Saturday, February 08, 2014

New poll says that the Republican party is out of touch with women. You could have knocked me over with a feather.

Courtesy of CNN:  

A majority of Americans, and women in particular, do not believe the Republican Party understands the problems and concerns of women today. 

That's the headline from a new national poll that comes as Republicans push back against Democratic claims the GOP is out of touch on female issues and is waging a war on women. 

According to the CNN/ORC International poll, which was released Friday, 55% of Americans surveyed say the GOP doesn't understand women. That number rises to 59% among all women and 64% among women over 50. 

"That last number is intriguing, since older women are more likely to vote Republican than younger women. Yet younger women don't have as much of a problem with the GOP on this measure," CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said. 

"That suggests that the problem women have with the Republican Party may be related less to the policy positions the GOP takes and more related to the attitudes behind those policies and the tone the party takes when addressing them," he added.

Yeah, but did these women know that Bill Clinton once let another woman touch his junk?

Because according to the Republican party this is going to make ALL the difference in the next election cycles. 

Still struggling to understand why ANY woman votes Republican. 


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I find Republicans total assholes and I come from that top level of senior women! Can hardly wait to see many of them voted out of office across the nation in the next election!

    They are VERY anti women in every regard and that information can be verified from their individual records!

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      I'm in the top category of senior women too, and we fought this battle before. I hope our granddaughters know what's at stake and get out and vote.
      -physics gramma

    2. Anonymous3:59 PM

      My mom is in that senior group, considers herself a conservative yet voted for Obama twice mainly because Republicans don't give a shit about the middle class and women.

    3. Anonymous4:37 PM


      You on your blog don't exactly speak word to power regarding females.

    4. Anonymous5:46 PM

      So, according to 3:59, criticizing Sarah and Bristol for being grifting, moronic, hypocrites makes one "anti-female."

    5. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Also over 50. I've marched on Washington twice (hard to forget "Bush, stay out of our bush!) and have no problem doing it again. Hell, prob even be a little more rage-y this time ;)

      Medic/FF Grandma

    6. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Better watch how you vote........any inclination to not follow the herd will result in disenfranchisement....mark my words....

    7. Anonymous8:34 PM

      @6:17 - it's sexist to refer to a group of women as a "herd." You're welcome.

    8. Anonymous6:27 AM

      Younger women (like all younger people) tend to think history starts with their own memories. We need to educate our daughters and granddaughters - TALK TO THEM.

  2. "Still struggling to understand why ANY woman votes Republican."

    I'm struggling to understand why anything with more brain power than a flatworm votes republican.

  3. I think it has more to do with women over 50 remembering what the life of women were like 50 years ago. I'm in my mid 40's and really didn't learn about the oppression of women until I learned it in school. To be honest, I never thought we'd ever even TRY to go back to those days because they were so backward. It makes me both pissed and sad that some people are trying to do that now.

  4. Anonymous3:10 PM

    "Yet younger women don't have as much of a problem with the GOP on this measure,"

    Maybe because they didn't have to FIGHT for the rights we have, they don't understand what it was like when you had to have a man to cosign for a loan or mortgage or you "couldn't" take a class like drafting because that was a "men only field".

  5. Anonymous3:32 PM

    “It seems to be, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, it’s really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down.”

    Todd Akin, Republican (at the time of his statement he was a United States Congressman).

    Maybe the people doing the study didn't ask any rape victims.

  6. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Women argument aside, I sometimes wonder why anyone of any sex bothers to vote. Obama just signed the Farm Bill which takes food stamp money from the very states that voted for him. No more voting for me, for either party. They all just vote for the rich and powerful that got them into office.

    ACA was a nice try for Obama, but it will be history in a few years after the young people don't sign up, and they are not signing up.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Young people get older and then they'll sign up.

  7. Anita Winecooler7:21 PM

    I'm in that fifty plus group. I first declared as Democrat because both my parents were Republican, and I knew it would piss them off royally. But then I got interested and saw over time the disparate way Republicans treat women vs how the Democrats did. When Watergate happened, both my parents changed parties and never looked back.

    Now we have females in the GOP picking up the mantle and showing the deep divide between intelligent voters and voters who vote party by habit.

    Here ya go!

    How ANY woman votes GOP is beyond me, the GOP rots brains.

  8. Anonymous8:13 PM

    You want to know why older women are anti-Republican? Well, I will tell you why. It's because we of a certain age (I am 63) remember coat-hanger abortions; unavailability of contraception unless you were married; workplaces that first discriminated against women in hiring, and then subjected them to sexism and outright sexual harassment; Phyllis Schlafly (that satanic bitch) telling women to stay home and have babies while she traversed the country campaigning against the ERA; 59 cents on the dollar to what men made for identical jobs (not that that has improved very much); closure of many professions to women, although some prevailed and blazed the trail for others. Younger women (and I have two daughters and a daughter in law in their 30s) seem to take their success for granted and don't have much insight into how it used to be for their mothers.
    In 1970 I couldn't even ask my doctor for "The Pill" until I was married. In 1972 my husband was in the military and didn't make a living wage for a family, so I had to go to work. I had secretarial skills, so I got some jobs that were pretty good for the time, but they came with the come-ons of the highly paid men. We just had to laugh it off. That's when Phyllis-baby was setting about her campaign against women. In the 1970s, I worked for a fairly solid manufacturing company that provided retirement benefits only to men. Even as late as 1991, I was arguing with my male co-workers about Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas. Those guys--good friends of mine otherwise--had no idea how it really was for women in those days.
    I came from a Republican family, but today I hope they all rot in hell. I cannot understand for a moment why any women, any gay person, any minority person would throw in their lot with this bunch.

    1. Caroll Thompson2:13 AM

      I am 58 and I remember all these things too. I remember when my older sister got her first job at a bank in 1969, She told me that the bank had a pay scale by gender. Women were paid less and that was perfectly legal. Back in the day, men controlled women a lot more than now and that is how they liked it. And the R's have been trying to get back there for more than forty years.

      Well, Fuck You Republicans. We a'int a going back there. We didn't 'wike' it then and we like it even less now.

      And we love that dirty dog Bill Clinton. Can't wait until he is the First Man.

      It is my hope that once Hillary becomes President on January 20, 2017, little girls will see her take that oath and have dreams of their own. Big dreams that take them to places that I could only have imagined.

      My money is on the little girls. Have you talked to a six year old lately?

    2. Anonymous7:47 AM

      "Phyllis Schlafly (that satanic bitch) telling women "

      Remember she told women if they passed the ERA there would be co-ed bathrooms--and women believed her!!!!!

  9. Dan Heynen8:27 PM

    I'm amazed at the number of teachers and union members who vote Republican.

    1. They hate the n****r more than they love themselves.

  10. I come from a family of strong grandmother crossed the plains in covered wagon when she was a child and had 12 children, 10 lived. She wrote letters about the hard life, struggling financially, medically but knew education was the key for her children.

    All the struggles thru the years must not be for nothing. Kissing our men goodbye to go to war in which they were drafted....women became independent. I say, never give your independence up or stop pushing ahead. The GOP wants the good ole days....gee I don't think so.

  11. Republican leadership to female voters: “The GOP has your back.”

    Meanwhile, Republicans in Congress vote against anti-domestic violence legislation,
    … Republican state and federal legislators denounce “equal pay for women” legislation,
    … Congressional GOP leadership vow to “kill ObamaCare”, including all of the components within the ACA that provide affordable preventative health care for women and children,
    … Congressional and state Republican legislators strive to make affordable access to contraception and breast cancer screenings more difficult with their assault on PP and employee health insurance coverage,
    … GOP-controlled state legislatures mandate that women seeking an abortion provide social conservative politicians with “a womb with a view”,
    … several Republican politicians utter a commonly-held view among conservatives that some rapes are inherently “rapier” than are other rapes,
    … and several Republican-controlled state governments enact “personhood” legislation, which would not only outlaw ALL abortions but also the standard birth control pill.

    Indeed, many Republicans thump their chests and proclaim that abortions performed in certified clinics must be banned completely, no matter the circumstances of the pregnancy.
    Much better to have said procedure performed with a wire coat hanger in a back alley, or with a chemical coat hanger provided by non-accredited physicians in a dingy third world doctor’s office.

    So much for the tea party/conservative movement’s mantra: “small, non-intrusive government”.

    American women to Republican Party: “WE will decide whether or not our rights are being assaulted by conservative policies, thank you very much.”

  12. Yeah because Democrat politicians cheating on their wives and texting nude pics of themselves to women shows how much they respect women. Any woman who thinks an entire political party actually cares about them more than another is gullible. Don't listen to any party's propaganda. Pay attention to each individual who chooses to run in politics. Too many good politicians are never voted into office because gullible voters pay more attention to party propaganda and less to the actual individuals.


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