Saturday, February 08, 2014

Obama uses his weekly Presidential Address to explain the difference between working around an obstructionist Congress and being a dictator.

As many of you know the President made a comment about having a pen and a phone he could implement to create policy if the Congress remained uncooperative, which made the Right Wing lose their shit and declare that he was a "dictator." Which is ridiculous since he has utilized Executive Orders far less than the majority of his predeccessors.

So today his weekly Presidential Address described what he meant by that for the slow folks and the Right Wing. (Assuming there is a difference.)

“I want to work with Congress on this agenda where I can. But in this year of action, whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families, I will. I’ve got a pen and a phone – a pen to take executive action, and a phone to rally citizens and business leaders who are eager to create new jobs and new opportunities. And we’ve already begun.” 

In Wisconsin, I ordered an across-the-board reform of our training programs to train folks with the skills employers need, and match them to good jobs that need to be filled right now. 

In Pittsburgh, I directed the Treasury to create “my-RA,” a new way for working Americans, even if you’re not wealthy, to start your own retirement savings. 

In Maryland, I rallied the leaders of some of America’s biggest tech companies to help us make sure all our kids have access to high-speed internet and up-to-date technology to help them learn the skills they need for the new economy. 

And at the White House, I brought together business leaders who’ve committed to helping more unemployed Americans find work, no matter how long they’ve been looking. And I directed the federal government to make hiring decisions the same way – based on whether applicants can do the job, not when they last had a job.

So when you hear me talk about using my pen and my phone to make a difference for middle class Americans and those working to get into the middle class, that’s what I mean.”

What the President is doing is what he has to do to keep the country moving during this time of chronic partisan obstructionism.

For that he should be applauded, not vilified.

(H/T to Politicususa.)


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    So proud of our President! Amazing that he can keep his cool with all the nonsense the fanatics in the gop dish out day in and day out! Can't wait to see who is purged after the elections!

  2. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Duck Dynasty’s Ratings Plummet Is Proof That America Is A Liberal Nation

    The fact that Duck Dynasty’s ratings have plummeted after Phil Robertson’s racist and homophobic remarks is the latest piece of evidence that the United States is becoming a more liberal country.

    The Duck Dynasty ratings drop is important because of what it represents. Just a few years ago, Republicans were planning to win elections by banning gay marriage. The Republican playbook as written by Karl Rove is to divide and conqueror on Election Day. This strategy has been used against Barack Obama in two presidential campaigns. Racism, sexism, and homophobia have become major GOP strategies.

    Phil Robertson’s comments are a part of the current Republican mentality that is being rejected by mainstream America. What’s happening with Duck Dynasty is millions of people are saying no to the ideology behind the show. Six million Americans disagreed with Robertson’s so much that they quit watching his show.

    ...Reality comes crashing down hard on them when people like Phil Robertson share their hateful ideology. Millions of Americans have rejected Robertson’s intolerance, just as they are rejecting the Republican Party.

    The new America that is flexing her muscles today is a liberal nation.

  3. If he's a Dictator, Bush and Cheney must have been despots then.

  4. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Chris Christie’s Loss is [Someone’s] Gain

    We asked leading conservatives from Newt Gingrich to Mary Matalin to fill in the blank.

  5. Anonymous1:56 PM

    hey jesse, you might want to know about this:

  6. Anonymous2:03 PM

    The way the GOP goes after this particular POTUS is going to continually kick them in the ass - as it's been doing since they started this - especially as to being so blatantly racist! They are going to lose elections big time and it's going to be fun to watch!

    Many of them are trying to change their message now...but, Americans will not forget their rhetoric and the way they've cast votes or Bills they've introduced. Remember Republicans, all these (your) records are available to Americans throughout the country!

    Voting is how we overcome them! One vote at a time!

  7. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Ya'll will yell and scream if a Repub pres legislates by executive order.

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Where have you been, 3:38 PM all of the previous Bushes used Executive orders.

    2. Anonymous9:50 PM

      It's not about using executive orders. I don't care if the President uses them, rather it is HOW they use them.

      As everyone was quick to point out with this president, elections have consequences. If Congress can't pull it together, it is the President's responsibility to pull it all together, or wait for next election, not bypass by LEGISLATING by executive order. He could do it, except he has stated he is NOT willing to negotiate. Don't give me the crap about the house won't, he should lead by example. Work through it.

  8. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Thanks to You George Zimmerman’s Celebrity Boxing Match Has Been Canceled

  9. Anonymous3:59 PM

  10. Anonymous4:05 PM

  11. Anonymous4:19 PM

    This Is the Year Liberals Take Back Religion from Conservatives

    Sure, the religious right is still teamed up with conservative politicians in their battle against gay marriage, abortion, and immigration reform, just as they've been since 1979 when Jerry Falwell birthed the Moral Majority.

    But the days of Americans actually heeding what they say is over. And I'd wager this will be the year liberals -- not conservatives -- drive the religious conversation, in the U.S. and abroad.

    Consider the February cover of Rolling Stone. There he is, Pope Francis, the cardinal from Argentina elected last spring. Since then, the pope has preached three main messages: care for the poor, humility, and inclusiveness. He has also begun overhauling the calcified and overly hierarchical Roman curia and appointed new cardinals from the developing (and underrepresented) world.

    Those themes form the core of the religious left theology. But the momentum goes beyond Pope Francis and his now-famous "Who am I to judge?" comment about gay rights.


    1. Anonymous4:44 PM

      "Now is the time for people that actually think for themselves and have an active brain to eschew all religion."

      There, fixed it for ya.

  12. Anonymous4:29 PM

    One does not get to be President unless beholden to some folks that have a whole lot of money. At least Obama tries to share some of the wealth thru the ACA. However, he should have vetoed the Farm Bill, but he didn't because even though this killed Food Stamps in his supportive states, he was beholden enough to his financial supporters in the farm states and had to go with them because they paid to get him into office.

    I'm done with voting for POTUS because they are bought by big money interests and sold to the highest bidder. Michelle can talk until she is blue in the face about healthier choices for eating but unfortunately her husband's signature on this bill just sent a bunch of folks into having little food, or the worst and cheapest food choices available.

    Grow a spine Obama.

    1. Anonymous10:41 PM

      Nice try asshole. Odd that you would seen to imply that the first lady should be dictating the President's policy and decisions. As if you wouldn't attack her for that? Because the President does something you don't like, Michelle deserves to be blamed? I notice all this anger and blame toward the Obamas never seems to extend to that pack of terrorists that calls itself the House GOP. Barack Obama and his wife have more courage and spine than you could ever hope to understand, you ignorant ass hypocrite. Why don't you tell the GOP to borrow some of that courage? Because as of now they are so fucking terrified of the teabagging fucktards who have weasled their way into positions of power in order to hold this country hostage over and over and over, that they refuse to stand up to them at ALL. They watch helplessly as these psychopaths spew lies and slander and cripple the congress, all to get themselves on the tv so the fucking idiots that follow them can shower with the admiration and cash they feel so entitled to. The President has to go around them when he can because they will never work with him no matter what the people want as they've made very clear to everyone. Sometimes he CAN'T go around them and that is when stuff like this happens. Obama has done what he had to do for the entire nation in spite of the obscene GOP obstruction. He doesn't make any decision without thought and reason. But for the teabagger pols, It's not about serving the people, it's about THEM getting famous and having the power play with people's lives. So DON'T vote for President, who gives a shit. America is changing and evolving and in a decade or so the electoral map will be a lot bluer. We don't need your whiny ass because for every Democrat that we lose, we pick up like 10 Republicans who are disgusted with the right's hate and insanity. Sad that you're so brain damaged you seem to have forgotten that he ran his first Presidential campaign mostly on an enormous grass roots effort and small donations. He did pretty well the second time around as well, so the whole "beholden to the rich" thing is a pretty serious claim with absolutely no evidence to back it up. You HAVE to be one of Palin's people trying a new trolling tactic. Back to the drawing board, fool.

  13. Anonymous6:06 PM

    It's time to quit beating around the bush. Most, if not all, rightwingers hate the president because he's black. They refuse to cooperate with an intelligent, decent, black man. They must think the rest of us are stupid when they talk in "code". "He should not be in the White House." Emphasis on "white." Mitt Romney called the president "lazy." Every racist knows what that means. It means "He's just another lazy N****r, Yeah, Mitt. Your racists friends got the message.

  14. Anita Winecooler7:07 PM

    And what does the GOP do? They left for their break without extending unemployment benefits for thousands of families because President Obama offends them by reaching out with and open hand met with closed fists too many times.
    Perhaps the President should have spoken a lot slower, maybe have a few flow charts to help the GOP visualize what he's tried to do and is accomplishing.

  15. Anonymous11:04 PM

    What stations in Anchorage air the weekly radio address and at what time? I can never seem to find it and hear it. Thanks!


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