. Willow takes the same stances. They love their brother. It's natural to feel empassioned

    6. Anonymous4:35 PM


      Like people are going to want to know more about his business and what he does. How will he help support Tripp and the new babies they are working on? Did he have a good winter? Is his film a money maker? How long until he can work again?

      When Junker and his family are doing more press and interviews we can see more of the story they are selling.


    7. Drunk as a skunk and commentingAnonymous3:54 PM screeched....



    8. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Hey 3:54pm

      For the one hundredth and eleventieth time Slander is Spoken (not the S at the beginning of both words). Libel is written (think L as in Library as in the writing in books...) If you are going to accuse people of stuff at least get the term right, geez, are you incapable of retaining information? Perhaps you should have read the post earlier today regarding Alzheimer's and memory loss.

    9. Anonymous5:11 PM

      @4:28. I have a deaf sister. It was suggested that my mom abort (German measles) but she decided not to. I love my sister too- but I also respect every woman's right to choose for herself what is best for her and her family. I'm not trying to push my "religion" (yeah, like they've ever been in a church) down anyone else's throat.

    10. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Is his film a money maker? How long until he can work again?

      NEED TO KNOW if they are serious.

      Also how much did Joey get for the film credit tax deal?

      He must have some good investments if he is thinking of marriage and a family.

      Todd has looked into his bank. Sarah only knows what she is told. It would be easy to lie to her about his wealth.

  14. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Right middle photo: Bristol is pregnant. Does Junker work, or is he just like Track Menard?

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM


    2. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Joey is some kind of snow rat. They have plenty of time to hang in the garage like Toad and do what they do. He broke a toe or something, that will alter his program. He can devote more time to romance and baby nesting and making.

      Adrenalin is adrenalin and it is hell on ones body and mind. Poor dude doesn't carry it well. He looks about 10-15 years older than his actual age. You know Bristol likes hot men and she wants him to go under the knife to correct some of those flaws. Time will not be kind to her if they do something to be stuck in a long term relationship.

    3. Anonymous4:26 PM

      What are you even talking about? Just get a life

    4. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Junker is a meth adict

    5. Anonymous4:52 PM

      3:54 PM FUCK OFF, Crazy Lady. Don't you have an urge to satisfy? Loneliness Must Suck for you.

    6. Crazy unemployed actress with no friends commenting as Anonymous3:54 PM said...


      You already said that stupid! LOL!!

    7. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Isn't Junker like 40 or 42?

    8. Anonymous5:31 PM

      No, Joey doesn't work, but that probably makes him fit in with the unemployed Palins that way.

      And Slander Troll, get a "rill" GED and you might find out the difference between libel and slander.

  15. Anonymous3:03 PM

    What a coincidence, yesterday Seth Rogan star of the movie Knocked Up testified at a Senate hearing on Alzheimers, Today Little Miss Knocked up herself posts a message to the masses. Btw, the Senator was wrong about the phrase Knocked up being uttered in the Senate for the first time. Actually it was 5 1/2 years ago.

  16. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Bristol are you still practicing abstinence until you get married?

  17. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Is that the best she can do for a mate? For christs sake Stool, be more selective than your current "any cock will do" mantra.

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      You re ignorant

    2. Anonymous5:08 PM

      And you are a fountain of wisdom, eh?

  18. Anonymous3:12 PM

    When will we see a picture of Sarah Palin hugging Joey Junker?

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      When hell freezes.

    2. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Chinzilla is keeping that 50 year old going on 13 slutty mother of hers away from her "prize". She knows damn well that dear old mom had a crush on Levi.

    3. Anonymous3:48 PM

      I wonder if Ma Grizz has sampled the Junk and gave him two winks.

    4. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Grow up. Time to stop believing lies and nasty ghost writers.

    5. Anonymous4:45 PM

      3:48 More like 2 stinks, Sarah Palin is nasty.

    6. Anonymous5:03 PM

      If Junker was hot like Levi Sarah would have already asked him to come into her bedroom and look at that old shotgun under her bed...wink wink :-)

    7. Anonymous5:52 PM

      If Sarah was serious about running for any office she would already be planning on pinching Joey's chin when he campaigns for her.

      Todd is the one that vetted Joey. Sarah may have also given him the old gun routine.

  19. Anonymous3:13 PM

    BWAHAHAHAHA, Bristol and Tripp Junker, and Joey Jr. or Joette Jr. Junker are the laughs of the century. Joey looks like a throwback from 'HORSESHACK' from Welcome Back Kotter. Bristol has gone down in quality from Levi. Face it, Bristol does not have many choices in a husband. Picking a Drug Dealer might hurt her in the Tripp custody case. Joey misses that worn out poontang.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Wow, you're sick. and need to stop lying

    2. Anonymous4:25 PM

      You. are. sick. and Tripp calls Joey "Joey."

    3. Anonymous4:44 PM

      3:54 PM YOU are not the one to call anyone Sick. You Stalk all of these blogs with your ignorance and stupidity. You are the LIAR, and a nutcase.

    4. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Oh come on 4:25pm

      If it's Tripp we're talking about he doesn't just call him Joey, he calls him "fucking Joey faggot". That's just how that little bastard rolls.

  20. $arah must be so proud of her mini-me. Hope the judge isn't on $arahPAC "postage" payroll. Guess we'll know soon enough.

  21. Anonymous3:19 PM

    But Junker's sister, Megan, told Celebuzz: “In my opinion, they’re not dating until she comes home!”

    Megan, Bristol has come in a lot of places. Wouldn't be surprised if she didn't come in your mother's house.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      MEgan and his mom love Bristol.

    2. Anonymous4:10 PM

      The Junkers are Christian cult like Sarah and Bristol. Junkers will lie and cover for them.

    3. Anonymous4:25 PM

      You seriously need to grow up and stop using people to be a nasty ahole spreading lies on blogs.

    4. Anonymous4:41 PM

      3:55 PM How the fuck do you know?

    5. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Bristol will come or at least make someone cum for a wine cooler.

    6. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Spreading? Like Bristol spreads those Christian abstinence thighs to any man that her Mom pays?

    7. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Celebuzz, wow, Bristol/Joey have fallen from TMZ all the way down to merely being mentioned on Celebuzz? Oh how the mighty have fallen ;-)

    8. Anonymous5:55 PM

      4:41 PM It, 3:55 PM, sure does not know Joey Junker or anything about him. Only knows what it gathers from stalking and most of that is wrong.

  22. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Look at the bottom right photo in the collage. Bristol appears to be sans makeup. You can almost see how lovely she was before she mutilated her face with plastic surgery. Such a shame. What negative messages (or lack of affirmation) did she experience as a child to take such drastic steps with her appearance?

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      No childhood trauma. Just the siren call of Hollywood. Too bad for her it didn't work. For someone who hates liberals, she sure wanted to rub elbows with them.

    2. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Maybe if she considered herself a celeb. lol at your ignorant and assumptions.

    3. Anonymous4:24 PM

      She is a pretty woman, and looks the same.

    4. Anonymous4:24 PM

      She looks like she did in 9th grade.

    5. Anonymous5:08 PM


      She looks nothing like she did in 9th grade, however her brain hasn't changed a bit.

    6. Anonymous5:33 PM

      She used to be a pretty girl.

  23. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Joey if that is your fam then how come Bristol didn't take you to Sarah's house to play Eskimo Bingo?

    Were you there? I don't remember seeing your face in Sarah's house.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Um he was there.

    2. Anonymous4:40 PM

      3:55 PM Um is that you, Willow?

    3. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Why aren't they married? If he loved her they would already be married.

  24. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Emphasis needed on 2:50's comment.

    Tripp isn't properly secured in the moving car.

    Levi and his attorney should be aware of this and bring it to Bristol's and the court's attention.

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Insert pick of Tripp in Levi's truck in exact same positioning.

    2. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Dude, that video isn't offensive.

      And if everyone was penalized when their kids throw a random curse word, much to the shock of their parents, no one would have kids.It's not like Levi has a clean mouth. Sunny, "thank god Breeze can't understand daddys and his friends dirty mouths"

    3. Anonymous4:38 PM

      3;58 PM Dude? Are you posting again? Wallow, aren't you baby sitting your child? Nobody has a dirtier mouth than single Mom Willow Palin.

    4. Crazy Methed out Anonymous3:58 PM said...

      "It's not like Levi has a clean mouth. Sunny, "thank god Breeze can't understand daddys and his friends dirty mouths"

      Weren't you WARNED to leave Breeze's name out of your rantings troll? See...this is why everyone thinks you're a Palin....

      Your RETARD is showing again! LOL!!!

      Get ready for that knock on your door Stalker...they are coming for ya! LOL!!!

    5. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Bristol has hours, hours, hours and hours of Tripp video. That is the best with least cursing they could find.

  25. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Let's see... She's eating well (gaining weight), sleeping a lot, anti abortion... Sounds like she trying to let us know she's pregnant

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      She is almost due, the Arizona Penrose trip was a distraction for her latest pregnancy. I wonder which Hospital they use in Arizona. Bristol will be taking Junker to court for child custody in 1 year.

    2. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Yep, must mean there is another Palin engagement fetus a growing.

  26. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Sarah is like Marie Barone, though 1000 times worse.

    Sarah pretends she cooks, but really buys jars of Prego for her moose chili.

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Marie actually sees her Grandkids.

  27. Anonymous3:50 PM

    1. There is zero difference between Sunnys family pictures and that montage.

    2. That video is beyond adorable.

    People need to seriously grow up here.

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Of course there is a difference. Levi and Sunny's relationship is sealed by marriage vows. I thought all Christians believed in the sanctity of marriage? Not Bristol though, she just keeps doing any man she can.

  28. Anonymous3:51 PM

    So basically, Levi can post all the pics of HIS family unit he wants, while Bristol cannot.

    smh at you.

    Downright stupid.

    And the video is incredibly cute. How anyone could read offensive into it is beyond me.

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      All of their Facebooks should be private and viewable only to the select few that they have friended. However, each and everyone of them, Bristol, Levi, and Sunny have public Facebooks, which is never a good idea.

    2. Anonymous5:29 PM

      But if their facebooks were private, what would one out-of-work actress do with her abundant free time?

    3. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Pictures of Levi, Sunny, and the kids. A Happily married unit is a FAMILY.
      Pictures of the latest fuckbuddy do not qualify as a family.

  29. Anonymous3:54 PM

    One of the problems of modern living is that anyone can take to the internet via blogs, Facebook, or a myriad of other platforms and pontificate. There may be some people who have something to talk about but Bristol Palin is not one of them. Someone should suggest that she settle down somewhere, get a job in the real world, enroll her son in pre-school or kindergarten and stay AWAY FROM the internet.

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Tripp is in school.

      She has always had a job. Why you cannot accept this is beyond me.
      "Michelle Reynolds
      Hey Bristol, you may not remember me, but you helped the doc with my son Trevor a few months back. You were so kind and gentle, I'm sure you are a great mother. Soon enough you will have your chance for more children."

      It's not like she TRAVELS recreationally. There are FAR more Wasillans HER AGE who've been more places and more often. Most of her peers go to Hawaii multiple times a year. Most of them have kids.

    2. Anonymous4:23 PM

      You're right though. Most people who have blogs use it to be a a slandering hatemongerer, like Gryphen here.

    3. Sally in MI5:46 PM

      4:22. Tripp is in school? Where? What school in Alaska enrolls you and then sees you head off to Arizona four months? What JOB allows the same thing, or is she a flight attendant now? And yes, she does travel recreationally. Why else is she in Arizona?
      God, you Palin bots will buy any lie they throw out there.

    4. Sally in MI5:49 PM

      3:58. My kids are 35 and 34, and they NEVER cursed. They never heard it at home, and they certainly never ran with a crowd that used words like that child knows.
      Both kids are married, working, and happy. They keep their private lives private, something Bristol can't seem to manage. She and her "LOOK AT ME" mother are seriously ill.

  30. Anonymous3:55 PM

    can't stand Patricia everything about the Middle except HER.

    Does Bristol look preggers in JJ's photos or what? Would have thought she had a TWOBULL by now.

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Must be her new engagement fetus.

    2. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Can you imagine how insufferable Patricia Heaton is to work with?

  31. Anonymous4:01 PM

    there's far more hypocrisy in this one post than I have time for. Gryphen, your hate has outdone itself

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      4:01 PM The Truth is always hard for a Palin to accept.
      Adios, Assclown.

    2. Anonymous4:20 PM

      The truth is impossible for YOU to accept.

  32. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Let's see here. Joey Junker is thirty three or thirty four years old, has never been married,looks like a bum and his sledneck nickname is Junker...his quote on their website is " I"ll try anything twice." Well that explains a lot! sorry Bristol he's a loser and i don't think your hint about how you want another kid is going to produce a wedding ring, if i were you honey i would give that guy a time limit on that "ole marriage proposal! why buy the milk when the cow is free, not even cheap but free.

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      yes, because a BUM built a house, has a job and always has a project, is close to his family and a good uncle to his siblings kids.

      Did you REALLY just criticize the millions of people who aren't married by 30?

      WOW. So you'd recommend people marry at 23, then divorce later? I mean, you actually criticized Gryphen.

      You're a sad sack.

    2. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Todd only needs the 'fam' marriage indication while there are court matters at hand. They may work out an engagement scenario. Joey has had a bad winter except for his sales and making a movie. He needs money. This could keep him on the payroll for a long time.

      They are doing the Christian thing and he can't defile and have sex with an abstinence princess so this will be tough. This is not a part for just any mid 30's guy to play. It is going to have to be pink and real sweet.

    3. Anonymous5:02 PM

      The sad sack defending two sad sacks calling someone else a sad sack. I love IM!

    4. Anonymous5:13 PM

      I'd recommend marriage for no one, but that's just me. I guess the religious types do it for godly reasons? Other than that I can't find a good reason for it.

  33. I was waiting for you to add "-rated."

    Just my dirty mind in action...

  34. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Well, to be fair, he's laughing at the deep voice. It's a cute video and shows how great his laugh is. And there's nothing even offensive in it.

    Gryphen thinks by the "humans are perfect and any imperfection is a sign of weakness and means a person is point blank bad."

    Yet Gryphen shows imperfections and inner hate every day.

    It's sad.

    Can't help admit Bristol's a great mom with a much-beloved and healthy child.

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM

      Tripp was in 3 different reality shows before age 5. That is not great parenting.

    2. Anonymous5:00 PM

      They can never show Tripp in a natural way. It always looks overdone. If they had other video and this was part of many it would be better. Instead it seems the psycho laugh is how they get him to laugh so they can say isn't it cute for a 6 year old.

      It would be better if they could show Tripp laughing at something funnier than a psycho laugh so people would know if he has a working brain. At his age children can tell jokes and laugh at them. At 2 or 3 they like tickle laughs and psycho can be funny. Unfortunately, there is nothing to show that the adults around Tripp are anything but psycho mentality. She doesn't have the smarts to leak better more well rounded video.

      That is why Bristol and Tripp seem to be stuck at about age 2, maybe 3 and psycho.

      It is a stupid video for a parent to leak for his age. Not his fault. It shows Bristol can't parent and is slow and not too bright.

      Is that her lover playing the psycho?

    3. Anonymous5:14 PM


      But who loves her other two kids?

    4. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Bristol doesn't even admit she's a good (let alone great) mom.

  35. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Stealing pics again Gryphen, eh? And displaying full hypocrisy. You accept Levi's "little fam." This is no different. Especially when he took "family" picture including Tripp a year before he was married

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      4:08 PM STALKER ALERT!! You are a sick, conniving Bitch with no Life other than sniffing behind(pun intended) Bristol and her 'Trial Daddies' who are here today and gone tomorrow. Deny that Junker is a Drug Dealer, I dare you. Deny that Todd Palin is a Pimp. Lock yourself in your Mama's basement and enjoy your Vibrator life, Stop Slandering and Lying about Gryphen, Sad Hypocrite.

    2. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Wait...ummm...weren't you the one who posted that link to that Tripp video? You posted it on SPHASH and WhyTF are you complaining! Isn't this what you wanted to happen ya crazy ass stalker!

      Gee...make up your fucking mind dummy! LOL!!!

    3. Sally in MI5:42 PM

      Ah but 'married' is the operative word here. No one has even gotten engaged to old Bristol, now have they? And I do not believe for a second that they were engaged in 2008 when she was faking her own little pregnancy. That was all staged for Mommy Dearest, who had visions of a WHite House wedding in 2009.

  36. Anonymous4:10 PM

    You act like they live together. Joey has a house. She's never lived with anyone, unlike a needy boy who felt the need to call his now wife "Wifey" after dating a month. Sorry. For context, Sunny used to call Levi needy all the time.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      So great that 32-year-old Joey has a house. Let's hope Bristol sleeps at a hotel when visiting. Otherwise, her newly-regrown virginity would be in peril.

  37. Anonymous4:14 PM

    For the last time, people who have friends or family members with afflictions that most people would abort are obviously going to feel strongly about abortion.

    And that video is literally the cutest thing I've ever seen. I love how kids think weird voices are the greatest things. He's such a great little guy. So sweet. And I'm jealous he likes cleaning. My 8 yr old throws the world's biggest tantrums when she has to wash her dishes.

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Sorry, but I know people who have devoted their entire lives to working with and educating kids with special needs who are also the most passionately supportive of abortion and reproductive rights.

    2. Sally in MI5:39 PM

      You make your 8 year old wash her own dishes? My DIL has a friend who had her 8 year old cleaning bathrooms...seriously, what is wrong with you people? Kids need time to play, to read, to think, to be kids.

    3. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Exactly, Sally. No wonder that 8 year old throws a tantrum. The water is probably too hot.

  38. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Why are you guys ragging on Bristol and Joey Junker? That's the best she can do after losing Levi to Sunny.

  39. Crazy lady in the house!

    To be clear the video is not in and of itself especially problematic, but it does reinforce the image that Tripp is surrounded by poor influences and subjected to questionable behaviors while in Bristol's care.

    I won't even start on the drug use.

    But I bet Levi will.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Do tell Gryphen!

    2. DAMNYUMMMM Gryphen...ya done broke the troll!

      She's done lost it! Poor thing is babbling and pulling out her old Levi and Sunny shit...she better be careful...the po po gonna find her ass again and give her something to think about! LOL!!

  40. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Because it's fine for a father's girlfriend to post pictures including a stepson with the captioned "my little fam," (almost a year before they were married, and the opposite side cannot.

    Seriously? Do you KNOW what logic is?

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      We do know what logic is. That's why we also know Joey won't be around a year from now.

  41. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I actually liked The Middle. This will make me think twice. Also, I remember The Chin saying she wasn't into all that "hollywood" scene. I don't know how she could get anymore make up on without a paint roller. UGH.

  42. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Looks like the "postage fund" is going to go broke soon. Man, there are a lot of Bots out there trying to make this horrible person seem somewhat less shitty. Nice try.

  43. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Too bad no one in Alaska has a camera. Miss Palin and Levi's son will be flying in soon. Romantic Joey will want to make it special. There will be many opportunities while she goes to work, takes the boy to school and lives her wonderful Wasilla life. She and Joey will be doing what young lovers do around their hood. Wasilla to Anchorage and outdoors fun with Tripp.

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      They're lovers? I thought Bristol was a born again virgin who won't have sex again until she's married.

    2. Sally in MI5:37 PM

      I think that only lasted until DWTS when she performed for the TV cameras with Mark.

  44. Anonymous4:31 PM

    In that last picture, does he have a roach clip in his hand?

  45. Anonymous4:31 PM


  46. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Tripp knows Joey's not his father. Joey is mature. He's also good at getting Willow to tone down the fun instigating. I thought it was funny that Melissa Rivers and Bristol share that in common. Melissa said Joan and her son had the most fun breaking house rules. Though Tripp's a good kid who seems to know a good balance of fun and mature.YOu saw that.

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Joey is 32 years old and is going out with Bristol Palin. There's obviously something terribly wrong with him.

      Bristol is a horrible mother BY HER OWN ADMISSION.

    2. Sally in MI5:36 PM

      Mature? No one calls a 5 year old MATURE. He's a child. And he swears like a sailor...that is neither funny nor even appropriate behavior for anyone, let alone a child. What happens when he uses that language at school or church (I Church?) What if he gets angry at some kid and starts calling him every one of those lovely terms he's been taught? Parents will steer clear of such an influence.

    3. Anonymous5:43 PM

      He wears shorts with black socks, are you sure he's not more like 60?

  47. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I hope she and Joey do get married.Think of all the names they could call their kids, Ivana Junker,Rusty Junker, Lotta's a dream come true.

  48. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Thank you for putting that reference in at the bottom of your post regarding Pat Heaton. I didn't know who she was and now I know she's that lady who was on that show that pretty much plays 24/7 at my grandpas assisted living facility.

  49. janice4:50 PM

    Willows new Facebook name, why?

  50. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Funny considering Sunny once posted a picture of Tripp in a backseat of an in motion truck completely turned around in his seat to play. He was in the floorboard.

    People need to chilllll and MYOB while trying to avoid the spreading of lies.

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Geez.. get a life Palin worshiper!

  51. Anonymous4:59 PM

    A liberal's motto: attack attack attack slander the innocent and start new lies

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Once again, slander is spoken, libel is written. How fucking many times does this liberal have to explain this to you. Please, try to do better next time.

  52. Anonymous5:00 PM

    It's hilarious (and kind of touching) that Nancy really thinks she's pulling the wool over anybody's eyes with this shit. Like anybody believes that that poor dumbbell Bristol Palin REALLY has the faintest clue who Margaret Sanger is? Puh-LEEZE.

  53. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Haha! The Chin knows of Margaret Sanger? I double-dog doubt that. But I will bet she will enjoy looking at Judy Chicago's tribute to Margaret Sanger and other feminists.

  54. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Margaret Sanger's big push was to make birth control available for ALL women, but especially ignorant teens. Not every teen can throw away 3 of 4 children.
    BTW there is NOTHING wrong with an abortion, while no one should be forced, no one should be prevented from making medical decisions.
    BTW hanging on your bf's lap while with your son is certainly teaching him that woman are only used for one thing.

  55. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Did you know that Heaton doesn't have a belly button anymore because she's been tucked so many times? Just as god intended, right Patricia?

  56. Anonymous5:19 PM

    All this talk lately about babies must mean Brisket must be keeping this latest money maker.

  57. Anonymous5:20 PM

    It must be really hard to be a 32 year old man going out with a 22 year old young woman who refuses to have sex until marriage (after having quite a bit of it when she was younger). How does Joey Junker do it?

    Prayer? Masturbation? Groupies?

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Anal. God says it doesn't count.

  58. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I can see why Brist likes Junker, He is like Pimp Daddy. He breaks his heel and already he is back in action. The 'adrenalin' helps. You can go on and on and not notice an injury.

  59. Anonymous5:38 PM

    If Bristol had as many dicks sticking out of her as she has had stuck in her ... she would look like a porcupine.

  60. Anonymous5:49 PM

    It must mean the world to Patrician Heaton to know that Bristol Palin is proud of her. ;p

  61. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Did you really just accuse Bristol of something her bf sweetly posted? of something your lord and savior Levi (master or past disparaging and current denial) and Sunny do?

    How hypocritical.

    Johnstons: do as we say, not as we do. (we can disparage, have adults lie for us in books and lie ourselves and be forgiven or our lies ignored.)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.