Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ted Nugent apologizes to President Obama, but not really.

Courtesy of Politico:  

Controversial rocker Ted Nugent said his remarks calling President Barack Obama a “subhuman mongrel” crossed the line on Friday, after his campaign appearance with Texas’s Republican gubernatorial hopeful caused a stir. 

Nugent was asked by conservative radio host Ben Ferguson on his show if he would apologize to the president. 

“Yes I would,” Nugent said according to audio aired on CNN. “I did cross the line. I do apologize, not necessarily to the president, but on behalf of much better men than myself, like the best governor in America, Gov. Rick Perry, the best attorney general in America.” 

“On behalf of those professional politicians and those who put their heart and soul into representing we the people so aptly like the gentlemen I just mentioned, I apologize for using the street-fighter terminology of subhuman mongrel instead of just using more understandable language such as violator of his oath, the Constitution, the liar that he is,” Nugent said. “I apologize for using the term subhuman mongrel and I will try to elevate my vernacular to the level of those great men that I’m learning from in the world of politics.” 

Asked one more time if he was apologizing directly to the president, Nugent said, “Yes.” 

By the way "subhuman mongrel" is not any "street-fighter terminology" that I have ever heard, and unlike this poopy pants pansie ass I actually WAS a street-fighter.

If Nugent had REALLY wanted to man up and offer a sincere apology he would not have run with his tail between his legs from the CNN interview with Erin Burnett.

No this is no apology in my opinion. However it is an indication that Nugent went way too far with these insults. Too far for even the likes of Rand Paul and Ted Cruz to provide cover for him.

After all once you have lost the support of the fringe, what option do you have left but to fake an apology?

Of course it is really a little late as the damage to Greg Abbott's campaign has already been done as demonstrated by the fact that a local Dallas paper is now asking him to defend Nugent's song "Jailbait" which is about having sex with underage girls.

You know I think the days of Ted Nugent being asked to help with anybody's campaign are now pretty much a thing of the past.


  1. Anonymous6:24 AM

    "violator of his oath, the Constitution, the liar that he is"

    THAT'S an apology???

    This piece of slime and his good buddy Palin cannot disappear from the media fast enough for me.

  2. Anonymous6:31 AM

    "I will try to elevate my vernacular to the level of those great men that I’m learning from in the world of politics.”

    Is that an upward move??

    On the other hand, why does he need to learn anything from politicians? Should we start being afraid..?

  3. Anonymous6:59 AM

    As if this moron had a valid opinion............about anything.....Will someone please turn off his mike?

  4. Beldar J Conehead7:01 AM

    I'll try to elevate my vernacular, too:

    "Fuck you, Ted, and the horse you rode in on, you ugly, racist sack of shit."

    And shame on the media for their shameful, pathetic "Nugent apologizes" headlines.

    But, yeah, fuck you, Ted, and the horse you rode in on, you ugly, racist sack of shit.

  5. lostinmn7:13 AM

    The fact he repeated the term at least twice in his apology renders the apology invalid. It's classic racist behavior, or even bigoted behavior where calling someone out for using a derogatory term results in that person feeling entitled to use it again in their explanation. "I apologize for calling that sub-human mongrel a sub-human mongrel. It was wrong and in fact calling someone a sub-human mongrel is wrong when I really meant to call him a mixed race N*******

  6. Anonymous7:50 AM

    By saying "subhuman mongrel" is street-fighter terminology, he's giving his bottom feeder apologists a talking point to defend him. He's trying to elevate the term rather than admit where it actually came from. He and Sarah Palin are cut from the same cloth.

  7. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Sarah Palin supports this 'Jail Bait' loving slime? Isn't Piper Jail Bait?

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Mama Grizzly in name only. She obviously doesn't care that a pedophile is her friend and within touching distance of her child.

      She blasts Mrs. Obama for wanting better nutrition for all kids, but this pos is a Palin family friend.

  8. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Methinks Ol' Ted is the subhuman. Mongrels are mutt dogs. I love dogs. Therefore, Ted is a sub subhuman who is so low he has to reach high to touch bottom!

  9. Anonymous8:18 AM

    he and palin are the face of the gotp...that's a good thing.

  10. Anonymous8:22 AM

    penny bet: Ted Nugent will continue to campaign with some of the GOP'ers. They've had him this long; why would any of them change now? He's their mouthpiece....if you can stand the idea of that. I can't, but then, I'm not them, thank golly.

    1. Beldar J Conehead9:23 AM

      "He's their mouthpiece"

      Exactly right.

      Ted serves an important role for the extreme right (i.e. GOP) by saying out loud what the teabaggers are thinking.

      If someone like Ted doesn't publicly release that pressure from time to time with his outrageous and highly offensive jabber, we'll certainly witness some high-ranking, low-life bagger leading a rural town hall/klan rally in a rousing chant of 'Lynch the N1@@3R in the White House!"

      Meanwhile, in light of Arizona's new Right to Discriminate law, you know they're polishing up their "No Coloreds, Jews or Dogs Allowed" signs in the Deep South, also too.

      So much for a "post-racial" America....

    2. Anonymous9:35 AM

      The pedophile, draft-dodging racist says things that the politician GOP-Tea Baggers cannot say out loud. He is therefore useful. Once this controversy dies down, he'll be back.


  11. Chenagrrl8:35 AM

    Didn't he say he would be dead or in jail if Obama got elected. What happened to that? Too many drunks ago?

  12. Anonymous9:06 AM

    The guy is a f---ing asshole! Hope he has a lot of security guards around him!

  13. Anonymous9:07 AM

    8:22 The GOPers would be nuts to have him campaign for them...doubt we'll see much of him in the future actually WITH any of them - unless it is Ted Cruz! Haha!

  14. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Subhuman mongrel = white supremacist talk. We know who you are Ted, and who your friends are.


  15. Mr shit his pants to keep from going to Vietnam, what a patriot

  16. Anonymous5:41 PM

    If I read this correctly, it appears that Nugent is apologizing
    " on behalf of " much better men, like Rick Perry.
    As if Rick Perry said the words and now Nugent's apologizing for Perry.
    He should have said I apologize " to " Rick Perry .
    And why does he drag Perry into it and not Abbott ?
    Genius can't even get his " vernacular " straight.

  17. Anita Winecooler5:44 PM

    I don't think he's met a real street fighter in his whole life, but I'd like to introduce him to a few, just for kicks. Of course repeating the offensive term while not apologizing is tossing red meat to the RWNJ'S and GOP who are too scared to voice it themselves.

    That photo shows what happens when your entire lineage believes the word "pumpkin" is a verb. What they're trying to keep in the family, I have no clue.

  18. Anonymous8:16 PM

    From Forward Progressives. :

  19. Anonymous8:17 AM

    This blog is dedicated to finding the truth, exposing the lies, and holding our politicians and leaders accountable when they fall far short of the promises that they have made to both my fellow Alaskans and the American people. Right Dip Shit (s), Our Pres Feeds You Liberal Dirt Bags Shit and All of You Idiots eat it. Hope it taste real good because prety soon the bill will arrive...

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      psssst..... you got a long trail of Toilet Paper behind you cause your pantie hose is stuck over your hemline, have you considered comedy yet cause you one funny lady!!!


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