Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tea Party calling for the ouster of House Speaker John Boehner as establishment Republicans attempt to cut off their funding sources. Uh oh, the kids are fighting again.

Courtesy of TPM:  

After House Republicans conceded on Tuesday that they would bring a debt ceiling bill to the floor for a vote without attaching policy concessions, the tea party seemed in open revolt, calling for the replacement of Speaker John Boehner (R-OH). Meanwhile, incumbent Republican senators have quietly been working behind the scenes to cut off their funding sources. 

"I've been told by a number of donors to our 'super PAC' that they've received calls from senior Republican senators," FreedomWorks President and CEO Matt Kibbe told The New York Times. Those donors would then say to FreedomWorks, per Kibbe, that "'I can't give to you because I've been told I won't have access to Republican leadership.'" 

It was a sentiment echoed by The Madison Project's policy director Daniel Horowitz to TPM on Tuesday: "It’s almost as if McConnell and his allies are acting like the IRS with intimidation." 

When asked if they'd experienced a similar phenomenon to FredomWorks, Horowitz replied, "I'm sure they tried. Our model never relied upon big donors who are well connected to the D.C. political establishment." 

Conservative groups have thrown a lot at the establishment in return. On Tuesday, after every single attempt to exact policy concessions from Democrats over the debt ceiling, conservative groups Club For Growth and the Senate Conservatives Fund immediately rallied their supporters. 

"These leaders have telegraphed weakness to the Democrats and sabotaged conservative efforts so many times that Republicans now have no leverage. There's only one solution," SCF Executive Director Matt Hoskins wrote in an email to supporters. "John Boehner must be replaced as Speaker of the House."

You know I am usually not a fan of reality TV but this latest version of the Hatfield and McCoys is riveting!

And the best part is that the more they fight among themselves the less damage they can do to the country as a whole.

Man, popcorn stocks are going to skyrocket!


  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Gryphen, if you missed this, it's a keeper!
    Michael Sam would be the first openly gay player in the NFL; says he knows there will be problems... and they've already started.

    Several NFL officials are telling Sports Illustrated it will hurt him on draft day because a gay player wouldn't be welcome in an NFL locker room. It would be uncomfortable, because that's a man's world.

    You beat a woman and drag her down a flight of stairs, pulling her hair out by the roots? You're the fourth guy taken in the NFL draft.

    You kill people while driving drunk? That guy's welcome.

    Players caught in hotel rooms with illegal drugs and prostitutes? We know they're welcome.

    Players accused of rape and pay the woman to go away?

    You lie to police trying to cover up a murder?

    We're comfortable with that.

    You love another man? Well, now you've gone too far!

    It wasn't that long ago when we were being told that black players couldn't play in "our" games because it would be "uncomfortable." And even when they finally could, it took several more years before a black man played quarterback.

    Because we weren't "comfortable" with that, either.

    So many of the same people who used to make that argument (and the many who still do) are the same people who say government should stay out of our lives.

    But then want government in our bedrooms.

    I've never understood how they feel "comfortable" laying claim to both sides of that argument.

    I'm not always comfortable when a man tells me he's gay; I don't understand his world.

    But I do understand that he's part of mine.

    Civil rights activist Audre Lord said: "It is not our differences that divide us. It's our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences."

    We've always been able to recognize 'em. Some of us accept 'em.

    And I want to believe that there will be a day when we do celebrate 'em.

    I don't know if that day's here yet. I guess we're about to find out.

    But when I listen to Michael Sam, I do think it's time to celebrate him now.

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      "It is not our differences that divide us. It's our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences."

      I thought it was going to say: "It is not our differences that divide us. It's our inability to accept our similarities with people who look different.

  2. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Will you do me a solid and put up a post with Ted Cruz's daddy fibbing his ass off about the President not using the words "under God" when he says the pledge? It is just such a blatant lie. There are so many videos of President Obama saying the pledge and he very clearly uses the words "Under God." I want to point out to as many Texans as possible what a liars the Cruz's are.


  3. Sally in MI3:06 PM

    So did we miss Sarah's birthday bash? Where are the pix of her adoring family showering her with gifts and homemade cake? What? No gifts?No big family party at the compound? Did Piper at least make her a card?

  4. Anonymous3:14 PM

    So the gotp is eating its own, again? Job well done, sarah. Your divisiveness and hate have destroyed the party from within. You're wrong if you think the baggers and/or wingnuts will take over though...The idiots you represent are dwindling in numbers and there never were that many, just extremely loud & offensive, like you granny sarah.

  5. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I bought popcorn futures a year ago. I can't wait for teabagger primary season!

  6. Anonymous3:39 PM

    So bitchy bristles has a post dissing the first lady for tweeting a picture of their dogs. no time to wish mama witch a happy birthday, but plenty of time to hate, huh bristles? You ignorant, uneducated twunt, you're as repulsive as your mother.

  7. Anonymous3:40 PM

    It is not our differences that divide us. It's our inability to accept our similarities when people look different.

  8. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon4:07 PM

    Why didn't I get an invite to Sarah's Big Birthday Bash?
    Gee, I contributed $365 to her PAC last year -- a dollar every day, by mail.

  9. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Moochelle Antoinette's dress at the state dinner cost over 12,00 dollars. Let them eat cake she said as fer dogs set down to eat on the fine china.

    1. angela6:02 PM

      So sad . . . .

  10. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I want Boehner replaced a Democrat Majority!

  11. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Their worst nightmare is coming true!

    25% of persons who selected an Obamacare plan are between 18 and 34.

    Proportion of young adults selecting an Obamacare plan grew faster in February than the prior three months.

    3.3 million have selected an Obamacare plan from Oct 1 to Feb. 1.

  12. Carol4:03 AM

    Those donors would then say to FreedomWorks, per Kibbe, that "'I can't give to you because I've been told I won't have access to Republican leadership.'"

    Sounds like the repugs are selling our government.

  13. Caroll Thompson8:50 AM

    Don't these idiots read the Constitution they claim to honor? You can pass all the laws you want Idaho, but this one will not pass muster with the 14th amendment.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.