Wednesday, February 12, 2014

South Carolina State Senator does not understand what a scientific theory is, so the teaching of Evolution is removed from the science standards.

Courtesy of The Post and Courier:  

An education committee approved new science standards for students except for one clause: the one that involves the use of the phrase "natural selection." The South Carolina Education Oversight Committee met Monday to review and approve the new set of science standards that the Department of Education will begin implementing by the fall of 2014 for students. Sen. Mike Fair, R-Greenville, argued against teaching natural selection as fact, when he believes there are other theories students deserve to learn. 

"Natural selection is a direct reference to Darwinism," Fair said after the meeting. "And the implication of Darwinism. is that it is start to finish." 

Fair argued South Carolina's students are learning the philosophy of natural selection but teachers are not calling it such. He said the best way for students to learn is for the schools to teach the controversy. 

"To teach that natural selection is the answer to origins is wrong," Fair said. "I don't have a problem with teaching theories. I don't think it should be taught as fact." 

Ultimately, the committee approved all measures except that clause, which now gets sent back to the committee level for review. 

Oh and don't think the State Superintendent of Education is going to be of any help in this are either.  

State Superintendent of Education Mick Zais said after the meeting he was not surprised by the debate that took place. 

"This has been going on here in South Carolina for a long a time," Zais said. "We ought to teach both sides and let students draw their own conclusions."

And that is the freaking superintendent! 

God, this kind of think makes me insane!

For those on the short bus, when scientists refer to something as a "theory" they essentially mean a fact that is still being modified with the introduction of new evidence, not something that they just imagined and have no proof to back up.

The closest to that would be a "hypothesis" which is defined as "A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation."

If scientists were calling Evolution a scientific hypothesis this Fair guy might have a point. However even if they did there is still NO room for the introduction of religious mythology to be introduced as science.


  1. There is no controversy. Natural Selection does not address 'origin'.

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      From wiki:

      Scientific hypotheses about the origins of life can be divided into a number of categories. Many approaches investigate how self-replicating molecules or their components came into existence.

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I guess I read too many science fiction novels and short stories as a kid..........THIS is NOT the future I thought I would live......

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Who thought it would be this disappointing.......

  3. Boscoe12:59 PM

    What stuns me is the ARROGANCE of these nitwits saying "BOTH sides" as if nothing exists but THEIR beliefs and actual science. If they're going to try and make us go down the "my personal random beliefs must be considered possible alternatives" then we need to get Hindu, Buddhist. Muslim, etc etc etc in there too, so that "students can draw their own conclusions".

  4. A "scientific theory" is waaaay different from a "theory." These inbreds obviously don't know the difference.

  5. Letting students draw their own conclusions is not teaching. Give them a math problem and let them draw their own conclusions? Give them sociology, geography, English, etc. and let them draw their own conclusions? Are you kidding?

  6. Anonymous2:08 PM

    O/T but look what's new on Benghazi...

    GOP Report Concludes Military Could Not Have Changed Outcome in Benghazi

    ... “There was no ‘stand down’ order issued to U.S. military personnel in Tripoli who sought to join the fight in Benghazi,” the report says, noting that the military was not positioned to respond to the attack.

    “Given the military’s preparations on September 11, 2012, majority members have not yet discerned any response alternatives that could have likely changed the outcome of the Benghazi attack,” the report concludes.

  7. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Let's dumb down SC education a little more.

  8. Anonymous2:13 PM

    It's not a case of "both" sides. Because no creation myth deserves priority. Every religion must be represented. There is no way to prove that the (centuries of really bad, politically motivated translations) christian bible is any better than the creation myths of the Navajos, natives of Australia, Nepalese, etc.

    Myth is not science. The school class is not called "Myths for Dummies", it's call "Science" for a reason.

  9. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Fair said. "I don't have a problem with teaching theories. I don't think it should be taught as fact."

    I totally agree, the bible being factual is just a theory! Teach biblical scriptures in the home or church not in school. They just want to promote their religious beliefs on others children

  10. Anonymous2:31 PM

    O/T: The Michael Dunn trial ended today, and jurors are deliberating. Dunn confronted a car full of Black teens regarding their loud music. He shot 10 rounds into their car, then went to his hotel, ordered pizza, walked his puppy, took a shower, and slept. Next morning, he drove home, believing he had gotten away with murder.

  11. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Hey Gryphen, it looks like they're seriously gunning for ol' Turtleface. Whoo hoo!

  12. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Oh...did I forget to say BLACK teenagers were shot at?

  13. Beldar Ham Conehead3:16 PM

    "defined as "A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation."

    WHOA!!! WHOA!!! WHOA!!! Why so many fancy $3 words there, Mister Blister??? Big words make us rilll amurkin doofusses think you're trying to pull something over on us!

    It's no surprise and no coincidence that a heathen like you uses a whole bucket of words that wouldnt be found dead in the Bible!

    Now, if you want to restate your argument with appropriate scriptural citations, that's fine by me, dag nabbit! Otherwise admit you're wrong, confess your allegiance to Satan and stop posting all this evolution gibberish!

  14. Oh brother. South Carolina apparently wants to compete with Texas in having the most scientifically illiterate students in the country. When those kids flunk out of college because of lack of preparation, they can look forward to a life of retail or manual labor. Way to go, idiots.

  15. betsy s3:58 PM

    Do they have a Butler Act in South Carolina?

  16. Anita Winecooler6:18 PM

    Life's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get unless you cut each piece in half, then quick smoosh the good ones together and pop em in your mouth. Give all the nuts to these folks.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.