Sunday, February 23, 2014

We register our cars, we register our planes, and we register our boats. But apparently being asked to register our guns is akin to being called a sex offender.

The above image is courtesy of Brancy's blog, on which there is a link to a Breitbart article that then links to an article from The Courant, a local Hartford, Connecticut paper that reported how shocked Connecticut politicians were that fun owners were resisting a new law requiring residents to register their military styled weapons: 

Everyone knew there would be some gun owners flouting the law that legislators hurriedly passed last April, requiring residents to register all military-style rifles with state police by Dec. 31. 

But few thought the figures would be this bad. 

By the end of 2013, state police had received 47,916 applications for assault weapons certificates, Lt. Paul Vance said. An additional 2,100 that were incomplete could still come in. 

That 50,000 figure could be as little as 15 percent of the rifles classified as assault weapons owned by Connecticut residents, according to estimates by people in the industry, including the Newtown-based National Shooting Sports Foundation. No one has anything close to definitive figures, but the most conservative estimates place the number of unregistered assault weapons well above 50,000, and perhaps as high as 350,000. 

And that means as of Jan. 1, Connecticut has very likely created tens of thousands of newly minted criminals — perhaps 100,000 people, almost certainly at least 20,000 — who have broken no other laws. By owning unregistered guns defined as assault weapons, all of them are committing Class D felonies. 

"I honestly thought from my own standpoint that the vast majority would register," said Sen. Tony Guglielmo, R-Stafford, the ranking GOP senator on the legislature's public safety committee. "If you pass laws that people have no respect for and they don't follow them, then you have a real problem."

Of course the Breibart article takes the side of the assault rifle owning scofflaws, while encouraging citizens in other states to follow suit, and by linking to it one would assume that Bristol is in full agreement that these people should not be required to let the police know that they own these weapons.

Which of course begs the question as to WHY anybody would be so fearful of allowing the government to know how many military style weapons are in their possession.

I mean we are not talking about simply owning a handgun for personal protection, which is ground zero for the NRA, nor is this even about restricting access to these high powered weapons. It is only about allowing the police to know who purchased which weapon, so that if it is used in a criminal manner they can trace it back to its source and perhaps put a bad guy behind bars.

If you are simply planning to use the weapon for target practice, or display it in your gun case so your fellow Cro-Magnon buddies know how manly you are, there should be no problem with registering the weapon just like you do your car, dog, and marriage.

The reason for that is also behind much of the NRA driven fervor to buy more and more guns. And THAT is the idea that the government is working on a plan to repeal the 2nd Amendment, and even more conspiratorial than that is the belief that Obama is, at some point, going to declare martial law, and that the only hope to fight against that is heavily armed citizens ready to fight back with unregistered weaponry.

In the old days this would have been considered the very fringe of the fringe of the conservative movement, but with the help of Sarah Palin, talk radio, and NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre this is now considered a reasonable concern for millions of gun owners in this country.

It is insane, and the flames of that insanity are fanned by Right Wing blogs like Breitbart, Sarah Palin, and now Palin's hateful little parrot Bristol.

You know there was a time when being a conservative meant respecting, and following the law. They actively called for more laws, more law enforcement, and longer prison sentences for those who would break the law.

Today they are the ones promoting lawlessness, calling for open revolt, and nurturing distrust of the government.

What could possibly have happened to change their point of view so dramatically?


  1. Anonymous9:11 AM

    People have no idea how many gun owners are out there. There are huge loopholes in the gun laws.

    For example: People inherit guns. I know someone who's father owned a gun store. When he passed away, ALL of the guns were distributed to his children. None of them were registered.

    1. True. I have three firearms that belonged to my late husband, a retired Navy Cmdr. Collectibles, still functional. My neighbors would be surprised the nice widow lady is so heavily armed.

  2. A significant number of gun nuts will shoot themselves and their close acquaintances long before their anticipated uprising ever occurs.

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Some dumb ass in Indiana shot himself last night when showing his relative his guns. Stupid git, Darwin at work through the barrel of a gun, again.

    2. Anonymous9:32 PM

      If there were to be a "takeover" by anybody, having a list of who to go after first, and take by surprise would be valuable. Not to mention that it has always been registry first, then confiscation, later.

      It doesn't matter that Obama won't take them away, but that his policies make it easier for some nut job to try later.

  3. Anonymous9:27 AM

    THE NRA PRAYER of despair

  4. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Sarah can't sell her stupidity to NatGeo or Discovery anymore, she's been banished to the Sportsman Channel? That's the NRA's visual propaganda arm.

  5. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Families that prey together........

    Slay together.

    Sarah Palin’s Heavy Metal Grandma Show for animal killers is coming. You should be excited.

    Former John McCain novelty act and english-as-a-third-language-when-saying-stuff word mangler Sarah Palin has another new teevee show starting real soon.

    It is called Amazing America With Sarah Palin and it is the story of a small town girl who grew up and went to six or seven jucos and slightly bigger cosmetology schools so that she could talk sports on ActionNewsTeam-Wasilla, but instead she became the mama grizzly mayor of the meth capital of the Mat-Su valley, and then briefly the governor of that state that looks like Canada’s hemorrhoid.

    And if that is not amazing enough, professional Sunday morning talk show guest, John McCain, once asked her to be one myocardial infarction away from being Leader Of The Free World.

    So amazing and only in America!

    However, upon further review, it looks like her show is going to be on the Sportsman Channel – which is like channel 3214 on your cable box – and it will probably be about killin’ stuff, ‘Murican=-style.

    So here is a WWE-inspired rawk-out-with-your-Glock-out commercial of Sarah struttin’ her stuff for thirty seconds, which is about eight seconds longer than Rich Lowry needs to ‘fire all of his guns at once and explode into space ‘, if you know what I mean and I think you do…

    Other shows on Sarah Palin's new network sound like porn shows: Hardcore Pursuit, Kings Of Gettin'Em, Mathews Dominant Bucks, YoungWild

    "The channel's interest in Palin may be best summarized by one small number: 24,000. That's the total number of viewers who tuned into the Sportsman Channel on a typical night in the third quarter of this year, according to the most recent data from Nielsen, the measurement company."

    Source: CNN

    1. Anonymous3:04 PM

      9:38 AM
      24,000! ROFL.

  6. Anonymous9:48 AM

    It's pretty simple.

    Gun registration is the first step of gun confiscation. Gun confiscation is the first step of enslaving a population or worse. It's happened in history time and time again. So the answer is, don't let them take the first step.

    It's funny how many Americans are willing to give up their protections for the pretense of security.

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      They took our jerbs and now they gonna come take our guns ;-)

    2. Anonymous10:53 AM

      You are an idiot. BTW as a weapons owner I have all my weapons registered because as a smart individual if I ever have a burglary I want my insurance company to replace mine.
      But then again I pay my taxes, register my vehicles, heck I even register my dogs that are trained as K-9s and for personal protection, I register my cutting horses, and I have no issue registering my weapons.

      PS if President Obama was coming after your guns he would have already done it. And the last president to put controls on assault weapons was Ronny Raygun.

    3. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Please research and tell the group: How many countries in western Europe and the country of Canada are enslaved. If you cannot produce the correct answer (hint: NONE) then STFU.

    4. Anonymous11:48 AM

      I don't care if you don't mind being exterminated. But you can't deny that it has happened.

    5. Anonymous11:58 AM

      It's funny how many people like you are paranoid, which makes you dangerous. I will register my guns without hesitation. I am a reasonably intelligent human being. You on the other hand have a dangerous mentality like the rest of your mentally retarded herd.

    6. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Thank you 9:48. You are exactly right and Gryphen really oversimplifies the situation as if it is no big deal. Maybe anyone who wants to get an abortion should have to register with the state and get a permit to have one too? Its no big deal we all registar our cars and cats and dogs right Gryph?

    7. Anonymous12:01 PM

      "Gun registration is the first step of gun confiscation."
      WHERE'S THE PROOF OF THAT? There is none. It is merely one of your "I believes." It's a false meme. You are living proof that you can't cure stupid.

    8. Anonymous12:22 PM

      We're a democracy. There's no slippery slope to confiscation if the majority doesn't want it.

      If you really read the second amendment, it was not meant to allow any and all crazy punks to own AK47s. It was for the establishment of the National Guard, to always be able to repel foreign (Brit) invasion.
      That was more than two centuries ago.

    9. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Spoken like a true believing John Bircher: they're coming for our guns! Run, hide, buy your 5 year supply of Prepper Food, keep a Bug-Out backpack packed, but before you do all of that, buy guns, then buy more guns, quick before Obummer and the Black Panthers knock on the door and don't forget the ammo! Get lots of ammo quick because there's a shortage 'cause the guv-mint is stockpiling guns and ammo at the local FEMA camps.

      Crazy people. Idiotic nuts. I heard Glenn Beck on a FoxNews show say "If anybody believes the crazy things I say, then they are idiots". Then he grinned.

    10. Anonymous1:32 PM

      What's truly hilarious about the preppers is, they are supposed to be going to heaven when the rapture comes. All this prepping shows a distinct lack of faith, don't you think?

    11. Anonymous1:33 PM

      @ 11:48: The only fear I have of extermination is from people like you. Tea-baggers and racists all. That's why this librul has guns. You know, to defend against the fascist elements.

    12. Anonymous2:30 PM

      I have a bow and a crossbow that I'm rather proficient with. I don't own any guns but I dare anyone to try and take my crossbow.

    13. Anonymous2:52 PM

      "All this prepping shows a distinct lack of faith, don't you think?"

      You are exactly right. When I see rants running down a list of their fears, their preparation for combating those fears and then a statement of their great faith and a plea for prayers, it amazes me. It all shows a distinct lack of faith. If I point that out to anyone, I get a very un-christian reaction. lol

      "... I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil" cause I got my Glock and .........

    14. Anita Winecooler5:45 PM

      It's a slippery slope, one second your and unregistered gun owner, then BAM you're a dang child molester who has to register under Megans Law.
      I heard it on Fox News!

  7. Anonymous10:06 AM

    They have so many guns they can't count that high. How would they register them?

    Besides they are preparing to mount a revolution, it wouldn't be prudent to give away seeecrets to the enemy.

    Her "lamestream media" FB post has become the most violent and threatening I've seen yet. Too much for me to post here, but these give a taste of their IQ

    Travis Farmer Right now is the time to act against Obama, while we still have time

    This one is priceless---
    Obama get your hands out of Religion; most of us came here to get away from Government interference in Religion.

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Then tell them to get their fucking religion out of our government.

  8. Anonymous10:15 AM

    As with her "everyone in my generation except me is lazy" thread she's getting a lot of push back on this one as well. Someone who can comment there should ask her how she feels about NASCAR drivers and fans rejecting her mom's cousin's "America's most patriotic band's" performance of the national anthem at the Daytona 500.

  9. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Bob Schieffer to Gov. Jindal: Did GOP Listen to You About Not Being ‘Party of Stupid’?

    Yeah, the answer is NO.

  10. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Indiana man accidentally shoots himself dead during gun sale

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Another numbnut out of the shallow end of the gene pool. My apologies to his family, but I'm just sayin'.

    2. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Taking your logic one step further since you're clueless about recent abortion laws, in lieu of registering guns, I would settle for screwballs like you having an anal probe before being allowed to buy a gun. Seems fair to me.

  11. Anonymous10:29 AM

    BEWARE if you live in Austin, TX and you jog:

    Austin police chief says jaywalkers should be happy they’re not raped by cops

    The arrest of an Austin jogger on jaywalking charges earlier this week — dragged screaming to a police car after apparently failing to present ID properly — has become the stuff of viral video after a University of Texas at Austin student captured the incident.

    Now, Austin’s chief of police has weighed in, telling the public they should be glad his officers aren’t treating people even worse.

    “This person absolutely took something that was as simple as ‘Austin Police – Stop!’ and decided to do everything you see on that video,” Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo said at a press conference Friday, according to Austin NPR station 90.5 KUT. “And quite frankly she wasn’t charged with resisting. She’s lucky I wasn’t the arresting officer, because I wouldn’t have been as generous. … In other cities there’s cops who are actually committing sexual assaults on duty, so I thank God that this is what passes for a controversy in Austin, Texas,” Acevedo said.

    Not long after that, it became clear that Acevedo had essentially told the public that they should be grateful that all the police officers did was bundle a woman who had been jogging through the streets of Austin into the back of a police car because she crossed against the light, instead of molesting her or charging her with more serious offenses.

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      "In other cities there’s cops who are actually committing sexual assaults on duty"
      He's talking about Alaska, right?

    2. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Actually I think he was referring to San Antonio where they had and arrested a rapist cop that year.

    3. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Anchorage, AK had their own rapist cop as well.

  12. Anonymous10:31 AM

    A Florida man a man was found sitting in the bed of his pickup with a gunshot wound to his right leg, but he was the shooter. The unidentified man told police he had just left a firearms safety class and pulled over to inspect his new Glock 17 handgun.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Florida Man says it all, in fact Florida men exhibit so much stupid behavior that they have their own twitter feed.

  13. Beldar .357 Conehead10:34 AM

    Don't be smug, Gryphen, if that's even your real name, which the Bible says it probably is not.

    Maybe you've never needed an assault rifle with multiple high capacity clips, armor-penetrating high-velocity rounds, laser sight, combat stock and flash suppressor to protect yourself, but it's more than obvious that you've never pulled into a gas station alongside an SUV filled with black teenagers playing loud music!

    LOUD MUSIC, Gryphen! REALLY loud music! Are you seriously planning to beat all these kids to death with your fists? Obviously not!

    That's why the America Federation of Guns recommends every driver carry in their car a spare quart of motor oil, extra windshield washer solvent, a flashlight, 3 road flares, a complete set of spare fuses and enough ammunition to kill as many black teenagers - or government officials coming to take their guns away - as necessary.

  14. Anonymous10:46 AM

    And here's more insanity and danger to our children:

    Georgia Republican introduces bill allowing sex offenders in schools, playgrounds

    Georgia State Rep. Sam Moore (R-Macedonia) is throwing his support behind registered sex offenders, trying to give them more freedom so they can roam around schools where children hang out.

    In Moore’s first week in office, he wasted no time and turned in a bill that would overturn the crime of loitering and make it so registered sex offenders who aren’t otherwise barred from going to schools or places children gather could go to those places all willy nilly without any problems.

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM


    2. Anonymous1:50 PM

      11:02 -

      I'm guessing he has a friend or relative on the offender list. There is NO other reason I can think of to want to introduce a bill like this one.

  15. Anonymous11:04 AM

    actually madison rising is not sarah's cousin's band..just her favorite band.

    1. Anonymous12:06 PM

      Their rendition of the Star Spangled Banner on YouTube is freaking awesome! Be sure you see it before making a judgement on it.

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Their original Youtube rendition is WAY better.

    3. Anonymous1:56 PM

      They suck.

  16. Anonymous11:33 AM

    NRA says everyone is safer with a gun.

    Maybe NRA should start a program to give free guns to poor black teenagers in Florida and elsewhere.

  17. Anonymous11:55 AM

    In what world can YOU call others mean things and hateful when every day YOU write some of the nastiest, meanest, most hateful propaganda tripe, not to mention slander in the past, on the net?

    I cannot understand you.

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Slander is spoken. And this is a private blog if you don't want to read what Gryphen publishes a simple solution is not to visit his blog.

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Apparently this blog raises your blood pressure. So for your own well-being, you should go elsewhere.

    3. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Hey 11:55am

      Written word disparagement is called libel (think library, book, written word). Also too, we don't understand you either so we're even. You think we are big giant douches, but really, we think you are douchier. Have a happy day, seriously, try too, because you are just mad and uptight.

    4. Anita Winecooler6:06 PM

      Apparently this blog isn't good for your health. Have you considered starting from the beginning and reading all the way to the present? The Guinness Book of World Records gives some groovy swag!!

  18. Anonymous12:29 PM

    This Chart Shows An Alarming Rise In Florida Gun Deaths After 'Stand Your Ground' Was Enacted

    Read more:

  19. Anonymous12:53 PM

    We have to register our cars, boats, planes, flight patterns if we're pilots, register when we start driving, register to vote, etc., etc., and we have register our kids when they're born ... well, everybody except those who plan 50 years in advance to over-throw the government and who intend to someday squirrel a Kenya-born kid into the country.

  20. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Do you think that Bristol the Pistol has final editorial review over what Nancy French writes for her on "her" blog? Oh wait, never mind, Bristol hasn't even been to her own blog in months and months. Apparently, according to someone who visits her Facebook she has a pretty serious lipstick application test tomorrow at makeup school. You go gurl! Instead of trying to get a GED and doing "makeup tests" for high school stuff, you're now getting to actually do "makeup tests".

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Have some pity... the Palin's skid-oo men have been inhaling too many high octane fumes. Thay cain't gets it rite

  21. Anonymous2:58 PM

    To people like this, they're not guns. They're dick extensions. These are not rational people - they are life's losers, and their guns mean more to them than anything else. That's how truly pathetic they are, that a cold, deadly, dick-shaped weapon is their whole universe and they are willing to become criminals to prove their devotion to its superiority. Life's losers, pathetic fuckers, no wonder Bristol Palin approves.

  22. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Todd Palin had a tough week with the snowmobile and all. Keep your chin up Todd, this is encouraging, yes, your freedom could be just around the corner if you play your cards smart...

    'He's more private than people think'

  23. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Anon 3:34PM,
    I fail to see the connection between Todd and Bruce Jenner. Please clarify...thanks.

    1. Anonymous10:06 PM

      Jenner was never accused of cheating or drugging.

  24. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Lucky to have the Sportsman Channel in my cable subscription.
    Cant wait to see
    Amazing America with Sarah Palin on April 3.
    Don't let Obama take our guns.
    Donate to SarahPAC.

  25. Anita Winecooler5:59 PM

    Yeah, this is Bristol's routine. She wakes up at the crack of eleven, makes trial daddy his coffee and tea biscuits, removes her chin bumpit, washes her face, applies her make up and writes xoxoxo in the mirror with her lipstick.
    Then she pours a mug of coffee, sits down and reads a pile of newspapers from all over the country, in this case, Connecticut. Then she gets her dictionary, thesaurus and Bible. She uses the Bible to raise her elbows to table level (she's got congenitally long arms, like Barry Manilow) Reads, ponders, edits, re reads, tries to make it pertinent to her own situation, if it don't, she just fakes it.
    Then she sends a copy to Nancy French, with whom she's living her life so far with, to see what she can do with the gibberish.

    Good Job, Nancy! How you do it is beyond me. You have your own blog, a husband and small kids to raise, and you're tasked with keeping tabs on Bristol, making her "fill" important, independent and pretty dang smart. .


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It just goes directly to their thighs.