Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has just announced her plans to retire.

Courtesy of ABC News 15:  

Gov. Jan Brewer has announced she will not seek another term. 

Brewer made the announcement Wednesday morning in front of a cafeteria full of students at Park Meadows Elementary School. 

"There comes a time to pass the torch of leadership, so after completing this term in office, I will be doing just that," Brewer said. "While I will no longer be governor after this year, I will remain a proud cheerleader and champion for this awesome that I love so dearly."

Hmm what could Brewer have come into contact with that would drive her out of politics?

 Ahh, of course.

So let the speculation that Palin is going to run for this now vacated position begin in 3..2..oh hell you know it's already started.


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    FFS....Arizona has term limits for the Governor. She couldn't run again.

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Sarah, go have your senior moments with Jan.

    2. Anonymous5:19 PM

      She talks down to her constituents. I do think she is running for something else.
      she has seen how well griftin' pays...

    3. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Brewer would have been challenged in the courts on the term limit, because she had served part of a term... Probably her lawyers said the courts would rule against her, so it wasn't worth the effort.

      And born September 26, 1944, Brewer might not want to work another 4 years.

  2. fromthediagonal4:35 PM

    Oh No, Gryphen...hold your tongue!

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    She's too lazy to run.. End of cock tease.

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Oh, she will tease, she may hint- but you're right. She won't run.

  4. abbafan5:09 PM

    There is NO fuckin' way she will run! What has she learned in the last five years? Fuck-all! The powers that be in the GOP will see that this will never happen! She turned on them last weekend at CPAC; they will turn on her now!

  5. Now Brewer will have more time to devote to helping find those headless bodies in the desert that she imagined while campaigning to be guv. In fact, maybe Sarah would like to go out there with Jan for a few weeks and get a little sun, and show her how the Palins are such a rugged, outdoors-y type of family.

  6. Anonymous5:11 PM

    let the crosseyed white trash skank run so we can all watch her quit again

  7. Anonymous5:15 PM

    She moved to Arizona for a damn good reason, and that fake wedding band was on her finger at CPAC for the same. Believe you me, this is all planned out.

  8. Anonymous5:16 PM

    The people of Arizona could stop Palin from running my legislating term minimums.. Palin can't complete a term.

  9. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Jan gets her skin care done by Bristol.

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      With all due respect, she also lost a son to suicide. Life takes it's toll. I would rather focus on the crappy politics of AZ than what she looks like. Imagine what Sarah would by this time...we saw the "real" her in Hawaii before she had to run home because Willow trashed a house.

    2. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Minus the work she had done with postage, right $arah?

    3. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Boo Hoo Hoo! Jan "brain freeze" Brewer had some . adversity in her life. Now, when she sounds like she's half "sane", she decides to step down. Whoever did her skin had a hard job, Working with leather takes years of practice.

      OOOh she sees headless bodies, also too!

  10. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Brewer knows that she'd be shamed out of office by individuals (myself included) who would mercilessly dog her carer with questions of her inability to stand up for such an obvious principle as banning cheaply-bought state-sanctioned discrimination. Her move to resign is very much reminiscent of LBJ's move to leave office in the wake of the burgeoning debacle of the Vietnam War.

  11. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Sarah won't have a snowball's chance in hell against the REAL Republican establishment here in AZ. The good ol' boys will play footsie with her, but if she shows the slightest intent of encroaching on their turf, it's all over for her. Not that she really wants to hold office (work? WORK!!!) anyway.

  12. Anonymous5:30 PM

    That is just so wrong, Gryph. That's very mean spirited of you, to even think of inflicting her on us.

    Seriously though, Palin doesn't have any pull with the Repug's. Too many long knives would come out if she tried to run here, and they wouldn't let up. She would simply get in the way. On the other hand, if she ran, it might mean a Dem gets elected.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      She's not running for anything.
      Rodeo CLOWN.

  13. Grrrr !5:31 PM

    I'm not sure which is the more nauseating image: Sarah Palin as Governor of AZ or Jan Brewer as "a proud cheerleader" ...

  14. Anonymous5:56 PM

    If Skanky were to run for AZ gov all the Dems would have to do is show a picture of Christina Taylor Green.

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      And they will.

    2. Anonymous7:14 PM


    3. Anonymous9:25 PM


      I know the Green family. You do not. I ask that you refrain from introducing your fiction on a very real and painful event. The Green family, and all the other families and surviving victims, were very involved with the police investigation and had all the information and facts provided to them. This was the act of a sole crazed individual. Thats it. Sarah Palin had nothing to do with this no matter how much you want to shoehorn her in on a very real tragedy with real hurt for real people. If you had any care for Christina you would show respect to her and her family, and not forever tie her incorrectly to the most vile name in politics simply for your satisfaction.

    4. The insufferable witch incited the violence. First by not removing the crosshairs before the massacre when asked by Rep. Giffords, then after the massacre palin didn't remove the crosshairs. Finally the blood libel bullshit. Don't forget that witch made fun of the Newtown massacre also.

      Palin is a witch and she deserves not to forget the things she's a part of. Fuck her.

    5. Anonymous3:28 AM

      With all due respect person who knows the Green family - Sarah Palin had everything to do with this hate crime. How can you even defend her when she turned out her blood libel video during the tragedy, making it into HER TRAGEDY?

    6. Anonymous7:28 AM

      Sarah Palin had EVERYTHING to do with this hate crime and she knows it. And not only does she knows it but she's proud at the "actions" she creates because she thinks it makes her a leader. Haven't you seen how she is proud of her beliefs and "movement!"

    7. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Anonymous9:25 PM : you should be ashamed of yourself for sticking up to that Palin witch who has caused so much death and suffering, and continues to act like she’s cute while doing it. The woman incites violence and even after all the deaths she acts like she's the victim. Don't you remember the crosshairs and later her blood libel call of martyrdom? And that is exactly why her followers adore her, they are just like her and they are proud of her and their beliefs.

    8. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Anonymous9:25 PM
      5:56- You are a liar just like that Palin witch by pretending you know the Green family personally. Even after her death, that woman, you and the NRA continue to harrass her mother. HOW DARE YOU!

    9. Anonymous8:40 AM

      I tried.

      7:38 I am not a liar by a longshot, and I have made this request here before.

      This was the act of a severe paranoid schizophrenic. You all really don't get it- how crazy this young man was- for years. Everything else was just media fluff. Try a little compassion for the victims.

    10. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Anonymous8:40 AM - Sarah or Bristol, you are NOT A VICTIM. You are the cause for so much pain and killing. You entice people to go kill your enemies, or whomever pays you the most to push violence and racist rethoric and now you want compasion?
      You have no shame and you keep asking for us to feel sorry for you, while your followers keep throwing money at you because you advocate violence and killing, Mrs NRA fake xtian.

    11. Anonymous12:45 PM

      They could play this...warning to those who haven't seen it this could be upsetting and disturbing.

  15. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Sarah's 'Money for Nothing' gig fleecing the knuckle-dragging fappers (although diminishing) is too good for her to abandon. Plus, she has never worked or been accountable for anything. Her skids have been greased by enablers her entire life.

  16. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Let the prick tease and gaffes begin!

    A good time will be had by all.

  17. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Sarah Palin couldn't make it through a Hannity interview without a hefty supply of stabilizing medications. She's in no shape to wage a campaign for any elected office.

    Sarah just loves any hint that gets the cash flowing her way. The Sportsman Channel can't be stupid enough to have made a long term commitment, so little Sarah has to milk the low information voters for their bingo money.

  18. janice6:32 PM

    She will just tease her Palin bots now into thinking she might run so they will send more money to her Pac. She teased about running for the Presidency and received tons of money, now she can do the same. Aren't the Giffords from Arizona too? The Giffords will run her out of the state. Is McCain running again. Maybe she is just there to get her TeePeers into both slots.

  19. If I did not have a really sweet, good friend, who is a liberal and lives in Phoenix, I would say RUN Sarah, WIN Sarah and take AZ (though I would hate it for the state) further down the path of destruction, so that finally Arizonians would wake up and do what is best for their state and themselves.

  20. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I spent time today reading about Jan Brewer. Sadly, I came to the conclusion that if the voters of Arizona elected her, Sarah actually stands a chance there. Jan has some huge skeletons that were overlooked While Sarah has kids who have no morals but Jan's son kidnapped and raped a woman and his mother quickly put him in a mental hospital to escape criminal prosecution. I used to think I wanted to retire to Arizona, but I clearly would never fit in there.

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      As nutty as electing Jan Brewer may seem, she already had time in AZ politics and state level name recognition. Palin would never stand a chance here trust me, she would be reviled for trying to carpetbag over people who have worked the scene here for many years, including generations of powerful families. Palin is basically non-existent at this point, and I can only imagine she thought she would be welcomed with open arms here.... but the reality is no-one of any serious nature wants to have anything to do with her. No phones ringing at the Palin house thats for sure. ha.

      It doesn't matter anyways because Palin is done working or serving of any capacity in her life. She is lazy and really just wants to be a paid for celebrity, and she is almost totally failing at that. Don't know if it gets any lower than sportmans channel.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:16 PM

      The ONLY one I want to see running for office is Gabby Giffords, but we all know she helped victimize Sarah, ironically by getting shot in the head after Sarah posted trigger sites over her name and district.

    3. Anonymous7:19 PM

      She moved there for a reason. WE all know it, she still swears she's in Alaska. It's called the Southern Strategy. Floyd Orr had a great book on it.

      Paradigm Shift: The Palin Matrix.

  21. Anonymous7:03 PM

    No way will she run. She's been a governor and knows she's not up to the task. She quit after two years in Alaska where she hardly had to answer to anyone and could do pretty much nothing and get away with it. She wouldn't have that luxury in Arizona. And, of course, there's the simple fact that she couldn't win because of her lack of knowledge and all her skeletons. Plus, she still milks that bullshit frontier-mama-Alaska schtick.

    That's not to say she won't let people speculate and even send money her way if they so desire.

  22. Anonymous7:05 PM

    $arah, I dare you to run for ANY political office. We all know you talk about it, but you were *ruined* in the 2008 election by your own ignorance and failed interviews.

    Quitter label just won't go away, just like blood libel, sambo comment, shuck and jive, and the rest of your lunacy.

    The Alaska bloggers and others know too much about the fakeTrigs, wild ride, Dar Williams, CBJ, Todd's lil pimp biz, and so much more

    Shaileys movie is coming out too, you betcha

    Dozens leech off your griftin' Granny

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Dar Miller was the name of the Mat Valley nurse that died when her house was torched

  23. Anonymous7:05 PM

    That is a very old photo. Neither woman looks like that anymore. AZ has 2 term limit and her 2nd term was up. Sarah will never run in AZ. I do think the astronaut, Mark Kelly, may run as a democrat there against Brewer's Lt. Gov..

    1. Mark Kelly would get my vote in a heartbeat, and I will be living in Scottsdale and registered to vote..

    2. I think Mark Kelly running for Governor would be just wonderful, and Brewer has no Lt. Governor. Arizona does not elect one. Brewer, as Secretary of State, was next in line to Janet Napolitano and that was why she stepped into her job.

    3. Sally in MI3:57 AM

      Mark Kelly would make an awesome Governor!!

    4. Anonymous10:04 PM

      Thanks for letting me know. I have friends in AZ and they like Mark Kelly too. I guess they meant Brewer's Sec. of State when they said next in line against Kelly. My mistake.

  24. Anita Winecooler7:13 PM

    Did she have one of those brain freeze moments? Gee, with Jan gone, the only two attractions in Arizona will be Joe Arpiaio and Jodi Arias. No way is Sarah running. How can she possibly compete with the Grand Canyon? And if she's stupid enough to try, whyle E Cayote will bug the shit out of her.

    Bubbeye Jan Brewer! Go wag your finger up a cactus/

    1. Anonymous1:34 AM

      How can she possibly compete with the Grand Canyon?

      Oh, I don't know. Pitting one big empty void against another, I wouldn't bet against her.

    2. Sally in MI3:57 AM

      Sarah would probably want to drill in the Grand Canyon...that will go over well.

  25. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Does anybody like Sarah Palin?

    Less Paul
    Moronic media whore.

    Keith Shelton
    If Guns & Ammo are endorsing her they can forget about me buying their magazine ever again.

    Matt Dylan
    um.. i like you guys, but i hate sarah palin, and by extension any one who thinks she has ever had a good idea. she's not going to do the gun community any favors people. she makes us all look stupid.

    G A Simpson II
    Why is this moron getting another tv show?

    Claudette Brunet
    She is a moron! !!

    There's more comments below:

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      They hate Sarah Palin before her show even starts. Maybe she should go for the Arizona lizard's job?

    2. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Holy crap- I clicked on the Shelley Dankert nutball defending her.... i am speechless on this profile picture...

  26. Anonymous8:46 PM


    1. Hello anyone in there? Hello?

    2. There once was a "grifter" named Palin
      Whose views the teabaggers kept hailing,
      But when she opened her mouth,
      Things would go South,
      And her relevancy just kept on failing!

      You have to admit, the half-governor has a pretty good scam going. (Cute way of saying personal checking account).... This Twaddle Dumb and Twattle Douche will never run for office (but don't tell the baggers) 'cause she is milking her FauxPAC for all it's worth!

      BTW... were there any takers on the "campaign" bus?

    3. Sally in MI3:56 AM

      Just like the Governor's jet, this will no count end up on EBay (oh, wait, the jet never sold, did it?)

  27. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Oh sure. Ms palin could run in old az but? She will be open and fair game for WAIT? a question. And you can bet that little scrawny pathetic Alaskan gal will not be liked around az AT ALL. it is a false sense of home for sarah. she belongs on the tundra and deep in moose shit. there will be NO sarah in az. She cannot pass a background test, vetting or lie detector. NOPE stay in Alaska skank

  28. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Palin started in a small town city council, was a small town mayor and by the luck of a three way race, she got elected governor of Alaska. She had spent time building a base and a following. Her father bragged that they had a group of around 50 friends would wrote letters to editors of every publication in Alaska, praising Sarah. And, they spent even more time responding to every criticism on-line and in any form of media. When you consider that there are around 600,000 people in Alaska, Sarah didn't have to fool that many voters.

    Arizona has a population of 6.5 million people, lots more than Alaska. Sarah has no political background in Arizona, with the exception of her former lawyer who now works for a congressman-- and John McCain, who really should be getting more blame than any kind of credit. Sarah made fun of Barack Obama for being a community organizer, but that's exactly what it takes, a ground operation to get out the vote. Sarah already admitted that she doesn't have a staff that does that poll stuff. Ground operation? No way!

    The real reason that Sarah can't and won't run for any public office is because this time she won't get such an easy pass. The McCain campaign protected her, and she is protected with pre-scripted questions and answers on Fox. Sarah doesn't want to work hard. In Alaska, there was a staff in place in Juneau who did the work for her, and she was happy to take credit for their hard work. She could fool the people in Alaska. It won't work in Arizona, and I don't care how red a red state they are. Sarah doesn't want to work hard. She wants to make more money than she can in public office. And this time, inquiring reporters just might ask the tough questions.

  29. Anonymous9:54 PM

    This is OT but did anyone see that the Iditarod special on the Sportsman Channel next week is going to be hosted by Todd??

    1. Anonymous11:53 PM

    2. Anonymous12:20 AM

      Who owns the Sportsman Channel and why do they love the Palins?

    3. Anonymous5:58 AM

      lol, the guy announcing tawd will be hosting has a deep manly voice, have they heard tawd?

    4. Anonymous6:12 AM

      Why do they want a quitter and loser married to a quitter and loser hosting the Iditarod?

    5. Anonymous6:15 AM

      Why is the Idiot Todd hosting the Iditarod?

  30. Didn't old racist wrinklebag refused a man a transplant because she and the state couldn't find the money? But she found the money for some of her bullshit projects? I believed the man died because he didn't get the transplant and she was indifference to the whole thing. Az is loaded with clowns.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:52 PM

      Yes, Game of Life. It's called, in the vernacular "Death Panels" and the buck stopped at her desk.

      What kind of vermin pals around with Death Panel Folks?

  31. Anita Winecooler4:43 PM

    Someone pointed out a boo boo she made in her speech in front of a classroom of kids.

    " I will remain a proud cheerleader and champion for this awesome that I love so dearly."

    This awesome what?

    Yes, folks, This is the best Arizona can vote in

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Sarah is some HOT!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Sarah is SOME HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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